Global Stratification: Modernization and Wallerstein - Stealing Africa?


  1. This chapter combined with watching this video has made me realize the severity of the issue of global wealth distribution. Living in the U.S., we are somewhat blinded to the issue of poverty that is a reality in many parts of the world. Although there is poverty in parts of the U.S., its is barely comparable to that of other low-income nations. The reason for this is because we are ranked in the top 3 richest countries in the world and therefore have many resources and government assistance programs available to assist our poorest citizens. In other parts of the world such as Zambia however, there are people dying every day due to hunger, disease, and poor housing. What stands out to me the most is how much politics and power controls the global distribution of wealth. It is outstandingly eye-opening to realize that the worlds richest people have so much control. For example, the CEO and other chairman at Glencoe were and probably still are able to scam several different nations and tweak legislation simply because they have the wealth and the power to do so. People like these, are making it so that the lowest- income nations have no way out of poverty or to increase their GDP and productivity. The general public needs to be educated on these issues and although there is no simple way to do so, nothing will change unless more effort is put foreword. - Undergrad789

    1. I can’t imagine being able to do that to poor countries like that. I mean to all the CEO’s care if they are able to keep as much money as they can. Big companies and countries that causes a big effect on those small countries. I mean the first country shown had taxes made that they could give money back to those small countries. I just find it sad that even America takes part in stealing from these countries. Bubbes789

    2. I think you hit it spot on Undergrad. We don’t see how large of a problem we have and continue to create in the global economy. We are so high up on our own GDP power trip that we the people are blinded by our flashy society and do not see the life blood being sucked out of these nations in order to build ours and our exceptional quality of life. I was equally disappointed to see that the president abused his pardoning privilege to let a crooked businessman off the hook. The politics and power are becoming more and more scary to live under on a day to day basis. -Spacepotatoes012

    3. I completely astounded and a little disappointed at how blinded I am to poverty around the world. It's real. And it's something many Americans probably don't think about in our day to day lives. It's the countries that are having to go through it who are forced to think about it and generally they are the ones who can't do anything about it. Others who are doing well are the only ones who have the opportunity to help them, but unfortunately it usually doesn't even cross our minds. -purple789

    4. I could not agree with you more Undergrad789; first of all I could not believe this is happening in our everyday lives and that we are a huge part of why it is continuing to happen. We keep buying and using these products that these large companies are buying off of the poorer countries. It breaks my heart to see that we are thriving and enjoying our products that people on the other side of the world had to slave over for next to nothing pay. These poor people have to spend their entire lives working countless hours to get close to nothing in return. Our nation is getting richer and richer off of these poor nations and leaving them with nothing so they are stuck in a rut. It is so unfair to them and this movie just made me sick. So sad!

  2. When watching this is you sad, because see how low income countries get cut short, while the other countries get their money. Also to see how sick that the poor nations people become, due to where they work don’t have health protection or even enough food to feed them. I find it interesting in the begging of the video how people wanted this company to pay the right amount of money so some will go to Africa. But after meeting with the owner of the company, they would rather keep the money in the country. Even U.S. gives aid to help small poor countries but is still is not nearly as much money as the Africa raw material. I feel that even if they rose the raw material would do no good. The only way that they would be able to overcome being poor is if they became industrialized but the problems with that is that they are to poor to even try. I mean look at the countries they have no means of surviving. A lot of them don’t have even enough water to go around. Countries are taking advantage of poor countries and starving them. Bubbles789

  3. This video did a great job combining the chapter we just read and discussed in class. This video really lead me to understand how bad poverty is overseas. I never understood why we distribute money over seas to low-income countries to help them but we here in America also have those experiencing poverty too. When you sit back and compare the US to other countries around the world we have many advantages.. we have government assistance like help that allows many moms to feed their children. In Africa for example many kids don't have clothes, shoes and the biggest thing is food. They don't have the ability to apply for a link card and the use it to help feed the kids. So from the help of one of the richest countries we try to supply them with food. -Pink789

    1. I agree. It is so sad. We have it so good and some aren't even thankful. Watching this video and reading the chapter made me think of all the things we are blessed with here. It's crazy how many countries are in poverty and how many people die a day. It's awful.

    2. -Aquariusgirl789

    3. I agree with @Pink789. We should try to do something to help them out, but there are too many greedy people. Also like Mr. White was saying it depends on who's running their country too. Like he said there has been food sent over there that just sat to rot because they poor people were from a different political party. There's always something stopping help from being distributed throughout the word. Beneke789.

  4. I feel like this was a very good movie and really helped me understand the chapter more. I felt like this video really brought a new perspective in for me. Alot of times when people here think of poverty they dont think about different countries, so for me it was kind of sad to see all of these lower class countries get the shorter end of the stick. I liked in the beginning how someone actually will give those community's that are struggling some money. This video did help me really understand how bad poverty is in other countries and even though it was sad, it was informative and helped me understand the chapter a little bit more.

    1. I agree with ya, I feel like this video was a perfect example of global stratification. I wish that those people could just move out of that area so that they wouldn't die from the pollution from those mines, because I don't see those people moving their expensive business for nobody anytime soon. It was funny how that guy was studdering he didn't even have a response. I mean what are you really going to say.

    2. I agree I was one of those people that didn't consider the lower income countries when discussing poverty. I always just considered the poverty that I actually saw with my own eyes. Watching this video made me realize just how unequal the world is. I better undertsand what Gloal Stratification is after watching the video.

    3. I agree with you faithhopelove012 many people don't understand the whole idea of poverty. We need to start realizing that small portions we may throw out because we're "full" or don't want to finish it.... that's a whole meal for someone over seas who gets to go to bed hungry, unlike us. The idea of wasting food also leads me to another point, when places like Deals ask you to donate a $1 to the "local" food pantry.... DO IT!!!! you have no idea how happy your making a child with that one dollar donation. Don't sweat over a happy your helping out. -Pink789

  5. I think this video is very sad in a few different lights. I don’t like how much under the table dealing is being done by the business men/women that control 80% of our nations wealth. This money is being used internally in their corporations to buy raw natural materials from African countries and other low-income countries that lack the knowledge about global markets to receive fair payment for their resources. I think it is absurd but all too common how the man behind Glencore received a pardon. It really shows how much hush hush is going on that is internally crumbling this nation. We many enjoy an amazing quality of life and expansive freedoms. But these can all diminish in the blink of an eye just like Zambia’s copper. The fact that we can take such advantage of other countries simply for the monetary gains is sickening. But nobody is going to come to the aid of these countries because those with the money to do something will not because it’s not at all in their interests. And those like us who would love to help level the field are virtually powerless. But this is all what keeps out Capitalist society humming along happily. -Spacepotatoes012

  6. I think that this video was a great example for the chapter that we just reviewed. It is appalling how those innocent people's lives are just forgotten about because of money. It is amazing how if you have some money people will just allow people to slowly suffocate and get diseases all so people in Switzerland can have tons of money. It is crazy how Zambia were being represented by the bribed ignorant men that were helping the other men that were hungry for money. I read chapter 12, an I understood it. I am aware of the poverty in other countries but to actually see the people who are suffering and the people pleading for change that would benefit human lives is crazy. It is unreal how people can say that global stratification benefits all the countries involved. Maybe in benefits the people that are already rich, but the people in those villages are the ones paying for it. I wonder if the people that are extremely rich know how many people are dieing everyday in order for them to be

    1. I agree with you this video was a great example of chapter 12. It is hard for me to stomach. I think Africa is totally being ripped off just so that people in Switzerland can have tons of money. To think that initially the people were supposed to give them a certain amount of money then once pondered over they all changed their minds by a long stretch. Needless to say people in Africa have always been taught just to be ignorant so they have no way to taking up for themselves and everything has just gone too far. Africa has been blessed to have most of all the resources and are practically giving their resources away for free. They are also not able to sleep and cough all night due to pollution being sent to their nation. I don't know how much everyone believes in God but they may want to repent. toybox789

  7. This video and this chapter made me realize how selfish I was as a child. As a child I always wanted the hottest new thing that came out and honestly I didn't care how much it was going to cost my parents. Also when I thought about povery I never considered the lower income countries I onl considered the poverty that I say everyday. When I think about the poverty in the US compared to the poverty in these low income countires its still extremely unequal. Those people over there are suffering and everyone knows yet no one has really done anything to change it. These countries are rich in their resources but they don't benefit in the way that they should. Africa is a rich country as far as it natural resources but yet they're still one of the poorest countries, it doesn't add up. These businesses use these people and their goods and pay them next to nothing. They barely pay them enough to get by which causes the people to have to rely on the little money that is coming in even though they know they deserve more. The video and the chapter made me actually undrestand what Global Stratification is and its a heartbreaking situation. Its different when you're just talking about it compared to when you're actually seeing it. These people deserve better.

    1. I agree, I was also a selfish child. That's all I wanted was the hottest toys out. Watching the video didn't make me think like that until I came across your comment. In my eyes, Africa should be one the richest continents in the world for all the rich natural resources they have. It's sad how companies are coming over and using and stealing from those countries. Princess012

  8. This video was very sad and a newsflash. It's crazy how so many people can be so heartless. There were only a few who raised their hands to supply money for the poor in this video. People can be so darn greedy. I know I have no room to talk because I've had my share of greediness growing up. You never really understand it when you are young. Many of us have gotten it good though. For instance, when Mr. White was pointing out how we all had some type of brand name shoes on during class. It's true though. When we think of poverty, we don't always think of the really bad places in other countries. It's so sad how many people die because of this. I really wish we could improve this sad sad situation quickly. -Aquariusgirl789

  9. As I have watched this clip and, read chapter 12 it gave me a different perspective about the wealth, and severity of poverty. I think sometimes in the world today we get caught up on the new technology and ways to make that mighty dollar but, forget about the people in the low-income countries. I just discovered that most of the stuff we wear are from them factories which them people that are making them clothes are not even getting high dollar pay to do the jobs. Then we send stuff back and make them pay from what they made. it clearly does not seem right, maybe if we gave them more money they could get their self above the water and life better. That would also explain are unequal trade patterns causes the poor more dept. As the world is there is all classification around the world it is just very striking that more people that have money don't do there share to change patterns as far as how we life in are countries. We have people right here in are community that are going with out food. As I do help with what I can others should do the same. There is always something you can leave with out to help others. If everyone thought like that we maybe able to help a small portion of people. Blessed789

  10. I am truly shocked about the reality of poverty in the world after having listened in class discussion and watching this video. How can one nation come out on top after stealing another nations abundant natural resource, leaving Zambia with essentially nothing? It's just so unbelievably unfair. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about how Americans live, wastefully consuming anything we can. Even some of the poorest people in America are able to at least get the food and shelter they need to survive. How can people who have millions of dollars and are doing extremely well live with themselves knowing that the only reason they are thriving is from another nations downfall? We may live on different nations, but we are all part of the same planet, and the sooner people realize this and learn to start taking care of each other, the better off our world will be. -purple789

  11. when in watch this video it was very intersting, the way the low income people get treated it really upset me to see that just because your not rich and dont have alot of money your know different then the next we should not be so different or negative toward anyone no matter what race you are. In the book it describes and tells the difference between the high,middle and low countries. i found the book and video intersting it help me get a better understanding about things in life.

  12. Watching this video combined with reading the chapter really opens my eyes to poverty. Living in the US even what we call poverty is really not poverty. I honestly think this is really messed up saying this as polite as I can. Its a shame that a nation has and is just being stolen. They have all the resources but are the poorest nation. That is what I call high-way robbery. Yet the people are so ignorant that they cant even stop them. These people are being treated like rats or tests polluting their air, and what made me upset is that we don't care for real. Their children cough all the time because of the pollution that is sent there. My mouth was on the floor the entire hour. How they are making money off of these nations and initially the money was to be used to help Africa then everyone changed their mind just has me thinking wow. -toybox789

    1. I agree toybox789. It is mind boggling that Africa is being robbed and they know it. Who's really to blame? They do have many resources and there really isn't a reason why they are the poorest country. Money talks and everyone knows that a lot of people only care about themselves and their families, so if these leaders are being paid off and being taken care of that tells you a lot about them. USMC789

  13. When I saw the video, it was no surprise to me. This is what's wrong with people in power they learn to do what they want to instead of what they should do. It's happening everyday. Money is the root of all evil. Instead of everyone spreading the wealth or helping others we become greedy unjust and unloyal . Its even worst when you can commit a crime or fraud and your money can get you off the hook. People trust people in office will do the right thing so when you fail to comply you should be punished like a normal citizen on the streets. Who can we trust! Looks like the media to keep informing us what politics are capable of doing or getting away with. I think its just a way to teach my boys never stop working hard and climb as high as you can go. Always believe in learning. Like he said Information is knowledge and knowledge is power, and power can help make change .Imma do me789

    1. That is a very good point, Imma do me. Money is definitely the root of all evil. I can not believe how greedy some wealthy countries are. This video made me realize that I can be greedy sometimes too. As a child, I wanted the best toys and I would get jealous when my friends had something that I didn't have. This is a major problem in the United States and other wealthy countries. We act like we don't have enough, even though we have way more than families in Zambia DREAM of having. Money completely controls people in our country.. BigGrizmatik789.

  14. I agree with Aquariusgirl789. We are so blessed and not thankful enough. This still goes back to educating people. You may not be aware or have a clue how blessed you are. So I say once you have knowledge learn to tell your mom, dad, spouse, provider, grandma, family, friend, teacher etc. thank-you. When someone does something you think is small learn to say thank-you. Then take the time to say, what can I assist you with today. Trade give back and you will see everyone will be happy or at peace. It will make it easier for everyone! Get it....... If people voted you in, do your job and give back. When you do, it all collaborates together. When you work together its easier to figure out what is working and what needs to change .Imma do me789

  15. Watching the video was a news flash for me. Americans for sure take advantage of all the things and opportunities we have. Poverty in America isn't really poverty. I think that since we are a high-income country we take advantage of what we have. There's always some type of assistance to help out, unlike other countries. The children in this video are sick regularly because of the pollution in the air. That is so sad. Children here have it way better than the children in Africa. For example our children would never go without clothes. They might not have the best clothes, but they have something on their backs. I just can;'t believe there are things going on around the world like this and we still continue to live our lives like greedy people. Beneke789.

  16. This video, the lecture, and reading chapter 12 has really opened up my eyes. I knew about the issue of poverty and how severe it is as a global issue, but I had no idea how corrupt and greedy some wealthy countries are. The global distribution of wealth is a major problem and I really wish it could be corrected, but of course, many wealthy countries are mostly concerned about themselves and their affluence. Our idea of poverty is completely different from the African countries' idea of poverty. Our idea of "extreme poverty" is sleeping on the streets in large cities and collecting enough coins in the streets to buy McDonalds once or twice a day (sometimes even drugs). Some of the people in Zambia and other African countries probably don't even know that McDonalds exists and would love to be able to eat the food we throw out. This video made me realize how cruel some people can be and made me wan't to do all I can to help these African countries, but unfortunately there is not much I can do. BigGrizmatik789.

    1. Yes! Arkansas & Louisiana does not compare Africa's poverty. Yet we see the poverty in America and think it is so bad but it is almost nearly impossible for everyone to go with food there but it is nearly impossible for everyone to fo without food in America due to all the beneficial services.

    2. I agree with you BigGrizmatik789 this video also open up my eyes too. Like I was saying before I never really think about poverty or understand the real definition of it. This video gave me the real definition of poverty. In Africa some people go without food in America we least have shelters where you can have a place to sleep and food to eat. I couldn't imagine not having a place to lay my head at or food to eat. This video open my eyes and made me cherish life more. Aries012

  17. This video reminds me of what we have discuss in class. I remember when one student asked where do the money go when people give money through charity to parts of Africa. Seems like no one really no knows. We are using there copper but they should get there money back. They shouldn't have to live the way they do. In the beginning of the video they showed some of the wealthy people,one guy stated how they give their money back, and its not happening like it should. We have very greedy people in this world. I cant just hold money and know that there are people who are in need. I am so thankful about my up bringing. I remember growing up and my mother and father, would make sure we do not waste our food. If I still had food on my plate and was planning on throwing it away, my parents would make me eat it. And they would always say there are people who wish they can have just a little of what you are throwing away, their are people who is starving . As I got older and now that I have a child I understand what my parents was saying. So I am thankful, I really hate that children have to suffer the way that they are. myapic789

  18. This video really helped me noticed how wealthy America is but yet at the same time is poor in our (personal) eyes. It helped me see that overseas they don't get the benefits we get and how yet it is nearly impossible with the services in place here for someone to go the day without a meal. Yet it is nearly impossible for everyone to go with a meal in Africa. This shows that yet we see the percentage of people that takes up the wealth in America but do we see the percentage of wealth America takes up amongst other countries.

    1. I definitely agree, many Americans take everything that we have for granted. We are so worried about what we are "entitled to" that we cant see how much people in other less fortunate countries are suffering. -undergrad789

    2. I agree , and now I see how blessed I am. it makes me appreciate the health benefits on my job and the money that im making. I feel so bad for everytime I had to give up some money. after reading chpter 12 its help me to appreciate the money I do have. these people work almost sunup to sundown and have nothing to show except a piece of torn clothing or bread to feed their family and they are happy with that. love789

  19. This video showed a variety of ways international companies exploit countries and their societies; from tax evasion to ignoring the pollutants emitted by the depicted company and the effects on the African people. This just shows that major companies are not above utilizing society classes for their weaknesses to establish financial gain for themselves. The people in these societies know their place of living and know that they're being negatively impacted by a way of manipulation of the environmental standards. Basically someone from the company is stretching the environmental standards to get away with harming African citizens without being penalized for their actions. USMC789

  20. This video shows the global stratification between the higher-income country of Switzerland and the low-income nation of Zambia. Wallerstein's capitalist world economy makes a major point in this perspective in that the world economy, a global system, is beyond the control of traditional nations, and is dominated by capitalism. The rich nations are at the core of this world economy. This system perpetuates poverty in the rest of the world by creating and maintaining the dependency of these nations. Because the more advanced nations have more wealth and technology it makes manipulating poor countries and avoiding any legal lawsuits filed against very easy. It is sad that those in power seek only to gain more money while they let other people suffer and not even act concerned with the damage they create

  21. its crazy that all this money is spent on material things but yet there is still poverty. people work for little to noting and yet others hardly work and receive so much money. this video shows what chapter twelve was talking about. the richer countries work and over take the poorer courtiers. they work because they borrow money to keep themselves running and end up having to work until they die in order to pay the money back. in my eye the bigger countries should pay the smaller countries larger amounts of money for the products that they make. Zambia is a prime example , they were forced to sell. and if they had of had the proper money they wouldn't have to. bigger countries manipulate the smaller countries and no one says anything in defense because people are getting what they want and money. its so sad that this much poverty exist in these countries as much money as America and bigger countries make this video makes me so mad because they tax these people to send off things that they have supplied for bigger countries. its almost like they want them to sty in poverty. love789

    1. i agree with you it is so crazy how they treat these people on there taxes i cant believe they have to see just for them to provide for themselves and there family. i find it just rude that they take all of there money. i feel like they should be making way more then us in the u.s. because they work twenty times harder then we ever do. but no they are getting paid way less then anyone here in the u.s. today and taxed way more than as well.

  22. this video opened to my eyes to a whole different point of view on what property really is these days. like the people in Africa what they are doing just so they can get money to live since they don't make enough as it is they have to commit tax fraud so they can actually get enough money to survive and provide for their children. then they hired the best lawyer in the country to some represent them so they can actually have a chance not to go to jail but if they dint go to jail it would make it okay for other people to commit tax fraud then pretty much the whole country will go to jail and that cant happen because there's not enough room for all they figured something out and worked it out for the best of them.

  23. Just wow. After watching this video I understand that the way that countries and some people treat Africa hasn't change very much. Through out my time I have studied world history multiple times, and if anybody has ever study world history will understand this as well. Many of the European countries have been doing this for over three hundred years, going back back to the colonial times. Countries like England had at the time the largest Empire in the world. Which also made them the riches nation. I guess the only difference is that it muti-billion dollar companies that are doing now. Its not hard even for me to see that if a company is only paying $50 million in taxes but raking in Billions of dollars that something isn't right. Because of certain companies not paying the correct taxes to the host countries Africa is still and will always behind in advance in Technology, medical, and education.

    1. This video definitely was very eye-opening. I think you made an interesting point when you mentioned the British Empire. It is interesting to see how large corporations today have many parallels to empires hundreds of years ago. I think this video raises a lot of critical points that are hard to wrestle with coming from a very wealthy nation. Toblerone 012

  24. I didn't think that poverty was this bad in Africa. We here about the poverty in the United States, but this blows it away. This also relates to the corporate owners having and controlling a very large majority of the wealth and using it to their own advantage, such as lobbying. The fact that corporations can own the resources is horrible, and if their caught committing crimes, they will get only a slap on the wrist, while anyone else would get time in prison. Also, the fact that while these countries have valuable resources, they still remain poor because corporations are taking them. It's disappointing and I hope that this kind of action will end in the near future. CWA789

  25. This video was a really interesting and in-depth look into the economic and political relationships between developed and developing nations. I thought it was really appalling to see the extraordinary level of political corruption that goes on between politicians and businessmen. Much of the information in this video strongly supports the ideas proclaimed by the dependency theory in sociology. It is also very convicting to see how the lack of environmentally clean practices from the companies that invest in Zambia can contribute to serious disease and crop failure. The pardon that Mark Rich got for having political connections was also a terrible realization. This documentary is very powerful and useful at opening the eyes of people to see how the products they buy might have a negative impact on the other side of the world. We need more people to be educated and informed in order to prevent the world from shifting even further towards a dependency oriented state. Toblerone 012

  26. That video is just wow. This video opened my eyes big time and made me think differently. It's just crazy how someone can do all those illegal things just to bring money to their country just to stay afloat. It's sad how companies take advantage of countries in Africa for their resources. It's just so unfair how companies can come and force countries to sell and then screw them out of a deal. Those poor countries have so much on their hands trying to help take care of the people int their country and everything else. Just sad how basically the rich use the poor to get what they want and then throw them to the side when they're done with them. Glad I watched this video, it has truly opened my eyes on how those poor countries get treated for what values they have. Princess012

  27. I think most Americans are blind to what happens in many third world countries especially Africa. Most probably believe that Africa is just a bunch of tribes hunting on the savanna when in reality it's full of poverty and warlords. This video opened my eyes to what's really going on in those African countries and we're surprisingly a big issue. Most the things we buy from big
    businesses like Walmart are made over in many third world countries like the ones in Africa. Those workers are pretty much slaves with amount of pay they get and with the horrible and health hazard working conditions. I thought big businesses where bad before but this is just wrong! Although we had the same problem in our own country less than 100 years ago and look at us now. I just hope they can turn around and do the same

  28. It really breaks my heart that this is going on in our world and it continues to happen. This video was really eye opening and I was able to relate it to chapter 12 really well. I feel like people in the wealthier countries are so ungrateful and greedy! Here in the United States we see it all the time that we are bringing in products and goods from other lower economic places like China and Africa. I can 100% guarantee that everyone in this class has a product in their home that has come from a situation like this. Larger nations can get the products cheaper and get away with not paying very much for them because we get the products from places that do not have anything or are still developing. In class we talked about coffee beans and how larger companies are buy all of the coffee being produced from a poorer underdeveloped country. These companies are paying very little for the products and making huge gains from them. Making the wealthier countries wealthier and the poorer countries poorer! Companies take everything that country has and leave them with nothing for themselves and we pay them next to nothing for it. This movie really gave me a closer look at why these things are happening and why they are not changing or getting solved as fast as we would like. The corruption in this world is crazy!

    1. You make a valid point. It is heartbreaking to see this happening in the world today. The wealthier countries don't realize how well they have it and it seems they are willing to do whatever they have to do to keep themselves on top. They don't care who they hurt to get what they want. jam012

  29. I thought this was a very good video and it made me understand the chapter more. This video really hit me because I really don't think about poverty that much I know that sounds crazy. I just try to focus on my life and make sure that I'm comfortable this video made me really think about poverty and understand the whole idea of poverty. It also made me appreciate life more and want to give back more. I couldn't believe the president and how he abused his power like that. It was very disgusting to watch. Overall this was a very good movie. Aries012

    1. I agree, it does make you appreciate what we have, and when you think of poverty you don’t think about it being that bad. In our country a lot of people that we consider in poverty still have a lot compared to the people in the video. Changes the way you look at our lives and the lives of people in other countries.

  30. All I can say is WOW. This video shows Modernization Theory very well. It shows how wrong it is that Zambia gets treated like a waste land and the mining companies do what they want, without any regard for the country or the people they are affecting. It is sickening how the people that own and run those companies get so much money and don’t give back or pay what they owe back the country. It is amazing how the person that committed the largest tax fraud in the United States gets pardoned by the President because he has the money to buy his way out. No one person should have or need that much money to began with, but if you do you shouldn’t be able to just buy your way out of it. It’s good to see they are working on a way to fix the problem for Zambia, but they are not the only ones getting treated this way. I’m sure lots of others are also. It is truly a sad world we live in that people are treated this way.

  31. The thought that this is happening in poor countries is very disturbing. Companies are getting richer at the expense of the more poverty ridden countries. The worlds rich don't seem to care that they are hurting other countries with lack of food and medicine. To me when I thought of poverty I only thought of it in one form. This video helped open my eyes to the different forms of poverty and the lack of certain human rights associated with it. Things like this are still happening in our society today, we are quick to save a dollar by outsourcing jobs to other countries and purchasing goods made in foreign countries. We need to keep as many dollars in this country as we can and give everyone a chance to earn an honest dollar. jam012


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