Sociological Test: Race Awareness and Children...Your Thoughts


  1. Wow. That's about all I have to say about that. That was amazing to me that even at such a young age people feel that way. I do not think that it is all the children's fault though. It seems to me that they are already aware of the way that society sees people and labels them. They might have also had some sort of experience with someone of a different race that makes them feel the way they do. Maybe some of the white children had some experience with a black child that gave them a personal prejudice, like the kid that said they are bad because they hit. It seems however that they have an understanding of the way that we categorize people. It shocked me even the black kids were saying that the black baby was the ugly one or the mean one or the dumb one. It seemed like they were taken back after saying those things when they were asked which one looked like them. Almost like they didn't want to answer because they didn't want to be that color. It is saddening that children at such a young age understand how we think of people and know the negative labels that we use. If we are ever going to make a serious change we have to start at this level. If our children grow up thinking these things and believing them, there is going to be no change and things will continue as they are. vhammer789

    1. I totally agree. These kids are not 100% to blame for there spoken words. They could have had negative experiences either directly related to them or to someone close to them to cause them to say some of the things they did. I also found it interesting in the delays the black children displayed identifying their own race of baby as the ugly one, or the uneducated one. And they say it in such a shameful way. It seems like they have personally given up hope that they can turn the tide on their prejudices, if tides even existed.-Spacepotatoes012

    2. I agree with you that it is not the kids' faults. They have these attitudes embedded in them from a young age. It is really sad that the black children are already aware of the way society is going to see and label them. The most sickening part of the video for me was definitely when the black kids were calling the black doll ugly or dumb and then when they were hesitant to say it looked like them. Like you said, these children were acting like they didn't want to be the color that they are. -purple789

    3. Spacepotatoes I never even though about it like you said, about the giving up hope thing. I definitely see that now that you mentioned it. I thought of it more as they just didn't want to be the color they were or that they were ashamed of it. I can see for sure though how it would cause them to give up hope. They were aware that adults in society "prefer" white people. I put the quotes there because it is not always true and recently we have been getting better about it. However to have a mindset like that at such a young age would be psychologically devastating to a child. To know that when they grow up they won't be as accepted as others. So like I said, because of this I can see where children would give up hope. vhammer789

  2. I am really shocked by this clip, I would of never thought children at such a young age would think about color. I could not believe how they thought the color brown was so bad and ugly. It was also crazy that even the Hispanic children thought the color was bad, when in fact most are close to brown or are brown them self. I just would of never thought it really saddens my heart that at such a young age one could think so little of their self. We need to make change in our young people so no one has to grow up feeling this way. Blessed789

    1. I agree that its extremely sad to see children believing their own race is ugly and bad. This video really shows how impressionable kids are and how early their views on society form. I think the most important thing we can do is raise our children to the best of our ability and teach them that we all come from all walks of life.

  3. I don’t fully know how to interpret these results of this test. The kids obviously seem to associate the positive attributes they are questioned about with the white baby doll. But they continue to show the mean or negative attributes with the darker skinned baby dolls. These associations with someone being good or bad or attractive or ugly based solely on their skin color is apparently deeply engrained in our thinking, these kids are extremely young so somehow someone is warping their ideals to give them the basis for the conclusions they are making, The results are conclusive enough across the races that the dark baby is bad and the white one is good. This was the result from all of the ethnicity of kids interviewed. I hope this is an old study like it appears to be. I think this kind of thing will continue to fade out as our culture becomes continually more diverse.-Spacepotatoes012

    1. well, I agree but I think it may not only be the adults the are around personally, but also with the stuff they watch on t.v or the oppinions that society gives them basically, It is a sad world when you are raced prejudice and you don't really have a relavent explanation as to why, its just the cards you were drawn in life and the things you were made witness to.

    2. I agree with you. Someone has to have engraved these thoughts into these childrens heads. For they are so young how would they know who is good and bad right or wrong. They are gong off what has been taught to them. when in reality they need to be taught that color is not everything and that we are alll equal. I dont understand all the meanness towards people that dont look like us. this upsets me. kakers789

    3. i agree with you because this video does seem to be really old. i think we would be in big trouble today if we took that same video today because kids shouldn't think like that all. kids should like themselves for who they are. they shouldn't want have different color skin they should love who they are no matter what color they are. if they were raised to think all white people are good they are wrong not all of them are good just because they white.

  4. I was shocked. My roommate saw the video with me and she is black and she said that she wasn't surprized because she feels that through out her life she has had to trive to achieve more because she was looked down upon because she was balck. It is crazy to see those innocent shildren saying those things. Well I would like to be surprized if it was a perfect world, but I know I was witness to alot of crap as a kid that have changed my views about society.

    1. Me being a black male I can understand where your roommate is coming from. All my life I have been taught that I have to go above and beyond to show my intellect so that I'm not looked upon as just some thug.

  5. I thought this video was good yet very heart breaking. I know that most blacks are looked down upon because of there color and they have to it seems fight for more. This is unfair they are people just like the rest of us. I was someone shocked that the common baby of choice was the white baby. my sister is black and she always played with black babies. So to me this was shocking. It was heartbreaking when they asked what one was the good baby and alot of them picked the white baby. Why is this. This is what society teaches them at such a young age. They are taught that if you are black you are bad yet if you are white you are good. Its not the color of your skin its knowing right from wrong. kakers789

    1. I agree with you kakers789 this video is heartbreaking. I also thought it was sad that the black kids even looked down upon their own race and thought the black doll was ugly, and bad. Society has taught children at a young age that whites are pretty much better than blacks or any other race for that matter. It is sad, very sad. -toybox789

  6. I thought that this video was heartbreaking but tells me what kids are really thinking at a young age about other people and what they think of them. I am surprised on how many children picked the white doll over the black one. rosebud012

  7. This video showed what we have learned from the media. In most movies, shows, and toys we are all exposed to white characters as heroes and the good guys. We see how this has translated to black children who would learn to ascribe negative attributes to their own race. These representations sent the message to children that they should play with white and black dolls very differently, the choices made by the subjects of the doll tests was not necessarily an indication of black self-hatred. Instead, it was a cultural choice between two different toys one that was to be loved and one that was to be wrong, as exemplified in performance and popular media.

    1. I completely agree with you. I think that having those heroes and toys are one way of keeping the minority lower/under the majority. The minority can have more population then the majority, but as long as the majority has the power, the minority can do nothing about this. A good example of this would Hawaii. Hawaii is a big melting pot that is due to many minorities becoming majorities. Every majority here was once a minority that was slaved, but when the minority would find the power, they would overturn the majority. This shipping of slaves continued as well as the cycle. Bubbles789

  8. this video interview tons of little kids and ask them the same questions over and over again. they started out with the African Americans first asking which of the two dolls are the prettiest and why all of them said the white one because they are white. then they asked which doll is the ugliest and they picked up the back one and then they asked why it is ugly and they said it was because they were black. and they asked the question which one is the nice one and which one is the mean one and the nice ones all the answers were white and for the mean ones all the answers were back.all the black kids were answering these question and then they did the same with white kids and Hispanics and all of them had the same answers besides this one African American kid.

  9. It makes me so sad that the majority of these children seem to think that the white baby doll is better in pretty much every aspect, and the black doll is in superior. The worst part about it is that even the black children thought of their own race as the ugly, dumb, and genuinely worse doll. Children pick up on what goes on around them and tend to be a lot more observant than we think a lot of the time. It is really sad that many of these children learned this sense of racism from their parents. Even if their parents aren't necessarily racist, many of them probably unknowingly have prejudices and attitudes that the kids picked up on. I am scared for the future of many of the young black kids in the video. If they grow up with the belief that the white kids are "better" than they are, that probably makes them a lot less likely to succeed. Whether we like it or not, racism is still very prevalent in America, and this video proves it. -purple789

    1. I see what you are saying, it is an learned behavior. I also mention that its a generation pattern. As you can see that all the race feel that the white baby doll is better. So in every culture it is put in our heads some kind of way that white is better. Black children and adults are already succeeding, and so many are successful. As a child I thought as a child, I felt being an outcast at times, but as I got older I put away my childish thoughts. So this is how we got to see our future. As the older they get they will realize that their skin is beautiful, no matter what their ethnicity is. myapic789

  10. Wow. This video did a good job explaining racism. I believe in the fact that racism is something that we are taught and not a way we are born. I also think this video has a lot to do with what is advertised on TV. Most commercials usually advertise white dolls until the end of the commercial then they may show both a black and a white doll. However when they asked the question which one is the good doll and which is the bad doll that could also relate to how whites and blacks raise their children. It is believed through watching movies like stand up comedies that whites do not discipline their children in the manner that blacks do, like the way whites speak to their children vs blacks and even believed that some whites do not strike their children and blacks do. One child's was asked why is the black doll the bad child and the child answered "because she hits." There could be several reasons as to why these children think the way they do at the end of the day. This was a great video though. -toybox789

  11. Wow so much to say. I wouldn't blame this on society, this can go back to slavery on color issues. Some ethnic groups were just brought up in a way that their skin is better, and it can be a generation pattern. So that's why some African Americans, felt like they were not beautiful. One of my best friend, is very dark complexion but she can definitely be on Americas top model. Anyways growing up she wanted to be lighter, people picked on her because she is dark skin. So the reason why I said this goes back to slavery and how this is a generation pattern, because in slavery Im 100% sure that African Americans felt very insecure, didn't feel smart, and how very low self esteem. This behavior is passed on to many other race with blacks, when I remember first starting school and the lighter complexion girls got more attention. Also for me my mother, and my other family members will buy all the little girls black Barbie dolls, I never own any other race Barbie but black. So if it was me pointing to which doll is best, I would pick black doll, because that's the only color doll we had to play with. myapic789

  12. I honestly dont know what to think about his video. I can diffidently see why they wanted use little kids for this experiment. I can guarantee that if all of those interviewers would to try this with high school students and along with students with this class they wouldn't get the answers they wanted. If they asked me which one is prettier I would of told them that they are exactly the same except for the skin tone, but then again that's why they didn't ask people such as me too to do this. Its not the kids fault, first off they are young, I am sure they meant what they said and all, Second they have probably watched enough news to see how society labels each other, third you have to also look at their parents, they might have taught them accidentally, such as white is prettier than black. From reading the other comments by my classmates I agree that its not the kids faults. The blame should put on us.

  13. I know where you are coming from when I was growing up I never had a black baby doll, but I on the other hard didn't understand why? some of my friends growing up only had the black baby dolls so we would always switch when we played together. I just thought as, I got bigger it was like what ever your race was that was the color of dolls your parents got you. Because I never heard in my house that it was wrong to play with a different race or other baby dolls of different color. I never heard that talk of being ugly, mean, or stupid at least not in my house. It was out side the home where people were un kind. I always found growing up it was about money. I can remember being out casted in school because of being poor. they always gave the attention to the kids with both parents and who had money.Blessed789

  14. This video was very surprising. To see how racism effects the lives of little kids. For African American kids to say that the white doll is better because it is white and the white doll is prettier because it is white. I never even could imagine saying that as a child. This study was very informative but scary. I would never want my child to think they were better than someone just because they are white. I didn't think this was still such a big problem in society and its sad to see African American kids picking white babies because in society, white is considered better. This video is very informative and definitely opened my eyes

    1. I also thought this was a really scary study to watch. I couldn't believe how the kids seemed to have no idea what they were saying and that it was wrong. I would hope that someday when the study is done again that many of the children would refuse to pick one over the other or at least pick based on some arbitrary factor other than skin color. Society really needs to be watching what kind of messages are getting across to children. toblerone 012

    2. I think that kids react according to what they are exposed. For example, if you are white and your kids are only around white people, they are going to think that there is something wrong with blacks or Hispanics and they will only socialized with white kids, but if we exposed and teach them about other races, they will learn that we are all the same in the inside. Elia007

  15. This was a very disturbing study to watch. It is amazing to see how kids can learn to categorize and discriminate based on color at such an early age. I think one of the scariest things about the study is the almost pure innocence that the children seem to have about their choices. The children make choices that are clearly hurtful and dangerous, but they have absolutely no idea that discrimination based on skin color is a terrible thing. A lot of the innocent attitude and lack of understanding for the issue reminds me of some aspects of sexism today. I know a lot of people who hold very sexist thoughts about the different roles of men and women, but when they talk about these views, many people will realize that they have no hatred or ill-will towards the opposite sex. I think a lot of discriminatory thought is kept alive because many people never question what their cultural beliefs mean. Many people never think any further than what these kids are thinking.

  16. This video is very surprising. I knew that children were a product of their enviroment, but never knew they could make judgements like this. I feel like these children pick these one sided beliefs because that's what they're parents think. It really makes you wonder what impression we are leaving on our children, and how they will grow up to think this type of discrimination is okay.

    1. Hi Thinker012, I brought up a lot of these points in my comment as well. I feel as if these young children have had someone in their lives telling them these different stereotypes accosted with different races. I also feel like these children haven't had enough time to develop their own thoughts on different races so they have to be collecting some information from the people around them. I agree with you that it really makes you wonder how are children will grow up to view someone of a different race. I think this is very sad that these children have all these negative points to point out at such a young age.

  17. Enough is enough! I can go a couple of ways about this video. First off all the interviewers were white, and all the black kids were last. Now if you get those same kids and mix up the doll pictures, have a black man or women interview them, you probally get different answers. This is messed up and it's not funny to me. Lets not forget kid immulate what they hear and see. I kind of understood also because are parent's did by us white dolls and thats what we played with. That is what you really only saw back in the day, until they came up with having diversity inte the pre-shools having the same culture items so the children can identify with their own kind. Now we can by our kids something that resembles them. Some of the children did think that white look better ,but they only told you not showed you the others who thought the black dolls were the prettiest. I just hope after the experiment, they took those same children and educated them on how it really should be,and it's ok to like them both. If they didn't educate them after this, that is where the promblems continue. Imma do me789

    1. I thought I was thee only person who looked at that. some of the kids picked white because they thought that was the best answer to give. but with the Hispanic children you can see how racism is taught. I think they should do this in 2014 and see the results with a mix race of interviewers and I bet their results will be more positive. Love789

  18. I agree with alot of you. I just hope we continue to educate these babies. They are still young and they just need to be readjusted a little. We need to acknowledge white is cute. Christmas time, snow, white flocked trees and mostly white people. So to like white better is not the issue, because some people truly do. The issue is everything dark is not bad, stupid or dumb. I was once told you can have all the white paper in the world. It means nothing until you put that black or dark ink on it. So what that tell you? Come on society really!!!!!!!!! Imma do me 789

  19. I had a really hard time watching this. I realize, not till recent have society come up with different color babies or even a Disney princesses, but children finding on race superior to another. I wish there was more kids that would learn it’s not about the color of your skin that determines if you’re smart, pretty, or even good. I feel that there are many things that determine who you are and race is not a factor in society or shouldn’t be. What should determine who you become is the process of socialization, environment, and the person values, morals, norms. I think that babies are created with a blank slate otherwise known as the tabla rasa theory. However I do believe that genetics help in determining who you become too. The tabla rasa theory states that babies learn everything by their environment and can be molded into society. Bubbles789

    1. I agree with you Bubbles789, this video was hard to watch to see how each kid would choose between each of the babies, depending on the question that was asked.More kids do need to learn that just because your white or black doesn't mean your smart, stupid or whatever else. People like to label blacks as ignorant, well I know ignorant white people, I know uneducated white people. We're all the same and that's what people fail to see! -Pink789

    2. I also agree with you Bubble789 this video was hard for me to watch and understand. I didn't get why the children act that way to the dolls. I don't think nobody is teaching them that because even the black kids thought the black doll was bad. It just crazy because the mature society labels people but I guess children do too. Aries012

    3. I agree bubbles, this was very upsetting for me to watch. That was a good point about the dolls. Children do choose and favor dolls based on the skin color. They do not realize they are discriminating, but they really are. I think it would be really cool if they started making the dolls in one color. Not saying they should be white, but more of a "universal color," so this can stop happening. BigGrizmatik789.

  20. I completely agree with you. I think that having those heroes and toys are one way of keeping the minority lower/under the majority. The minority can have more population then the majority, but as long as the majority has the power, the minority can do nothing about this. A good example of this would Hawaii. Hawaii is a big melting pot that is due to many minorities becoming majorities. Every majority here was once a minority that was slaved, but when the minority would find the power, they would overturn the majority. This shipping of slaves continued as well as the cycle. Bubbles789

  21. This video is very wrong... goes to show early age of racism. When I grew up, I had white baby dolls and black baby dolls, maybe it was because I'm mixed? I don't know. I think it's so wrong when a family or parents of one race only allow their daughter or whoever to play with one color of a baby. Unfortunately, I know a family like this.... they only allow their grandchild to play with black baby dolls. I was even told that I couldn't buy her a white baby because she wouldn't be able to play with her? What sense does that make? I remember coming home from school one day crying because a white girl at my school told me, because I was colored I wasn't allowed to play with white barbies.... No race is superior over another!! Just because your a certain color, doesn't mean your bad, good, ugly, pretty or whatever, it doesn't matter. If you cut us, we all bleed the same. Equality, when it comes to race is a must!! -Pink789

  22. the clip was very intersting it was very good to me to see how the children knew there colors anbd could point ir opick how they felt with the dolls another thig is its not there fault the way they feel and think. the media,parents, family etc are all to blame because there still young its all about what they see and hear. its how there parents interpret the way of life to them. i feel like no matter what color you are someone has something to say about everyone.

  23. thats my post above godschild789

  24. This video was shocking for me because I didn't think children at that age thought like that. Mostly all the children thought the black doll was the ugly one, the bad one, and the not intelligent one. Why is that? I don't think the children are being taught this because even the black children thought the black doll was the ugly one but they seem confuse when they were ask which one look like them. My sister is one years old and she has a white baby doll and this black doll that can walks. You would think she would like the black doll because it walks and talks but she don't. She like the white doll and she always knocks the black doll down. I don't have an explanation of why the children felt that way about the black down but it was very interesting to watch. Aries012

  25. The video was very interesting to me because I didn't think kids that young would make those kind of differences. I mean if you asked an adult, I would understand that they said a black person is the bad one, because they have been associated as bad for some reason. Adults hear "black jokes" and they watch tv and see the majority of crimes in big cities done by black people. I'm not saying it's right or that is how it is, im just saying that it's how many people think, and I could see an adult being like these kids. I, personally, would never assume the black person is the bad person though. These kids that look no older than maybe 6 associate a black person as bad, and I think it is wrong. The color of the skin doesn't make you good or bad. I'm more interested in how they made these connections because they had to learn from somewhere. A parent or media had to give them the connection that a black person is "bad" or "ugly".

    1. I also think these kids wouldn't make these types of differences unless they were around it being said or showed. They are too young to make that assumption. It's sad that they are taught these things at such a young age. -Aquariusgirl789

  26. this video kind of upset me , because it shows how racism is taught. kids shouldn't know the difference between race , but because their parents act or talk that way the developed that train of thought. the book ask does race affect intelligence , and I honestly believe it doesn't. yes it plays a roll but it has no affect on intelligence at all. the book talks about and explains how prejudice and discrimination are taught. which they very much are like you see in the video. its all about what family you come up in. my family doesn't teach the children about race , we teach that we are all equal but that there will be people who feel they are better than all. even talking to my great grandmother who is an educator agrees that race plays a roll Love789

  27. I feel this is a very informative video because it exposes all of the attitudes imposed upon the children. Kids of this age don't have the reasoning ability to make informed decisions about such matters they only respond with the information language and attitudes that have been impressed upon them or what .they have been exposed to. That is why it is so important that we as adults be mindful of what we say and how we say it around our children. bigstep789

    1. Very true, back to what I said, society tries to influence at an early age may it be in advertisements or etc because youth are more gulible. It later because apart of society as time goes on, even though it is fading some, racism and prejucidy is still alive

    2. BIGSTEP789 Nicely said and true. I felt like the children were not old enough yet to know what is going on and it seemed they were being told what to do and say. If you notice in most of the videos the children are hestant and look up behind the camera as if someone is pointing to the white doll or black doll. I wouldve liked to see who ever is interviewing and asking questions be on camera with them. USMC789

  28. This is a very sad thing to watch. I hate how they look when they say what babies are the cutest and what ones are good and bad. It's not right that these children this young are already categorizing racial things and society's outlooks. They don't just know these topics, they are around all these opinons and out in society where these social outlooks are being portrayed. This was a good informative video, sad, but eye opening regarding this topic. -Aquariusgirl789

  29. This video is very good because it shows how society begins to persuade us as at an early age, which then translates to later in life when it comes to the workforce and public image. It's almost as if you want to say this is not true but in most circumstances the opinionated side of it is. But logically this is not true.

    1. Thats's the thing I don't like about society. I wish that society didn't have the need to try and persuade people to think and act a certain way. It's another one of those things where like because so many people were raised this way, it's the only way they know how to behave. shoestopher789

    2. I agree. Society shapes children with the things that they experience in life. The school they go to, the children they are around, the comments they hear, and media has a big influence. Children should be able to make their own decision on how they feel. Beneke789.

  30. This is so weird to me. I don't know how kids learn to behave like this. It seems like they are almost taught to think that light skinned people are somehow better than dark skinned people. I think that the media has a big role in how we perceive races in society. I think that these kids must have been around this sort of media along with people that they are with that make them believe that one race is superior than the other. Children should be taught that all people are created equally. This is one of those things that makes you think why are we so focused on race in society. Like when someone is arrested and it ends up on the news, I feel like they usually say the skin color of the person that was involved in the crime. I don't understand why this is necessary. shoestopher789

  31. This video has a sad outcome. It's horrible that society teaches these things to children I thought that these things would have changed with the new generation, however it's still continuing. Children aren't born with a prejudice to something. Most likely, they heard their parents or friend say something about a different skin color so now they changed they way they feel about that skin color. This is so unfair that children are stereotyped. Beneke789.

  32. This video shows how our young children today see society and how the news and media infiltrate these kids minds. I think a lot of the ideas not only comes from the media and kids at school, but the parents in the household. Sometimes parents do not watch what they say and they go off about someone and not realize the kids are listening. On a few of those clips it also looked like the kids were being told what to chose and say by whomever was behind the camera. USMC789

  33. This video was very upsetting and hard to watch, but it shows how society shapes young children. These children had no idea what they were doing. From the television they watch and the word of mouth, they form these ideas that certain colors are inferior and more trust worthy, before they even know what race and discrimination is. I believe that we need to fix this problem because as a country, we preach equality, but look at what is happening to these children before they are even old enough to know right from wrong! Not saying this is a good way to teach them, but they will grow up and realize the bad things society taught them and hopefully, believe exactly the opposite of what is presented here. One day, they will learn that everyone is human. I think creating a "universal color" doll would be a good idea and would maybe prevent this from happening. BigGrizmatik789.

  34. This video was pretty sad. Its sad that the young black kids believe all of the negative things about the doll that most looks like them. Those answers are learned answers though. No child is born racist or not liking themselves because of the color of their skin. Parents or whoever the child is mostly responsible and is blindly filling these kids heads with ignorance. Society also plays apart. Kids repeat what they learn if its always broadcast in movies and on tv shows that darker individuals are always the bad guy or suspect of course the kids will associate that with real life, their life. I hope the children grow to form their own opinions and not let the ignorance consume them.

  35. This video was heart breaking. It's sad how even little kids think of the color of their own skin. It is the own fault of how the child is raised and what or how their surroundings must be. I have a child about to be the same age as most of the kids in this video and I hope that they wont be like that and i am a good enough parent that my kid wont learn those feeling from me, but mostly it is society that plays a big role in how humans form their own opinions on how people feel about color on everyone. In their faces you can tell they know its wrong or must feel somthing more about what they are being asked but don't speak about it. LEO.012

  36. This tests outcome was not what I was expecting to see in this video. It was kind of sad but very eye opening. I think that our society and how we teach our children to act on different things really makes a huge difference in their outlook on life. I feel as if they would have done this experiment on a different age group they would have had a much different outcome. I think children are taught from a very young age that because you have different colored skin from other races means you have certain stereotypes associated with that color of your skin. I thought it was really interesting to see how the children chose the dolls related to the question they were being asked. It is very sad to me that the outcome of this test was so negative towards a certain race I think that children pick up stereotypes from the people around them and they are not to blame for answering these questions. This was a very eye opening video.

  37. While watching this video, I couldn’t help to think about my personal experience when I first move to the United States. If I was asked the question those kids were asked in the video some years ago, I would have picked the black kids as the ugly, bad, mean kids and the reason is ignorance. I was told that black people were bad and that I had to be very careful with them. It wasn’t until I started talking and meeting them that I realized that what I was told was wrong and racist. There are good and bad people in all races and colors. I hate to see how we categorize people by their skin color, but unfortunally it happens is most races. It is sad to see in this video that some black girls think that the white dolls are prettier that them, just because they have lighter skin. It makes me very sad to think how that will affect or is affecting their self steam. Elia007


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