Criminal Justice System - The Overview


  1. The criminal justice system has been more of a conflict model system as well as a crime control system for most, if not all of my life. I would like to know why, when our country was founded to protect the rights of it's people, we have allowed our government and the more wealthy individuals to make choices and legislation that do not protect the rights of the people. I believe that the voice of our people has been written off as a voice not intelligent enough to make decisions on what is best for our society and country. I would also like to hear some ideas on what type of or specific legislation we could change in our system to have a better balance of freedom and trust for the police to do their jobs as well as enough protection and restrictions on law enforcement to protect the rights of the people. I personally would not search a suspects home, car, or other property, without their knowledge and a warrant issued to them. I do not believe doing something like that is ethical even though it may be legal. EMS_TACTICS456

    1. I agree that it seems as if the government and wealthy people make all of the choices for us. Also, the citizens need to have a bigger voice than what we do. For example how can a law be passed allowing the search of a house without a warrant and without the owner knowing. LA456

    2. I also agree with EMS_TACTICS456. We should not have to allow someone else to make choices that should be made by strictly ourselves. Little things could go so much farther if every one of us could personally agree and come together to speak up and let those people know how we feel. No single person should have any right to search someone's property without a warrant like you said or them even knowing about it for that matter. CRUSENSGIRL456

    3. To paraphrase Tommy Lee Jones in Men in Black "a person is smart, people are stupid."

      Take a look around at the world we live in. We live in a world where "Honey Boo Boo" and "Duck Dynasty" are stars. There are top rated shows where the objective is to manipulate everyone around you. We have people who insist that the world is being controlled by the Freemasons when all they are is a group of older people who have a lot of potlucks and raise money for the community. We have people who think that our government is being controlled by lizard people.

      The voice of the people really /isn't/ intelligent enough to make decisions on what is best. Unfortunately, this is the direct result of the generations before us and the bad choices they made. Those bad choices begot more bad choices, and so on, and so on.

      We live in a country where our police shoot and kill more citizens than any other nation in the world. However in Iceland, their police force hadn't shot and killed a citizen from when they became a nation in 1944 until 2013. Our elementary school teachers are paid the same wages as a shift leader at your Pizza Hut, and college tuition for some schools are tens of thousands of dollars. Those who do go to a four year college often times end up being unable to pay off the debt. However, other nations are producing a better educated population and the entirety of their education is covered by their tax dollars.

      Our generation needs to make the decision to be the ones to break the mold. We need to make unpopular decisions based on what will benefit our children and grandchildren even if we'll never see the benefit. Until then, we'll continue to live in a country where people will turn to crime because they lack the skills to become a productive member of society. Where people won't have a sense of community and are only concerned for themselves. Where people feel the need to turn to violence to try and change the system.

      We need to stop waiting for people to change the world and change it ourselves. -56h456

  2. No doubt! The rights of citizens should be protected, not abused. The Get Tough on Crime Policies (3 strikes your out laws, mandatory sentencing, failure to parole the right people, high drug.non-violent incarceration rates) have all, in the long run, hurt our CRJ system. People have lost faith to some extent, ConcernedCitizen456

  3. I agree with EMS_TACTICS456 that there needs to be a balance between allowing police officers the freedom, trust, and protection to fulfill their duties properly and protecting the rights of civilians. With events such as the Michael Brown shooting, all opinions and facts aside, we need to rebuild the bridge between the law enforcement community and the general public. It is a two way street, where the violence needs to end. Society needs to come together and understand that almost all police officers became an officer to make a difference and help promote a better society. Marsh456

  4. When signing up to take this class I was very interested in learning about the field of law enforcement. After the first day of content, I am hooked. I feel that society uses the conflict model to determine what acts are criminal. However in theory, I feel the consensus model is the best way to properly determine crime for the GENERAL public, but then there is the problem not everyone fits into the general public. We live in a diverse society where some people and even some states feel specific acts or substances are not illegal. In a world so diverse it seems that creating new laws could be challenging. Most people have the basics down: don't steal, don't kill, etc. But there are laws such as the use of marijuana, for example, where people disagree. I feel that law enforcement is a very technical, complicated, and stressful field of study. I have had people tell me that the law is black and white, not all laws are in my opinion, it is much more complicated than that. The goal of law enforcement should be protecting society and achieving justice, although it typically is never 100% reached, it is a good goal to strive for. Police officers are a very small part of the much larger justice system. It is with this system that we must strive for equality and make sure the rights of all citizens are respected and upheld. Marsh456

    1. I agree with Marsh456. I would like to see how the consensus model would play out though. With the majority of the United States split on so many topics. I almost wonder if half the states would have mostly different laws from the other half. And, if that were to happen, how would that affect our justice system. Also, how would our citizens be effected if our laws were so different. If they cross a state line or city line and things that were not illegal in the last state or city are now illegal. EMS_TACTICS456

  5. I feel as though that the criminal justice system takes to long. It shouldn't take years for the courts to get through like the video said it does. We should only give the defendant only one appeal. The defendant should not be able to appeal every court they go to. If we do that we could save so much time and money. Of course just that won't make the system faster. But a combined effort is the only way to make it faster. I also think that the time that you are waiting for your trail should not be counted toward your actual sentence time. Maybe one day we will love in a world where things are perfect. But I know that is far off in the future.128 there were 166,000 people in prison alone just for murder. It takes $7,818,533,600 a year to house just the murders. I'm not saying we should bring back the death penalty but it costs much less to inject him then it does to keep him in prison. And that's how I feel about that-ThatGuy456

    1. I would agree with you about the lengths of time the criminal justice system can take sometimes. Take the Aurora shooter James Holmes for example. Two years ago he was arrested after shooting civilians in a movie theater. They had the evidence, they built the case, however, due to his claims of mental illness Holmes' trial keeps getting pushed back. His trial is this December, making his trial be pushed back for almost a year. SHEEPDOG456

    2. I agree with both of these statements. The criminal justice system takes too long to process cases that it can take months or even years. It costs too much money to fund when we could be using that money for projects such as pot holes, new stores to help give employment, or environmental groups to help our environment. The criminal justice system allows people to appeal way too much when they should get one possibly two times to appeal. detect456

  6. I always wanted to learn more about criminal justice because I thought it would be interesting and because I thought this might be what i'd like to major in. however, watching the video, I feel it was a lot to take in. I know, I know.... it still early in the course and i'm sure the more I learn the more interested I will be. but, I will say I am unfamiliar with the process of how crime are processed and justice is achieved. I understand the basics like the crime, police arrival, the investigation, the processing of the crime scene, and suspect identified. but, I didn't know the whole process. like what happens after the suspect identification. as shown in the video, I see there is a whole lot more steps done in the process. which makes me even more interested in learning more about criminal justice and possibly making this a career choice..........RED456

  7. I get the criminal justice system just a little well the basics. I plan on being a city police officer and I know some of the duties that comes with beinv a police officer. I plan on workin my way up the police ladder into deeper and bigger things like the action movies. But after watching this video I know its way more than just pulling some one over for breaking the laws. And then theres the court issues. I know just about what the courts do but I know its way more than what I think it would be. My goal in this class is to learn al the major things about the criminal justice system. The criminal justice also has been a conflict model system on my life. Ive been seeing police do what they have to do to get their job done. I understand the procedure they have to do if a cop feel pressured or in danger. So there for I get the criminal justice system or whats going on so far and the videomreally helped me understand better SUPERCOP456

  8. I have a desire to be a city police officer in my law enforcement career, and there is no doubt that understanding the criminal justice system is a must for me, if I even want to have a chance at being successful in law enforcement. I will be honest and say I thought it would be a bit boring to see the in depth look at the system and all its terms. However, after watching the great video, I can not wait to learn more about it in class! Before this I had a broad understanding of the process, but I now see how complicated and thorough the sytem and its process really is. When an officer comes to a house where someone has been shot, and they arrest the suspect, there is way more to the process than the suspect simply going to prison. The police have to investigate, build the evidence, and then after making an arrest must have the suspect go thorough what can be a long process to prove a crime they did some months ago. This video was a great tool in helping me understand what the criminal justice really entails. SHEEPDOG456

  9. I feel that the criminal justice system needs to better protect the rights of the citizens. It seems as though laws are constantly being thought up in order for police to ignore certain rights of the people just to get an arrest. I feel as though a lot of money along with time could be saved if the government spent more time on more dangerous criminal rather than the small time criminals, this would also free up some prison space. Criminals should be allowed a quicker trial. Overall the police and other law enforcement should just maintain order and give safety to the general public. Its seems as if the government and wealthy people get to make all of our choices for us, as if no one else has a say. No government should be aloud to search a persons house without them even knowing. LA456

    1. I agree with this person i feel like criminal justice system does not protect the rights of the citizens. The government all cares about is trying to screw people so they can get there money that's what this world is about these days, the government does not give citizens equal right like they say they do. CRM456

    2. I also agree with this person. All the government really care about is money.the government is spending more money creating and enforcing the new laws. Its mainly those of the higher class that really have control over the creating of the laws. The government is trying to take away our privacy with all the surveillance system on street corners. The things the government say they give us is not true. SUPERCOP456

    3. I agree to an extent. There are a lot of new laws because the people in todays society tend to abuse their rights, which creates turmoil and the processing for new laws to prohibit people from doing those things, or at the very least try to stop them from it. But I do believe that the government should not be able to search someones house without them even knowing. It's wrong beyond belief. What has happened to our own privacy, or to our alone time? Are we ever truly alone? Or is the government always watching... - chev456

  10. Our society today is solely based on the conflict model theory. Some have been chosen to make the laws and they have the opportunity to help protect our rights, but when you really think about, are our rights really protected? It is sad to say, but I do not believe that they are and I am positive there are others that would agree with me. As crimes are defined as a wrong against society, I feel that many crimes are not taken as seriously as they should and that some criminals get off too easy as most would word it. This video helped me to take a deeper look into the way that the courts work because I did not know how the full process actually worked. At the end of one day, I would like to see actions being taken place to help secure the rights of all other Amercians including myself. CRUSENSGIRL456

  11. I feel like criminal justice system does not care about the right of citizens. when you get pulled over by a cop that even really pull you over for nothing, some time they pull you over just to see if you have any illegal stuff on you, for no reasons and when they get caught then the criminal justice systems comes in he gets a ticket and then goes to courts and say he has the rights to talk and all that but the person will get in trouble. the cop pulled you over for no reseason then doesn't have any rights. They are just going to make it a quicker trial so they can get the person in jail. I think that cops and law enforcement should not care about the little traffic stop go ten miles over the speed limit they need to worry about the shootings and the big crimes, give citizens more rights and just screw the people. CRM456

  12. I never really would have guessed that I would be taking classes in criminal justice as my major. I would have probably taken it because it seems interesting but never as a major. I got really hooked on the Law and Order shows, of course. The processes they have to go through really is interesting, not only on the police and detective side of things, but also with the medical examiner and the lawyers that put these people behind bars. Everything about their job is intriguing from the call to finding the perpetrator. Although I give them respect for getting scum off the street, they do find ways around the system to get the suspect which I think is very clever, but also wrong because we do or should have those rights, according to the constitution, whether we are guilty or not of the crime. They twist everything around and sure, if I was guilty of something then I would twist everything back as well and try to play mind tricks or something, but if I was an innocent person, then I would make it a mission to not only prove my innocence but to get out of jail. I wouldn't want to go to jail for something I didn't do! In essence, the criminal justice system can do good and is interesting to learn about, but it can very easily be turned around and can go against someone. detect456

    1. I totally agree with what you had said about how some people get imprisoned for something they didn't do. I think that the government should definitely do something about that situation. I feel as if the criminal justice system can either be with or against you, and as a citizen of the United States I would hope that if I didn't do anything wrong, that they would believe me and not take someone else word over mine. Overall I can say that you were right on point when you stated that, "the criminal justice system can easily go against someone".-Mijo456

  13. Although I think that the video did do a good overview of the Criminal Justice System and of which crimes are what, from my experience the people in the Criminal Justice System have spent too much time trying to get smaller crimes more the bigger ones. Instead of going after the companies and the murders we go after the petty crimes like thief and position of drugs. Also they’ve given out harsher punishments then the people associated deserved. The Crime Control model seems to be the most dominant in our Criminal Justice System since we give the offenders too much time in prison for petty crimes or misdemeanors instead of the felonies. The felonies should get harsher punishments then the misdemeanors and petty crimes get the less harsh punishments. I consider one felony to be the major companies dumping stuff into our rivers and killing some of the people who drink it.

    1. I agree with unsc456 with pretty much everything. I think the criminal justice system needs to work on who gets the worse of two punishments. I also think that we need to focus on bigger crimes like organized crime. Or we they can focus on the drugs entering the United States through the border.ThatGuy456

    2. I agree with this response. In the past years the law has been cracking down way too hard on the crimes that can be overlooked most of the time. From watching the news when crimes are occurring, people who get caught with drugs are getting more time than people who are raping or attempted murder. Having drugs on you and distributing isn't necessarily the right thing to do but when you know you can potentially get off when you break into someones house or try to kill someone but not get off when you just have a little amount of drugs then something is wrong. They aren't cracking down on the crimes that they should be cracking down on, they're just putting the petty crimes above the potential harsher crimes. me456

  14. Its crazy to think that the process for jailing or even fining someone could take that long. Ever since I was 5 I have wanted to become a police officer, but sometimes I feel as if cops are arresting people for the wrong reasons. Like we had discussed in class, if you were to catch your significant other with another person, and you were to beat him/her up, then you would be the one that would get in trouble. I remember watching old cop movies and It seemed that justice was being served, but I feel like in today's society law enforcement is way too complicated and they make little things a big deal. On the other side I feel like cops and any other law enforcement jobs don't get the credit that they deserve. I always hear about how the system is messed up or people never see justice being served, and I do agree with that to some extent. I think that people just don't understand what the law enforcement goes through on a daily basis. I would definitely say that I am 50/50 with the whole "is justice being served situation", but overall I thought this video was very educating and It taught me how much courts and officers have to go in depth with criminalizing someone.-Mijo456

    1. I agree with mijo456 on the whole "officers don't get the credit they deserve" part. Because in all honesty, they don't. People are always talking bad about the law enforcement, being rude to cops, or even blaming them for unnecessary things. But if it weren't for the law enforcement, who knows how dangerous and corrupt towns and cities could be by now. racer11p_456

  15. For a ten minute video, there is a lot of valuable information in here that I believe will come in handy to all of us in the near future. The systems overview was fairly well, but it seems as if watching this video it has come to my attention that the process of jailing or imprisonment takes way longer than it should. It doesn't seem to happen often, but sometimes they go through all of this trouble to find out that they don't even have the right person. A lot of people seem to think that Justice isn't always being served, but those are the crimes that bring attention into the media. What you don't always seem to see is when Justice is being served, or when cops are doing the right thing, when they go out of their way to help protect and serve the city, or state that they are working for. Regardless to the process being so long, I believe that more times than not Justice is being served. Sometimes we just don't see it because we don't always like to abide by the laws that are supposed to keep us safe, and we don't go out of our own way to figure out what is is going on in the world that is good. -chev456

    1. The criminal justice system takes a long time so the wrong person isn’t charged. I agree with you about justice being served. It seems that justice is hardly served in the country because the news media only brings up controversial cases of justice not being served to get more viewers and ratings. Justice is served more than people think, we just don’t see when it happens because it is not in the media as often. bass456

  16. There are several steps in the criminal justice system. You would think that through all of the steps, there would be less people incarcerated, but there are more prisoners in the United States than any other country in the world. Like what our class discussed last week, people are getting arrested for unnecessary reasons. If someone committed a crime at age 20, and get arrested for it twenty years later at age 40, they most likely will get charged for the crime like it happened a month ago, rather than the actual twenty years. You would think that twenty years later the person charged for the crime would have matured and be a better person.

    I have always wanted to be a police officer, especially after my father was one. The ability to control crime and watch over citizens and keep them safe fascinates me and I believe that it is my calling. I started to understand the criminal justice system when a family member of mine has been in and out of prison for years. Now that I am taking this class, the system makes since to me now. bass456

    1. I agree with bass456, even though the justice system is made so it is hard for someone to be convicted of a crime it seems like people are getting incarcerated very much these days. Incarcerating a person for a very long time is not a very good idea because it is difficult to help reform the criminal since they will be in prison for most of their life. Birdman456

  17. I have always have been interested in the criminal justice system, but sadly I have never understood anything about it until now. When I was little all I thought law enforcement did was arrest bad guys when they did bad things to other people. Now I am wiser; a person committing a crime is no doing the criminal act to a person, but he is doing it to the society as a whole. It is our right as a society to decide what things are harmful to us so that we can stop those wrong doings will not happen again, for this we use the consensus model. Some things are harder to decide if it is right or wrong; we can all agree that murder, arson, and theft are unacceptable. Other things are not as easy to decide if they are right or if they are not, like the issue on marijuana, it is up to the representatives that we put in charge of our rights to decide if it is good to our society or not. Even though people think some of what these representatives decide is wrong I believe that they are merely just doing their job of deciding the best interests for our society. Birdman456

    1. I agree with Birdman456 it is our right as a society to prove what is right and wrong, not just one person. and it always comes back to the society because even though the representatives make the final decisions, we as a society put those representatives in charge. and yes they are just doing their job for our best interests. Kibbles n' Vick456

    2. I like birdman456's comment because he said he didn't know anything about the criminal justice system. But now understands what the criminal justice system is & has a broader understanding of it. I think every person who doesn't know the criminal justice, or is blinded to one side, should have the opportunity to get to know the criminal justice system. I believe that crime would have a major reduction & as police officers job would be easier if people were educated on the criminal justice system. Johnnysavage309456

  18. The criminal justice system has always been something that interest me, and now that I've watched the basic overview I am even more interested. I think America has done a decent job in making the criminal justice system. of course there's things that can be worked on, but nothing is perfect. I think we need to look over conviction time, some people do not deserve as long as a sentence as the judge gives them especially if you are a young kid who made one mistake, such as drug smuggling. If you give a 18 year old kid 20 years for smuggling drugs he won't get out of prison until he's 38, that's like a 4th of his life, you would think he would learn his lesson long before his 20 year sentence is up. we need to maintain justice as a whole by protecting our society which we do for the most part, but sometimes we don't give the appropriate punishment, maybe the conflict model needs re advised. or maybe that's why it's called the conflict model. Kibbles n' vick456

  19. I like the video because it dug a little deeper into the criminal justice process. But a lot of the information in the video was already explained in class. Like, the arrest>jail>sentencing process the video went more in to depth about it. The video also explains more description in more of overall look in the legal process. The video is helpful though for whether I want to be a criminal justice major. And make this major my career and not just a regular job...... Rio456

  20. This video really breaks down the arresting and sentencing process into even more important different parts. I've watched many police TV shows and movies and it's much quicker than the actual process. I got interested in the criminal justice program because I wanted to know the truth about how the system actual works and not what we see on TV. Just by watching this video I've learned a lot more in 10 minutes than what I knew in years. Growing up I've always thought that when the police arrest you over the little crimes and take you to jail automatically was the right thing to do. Now that I've learned just the basic information everything changes for me. It gives me an even more positive attitude about majoring in criminal justice by knowing it's so much more to learn and how interesting it is. As a cop I feel like they're going way overboard when they are trying to bust individuals with drugs when they're driving rather than them focusing more on the bigger issues. I'm not saying carrying around drugs is the correct thing to do but it's more in the world that's doing harm to others and they're not taking the correct approach to those crimes. They are using the approaches in the video when it's a misdemeanor but a whole different approach when it comes to a major felony. me456

    1. I have to agree with this, TV shows really don't show how things actually happen, which is understandable from an entertainment point of view, but a lot of people think they know so much about our Criminal Justice System just by watching these shows, that they don't realize how much more they actually do behind the scenes. JAC456

  21. The reason our Criminal Justice System takes so long is to make sure that the guilty people get what's coming to them, and the innocent don't get what someone else deserves to have happen to them. Unfortunately, not everything is black and white, criminals are very good at setting things up to put the blame on someone else, and that is why trials end up going on for such long periods of time. However, I do feel that there has to be someway of cutting down the time frame it takes to sentence someone. A trial should not take years upon years to come up with a solution. That being said, there are times where investigators only have so much evidence to work with. Even with how far technology has taken us, they can't work miracles, and not every crime scene holds the key to justice. Sometimes criminals are lucky enough to get away with it, but it's the CJSs' job to make sure that happens as little as possible. Can't ask for to much more than that. JAC456

  22. This video really broke down what the criminal justice system is very well. It pretty much went over what we learned in class but in much finer detail. I thought TV shows I think that the whole process takes much longer than it should. That makes some people wait years to be sentenced. It being that long can also make sure that the wrong person doesn't go to jail for something they didn't do. The media makes it seem like the police never do the right thing like whats going on in Ferguson right now or Trayvon but thats just a small percent of what actually happens. ChippyzChipz456

  23. This video helped me to better understand how the system actually works. Just reading the chapters, or even taking notes in class didn't make it as clear as the video. I think the details that the woman used were one thing that helped me understand a lot more. The woman also explained the steps that it takes in order to investigate a crime. All of the shows that are on, or the movies about crime and the investigation part are really nothing like real life. It wouldn't take 45 seconds to match DNA, fingerprints, or any other type of evidence. It is a long spread out process that helps make sure that the suspect should really even be a true suspect. Each process takes time and patience. With the explanation she gave about the different roles in the investigation process, I can better understand how the process works. I used to think that jobs like these didn't take long and weren't that difficult to figure out how to do. The television shows made it look effortless, but I know that there is a lot more to it than what they show you. racer11p_456

  24. Ive always been very interested in criminal justice. Even as a kid my answer always stayed the same about what I wanted to be when I grow up. I cant wait to learn so much more and go into depth about the systems and how it works, a little more than the video shows. Today our society is based on the conflict model theory .Our rights a citizens are not protected because it seems as if the rich/more wealthy people gets to control everything. cashes456

  25. I agree with birdman456 because I feel like the system to decide on what someone's punishment is does take a very long time, sometimes even years. I also agree with him saying they shouldn't keep citizens locked away in jail for so long because in reality it really doesnt help the citizens become better people in the end they'll probably end up doing the same thing they went in for because they wont know any better . cashes456

  26. The video helped me out a little bit to polish my knowledge on the criminal justice a little bit because I know how it works, but the terms in the court system confused me. With me being a police explorer/cadet for 3 years, I've dealt with the criminal justice every time I was out in the streets. From finding PC (probable cause) to make a traffic stop or determining through the evidence of information to decide who goes to jail or gets a ticket. As an explorer, being exposed to the criminal justice system early was an experience, being on the law enforcement side knowing how it works, & on the civilian side, to see people go through it. I think a lot of people should learn how the criminal justice works because it sucks for an innocent officer to have the finger pointed at him for doing his job. Johnnysavage309456

  27. I agree with johnnysavage309456 because this video did help he out with my knowledge as well because I only knew the basics but im looking forward in learning more from this class because I think this is the only class that's not boring. RED456


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