Why Study Sociology in the First Place?

Why Study Sociology in the First Place?


  1. Why study Sociology? Dr. Maltby made some good points; it is not just something to take if you are going into the field of Sociology. It has become very diverse and can help anyone, in any job, because with today’s technology we have bridged the gaps between oceans. We work with more States and Countries near and far when doing business and Sociology gives you the Sociological perspective that could help make that big deal. It also could help us see the need someone might have for the product you are trying to sell, or help that might be needed in an area like the middle-income and low-income countries. It could open your eyes and show you no matter how bad you have it, and that most likely is someone has it far worse. With a better outlook on life you could move up the social ladder and could live a better life overall.


    1. Techie012, i endorse your view completely. We all are 'doing' sociology everyday. in fact, i think we should know about general patterns in different groups. This will assist us in overcoming obstacles, misconceptions and negative prejudices. Floater012

    2. The more we can understand each other, the better world we can create. I agree, when doing business, the better you understand your customer and their needs, the stronger the relationship will be, resulting in even more business. This can be applied in just about every profession. jam012

    3. Techie_012, I completely agree with what you stated above. Each and every one of us has a different experience based on so many different aspects that sociology can help companies understand how to target specific social structures. If a company would like to go to a larger crowd they would need to understand the market and what drives the people that make up that specific market to buy a product. GoGreen012

  2. Dr. Maltby describes several instances to help us understand why studying Sociology is important. By listening to her comments, I feel an individual needs to be more diverse to everyday life and to the people around us, in our ever-changing world. Studying Sociology will help to understand people around the world and their cultures; although they may appear to be different, I think we will find out we are all more alike than we think. Take the World Wide Web for example, solely due to the Internet, anyone can have effects or be affected globally in the world we live in. Whether it's for personal reasons or professional reasons a person could be interacting with someone halfway around the world with just a click of a mouse. Studying Sociology helps bring orientation to our lives, not just knowledge that is learned in the classroom. I think it is safe to say that if you don't study Sociology, you could be only seeing the world with blinders on, which does not allow you to keep an open mind. "Lets Go Hawks"012

    1. I agree with learning to understand others around us. I know in simple situations we can take things the wrong way when said or done by people we don't know but if we took the time to step back and think about what they're going through or how they live their life, we might be able to better see their point of view. saxphones012

    2. This is a great way to view the many societies within the global perspective. I like how you mentioned the internet and couldn't agree with you more. Basically we, as individuals, are all the same in how we live our lives. It just varies on how we perform specific tasks within those societies. Merely performing tasks differently doesn't necessarily mean there won't be a same outcome. lawpro012

    3. I agree, however I'm taking sociology for the fact I need to understand why people think the way the do. I like to share my knowledge while some don't "buy this book" type and I work pretty hard for things I have. While others sit around waiting on a hand out. I hoping to get the chance to understand this way of thinking. Is it really up bringing? gogetit012

    4. I agree it is so much easier in this day and age to experience cultures and people with the social media. You can talk and video chat with people all around the world and get to experience there cultures and beliefs, get information at a touch of the button, just sitting at home. Instead of looking through encyclopedias or writing letters in school like pen pals. You can form your own opinion not the opinions of other. BFD6866012

    5. That is true with the internet today you have the ability to impact the lives of anyone around the world. The world is no longer just a bunch of continents or countries, with the internet we are for the most part One World. With that being said without Sociology we would not understand the differences and fully become a functioning global society.

    6. I agree with you. I believe diversity is very important. It makes the United States who we are and sets us apart from the rest of the world. The more we learn about other cultures, it will allow us to realize that we are not as different from one another as at times portrayed. Used correctly, the web is a wonderful tool.

  3. Sociology isn't just a class, its learning about how we live the life we live. Why take sociology? Because like Dr. Maltby said it's not about just living day to day its about knowing and learning about how and why we live the way we do. You shouldn't look at sociology as a class you have to take to graduate, you should look at it like as time taken to learn about how you fell in love with your person, or about how you grew up to be the person you are today. That's how I'm going to look at my time in this class. saxophones012

    1. That is an excellent statement about taking sociology as more than just a class, it's taking and applying it to better understand who we are and for what reasons. I think you mentioned some interesting examples to how to apply the deeper meaning to sociology to ourselves, some that I would not have thought of. - blue22_012

  4. We live in an ever changing world, and studying Sociology will help us understand why we make the day to day decisions that we do. It will assist the world in breaking down the social "barriers" set upon us. To survive in today's world you have to have an open mind and be willing to hear other people out. Ever wonder about your upbringing, and the beliefs instilled upon you? Sociology will allow you to take a step back and perhaps do a self evaluation. Diversity plays an even greater role in life than before. Being open minded and accepting will allow us to learn from each other, and grow as people, creating more opportunities in the future. We will come to the realization that we are more alike than different. Going into my field of study, Sociology will help me understand my fellow employees and customers, creating new ideas and ultimately allowing the business to grow. jam012

    1. I agree with you 100% in everything you said. You definitely need an open mind in the society we live in today otherwise it is going to be very hard on you. You nailed it when you said "being open minded will help us learn from others and grow as people". I couldn't agree with you anymore. Taking sociology will assist us in breaking down the social barriers and that can help anyone in any situation. Whether you are an officer of the law, healthcare worker, or even a teacher, when we can break down social barriers we can see things differently and we can approach any matter at different angles, which can help us enormously.

  5. It's crucial that everyone within a society understands how each individual is shaped by the way they live their lives within each society. There are a number of ways to approach sociology and understand the basic nature of the sociological perspective. As we take a closer look at the different levels of research based on the different approaches within a specific society, will help each individual potentially lead a better life while putting to use the information already collected over time. As we look at conflicts within each society we should look at the norms of those societies. What the norm is for a person living in the U.S is not the same norm of those living in other parts of the world. And we must be open-minded while looking at the big picture, so to speak. Just because an individual's norm is different from another, doesn't mean they are doing it all wrong. As we recently learned, everyone is born into a specific society, which may be more harmful than others. The most important thing to keep in mind is how well an individual adapts and overcomes to obstacles in life, in every society. Sometimes its harder to do than in others. Understanding sociology will help each and every one of us put into perspective, how we lead our own individual lifestyles. Often times, it also shows us as individuals, what our responsibilities are, as citizens in each society. Sociology will help me take a look at specific, general behaviors of individuals, and how to protect them from harm. lawpro012

    1. I agree with what you said, especially about the different norms around the world. A lot of people have the mindset that how we do things here in the United States is the "right way" or the "only way". I think studying sociology is great for EVERYONE because it can open up there mind a little bit to what is out there.

    2. I really like what you said. I do think people forget that what we do here in America isn't the same thing done everywhere in the world. They have their way and we have ours, but it doesn't mean that we are completely different from one another. Sociology helps us understand that.


    3. What is normal to one society can be abnormal to another. We can't be closed minded when it comes to dealing with others, especially people who are so very different from ourselves. If we were all the same things would be boring. I wish that more people could appreciate people for being different. Whether it is someone on the other side of the world or just down the street. We can't close our minds off or then we become stagnant and there is no growth in stagnation. Once you scrape away the differences people are very similar. To work together as a world it's best to have different cultures otherwise it's like a football team made of quarterbacks. I wish people could see how different cultures has truly helped the world.

  6. It is important to study sociology as a way to give us a deeper understanding not only of ourselves, and the way we behave today, but it also gives us a comparison to the past that shows that we really aren't any different now than we were thousands of years ago. The only difference between today and thousands of years ago, is that we have more enhanced technology that allows us to better preserve today. By socially comparing the past with today, it also allows us to get a glimpse into the future. They say that history has a tendency to repeat itself, and by comparing the great depression with the economical crash of today, it would appear to be true. So, in a hundred years, when the economy crashed, perhaps the people of the future will be better equipped and know how to deal with it by looking at the past. Sociology gives us an idea as to what happened, what will happen and how to deal with it when the time turns back around. Sociology truly is the course guide to life. gogetit012

    1. I like how your statement is focused on sociology giving us a deeper understanding of ourselves. I've always thought of this subject as something to give me a perspective of people with different customs than my own. I've never thought of it as a way to compare our values today, with our values many years ago.


  7. Even though this was a pretty short video, Dr. Maltby does a good job of getting her point across and explaining sociology and why you should study it at a college level. She explains how studying sociology gives you a passion for the world we live in and you are able to see it in a different view. Which I think is amazing, I did take sociology in high school and even though we did not learn as much as you do at a college level, I got a general idea for sociology and I would have to agree with her statement. I think even if you aren't majoring in sociology, you should have a little background information on the subject in no matter what field you go into. That is another topic she brings up, that you can use sociology in any job. One last thing she explains is that one of the first modules they do with third year students is actually "doing sociology" and the students are able to actually go out and see London in a different view, which I think is amazing I would love to experience something like that, especially in London.


    1. I agree with you 100% about how amazing it is that sociology gives you a passion for the world we live in. I would love to try and see our community in a different lens like she talked about her students doing in London too. I wonder if you need to know the community first before you can 'do sociology' on it though or if you can just go to a new place with that mindset. RDH012

    2. Hi, starburst012. I also think it important to have background information about sociology even if you aren't majoring in that area of study because it will help you in really any field of study. I am a nursing major and I'm sure I will take care of many patients who come from a different culture than myself, and even though I have never lived in their culture, I will be able to understand them better. I have never taken a sociology class before, but I am very interested in learning! ybbagw012

  8. Coming into sociology 110 class I thought it was going to be a semester long diversity class like the 8hr one through my work place. Sociology is the study of people and cultures of why. Why people live the way they do, think the way they think, and the way they react to life and life situations. In the past people used to live and work with the same nationality in the same neighborhoods in their own sub community in the city. Times have changed at anybody's job in today's world we interact with many different people and cultures not only in our own community, but all over the world. I think it is very important to not only accept people for who they are but also understand why they are way they are. Just think why so many Middle Eastern countries hates the United States? What is the root of their hatred? Where did it come from? Can we change it? How can we change it? That is why I believe we should study sociology. BFD6866

    1. Great post! It think you summed things up pretty good. More people in the world should ask some of the why questions and maybe we would a few less differences in the world.
      Lets Go Hawks012

    2. That is a real good view of how you see life. I really like how you included the questions at the end. I really wish there was more people to think about those questions and try and find the answers to them to make this world a better for everyone.


  9. I believe people would like to think that the world is just black and white, but they forget about the gray in the middle. The gray in the middle is where Sociology comes into play. With using Sociology in our everyday lives, without knowing it, we have made changes in this world. There are so many different aspects to sociology, that we could use to change the lives of the people around us. That's how it makes up the gray in the middle.


  10. Sociology gives us a better understanding of diversity, but it also shows us that everyone in life can go through the same things. Just because people are from different cultures doesn't necessarily mean they don't have struggles like we do or worries. Without knowing, sociology is used in everyday life. It shows us why we do the things we do, why we act the way we do, how we view others, and the list goes on. One thing in the video, she says the world is rapidly changing, and the only way we can truly understand all of the changes is through sociology. It's a great field to learn about because of the fact that you can apply it to situations in your life. I'm excited to be taking this class because not only will I learn something about our society, I'll also learn something about myself, and the people that surround me personally.


    1. I feel the same way you do about taking this course! I never realized how much sociology plays a part in my life, as well as everyone around me. I think it will be great to be exposed about different viewpoints and things that go on throughout the world, which are always changing. Tayb012

  11. The first thing that Dr. Maltby states about sociology is the fact that anyone who has questions about the world we live in would be best suited to study sociology. In my eyes that is anyone, because people are always questioning why things happen in society. Even though I think that people would benefit from studying sociology and understanding why people act the way they do, not everyone could do it open minded. Too many people stereotype others before they truly know them. They make a general assumption about people and it is hard for them to get over that assumption once it is made, and I feel like those are the people who would have the hardest time studying sociology and truly benefiting from it. She then goes on to talk about how sociology use to be used to only do social work and now that networking and immigration have became more prevalent the study of sociology has expanded. Once again I agree with what she is saying because no matter what job you get you are most likely to work with someone from another country. If someone didn't study sociology they might have a hard time working with those people different than them because they won't understand why those people think and react the way that they do. With having a chance to study sociology it can hopefully help us to open up our minds to think like others and be able to work with them better. RDH012

    1. I enjoyed listening to Dr. Sarah Maltby essentially talk about how sociology can be applied to almost anything. She mentions how there are macro-level focuses and micro-level focuses. The first thing she states is how sociology is for anyone with questions, which in my opinion, is pretty much everyone. By definition, sociology is the study of human society, which to me, is most majors or fields. There are so many different applications and studies in sociology that it can be used in pretty much any degree or field. I believe the answer to the question, “why take sociology?” can be answered in a pretty simple statement, because it useful in understanding how society works, what influence you or your culture have on it, and the social structures we encounter. Everyone has different cultures and influences that make them who they are today, whether that is gender, race, or ethnic background. GoGreen012

  12. Why study Sociology? Sociology is an important subject to know in life because it allows each of us the ability to achieve a higher understanding of what is happening between social groups, cultures, nations, etc. And it also gives us a new perspective on the reasoning as to why something might be happening somewhere else that happens to be different than what we are accustomed to. I took a Sociology course in high school. Before that class, I had always wondered why some cultures are deeply religious while ours struggles to attend church every Sunday. Then I learned in that class, it's because those cultures don't have all the luxuries that we do. They don't have fresh water fountains in their schools, nor the water resources we have. They have to go out on their own (literally praying that it may rain) and travel to get their water for the week. Because of the knowledge I attained in that high school Sociology course, I know I will learn and understand even more about the world in this Sociology course.


    1. You made some great points. The study of Sociology I believe will help others to understand why different cultures practice or live the way the do. Not to judge one on their beliefs but try to understand and seek reasoning to it. JenChango012

  13. I think the study of Sociology is becoming more and more important to everyone whether they are "traditional" or "non traditional" students or even someone who is not studying anything. The world we live in is changing rapidly day by day and is extremely diverse. It is great to be able to provide someone with another outlook on certain topics... It may not change their views, but it isn't supposed to. It opens a lot of doors about things that someone may have not even realized until there was information about it in front of them. I've never taken a Sociology course, but I am going into it open minded and am very interested in the different viewpoints that I will be exposed to throughout this course. Tayb012

    1. I definitely agree the world is rapidly changing. There is so much diversity. There is also a lot of different opinions on life and different concepts of how things are and the decisions people make day to day. It is very interesting in the drastic changes in life now compared to how it used to be. (Hound89 012)

  14. Sociology is an important part of one's education because without it, we would know so little about the world around us. We could still live and function properly, but it would be more difficult to understand one another. Sociology helps us learn about the various diverse cultures of the world, from race to religion, to how other cultures and countries live. It lets us see from someone else's perspective and provides a background. By studying sociology, we can interpret how other people view something. With knowledge of their beliefs, we as individuals, then can decide whether we agree, or disagree and form our choices based upon this fact. We can change how we view the world by studying sociology, because we often times take for granted, what others may not have. It's very easy living in our society to think about how lucky we are for certain belongings, like cars and houses, because in our part of the world, all these things are very normal to us. Imagine not knowing what an automobile looked like, or sounded like, not to mention never having the opportunity to drive one.


    1. Most people don't see it as being important in their education. I so agree with u when u say it opens up are minds. It makes use want to use more of are brains. Lot of use do take many of things for granted. When theirs so many people in the world would love to switch life's with us.


    2. your first statement was exactly how I feel. being able to interpret how other people view things even makes us that more mature in a sense. seeing things from the other side is a huge thing especially when it come to being educated, debating or even arguing with your spouse. simply because if you're aware of the opposing view before you make your argument, it will make your point that much more correct or well though out. (Aphi012)

    3. I completely agree with your post. I wonder how things would work in life without sociology. People in general are selfish, its apart of our nature. We don't realize how much we take for granite. When I lived in Germany, they don't have air conditioning. I couldn't image 100 degrees without air today.


  15. I believe when one thinks of Sociology you think this class is only needed to persue a career in social work. Based on this video the professor elaborates that Sociology over the last decade has been showing up in several different careers. The study of Sociology can help many people in all careers I believe due to learning how to interact with society. I believe Sociology helps one become more open minded and builds a willingness to learn and adapt to all different social beings. As the professor stated in this video Sociology covers a wide variety of studies. We all have been taught to adapt to change and I believe Sociology is the step towards becoming more open to all the change in society and workplaces. JenChango012

  16. Why study sociology is a great question, I believe Dr. Maltby had a very intelligent answer. I think most people tend to think of sociology as just a class in school. I don't think it's common to think about how sociology is used outside of the classroom. After watching this video, I learned about all of the different paths of those with degrees in sociology can take. I also learned about what sociology is in the first place. Sociology is more than just a class, it is a way of looking at life and asking questions that maybe others would not think to question. Why is this happening? What causes that kind of reaction? Why does someone act the way they do? Sociology is an entirely underrated class, as well as, a way of living life. I think more videos like this one need to start being shown to students to help them better understand what exactly sociology is because many do not know. - Blue22_012

  17. Going into sociology I had no clue what sociology would be about. I thought it would be something like being a case worker or even a counselor. Then I listen to Mr.white and Sarah the lady in the video. I watched how they explained it in their own words. I watched how they acted when explaining it. I started to realize that sociology is much more then most people think. The question was why study sociology? Well I say study it because it will open my eyes more. It will have people look at most things in life through a different viewpoint. The job you have will look different. No matter what profession you decide to do, it will find its way in your life, and in your daily routine as you encounter people. I am glad to be able to learn more about myself as I learn more about other around me .


    1. i agree whole heartedly.. i say study it because you are already living in it. why not see the entire picture and remove the tunnel vision. have a great semester..... bikermama012

  18. When I started Sociology class I didn't know a whole alot about sociology,til I heard what Dr. White and Sarah from the video explain it in their own words, watch how they acted when they explained. I didn't know it could apply to any job
    bears 012

  19. Sociology is definitely a different form of class but is very interesting listening to the videos the explanations of things were different. It is a lot of thinking out of the box. I also thought that sociology was just another class to be honest. The key points about the subject matter showed me different perspective in this class. Sometimes thinking outside the box makes more sense than ignoring it. There are different points of views. Everything is explained in the videos much more different then I intended it to be. It is very interesting to me and the views are thought through and explained very well. I think Sociology is a good class for everyone to take. It gives people different insight on certain things. Many might disagree but disagreeing may not be a bad thing. Putting different views into a situation could help tremendously. There are so many different subjects in the world that sociology is a big part of. Once you really think about it Sociology isn’t just a class it’s a life learning lesson, and a very interesting one. (Hound89 012)

  20. "The people that are most suited to doing sociology are people who have questions about the world they live in" Sarah Maltby. Who doesn't have questions in the world we live in? Sociology isn't just for people who want to major in sociology, it's for anyone and everyone who want's to learn why things happen the way they do. Why people act the way they do to certain situations can be solved through sociology. I'm sure I am not the only one who likes to people watch. To see people respond to certain things can be very entertain-able. Taking sociology I believe will give you a different aspect in life and change the way you look at certain things. The world changes so quickly that it's hard to keep up but by taking sociology it can make it easier to understand why things change so quickly and what to expect in the future.

  21. You don't have to be a sociology major in order to study sociology. I personally believe that every single person should study sociology at some point during their college years to further enhance their social skills for a future career-- no matter what their major might be. Yes, there is much that the average person already knows about sociological concepts without even realizing it, but by truly understanding that information we are all better able to strengthen our communication skills with people who may not think the same way we do, and remain more open-minded to people from ALL social backgrounds. The more we are able to lessen our judgement of others, the more we are able to bond with one another.

    1. I agree with YellowUmbrella012. I also think everyone should study sociology, why wouldn't want to study, the study of life? don't you want to know why things work the way they do? and I like the point you put on communication skills, the better we understand the life the better we can communicate to others. kibbles n' Vick

    2. I also agree with your point that every single person should study sociology. By understanding those, at least to a certain degree, those with which we will live with and work with, it can only enhance our communication and understanding levels. I believe this to be especially helpful in the world of employment, not for just prospective employers, but also for those that work for the company already and potential new hires. Firecracker012

  22. I think that the study of sociology is something that the world refuses to really look at as a true scientific study. I however believe that the human lifestyles trends and other events need to be studied and charted so that we can see trends and other things that happen in others lives. This way we can look upon those like racism and we can stop the bad and promote the good.

  23. elmo012 I couldn't agree with you more, this class is going to open up a world of new things and teach us all more then we all think. I am looking forward to it!

  24. The way Sarah put sociology in perspective was detailed and informative. The way she discussed the degree aspect of sociology was personal to me seeing that I came into school with the intent of going into social work and I decided that field was not for me due serious suggestions to re think my major. Caring about the world I live is definitely and aspect of environment and social status. Elaborating on environment meaning like the way I was raised and the style of raising my mother chose. Even down to the neighborhoods I lived in which had various different effects on my life. My environment as in one of the many neighborhoods I lived in gave me the inspiration to be a social worker. When I noticed that I wanted a bigger more aggressive part in fixing society I decided that criminal psychology was the major for me. (Aphi012)

  25. Starting this class, I had no idea it would be so interesting. I don't think people realize that Sociology is apart of our everyday lives. I sure didn't. But now that I have started class and watched the video, it makes sense how it is. Who doesn't question, well everything? Why do things happen the way they do? There is so much change in the world. I live by the motto "Be Different," "Dare to be different." I think this class with teach me a lot about life and culture. I am excited to learn more and to see what all this class can offer me, not just as a student, but as a person.


    1. you have an amazing life motto that we all should live by. we are not made the same nor look the same nor think, feel, or act the same... so embrace the difference. DARE TO BE DIFFERENT. keep that thought process and it will do you well..... bikermama012

  26. As the book mentions, we are all influenced, in some way or another, by the opinions and/or actions of those around us. Society guides our actions, thoughts, and feelings. It is important to study sociology to get a better understanding of not only ourselves but the world. Sociology prepares us and allows us to advance in order to better every aspect of our lives. Studying sociology helps bridge the gap between countries, classes, genders, and races. It educates us and expands diversity helping to move away from ignorance. It helps to see opportunities and constraints and empowers us to be active participants in society. The study of sociology has allowed businesses and cities to move forward and grow, and society to express interest in political change. Sociology prepares us for a world of change by introducing a respect for diversity and learning. It teaches about other cultures and human behavior. It helps us keep an open mind when evaluating, not only our society, but other societies as well. The world would not be where it is today without the study of sociology.

    1. Very well said. On a more personal level, it's difficult sometimes to get the opportunity to learn more about the diversity of cultures, region, ethnicity etc and how to apply that knowledge and use it to our own benefit. I think this is a challenge we face everyday. We become isolated in our everyday lives focusing more on individual goals than where we are headed globally on a social scale. Hbaby31012

    2. I agree that it will help us more closely predict what people will say, think, or act. People do not understand what they say may hurt or change someone forever. We have the power to mold others positively and negatively. I also like that you talked about other countries, nationalities, and so fourth bridging a gap between one another. Sociology helps others understand it is not just how you think but how others think as well. Zipping012

  27. I personally try to take the time to understand the people I get to know. Whether they are family or coworkers or friends, taking the time to understand why someone acts the way they do is one of the best tools to be able to help them or even to just get along. Sociology is useful in the same way, especially with the world being so globally connected. We as humans have the same basic wants and needs and yet we are so very different culturally. To understand and figure out why people act the way they do is the first step in helping to make the world a better place and on a smaller scale to help people individually. I can't help but also think from a psychological stand point whenever I look into sociology and vice versa. People become the way they do also because of many variables and many of those being social influence. Sociology is like the broad psychology of a group of people as a whole and not just that of an individual. A group of people's society and culture is a part of their psychology, what's normal to a group of people is abnormal to another group. Nature versus nurture, if you could take yourself and place you in a different country from birth and look at the other "you" years later how much of you would be different and how much of you would be the same? Given the same parents but from that culture, had the same opportunities, same social standing, same good and bad influences that made you who you are happen to you, how much of you would be the same because of your genetics and how much of you would be different because of the culture you were raised in? It's impossible but fascinating to think about. So sociology is very important to study to help understand why people are the way they are. (ScientistSalarian012)

  28. I am very interested in Sociology and I am glad I have the opportunity to take this course. I am so excited to learn more about the study of life. learning about why people do certain things the way they do it. the business world and communication with one another. how we are an influence on others just by the certain everyday things we do. Sociology is something everyone should learn, even if it is not what your majoring, its just a good thing to know why wouldn't want to know these things? It's going to be interesting to see the other side of things, to see the world and understand it from someone else's point of view. The world is our oyster and its up to us to explore and understand it more. Kibbles n' Vick

  29. Sociology is the most diverse subject I have come across. This is something that you live and breath daily without even realizing it. And is has such a range of options to choose from. I love what Sarah said in the video about how some of their students live in london and yet they come into the class and then go back to london and see it in a whole new perspective. That can happen to anyone anywhere. These are why I am so thrilled to be starting this class and this journey with everyone. I love to watch people and to learn from them and this class is going to help encourage that kind of love for knowledge. Good luck to everyone and have a great semester...... bikermama012

    1. I feel studying sociology is not something that will help most students in life. I feel a lot of what sociology is really is just common sense. A lot of the information is interesting like the fact that white men commit suicide most often but I feel it is just trying to enhance the study of psychology and also it is trying to group people together. People can not be grouped together because we are all different. Yes I know we have common interests but I may like pizza more than another or if I hear a word I will think of a different thing than others. The way I see something will be different from others so I feel people can not be grouped because you can not always predict how another will act, think, or do. So I do not feel we should study sociology. I feel we should be studying fact.

    2. My bad I am this post. Zipping012

    3. Facts are constant. They rarely change. We breathe air. How can that change? But sociology is changing. Societies change. People change. AND if you are going to work in a changing world, why not at least try to grasp a few of the concepts of why and how that change occurred? If an employer tells you to do something that was potentially unethical in your birth country, but not in his would you question this? What happens if you were asked to do this say after you flew to France for a business presentation? By understanding society and those in which you will live with or work, and understanding that change is inevitable, would you not choose to understand why? People as individuals are different. But each "group" or sect that you live with, grew up with, went to school or church with all have a set group of rules, morals and ethics they follow. Do you know why? That is where sociology comes into play. To help one understand why, to help make positive changes, to teach new ways. Firecracker012

  30. There are many reasons why we should study sociology. Sarah talks about the many vocational avenues Sociology may take you but I believe no matter what field of work you are in Sociology impacts the way we live, interact with one another, and how we respond to a crisis as a country. I'm excited to be a part of this class, even though I seem to interject with people in my line of work very well, I'm eager to learn more about the world and how I might utilize that knowledge not only to better the lives of others but gain a stronger understanding and apply that to my everyday life and the choices I make. Hbaby31012

  31. I believe both as a student and as someone who has been in management, that understanding an amount of sociology and some of it's concepts are important in a person's life. As Sarah mentioned, we now live in a world that is essentially and for the most part technologically global. It seems to me to be even more important to understand, especially those with whom you will work or regularly interact with, their reactions to why and what they believe or say. Sociology tools can help us with that. For example, a number of years ago, I was helping with the hiring process at a new store in downtown Kansas City. The co-manager was from Australia was with me and also part of the interviewing process. One of the first potential new hires that we interviewed came in and introduced himself. He stuck his hand out for us to shake and said, "Hi! I'm Randy". To me, this was his name. To her, she was clearly offended. I was confused, but upon excusing ourselves for a moment, she explained the word randy meant something which would be offensive in a job interview in Australia. So, here is an example of why I think it is important to understand the cultures of those you work with. But it is also important in other life scenarios as well. In order to bring about a positive change or effect, you need to understand the culture with which you are working around or living with. Sociology can help with this. I look forward to learning more. Firecracker012


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