Stop and Frisk in The Big Apple....Your Thoughts?


  1. As a person who aspires to be a police officer in our country, this video disgusts me. It makes me feel as if the NYPD cares more about the numbers than the people. It is clear that the NYPD Stop and Frisk Quotas are causing problems not only within the department, but also within the city. Citizens have been arguing that the policy goes against their fourth amendment right because they feel they are being subject to unfair searches. Ray Kelly, the former NYPD Commissioner, stated that these searches have helped bring crime numbers down and help protect the city. When in actuality there have been reports of the NYPD falsifying crime reports to look as if they are winning the battle against crime ["magical decrease in crime"]. When the people ticketed go to court around 51% of all these tickets are dismissed from court. They are dismissed because of many reasons, some being that there was no PC to stop the person. It has been stated that most of the people stopped are minorities who are innocent, while the few amount of white people stopped usually have firearms or drugs on them. For a country that is trying to really push community policing, I feel the policy of stop and frisk puts a damper on any effort to try to build relations with a community. Its like asking someone for help after you beat them up, they are not going to want to help you. Now, with all of its criticisms the policy did lower the amount of guns on the street, for a while. It worked because criminals thought that, since the police are stopping anyone these days, walking around with a gun is not worth getting the busted with it. I feel that to an extent the policy is an invasion of people rights. I think if the policy did not have "quotas" and could be used rarely and with discretion, it could be an effective crime fighting tool. Marsh456.

    1. You're right. The police quotas really have made some policemen eager and made them not really care about the community. Like the ones in the video who put their career at stake to tell people about the corruption in the force, they in my opinion, cared enough about the community to let people know about it and to show that not everyone agrees with quotas and actually want to do what is right to serve and protect their community.


    2. I agree with Marsh456, because if the police keep stopping people and frisking them because they have to make quotas then there is no room to have an effective relationship with them. If police expect to have witnesses to big murders or something then they need to have a sturdy ground with the people they protect. If they constantly stop them then they are just making the people they protect not like them and then no one will speak up. I believe there should be quotas because the head of the departments need to make sure the job is getting done and that the cops aren't just lazing around when they are getting paid, but the way quotas have to be filled are just making everyone hate the police for the most part. Detect456

  2. Corruption can be anywhere. But if it's in the police force does it that makes the citizens less likely to trust the police. Especially when it comes to Stop and Frisk. Since the police are disturbing the peace more then any citizen is. Sure it gets criminals off the street but innocents with guns and gun licenses shouldn't have to be put up with getting treated as a suspect or a criminal. Even citizens with no guns being targeted make me mad and make me trust the police force in that area less. I know that not all cops are corrupted like the ones doing stop and frisk to do. But the ones who do gives the rest of the people of the force a bad name and since regular citizens can't tell the difference between a "good" cop and a "bad" cop then that makes a lot less trust from the people to the police.


    1. I agree. In a era trying to push community policing, I feel that building bonds with the community can be more important than hitting quotas. These bonds could potentially help solve or deter crime as much as stop and frisk could. I also agree that it seems that at times the police officers are, in a way, disrupting the peace more than most citizens are. However just because an officer participates in the stop and frisk policy does not make them a bad cop,. Yes, the cops that stand up for what they believe and risk their jobs to blow the whistle on the NYPD have more guts than those that do not, the cops who are just going along with it could be protecting their family financially or just flat out trying to keep their jobs. I think trust in the police is the most important aspect of any police department. Marsh456.

    2. Stop and frisk has multiple issues with it, in New York. The fact that the "leaders" of law enforcement there were inaccurately informing the UCR of the crimes in their jurisdiction and falsifying information disgusts me. No matter who you are, or how important you think you are, you do not have the right to invade other people's rights, and that is exactly what commissioner Kelly and the other "leaders" of the NYPD were doing. Law enforcement is there to protect people from having their right taken from them. Not to take away the rights of the people they took an oath to serve and protect. Also, just because you call the SQF policy something else, such as "Clean Halls Program," does not mean you have changed what you are doing. People should not fear the police. In today's society, we see a lot of bash on police work, and yes, some of the bashing may have good reasoning behind it. But, there are a lot of good officers out there. East Peoria, Peoria, Washington and Peoria Heights all have a SQF policy, but there goals are not "bodies." They are looking to protect the people of the community. They are more focused on the safety and the relationship they have with the community than they are with the amount of arrests, ticket, and/or convictions they get each day, week, month, or year. EMS_TACTICS456

  3. I understand that people will carry guns and so will criminals to get what they want, but the way the police go about trying to stop that is a little unnecessary. The cops will give some random excuse as to stop you and frisk you. Sure, if you take an officer who really follows the rules and takes his job seriously in every aspect then there should be no reason to hate him, but there are somewhat "corrupt" cops out there who aren't corrupt like that but who violate the citizens' fourth amendment rights to get this quota that the commissioner and the police department put on them. It is also somewhat unfair and racial because ethnic minorities are the ones who are being targeted for being "suspicious" when in reality more whites are the ones who actually have guns or drugs on them. In the end, in my opinion, the quota over the years has put pressure on cops to stop people to get the quotas and they have taken it too far otherwise we would have a good standing relationship with the community and the police wouldn't always be stopping people for dumb reasons, making the community think of the cops just harassing as criminals. Detect456

    1. I agree with Detect456. Quotas should not be such a big priority. Also the majority of convicted criminals are white males around the age of 35, so why are the police stopping and searching the "minorities"? Especially, because in this day and age, the tables have turned and Africa Americans are now the majority, which is part of the reason it seems there are more of them in prisons. EMS_TACTICS456

    2. I also agree, quotas are what's making the stop and frisk get way out of hand and that's when they start to pick and choose who to stop. Now days they go after the wrong citizens based on their race or how they're dressing when they should be going after those that they know are causing danger. Racial profiling is why people get stopped for dumb reasons and for that reason the bond between cops and the community is bad. me456

    3. I agree as well, with these quotas that these officers are given are giving them the incentive to stop anyone they can so they can fill their quota. These officers need to think of some phony reason to stop and frisk someone who did nothing wrong, they are violating the people's fourth amendment in the process. They should get rid of quotas because it is just causing more trouble then it is helping them. Birdman456

  4. I think the stop and frisking in New York is a good system but the officers are taking advantage of their power over citizens. Stop and frisking can somewhat help gun crimes because people will know that cops are just frisking people left and right and they know eventually they will get caught with it on them. The biggest problem it is causing is the community to not liking the officers and it'll be a bad vibe between the two. They are trying so bad to get their arrests and things up by just singling certain people and that's causing a non-friendly relationship. This is bad for the officers because eventually they are going to need help from the community for cases trying to get leads and they won't accomplish anything because they're picking with any and everyone that walks up and down the street not doing anything. me456

  5. I think that the New York stop and frisk policy is a violation of people's constitutional rights. It violates the rights of no unreasonable search and seizure of the 4th Amendment. It also can hamper the relationship between the police and the community, because of this it can make the police and the neighborhood a distant relationship. The police should be seen a positive thing but if people fear that they will be stopped and frisked every time they go out then they will not see police as a good guy that can help them. This new policy is helpful in deterring crime; if a criminal wants to go out with a gun then he will have to think of how there will be a great chance of him being stopped by the police and that gun being found and him going to jail for that gun. This policy can be a bad thing for how the communities see the police but it also helps deter people caring guns around for fear of being arrested. Birdman456

    1. I agree with you. The goal of the community era is to establish a positive relationship between the people and the police officers. With unreasonable searching, the relationship becomes distant and people on the streets become scared and are deterred from walking on the streets. But also, it is a good way to prevent further crime. bass456

  6. Being so close to my goal of becoming a police officer, and seeing this video teaches me on what kind of officer not to be when I join the force. As well as with quotas, totally non-existent. I always thought it was real until I found out its not even part of the system. The stop & Frisk has a good purpose, only when it's necessary. Putting it into example here in Peoria, when I was on patrol one night with an officer, and for a apartment complex if you don't stay there or you are not on the guest list after 10pm, then you go to jail for trespassing which they're doing zero -tolerance. Does it work? yes. Is it necessary? sometimes, but stop and frisk is definitely being abused in NY. The line at the beginning of the video of the courthouse of people for the same offenses was ridiculous, which was caused by bad policing. Johnnysavage309456

  7. In my opinion, the stop and frisk policy in New York is a good system to pursue, but there needs to be some changes in the actions of the New York Police Department. Random stop and frisks was a good idea in the beginning, but it seems as if the police officers in New York are currently taking advantage of their power. The majority of the time, officers are singling out searching male minorities, even though statistics show that white men are found with illegal items more often than the minorities. Yes, the stop and frisk policy is a good idea, but I feel that it is a violation of citizen's constitutional rights as well as preventing a positive relationship between the people and the police officers. Today is the community era, which concentrates on a positive relationship between the people and police officers to stop crime and prevent future crime. bass456

    1. I definitely agree with you on this. I think that officers do single out certain type of people, but from the statistic part of it, it seemed that the gun rate had fallen quite a bit in the past years, so I guess you could say that it does some good for the community. Mijo456

  8. I feel like the stop and frisk system is good and bad. I think its wrong on many levels to pick one race out and think they they are the bad ones, such as blacks and Hispanics. I also feel like it does some good for the community, such as the video we watched in class showed how the amount of guns have dropped in the years in NYC. Overall I feel like even if you did do the stop and frisk thing, that people are still going to commit crimes no matter what. Mijo456

  9. i feel the stop and frisk program was a good thing. it really did stop crime rate or at least slowed some of the crimes down. criminals will be less likely to do something if they know the police will be looking out or they could be randomly stopped, and if caught sent to jail. i understand how people feel, like they cant be in public without being harassed by the police officers. officers only checking blacks or Hispanics really can break up the bond he police have with the community and should be something looked into. quotas can be helpful but it shouldn't be set to a high number forcing police officers to have to feel like they have to stop everyone. the main reason why i feel the stop and frisk helped is because after they removed stop and frisk the people of the community was in a out rage. there were multiple shootings in one night a plenty of deaths. SUPERCOP456

  10. I feel that stop and frisk helped in a way . it slows down the rate of crime a bit even though some were being seriously harrassed . They do the community some good by being there in site because police being around actually does make some people feel safe . If the police department got their system together and stopped putting more effort into fulfilling their quotas they wouldnt treat citizens as bad. we all know that everyone isnt honest and their are criminals that will still carry guns and weapons in public but if they know the police will most likely stop them if theyre just simply walking pass then theyll hesitate to carry it out . so , i think the stop and frisk program is a good thing once they get themselves together. cashes456

  11. I think it is completely ridiculous what they were doing. I don't think its right to just stop a bunch of innocent people of all ages in order to reach your quota. Especially if they weren't getting rid of all the personal information even if you are innocent. That is basically like targeting people. I mean, yeah, the stop and frisk did bring down the shooting and crimes just because people didn't want to get caught. But it was happening so frequently that people started to feel harassed. I probably would have felt the same way after getting stopped several times throughout one week. I think the quotas shouldn't have been as high, and they should have focused more on the areas that had higher crime rates. If they would have been more reasonable about it, I think it would have been better off. But it was like they were targeting people whether they were suspicious or not, and that doesn't seem fair. -racer11p_456

  12. I think that what is going on with stop and frisk, not just in New York is wrong. Our 4th amendment gives us the right to unreasonable search of your home or person without a warrant. Most of the cases are being tossed out anyway so in my opinion it seems pointless. Also, they have been mainly stopping African American and Latino males and find nothing most of the time, but when they stop white males they find a high percentage of them have drugs or weapons on them. LA456


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