Global Stratification: Modernization and Wallerstein - Stealing Africa?


  1. All I can say is WOW. This video shows Modernization Theory very well. It shows how wrong it is that Zambia gets treated like a waste land and the mining companies do what they want, without any regard for the country or the people they are affecting. It is sickening how the people that own and run those companies get so much money and don’t give back or pay what they owe back the country. It is amazing how the person that committed the largest tax fraud in the United States gets pardoned by the President because he has the money to buy his way out. No one person should have or need that much money to began with, but if you do you shouldn’t be able to just buy your way out of it. It’s good to see they are working on a way to fix the problem for Zambia, but they are not the only ones getting treated this way. I’m sure lots of others are also. It is truly a sad world we live in that people are treated this way.

    1. I agree with you. Zambia is not the only nation that this is happening to. Everyone has something that everyone needs, and sometimes it is better to be taken advantage of and basically give something away than it is to withhold it for a fair price and have the other nation come and take it from us, which is why this happens in other nations.

  2. These are very hard times in Zambia. Zambia is sitting on the world's largest copper mine, they have the potential to be such a wealthy nation, but they have been extorted and ran over time and time again. Really? In one year, Glencore exported $300 million of copper from Zambia, but they only paid $50 million to Zambia in taxes, (WHILE ZAMBIA PAID OUT $150 MILLION FOR ELECTRICITY FOR THE MINES!!) Sickening.
    They say that money doesn't buy happiness. But this video sure seems to prove that it does. Money controls the world and buys everything. Marc Rich, committed the largest tax fraud in the United States. Extorted millions of dollars. MILLIONS. Yet, he paid off the democratic party and the Clinton administration, and received his pardon.
    If Zambia stopped acting like a periphery nation and started acting like a core nation maybe they can find their way out of being treated like nobodies. Instead of allowing Glencore (or any other company) to come in there and steal from the Zambian nation, they need to have the resources available to them to be able to produce and export their own goods. That will help to create jobs for the Zambian people, it will generate revenue, and it will help to stop other corporations from coming in there and destroying what could be a great nation.
    The United States is one of the "baby" countries. Yet, we have thrived as a nation. We are so quick to send poorer nations food and medicine. Maybe, instead of doing that, we need to send a team of people over there to examine the country and situation, and share our knowledge with them. Teach them to be self-sufficient. "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he eats his entire life." Help them to get control over this fiasco. It isn't about fighting. It isn't about proving that one nation is better than another. It is about becoming great together.

    1. You make a good point, Zambia needs change, and somebody needs to take a stand and do something about it. They have so much potential but it just keeps getting taken from them. They have so much potential but nothing is getting done with it.

    2. If Zambia became self-sufficient then the United States would start losing money. We are already trillions in dept and I have no idea how we are if we are doing this to Zambia. There is absolutely no way that this is the only country we are stealing from. that company would fight to keep it the way it is and the United States would do nothing about it. Zipping012

  3. The theory argues that societies develop in fairly predictable stages though which they become increasingly complex. Development depends primarily on the importation of technology as well as a number of other political and social changes believed to come about as a result. This video is a good example of this. How could it possibly be fair for Zambia to have all this copper, all this natural resources, and still be this poor? It's not fair, all these other countries want all the wealth, but without the dirty work. They want to be rich, stay rich, and get richer. They all know exactly what they are doing as well, but they do not care. Zambia has so much potential to be a wealthy community, just like all these other countries that own or have bought from the copper mine. It isn't fair because the other places already had money, more than Zambia so therefore they had the money to buy out the copper, and just take the opportunity away from Zambia. The value of copper just keeps getting higher and higher but Zambia is not seeing any of that money. Fair? Not at all, but that is just how the world works. If you have money, you will have easier access to getting more money, but if you are like Zambia it is much harder for you to ever see that money.

    1. Zombia also were very ignorant with foreign relations and lacked the political relationships to sustain and maintain the success of their trading of goods for the better of their country. The success of money made them feel powerful, like they had the power to tell other countries what they wanted and needed without any reciprication of their poor decisions. Their focus and energy needs to be reprioritized toward the people and success of and distribution of financial gain will come later. Hbaby31012

  4. This video shows you how much money influences people. People are also more likely to let things slide or give away things for money because it seems more tangible than what they have. We can see this with the more wealthier countries taking advantage of Zambia with their copper. They are paying Zambia not a lot for their copper and labor, but it seems like a lot to Zambia and they take it. Also, we can see that people with money get a better advantage in society and can buy themselves out of trouble. Just like Techie_012 said about the guy in the United States who commit the largest tax fraud, he got to buy himself out of the trouble. Our society has started to revolve around money and getting rich. But, I don't understand why money is such a prized aspect of today society because it is just a piece of paper but to many people in the world money is everything. Zambia needs some change in their society and they need to learn to get what they derives and not go for the first amount that they are given. This way they will be wealthier like they should be.

    1. I understand and think your article is very good. It's unfortunate that, all and all, we are all slaves to money as it is an important source in life to acquire the things we need and the things we want. There are nations where individuals don't have their needs supplied let alone there wants. And on the other side other nations are rich and powerful and individuals are able to get well beyond there wants after their needs are already accounted for. This is definitely a pattern of social conflict where it's not fair who gets what and how. lawpro012

  5. This video really changed how I view aid to other countries. This video showed me how ignorant I am and was. I always hated that the United States gave aid to other countries when we are in debt. Now I hate it for a completely different reason. We make way more money than we give to African countries that we take natural resources from. We would be further in debt if we didn't take advantage of other countries. I am quite annoyed that the United States will persecute a person that harms a child be it won't do anything about this company that is polluting the area and are harming many children. They said that they wake up coughing at night and so do the children. Also the company was hiding how much pollution it was causing. This company should have been shut down and should not have been able to buy their way out. I was surprised to see how much around me I have been ignorant to because the media stays out of big companies like this and they don't care about why the best area for natural resources is one of the poorest continents. Instead media worries about models and celebrities. zipping012

  6. With wealth comes power, and in Zombia I feel that this took hold. Zombia was wealthy with from natural resources but yet had poor inequality. The rich became richer off of the natural resources but the people in poverty stayed in poverty. Foreign trading needs to be brought down and regulations need to be held tight. Countries are living the damage of the poor management and fraudulant tax evations everyday. Why aren't the political leaders of these foreign countries wanted to invest and give back to the people? Because a huge part is the social stratification from where they came from, I believe, is where they want to stay. I'm apauled at the amount of ignorance from the Mipoli plant when there are members of everyday society suffering from illness because of the leakage of pollution. The allowance of withholding the numbers of emissions by the CEO and large shareholders of the plants should not be allowed. I don't understanding how and why the country of Zombia gets away with this. The only reason why the U.S. was involved is because they were trading these goods of natural resources with the U.S. However, I also believe that since Zombia doesn't re-invest their profits of goods is because they have lack of education to begin with. Because of that, they don't know how to catch of with richness of the natural resources and it spirals out of control not knowing how to bring it back down and distribute and control the money of goods back to a redistribution for the success of their country. Hbaby31012

  7. With the wealth that Zambia came power which took hold. Zambia was a rich and prosperous with natural resources but there was inequality amongst the rich and the poor. The rich became more rich from the resources that the country had. I don't know why the political leaders of the foreign wouldn't give money back to the people. Many countries in the world live on poor money management of the politicians and people who invade paying taxes.

  8. This video shows the darker side of humans and how we like to control every aspect of one another. We love to tell one another what to do and how to do it, we also like to control the things that happen to ourselves and make sure that whatever happens prospers us and others. This is surly evident in Zambia. Look they have all the wealth and power but will not share the riches they have to make everyone have a better life instead they want to get fatter and richer while the poor get poorer and poorer. Firedude012

  9. Go getit you are so right we as humans have nothing but greed in our hearts how can we let people do this to one another? we can live fat and rich but deny people the things they need to live and we are ok with that? how is this right? It saddens me and also make me sick at the same time. Firedude012

  10. As we look at this exact circumstance it is amazing to me how to see the social-conflict theory take shape. In this situation, Zambia has the resources, however not the ability to make a profit due to the lack of technology in that country. As we look at this social conflict, this stratification of society creates a division between the have's and the have-nots. In this day and age we would assume that society could help each other and divide the wealth amongst other, fairly, so countries such as Zambia don't suffer consequences within their society. After having said this, we must also look at the culture in this particular nation. As we look at their culture we must keep in mind that some societies don't like change and wouldn't even adapt no matter what the outcome may be. Let alone try to garnish such resources. This (cultural) perspective is also the reason for the rise and fall of a nation. Of course this is not fair as the wealthy get wealthier and so on. lawpro012


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