Motherhood and Second Chance...Program to Consider?

Motherhood and Second Chance...Program to Consider?


  1. This is a great plan. best system set forth by far. This program is less cost efficient for the state in more then on way. There will be no cost for room and board for the women to go to prison. If there is no one to take the children they will be placed in a foster home which is more money for the state. This program is more or less a type of house arrest, just have to have a parole officer come out to the house to make sure everything is going they way it should. Evidence practice, once the program is ran for a year the community is proven to not be in danger, the inmate is living in the same environment they were in when they were arrested. That will better prepare them for when they are out in the world free to make the right choices. The children will have their mother around and it will hopefully help the children to not make the same mistakes that the parent has made. The children will not have to travel to a prison to see their mother and that will help them psychological also. The one thing i didn't approve of is its only for women. There are fathers out here that have custody of their children that also make mistakes for example a drug charge. That is not a violent charge. Being a man doesn't change the fact of the matter there is a child involved and if its in the best interest of the child shell be it. Rather is the mom or dad if he is the primary provider of the child and at the mother is not around he should get the same treatment. MotherOf4678

  2. I do think this program is a great idea. It has the statistics to back it up that it is working. Children need their mothers. Children also need their fathers. I think something like this should also be set forth for fathers that go to prison. How many times do you hear boys say, "my father is locked up, my uncle, my brother"? I hear that on just about every video we watch in class. Having a father locked up can hinder a child's growth just like a mothers. It should be offered to both sexes. Equality is key. This program would do a wonderful job in helping children keep their bonds with their parents! Bama678

    1. I will admit, your post actually influenced my thoughts in mine. After reading the article I never really thought about the father in this idea. It really does make you think once you take into account every little thing that could be included in the programs. We need to focus more on the children, not the parents.

    2. I agree with you because I do think that the dads should get a chance to be with their kids as well. Kids need their dads just as much as their mothers and I agree that it should be equal and that is key. I think maybe a child that is a girl should go with their mothers and maybe a child that is a boy should go with the father if they are both locked up. AD678

    3. I agree with you that this a great idea. But having a program for the fathers I think wouldnt be a useful. Because research shows that women are the primary care taker for there child and if they end up in prison the father is not the one ending up with the child most likely.Wreked678

  3. I think this is a great idea. This will be very big benefit for mothers and their children. This will keep kids from being in foster care. And hopefully keep them out of trouble. Kids will not have to go through the system as much. Most kids that go into foster care a big percent end up doing the things they should not. Another good thing is it will save a lot of money. Somethings could be bad though. Like The women that committed the crime, they may never learn from their mistake. Being stuck in your house isn't really that bad of a punishment. Another thing is if the mother is committing crimes how good of an influence are they really to their kids. The may be bad role models to their kids. Then the kids are going to grow up to be bad anyway.

    1. I agree with how growing up with a mother who is incarcerated can be a bad influence. That woman did something to have her wind up in prison, not jail. Prison you're doing a good amount of time. What is that teaching the children? If you go to prison it's alright because you can still keep your kids so it really is not a big deal to go out and commit crimes. It could backfire in some situations. Bama678

    2. I agree, this program will help further our youth in the right directions, because growing up without a mother and being tossed around from foster home to foster home is creating a high percentage that that child will end up in the justice system all due to the absence of their mother. GFM678

    3. I agree, this program will help those children out as well as to help mothers with the difficulties of parenting. This program will allow more rehabilitation within the inmate as well as the child. This will prevent the parent being absent in the home, therefore reducing a high risk factor for children ending up in prison!

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  4. This is a rather smart idea, though it should be available to either parent of the child. I do understand that women have less severe crime habits, but the loss of any parent would give a child’s like a huge void to try to fill with the wrong friends, drugs, and activities. When it comes to non-violent offenses, it does seem that some way to keep the children’s lives together would outweigh trying to over punish a parent for a small offense. Violent offenses, however, should be taken with more of a grain of salt. While it may still be better to keep some contact with parents, you do not want the prison system to rub off on the child. It is a rather delicate field when dealing with children, there will never be a way around this. That being said, we need to do every little thing to keep a child’s life stable to avoid negative repercussions.

    1. I think you are to something with about how if it is given to the mom then the dad should get the same. It is hard for a child to lose either one of its parents. This program is a great idea it just has to be supervised a lot.

  5. I really think this program is a good idea. This program not only gives these mothers a second chance in life but it gives them a chance to save their kids from going down the same path. I think their should be some supervision of the house just in case something happens but other than that they should be on their own to see of they can live a normal life with a child. I think this program would really be good because babies or young kids really need their mother in their lives, and this allows that to happen. I definitely think the mothers that could get this though would have to be incarcerated for small time crimes and nothing serious. AD678

    1. I feel the same way with you on this program. I think that they would have to set up some sort of probation officer that will check up on them daily. Also they could make them house arrest ankle transmitters so they know where go and are at all times of the day.

  6. This program seems to be heading in the right direction on many accounts. First is that the cost of tax payers is down, which will make many people happy and secondly it gives the mother a chance to keep her kids and give them somewhat of a normal life, but there are some things that I myself still see wrong. I think that if more and more women get the ability get to take part in this program that more women will be taking the fall for men when committing a non violent drug crime. But in the long run I think this program is in the right direction because its more about the kids than anything else. Kids that get bounced around from foster care to foster care don’t get the chance to live a normal life and the chance of them becoming a criminal themselves is higher than most kids.

    1. Did not think of the tax payers that is a great point. I think though as a society we are all in this together and even though the inmates have wronged the community we could lend a helping hand to better our youth for one and our inmates for two so that we are showing them we haven't given up on them. Now this only applies to certain situations and inmates but all in all. I definitely didn't think about the criminal intent point either. Good call, that definitely makes sense for a female to take the fall for a non related drug crime or even a drug offense. It is easy time for her than it would be for a repeat drug offender.

  7. I think this program is a really good idea. Children can develop such attachment issues if not nurtured by there mother. Also, the mother could develop even worse mental problems then they already have. Mental stability is a very big problem in women's prison. I like how this program is also cheaper in a lot of way rather than just sending the mother to prison and sending the children to foster care. Hopefully this program can become active. cowboy678

  8. I think this is a great program. The idea is great and they have facts and proof that the program does work. Children need there mothers as well as their father especially a newborn. Statistic do show that women are the main care takers for the children if the father ends up in prison and if a women end up in prison its usually a grandparent of a relative. Wreked678

  9. I agree with you. I think it's important for a child to grow up in a normal environment or at least as normal as possible. I don't think this program would become a big risk either considering the mother has a child to care for. cowboy678

  10. Definitely is a great program especially to inmates that are not "the mean guy", "bullies", and instigators it gives the mother more incentive for good behavior especially with the facilities that were shown in the video. This also creates jobs like nannies and caregivers while the mother is attending prison duties. I feel like this program considering the infants life outside of the wall is setup in a very tough spot because the child cannot speak for itself is a huge factor in impacting the child's life. I feel that the child has a lower chance of going into a life of crime and that the stress is definitely lessened. I think the main focus for me would be the child's life and how to accommodate the child for he or shes life to be better to set the child up for success and I don't think taking the child away is the way to do that.

  11. I think this program can be perfect. Every child needs a mother in their life. Mom’s usually set a foundation for the child. Being a mother and given a second should mean everything to them. I feel that many of them that are given a second chance around change their lives and don’t relapse back to their old ways and really take time to take care of their children and themselves. I also feel this program isn’t really fair due to the fact yes children are fine with just a mother but many of these kids that grow up need a father in their lives too. So I really feel that both men and women should be given that second chance. Overall I feel this program will work tremendously. It just gives opportunity to those that are really sincere and really willing to change their lives around because of their children, but for those that don’t take advantage of it shame on them, because not everybody are fortunate to have that opportunity. GFM678

  12. I feel that this program will be highly benificial and show many positives in revenue. The cost to put a child into the foster care system is substantial compared to sending them to group homes where mothers can be watched. I do not agree with mothers being kept in the same houses that they came from due to the fact that while they are still in the same area that the crime was comitted. They can not be rehabilitated if the environment does not change. The group home is a wonderful idea because they can be monitored by staff members of the home. There are set rules and regulations that must be followed by all residents adding structure to often unstructured lives.


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