Women in Prison. Your Thoughts....


  1. The main thing that I took out of this video was how women in prison did not have gangs. The women in theses prisons had pseudo families. In these families they would play a certain roll. Usually the leader witch is tough and aggressive are called the dad or the uncle. If you’re more masculine then you will be a brother or son. Usually the girl who is not violent or anything is auntie or sister or daughter. All of this I just think I was crazy because women in general tend to always want to have kids and a family so when they get sent to prison and are separated from their own families they just make their own and play rolls. They don’t only do this for that reason though. They also do it for protection or just someone to just care about you. For men they join gangs but for girls they create pseudo families.

    1. I believe it said that this was based on how the mind of the female inmates work. The reason they do not form hard gangs is two fold. They not only require more intimate relationships than males do, but for a majority they do not get as violent as quickly as men.

    2. I believe that the pseudo families that they create take the place of gangs. They might not have a name like the bloods or crips but as seen in the video the women can use their pseudo family to gain control of an area in the prison.

    3. I agree tex678 the pseudo family perhaps do take the place of gangs in their eye though it does not get as violent as an actual gang would. In Our actual thoughts of violence a gang actually commits. Usually viewing all the mood swings and social interaction involved with 2,600 women you’d think there would be severe violence and fighting, yet they have a pretty good set up to stay positive in a sense. Tricey678

    4. I agree with everyone saying these families do take the place of gangs, but I think that these families are maybe a good thing. I feel like they keep people in line and also give them support and someone to have there for them like most women want. I think in the long run these families are a good thing for women in prison. AD678

  2. As a psychology major I was thoroughly enjoyed the look into the mental health of the inmates in a women’s prison. At the same time, though, I am a little horrified of what could occur if the wrong health issue goes untreated. For example, if they do not have the funds or the means to treat a psychosis in the realm of schizophrenia, such as the hostile inmate in the clip, she could severely hurt someone or herself. Some of the basic symptoms were there for me to believe that the condition does exist in this case, such as the pacing and holding her head. She had already claimed that voices in her head told her to hurt the correctional officer charged over her. If that condition worsens it could lead her to do something truly horrible and be unable to stop herself from committing the act. If the medication and programs for mentally ill patients do not improve it could cause a catastrophe.

    1. I noticed that they never mentioned getting that woman any help. They just were going to keep her locked up for 6 more months. Wouldn't that make it worse? Being locked up 23 hours a day would make the voices in her head much worse. I understand that they don't have a lot of options because of the threats she was making, but they didn't seem to find an effort of finding other means of treating her. Bama678

  3. In the video I thought it showed a good view on how the pseudo families worked. Before watching it I was kind of fuzzy on that idea and how the women made it worked but that video cleared it up for me. I liked how it showed how the women interacted with each other in the “family” and how at the end of the video it showed the “dad” going up to the lady that just got there and was telling her that she is there for her and all that good stuff. A surprising part of the video was how they kept all those women in the open cells all living together. From murderers to minor offenders all living together in that area, seemed like something bad was about to happen around every corner. Another part of the video I thought was very informational, was them showing that 20 year old, that was locked up for check fraud, with her baby in prison with her and how the prison supplies them with diapers, formula and all the necessities to take care of it.

  4. This video astounded me. First thing I noticed was that they are not kept in cells but rather they are in a large room with a bunch of bunk beds. That gives the women to ability to roam around and interact with one another all day. The fact that minimum security is kept in the same place as maximum security in one large room is not a good idea. There is no separation within the prison until one of them acts out in such a way as to put themselves in the "hole". The women create these pseudo families to help them feel a sense of connection. To me that is crazy. Women have a lot of mental issues and that clearly showed itself in the video. I think there needs to be a whole lot of counseling programs for women in prison. Medication doesn't do anything but calm the side effects for a short-term. Mental illness are MENTAL. They need to want to change themselves. Counseling can help some women. Bama678

    1. I agree. This video was quite eye-opening. The fact that they keep women in that large room with bunk beds is a good point, like you siad, giving them the freedom to roam around as they feel. I am not sure how I feel about that freedom. Lots of trust that nothing will go wroing there.


    2. I agree. This video was quite eye-opening. The fact that they keep women in that large room with bunk beds is a good point, like you siad, giving them the freedom to roam around as they feel. I am not sure how I feel about that freedom. Lots of trust that nothing will go wrong there.


    3. I agree with most of the things you said. However, I think keeping them all in one room can get bad at sometimes. That is a lot of unstable people in one room and they can cause serious harm to one another. Cowboy678

  5. Women in prison. I can honestly say prison is not a place build for a women. I don't want to say its build for a man either but it is. Women is the fastest growing population in prison today. Most women are locked up due to mental illness and child hood abuse or even abuse as an adult. Most of the women behind bars incarcerated are in jail for a few reasons. Women are trying to raise their kids the best way they know how or they are in a relationship where the man is running the show. This can make a women beg barrow steal or even kill. Not saying they should get a slap on the wrist but they should undergo some type of counseling. If they get to the root of the problem the women will most likely not fall victim to recidivism.MotherOf4678

  6. I never really was informed that so many women were incarcerated. This makes me really sad that the female remodel too many children are locked away. Bad enough majority of men are incarcerated and to know that twice as many women are also, heavily sickens me. Women are vulnerable in these types of systems such as women looking for protection are considered her niece or sister. Yet the masculine female of the prison system is considered to be the nephew or brother, very interesting. I guess building on to their pseudo family is a normality they design mentally for their idea of being in the real world. Also they did not have gangs which you would think that they would being that most of the women imitate the image of a male. In which many of them could seriously pass as a male. We as a society are normally focused on males in prison that we forget women are incarcerated also. Tricey678

    1. I agree t what you said at the end you said “we as a society are normally focused on males in prison that we forgot women are incarcerated also”. That very interesting because if people thought about the females being incarcerated and actually saw how thing were the people could put a change to it.

  7. The thing that really stuck out in my mind when watching this video in class was, how the women “do their own thing” because they already “know they’re criminals.” Perhaps it is my imaginative mind that according to society, women are usually more passive, or try to avoid trouble making. That leads me to be surprised that women in the video are similar to men in a prison; they try to act above the law.
    Another thing that really stuck out to me was how the superintendent and inmates interacted so much. I’ve become so used to seeing the men’s prisons where talking to even a correctional officer can put your life in danger, let alone talking to the warden/superintendent.
    Finally, the Pseudo-families are something that I can’t even describe how surprised I am that they are actually existent. Not only that, but that many of the inmates become each other’s brothers and sisters, not only feminine family roles, but also masculine family roles. It just blows my mind.


    1. -JrMac678*****

    2. Unfortunatly those who are incarcerated, often lose hope and suffer from many mental illnesses. These only manifest themselves more in prison due to the isolating factors associated with it. When housed with others who also suffer from mental illness, they often "feed" off of eachother allowing them to play into delusions as well as hallucinations. These violent women who suffer from these mental illnesses, are a threat to security and staff if they are not on highly regulated medications. This also brings into play the fact that these women often times need in depth psycho therapy, one thing that is not offered in prison.

  8. I enjoyed this video and the main thing I got from it was that women are a lot harder to mentally work with then men. For example the lady that was threatening to kill a worker, she just kept going and going and in my head I don't think anyone could calm her down. Another thing I got from the video that was interesting was that in prison the women make these families. I thought this was interesting because yes it is kind of weird but also these families seem like they really help some women that are locked up. It can be a good thing and also a bad thing at the same time. One last thing that I thought was very interesting about this is that it said all the offenders from murder to non-violent offenders are all locked up in the same area. I feel as if this would be major problem, but the women prisons make it happen still. AD678

  9. I thought this video taught me a lot about women in prison. It shows how a lot of the structure of the groups they have in prison. It also informed me how they don't get enough funding as opposed to mens prison, like how they just have all the offenders together instead of different branches of prison. The women in prison seem to be a lot more emotional and from my observation they seem to be a little deceiving than most males in prison. cowboy678

    1. I agree with you that this video taught you a lot about women in prison. I learned things that i didn't even know. And it proved a bunch of points that were explained in class just like funding. Wreked678

  10. The biggest take away from this video was the benefits of raising your newborn baby in prison. This allows the bond to grow between mother and baby. The one thing I saw was that inmates are given parenting classes to allow offenders to be better parents once released. This also allows inmates to see that once released, if they reoffend, they will come back without their babies. For some, this may be one of the reasons that they seek a new life. One thing I would like to see is that inmate-parents to be able to have jobs while the nannies are watching the babies to allow the mothers to know what it will be like when they leave and have to go to work and support their families. This would be highly beneficial in the rehabilitation of inmate mothers. With this program, I feel that they could eventually expand this program to allow mothers who have committed non-violent crimes to bring babies and small children with them if there were no other options before placing them in foster care. The money is already being spent putting them in foster care, why not spend it and keep the child with the mother if she fits a certain criteria?

    1. Definitely agree, those are some of the most important times of a child's life. It helps the mother stay occupied and mind off prison life. It also creates a lot of jobs as well like you said which also keeps inmates minds off prison life and focused on something worth while.

    2. I like the idea of that you think the mother should get a job while their child is with a nanny, because that is how it’s going to be in the real life especially if they don’t have family on the outside that can watch the child while she’s working; they won’t have a choice but to come accustomed to that lifestyle if they want to be able to provide for the child and themselves. GFM678

  11. This video was really informational and explained alot. It showed me that prison for women and prison for men are completely different and needs to be treated differently as well. Because of the big differences between men and women that is what makes a place like prison so complicated. Wreked678

  12. I think the biggest thing I seen that was the way the women inmates were dealt with in a very relax manner compared to the male inmates we have observed in other videos. These inmates were racked up in open area facilities and walk and do almost as they please. I think the system was "demilitarized" by this I mean the files when the inmates were moving from facility to facility or out to the yards were not as organized and neat as some of the male prison you see. I also noticed that overcrowding was a huge issue especially when I saw that intake the offenders where integrated from drugs to murder and the hold on a spot was up to two weeks long in cases. I do feel like it should be more strict and more prisons should be built to accommodate the overcrowding problem especially since females committing crimes are going up.

  13. I think women in prison can be tough to handle, because of the fact that they are women and they do women like things. For example there is always drama, and bickering, nitpicking like one of the ladies said in the video and that alone can be difficult for a C.O. to handle. Then you got the prisoners serving life that they are going to do their time how they want to their time. Like one of the women doing life assaulted an officer with the lock in the sock basically trying to give stress to every C.O. dealing with her. I think it’s odd, that in these pseudo families you have all these women labeled in which would be male figures to society. For example, you have the head of the pseudo family being called uncle or father. Then you have the other masculine females called brother or nephew. This leaves the weaker female inmates to be called daughter or niece. I do think to a certain extent that these women in prison should be treated how the men are in prison due to the fact that some of them do the big crimes that are more expected from men. GFM678

  14. I agree with you that this video taught you a lot about women in prison. I learned things that i didn't even know.I thought this video taught me a lot about women in prison. It shows how a lot of the structure of the groups they have in prison. It also informed me how they don't get enough funding as opposed to mens prison, like how they just have all the offenders together instead of different branches of prison. lashay678

  15. In this video, it really opens up the thoughts woment have on being in prison. I feel that women have more of an urge to cause a scene than men do. Some women really appreciate family and when someone talks about their family they immediately want to fight or yell defending their family. I just feel women are more manipulative than men and when you put a bunch of them together in one building then there could be alot more problems that arise. modified678

    1. I agree with that fact that women would be more dramatic and try to make for of a seen then men. I mean look in high school how women treat other women now put a bunch of women in one place with all sort's of different back grounds. I can see a lot of problems there with teaming up on people to manipulate them in to doing things they wouldn't regularly do. Gt_racer678

  16. After watching these video in class i feel that i have a better outlook on women in prison. With things that we have learned and things we have researched to see it all in one place. for on i thing a big thing that stood out to me is the fact that they said in these one prison that they are treating over 1000 women for different physiological things that they are going through in prison. Which at these prison that is almost haft of the women in there. Another thing was the suede families and how they operated. For one you have all these women leaving under one roof so that would be hard but when they separate in to there own families these can be dangerous to those just wanting to leave out there time in peace. Gt_racer678


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