Theoretical Approaches and Your Selections......


  1. I think this clip explained and broke down the theories very well. If I had to choose, I'm going to guess I'm the conflict theorist because I believe everyone should have the chance at the same opportunities no matter who they, where they came from or economic background. The functionalism theory just seems like its more of the old school theory of "if it aint broke, don't fix it" and like it would always be the same powers. I realize not everybody can be at the top, but we should all have the chance to try. I'm a union laborer and we believe there's a place for everyone. One of my favorite sayings is "The world needs ditch diggers too". Deacon012

    1. Very good comment, I had not yet thought of which theorist I myself would be. I think I would relate most with symbolic. When given a situation or difference of opinion I always do my best to look at both sides before judging or making final decision. You must think about the other people involved or other options available. Also I like your quotes. VT012

    2. I agree with you, everyone should have the chance at the same opportunities no matter who they are or where they come from. It sad that in society now a days if you don't come from a certain background or if you don't have a lot of money you don't get a shot at a lot of things. Very good comment. -dicaprio012

    3. i agree with your thoughts that everyone should have a chance to climb the ladder of the social hierarchy but it is still important to remember that a pyramid needs a strong base to stand upright. It is important to consider the importance of the working class and how much they do for society. moot012

    4. I agree with you as well, it should be this way and everyone should have the same equal opportunities. It would be amazing for things to be this way but, in reality everyone doesn't have the same intentions and jealousy is in a lot of peoples minds. That's why its difficult for the world to be this way. unfair-- reality

    5. I agree with you as well. I believe that everyone should get the chance to better there life. To make put their destiny in there own hands. There are roads that people face in life and its there choice to choose the correct and best one for them - EBtrojan

    6. I think we both have the same views when it comes to what kind of theorist we would be. I also believe that everyone deserves the same opportunities in life, But we also both know that things don't work that way. If your background is different then the person next to you, you both are presented with different chances and opportunities.

    7. I agree what you are saying personally I think somethings should be slightly easy to obtain without going bankrupt. In order to have a decent job you need to go to school, in order to pay for school and get to school you need a job and a car. You also need insurance or you will also get a ticket. So this whole economy realize on money that not everyone has to start out with. TAGTaylor33012

    8. I thought that the points you made in your comment were very logical and well said. I agree completely with what you are saying. everyone deserves that chance to make something of themselves. The statement you made about not everyone can be at the top, that is very true but you are also right when you mentioned your quote at the very end. Everyone does have their place but one should always strive to be the best they can be. Bullsnation012

  2. The three main lines of thought; social, structural, and symbolic all need to work together or all of them fail in their own right, but I noticed that I leaned towards the symbolic line of thought a bit more than the others. To follow one path exclusively is to ignore the other perspectives and in a way stereotype a large portion of opinions you may hear and downplay their significance because of expectations and prejudices. There are situations where the presentation of the idea itself could influence the outcome of the conversation. If it is predominantly focused on access to money in business for example; in the business world I feel it would be social dominant, those who work harder get more and the better your life growing up the better chance you have to increase the amount of money you have due to more opportunities. In the structural aspect is may be looked at as everyone having a part to play and stick with your strengths and natural tendencies to maximize effectiveness for the greater whole. Both of these are in a way symbolic of socio-economic status and your income could influence how you look at a paycheck or ranking on a corporate ladder. –Pasta012

    1. I do not think that all three of the theories necessarily have to work together. I believe that the three types of sociology are occurring all of the time, but I do not think they rely on one another. The video did a great job explaining and giving examples for each. I do agree that those who work harder will have a greater chance of going farther and have more opportunities.

  3. This was a very nice video breaking sociology into 3 levels. Social, structural, and symbolic. I believe this video was meant for us to understand that everyone has their own outlook of the world. Not everyone is going to see things the same as you and it is very important to accept this. Once you accept that people have different ideas and opinions it makes it easier to get along with others. With the pyramid I think of everyone working toward a common goal but doing it in different ways. We all want our own house, car, and family so we go to school to get different jobs to do so. With the human and its systems it makes us think more of how we are all connected. As a community we all work together and help others. With out the people the businesses would fail, and without the businesses the people would fail. With the flag it helps us think and realize that we all have our ways of seeing the world. Also before we judge other we must first consider their thoughts and feeling on the mstter at hand. Good video that really makes you think. VT012

    1. I completely agree with you about everyone wanting the same material things like houses and cars, but like we discussed in class, people go about obtaining these things in very different ways sometimes. Everyone does have their own outlook on life, but that doesn't mean that we will always agree with them. But ,it is not our place to push our beliefs on others or pass judgment, though sometimes it may be hard not to. Crown012

    2. I agree with what you said as well. No one person can make a whole pyramid structure. Sometimes people attempt to do that and it never ends well. As much as we want to take control and live without anyone getting in the way there does need to be some kind of balance between the two, knowing your limits and strengths helps with that. Maximizing what you know and limiting the gaps through cooperation with others is the only real way to continue forward as a society.-Pasta012

  4. This video did a very good job of breaking down sociology. The one that i found most interesting was the symbolic interaction theory. the theory says that different things have different meaning for different people. He used the american flag as an example, and he said the american flag could mean "freedom" for some or "terrorism" for another. We all think differently, we are all different people therefore we are not going to agree on everything. But sometimes you do have people that you meet who could think exactly like you do, you have shared interests. That is what is so beautiful about humans and the way we think and see things. You can always learn something from someone. As society changes, meanings change. -dicaprio012

  5. This video did a good job breaking down theories about social hierarchies. I thought his ideas about college degrees keeping up the social hierarchy were interesting. Some may see this as a problem because those living near the bottom of the pyramid may have a lower quality of life compared to the upper tiers, but it is my opinion that the base is necessary for society to work as a hole. I think that a social hierarchy is based upon several important factors but it is my opinion that money is leading influence in creating the tiers of the hierarchy. Moot012

  6. This video did a very great job of breaking down the three theories of sociology. Many people have different outlooks on the world as to how things are controlled, and we are all categorized based off a lot of different things. When watching this video it was interesting to see the little doodles the man speaking was making while explaining the different theories; it made me understand a bit more clear. Out of all of the three theories explained, the social conflict theory, really caught my attention and stood out to the most. It reminded me of a world history class that I took back in high school, and its really true as to how I see the world. With hierarchy the most powerful people are on the top. These powerful people are look up to and held to a very high respect level. Some people have worked hard to be apart of this high position and some were just born into this royalty. Whereas the middle section would be the "middle class" people who believe one day the will reach the top. The middle section works very hard to hold there position, not wanting to be look at as anything lower. Lastly, the lowest level, this level represents the poor and people who are a lot of times mistreated and over looked. Some of the people in this category are lazy and have no intentions of trying to better themselves as well. These people see the lives of the people above them and want to live the lifestyles of the higher class but don't have the a lot pf the connections or opportunities to do so. It's unfortunate the world is categorized in these ways, but that's just the way it lies. We all should be equal and help one another no matter what the differences are between us are.

    1. I agree with #mommy012 about how this video did an amazing job at explaining the theories. Not only that but the speaker also made doodles on the side to make the meaning stick very clearly. Also I totally agree on how this world is based on our status. It’s such a bummer because believe or not but our status decides our fate for us. For example, if you’re born into a rich house then your whole life will be set and ready for you. But if you’re born into a lower class family, then you're going to struggle to find a mere balance in your life. #JSN012

    2. I also agree with her. The social conflict stood out to me the most. I have seen this throughout life as well. How others think of the classes above and below them. How they treat each other. Not everyone, but a majority unfortunately. Purple012

    3. I agree i thought that the video did do a great job of describing the theories and explaining them. I also agree that the speaker did a good job of using the little pictures that he drew to describe. I also agree that it does matter from why background you come from.-Bengals012

    4. I agree with #mommy012 on it doing a great job of explaining the three tiers. I would like to point out that when you mentioned the lower class you said "Some of the people in this category are lazy and have no intentions of trying to better themselves as well." Which I believe that to be true in every category not just lower class. I guess I don't feel that its a straight forward case of whether or not someone is better then someone else just because of what class they are in. To #JSN012 I don't believe that our status decides our fate for us. If that were true alot of our sports stars wouldn't be where they are, because alot of them came from lower poor classes and rose above it to be at the top. I think its a combination and of course how you deal with the cards you have been dealt. Attitude is alot.

    5. sorry I forgot my name on last reply Deacon012

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. I agree with your opinion everyone has a different outlook on everything. we cant just use one of the approaches we need a mixture of all three of them. the video really did a great job explaining the three different approaches and how we look at our society. Godzilla012

  7. This is a very nice video talking about the three theoretical paradigms. It really breaks down what each one is actually about and how it’s used in our society and the actually meaning it brings in our lives. The one that I would choose would be the symbolic interactions. I liked the way it was described in the video using the flag as an example. For me, I think that in order to understand the society, you have to be to connect to it. It's not as easy as it sounds, but it's not that difficult as well. For example, if I were trying to understand another person’s culture I would try to figure out how they bond or the similarities they all share. If I can't figure out the shared meanings they have, then I can't really understand anything they are doing. Not only that but I won't be able to connect to the person. #JSN012

    1. I agree with you that this is a good video and the break down of the theories made them easier to understand. I also liked symbolic interactions. I would like to see and learn more about different symbols from other peoples backgrounds, religions, beliefs, and so on. I do think understanding these things would make it easier to connect to different cultures in our society. I find it interesting to hear other peoples views and interpretations of symbols. I also find it interesting when I read all the comments from the previous videos. Everyone's interpretation is a little different. Hadrosaur012

  8. This video was a very good video when it came to explaining the three different types of sociology. The 3 different kinds though are not so different. The one I found most interesting was the symbolic interaction theory. The reason being was it is a problem we are facing right now against ISIS. ISIS views Mohammad as a religious icon. While us we view him in most religions as just a prophet for the religion and not a god. They think as that as disrespect to him so they want to rage war against us for a different view of a symbolic person. - EBtrojan

    1. I don't agree with you EBtrojan. I think you need to learn more about ISIS and what they made of. These people have nothing to do with Muhammad or Islam. Terrorism has no religion. These people don't have faith. Vemto012

    2. A agree as well. I think if you need more information you have to research about ISIS and understand who they really are they have no part of being in Islam. They have no mercy .SHAKALAK012

    3. I find it interesting to apply these approaches to the world we live in, and using ISIS to compare makes it a little easier to understand.
      We have serious issues here, as well. Helping us see the challenges that others face, especially the challenges relative to the amount of education we have, really creates an uneven playing field. We wouldn't find as much power in education if we all had the same opportunities, but we do not. What is happening in our state budget crisis is only adding to the difficulty for those with less privilege. Because the people that need assistance in improving their lives through education are not getting the assistance they need for educating themselves. This just makes it more difficult to change what we want to improve, and it gives a huge advantage to those with financial support.
      OICU8 012

  9. It's interesting to learn from these important founding atonal sociological lenses. When first mentioning about the social conflict lense. It was interesting to understand how the society conflicted by the power struggles. Also it was a bit more interesting knowing how the society is made by interlocking system. I was a bit confused confused about it. When it came down to symbolic interactions it was interesting and was related to the example that my teacher was presenting about. I wanted to learn more about he was explaining about the American flag in what it as to do with sociology. Which I can understand it make a lot of sense but mostly how can it share a lot of meaning to the specific lense. The video was interesting and I was okay on understanding some part of it, only some sides I was confused about. Shakalaka012

    1. I agree with you statement, I like learning about the foundational sociological lenses and the mean others that help us make up our daily decisions.

  10. I like the video I think it does pretty good job at explaining the three main foundations of sociology even thou there are many more. I guess those were the three core fundamentals. It is interesting to learn about these different theories. I think all humanity has these three different theories, some people develop more or less depending on their social interaction or their social status. If I would to choose any of the three I would choose all of them. The reason why because human being born plain but society shapes the way they think and interact. For example some countries when they see other people flags they burn it because of the society they are in. Vemto012

  11. For me, the videos really help me connect what I read in the book to what it really means. I have a hard time understanding it by just text so seeing the pictures and hearing him relate these three main foundations of sociology is very helpful to me. The narrator did a wonderful job going into just enough detail so we understood, but not too much so we lost attention in the video. I think that everyone uses all three of the social theories, but each of us has one that we use more than the other two. I think that as Americans we do not want to say that we rely on the hierarchy theory the most but we do. The interlocking system and the symbolic interaction examples were interesting, but I do not think we use those as much as the first example. I cannot wait to learn more about these. Storm012

    1. Storm012, you’re certainly right about the helpfulness of this video! It was great to see the points from the textbook driven home with other examples. However, I would think that sociological perspectives would vary an awful lot, even in the United States. As a psych major, my focus wouldn’t be on the conflict within society but how people interact on an individual level (the bottom up approach of Symbolic Interaction.) This type of difference would most likely exist from group to group. While certain parts of American society (perhaps even a majority) view society as social conflict, there is certainly a great deal of variety as well. – Jung012

  12. The three main perspectives of sociology seem to be consistent across various studies of sociology. I get the perception that no perspective is better than the others, they are simply different ways of looking at the consistent whole. After all, while the society being studied by sociologists is the same, it is the perspectives that dictate the interpretation of what is viewed within that society. For instance, if a study were to be conducted on college debt, each perspective would approach it from a different angle. A Structural-Functionalist may focus on how the institution of college loans contributed to the smooth operation of banks, colleges, the students’ ability to attend a university, etc. A Social-Conflictist would hone in on the bias toward better endowed students for loans, the friction between the desire to attend college and the desire to stay out of debt, the possible bias in loans against minorities, and other aspects dealing with conflicts in the college loan process. A Symbolic-Interactist would look at the students on an individual level and focus on the interactions between individuals and the banking and collegiate institutions. – Jung012

  13. I do not have much to say on this particular video. I am interested in diving deeper into each one, to see how they all come together in society. I feel I have seen some of these in action, not even realizing I was seeing something labeled as "social conflict", or one of the others. I guess they really just give me a window into how others see things and why. Why the "upper class" may see, or even want people that are below them to stay below them. Or turn it around and look at how "lower class" may feel they are supposed to be down on the pyramid, and do not even see a point in trying to move up. I may be a little all over the place on my thoughts with this one. Until I go more in depth and get some more understanding I think my thoughts are a little all over the place. Purple012

  14. This wasn't my favorite video. I didn't feel like it really begs for a response or comment, but it does give us definitions of 3 different outlooks. In my opinion, they are too many people trying to find social conflict lately. He mentioned while talking about the pyramid, that people will look for patterns in race or gender to try to explain why some people obtain their status or possibly get better educations. I feel like that way of thinking is often used as an excuse these days. Things may be harder for certain individuals because of their circumstances, but i feel that in today's world anyone can truly achieve anything regardless of race or gender. Instead of making excuses about how they are disadvantaged, they should be putting their energy into achieving their goals. Crown012

    1. I agree that race and gender makes people the target of the reason for their social status. Many other factors go into it then just that. Someone could be a very smart individual but may not have the funds for college because they are supporting two or three kids as a single parent. Many other factors play a role into someones social status other than the social stereotyped we have labeled most of society with. DeadMan012

    2. I agree that anyone can achieve anything if they work hard enough for it, and wherever you start off doesn't effect where you will end up. Those who are in more elite positions, though, do have it so much easier on them. They are able to go to school and just focus on that. They don't have to work full-time and go to school full-time to make ends-meet. And that's why, in my opinion, social conflict is, mainly, how this world works. Those at the top, stay at the top because they have more opportunities handed to them as soon as they come in this world. While others have to struggle their whole lives to even have half of those opportunities come their way. That alone is a reason to want to not do it. Marley012

  15. I like this video. There was a lot of information being covered. The drawings helped me understand the theories easier. I like to think of society as an interlocking system as in structural functionalism. I know that there are different levels to society as described in the social conflict theory but I really don't think one level can completely function without the other. Using the recent power outage as example. Many people, who might be considered belonging to the top of the pyramid due to higher education and power, were without electricity for several days. Everyone was relying on the city workers who specialize in restoring the power no matter what part of the pyramid your on. Those city workers are definitely no less important, in my opinion, then those considered on the top of the pyramid. They played a crucial part in getting our society working properly. I like the way this class makes me think about how my life and my interactions day to day affect more then just me. I find symbolic interactionism interesting and really thought about what symbols I might have a reaction to just by looking at them. The swastika came to my mind. I automatically think of Nazis and the horrible things they did to other human beings. I looked up the history of the symbol and it was a symbol of good luck or good fortune thousands of years before Adolf Hitler used it. The swastika is still seen on artifacts and has significance in some religious histories. I realize just because the swastika represents something horrible in my eyes doesn't mean that other societies view it the same way. I like this thought. I'd like to talk to someone with an entirely different background then me and discuss our different views. I think I would learn a lot. Hadrosaur012

    1. I agree with you. I understand when you say that one cant function without the other, that does make sense. The power thing is a big one to cover, and i do think that people in power control a lives a little more than we think they do. Neverson012

  16. I think that this video broke down the three sociological theories pretty well. They went through and described them individually. It is really interesting to learn about these kind of things for sociology because again we would never think of what causes these kind of behaviors to happen. I liked that they did drawings to help us as an audience to understand these theories better. These sections that were talked about really in a way compliment each other they really in my opinion cant work without the others. I am interested to see where we go from here because i think that it would be very beneficial if our class dove deeper into these sections so that we can have an even better understanding of each one of them.-Bengals012

  17. This video was very interesting. It did a very good job of explaining the different theories of sociology. When it talks about different theorists I would have to say I would probably fit in the conflict theorist category. The conflict theorist believes everyone deserves equal opportunities in life. That isn't how things work usually but it would be a better way of life if anyone could be anything. Peoples backgrounds have a very big role in their lives. People might think they have the opportunities to do whatever they want but in reality they don't. A person that grows up in china isn't going to have the same opportunities that a person in Mexico has. Your surrounding are what mold your future and all of my fellow classmates look forward to learning about the sociological point of view.

  18. This short video really explained the three theoretical approaches to sociology. Using the example of a degree. It has a different meaning to different people, to some it's a way to have money and status while to others it's a way of accomplishing something. It is all mainly a micro standing but on a macro scale. DeadMan012

  19. I believe that society is more set up in the social conflict perspective. A lot of those who are rich and powerful are able to get more in life, not just material things, but also go to more elite schools. Then get better jobs, because the schools they went to are more well-respected. People who live a more modest life are not able to get what they want, or need, because they don't have enough money or the system is "working against them". It would be harder to get into these "better" schools, when you don't have the financial ability to do so or you weren't taught well in the schools you had to attend. Which is exactly what happens in America. The wealthy people are treated better and given more obtainable options. Marley012

    1. I partially agree with you, however I think that America has more opportunities to offer for people in the bottom of the chain compared to any other nation on the earth. Rich getting richer is the fact, but when I see philanthropists like Gates and Buffet and others in our country, I get inspired and hopeful. I also read stories of folks who went from homeless to Harvard and I think that is possible only in our country – chichi012

  20. This video helped better clarify what we learned in class the other day. I liked how he compared each of the focuses to college degrees so we could better understand them. Personally I feel like I am a bit of a social conflict theorist but of course there are exceptions. Some of those exceptions come from adoptions into a family or gambling issues such as Wall Street crashing. Let’s not forget extremely determined people and the giftedly smart. Otherwise I feel like most people stay in the same class as their parents and the determined and gifted continue to rise and push their young in the same direction as them causing a large gap from middle and upper class the slowly grows. With this mentality those that are upper class that aren’t as gift often crush the middle and lower class causing more struggles or fall in class leading to bankruptcies. TAGTaylor33012

    1. I agree with what you are saying TAGTaylor33012. I liked the video it clarified exactly what we learned in class. I liked how he exampled each individual theory and compared them towards college degrees something that was easy for me to grasp. I do think that upper class does have the upper hand at the end of the day which can lead toward the lower class and its struggles.Blue012

  21. I like the way that the presenter divided the foundation of sociological views in to three different ways. It was easy to connect the presenter’s explanation. For example, author’s connection of USA flag, any time I see our flag, it triggers a sense of freedom, pride, opportunity and equality in my mind and was able to connect that very well. I think that all three aspects of sociological views need to interconnect well to create a better society. Of course, the differences in view point is always there, the beauty of our society is that it accepts and some time even tolerates the differences even if they are extreme views. After watching this topic, I learned to better distinguish between various aspects social views and how the eventually interconnect to make a system that works well. – chichi012

  22. I really didn't get a lot of information from this clip even though I looked at it twice, mostly because I was unable to stay focus. But I'm guessing the speaker wanted his views to understand the three foundational lenses, social conflict which is agreeing to disagree with situation. Structural functionalism which is more of a interlocking system and symbolic interactionism which deals with sharing meaning.

    1. I also did not get what I expected out of this clip. I feel like what we discussed in class covered the topic better. The three different theories will be interesting to knowingly apply to everyday life now that we are aware of them. I personally relate to the social/conflict theory the most. dandelion012

  23. This video did a very good job on going into more detail about the three social structures. One of my favorite social structures would have to be symbolic interactionism. that's the one that is more individual and not the big picture. The big picture is different for everyone. Symbolic interactionism like the video is more individual. Everybody has a different point of view of something so looking at everything in a big picture is unfair. Although its not the right choice. Like what we discussed in class is that there is no right option. You need to have parts from each approach for it to really work. Godzilla012

  24. I really liked this clip it broke down into detail what each theory meant toward society. He states that's conflict is more on a larger scale, which means we look at the bigger picture behind his example. I think that everyone should have a equal chance in whatever they so chose to do, but we do not always get what is far. So I did not really know that there is a pyramid and the elite which would be the people at the very top has the power to control what stays the same and what can change. I really like this perspective and the examples he chose to use throughout this clip. I have a broader perspective on what these three theoretical approaches mean and how society views them.Blue012

    1. Hey Blue, unfortunately it sucks that there is always someone or something higher up with the power to really unable anyone below to reach their full potential, but that's how its always been. From the start of time people have been controlled, and there is only so much a person can do and are capable of doing in my opinion. With that being said I do believe in the anomaly, there is always that chance we can break passed the higher up's power and be right up there with them and rarely higher. So to a point yes we can do what we want and achieve, but at some point we are controlled and we have no say in it. MuayThaiGuy012

  25. I enjoy this video very much as it went into more detail explaining the three social structures. I really enjoyed how he pointed out that the first two were more macro point of views, being vast and not so narrowed down. Also that the 3rd Social Interactionism is more of a micro based, being that it deals with peoples thoughts on a whole from a personal level. The example about the flag was a good representation of how each and every person sees things different based on a numerous amount of factors. Be it religion, ethics, feelings, or whatever the case. The speaker did a nice job of explaining the fact that their are different consciences and variable outcomes from a system and did this by using the human body, which is a great representation. Each body system has its own job and fail safe system, just like different social actions. Other wise everything would go to hell in a hand basket, as a figure of speech. MuayThaiGuy012

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I like how you are viewing what the commentator said about Social Interactionism. It's a cool idea that symbols can have completely different meanings, not only around the world, but even in the same city simply based on underlying factors such as economic well-being, social status, etc. JimHalpert012

  26. Interesting video for sure. I enjoyed learning about these three different lenses, however, one thing the commentator said doesn't seem to sit well with me. When discussing the "Social Conflict" theory, he explains it as "unfair." Although I can completely see his perspective, I do disagree with it. In modern-day society, yes, there are disadvantages for certain groups of people. However, that being said, in my own opinion, I believe that anybody is able to do and accomplish anything they truly want to, regardless of social status or economic well-being. Of course there will be more challenges, but that is what separates the strong from the weak. Again, I could see how some would argue that this social hierarchy is unfair, but we have to realize that the people at the top are often the ones putting in the extra work and looking at the bigger picture, and the ones at the bottom are typically complacent with where they are in life. We control our own destiny, it is not pre-determined. JimHalpert012

    1. While idealistically I would love to agree with you on your view, I cannot. I understand we rule our own destiny, but the extreme advantage the rich have over the poor is what makes it so unfair. Think about politics. Majority of successful politicians are wealthy and were born into families of high social status. They have the advantage of being able to advertise and reach out to larger communities than those who were born into lower social classes without the money there to spend. Those who are poor rarely succeed in modern life, not because they are content where they are, but because they are virtually stuck where they are. Inheriting parents debt, not being able to afford school, low-income jobs.. Just some thought from the other perspective. =leafy012

  27. I think this clipped helped a lot more to what was being said in class. It broke it a little in a relate able for me. Its good to know that there are different perspectives in world of Sociology so it helped. I'm starting to get the jest of how when people say every Sociologist is different in there own work. Neverson012

    1. I agree, I didn't realize in the sociology world there were different perspectives. I thought that they only saw the world in one way but i'm glad that its a lot more open minded and understanding. Believe012

  28. This video was very informative. It gave a lot of detail about each theory and how it applies to society. How he explained social interactionism helped me a lot. From my own understanding I thought that it meant each person shared the same views on a certain topic or belief. But I am glad now that I have a better understanding of all three Theories. Believe012

  29. This guy did a well job breaking these theories. Related things in my everyday life, college being an example. I honestly preferred the lecture we had in class on Wednesday compared to this video. I can understand it more when I can see someones faces and their body movements compared to just a few words and someone drawing pictures around the words. But overall, he did a well job relating the 3 theories to our everyday lives.

  30. It's funny how we're learning about the different theories in sociology at the same time as in my psy202 class. I'm defeniatly not going to miss these questions on the test, that's for sure. This video was short and simple, explaining the three main theories of sociology well. Whenever I hear about social conflict, my mind always jumps to our government. Politics and all sorts of government are full of social conflict scenarios. For example, or election approaching this full is centered around power, and theres lots of conflict among the people about it. The symbolic always makes me think of religion. Each religion is full of different symbols that draw people together and also tear people apart. That's just my opinion though. Great video. -leafy012

  31. I think this guy did a decent job at reiterating what was taught in class last week. And I agree with whoever said the lecture in class was far more informative. Referencing the body's different systems working together to describe the structional/functional theory makes sense. I do feel like everything in society is connected in one way or another. The social/conflict theory is the one I can relate to the most. In my experience, your social class has so much to do with what you do in life. And not only what you do, but where you do it. I also found the symbolic/interaction theory more interesting after class last week. I like to look at individuals and how they feel specifically. I'm interested to apply these different theories to everyday life and situations. dandelion012

  32. This video was not particularly one of the more interesting video’s that we have watched for these blogs but this was a well constructed video. I enjoyed how it was simple and easy to follow and he was very clear in all of his explanations. I liked how he used the example for a college degree and finding a career for the example of social conflict because this was a great comparison. Those who have a greater income or are wealthy tend to be able to afford a better education, or be able to pay off higher schooling with less financial stress. Those who are on the lower end of the financial spectrum typically are not able this. That is not always a fact by any means, just statistically speaking that is how it goes a majority of the time. I don’t think the narrator could have picked a better example to describe the struggle for power in society. Bullsnation012

    1. I agree with Bullsnation012 the video wasn't very entertaining but it was a well constructed video. I feel that the concepts were valid and the information was good. I also feel that the speaker could of made the video more intresting thus making it an easier watch. Overall the video was effective. Unpredictable012

  33. I felt that the video effectively explained the structional/functional/social concept. i felt that the guy did a great job explaining and making the ideas clear. I felt he could of made the topic more interesting because quite frankly I thought it was pretty boring, I’m not sure if it was due to the topic or if all his videos are this way. I personally enjoyed the classroom explanation simply because of the real life explanation. I felt like i was able to easier understand the concept this way. Also the in class explanation also caught and kept my attention. I also find the concepts themselves interesting. I feel like this video will better help me in the class as well. Even though the video wasn’t entertaining it as very informative. I will defiantly remember the information used in the video, and I will also apply it to real life everyday situations. Unpredictable012


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