Socialization.....Agents Equal or Fluid?

Socialization.....What Matters Most?


  1. YAY!! I love this video, parenting is the base of what our kids become!! The only thing I would argue with is, I dont think you should choose you kids friends, i feel that could lead to judging others. I never told my kids they couldnt hang out with certain kids because they made bad decisions, I did tell them to do what they could to be a positive influence if they see their friends making poor decisions. Oddly enough, I had a lot of troubled kids at my house, and more times than not it was me talking to them about things they had done. I feel horrible for kids these days, social media is the worst thing ever. When i was in school and you were being bullied, it ended when you left school. kids these days cant seem to get away from it. Also another thing she said that made me giggle was grounding your kid to their room, really? Are going to take all the electronics out of there? My kids had books, when the last Harry Potter book came out she dissapeared in her room for 16 hours and refused to come out till she finished the book. Then her sister took it and did the same thing. Grounding your children to their room is a joke, make them help you cook dinner and them sit and have a conversation with you about why they do stupid stuff. Sherlocked012

    1. I don't think it's the social media that is the main problem. Is the lack of insight when using it that seems to cause the most problems with people I know. That along with how fast things can be distributed now, it is a double edged sword, you can get information almost instantly but also you can give information before it is thought through completely and with a small amount of hindsight the next day.-Pasta012

    2. I agree with you about how grounding your child and making them go to their room has little effect! Making them do chores, talking to them, limiting extra curricular activities, and the occasional spanking when needed is much more effective. I believe that as a parent, you should try to limit negative influences, but I like how you said that you tried to teach your children about how they could be a better influence to the negative influences. Storm012

    3. I liked that you mentioned kids not being able to get away from bullying even after they left school. It makes me so sad that children can be attacked even when they are in the safety of their own homes. Media is wonderful but it can also be scary. It makes me wonder what is wrong in the bully's family setting that makes him or her pick on other people. Why isn't the parent monitoring what they are doing online. My friend has a teenage daughter and she wasn't allowed on social media sites until she turned 18. I thought that was a good parenting choice. Her daughter wasn't constantly checking Facebook for gossip and also she was safer from cyber bullying. There seems to be so many parenting choices. It is a little overwhelming and I hope when I'm a parent I make good choices. Hadrosaur012

    4. I feel like parents may not necessarily pick their kids friends but they do have a large impact on who the child choses as a friend. I noticed that all these kids I went to school with their parents were friends with my mom when she went to high school and their kids (my peers) were all friends throughout school. So both parents and children had the same friends and in the same cliques too. TAGTaylor33012

    5. I believe that its not picking their friends. Its more of chooseing what crowd you feel is they best for your child. If you want them to not get in trouble and have good friends that can be reliable maybe you would recommend a sport to the child. Its kind of like picking their friends because you recommended a sport that they will make friends in.

    6. I will agree with you that grounding your children can be a joke. I just don't think it's a very effective detergent. I know i was much more worried about a spanking than being grounded. I am going to have to disagree with you though about selecting who your children hang out with, especially when they're adolescents. I know that they could possibly be a positive influence on another child, but it's also very likely that they could expose your child to things that you don't approve of. Crown012

    7. I agree that parents shouldn't really be allowed to pick their children's friends because that is an individuals choice on who they want to spend their time with. I feel like I would hate my friends if they were chosen for me.Bengals012

    8. I would have to say that parents need to keep up to date with their children. Children should know that certain religions have their own way to society and that it maybe normal to that certain person but to the child it might be strange at first. We as kids where exposed to the same things as children or anybody else younger than us can experience differently then we do. BlackHawks012

  2. I know a lot of different styles of parenting. Growing up at the time I was raised it was a new experience with the advent of the internet. So parenting got a little more complicated when you deal with my generation, however because of how new it was I got to see a lot of interesting ways of doing things. Kicking the kids out of the house when the weather was nice, no xbox until you help in the garden, you’re grounded...then playing their favorite game in front of them, and my personal favorite; Changing the password on the computer so the kids couldn’t use it after school without doing their homework first. Societal norms adapt to new technology if it is in the right hands and has proper guidance. As a person from the internet generation I feel that a new part of that guidance is now including, preparing the next generations for potential developments in technology and how to hold morals, ethics, and personal responsibility above vanity and ego.-Pasta012

  3. I believe parenting is the most challenging task a person can take on. Being a parent means having complete responsibility for another person, forming and shaping their personality and helping the child build their intelligence, all while trying to prepare them for the real world. I would say that family is the absolute biggest thing that shapes us today. Social media, electronics, and technology is taking over. We rely on it to get through day to day activities now, so that also plays a big role in making us who we are and shaping our socialization. I think that friends, peers, do have some toll on us, but we choose to be around people we get along with and have similar opinions with already, so it is the smaller things peers have an effect on, unlike parents that must teach thing like personality and responsibility. Storm012

    1. Tough to disagree with you on that, parenting is not easy at all. I also agree that people do choose who they spend their time with. However, I also believe that how they are raised and how they are taught to act in the maternal stages of their lives some what sets them up to interact with people raised the same as them. The people you are friends with often have a lot in common with you - likely not because you choose to become friends with them, but because of the way you were both raised. JimHalpert012

    2. Great comment! I definitely agree parents shape who their kids turn into. If you see a snotty kid all you usually have to do is take one look at the parents to understand why the child acts that way. Also in being a parent it is your job to limit the kids exposure to the media as they don't know any better growing up in a world already full of technology. As parents you must protect them from the media and help them to stay kids for as long as possible. I do strongly believe that social media and electronics are taking over children's imagination and common sense. I do believe it is an extremely dangerous thing for kids to deal with. When I have kids the are definitely going to be limited on those kinds of things. VT012

    3. I agree technology has definitely taken over. Most kids don't even know how to be themselves because they are so focused on being like the people they see on social media. I agree that it's a hard job to keep a child from relying on social media to find out who they are. But it's a job that everyone takes on once they become a parent. Believe012

  4. Cool video - somewhat difficult to watch because the entire video is just words on a screen followed by a voice; but I made it through it and it's hard to disagree with anything that she is saying because they're pretty much all facts that we all [mostly] know and have experienced growing up. As children, and sometimes even as teenagers and adults, it is hard for us to remember that our parents are just humans too. Subjectively, we all know that with age comes a slower, less active body and mind. But, objectively, as children of these aging parents, when mom or dad stop giving us the attention we're used to in order to focus on other factors; whether it be a younger sibling or their own personal life (i.e. work, etc.), we tend to start being molded by outside forces, such as social media, as she mentioned. I think that this video relates heavily back to the topic discussed last week - Nature vs. Nurture. I believe this video just gives more reason and logic as to why we are forced to develop from children to adults. The video also touches on what sources mold us throughout those stages. jimHalpert012

    1. Hey Jimbo, great analyze of the video! I agree its hard to watch and follow because of the format and we are used to flashy effects and video in our generation. Its funny you say that about parents being humans too, I don't know about you but when one of my parents act strangely or make a mistake it effects me too in a way. Its something that doesn't normally happen but when it does it is like woah. We idolize and look up to our parents as not human, we do not expect them to not act as so, but we forget nature effects them as well. MuayThaiGuy012

    2. This video was a challenging to get through being it was so long with a woman talking and very few slides to follow, but their were some good points made. I am a second child of four and I totally agree with you point of a parenting spending more time focusing on molding the younger siblings. I often dive off on my own into the media to learn things as well for that reason.

  5. Very informative video. I liked how we were to focus on only three social agents and not the seven she mentioned in the beginning. I think I can retain this information better when taking it in a little at a time. I agree that family is the primary agent of socialization. In most cases children's first exposure to anything is through their parents. I am not a mom but my husband and I would like to be parents soon. I think this video provided a nice guide line to how a child should be raised. I would hope providing a safe and loving environment would come naturally to any parent. I believe it is important to keep in mind the potential for disaster inside and outside the family if your child isn't raised properly. I think the selection of your child's peer group at a young age is a reflection of the parents. I know my future children will play with my friends children because those are the people I already associate with and have common interests. Later on children will meet other children through school and other activities. I hope that I will have raised my children in a way that if someone is a negative influence they won't just follow the herd and hopefully they will do the right thing. If they don't then I will be there to help them correct their mistake. I would definitely not pay for their mistake to go away like the Ethan Couch case but I would do what I could to help them get through whatever the situation may be. As far as media goes I think it has good points and bad points. I love to be able to have information at the tip of my hand. It is so nice to be able to stay connected with friends and family through Facebook and other social site. I also see a negative side. For example, I wait tables couple nights week, I see so many families,and what I see usually makes me sad. This sadness starts with the parent. I will walk up to a table to great them and start their order. When one of the parents is on the phone and holds up a finger for me to wait until they are finished I find this so rude. They are not the only table I need to pay attention to and now they are making me,their family, and the rest of my tables wait for them. I believe the parent is showing their children it is ok to be rude. Another example is how children won't look up from their phone or tablet to give me their order, move their things aside when I bring their food, or even say thank you after I delivered their food. Rarely do I see parents urging their children to say please and thank you or ask them to put their phones and tablets down. I've seen every member of a family on their phone the entire time they are at the restaurant and never converse with each other. Sometimes technology takes away as well as gives. My husband and I have a strict no phones out at dinner time and we will continue this rule if we are lucky enough to have children. Hadrosaur012

    1. I totally agree with you on not paying for their mistake to go away. I am dealing with a situation of the same sorts where my sons father thinks that way and now my son is beginning to think that as long as you have the money to buy your way out then its ok. Kids will always make mistakes, hell we all will but thats how we learn and hopefully don't make them again. But I think its how we reconcile and correct those mistakes thats shows who we are too. Oh and I feel sorry for you having to put up with people who can't get off their phone long enough to order. I have made my son order for himself with manners since he was old enough to talk. He still knows and puts his phone down when the waiter or waitress walks up and I hope he carries this on and doesn't follow friends into rudeness in the future. Deacon012

  6. Great video and great subjects covered! So family and its influence is huge, this is who we get our morals from, this is who in a sense gain personality from. I know that my sister and I deep down have the same sense of humor and how we look at life, we have some varying opinions but in the end we think alike. That goes with parents as well a lot of who you are as a person comes from them, you might not think it at times but it is true. Peers, in later ages peers come in and sweep you off your feet. You know that old term "Peer Pressure" ? Yeah just think about it, your peers have a funny way of shaping your thoughts and actions. We see this mainly in adolescents but also in adults as well. In a child's early years a parent will try to control who is around there child and who they become friends with as the video stated. Finally media...this rules our society. Prime example, Isis is using Facebook and other social media outlets to recruit their terrorists. Without it they would not be able to do what they are doing. MuayThaiGuy012

    1. I agree family has a huge influence on a child. Its how we learn right and wrong. How we learn who we are and what kind of person we are going to be. Peers also play a role in the later stages. I agree the parents have a huge role. -Godzilla012

  7. I agree with her on saying family is the primary agent of socialization because obviously that's where we all start. I remember growing up and not only having my brothers and parents but also my younger cousins who I would say were my first friends. I think she's correct when saying parents get tired after a certain age and just kind of give attention to the younger siblings that may need it more. I remember hearing all the time in my early teenage years "your old enough to know better, I shouldn't have to watch you". Now that I'm a parent I sometimes think the opposite with my teenager and think there are times I need to watch him more then when he was younger. It's so different now with the internet and all the technology then when I grew up. Even the form of peers and peer pressure has changed with the technology. Now you don't get peer pressure from just a small group from school, your on fb or twitter getting it from people across the planet. She talked about the media only showing what suits certain peoples interest and I so agree. I watch CNN all the time and their only going to show the story how they want it to look. It can be seen on reporters faces when the conversations start to go astray or in the opposite direction they immediately get it turned back around to their opinions or go off to someone else to avoid conflict. The media has a huge impact on socialization. Deacon012

  8. This was also a very informative video as well. It makes sense that the 3 primary social agents are peers, family, and media because we see those things in our everyday life. We wake up and check facebook. We go to school to see our friends. Then we go home to eat a dinner with our family. But I know and understand that there are more agents like affect each one of us, but not as nearly as those three. But what if you are like me and feel like none of that has effected you, because you are completely different from the people in your everyday lives? Then what would be the primary agents? Or is it the same, but I just don't know?

    1. Ibanez012, it’s possible these agents of change have not had nearly as large of an impact on your life or, perhaps, they took different forms. While family and peers may not have been a major influence, it is possible there were those who took the role of a family in your life or just a few close friends playing the role of peers. When it comes to the media, perhaps other media (like magazines or books) had an influence on your life rather than the more usual medias of television and movies. Does that sound plausible? – Jung012

  9. This video certainly aligns with what we discussed in class. I wonder, however, if there is a divide between the classes when it comes to these Agents of Socialization. In more well to do families, it is possible that the family may be more nucleic as the parents would have the financial ability to spend more time at home and with their children. In poorer families, both patents may be financially required to work and, therefore, have less time to spend with their families. (I would also think that single-parent families were be more common in poorer groups.) When it comes to peers, whether in a higher or lower class, these people would spend more time with peers of their own social class (perhaps widening the social divide and increasing class-related social conflict.) Finally, different social classes may focus on different media. Using television as an example, higher classes may focus on the high culture (classical music and Shakespeare as displayed on a station like PBS) while lower classes may focus on the pop culture (as displayed on most other television channels.) – Jung012

    1. This i do wonder. It can be seen here with the friends i went to school with. Those who were down on the south side mainly hung out with those who lived in their area while those from the north side hung out with those kids. It could even be seen in their music tastes, the south side kids liked the rap and the north side kids liked everything else. DeadMan012

  10. This video was probably one of my favorites. She stayed on task, gave great examples, and didn't overthink anything. It is very true and I completely agree that the first 3 most primary influences are Parents, peers,and media. Parents are there for us from birth to adults in most cases. They are the ones responsible for protecting and teaching us. Our parents give us a bases of right and wrong and help to guide us in the right direction in our lives. As we get older we are exposed to others of the same age who we becomes friends with. This is our peers who do definitely put a big influence on us. They can pressure us into doing things our parents have taught us are wrong. They can also be a great support system and someone who mite understand you more than your parents. Lastly is media which is growing faster than ever expected. The media influences us in so many ways. Its an outlet for emotions and opinions. It's also a learning source of both good and bad behaviors. Now a days young children are being exposed to the media at such a young age it is putting a greater effect on them than their peers or parents. This is where people need to be careful because if kids are influenced by media too soon they will lose all control over their kids. This is also not the kids fault I may add. It is the parents responsibility to limit exposes to the media at a young age. These kids are growing up in a world full of technology and they don't know any better. Over all great video and a lot to learn from. VT012

  11. This was a pretty helpful lecture. I defiantly feel like the biggest influence in my life is my family. I wasn’t really aloud to have friends outside of school when I was little. We really didn’t live close to my friends but when we did she didn’t have the time or enthusiasm to let them come over. So throughout school I made friends with most everyone but one really good friendship that I haven’t talked to since her second miscarriage. While media is our main form of communication since our high school graduation. My style of social media is much different than most others. I use it to communicate with friends and keep up with their lives but I hardly post anything ever. I really dislike reading about every little move on Facebook or where ever. I especially dislike it when people start having arguments on random topics from not naming a child something to not getting someone something to drink. TAGTaylor33012

  12. I liked this video, the speaker gave a few good points and examples that I strongly agreed with. In my opinion, as a parent you want to see your children turn out to be something extraordinary in life, you want them to be looked in a positive light not only for themselves (which is most important) but also in the outlook of you. From personal experience, on the outside looking in, being a parent is a "piece of cake"-- not a hard thing to do at all. In all reality, I must admit, its one of the most challenging task you can take on in life. I became a parent at sort of young age, my mother instinct kicked in fairly fast and became stressful but rewarding. I have a two year old daughter and I try my hardest everyday to be the best remodel/parent that I can be to my daughter. As a child I never understood why my parents were so strict on me, but now I thank them almost everyday for teaching me the things that I needed to know to be a decent person in life. The speaker made the point of parents monitoring the people you are friends with and hanging around, my parents did this to me as a child and it use to upset me that I couldn't hang with certain people but now I understand. Believe it or not, the people we hang around have a big impact on the decision we make and the things that we do. If your hanging around someone that isn't getting the proper training in their household you become curious. In this curiosity can lead you into come bad situations. Teaching your child manners, respect, and creativity would be the top skills on my list. Nice video!

  13. I really enjoyed this video. It gave insight to the three primary social agents of society. Now it obviously starts with family, which plays a big role in the start of a kids understanding of society. They think of their family as their own little town, inside a big city, etc. And what they learn in this small town affects what they do in the city. Peers being the second agent is next to family. This being, for me maybe others, that most friends a child makes become part of his/her family. Now as parents, you shouldn't have a monarchy over who your kid is friends with, but more guide them to the kind of friends they should look for. Also, parents should help the kids learn to keep their friends out of trouble and guide them. However, all this is made complicated by the third agent which is media. Media in a way corrupts kids minds to portray what they see on TV. This can be bad as it can lead kids to get into trouble. With smartphones being a norm now it can also continue bullying outside of school, which can account for a number of school dropouts. This can be helped through the primary agent of family. Family can help keep out the bad stuff. Their peers also aid in this by being a support system for a friend that's being bullied and is hitting a low point in their life. I knowing this personally, it really helps with a peer support group. And having media brandish such things as death on shows and everyone's calm, acceptance expressions can make most think it will be easy to just to say good bye. DeadMan012

  14. I thjink this vdeo is important. She talked about a family being important in order to shape a constructive person for society. To me that's what I take from sociology, teeching us how to be more constructive in our society. Im not talking about community service or anything like that, im talking about socializing with people while building relationships and bonds between one another. With wanting to protect and serve my community this come in in a lot of situations. Being able to build a bond with a person when meeting them can make the best out of a lot of situations.

  15. This was an amazing topic talking about the Family Socialization. I have a physiology class that we talked about this specific topic about family. One of the points that were mentioned in my physiology class was when the family provide social control to the children by using the following actions; force, rewards and punishment. These can these can be used to raise a child to be successful how ever if they weren't used and the parents turned out to be awful parents, the results can be dangerous for the kids and just the children but as well for the society. This was mainly important to me because Id like to have successful children as well as being successful parens for the society. However most defiantly agree on how the media takes a large part of society. Without the media we wouldn't be able to go further then were already are. Transportation communication etc all very important and I think we all should work ahead towards succes to go further then we already are.Shakalaka012

  16. This was a very great video. The examples she gave were off the hook. Family is one of the most important factors in a kids life and helps determine what the kid will be like when they get older. Parents help mold the kid like clay they shape the child and they determine if he is a good kid or not. Some kids are just destined to be brats. I grew up with a kid who had amazing parents and he somehow turned out to be a punk. Family is not the only element that shapes a kid. His friends play a role just as big as his parents. The child's peers always change throughout his life but his family is always there. The media also plays a huge part in how we develop. The media is the only window to other countries. The things you hear about over seas is the things we see on social media and on tv. There are many different aspects that mold who we are but all in all the main ones are our family our peers and the media. -Godzilla012

  17. I love the fact that this video focuses on the 3 main things that show people how to be? Or who to be I guess? I think that family is a huge part of that. Family shapes who you are and how the other two factors may affect you whether it be good or bad. I think that friends [peers] matter because if the parent isn’t showing their child how to be they are going to learn and pick up mannerisms from their friends. Media is the exact same way if a child isn’t being cared for or taught a certain way some turn to the media. I think that the main factor that matters most is family because everything starts at home. What you are being taught there may influence you to do good or bad things. Believe012

    1. I agree with you. these three main points are really what shape us. To be honest I think media is a huge deal right now. We were the generation (well most of us) grew up with technology and it has completely changed our lives. -dicaprio012

    2. I agree as well. Young people often turn to the media or friends to gain something that their parents may have lacked. IF their parents weren't accepting of their grades, they might turn to a friend who does accept it and understands. They're all so closely linked. -leafy012

    3. I fully agree with the points in this thread about social media. Social media is a powerful influencer of behavior in today’s society. If a child cannot find approval or something they need from their parents they are likely to turn to social media or a different web that may not be great for them. Moot012

  18. This video covered what we were talking about in our last class. I liked how she talked about how families are losing ground to peers when it comes to having the most influence on children. I feel like one reason why families are starting to have less of an impact is because the average american family has changed so much from what it used to be. It's no longer always 2 parents raising a child, and if they are, most moms work as much as dads do now. This gives them less time to have that impact on their child. Kids now are constantly connected to their friends. They don't just get to socialize with them at school, they can interact with them via social media any time of the day now. I also think that she was right on in saying that as children age their parents have less of an influence due to just getting older, or having to deal with younger siblings. This is a time where you can observe your child and see if they are making the right decisions on their own. Proverbs 22:6 " Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it". Crown012

    1. I definitely agree with you about how families are losing ground to peers. I feel like families whatever there situation maybe we just don't spend or have enough time to give to them. There are a lot of single parent households today as well as two parent households. Children go to school with peers, hangout with them, and socialize with them as well. Its something that plays a role in a child's life. I agree with an example she gave which was as children age parents have less of a influence just to getting older, or they have younger children to deal with and raise. At the end of the day all we can do is the best we can.Blue012

  19. I really liked this video, the speaker gave a lot of good examples about each agent of socialization. I really liked family and that it is the primary agent. It said that your parents play a major role as your younger going into your teenage years. So as you start to get older the influence of media comes to play. An example was newspapers and television really start to have a huge impact on society. The number one thing that got to me was that families are losing most of there influence in regards to peers. Peers can have a huge influence on children. One reason why I feel like families are not as close is because we don't spend enough time together. Society is changing and that puts a strain on the parents or single parent to have to work more so there for they are not as home as much. We cant necessarily watch are children like we wish we could. Which goes into peers. They spend time with them at school, social media sites, and much more. So they do generally have a impact on children. These are some of the reasons why I feel that family is not the primary agent anymore because media and peers are taking over. Loved this video it really gave me a better understanding of the three primary agents. Blue012

  20. I am a news addict; I read the newspaper, daily, and I watch the national news on 2-3 stations each day, as well. I try to watch more than 1 station, as they all have different views and political purposes. These differences are especially evident during an election year.
    These news sources cannot help but deliver information from their own viewpoint, and we cannot help but be influenced by the information we are given. It is human nature, and I don't believe we can be completely neutral.
    Children are especially vulnerable to outside influences. It begins with the influence of their parents, and it continues in the content we study as students. I'm not certain whether parents really 'tire' and back off, as the video states. Even if they continue to apply their influence, children sometimes have a need to rebel. Trying to control someone for too long can actually backfire and influence them in another direction. If you want your child to be a Republican, like yourself, you can only hope they will follow in your footsteps. If you try too hard, you may end up with the opposite of what you hoped for. Free choice.
    We want to have role models to learn how to be responsible adults. Honoring our parents is a natural response to the nurturing we receive as we grow up, but it is not always a guaranteed result. We are unique individuals.
    Our peers become increasingly more influential as we gain distance from our family, and become young adults. We start finding our own source of information, and we are influenced differently by what we absorb. The media gives us information about our surroundings, but again, it is not without bias. I would usually feel that we can make the right decisions based on the information we are presented. Following the political circus/caucuses has weakened my faith in our abilities. For us to have Mr. Trump as a front runner for the republican nomination, we must not be as intelligent as I would hope.
    I do see how these 3 agents are the primary influences; many more exist, but it would be nearly impossible to not be affected by the values we are raised with as children. No matter how critical I was of my parents in the adolescent years, I still continue to be more and more like them every day.
    OICU8 012

    1. I agree about the news and depending on what their views are is what you will see/hear from them. When people pick a favorite news station it's due to their liking of the information. The information is a reflection of their opinions. So, maybe with even realizing it, you have chosen your favorite based on similar opinions. That doesn't necessarily have to be bad. I believe it just needs to be truthful. I don't agree with false information. Whether that's out right lying or not giving us all the information. Purple012

  21. As a parent of teenage kids, this video was very apt. There is lot interesting guidelines in Dr. Marshalls’ video. It was interesting to note that she emphasize the fact that we as parent has to be successful to create positive influence in kids. Dr. Marshall’s explanation on how family is important and how peers can influence our kids was very practical, I see that everyday and sometimes struggle to understand and manage. I don’t know how much we can dictate choosing our friends of our children, I also don’t know if coercion will ever work. I think religion, if practiced right with positive values, can influence our kids somewhat positively and steer them in right direction, but it is important to make sure it doesn’t go to extreme. My personal opinion is the social media had no positive influence in creating progressive young generation, while I think it provides a platform for collaboration and thought sharing, it is mainly abused by most young people. News Media seem to show only all negative side of world and I am yet to see a story in a TV that gives me a hope and positive influence on the society and the way world is going. Only thing I think can make long-term progressive influence in our future society is positive and persistence influence from our family, it will be long time for the young generation to realize how important that is , but I think eventually that will make them as better person. chichi012

  22. As a parent myself I see the difficulties I face in raising my kids against all the bad influences. My parents probably thought they had a lot against them in raising my sister and I, but with all that is forced upon us through media today I believe it to be worse. If you try to keep the media exposure to a minimum then you are exposed to the influence through people that are exposed through media. One thing she said that really stood out to me, how unreliable a lot of the media information is. This is an increasingly huge problem. People get caught up so easily in what they see online or tv and then believe it, without doing a little research to see if it's true. Then they spread it. Before you know it, it's all over the world and it's influencing people, and it's not even true. I would like to believe that the family unit is the biggest influence and will teach new generations not to fall for the hype but families are falling for the hype and when they don't there children are still getting exposure from some where else. It's a cycle that we fight against all the time. I worry what my kids get out of the socialization that I have no control over. I hope my influence has taught them something that can't be overrun by the bad. The older they get the more I have to let go and let them decide. Purple012

  23. I totally agree with you and I liked the way you ordered things. If the family is not going to help the young person to shape up their thoughts then they are going to go their friends and on to media. Depending on the friends they choose, they may end up being influenced with them, same is true for (social ) media. Hence, it is important that family teaches the values and integrity so that it helps them to choose right friends and media – chichi012

  24. This was a pretty decent video. I’m not as big of a fan of the ones where all they do it talk while the Power Point is up on the screen, but it's hard to not agree with what exactly she is saying due to the fact that it is all pretty much facts, for the most part we all know to be true and have experienced in our lives. Throughout childhood and even sometimes our entire lives, it can be very hard to see and realize that we are all just human and have human nature, including our parents. There will always be a time when parents stop treating us like kids and give us more responsibilities and also not pay quite as much attention to us (which is not necessarily a bad thing). It just allows for us to grow and change based on things we discover and focus on in our own life. Bullsnaton012.

  25. I think this video hit all the key points for me to really understand the concept. Family, media, and peers are a huge impact on all of our lives. Family tells us whats right whats wrong. They teach us our morals. If you're family does not care about you or really doesn't have a social structure when it comes to rules of the household and kids go around do what they want. Like the video said it can be dangerous to themselves and to society. I thought it was interesting when they said family is taking the backseat to Peers. Which I think is very heavily influenced in our society. I know a lot of my friends who don't listen to their parents and mostly just listen to the "peer pressure" I think its funny thought how we will all look back and say " wow i should listened to my mom and dad" because usually in the end (sometimes) they were right from the beginning. BUT MEDIA for sure right now especially is a huge impact on social behavior. Especially with they way people are viewing police. The media is portraying cops as these bad people ( though there are so cops who have done things) Not all cops are those bad people. IF you bought a bag of apples and one was rotten do you throw the whole bag away? -dicaprio789

  26. The family is the foundation for all other social means. When you are young, you learn all of your ideals specifically from parents and siblings. I agree with mostof the information about parenting and the family, but have to disagree withthe amount of control parents want over their children. Assuming control over friendships, activities, etc. is not healthy for the child. They will not be able to explore and learn from the world. Parents are their to guide, protect, and love their children. Not to control them and suppress their curiosities and friendships. With peers, I think parents should keep an eye on their child in order to protect them. Getting to know and understand who your child is around is important, too. The media is, in my opinion, the worst. In the media,there is so much judgement, stereotyping, and hate, that it is becoming very harmful to young minds.Youth are growing up thinking they have to fit into a certain mold created by media, and are spending more time fitting that then finding out who they really are. As beneficial the media can be for educational purposes and communication, I view it as more harm than any of the other points. -leafy012

  27. I think this video was very interesting. I thought the presentation was great, Prezi presentations usually are. I like it when the speaker is clear and I can follow what they’re saying with a presentation. It is interesting to see how something can effect your life so heavily at it’s begin but then fall into the background as you get older. For example, for a young child, their parents or their church are huge influences on them. As a child gets older however, they become less important and peers become more important. They start caring what their friends think more than they care about what their parents think. Moot012

  28. This video was very good, it shows that parents really shape how the kid or kids are going to be shaped. Family is a very important aspect in who someone becomes as we have talked about in class quite often. Also media and peers are big factors in how our lives are shaped. Because the people that we decide to spend our time around generally have the same interests and qualities as we do. A lot of what this video talks about I feel like we have touched on in our lectures in class we really have learned a lot in a small amount of time. Also the media has gone down hill in how it is effecting how we act. What is on social media or TV now a days is not what was on before it has gone very far south causing an effect on society. Overall I thought it was a good video.Bengals012

  29. I have to agree with this video on certain statements because kids are going to see things and learn that everyone has their own let's say society. Some of the children's friends might be a bad influence and maybe get in trouble for what they did. That's where the right and wrong come in our lives but we learn between the two when we where kids our self's. Parents need to teach kids certain behaviors so that attitudes and might get a little out of control. In today's world parents don't care what their children do until they get caught with law or might do something completely stupid that it can leave an impact on the family. The whole rewards thing shouldn't be a technique parents should use. All it shows to the kid's is that they don't have to get in trouble at all and it leads them into getting anything they want because that's not punishing your kids that is called spoiling them. Grounding your kids is a learning experience because it tells kids and make them think that if I keep doing what I was doing wrong then I will keep getting grounded and have to stay in the house all the time. It's a life skill we all go through. BlackHawks012


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