Stop and Frisk....Worth It? Can't Be Simply Explained....

Stop and Frisk...Worth it? Or, Simply Applied Unconstitutionally?


  1. The video we watched was about thousands of people stopped on the streets of New York were mainly those of color, and of the ages of 14-21. Most of them were innocent men, without any weapons and without any drugs. Regardless of that, they were threatened with jail time, as well as violence from the police when the innocent men would talk back and question why they were being interrogated for no reason. Out of 100 people stopped on average, 84% were young men of color. Only 6% of those led to an arrest and only 1% had a weapon on them, most of them having no reason to be stopped and searched. Young black men who lived in bad neighborhoods soon became more afraid of law enforcement than they were of the violent crimes that took place every single day in their neighborhoods. A young teenager was stopped and frisked, and when police found a "loaded gun" they shot him seven times. It was never said to have been pulled out on police, so they should have arrested him, but instead they shot him. This took place in New York. One Mexican cop began protesting against stop and frisk, and said that if cops didn't meet a quota of stops, then they would get a bad review, so they would stop people without any reason. Then there was a group of people that NYPD, not for money though. They sued them in a hope of changing and influencing the stop and frisk. The chief of police at the time claim that they were trying to save lives even though they were causing trouble. Overall, stop and frisk was considered unconstitutional because police officers were not being fair and were treating young minority men by racial profiling and with no respect.
    gh_blackhawks002, AW002, steve002, haggard002, stlblues002, aap_cougs002

    1. It is a terrible tragedy that so many people are stopped with unreasonable suspicion due to racial profiling. Apparently, in New York primarily, officers have a bias against minority groups. This bias leads to unlawful stops and frisks, as well as the rude gestures and hateful actions used in the stops. The idea behind stop and frisk actions is ingenious in theory, however it is definitely being used improperly and causing undo distrust and anger between racial minorities and law enforcement. - AJC002

  2. This video talks about stop and frisk and the effectiveness it has upon African Americans in New York, especially younger boys. Majority of the boys that get stopped on the streets daily were between the age 14-21 and were mostly innocent. The confidential part of these stop and frisks is that only 6% lead to an arrest, and 1.2% true up with a weapon, which is proof to critics that this method doesn't work. Their mayor surprisingly thinks differently and believes that stop and frisk is needed to deter people from carrying guns, which is said to give citizens there no trust according to the video. Their chief of police claims the method they are using is all to save lives but i don't believe that. The Mexican cop, i forget his name, completely disagrees with everything thats going on with the stop and frisk and began protesting about it. To me it seems like NYPD cops are using stop and frisk inappropriately. They are being unfair to majority of African American men by racial profiling and are definitely taking advantage every chance they get. Kt002

    1. I disagree completely. This could be a great tactic it just needs some work like our whole criminal justice system. How are African American being stopped unfairly and getting taken advantage of 53% of the people they stop are African American men I find that to be very balanced number it's almost 50/50. Now yes they may be stopped more in one day compared to other races but overall it is a fair number and if I was NYPD I would be super happy with that number. Remember that the majority of the NYPD is minorities which is another great thing they are doing. They are really trying to make things better there and they are taking great strides I think. JE002

    2. I agree with you they are using stop and frisk inappropriately because they are racial profiling way to much.Where it is becoming a problem and the community knows it. To where they interviewed that one guy who says he is afraid of the cops more than the thugs.They are just taking things out of proportion than they really are. adelle002

  3. When it comes to Stop and Frisk policies, it all sounds fine and dandy. It is an awesome privilege to be able to stop crimes before they occur. I mean really, if an officer sees a crook-looking fella on the streets, pacing in front of a building constantly looking around corners and over his shoulder, with his hands in the pockets, the officer deserves to be a little suspicious. The office can then stop and frisk the man and determine if they were innocent or not. However, in all it's glorious thoughts, the stop and frisk actions are being used in terrible ways. Officers in New York especially are stopping a large number of innocent minorities, showing a racial profiling among the officers, leading to heightened racial tensions and mistrust towards law enforcement. What's worse is that these officers are being very disrespectful and repeatedly threatening the innocents they had stopped. - AJC002

    1. Stop and frisk is a good concept to use to prevent crime. Its like being a step ahead of an unsafe action that could be likely to occur, just by observation. But I also think some cops use it to their advantage since they know they could get off with it easily if it really wasn't called for to begin with. I feel like stop and frisk is good idea to use, as long as it is being used for necessary reasons. Kt002

    2. AJC002, I feel like these numbers New York City Police are putting out are to me, proof of why we shouldn’t use this policy. In an age of policing where the public has lost trust in its police force, this policy and strengthens that mistrust. We need to find other ways, in my opinion, to stop the bad guy before he strikes.-OKC002

  4. This video was very interesting to watch and see both sides of this problem. I think stop and frisk can be a great tool for law enforcement if used correctly. People say it doesn't work because only 6% result in arrest and 1.2% result in a weapon being found. These numbers are so low because they know that the NYPD is out there doing this I would be willing to bet anything I would even guarantee that the numbers would go way up if we took this away just for a year. They would be crazy if after that year we started it back up again and people say African Americans are stopped more than whites. That's wrong because 53% of the people they stop are African Americans I think that is a very good balance between the two. Yes this technique needs some work well a lot of work but if we can get this to be fair everywhere and work well and actually stop and deter crime this would be great it just needs some to step up and take control of this and work on fixing it to make it better. JE002

    1. That's what I think, JE002. If only the officers would go about it in a way that is fair and just, this could be quite effective. There's no need to profile these people racially. Honestly, I think the idea was a solid idea, but when they treated people unfairly and without respect, they ruined the whole concept.

  5. This video completely solidified my point on stop and frisks. Sure crime has gone down, but I still think that police officers should rely on real probable cause more so than a hunch. It seems like a great preventative measure for crime, in all reality it is creating more in my eyes. This policy is one that to me seems to be based on racial profiling more than it is on good police work. The fact that young black teens feel afraid when simply walking through the streets of New York should say something about this policy. I also feel like the hidden recording from the officer who was against stop and frisks was completely out of context. That officer stated that 99 percent of people in that neighborhood were hard working individuals. Obviously he does not have a low opinion of the residents, he just wants to lower crime. I don’t feel that this is the way to do it, but at least he truly wants to protect and serve.-OKC002

    1. I agree, it totally solidified my opinion as well! I just do not see how it is justifiable. I really enjoyed the fact that only 1.2% turned up with any type of weapon... This goes to show that they may be stopping the wrong people. I am curious as to where stopping and frisking will lead New York, hopefully not towards us.

    2. I agree OKC002, the police officer only wants good to come to his community. I believe that the majority of police officers want only good for their communities/neighborhoods but whenever they say anything it's going to be taken the wrong way and that officer is going to be made out to be a bad guy. zmw002

  6. In the city of New York, New York, the largest city in America, there are major controversial actions taking place. These actions are called 250s, or stopping and frisking. A stop and frisk is when an officer is able to stop anyone they feel like and pat them down, even without probable cause. The main problem that people have with these stops are that they are getting stopped multiple times! While being a strong supporter of Law Enforcement, I can see where these citizens of New York are coming from!
    Not only is it that they are being stopped multiple times, it is also the other factors that contribute into it. Most of the stops are young men in minority groups. The department claims that it has no racial bias, mainly to referring to their “diverse” department.The department sets quotas for the officers to be considered a “good officer”. Another issue people are having is that it is violating their basic rights. Even with the mayor supporting, I cannot view stopping and frisking as a justable form of prevention.

    1. These stop and frisks are definitely a violation of the fourth amendment. I don't agree with the fact that these officers can just randomly stop several people on the street for really no reason and basically accuse them of committing a crime or about to commit a crime. The study in the video showed that only 6% of these stops actually lead to an arrest, so really what's even the point of enforcing the 250? CAE002

    2. I completely agree with you that stop and frisk is not a justifiable form of prevention in any way even if the stops were not racially motivate. The major problem in New York was caused by the plainly obvious racial motivation in the stopping of people on the streets. The video stated that 84% of stops were young men of color, which shows you exactly who the police were looking for to stop and pat down even though only 6% of these stops resulted in an arrest, and very rarely actually turned up an illegal weapon. This is by no means a morally right, or even legal, form of crime prevention.

    3. I completely agree with you that stop and frisk is not a justifiable form of prevention in any way even if the stops were not racially motivate. The major problem in New York was caused by the plainly obvious racial motivation in the stopping of people on the streets. The video stated that 84% of stops were young men of color, which shows you exactly who the police were looking for to stop and pat down even though only 6% of these stops resulted in an arrest, and very rarely actually turned up an illegal weapon. This is by no means a morally right, or even legal, form of crime prevention.

  7. This video shows some serious issues that are arising with the NYPD. The 250, or the action to stop and frisk someone to prevent crime, has proven to be very ineffective. Everyday, thousands of people get stopped on the streets of New York by police officers and often times these stops can lead to something horrific. Kimani Gray is just one example. In this video, it explains that Kimani Gray was just adjusting his waist band when two undercover officers came up to him and conducted a 250. At which time, the officers shot Gray seven times, ultimately killing him.The two officers claimed that he pulled out a gun. A study shows that of the thousands of stop and frisks that take place in New York City, only about six percent lead to an arrest and only 1.2% of which turn up with a weapon. This is pretty sufficient evidence that states this stop and frisk is very ineffective. The video also talked about how 84% of the people stopped were young men of color. I don't know about you, but to me, there seems to be some racial profiling going on here. I mean when you have the citizens admitting that they are more afraid of the police, the ones who are supposed to protect you, than the actual thugs themselves there needs to be some changes made to this so called effective method they call stop and frisk. This is absolutely a violation of the fourth amendment by just randomly stopping people really for no good reason. CAE002

  8. Stop and frisk, if used correctly, can be a great method. If a cop has a probable cause to stop an individual and search him for a weapon, then he should be able to search him. However, it is being used as a racially biased tactic and police officers are relentlessly stopping black people. The worst part is, the overwhelming majority of blacks being stopped are innocent of any crime. The racial group that usually is in possession of a weapon actually turns out to be white people, so if they're going to use this method racially then they might as well use it against white people so they can actually prevent some crime. This goes for just about anything, really. If anything is used the way it's supposed, it's most likely going to go well, but you'll always have those knuckleheads that ruin it for everyone. zmw002

    1. This speaks truth on a massive level. The numbers don't lie but every day white people are doing the most in my opinion because they know that because of the color of their skin they will be let go. I think it is sickening that because some officers can't see past the color of the persons skin they think they have the right to target and then stop people of color. If the NY police department can't start reconizing how racially bias they are then someone need to go into that department and rebuild it from the ground up. Ciaccio002

  9. This is the second video on the stop and frisk method being overly used in NY. If they are bring in thousands of 250's a month then there is an issue. If more than half of the thousands are young minorities then there is a problem. I think it becomes a problem with the public when the same young men are being stopped two to three times a day just so they can conduct a 250. Alivn was heard telling an officer that the reason he was looking back was because they literally just did a 250 on him not less than a block away and now they are doing it again and being aggressive about it. Since when is walking the neighborhood considered being suspicious? I think the NYPD needs be investigated on server racial profiling. Ciaccio002

  10. This video talks about the issues in New York regarding stop and frisk, or 250. This gave officers the right to stop anyone on the street and frisk them as long as they had "reasonable suspicion" which could be almost anything. Stop and frisk was originally implemented to cut down weapons on the street, but it was handled terribly. The targets of stop and frisk started to be racially motivated, and instead of finding illegal weapons on the street they were finding drugs and sending people to jail for having small amounts of drugs on them and nothing else. The stopping of minorities became so bad that some african americans would be stopped multiple times during the same trip. The video even states that 84% of the people stop were young men of color; this just shows you how much race played into who the police decided to stop. Stop and frisk was eventually found unconstitutional in New York and is no longer implemented. Violent crime rates in New York are even down since stop and frisk was stopped. Even with it no longer implemented, it will take time for the relationship between the community and the police force to heal.

  11. They are legitly stopping and frisking color people and they are young people 14-21 years of age that are doing nothing wrong. They have it as proff. It is not right for them to do this. And how the cops talk to these guys that they stop is so unprofessionable. Even when the person stopped and they ask questions and you do not answer them. When one guy in the video said he is more afraid of the cops that the thugs because of how many times there stopped and treated during the stop and frisk. I find it surprising ow there is only 1% of stop and frisk that they for having a weapon or knife. Of the 6% that get arrested meaning the other 5% was doing nothing wrong. The critic saying that stop and frisk does not work. The critics saying that the department should run on political correctness not public safety. I agree with them on this because of how political questions go on of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against. Just because I believe in that in not to do it. I was amazed about the percents In the video it says in that there are only 84% of people are young men colored. If that's not racial profiling I do not know what is. Adelle002

  12. in my opinion it is without a doubt racial profiling. the statistics prove it. you can look up any past records and prove that most of every stop by police is targeted toward minorities. the police are finding reasons to stop and frisk people even when they don't have probable cause to do so. these people are afraid to leave their home because they know they are going to be stopped, because it happens on a regular basis. Some people even get stopped multiple times a day, and to me that is ridiculous! racial profiling at its greatest and when that's happening, how do you even plan on cracking down on crime? to me and to the statistics, its not an effective method and I believe they should find another way. camvilla002


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