Prison and Prison Life on the Real.....

Prison and Prison Life on the Real.....


  1. Both videos of Fort Dodge and Lebanon prison give us an inside look of prison life. Lebanon prison holds mostly violent offenders. I am surprised that 30% of the inmates are killers and 25% are sexual predators. The video mentioned that to survive in this prison, inmates had to be violent, street smart, and strong. I would agree the same goes for most other prisons. This video put emphasis on predator versus prey. One in five inmates are sexually victimized in jail. The sexual predators should be separated from violent offenders. Also, the E-Block has 220 prisoners and only 2 guards. The inmates know they greatly outnumber the guards. They can get away with finding the materials to make shanks. The prison has a good system though and is able to recover and find contraband. I am surprised how crafty these criminals are when it comes to finding the broken glass, metal frameworks from their bed, and other materials to make blades. The Special Response Team does a good job recovering contraband; I am surprised at how much they recovered. With the large number of gangs (at least 20% of the prisoners are in gangs) more guards should ideally keep watch of the gym which is the only place all of the gangs converge. I like their program that they have where the inmates can meet with the family/ loved ones of their victims. This helps give the family of the victim better closure, but I do not think this program is to better the criminal. The Fort Dodge prison is just another boot camp program that focuses more on physical work than mental work, which does the prisoner’s future no good. I do not like that if a prisoner completes the boot camp program, he is immediately released. From a victim’s point of view, that is concerning because the prisoner will not correct his behavior because of physically grueling work. The video mentioned that the inmates help depends on if the inmates want help. I think most of the inmates will not admit they need help and all of them need help to correct their behaviors. Scuba004

    1. It is very interesting how the prisoners are able to make weapons out of very little resources, and how they can even smuggle in certain contraband from outside. I believe this is why task forces such as the special response team are designed and implemented. Furthermore, the boot camp programs don't seem to be that effective though I believe few inmates may change their behavior through this program during the extreme stress they are put under. Although, most inmates are likely to re-offend and be placed back in prison later in life. I hope this program is flushed out and improved on if it is going to allow prisoners the chance to be released early. Ghost004

  2. This video describing Fort Doge and Lebanon prisons is a great chance to see how the legal, personal, and business sides of prison operate and correlate. We also got the chance to see the boot camp program first hand as well. In this video we get to see how prisons and those guarding them operate on a daily level, and how they communicate with each other on an everyday bases. Inmates in prison live in a very respect orientated environment. Faced with gang interactions and strict regulations from prison personal, inmates must balance the two while maintaining their own strength as individuals in order to minimize their chances of becoming a target for other inmates. A lot of the inmates in this video were incarcerated from violent crimes. However, the prisons still offer beneficial programs for their inmates such as G.E.D courses and jobs like license plate manufacturers. Furthermore, the boot camp program offers light offenders a chance at a reduced sentence and early release if they can make it through the program without messing up. During their time in the program inmates can expect to be put through vigorous physical training, hard labor, and several rehabilitation classes. While this program is a great opportunity for most, some inmates can't handle the requirements or the rules and are kicked out of the program and may have to return to prison to full fill the rest of their sentences. Life in prison is tough and it can be even harder to maintain an environment such as prison. For the correction officers and other employees of the prison everyday can be a challenge and an opportunity to encounter something new. People working in prisons need to be on their toes at all times and be able to read the situation carefully as well. Prison is a very controlled and monitored environment where subjectively bad people are put away to live out their time and hopefully rejoin society when they are able to follow the rules, but one thing is for sure, it is a very tough environment. Ghost004

    1. That is the main reason why prisoners stay longer; when they get mixed up with the wrong crowd. Most people join the gangs in prison for protection, but all the gangs offer is more trouble. Rayder004

  3. While watching this video of the two prisons Fort Dodge and Lebanon, I noticed that there were quite a bit of problems with these prisons. Prisons are supposed to be around to keep dangerous individuals away from society normally long enough for them to change their ways or just stay there. However, these two prisons do not seem like they are changing any behavior whatsoever. In fact, in the Lebanon prison, there was a gang leader who was getting money for selling drugs, while he was in prison. Even the one inmate they followed who had a chance to make it, started to hang with the wrong people and is probably going to add on to his sentence. The Fort Dodge prison was even worst with the inmates fighting as soon as they arrive in order to see where they are at in terms of strength. It did not seem like any of the inmates were trying to change their ways at all in that prison, and that prison had a boot camp program. So what the prisons need to do is have some programs that help with whatever problems the prisoners have and address them so then they are more likely not to repeat that behavior. Rayder004

    1. I agree with you that both of these prisons are not changing their inmate's behavior. It's strange that the gang leader can sell drugs to earn money to send back home too. The only thing these prisons, especially Fort Dodge, are focusing on is physically changing the inmates instead of changing their behavior. These inmates definitely need therapy or a program to help them with their problems. Scuba004

    2. I agree that both of these prisons aren't doing anything for an inmate that will help them when they are released. The psychological problems, mostly drug addiction, that landed them in these prisons are not being treated, which will only lead to these people landing back in prison for one reason or another. EKT004

    3. I agree as well that neither of these prisons did anything to change the criminal behaviors of the inmates there. If they are not involved with programs to help with the underlying issues they will continue their criminal ways once on the outside. A lot of the men there were very manipulative and continued to break the law even though they are incarcerated. The United States prison system needs to focus more on rehabilitative services and teaching these inmates some sort of job skill if they are going to have any chance of being a productive part of society. The two prisons shown in the video will only continue to be a revolving door for these inmates. Mommy004

  4. After watching the video about the Fort Dodge and Lebanon Prisons, there were many things that stood out about both of them. It is crazy to see that there are many everyday items that people use that prisoners will find a way to turn into weapons. As correctional officer you really have to be aware of what is going on and watch out for the dangerous weapons that could potentially kill you. It is also interesting to see that almost every prison we have learned about has very strong gang presence inside of them. You have different gangs running different territories inside these prisons which makes it very dangerous for the other inmates and the officers that guard them. A clash of two gangs could become deadly. It was also interesting to see that the head of the gang was still able to somehow be making money inside of the prison to still support his child on the outside and that he wasn't going to change his ways after he got out either. Makes you wonder how much affect prison really has on a lot of the people who go through there. I think after seeing this the prisons need to find a way to change this behavior and show him alternative ways that he can still provide money to support his family when he gets out. hawkshockey004

  5. Both videos of Fort Dodge and Lebanon prison give us an inside look of prison life. Lebanon prison holds mostly violent offenders, 30% of the inmates are killers and 25% are sexual predators. The video mentioned that to survive in this prison, inmates had to be violent, street smart, and strong, which, I imagine, is the same for most prisons. This video put emphasis on predator versus prey. One in five inmates are sexually victimized. The sexual predators should be separated from violent offenders. Also, the inmates know they greatly outnumber the guards, so they know they can get away with hiding tobacco or makeshift weapons. The prison has a good system though and is able to recover and find contraband. I am surprised how crafty these criminals are when it comes to finding the broken glass, metal frameworks from their bed, and other materials to make blades, but the Special Response Team does a good job recovering contraband. With the at least 20% of the prisoners are in gangs, the guards should be extra vigilant of inmates in the yard, which is the main place these gangs operate. I like the restorative justice program where the inmates can meet with the family/ loved ones of their victims. This helps give the family of the victim better closure, but I do not think this program has a lasting effect of the offender. The Fort Dodge prison and its River Program is another boot camp program that focuses more on physical work than psychological problems, which, as we all know, does nothing for the prisoner when they are released back into society. EKT004

  6. The video gives a good point of view of how prison life is for some people. The Labanon prison in Ohio is one step away from max. Prison contain 30% killers and 25% sexual offenders and ⅕ of the inmates admit to have been sexually assaulted. The problem with this prison to me is that you have to earn your respect. Whether it be the guards or inmates. It’s hard as a new guard to earn respect. You have to show that you can handle yourself and be able to control what you need to. In a prison with 9 cell blocks, there is only two guards watching more than two hundred inmates. 20% of the inmates are in gangs. They all stay in their own lane but if something happens you have to do what you have to protect your “family”. In some prisons in Ohio, shakedowns only occur once or twice every two years. During these shakedowns the SRT goes through every cell and basically turns it upside down and tries to find any weapons or things that inmates shouldn’t have. The SRT also searches for gang members and tries to put a database of all the alleged gang members together. Just looking for information that might contain some gang tips they need to know. DC004

  7. Both videos gave an inside look at daily life behind bars. A huge issue is the need to fight as soon as you arrive at the jail. This is so inmates earn respect and show that they will not just be pushovers while incarcerated. The inmates are also very manipulative to the new guards starting there to see just how far they can push them and to blackmail them into doing things for them. Things like this show that even though they are locked up they are still able to commit criminal acts. The SRT searches being kept secret is a pretty good idea and seems to be a good way to confiscate any contraband the inmates possess. Yet the inmates are still making weapons and selling drugs making money. There really didn't seem to be any positive changes going on in the prison to assist these inmates with the issues they have or to ensure they will be able to make it in society. The two prisons in the videos are not focused on enough on rehabilitation and trying to reduce recidivism rates of these inmates. This was just another video that showed how much our criminal justice system is in need of a complete overhaul if we are ever going to bring down this mass incarceration problem we face here in this country. Mommy004

  8. When watching the videos we learned about the prison of Lebanon and also Fort Dodge. With the Lebanon prison it holds mostly violent offenders. I am surprised that 30% of the inmates are killers and 25% are sexual predators. These inmates are all in the same area with each other. To survive in this prison, inmates had to be violent, street smart, and strong. All of these skills are very important to make sure you have a better chance of lasting inside. E-Block has 220 prisoners and only 2 guards. The inmates know they greatly outnumber the guards, this adds to the inmates on what they are able to get away with. When there aren’t so many guards then the contraband and crimes within increase since they know they can get away with things. Different prison’s have other ways on trying to help the inmates. The boot camp program offers light offenders a chance at a reduced sentence and early release if they can make it through the program without messing up. During their time in the program inmates can expect to be put through vigorous physical training, hard labor, and several rehabilitation classes. This didn’t work because the inmates didn’t get the real help that they needed and just got told what to do. No matter what prison you are working at will always be very dangerous to work at. Just always have to be on your toes and keep your guard up while inside. Pie004


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