Homelessness Equated With Deviance? Your Thoughts....

Homelessness Equated With Deviance? Your Thoughts....


  1. According to sociologists deviant people do not live like the majority class of a particular society. At the macro level all societies have deviants and each group sets its moral boundaries. In the wealthier countries deviants are anyone that interferes with the interests of the rich and powerful. In the video, no one stopped to help the young man asking for money. The people said they were afraid or thought they may be on drugs and no one even asked him what his circumstances were or guided him to programs that help people. Mr. Liazos felt most deviant people are not bad but powerless. Why do people ignore a poor soul and the fact that there are so many people that are not treated equally in this great country? The Social-Conflict Theory feels deviance is political and the rich have no power over them and don't like the idea that some reject their ideas. On the other hand, lost of people, men and women, stopped to talk to the pretty girl and agreed with her that breast implants would be great. What does this say about us as a people? Strive to be pretty, alter your body to please society, get a job, find a rich man. Looks and money seem to be our societies most important ideals instead of the "old fashioned" help your fellow humans with kindness. I personally don't like the term deviant. I understand that there are people that deviate from societies norm but that is the beauty of humans. Why do people want to be a robot of society; dress the same, talk the same, live the same? Shouldn't individuals be celebrated? Would Mother Theresa or Ghandi be considered deviant? They both rejected the rich privileged life society values to help feed and free the deviants. Why do we model the rich instead of the kind? grandma005

  2. I will say that I think homeless people are very deviant because they would rather beg people for food and money then to go get a job and keep it to buy food and pay bills. I have never been afraid of homeless people I just don’t deal with them. I will say that I do feel a certain way about them because of my beliefs. I believe that if I can get up and go to work then why can’t they do the same. We all have had or will have something horrible happen in our lives, the thing is never give up. On the other hand thinking the way I do doesn’t give me the want to consider why they are homeless and what happen to them in their life that have made them turn to homelessness. They could have lose their family or, even their wIll to live it could be anything. I will say that I don't feel sorry for them. Nowadays there are so many organization that will help people get their life back together as well as give them a place to sleep and food to eat. When you think of homeless people you also think of people that are on drugs or addicted to alcohol. Thinking homeless people something we think of them as trying to get over on people by asking for money and food. I don’t mean to sound like a bad person but if I can get up every day and work hard for my money then they can do the same. Cupcake005...

    1. I disagree I believe if some homeless people have a choice then I'm sure they wouldnt choose to live on the street and beg for money and food. Their are many people that are menatally incapable of maintaing a job let alone filling out an apllication to obtain a job. Yes there are places that help people get on their feet and on the road to a successful life however its like a monopoly they pick and choose who they want to help. Society and some of our beliefs have shaped us to close our eyes to reality and open them to things that has no values or make since because its that of the norm. I have seen people that run those organizations turn people away because they didnt qualify for help do to what they may have answered in the interview or on the application. Everyone does not have a drug addiction or any other kind of addiction that brought them to the road of being on the streets. However i'm sure that after the situation that made them homeless their is a percentage that actually picked up some kind of addiction or another to cope with there current situation.You can't be socially culture in todays world.12mc-005

  3. This video pretty much sums up several different views society have about the homeless community. I to like others stop to think like what may have gone wrong in that individuals life cause not all homeless people choice to be homeless we have several situation that can place them there I personally will never view homeless as one group of deviant individuals, however I'm sure there are some who will fit under the category of  being deviant in to me those are the individuals who really choose not to live with anyone who will help them  as long as they choose to abide by that person rules. The lady in the video brings up a very good point about people being afraid of the homeless cause when I was younger the dirtier the person was the scarier I will be but once your parents in other adult figures in your life teach you the basic principles of life in you get the understanding of that particular society you learn to embrace it. Growing up homeless was taught to me just like racism so I think its up to each person on how they choose to view homelessness rather it be judgmental, deviant, or accepting it for what it really is.. that person way of life. Leathas005

    1. I think some homeless people choose to live on the streets when others are just trying to survive. You never know if someone isn't really homeless and just wants a few extra dollars to help them out. Posing as a homeless person is very deviant on their part.When I went to Oregon they had designated parks for the homeless to sleep and some people just gave up and live there now.If people choose to be homeless because of their addiction to drugs then they should get help. Instead of begging for money to feed their habit, they should better themselves. rose005

  4. Society has scrutinized homelessness for decades as some form of deviance in one way or another. There have always been names for the homeless; transients, hobos, displaced, lost, or simply bums. Society has slowly grown more accustomed to people being homeless or without family to assist, knowing that there are organizations, now, that were established to give shelter, comfort, or to help retrain them to get back into society. There may be a number of reasons for the individual to be in the situation they are in, but this does not make them deviant. The responses from the people on the video were statements given by people who had their own opinion about the situation of being homeless. Their responses were honest and revealing. People are frightened when you see a stranger approaching, whose appearance is somewhat off-putting, or they smell, or they just look dangerous. This is a normal response for any sane human being. Social Conflict Theory is deviance towards the political or wealthy, with the viewpoint that these faculties have no power over them and are unhappy with the idea that their ideas do not matter either. Looking back at the two individuals that were in the first video I kept asking how we, as a society, could simply ignore the man who was destitute. As if he didn’t exist at all. Yet several people stopped to question, take pictures and drop money off for a young woman who needed new breasts to make a career. All societies have some form of deviants and each society has some form of standard by which these people are considered to be deviant. But who gets to make up these boundaries or limits for determining who is or is not part of this group? Perhaps being a part of society is what everyone strives for, but not all of us can cope with the standards. Seoulman005

  5. According to Google search engine deviance is defined as the following: the fact or state of departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior. In other words, deviance can also be described as the act of going against society. In this video, one can propose the question: is being homeless considered to be an act of deviance? In my opinion, overall, homelessness is an act of deviance for several reasons. First, when being homeless, others of society tend to view you in a certain manner in which would not be considered common. For example, members of society could view homeless people as individuals who are lazy and do not contribute to society by choice. Others might say that those who are homeless are unable to contribute to society due to a disadvantage they face. While both of these are two separate perspectives, they both can be viewed as equal via the deviance perspective. Both of these analyze those who are outside of the social norm, which is an example of deviance. Also, in the video, a women mentioned that some individuals who are homeless do not have to be homeless. In fact, they are able to function as everyday beings, but choose to not do so. Which also is another example of deviance. While this does not hold true to all homeless people it is the case for some. Finally, as seen in this video, studies like this reveal multiple opinions, which is healthy for productive research when conducting studies, because being able to be exposed to diverse individuals allows viewers to gain a sense of truth. In other words, these studies make the experiment more fact based, via a third party’s eyes.


  6. This video was a nice way to see how other people perceive the homeless of their role in society of social deviance. I felt that some of the people actually had an educational or thoughtful perception and others were just oblivious to the actual circumstances that make the homeless into who they are. One guy stated that he is actually taking the classes of sociology and could give an educational answer. The older lady I thought she had some thoughtful responses as well and she did have some good points. The others though seemed like they were going into the stereotypical role of how someone becomes homeless. For the majority of the homeless, I believe don’t want to be homeless but can’t get out of the rut they got into. The older lady stated pretty much that some of them choose to be homeless so they don’t have to pay taxes. There are better ways of becoming a separatist than living without shelter food clean water. To me that was a bad statement that was thoughtful but not too thoughtful. Technically some of them choose to be homeless over giving up an addiction but give an addict the option of drugs and a roof and see how many rise to the opportunity. This had to of been a film with the focus of students opinions because there was only one person interviewed that may or may not have been a student. This study resembles the thoughts of students versus the society. Not everyone is going to be educated enough to answer appropriately, the interviewees should have been more diverse. Ask me some questions out of med school and see how my answers match up with those who may know something about such questions. So to me this video is inaccurate because the research was conducted inaccurately. Think of the research population they are all the same and can only be seen as a population of that school or class and can no way be how the public views homeless and deviance. For instance if I conduct a research with the exact same questions but only ask members of our class that is a population of our class, so to say it is anything larger such as college students, ICC students, or citizens of Peoria is a false statement. This video would have been better if I could have seen such responses from the community. BHL005

  7. After viewing this video I think homelessness can be deviant it just depend on the person because some people are that way because of the lost of job, discharged from the army, losing their family and etc. Some could be as the lady stated not wanting the responsibilities of paying bills and living a regular life. I do argree that at first they use to scare me until I was taught that some was out there by force and not choice. As the group stated about the people in Mexico would sell candy and small items to make money where as in the states its laws against selling things on the street corners to get by. Whats considered normal here for a homeless person is out of rhe norm other places. The gentleman also spoke on the different cultures and the sub cultures within them that determine social cultures. Honestly there are some people that are homeless and deviant because their reason for being that way are that of men reas. You have some very wealthy people standing on corners and asking for donation and they really dont need any. However society has shaped us to believe that homeless people are dirty, unworthy and should go and hide or even killed themselves. We were taught to judge what we see and not what we know. Other parts of the world view homeless people in a more suitable and respectable manner without a hint of judgement. To me I think the people that look down on homeless people are more deviant then a homeless person.12mc-005

  8. "Can I take a picture? This is so Miami!" The homeless are seen as deviant for not working, asking for hand outs which people usually say is for drugs, and/or alcohol. Therefore society treats them as lazy, dirty, or example of consequences for bad choices. In contrast, A woman asking for "donations" for her breast implants is seen as less threatening, more approachable and worthy of societal attention and charity. When I see a homeless person on the highway corner in peoria, I want to stop and give them what they need. My personal morals come from early catholic education. I was taught it is good behavior to give to those who need, and to help those who can not help themselves. When I see a homeless person on streets in peoria, I want to stop and give them what they need. Some times I build up the courage to stop and give them spare cash, but I wish I could say it is every time. However, the threat of "stranger danger" (whether socialized or instinct) keeps me in my car. I am not sure what that says about my character but I know I would not give money for something superficial like breast implants. Jimmys005

  9. I feel as if some homeless people are deviant for choosing to live on the streets because of the constant need for drugs. I know once someone is hooked it is very hard to stop them from doing it again. They do have the option to get help. You can check yourself into a rehab facility but most people don't want to let the drug abuse go. They may not choose to be homeless and use drugs/ alcohol as a coping method. People also may not want to deal with real life issues and just run away from them. Lasing a job and becoming homeless isn't deviant because you didn't do anything to cause it. (If they did then yes it would be deviant) The guy in the video gave an example of how people in mexico sell stuff on the streets. If it were legal here i feel like more people would be able to afford standard living. The guy in the video stated that even though in a certain culture that norm is okay to do, it might be deviant to another. rose005

  10. This video irritated me because it made me realize that we discuss homelessness as if we know how it is first-hand. Why do we feel it’s okay to try and educate others about a topic we know nothing about? That’s like a soldier going around and telling people what it’s like to be a teacher and the everyday struggles that teachers face. The woman in the all black had the most sense when it came to what she was talking about, she seemed to see more of the reality of the situation compared to the group of friends that were discussing deviance in homeless people. The man with the glasses irked me the most because he really sounded like he had absolutely no idea what he was talking about; as if every homeless person’s situation is the same. He was all book smarts and no street smarts, which is how many people these days tend to think. Puppies005

  11. I pretty much gave the response to the homeless man vs breast implant woman that I should have given to this video. Now I feel like a broken record for saying almost the exact same thing, but I'd be lying if I changed my tune now just to have two separate thoughts on two separate videos. As I said previously, I think society views homelessness as deviance for sure. The reasons we attach so much stigma to the homeless and tend to label them as lazy or addicts before we label them as simply unfortunate (at least on average I think) is mostly because it would make us feel too uncomfortable to view them as the same as us (good people). To do so would be a difficult thing to live with. Acknowledging homeless as regular unfortunate people would intensify the amount of guilt we feel when we choose not to help them, and would also create a sort of cognitive dissonance within ourselves as we are forced to reflect on the unpredictability of our own circumstances and the imperfection of the system of government and culture that we’ve put so much faith in and which we derive much of our sense of accomplishment from by way of reference. Poet005

  12. There are two types of homeless people; there are homeless people who actually need the money, than there are homeless people who want the money just to buy things that won’t help them in life. Those two groups are deviant. But not deviant compared to a convict. Then in my opinion, there are the wannabe homeless people who just look dirty and sit around and beg for money. When they live in house, or even have a job. They just beg for money cause they want and they know people will give it to them. Those people are deviant but in a bad way. They are stealing from people and also lying to them. They are stealing peoples money and lying to them to make those people think that they are actually homeless when really they aren’t. A few cases that I have seen of this is when I see “homeless” people stand outside of either Wal-Mart or Kroger and they just hold a sign saying with writing begging for money or a job. But some of them will be there with their dog or even nicer clothes on. That to me is both a scam and being deviant. TB005

    1. I agree with you. It's sad that we even have to catergorize a person into those groups. But at the same time, how do you know which is which? People always assume, because someone isn't all dirty and nasty looking that they are the ones faking. Have you ever seen the pursuit of happiness? Thats a perfect example. Him and his son were both poor and homeless but they didnt necessarily look the ''part''. I could decide to make a clothing item of mine and make it all raggedy and stand on the street claiming to be hungry and no one would probably even look my way unless I was old, smelly with holes everywhere. Everyone should just take in consideration in what someone may be going through instead of overlooking what you think you know. PurpleHearts005

  13. It's saddening watching this video. Just in the first couple of minutes. The man is sitting on what appears to be a strip mall. There are a lot of people walking past and no one will even give him the time of day. No one considered even looking his way. When he asked for help, people would just keep walking and just act like they didnt hear him at all. It's like he wasn't even sitting right there. Of course just looking at him, I could see if someone didnt believe he was homeless or in need because of the conditioning of his clothing but who are we to define what a homeless person or someone in need looks like? Me personally, even if I felt that the person was trying to scam, I would give them at LEAST a quarter or find them something to eat because even if you suspect something, there's always that 'what if'. It just seems like the right thing to do. It was really just upsetting to see how many people were willing to help the girl for her implants. I could see why people would like at least shes honest but helping her over the homeless man was ridiculous. To be honest, she didnt need them. Why was supporting someone who wanted to get breast implants so much more important than supporting the homeless man. Americans have their priorities messed up and society is the blame.PurpleHearts005

  14. Seeing other peoples opinion on homeless people was pretty eyeopening to me. All these people seem so certain what it means to be homeless based off of solely impressions. Some treat it as the homeless person's fault, because they spend all the money on drugs or alcohol. Others treat it as society's fault, maybe that person was set up to be homeless by the economy or just society. If you search the internet you'll find so many videos of homeless people doing extremely kind acts. It's usually those who have less that are aware of the plights of those who are less fortunate. There's a story in the bible where different people gave a tithe to the church. Some of them where rich people who gave a lot. One of them though was a poor widow who gave 2 small copper coins. Now she may have given less but that was all she had. Her donation is worth more then the rich people's because she gave all she had while the rich gave what they were comfortable giving. Many people are quick to judge homeless people when they shouldn't. Homeless people are deviants by definition. The issue though is that people give deviant a negative term when it doesn't deserve one. Acer005


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