My Family Album Starring My Grandparents......

My Family Album Starring My Grandparents......


  1. This video warmed my heart. Because I have the opportunity to work daily with the elderly through my job as a CNA in a nursing home, I have been able to observe the various states that many of the residents are in. Although I work mostly with people who have some form of dementia, it still amazes me how high functioning some of them are at such an elderly age. The older people shown in this video were in extremely good shape for their age, therefore kind of throwing off their age scripts. Our American society has a semi-negative view towards the elderly and, because of that view, we often categorize in our minds what they can and cannot do. Gymnastics is definitely on our “cannot do” list, yet in the video there was a ninety year old woman doing a cartwheel. I can’t even do a cartwheel! The video that touched me the most was the elderly couple playing piano together. It’s incredible to think that their muscle memory is still there from all those years playing together. Before my grandmother passed away, she and my grandpa used to play piano together all the time and it never failed to warm my heart.
    Although this video only showed elderly folks who were able to do physical feats beyond their age script, many times the mental aspect can be more impressive. Some of my residents at the nursing home as still sharp as a tack, but are just not as young as they used to be which sometimes unfortunately takes a massive toll on the body. Even some of the people I work with who have dementia are able to recall past events and even sing songs that they learned as a child perfectly. The brain is truly a marvelous and powerful object.

    1. Threetwo123, your experiences as a CNA have enlightened me. I personally don’t interact with older people on a day to day bases. You talk about how society develops these social norms that determine what an older person can and cannot do. Well I say pish posh to that! After watching this video, and reading your input, I see things differently among older people. I think that ageism and social norms have developed a psychological barrier in the minds of our older generations. The brain is like a muscle in our body, if we don’t use it, we lose it. Our society can not be telling our older generations that they are “losing it” because they’re old. We need to look at age more as just a number. We need to be encouraging our older generations to keep using their mental capacity and not let silly societal norms get in the way of living life. Check123

    2. It's nice to know you have a warm heart toward all this. Sorry about your grandmother. I was also very interested in seeing how well their memories were when it came to playing the piano! I think that you are right too an extent about society. It may shock society that an old person can do gymnastics, but honestly I think society wouldn't totally cast the idea out. After all, if you think about the circus you see old people doing crazy stuff. If you google old tightrope walker you will see results of an Ivy Baldwin. While this is not gymnastics, it is something you would not expect to see from someone of such age. But, it was a pretty big deal and many people watched and supported it. Pretty cool. -M&M123

    3. Working as a CNA as well, I can definitely agree with what you have said here. The elderly have such amazing stories, experiences and wisdom to share on with us. It is amazing to see how different people age in different ways. There are people like this, doing gymnastics and such but as you stated we work with many dementia residents. This video was adorable, and reminded me of the goofy, kind residents I work with everyday. SAS123

  2. Ageism is prejudice and discrimination typically against older people that is used to justify age stratification. I think this video defied all of the stereotypes that we normally associate with older people. In our society in the U.S., we often see people “not acting their age” as being deviant. Ageism is normally associated with our older generations. In a way, our society does not take respecting our elders as seriously than Eastern cultures do. I have a Vietnamese friend that I have spoken to about the differences she sees in our culture over our treatment of older people. She says that in her country, she has to perform a certain bow when greeting her elders. It is typically a lower bow than the what she uses to greet people of her age or younger. She told me that it is a way of showing respect towards the older generations in her country. The way that she talks about her elders is interesting because she does not in any way talk down about them. In addition, not only do we see ageism targeted towards the elderly, but also towards younger people as well. I often hear my parents say things that are meant to insult the millennial generation. “Those millennials don’t understand the concept of working hard in a job.” I laugh at them because being a millennial myself, I see that not all millennials are lazy like my parents say. I think ageism is formed by us when we don’t understand each other. Society changes over time, and an older generation will not think the exact same way than a younger generation does when they were that age. A younger generation has also not lived through the exact same events that an older generation has. Instead of trying to listen to each other and express our different views and opinions, we often try to belittle one another. Check123

    1. You bring up a good point about elderly being treated differently around the world. In my other classes we have discussed the elderly and talked about how they are more respected and some are even the head of the household. They tell everyone in their house what to do and they set the rules. I think that is really unique how different each of our cultures are just depending on where we are located. I also wrote about how our generation will not want to be treated that way when we grow older as well. I agree with a lot of the different points you brought up in your post.

    2. Your thoughts about ageism being a two way street is very insightful. Sure, many of us have a discrimination against older people because society tells us that you become obsolete when your body starts to deteriorate, but there are discriminations against all age groups. Those injustices against the different age groups are most clearly seen through stereotypes. Dr. White brought up the scenario where you are driving and the person in front of you is driving ten miles under the speed limit. Who is in front of you? An old lady! It works for other groups in reference to driving, alone. If someone is being completely reckless and acting like they own the road, they are a teenager. If someone is going a little slower than you and the second you almost pass them, they speed way up, it is a middle aged man. It is important to be aware that ageism exists in all forms. aardvark123

  3. All of the older people were breaking our American culture’s folkways in the video. It is considered quite deviant because they were doing what is only societally acceptable for younger people. It is interesting how different our cultures are on different hemispheres. In America, the elderly are looked at as weak and helpless, but in Asia, the elderly are highly revered. Our separate cultures have shaped our views, and just distance can make a world of a difference when it comes to individual values. The old people were deviating from the age roles we have put them in as a society, and their actions then become a spectacle. If younger people did the exact same things these older people did, there would not even be a YouTube video on it for us to study because that is the age script we give to younger people. There would be not deviance and, therefore, no interest from the public to watch. If older people can do crazy things like gymnastics, then why is it inappropriate for them to do so? It is all because of socialization. In previous centuries, people did not live until seventy like they do today, and when life expectancy started going up along with the industrialization of America, there was a higher demand for physical strength. As you age, your muscle mass, as a general pattern, typically decreases. People with less muscle mass, the elderly, were not assets, and I think that is where the stereotype of older people being helpless took root. However, now that we are entering an era of post industrialization, there will be less of a stigma against those who are not as physically able. They graying of America will also contribute to that stereotype decreasing as people become older, longer due to advancing medical technologies. aardvark123

    1. I agree with your point about the elderly and muscle mass. There is a common perception that elderly people are weak, fragile individuals who aren't capable of lifting a stick off the ground, which in most cases is actually true. But through their fearless strength and determination they are actually mentally stronger than we are as young whippersnappers.-MrG123

  4. I think this entire video is very moving. It seems so funny to all of us to watch them do this but it is the same as us doing these things. Who are we to decide that it is funny that they are doing the same things we do everyday. Old people dancing is no funnier than young people dancing. I think it is very unfair the way our society puts restriction on people due to certain age. We are no better than they are if anything they are a lot older and wiser than any of us. We as young people are definitely not as bright as they are. We do not know as much as they do or have seen as much as they have. It is much like the race and gender problems that we have been discussing each day in our different blogs. We need to stop judging everyone based off of their age, skin color, or their gender. We need to see people for who they are. Older people need to have fun and be out in the world, they do not deserve to be put away in a home just because of their age. I understand however when they get to a certain age sometimes people can just not take care of the elderly and they have to be put in a home. However that doesn't give us the right to treat them any differently than anyone else. It is amazing how long we are able to live now and be able to do so many different things at such an old age. One day our generation is going to be the elderly generation we need to take that into consideration. How do we all want to be treated when we are older and not young any more. Litv123

    1. I thought the video was really heart warming as well. While it was funny to watch them do those "young" activities, it should not have been. It is unfair that people of all ages have an age script that they are suppose to follow as a norm. Everyone should be able to do what they want to do (within legal limitations, of course) without being judged or ridiculed for it. I agree that they are most likely much wiser than us, so we are not any better than them. Instead of judging people for what they are like externally, we should look how people are internally. People would get along much better if we did not care about outward appearances. -softball_savvy123

  5. This video brought a smile to my face. There is a lot of ageism in our society today that goes both ways. Ageism is where there is prejudice or discrimination against people based on their age. We put a lot of restrictions on elderly people in today's society. If we see older people dancing, running, and/or doing gymnastics, then we tend to judge them. In this day and age that would be considered deviant. The elderly people in the video looked like they were having a blast. We treat elderly people very poorly in our society. We put them in nursing homes when they do not even need to be there. We are not better than them at all. If anything, they are wiser because of their experiences in life. There is an age script for everyone especially the elderly. A common thing hear you hear people say to older people (and sometimes younger people) is that "you are not acting your age". Some people that viewed this video probably thought that exact thing. Elderly people should be able to have just as much fun and excitement as anyone. Eventually, younger generations will become elderly too, and I am sure we would want to be treated with respect and consideration. Ageism goes the other way, though. You hear older people say that the younger generations are entitled and lazy. Almost everyone I know who is a millennial is working full or part time, is going to school, trying to live on their own, paying bills, and being active in their everyday life. Putting a stop to ageism is a difficult task. Depending on your environment, is usually how you handle ageism. I grew up in a neighborhood that had a variety of age groups but most people elderly. When I took my dog on a walk or went on a bike ride, I would see them gardening or walking around too, so I was able to wave and chat for a few minutes with them. Since I grew up in that type of environment, I do not struggle with ageism. -softball_savvy123

    1. I totally agree with you. The elderly deserve to have just as much fun and freedom to be themselves as anyone. It is very sad the age scripts that we give the elderly, and the way that we treat them. The way we treat our own elderly family is sad. Most people will put their parents in a retirement home years before they need to be there because they do not want to deal with them. They have the same rights we do and deserve all the help and protection we can give them just like they gave us. Scuba123

  6. The video featured in this blog consisted of older folks going outside of the sociological norms we give them. Most Americans would look at these older people and laugh at them, or make weird faces towards them. This is because we just don't see this in our culture. We associate words like weak, slow, angry, and arrogant with the elderly. I personally love this video because elderly people do not need to fall within those age roles that we give them. They deserve to dance and have a good time just as much as we do. The fact that they can get up and dance and have a good time that late in life is awesome and they should be expressing themselves as long as they can. The more power to them. Any person in the society today might think that is weird but at their age they are going to be wishing they could do things like that and enjoy life as much as the folks in this video are. I have had friends who have grandmothers that remind me of the people in this film and they are the greatest, sweetest ladies I know. They are living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment of it. There are people like this that I feel for when their children put them in retirement homes when they do not need it. They belong in their own place or with the family as long as they can or until the burden is to much with work and children. The best part about this video is the pureness of the elderly dancing. They remind me of children when they are dancing. They do not care who is watching or what is going on around them. They are being themselves no matter who is watching. Scuba123

    1. You make some pretty good points. I don't think society really thinks fully on situations before they judge because I know when they get old they will be either doing the same thing, or wishing they could do the things that the elderly people in this video are doing. Also, life is a continuous cycle. When people get old they start to become childish in a way. So when you said that the older people reminded you of kids who were dancing I went back and watched the video to see it from your perspective, and I can see where your coming form with that but I didn't originally see that the fist time I watched it.

  7. When people get old in the US it is assumed that they will just become dependent on others and very lethargic and inactive. But this video is showing us how old people are bucking the system. Some great examples are the ninety-three-year-old lady still participating in gymnastics and doing cartwheels on the mat. There is a group of ninety-year-old men who are competing in a one-hundred-meter dash on a track field. Our generation just assumes that the elderly can’t participate in the things that we do on a daily basis. It is almost like we view old people as a different breed, like they aren’t even human any more just because they are old. I loved this video. I think it is becoming more apparent that if the elderly are capable of doing something then they totally should and who’s to say they can’t do it? I had an elderly neighbor who was in her 80’s and she looked phenomenal. She was in great shape, completely mobile, had all her wits about her and was always busy doing something. One night I went outside as the sun was mostly gone but still semi prevalent, and she came out of her house and went jogging. I asked her what on earth she was doing and she chuckled at me and said I’m going jogging, and I go at night so no one can see me and make comments on how old I am. After she said that she went jogging down her driveway at a pretty decent speed. Here is this elderly lady who, at the time, was probably 7 or 8 times my age and it seemed like she was in better shape than I was. She was a very spirited lady and didn’t like to listen to people who had a differing opinion than her. All I know is that when you get older it is extremely important to stay active, because once you become sedentary is when your health completely decline.

    1. I can agree with your statement about being sedentary. I also think that keeping as mobile as possible helps a great deal. I had a friend that worked at a nursing home and she became friends with a resident that lived there and she needed a hip replacement. After the surgery she was not as mobile as before the surgery and her health seemed to decline drastically thereafter. Now I know that the surgery itself didn’t help her health, but I think the lack of mobility did not help one bit either. I do think it is awesome that someone at an older age is breaking from the norm and still jogging. Diver123

  8. I think this video is a great video. It helps prove you are only as old as you feel. I love watching these people breaking the norm and breaking out of their age scripts, or what society thinks they should be doing. Even though when we look at someone in their nineties you would not expect them to be performing gymnastics, running a hundred yard dash, or dancing around. Normally when we think of someone being that age we associate them with living in a nursing home, or some sort of assisted living facility doing nothing much at all. It is a shame too. These people used to be just like you and I, and they still are. They do wild and crazy thinks like us, and obviously some of them still like to dance. I don’t know why society has drawn a depressing picture of what it is like to be old. Yes there are situations that are not happy. There are situations where dementia may set in, or your body may not be able to operate like it use too. On the flip side there are times when you are good with all your thoughts and you are able to get around. My wife’s grandfather was ninety-four when he passed. He was still driving his wife and himself to Texas every winter to get away from the cold till he was in his nineties. Meeting him you would not think he was in his nineties. He was sharp witted and always joking around. He did not fit what society’s picture of a man in his ninety’s would be. Since there are more people reaching their nineties and older, maybe societies age script for someone that age will change. Modern technology and medical advancements are allowing people to grow to older ages and maybe the ages of the people in this video may seem young one day. Diver123

    1. I love your closing statement because I had not thought about that and I think you are completely correct because there is already technology on the horizon that will significantly extend our life expectancy. Also I think the fact that (hopefully) at some point we are all going to get older means that society needs to stop glorifying youth so much because people who are young are also stupid. The elderly have had a lifetime to make the mistakes we are just starting to make. We should be encouraging the elderly to do whatever they want to do because someday we will be in their shoes. - Glass123

  9. This video makes me really happy because I want all people to look forward to every stage of life. But there is this idea that once you become a certain age that you stop enjoying life as much as you once did. I don’t ever want to look to the next stage of my life with desperation I want to be excited to try new things. That is why this video is so cool because all of these older people are trying new things and expressing themselves in today’s culture without shame. Older people shouldn’t feel like they are not allowed to experience our current culture just because they are not young. A lot of younger people will complain about old people and there old fashioned ideas and then they will disregard older people. How can you expect older people to understand the new culture if you are disregarding them? Then in turn older people will be angry at the kids because they choose to not experience the new culture because it’s not part of the typical age script but without experience it becomes difficult to understand why the young people may be doing the things they are doing and it creates this divide between the old and the young. It’s kind of like a vicious cycle of prejudice because both sides disregard each other when in fact they are not all that different they just are not taking the time to talk to each other. My grandmother just retired and is transitioning towards a different lifestyle I don’t want her to feel like she is unimportant or weak because she lived such an amazing life I want her to be able to feel good about that. I love seeing the empowered of older people in our culture we value youth so much. We are obsessed with wrinkle creams and hair dyes because we think of old as ugly. -Glass123

    1. I totally agree with you! Older people shouldn't feel they can't do the things that they want to try. They are people as well, and they deserve respect. I agree when you said that how can they expect to understand our new culture when we aren't willing to explain and listen to them. Both of my grandmothers are in their seventies and eighties and they are both spunky and full of life. They live at home and they are strong enough to take care of themselves and other people. This video makes me happy as well. It is nice to see the elderly do what they feel like doing if they shouldn't do it because of what society and sometimes what their families tell them.

  10. Society influences us into treating our elderly with not very much respect. We think that because they are older, forgetful, and "annoying" for family members to take care of them that we should treat them like they are not important. Also bossing them around like telling them that they are too old to do certain things. I agree partially in that because you wouldn't want them to fall and break any bones, yet we forget that these are mothers, fathers, and grandparents, and they are the ones that have had a major impact in our lives. They are their own people, if they want to dance or anything let them be. They want to enjoy the life that they have left. I enjoyed watching this video because you can tell that the elderly don't really care what others think. Many of them are flexible, and still strong despite of their age. We shouldn't belittle or judge them. I remember watching an sudition video of this 80 year old woman, and she was going to do a dance routine. The judges were extremely skeptical about the pair. The song started at it was very slow at the beginning and one of the judges got annoyed and pressed the buzzer. As the music changed to a faster pace, they started to do a salsa dance. The woman was being twirled, thrown, and lifted. The audience, the judges, the hosts, all of them were with their mouths open and sayin, "oh my God." You see, just because they are older does not mean that they can't do certain activities. We should treat them with more respect, and we should try to not be so judgemental, Because one day we are going to be that age, and how would we feel if were treated with annoyance, and being bossed around. Let us love, and accept the elderly.

    1. I agree with you all the way with this one. Society has a big impact on how people view other genders, ages, races, and ethnicity. People never seem to look at the bigger picture when it comes to discrimination. A Lot of people see old people as handicapped when really they are out here still able do cart wheels and still able to jump, dance, sing and play the guitar but we put them in this class of people that no one wants to be around but really that is not the case. Dancer 123

  11. In class, I already talked about how hip my grandma is. She is turning 70 years old in November, she is going to go skydiving, and she has two tattoos. My grandma is the coolest grandma I know. My grandma is and always has been full of life and I believe that she will be until the day she dies. She radiates joy. She is always smiling or laughing. My grandma can bust a move. I look at my grandma with as much respect (probably even more respect) as anybody else. It is people like my grandma who have influenced me to fight against stereotypes related to the elderly. My grandma had defied many of the stereotypes that people associate with the elderly. My grandma is an excellent driver. She is very good at using technology once she is taught how to use it. She is a lively woman. I understand that all elderly people are not like my grandma. That is just another reason not to stereotype the elderly. Each person is an individual. We are all different, therefore we should all be treated as such. If we give each age category scripts then we limit everyone. Telling old people they cannot have fun and dance is like telling young people we are not allowed to work and be taken seriously. The elderly deserve to enjoy life just as much as we do. If they want to spend their time dancing and we want to spend our time working, who is to tell either group that they cannot? Since when do free will become so constricted? This isn’t footloose. Let the people dance! -M&M123

    1. I really love how you said each person is individual. Everyone is so quick to associate individuals in specific groups of people, which can lead to prejudice and stereotyping. You're right about age scripts limiting people as well. Who are we to tell someone they shouldn't be dressing a certain way because they are old? Who are we to tell someone they can't do a certain activity because they are old? We don't know which people are capable of what, and the elderly are just trying to enjoy their life to the fullest. I think your stories about your grandma are really cool, and it's awesome to hear all of the incredible things she's doing at the age of 70! Daisy123

  12. Old people are in fact, awesome! They are wise beyond their years and have more knowledge about street smarts than most to fuss young whippersnappers think! Obviously there always going to be those old people that are grouchy and want to shoot you if you accidentally step on their lawn, take Clint Eastwood in the film "Gran Torino" for example. But for every bad old person there is an equally amazing, nice, and kind hearted old person who wants nothing but to brighten your day with a smile, buy you a coffee, or play a Rolling Stones tune for you (take the elderly man in the video for example). I think it is important to recognize that no matter how old a person is they will always be trying to emulate their youth to some certain extent, and in doing so they will find that they are still in fact young, just not in the typical definition fashion. I enjoy spending time with my grandma, especially as she is my only surviving grandparent. At the ripe age of eighty-two she is still able to dance at weddings, sing a song, and even bake a cake or two all in the same day. She has more love to give than anyone I know and I'm sure she could say the same for all of her elderly friends. So not many how we view old people, the fact of the matter is that they could really care less what we think of them. They have seen and been through more than we have and can often teach us a lot about not only ourselves, but the world in general.-MrG123

    1. I also believe that for every bad person there is a good person. It's true that you can look at the elderly as the people who kick you off your lawn, but they are also just like everyone else and there are just as bad of people that are younger. Age doesn't define somebody's character unless experiences have led them to become who they are. I think it's true that people are always trying to hold on to their youth and the good feelings that come with being ignorant and reckless. Some people just might look kind of weird doing so. It's weird to think that I would never look at my grandparents and think they are any different than my parents or my siblings other than the fact that they are wiser. When you see an older person you know well and care about a lot, you understand that there is no reason to judge anyone by their age. -Kiwi123

  13. This video was actually really cool to me due to the fact that these elderly people went out of the norms for elderly people or in other words proved the stereotypes wrong. Elderly people are just like everyone else they have just been around longer than those of our generation so of course they are going to know a lot more than we are but some people see them as a bug to society. When really they are proving everyone wrong in this video by singing and playing the guitar and dancing and still doing gymnastics. Ageism is a big thing in today's society because people are always saying old people don't belong on the roads or in school they basically want thing to stay in a box for the rest of their lives when really these elderly people are not caring what the younger generations think of them and are going to continue to live their lives no matter how old they are and no matter what the circumstances are. We can take this video and learn from it. Not so we can be happy at a older age but to not care what people think about us when we are happy at an older age. Discrimination is still alive in today's society but what we do now only affect us in the long run so do we take action and try to stop viewing elders or other as a menace to society or do we want to still continue to live in a world full discrimination. Dancer 123


    1. You pose a serious question that people in our society should consider. Many young people do not think about it, but sooner than they know they are going to be those old people who are being discriminated against if they continue discriminating the current elderly population. We work hard our entire lives to relax and have an enjoyable retirement. The last thing we want is to be discriminated against and acted rudely towards. Some people get overly mad at elderly people on the roads if they are driving too slow or pull out in front of you, however before getting mad we should think about if we were the old person in that car. That could be their last tie to their freedom and getting their license taken away would really take a lot of joy from their lives. -Chameleon123

  14. In this video, the elderly are shown doing abnormal things in society. A lot of the people are shown dancing enthusiastically. This is only entertaining because the old people dancing are not something we see every day due to the way we perceive and experience the elderly. The stereotypical elderly person is usually physically unable to move a lot. They are frailer but there is a stereotype that makes them out to be boring. I think that a lot of elderly people are not actually boring in their mind; they just physically cannot be more exciting. Although, the people in this video are anomalies because of the fact that they have made it so far in life and are still able to act the way younger people tend to act, which is energetic. I found it interesting that the grandparents trying to figure out a Mac comes off as humorous, or maybe even ignorant. This is because their old age gives younger people the perception that they don’t understand technology since it is a modern concept. I think that it could be funny, but I understand that older people not understanding technology doesn’t mean they are any less wise. The grandparents in this video probably know a lot more than many younger people. They just are part of a past generation who had completely different experiences. As the video came to an end, I almost forgot that an elderly man was providing all of the background music and was impressed that he could make that much noise that sounded so lively. I probably have some bias towards elderly because of the fact that I was surprised he could do that. A lot of the people are shown alone, proving that some elders lose friendships due to the isolation that comes with aging. None the less, they are still showing their personality through their actions. -Kiwi123

  15. This video was all kinds of adorable and made me smile very widely. Working in a nursing home as a CNA, I experience first hand older people and the way people treat older people. On my wing, I have 30 residents that I could care for. They each are different and have different experiences to share on with me. While a lot of them have dementia and cannot remember their grandchildren’s name, they remember the day they proposed to their wife or their high school years. It’s amazing to witness their memories and it’s heartbreaking to watch their memories fade from view. It’s really sad that there is such discrimination against older people because they are such a vital part of our society and just knowing them can benefit young people in so many ways. When Doc said in class today that people come and visit their family on major holidays only, I understood completely what he was talking about. Before I was a CNA, I worked in activities doing one-on-ones with residents that only had family that visited once or twice a year. It was truly heartbreaking to chat with them as I would be the only one visiting them for a long time. It is also very heartbreaking to work and see the residents that do not have family anymore. It is a common fact that women live longer than men. If that couple did not have children, the woman is left alone when her husband passes. There is one resident that has been in the home for almost as long as I have been alive, and she does not have any family. Her only visitor is a former CNA that took care of her for years. It’s sad to see but shows how much moving elderly people that cannot care for themselves or have no family into nursing homes is actually beneficial for them mentally and physically. SAS123

    1. Having also worked as a CNA, I am so incredibly grateful that someone else can empathize with the first hand experience of working with and caring for more elderly people. It truly is heartbreaking working with some residents whose family only come to visit once or twice a year. What is even worse is when the resident verbalizes their unhappiness about the lack of visits their family makes. Working as a CNA will definitely shape how I take care of my parents when their physical and mental health begins to decline.

  16. This cute video of the elderly defying their social roles is so heartwarming. I love seeing the elderly act as though they are still young, as it seems that they tend to have such a greater appreciation for life. Even though in today's society most of these dancing grannies would be seen as social deviant, I think they are so funny! Ageism is created by young people who put specific age roles on those who are elderly. It is prejudice against old people that could be used to justify age stratification. As a part of the younger generation, we should be promoting and celebrating these elderly people that will not let age slow them down. Instead, younger Americans think that the elderly need to be taken care of and put in nursing homes too quickly. Many elderly folks end up in nursing homes just because family members don't have time to give them the very little help they need. In other cultures, ageism does not exist, and the elderly are seen as the most respected people of the community. The elderly are in fact the wisest, because they have lived life and persevered to make it as far as they have. It is really sad that ageism seems to be growing in our culture, while the rate of elderly people is increasing as well. One day, the youth will begin to age as well, and hopefully one day the elderly will not be seen as deviant as they continue to enjoy the little things in life. Daisy123

    1. Completely agree our elderly population is not appreciated for what they have endured and our younger generation has allowed life to complete blind them to what is really important causing them to take the easy route and have someone else look after their loved one. I personally can’t see myself putting any of my family members in a home for someone else to care for them because like the old adage says “they’re not gonna take care of them like how I can take care of them” and that’s true I know because I’ve witnessed people get mistreated by healthcare workers and it’s not right. But yes these “dancing grannies” are the cutest ever I hope that I can be like them if I make it to see their ages. Also you’re spot on with whole ageism gig it’s not until you grow that you stop being shallow minded. Benoodles123

  17. How precious is life? I am so glad that the elderly people that can live life are doing just that. Why is it acceptable in our society to dictate what is appropriate behavior for a person based on their age? Once we die, that is it we don’t come back so why not live life to the fullest every single day so that when the elderly look back over their lives as Erikson stated during the developmental stage Ego Integrity v. Despair, they will arrive at the answer of having a fulfilling life with no regrets. Not only that but think of the unforgettable memories they will leave behind for their loved ones. It is such an inspiration to see that there actually is something to look forward to once I get to that point of time in my life. I have been in the healthcare field for 8 years now and I believe a lot of the geriatric population gives up because people gives up on them. For many of the geriatrics, unless they were diagnosed with a form of dementia, their mind is the last thing to go. Therefore, when someone is so depressed because of the way their life may be going then what really do they have to live for when they’ve been unwillingly stripped away from the only home they’ve known for as long as they can remember and placed in a place that a fraction of the size of their previous home and have nothing or anyone to remind them of home, why wouldn’t they give up. It’s so important to stay active in their lives; I know all they want is time they’re lonely and would just enjoy company every now and then. I think if we all were cognizant of the fact that one day that will be us then we’d treat them better and be more involved in their lives. We should really revere them because of all of the history they’ve lived through and not to mention we wouldn’t even be here if it were not for our elderly. Benoodles123

  18. According to the textbook pg. 382, “the younger elderly, who are between sixty-five and seventy-five, typically live independently with good health and financial security; they are likely to be living as couples. The older elderly, those past ages seventy-five, are more likely to have health and money problems and to be dependent on others. Because of their greater longevity, women outnumber men in the elderly population, an imbalance that grow greater with advancing age. Among the “oldest old”, those over age eighty-five, 66 percent are women. In the video clip, it showed the elder living a vibrant life. Of course, some elders have better health than others. Health problems become more common after people reach the age of seventy-five. In the book, it talked about how when older people recognize that their life is coming to an end. “No matter how much they still may be learning and achieving, they spend more time of their past, remembering disappointments as well as accomplishments.” From watching the video, I feel as if they elder is trying to enjoy life. They are making the best out of their life and not letting old age take a hold on them. I see how many different elders within the video have their own coping skill of dealing with old age. They people that were found in the nursing home within the video had developed disintegrated and disorganized personalities from not being able to come to term with aging. The book states the type of ways elder people deal with coping of older age. Throughout the video, I have seen the integrated personality amongst the elder. These elders are keeping personal dignity and self-confidence while accepting growing old. We all must grow old one day. It all depends on whether they can cope with aging. Elder people can display disintegrated and disorganized personalities, passive-dependent personalities, defended personalities, or integrated personalities. Rendezvous123

  19. The title of this video perfectly sums it up: “Old People are Awesome.” They truly are incredible people and they deserve so much more respect and appreciation than they get. Ageism is a very upsetting issue that has developed in our society. We do not value the older population anywhere near how we used to. It used to be understood that since the elderly had cared for you when you were a child, you must care for them when they are too old to care for themselves anymore. The unfortunate thing is that we are now allowing our parents or grandparents to be put in nursing homes and cared for by someone else. While it is an easy escape of a big responsibility, the sad truth is that the elderly are not getting as high quality a level of care as they would be at home with their family. They are separated from their grandchildren and children who do not visit as often as they should, and depending on the nursing home they might not be receiving care that families would approve of if they saw it especially at the state funded nursing homes. Cultural change is not always a good thing, and our treatment towards our older population needs to be adjusted to consider what is best for them. They have been through so much in their lives it is comforting to watch this video and see that they survived it all. The good and the bad, they have seen it all and they are still here today with plenty of joy and deviance left in them. I laughed at this video, not making fun of them, but rather rejoicing with them for making it through this challenging life and still being able to get up and be goofy. -Chameleon123


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