To Be a Cop or Not.....


  1. I have always wanted to be a cop since I was just a little kid. The cop in the video says that being a cop is a community job, and you really have to be someone who wants to serve the community. I really like helping people, especially community work so I feel like that won’t be a problem for me. The cop also says that a lot of people can’t become a cop because they can’t pass the background checks. I don’t have a criminal history and I never got in trouble at school or at work so I think I will be able to get through that. It won’t be easy though. He says that at the police station he works at only about one out of 1000 applicants get the job. I hope that my interview skills will help separate myself from the pack and I can get the job. -Celtics002

  2. This cop talks a lot about what it takes to become a police officer. He talks about how the academy is 7 months and even though you are getting paid throughout it, lots of officers don’t make it through. That’s because they really test your physical and mental abilities. There is also an officer that rates everything you do from handling your equipment to doing the physical tasks. This is after the academy and it lasts for a year. They call this the probation period. The success rate he says is pretty high at that point, but there are some that make it clear very early that they’re not meant to be a cop. I like to think that I can make it through the academy, but I will definitely need to train for it. This video told me a lot of things that I already knew, but gave me new insight to how police officers view this experience. -Celtics003

  3. This video give a little insight on a few the requirements that must be met when choosing to have a career in law enforcement. In choosing to be a police officer you must first realize that this field is not for everyone. You might think this would be exciting but as the officer in the video stated, "it's obvious from the beginning" who will make it and who won't. You also have to realize that you are working for the community. Most of your time as an officer will be spent dealing with community issues. Some other steps that you will have to go through would be a thorough background check. Your background check will have to come back clear and if there is something in question it is best to be open and honest. Moving forward you will go through the academy and then a 1 year probationary period. During this time frame everything is critiqued. Again as stated in the beginning of the video this field is not for everyone. You can make it all the way through the academy and then fail during the probationary period. This video would be useful to those that are trying to determine if being a officer is the right career path for them. Jadist002

  4. I found this video to very insightful. At the beginning of the video, the officer informed the viewers that there was an age requirement to become a police officer. I already knew that, however, the officer continued by stating a person does not have to be a US citizen in order to take police training. Although, they are required to become a US citizen once they are sworn in police officers. I did not realize that was an option. I think that is neat that they are allowing it. I also liked how the officer compared a company job to a police force, he said it was different since a person is working for the community not a company. With the difference of employers, their approach and their value system are drastically unlike each other. Which I think is an important distinctive between the two, and I am glad the officer shared that insight in the video. I had not looked at it with that kind of perspective before. I found it quite interesting. -CoalRoller003

  5. Choosing a career in law enforcement if hard decision for some. By choosing to be a police officer you are choosing to work for the community. There is a lot that goes along with this decision. You have to first pass a thorough background check. This will ensure that the police force is not hiring a convicted felon, pedophile, etc. The video stated this field is no for everyone. This is true. You must complete a 7 month PTI training at the academy. Once this is complete you will still be on a one year probationary period. During this period you will be watch by a training officer that will document any issues that you might have. There is a very high success rate of officers completing the probationary period. This video is very informative and gave a lot of insight on what to expect when choosing a career in law enforcement. Jadist003

  6. So being a police officer is not a easy task it's more to it then you think its not a company job it's more like you service the community do you have to be a good citizen and no criminal record. There is several steps to becoming a police officer and they are several steps background check, physical test,and the mental test which is the hardest you can pass because you have to test the truth on what you did and not lie on your background check also having nothing major on your record. The several steps is just to get in the academy and the academy is hard. It's a test to see if you can be a cop. Once you pass the academy the test is still not over and you will be assigned to a station where you go with a high ranking officer and do calls and they will see if you are handling the equipment properly and handling on call situations properly. Batman002

  7. Going into peace keeping isn't some long and deep seated passion of mine. Most of the stories that I hear are either of the amusing or cautionary variety. My grandfather was stabbed on the job, and his story about that was one of the very first things I heard regarding law enforcement, so the initial impression wasn't favorable. When it comes right down to it, I see it as a job that needs to be done, much like any other. There is absolute evil out in the world, and there are rabid dogs running around, and I defy anyone to prove otherwise. If I can hold back some evil, then it is a task worth doing. If I cannot, then it is not. I think that will be the final determinant in whether I ultimately stay with a department.

    - Arsenal002

  8. One of the statistics that stood out to me the most is that 1 out of 1000 people get accepted. That is very eye opening and shows that being a police officer is a hard field to get into. You have to want the job and be prepared to put in the work. The officers talks about the academy being 7 months long. That is 7 months that you have to make sure you are the best. Thankfully you are being paid in those 7 months but it is still a test for you. The officers first talks about the hardest thing to pass in the background test. Like he said we are human and make mistakes, so if you disclose them to your background investigator than you will be fine. Honestly goes a long way in this field, if you cannot be trusted then you should not be a cop. -ClarkKent002

  9. The officers first talks about the hardest thing to pass is the background test. Like he said we are human and make mistakes, so if you disclose them to your background investigator than you will be fine. Honestly goes a long way in this field, if you cannot be trusted then you should not be a cop. In the middle of the video the Officer states a surprising statistic. He states that 1 out of 1000 people get accepted. That is very eye opening and shows how hard it is to get onto the force. You have to want the job and be prepared to put in the work. The officers talks about the academy being 7 months long. That is 7 months that you have to make sure you are the best. Thankfully you are being paid in those 7 months but it is still a test for you. -ClarkKent003

  10. Law enforcement is a job unlike any other. In the video the sargent mentioned that not everyone who wants to go into it is truly ready or even cut out for the position. I was surprised at the ratio of applicants to people hired. I understand that L.A. is a fairly largely populated area, but that ratio seems like a big gap. The basic requirements he mentioned in the beginning did not come as a surprise beside one piece of information he mentioned. I was surprised when he mentioned an applicant did not have to be a citizen until they are sworn in. This was news to me. I have always thought to even be considered the applicant had to be a citizen. Knowing that the cost of training for a new officer is a big investment, that is a big risk departments would be making to hire someone who may not be able to complete the citizenship requirements. -AS003

  11. In this video the officer states that the most important part in summiting an application is to making sure you are 21 by the end of the academy. Another very important part of the hiring process, as he stated, not having a criminal record or any have gotten in touble with the police. The officer also goes on to state that when we are young its sometimes easy to think that our pasts wont catch up with us at some point. Being an offcier is alot more than wearing a badge and gun. Being able to help those who cant help themselves can be a very rewarding part of the job. They do their field training program different than alot of the midwest. Here in IL, most of the time, you go to the academy for 14 weeks and then comes back to their respective department. After that, you would be assigned to an senoir officer for your FTO. Field Training Officer rides with you everyday and they grade you on your proformance. During this time, you are put on probation and can be fired at any time for anything you have done wrong. -chicubs002

  12. In this video the officer states that the most important part in summiting an application is to making sure you are 21 by the end of the academy. They do their field training program different than alot of the midwest. Here in IL, most of the time, you go to the academy for 14 weeks and then come back to their respective department. After that, you would be assigned to a senoir officer for your FTO. Field Training Officer rides with you everyday and they grade you on your proformance. During this time, you are put on probation and can be fired at any time for anything you have done wrong. Another very important part of the hiring process, as he stated, not having a criminal record or any have gotten in touble with the police. The officer also goes on to state that when we are young its sometimes easy to think that our pasts wont catch up with us at some point. Being an offcier is alot more than wearing a badge and gun. Being able to help those who cant help themselves can be a very rewarding part of the job. -chicubs003

  13. In this video he talks about what it takes to be a cop. From the academy to what kind of person it takes. He also started out by talking about how old you have to be and that you don't have to be a us citizen which was surprising i didn't know that. It takes a person who loves to help and serve their community. You also can't have a criminal background are any trouble with police which is kind of a given. He also talks about the academy and how even though you are getting paid through it alot of people don't make it through because of the tests. I feel like these tests are necessary and if anything show dedication if you want it bad enough you will get it you will pass or at least try and improve yourself so you make those requirements. - pizza002

  14. In this video he talks about how it takes a person who loves to help and serve their community. You also can't have a criminal background are any trouble with police which is kind of a given .He also started out by talking about how old you have to be and that you don't have to be a us citizen which was surprising i didn't know that. He also talks about the academy and how even though you are getting paid through it alot of people don't make it through because of the tests. I feel like these tests are necessary and if anything show dedication if you want it bad enough you will get it you will pass or at least try and improve yourself so you make those requirements. In this video he talks about what it takes to be a cop. From the academy to what kind of person it takes. - pizza003

  15. I found this video very insightful. Not only do they go through the hiring process, but they talk about what it is like to go through the academy and what you need to become a police officer. One thing that I found interesting was that one does not have to be a citizen to become a police officer, but they have to be going through the process of becoming a citizen. I like that when the officer talks to high schoolers, he asks them “If that is something that they really want to do?” I think that that is an important question to ask one’s self before deciding, because being a police officer is not for everyone. The officer in the video also talks about the requirements of a person to be a police officer. They have to have a crime free background, which sometimes happens. Then they go through a series of several tests (mental, physical, background check being just a few). I found this extremely insightful into what it takes to be a police officer. –Adventureflight002

  16. Like he just said on the video,to be a cop you have to be willing to serve the community not just specific people or company. Honesty is the key in this field as we heard from the video. Most young people or most kids like to be a cop in future but the most thing that make it difficult to some people is the background check or the job become more complicated than you thought. For most of us who are planning to be a cop we need more lessons and videos like this of which gives you more knowledge and understanding on what you are going to do or go trough at the streets. Be prepared of lots training and tests like he said even if you are hired but you miss some things on duty or not capable of performing good the word behind it is bye. this was very interesting and can make you change your mind. GUSII 002

  17. To work as cop can be admirable career,but as the video say there are few thing we need to put into consideration. between a length hiring process and the training, it can be hard job to get. Then you might find that it isn't what its cracked up to be. You have to believe that you are working for the community and safe life of people but not ending it. As the video say there are several test and training that takes place and with time in order to be fully qualified. SO you have to think about it or get to know it before it is too late for you. A large part of any police job involves dealing with physical and psychological pain, and to be on street you have to be smart on this. Being honesty is first thing in police field never say something that you not sure of or you know that is lies. GUSII 003

  18. I have wanted to be a police officer for as long as I can remember. I remember when I first felt like I wanted to become a cop I knew it was because I thought the lights and sirens were super cool and I wanted to drive fast like that too. Then as I got older I realized it is so much deeper than the simple want of driving fast and looking super cool. I figured out at about age 15 I wanted to be a Police Officer because I wanted to help people and be a peace maker and to protect others, especially those who cannot protect themselves. Every child at some point in their lives want to be a cop, but it is usually a phase. I like how he said most people realize if it is not for them and that is so very true because this job is not for everyone. -holywaffles002

  19. Being a Police Officer is not an easy job by any means. Majority of people cannot be in law enforcement because it is a very intense and demanding job. The requirements are very serious, as well as the qualifications. Being a police officer is more than just driving around and attempting to restore peace. The field training is very intense as well as it is ultimately where many see if they are fit to be police officer's and how they will handle themselves for certain calls. It is not easy and if you follow through with being a cop for a long time, or majority of your life, it will change you mentally and physically and your personality will change as well. The job is not a normal career and is not a 9-5 type lifestyle and a lot of people go into law enforcement not realizing all that comes with it. -holywaffles003

  20. In the video an officer gave some general requirements about the application process of becoming a police officer. You have to be 21, and have a pretty clean background record. He talked about how some people have a perceived idea of what being a police officer is like and some are just not cut out for it or it isn't what they thought it was. He talked about when you do get hired and have a officer grade you everyday on your performance. He says that its quite obvious to tell the ones that the job isn't for them. The overall theme I gathered from the video was that if you are thinking about going into law enforcement that you really need to think and consider if that is the right path for you. -CUBSFAN002

  21. The video shows a officer and gives his advice on becoming a police officer. He gave some general requirements about the application process of becoming a police officer such as age and citizenship. You have to be 21, and have a pretty clean background record. He talked about how some people have a perceived idea of what being a police officer is like and some are just not cut out for it or it isn't what they thought it was. He talked about when you do get hired and have a officer grade you everyday on your performance. He says that its quite obvious to tell the ones that the job isn't for them. I think the officer was trying to convey that if you are thinking about going into law enforcement that you really need to think and consider if that is the right path for you. -CUBSFAN003

  22. For my future, I'm not positive as to exactly where in the criminal justice field I would like to end up. Watching this video inspired me to work even harder and made me desire to not only become a cop at some point, but to surpass that point and to hopefully work my way up the ranks. When he said only roughly 1 in every 1000 applicants even get accepted into the police academy, I was pretty shocked. This seems like an exaggerated number and is something I would like to discuss more in class to get a second or third opinion about. For me, I don't have a set job in mind as to where I would like to end up- my goal is to start at the bottom (probably in a correctional facility), and work my way up as high as necessary until I find something that makes me happy. I believe I have the mindset and skill set/mentality it would take to become a police officer and much more. GMan003

  23. The officer in this video very simply said that a lot of times being a cop isn't what people think it is. He started off by talking about the main qualifications you must meet to be a cop. You do have to be 21 years of age to be a cop. Along with that, you must pass a criminal background check. The police academy is 7 months of schooling, that one must get through to be a cop. Not only is that 7 month of schooling going to test your physical strength, but your mental strength as well. They can't just strap a gun on anyone and send them off to help other people. The job itself has the potential to be rather physically demanding, but people don't expect the mental strain being a cop can put on an individual. All in all, before deciding you want to be a police officer make sure that you truly understand what you're getting yourself into. psych001

  24. This video is good for anyone who is thinking about being a police officer or working in law enforcement. It gives facts about what you need in order to qualify to get the job. The man explains that even after you get the job you are still being graded on how well you do and how well you perform. He explains that a lot of people don't really know or understand how the job really is. There are a lot of tests that you have to go through in order to even be considered for the job. I think it is important that he explained that being a police officer is a lot different than how you think it will be, yes there are benefits but it is also very dangerous. I like how he said that if you are considering it that you really need to make sure this is something you want to do because we need people on the force that are prepared for anything. Ark002

  25. I like all of the information that he gave during the video an that he stated al the qualifications that you need for the job. I think a lot of people think it is an easy job to get or an easy job to do when it isn't. It has it's benefits but it is a very dangerous job. You serve and protect your community at all costs. It is important that people understand that this job is not for everyone and that is okay. There are many tests that need to be taken to ensure that someone is ready and has the skills to do the job well. It is also important to know if someone is interested in being a police officer that you are always being watched and you are always being graded on how well and ethically you do the job. He states that it is also important that you don't have a criminal background and that if you do to be upfront and honest, this is just another way to ensure that the job isn't given to the wrong person. Ark003

  26. The video about a few things on what it takes to become a cop. I thought it was interesting how you can become a cop if you’re in the process of becoming a United States citizen. I liked how he explained that if you wanna be a cop, make sure that’s really what you want to do. Even though there are benefits you have to want to help the community. I liked how the police officer referred to this job as being a community job. You work with the community and you have to want to help the community. I thought it was interesting how he said that the background test was the hardest test to pass. It’s best if you tell the truth instead of trying to lie about it because they will find out the truth and if they catch you lying they won't except you. He talked about the academy and how it’s seven months long and they really test you there. I thought it was interesting on how he talked about the probation part where you are basically being supervised on the job and if you don't do well they won't except you. Soccer002

  27. Listening to a brief summary on what it takes to become a cop was very interesting. I don't want to become a police officer but I still thought this video was interesting. This is a community job and if you don't want to work with a community then this job is not for you. He explained that this job is not for everyone. I thought it was interesting how he was discussing the different tests. There is a background, physical, and mental test. The background test is very important. People make mistakes and it’s best to just be honest. If you want to have a career in law enforcement, you have to be honest. If you lie in this career, you might not ever gain trust back. To be a police officer you have to want to help people and the community. Being a police officer is easy and becoming a police officer is not easy either. Soccer003

  28. After watching this video, it has Enlighted me on what it takes to be a police officer. To hear what it takes to be a police officer, you really do have to question yourself whether or not this is the job for you. To hear about how hard the physical and mental tests that you have to go through is simply mind boggling. I am glad that potential police officers go through this rigorous training. It really shows you who is passionate about being a police officer. I do think that some police officers are under paid for all the work that they have to do. And all the training that these fine young men and women go through will ultimately better prepare them for the job. Illinigurl002

  29. The Officer in this video made a valid point for people who are under the age of 21. He stated that is this job something that they are truly ready for. With that are they ready to be out in the communities. Also, he made a valid point of telling the truth during your background investigation. I agree with this the most because it shows if you can be trusted and held accountable for your own actions no matter how young you were and how they affected you. This shows the department you applied to that you can hold yourself to the highest standard that they can count on. While watching the video he stated that when you go the academy for those 7 months that you are being trusted and paid to do your future job. So, with all that taken in Trust is one of the biggest keys to help get your career going. -MrWadeWilson002

  30. This is a good little video because it gives us as a student a little bit of an idea of what to expect when applying for some of these law enforcement jobs that we are all seeking. This is not a profession where you can just start day one and expect to be great at it and know everything you are doing. It will take months to learn how to do certain things and that is why I think that it is great that you have to go through seven months of training. I also think it is a good idea for the new officers to be riding around with their training officers for a year after those seven months just to really ensure that they are fit to do a job such as being a police officer. This can be a very mentally and physically demanding and challenging profession and it is not something that a lot of people can do. -Steel003

  31. While watching the video he stated that when you go the academy for those 7 months that you are being trusted and paid to do your future job. So, with all that taken in Trust is one of the biggest keys to help get your career going. The officer in this video made a valid point for people who are under the age of 21. He asked that is this job something that they are truly capable of. With that are they ready to be out in the communities. The officer made a valid point of telling the truth during your hiring process. With having trust, you should also have integrity. This means that you can show where you are applying that you can be a be a great addition to the department. Being that great addition brings a lot of other responsibilities in my eyes that are necessary to being a law enforcement officer. -MrWadeWilson003

  32. I have never had interest in becoming a police officer, so watching this video gave me a bit of information. I think being a police officer is one of the hardest jobs in the law enforcement category because they are dealing with people on the streets so their lives could be in danger every day they are at work. I did not know people had to go through so much to be a police officer. I like how they ask the ones who want to be police officers about their background before they actually do their background checks because that shows if they will lie or not just to get the job. I also like the rates they give them each day while in training. You can learn a lot about a person by watching them every day for a whole year. These steps are most important I feel like because police officers deal with all different types of people so they need to know who they are hiring to keep everyone in the community safe.-pieface003

  33. I think being a police officer is one of the hardest jobs in the law enforcement category because they are dealing with people on the streets so their lives could be in danger every day they are at work. I did not know people had to go through so much to be a police officer. I like how they ask the ones who want to be police officers about their background before they actually do their background checks because that shows if they will lie or not just to get the job. I also like the rates they give them each day while in training. You can learn a lot about a person by watching them every day for a whole year. These steps are most important I feel like because police officers deal with all different types of people so they need to know who they are hiring to keep everyone in the community safe. I have never had interest in becoming a police officer, so I did not know people had to go through so much to become a police officer. Watching this video gave me a bit of information. -pieface002

  34. Being a cop is a very honorable job, to protect and serve everyday. You have to be very professional, and learn as much as you can. The training is very tough, and you have to be prepared to for a very rough and rigorous training program. Being in law enforcement isn't for everyone. It takes a certain type of person to be a good professional cop that can keep their cool in any sort of situation. Im well aware of these hard obstacles that police officers have to overcome. I am very confident that, I will be successful in the law enforcement field, because of my love for the law enforcement field. I feel the type of training that a law enforcement officer has to go through is necessary. When you give an individual that much authority, you need to have them properly trained. They need to know how to handle themselves with that much power.

  35. I have wanted to be a police officer since about freshman year in high school. Of course I enjoyed watching many of the cop shows on television however the thing that really sparked my interest was when I interviewed our high school student resource officer for a speech. We talked about the different requirements much like what was being discussed in this video. . We also talked about some of the things that he what do from day to day and it was something that was really interesting to me. I really enjoyed the part of this video when the officer suggested that this career is not like working for a private company, however it is a job that is part of the community. That is something that I was also something that has made me stay with this career path because I love being a part of my community and I have always enjoyed helping people. It is something that has always been extremely rewarding and I think that that officers that are truly invested in their communities are the ones that make a larger difference.

  36. Law enforcement can be one of the most rewarding jobs out there, besides the other emergency services. Helping people everyday, and potentially saving people's lives can be one of the most rewarding things and individual can experience. It's a very hard, and dangerous job, and the training is very long and, and very difficult. I think that in the law enforcement career field, you need certain skill sets to be successful law enforcement officer. You cannot let the power go to your head, you need to stay humble, and be a controlled officer. You cannot get subjects to comply by making them scared of you. You have to know the job inside, and out. You have to know the laws, know the community, and know the people in the community. Community police officers are the officers that are the most successful because they are most successfully because they know the people in their community.

  37. The officer in the video made a good point to say that in the hiring process they value honesty very highly and many people struggle to get hired because they forget to mention some small detail during their interview. I think this is valuable information because we as people get so used to not telling whole truths because it is not a big deal in everyday life, not a lot of people understand that it's an important part of the interview process. The officer in the video also talks about making sure that people are going into the career for the right reasons because its a waste of time for those who don't want to go down that path.-Waterboy002

  38. This article was very informative to watch. Many people believe that in college or even highschool they can go out and have fun with their friends and drink. But they never realize that it could affect them getting a job one day. Just like the officer said in the video one applicant to one-thousand applicants actually get hired because they have to pass all sorts of tests in order to be an officer. Also going through the process of becoming an officer you have to go through the academy which can be difficult for some people because it challenges you mentally and physically. Then you have to go out on probation for a year and train with an officer and they make sure you are doing everything correctly and they rate you. Majority of people pass the probation part of the test. It takes a certain kind of people to want to become a cop and to be the perfect fit. #notaplumber002

  39. Many people want to be a cop because they think it is an easy job and they have great benefits and good pay. But what they don’t know is everything that goes in to being an officer. Like all the test you have to take. For example the mental, physical, and background check testing. Than you have to go into the police academy which can be up to seven months of training and going to school. After you pass all of those, than you move on to probation which is a ride-along with a trained officer who is going to rate you day by day to see how you handle being a street officer. You have to do this for a whole year, majority of people pass this portion. From the beginning most departments know who is going to succeed and really have what it takes to be an officer and some people realize it as they are going through the academy that it is not for them. This video was very interesting and informative. #notaplumber003

  40. The choice of being a police officer is easy to say, when you haven't gone through anything yet. The officer really went in detail not on what it takes but the process and length of becoming a officer. I enjoyed this because of the skills and mental part of becoming a police officer on the job. The mental part of becoming a police officer is what know one thinks of and he hit very great points on it. When the officer talks about the academy, the mental and physical is more than likely what is going to make or break you before your first day. I have been wanting to be in Law Enforcement since i was in 6th grade and I'm glad I can now gain more opinion and knowledge on the job. He talk about the job not being a company work you never know what will come up or see everyday you're on the job. He hits many points of the jobs at stations and others. There are many different jobs depending on the station you are picked to work at. DirtTrack003

  41. You have to have a strong heart and mind walking into law enforcement. You can’t get your feeling and emotions involved when having a job as a cop, detective, FBI agent, or anything related. This is a job that require a lot of your attention and honest action. It requires a lot more than any other feels so coming into criminal justice you have to be willing to give up A LOT of things including your personal life as well. The process of becoming a cop or anything else is already a lot itself. You have to complete a lot of steps to get the title you want rather it’s detective___ or officer___. You have to EARN EVERYTHING, nothing is just given to you. This video gives you a lot of heads up information so entering this field you have a little idea what to expect plus more. -KenzieLand002/3

  42. The video is informative for how short it is. In the video, the officer discusses the interview process as well as briefly mentioning the police academy. The officer then talks about the probationary period after becoming an officer and how if an officer screws up in any way they can be let go from their department. This is important because it's when new officers learn what it's like to be on the streets every day with a more experienced officer watching them do their job. In the video, the officer says that most of the people who make it to that point in the job do go on to become officers themselves. The officer also says that only about 1 in 1000 who apply actually go on to get the job which shows just how competitive the job can be.-Waterboy003

  43. From the start of this video the officer jumps into explaining the requirements that it takes for someone becoming a police officer. The cop in the video brings up how making your career in police enforcement means working for the community. He makes it clear that people who are interested in this career have to be willing to help out the community as well. He informs his audience by stating how each individual that wants to become a cop has to go through many tests to even get the position. They have to go through background checks, physical and other mental tests to see if you are a suitable person for the job. I liked how he informed his audience about how the academy for 7 months can be really difficult due to the mental and physical tests that they do during that time. The purpose of doing so is to see who will make it as a cop or not, because the job is not something that any individual can do. I thought this video was very informative and gives a lot of insight to those who are deciding if they want a career in becoming a police officer. - brooklyn003

  44. In this clip the officer make a lot of good valid points i believe. One that stood out to me during the interview was how he spoke about the 1 out of 1000 people that get selected i think that number is very low number. It also make me ask myself is this something i really want to do . He also mentioned that there will be various test that you will have to take in order to be apart of the whole "being a cop" i thin they set very high standards. But for someone who actually wants to be cop will make sure they are on the right path to be a cop. I personally would like to be a parole or an probation officer, that is a choice because i don't want to be physically involved in arresting or having to deal with inmates behind bars, such as a correctional officer that is something i wouldn't want to deal with. This is can be a very competitive job.

  45. The officer in the video gave a great review about what challenges awaits those who are wanting to become fellow officers in the future. I have wanted to be an officer or even higher ranked than that for as long as I can even remember. I loved learning about the challenges that I am heading towards. One thing that really stuck out to me in the video was how he mentioned that going into this career is mainly about helping others in the communities. Since I was a little kid I always wanted to help people somehow and I knew it wouldn’t be in a doctor’s office or by being a nurse. I was always a very protective individual. I loved helping everyday people and making sure that I was following the law to the best of my ability and helping others do so as well. Also in the video he speaks about how there are a bunch of background checks and test that you have to go through. When it comes to them asking you questions in the background checks, the key is just to tell the truth and to tell it how it is. No one wants to work with liars, and the criminal justice field does not work well with people who liar. One last thing that I thought was interesting was that he talked about being sent away for training for seven months. I am so ready for any challenges coming my way, especially the physically and mentally tough situations that I will come across during the training. I am determined to succeed. -Anchorman002

  46. I totally agreed with Officer Richter with having to be positive with being a police officer is for you. Being a Police Officer isn’t only about protecting the community but also serving. When it comes to serving, is being there for the community and knowing the people who you are serving. Also, I was amazed by the ratio of which how many people actually get hired, it was about 1 to 1,000. I was surprised because they pick someone who has a clean record and yet some officers are just terrible at the job. yellow003

  47. From as far back as i can remember, I have always wanted to be an officer of some type. Right now I am very interested in becoming a US Marshal. I have always wanted to help others somehow and I figured I would help best if I were to do the risky jobs by going out and protecting others from harm. During this video, the officer mentions how difficult this career choice is and what types of challenges you will have to face to become an officer. He mentions more than once how the job is not for everyone and that many people find out that they can’t handle it or figure out that it is not for them. I personally know that the criminal justice field is what I was born to be a part of. When it comes to the challenges like background checks and physical and mental tests, I believe that I am ready to face whatever is thrown my way. I have read about the training that goes on and that you will be put through and it is not easy whatsoever. The officer states how difficult it is in the video. Seven months away training is a difficult task. -Anchorman003

  48. One thing that is very important about being a Police Officer is community policing. It was mentioned when having to serving the community and getting to know the people around you. You need to be sure about wanted to do this job, instead of worrying about the benefits about it. They train people’s stress to see if there are fit for the job. It is amazing how the background check can reveal things you probably never remembered. I think that being a police officer is something people should really think about because most people can handle the stress of the job and that can be a downfall for them. dory002

  49. I have considered being a police officer. I would want to do SWAT though. I have a lot of respect for police officers and first responders alike. This was a good video that talked about requirements and little tidbits about the inside workings of a police department. I think that having such a high fail rate at the background check is good and bad. It is good because it means that the background check is doing its job and vetting people that do not have the right past to become a police officer. I also think it is bad though because they are turning away so many applicants. A lot of these people maybe have changed and are better now that they are older. It is also bad because that means that a lot of jobs will not be filled because the vetting process is so stringent. I disagree on the you do not have to be a citizen that you can be going through the process. You should already be a citizen before you can start to become a police officer. The age requirement is good because at 21 you are a little older and have some life experience under your belt. – Legion001

  50. The officer in this video gives some important information, some of which I didn't even know. He explains how you have to really want to be a police officer and sometimes it just isn't for everyone. Being a police officer requires a desire to help others and do your best to do good in the community you're in. In order to become a police officer, you have to be at least 21 years old, pass a background check, several tests, attend the police academy, and be examined for a year by a senior officer. It is important that these guidelines are in place to ensure the right people are serving our communities. I had no idea that police academy lasts about 7 months or that the background check is were people struggle with and I found that interesting. I have wanted to be a part of the criminal justice system for quite a while and this video just gave me some things to look forward to. -smokeybear003

  51. Officer Richter makes a good point at the beginning of the video by saying that working as a police officer is not the same as working at some company. I have wanted to work as a police officer every since high school. He talks about how a police officer works in the community. I have always known that police officers are an important part in the community. They help keep us safe and secure. That's one of the main reasons on why I want to be a police officer is to help the community. I also want to get to know the people that live in my community and build a good relation with them. Because building good relations will make the job as a police officer easier. Officer Richter tells us what the requirements are to become a police officer. He tells us that there is a background, physical and mental test. The physical test is important because every officer has to be in good physical shape. The background test he says is the hardest test, which I can understand because sometimes those who go in for the job may not remember if they have committed any type of offense when they have to tell their investigator. He then brings up a statistic that about 1 in every 1000 applicants will get the job. This is not a surprise considering that the interviewing process has many steps and not everyone will be able to pass all of them. These are some interesting points to keep in mind especially for those who want to become police officers in the future.

  52. Some of the information found in this video is vital enough to even potentially weed out potential officers from even applying in the first place due to past problems and that is both good and bad. Like the officer said, we are all human and make mistakes and some potential people who would be great officers can not be due to
    a past mistake made even when they were fairly young. The age requirement I think is a good thing to have considering maturity levels can be different but that is a good rough age for most to be ready to see some of the difficult things that the officers see. I have always known that the application process can be very difficult and that the physical testing as well as the mental testing can both be very difficult for many people but if you are dedicated enough you can go very far with your career. The academy can also be very trying for most officers who have made it through because of long it is but the amount of information you learn is crucial to your success in the field and how you react to the various situations you will be faced with.

  53. I’m actually very surprised. I thought that the majority of people make it through the background check. I think he said that 1 in every thousand applicants actually make it past the background check. That number is mind boggling. Its so strict in fact, that if you simply forget about a time you got in trouble in the past, you won’t get excepted. However, I think that it is important to have such a strict system. Officers must be people that the community can trust and look up to, they are to set an example to society. We shouldn’t have irresponsible or mentally unstable officers patrolling the streets. It's still a scary thought though, to forget about something bad you did in the past that costs you the job. My only issue with this system, is that a lot of good people mess up early in life which could potentially cost them a future career in law enforcement. People change as time goes on, we all learn from our past mistakes (most do at least) and changed people should be given a chance. Sexy_in_Bikini001

  54. In this video, he makes some good points about being a cop. He starts by discussing what is needed and a lot of it isn’t realized by the average person. He says one of the most important things you need and I 100% agree with him, is a clean background. If you do have something, you need to tell them up front and put it on your application. He also points out that you are working in the community, and that takes a special kind of person to want to do that. One thing I think is crazy is the ratio to employment is one applicant being hired to 1000 that sign up. It is also surprising that the ratio of the training officers is high, because I would think that they wouldn’t be ready for that type of thing and as said in the video, they will just tell you goodbye if you are not. I also think he makes a good point about the police department not just being a “police department” but also being a service to the public. I feel like majority of what cops to is serving the public and helping them out with different problems. –lilbaby001

  55. I have wanted to become an officer in the criminal justice field for a very long time now. From the second that I decided that this career was the perfect match for me, I immediately knew what I was going to be up against when it came to the dangers of the career I would be entering. Watching this video did teach me a decent amount though. I had no idea that the training would take as long as the officer said it would. I also want to point out that in the video he states that not only will you be tested physically, but you will be mentally tested as well. When it comes to being tested mentally (polygraph) the key is to not lie. The second you lie while taking one of these tests is the second you might as well pack up and leave. No one in their right mind would ever want to work with a liar and especially in the criminal justice field you cannot enter this field and be a liar. You have to always tell the truth and make sure that you are able to be a team player and work well with others. To work well with others you cannot lie. I also like how the officer states that this career path is mainly for helping the community and keeping the peace in these communities. -Anchorman001

  56. This video advices people that are thinking about pursuing a job in law enforcement and explains the different aspects about it. The main one that was mentioned to be very important was being confident about one’s decision about becoming a police officer. Many people think that being a police officer just involves having a gun and chasing “bad guys”, but that isn’t always the case. Police Officers have to be more involved with the community and not only protect but serve as well. In training, they test people in how they would handle a certain situation under stress. Which is a good thing because having a police job, you just never know what can happen and you have to be attentive to the things around you. also , how important it is to behave because of the background checks that are made before getting the job. Anything can mess up someone's chance of getting a police job for something petty when they were younger. There are so many steps to becoming a Police Officer and it is important to be sure of every step that is made. By that I mean that if you love that job, it won't feel like a job because it's something you enjoy doing. The job can get difficult if you don’t like it. taco001

  57. I think this was a good video if you are wanting to be a police officer. The officer gave good points as to how the hiring process works and also the chances of you becoming a officer against all the other applicants. I believe the officer stated for every 1000 applications one is picked for the police academy. The training and probation period is also very strenuous as well. If being a officer is something you are committed to doing and working hard to obtain then you have to realize there will be sacrifices in your life that you have to make to get there. 21Aries001

  58. I think this video really puts becoming a cop into perspective and anyone who is considering becoming a police officer should really check it out. He mentions how it is not always the job people think it is and I appreciate that people are told pretty early on if it is obviously not the job for them. It seems a bit blunt, but it's better than wasting time. He also says you need to keep a pretty clean record and how most people will be dismissed because of things they have done in the past, which is the most difficult part of the hiring process. Personally, I'm in a good position in this regard because I have never even been pulled over, so as long as I keep up my "clean record", I should be pretty good to go in an area a lot of people struggle with.

  59. This video outlines the stringent requirements that you'll need to be a police officer as well as asking the viewer if it's something that they really want to do. My interest in law enforcement is rather new, but I've had several role models while I was growing up that were all police officers. The job is more than just going out and catching criminals, you need to be a public servant first and foremost, this means helping in the community and more of the less glamorous things that you don't usually get to see in media interpretations of policing. One thing that surprised me however was the length of the police academy, 7 months seems much longer than I imagined it would be. -Stark001


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