Implicit Bias and Discretionary Careers.....


  1. Implicit bias comes in many shapes and forms. Although it can be used in a good way or it can be used in a negative way. I took a few IAT tests and the ones that i chose were the if you prefer light skin or dark skin people better, if i prefer skinny or fat people, and if i prefer old or young people. On the if i preferred light skin or dark skinned people better the IAT test said that i prefer light skin people over dark skinned people. Which is really funny to me because me and my mom are light skin and my dad is dark skin. But i mostly was around my dad when i was a kid and my boyfriend is dark skinned and so is my Best Friend. Even though i don’t care what color they are or who i hang around with. It’s just a connection that i care about. Next I tried the young vs old test. The test said i didn’t have a Preference on if i like old people or young people. Which is true i don’t. Most of my family are older people and i go to school with young people so it’s equal. Lastly i tried the test with if i prefer skinny people over fat people. It said i don’t have a preference which is true also. Who am i to judge someone’s weight or to how they look. I believe all the test can be true in most cases but wrong in others. All the things that are on the IAT exam test on things i feel that shouldn’t be judged upon like race, disability, sexuality, and religion. We can’t change the the color of skin nor can we take away the disability that some people have. Batman002

  2. Some people think that implicit bias should be eliminated all together completely. I tried a few IAT tests and I can conclude that some are right and some are wrong. When I tried the Gender Career test for male and female It said i had no preference between the two. Which is true. I do believe it shouldn't matter who has the job or who can get the job done the fastest. The only thing that should matter is if he or she can get the job done. When using implicit bias with this one I think you could compare a male or female at a job and see who completes there work the fastest. But you can't just say that all women are slower to do there job or that men are slower to do there job. Because whoever you compare they could be the fastest with someone else who works there. Plus its discrimination. Next I tried the religion IAT. Once again I got the same result saying that i didn't have any preference. Which is also true. I personally believe in God and only God. But if you have another religion like islamic, muslim, or even judaism that's your preference. What works for me may not work for me and what may work for you may not work for me. Religious beliefs should be a personal thing that people should be able to be at peace with and not have to worry about someone else judging them because they don't believe in there God or whatever else. A lot of this comes from the church. This idea mostly comes from the christian churches. In christianity we believe that God is the only God. But like I said before whatever your religion is you should be at peace with yourself. Lastly I tried the sexuality IAT test. Once again it said it had no preference. Which again is true. I don't judge who someone else may fall in love with. Because what I like that other person may not find attractive. Of course when implicit bias is involved here it comes from mostly the church. Even though I do believe in God I think that if that person is attracted to the same sex as them they have to take that with God. But also they may not even believe in God all together so why should it matter. Batman003

    1. I totally agree with you about the religion test. If you do not know anything about the other religions, it is hard to say you prefer it over another. I know for me personally, the only religion I know is Christianity. And it is true, that not everybody is going to agree with you. Everybody has their own preference. You cannot push your beliefs onto anybody else. Your right, there is only One Triune God. He is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and I am thankful that He Sent His Son to die on the Cross for us. I did not test on gender. But as I read your response, I do agree with you. It should not matter if your male or female, when it comes to the job. If you are qualified for the job, then you deserve the job. Now if you are not qualified then you should not get the job. I agree, it is discrimination when a man or female is preferred over the other for the position. I that whoever can do the job the best or fastest, deserves the job. I think that sometimes males are offered jobs over females, which I do not agree with. Illinoisgurl002

    2. Batman003, I agree with you some of the IAT tests were right and some were wrong. I also found it interesting how this program only had a few tests to select from. There has to be more implicit bias than what is just listed there. With this, the possible variables are limited on how much an individual can identify their own underlining tendencies due to the lack of resource. But as technology expands and it increases in reliability these short quizzes will be more effective to identify our implicit bias. I look forward to furthering the awareness of the importance of implicit bias. -CoalRoller033

    3. I agree with you on the most part these IEP test or right around her not all of them work out because of outliers in the data. I agree with you when you said, you can't just say that all women are slower to do there job or that men are slower to do there job. Because whoever you compare they could be the fastest with someone else who works there. I agree with you that if you do not know anything about other religions because you have only known there to be one your entire life you most likely will not be able to judge another religion fairly.

  3. The religious IAT test resulted in what I thought. I found that the tests asked a few personal questions which I didn’t think it would have. Having to sort through questions was not what I was expecting. Saying whether I think the jewish and Islam people were discriminated towards was not what I was expecting. Overall I was fascinated by learning all these different types of bias that I never knew we used. Biases happen every second of the day 365. Just because you are one type of race, sex, disability and religion doesn’t mean you should be judged in that way. More types of thing we should be judged on is what type of worker you are, what kind of person you are and other things that you can control on a daily bases. These tests shows me that there are a lot of different types of people our in everyday society. Learning to deal with others can help us with the future.

    1. I was surprised when they asked the personal questions. I just was not expecting it and I wonder what they use the information for. I totally agree that people should be judged on how they are as a person and not on things they have little to no control over. Seeing all the tests you could take on the different biases was interesting and it just shows you how it is so important to be aware of how you interact with others. -smokeybear003

  4. When I received my results, I am not shocked at what my results were. The three that I choose to do were Religion, Weight, and Disability. When it came to religion, I prefer Christianity over Judaism. For one, I do not know anything about Judaism. I did not grow up in a Christian home, but I found the Lord in my college years. I even went to Seminary to further my education in Christianity. I believe in the Triune God, which means 3 persons in one. Everybody is different, and I know that not everybody is going to believe what I believe in. Whenever Judaism or Islamic appeared on my screen, I would automatically choose Christianity over the other two options. I would not go as far and say that I am bias towards those two religions, I simply do not know anything about their religions. I can only speak for myself, and what I know, and know to be true. I could talk for days about the Lord and what He has done for me. The second test I took was weight. The results said I have no preference. In my eyes, I do not care if your thin or fat. I have friends on both of the spectrum. I have worked with thin and fat people. Now, at work there are some fat people who work ten times harder than a thin person. So, in my opinion, it does not matter whether your fat or thin to me. As long as you do your job, I have no complaints. I think that people associate laziness with people who are fat, and I do not think that is fair or accurate. I used to be super overweight, and I still worked as hard as I could. I never gave up like some people who were a lot thinner than I. The last test I took, was disability. The results said that I had an automatic preference for somebody who is able bodied. You know, it did shock me a little bit. However; the only really disabled people I have been around are elderly people. It is a challenge when taking care of someone who is in poor health. For me it was a struggle being around a family member whose health had been failing. Also, for me, I like to be active, and I know that it is a challenge to do things with somebody who has challenges. Illinoisgurl002

    1. I totally agree with you when you talked about the IAT test with fat and thin people. People do tend to say that laziness is associated with being fat. I’ve seen a fat person actually beat someone who was thin in a race. I personally don’t have a problem with fat or thin I have been around both types of people all my life. But who am I to judge someone on there weight size as long as the job gets done. I think people get too caught up with what they see on tv and the internet. You look on tv and or movies and see that one girl who gets bullied because of her weight. Which is sad because the world has brainwashed society into thinking that being thin is the best thing in the world. Most people don’t even look like that in person some have filters attached to them or even photoshop there pictures. A lot of people including celebrities have a lot of cosmetics surgery. So we shouldn’t judge or make fun of other people cause they don’t look like yourself or even the celebrities we look up to. As long as there healthy that’s all that should matter. Batman002

  5. I did the three tests first i thought it will surprise me but they came out with no preferences. The fist one i tried was gender career. The test came out with no preference and which is very true. I do like to work with younger, older, female and male. In this way actually you find your work easier and know how to interact with any kind of people. For example if you involve in working with younger people of your age, if it happens you loose job and go somewhere and get hire where maybe there is a good number of older people, it will become difficult for you. For me the test result was true i do not have preference we all equal and able to do what others can do. Another test was religion. On this one was kind telling that i was on Christian side. When i was in high school we had students who believed in different religions but i had no problems with that. I dont mind who you believe in or your region, that is you and your God i dont charge at all. I’m a Christian and do have like 5 friends who are Muslims and we been friends for long. When we hang around we dont talk about religion because we all Already know who we are praising. Lastly i did the light skin over dark and my results was no preference of which its true. We have had this over and over that we all equal dont let implicitly baias take over you. Some people look like they prefer certain skin color by they not. It depends how you took it or say it also how and where you were raised. To be susscseful in criminal justice field do not let implicitly bias take over you.GUSII002

  6. the three test i picked i though they were going to surprise me but the one that stood out the most to me was the one where you either prefer light skinned or dark skinned that really stood out to me because i really have a strong preference of light skinned people i would take a light skinned person over a dark person any day. The reason being is just because i feel like light skins look better, i really don't like really black people, i'm not saying i don't like them in a mean way but they are not attractive to me at all.This idea is still intact to this day when lighter skinned individuals seem to feel more inferior to darker toned people, but when you ask a Caucasian, or anyone outside of the African American race, what the light skinned individuals would be listed under its always the same response. Black. After slavery, educational institutions, clubs and other activities were reserved only for light skinned black people. In some instances, only those who were lighter than a brown paper bag (paper bag test) would be considered light enough to attend a college or an exclusive club. The other test was about gender and that kind of stood out to me because of the person i am, my results was that i had no preference which is very true. I don't care what you are or what you like, that's your business but i also had a question that was talking about jobs i think everything should be fair no matter what you is or what you like treat all people equal and with the same respect because we are all human regardless of the gender. In particular, LGBT people of color were more likely to hide their sexual orientation and gender identity from employers, with 12 percent removing items from their resumes in comparison to 8 percent of white LGBT respondents in the past year. Similarly, 18.7 percent of 18- to 24-year-old LGBT respondents reported removing items from their resumes in comparison to 7.9 percent of 35- to 44-year-old. Meanwhile, 15.5 percent of disabled LGBT respondents reported removing items from their resume in comparison to 7.3 percent of non disabled LGBT people. This finding may reflect higher rates of unemployment among people of color, disabled people, and young adults; it may also reflect that LGBT people who could also face discrimination on the basis of their race, youth, and disability feel uniquely vulnerable to being denied a job due to discrimination, or a combination of factors.

  7. Despite the fact that it very well may be utilized positively or it tends to be utilized adversely. I took a couple IAT tests and the ones that I picked were the on the off chance that you lean toward light skin or dull skin individuals better, in the event that I favor thin or chubby individuals, and on the off chance that I incline toward old or youngsters. On the in the event that I favored light skin or dim cleaned individuals better the IAT test said that I incline toward light skin individuals over dim cleaned individuals. Which is extremely entertaining to me since me and my mother are light skin and my father is dull skin. Yet, I for the most part was around my father when I was a child and my sweetheart is dull cleaned as is my Best Friend. Despite the fact that I couldn't care less what shading they are or who I stay nearby with. It's only an association that I care about. Next I attempted the youthful versus old test. The test said I didn't have a Preference on in the event that I like elderly individuals or youngsters. Which is genuine I don't. The greater part of my family are more established individuals and I go to class with youngsters so it's equivalent. In conclusion I attempted the test with in the event that I incline toward thin individuals over husky individuals. It said I don't have an inclination which is genuine too. Who am I to pass judgment on somebody's weight or to what they look like. I trust all the test can be valid as a rule yet wrong in others. Every one of the things that are on the IAT test on things I feel that shouldn't be made a decision upon like race, inability, sexuality, and religion. We can't change the shade of skin nor would we be able to remove the incapacity that a few people have

  8. I went through and took the time to go over three of the IAT tests. Which were the Presidents,Weapons, and Age. i was very neutral throughout the first two. Then the 3rd one was the longest and i was more toward old people than younger people. Which I think that was because of the way elders and there generations were and how they act know. The younger kids some are ruining it for other on how people always say and it's true that "kids are our future." But, with that being said as a whole most younger people are on social media. That plays a big role in our society today with the older people and they and younger people react. It shows how easy someone can get offended. The Presidents one showed Obama and Trump and made you choose good and bad and judge those two. Which was very easy stating in my own opinion that they are very well two different people. Everyone has their own opinion towards that which shows what the assignment is about. I did the weapons one which was about White and Black towards weapons. This one i wasn't really a big fan of. I didn't like the meaning of it or the message they were trying to push it seemed like. The race towards weapons should never be used in my opinion because both white and black are in gun crimes and both races own guns. My outcome of the weapons one was neutral which was easy because you cant have a bias on that being it is a two way street. With both sides being said and read about they are both known for gun crimes or owning a weapon. DirtTrack003

    1. The President one is one of the tests I did not take. I find it interesting that it was similar to the the race iat test. But my opinion also doesn’t really have a certain side. I tend to be equal no matter what the circumstances are. I also did the weapons one and feel the same way. I did not like the way it was worded either it was very confusing and sometimes made me think it was something different when it wasn’t. #notaplumber002

  9. I have recently been aware of implicit bias and how everyone has them. Implicit bias is a great topic to talk and write about. But we must go farther than just a topic. Those short quizzes took it one step further as it took a more personal approach to this tendency. This program IAT, has many different quizzes for an individual to take; not only does it have a quiz on ethnicity but on disabled, weight, religion, gender and weapons. The list was impressive. As I had not considered other implicit biases. This I found to be highly interesting. I took a quiz on disability over ability. This quiz appealed to me as I do not have much personal experience in this area. I thought the quiz may reveal more about myself than what I already knew. For the most part, I feel the quiz was beneficial. However, I found the quiz results were extremely confusing! I had to read the results several times in order for to understand what they truly meant to me and my personal life. After the confusion had subsided my results had shown a slight tendency to favor abled over disabled. Through this quiz, they compiled all data through this program and placed it in a bar chart. The chart displayed most individual who took this quiz extremely prefer abled over disabled. On the far left of the chart, only one percent favored disabled over abled. Then in the middle of the chart fourteen percent had slight to neutral tendencies. I am not surprised to see where most of the data had landed. However, I am surprised by such a low number who favored disability over abled. I wonder why that is. I think these short quizzes should be an assignment through high schools and colleges across the nation. Through these quizzes we can easily identify our subconscious tendencies; then proceed to make the correct changes in order for growth to occur. Having colleges and high schools participate in these quizzes it would greatly benefit the youth, as they can be made aware of their personal tendencies which then reduces a chance for a habit to form later on in life. I think by doing this the community as a whole would experience a positive change on an individual level if implicit bias was made more aware. Implicit bias is truly an important topic to discuss. -CoalRoller003

    1. I like that you were honest about being confused about the results and I think these tests are meant for that, they show us things we didn't know about ourselves and make us think about why we are or are not bias towards certain people. I agree that it can be beneficial for college and high school students to take these test and I like that you brought up that it can help point out personal tendencies and help create/form better habits which will make biases towards certain things flatten out. Ark003

  10. Taking the IAT tests showed me what I had already figured about myself. The weapons IAT test told me I had no automatic association between weapons and harmless objects with White Americans and Black Americans. I had already figured this about myself because I don’t associate anything else with either race so I don’t see why I would with weapons or harmless objects. This was nice to confirm what I had thought but wasn’t sure about. The next test I took was sexuality and it said I had little to no automatic preference between straight and gay people, which I was surprised by this because I would have thought myself as someone who slightly prefers gay people over straight people. I don’t mind not being bias towards either, but it was not the answer I thought I would get! The last test I took was the disability test and the result from that was that I had no automatic preference between abled and disabled. This was also surprising because I haven’t been around many disabled people in my lifetime so I thought I might have an automatic preference for abled people. I have one person in my family with a disability and that is my cousin, when he was younger he lost his leg in a boating accident but he has never made it seem like it was a disability, maybe that is why I thought I would prefer abled because I have never seen him as disabled, that might also be why the test shows I don’t prefer one over the other because he has made me see everyone the same way. I think everyone should take these tests because it is actually fun to take them and the end result always tells you something about yourself that you didn't know or it confirms what you thought you knew about yourself. It is also good for people to take it who are going into law enforcement, even though it is not a complete accurate measurement of bias it can give those who are soon to be in law enforcement or who are already in law enforcement biases to look out for if it shows that they have any. I am a little skeptical of online websites/tests like this because they are not 100% accurate so I don’t fully trust these kinds of tests when I take them but they are accurate to an extent so it is nice to know I am not bias in these areas. Ark003

    1. I like the story about your cousin with the boating accident. You can not be born with stereotypes but rather they come from your environment and how you were brought up. I think that having someone who was in your family that was disabled but you not even generalizing them as disable is important. That is how I feel about races. It is also very important to know and admit your biases to you can identify them and work through them. Jackrabbit001

    2. I was also surprised by my results of the disability IAT testing. I would never associate myself with being one who has a bias against a disabled person.As I explained in my summary,I do have an issue with those playing on the system and using an alleged disability to in essence steal from the government. But I figured that is something that is not directed towards a truly disabled person. When you work in law enforcement you see those who commit crimes and when faced with the possibly of jail time the automatically attempt to use a disability as the reason for committing said crime. So yes I do have an issue with that but again not those who truly have a disability. jadist002

  11. These tests are very interesting. When I was taking them I just knew which way it was going to learn. Obviously if you make more mistakes associating weapons with African Americans then your results will be that you prefer Caucasians. I am unaware of how deep these tests are intended to go, but as a staple I believe that everyone has different preferences. I do not believe that one has no preferences or "prejudices's" if you will. My first test was the religion test. My results were that I prefer Christianity over Judaism. I think that was a fair assumption although I am no way, shape, or form religious. I had not been to church in years and truly do not have a belief in one certain god. I believe the environment has to do with this and how I am ignorant to other religions especially Judaism. My second test was that I do not prefer white or black races. I found that interesting because I have never really thought about what I prefer to be around. A good person is a good person. I could see through this test I feel like because it was so blatantly obvious as to what you connotations would be to each other. I knew what my test would say before it would tell me. All in all, these test were interesting to find out what preferences I had and I do believe that CO's must suspend any preferences if they are to ever be good at their jobs and take the stereotype officer stigma away. Jackrabbit001

    1. The test you took about christianity and Judaism is much confusing to some people. I this is automatic it will take you to the way you were brought up. Some people go to church some dont. It’s so challenging to get the best result you expected. I did the same test and i was honest like i dont know anything about Muslims or other denomination but i do hang around some of them. This being said one must be carefull coz otherwise implicit biases will get you. If you grow up in Christian community is hard to know what Muslim beliefs are or Judaism GUSII002

  12. Implicit bias comes in many different ways. I took a few tests and some of my results were true some were FAIR. I took the young vs old test. The test said I didn’t have a Preference on if i like old people or young people. Which is true i dont they both get the same respect but majority of my family is older. Next I tried the religion IAT. Once again I got the same result saying that i didn't have any preference. Which is also true. I’m a strong believer in only God but some people have another religion like islamic, muslim, or even judaism and that’s totally fine because that won’t change my religion. Last I took the sexuality test it said i didn’t have a preference and that was true because i'm not a judgemental person you like what you like and as long as you are happy with yourself that is all that matters.-KenzieLand002
    I took the the light skin and dark skin test and it said i didn’t have a preference which is true because your skin COMPLEXION doesn't define who you are as a person plus my Dad is light skin and my boyfriend is dark skin and they both treat me like a princess/queen. Next i took the thin and fat test and it said i didn’t have a preference which is also true because you being “over”weight or “under” weight says nothing about the type of person you is. Last I took the age test it said i didn’t have no preference which was true as well because in some occasions i do prefer older because i love learning from older people not that you can’t learn from younger people but older people been through more things than you so you'll listen to someone older for younger and plus i’ve always been older than my age mentality I always say i’m young with an old soul and mindset and i communicate with younger people because i like teaching people things and showing them the right way to go. Everything that is on the IAT test on things i feel that shouldn’t be judged upon people race, disability, sexuality, and religion or their features.-KenzieLand003

    1. I strongly agree with you, I believe that looks don’t define someone. It is their personality that makes them who they are. You aren’t able to choose what you look like before you come into this world. Everyone looks different for a reason. A lot of my tests say I am bias towards one group of people compared to the others. But I know I don’t treat others differently because of their looks and go off of their personality. If someone is rude, than yes I am going to have an attitude back. But if someone is sweet and even though they may not look like me, I will still be nice and treat them with respect. #notaplumber003

  13. The first test I took was the Gender-Science IAT test. It said that I had “little or no automatic association between Female and Male with Science and Liberal Arts” My preference may be described as "slight", "moderate", "strong", or "no preference". This indicates the strength of your automatic preference. I believe this to be true because I truly don’t care. I tend to treat everyone with respect no matter what gender they are. But if the disresepct me than that is when I lose my cool and tend to get angry. Because I work in retail I have several people that refuse to ask me a question because “I probably won’t know the answer.” This is one of my biggest pet peeves, and majority of the time it is a male that believes that I won’t know the answer to his question. The next test I took was the Weapons IAT test. According to the test, it said “Your result is described as an "Automatic association for White Americans with Weapons" if you were faster responding when White Americans and Weapons are assigned to the same response key than when Black Americans and Weapons were classified with the same key. Your score is described as an "Automatic association for Black Americans with Weapons" if the opposite occurred.” I thought this was interesting. But I also didn’t know if cold meant bad or warm meant bad because they did not specify. It also through me off when they switched the letters corresponding with the different race and harmful and weapons. The last test I took was Gender-Career test. “Your result is described as an "Automatic association for Male with Career and Female with Family" if you were faster responding when Career and Male are assigned to the same response key than when Career and Female were classified with the same key. Your score is described as an "Automatic association for Female with Career and Male with Family if the opposite occurred.” This doesn’t surprise me because my mom was the one that was mostly home when I was little. She only worked 15 hours a week but my dad was only gone for work 7:30pm - 4pm every day. #notaplumber003

  14. The three implicit-association tests I took to figure out what implicit biases I have were the gender and career test, young and old test, and the fat and thin test. For the one focused on gender and whether I associated males or females with career or family, I got the result that I moderately associated males with career more and females with family more. This makes sense to me because when I was growing up, my mom was the one who primarily took care of the kids even though both of my parents worked. My friends' moms were also the primary caretakers in their families and some of them didn't even have jobs so they could focus on the family and my sister who is the mother of a toddler and a baby only works about three times a week so she can be with the kids. I have definitely been exposed to the association of females with family a lot in my life. The next test I took was the young and old one. It said I have no preference towards young or old. This makes sense to me because I have never had a good share of time with both young and old people and don't have any particularly bad experience with either category. The last test I took was the fat and thin test and it also so I have no preference towards fat people or thin people. Again, I have never thought I had any preference and I treat both categories the same. Taking these tests was interesting and I believe it is very important to treat everyone the same no matter how they appear. People should be judged based on their character and how they treat others. It is important for people especially police officers to not let their biases show or play any part in how they make choices. -smokeybear003

  15. I went through and did three of the many IAT tests. My first test I did was the Weapon test. My data suggested I had a moderate automatic association for Harmless Objects with Black Americans and Weapons with White Americans. This one i wasn't really a big fan at all really. I didn't like the meaning of it/ message behind it because it looked like they were trying to push me towards something I wasn’t. The race towards weapons should never be used in my opinion because both white and black are in gun crimes and both races own guns. I thought I would end up neutral, but it seems the test thought otherwise. The next test I did was gender career. ThIs test concluded that I had no preference, which is very true and what I had hoped to come out of it. I like to work with younger, older, female and male. In this way actually you find your work easier and know how to interact with any kind of people. Where I work I see and live this every time I work. Implicit bias is an important topic to discuss. I think by educating on the topic it will make the community as a whole experience a positive change on an individual level. -CUBSFAN003

    1. I totally agree with you that Race should not be involved when thinking of weapons. You can usually tell is someone is dangerous just by looking at them no matter their race. When I think of cannons and grenades it is usually with old white men because they are usually collecting that sort of things. -ClarkKent002

  16. I am known to be a person that is one way across the board. So, I was eager to complete the IAT test. The first test I completed was regarding Asian Americans and if I had a preference on Asians vs. European Americans. I chose this text being that I have a mixture of different races a family and friends and feel that I again treat everyone the same. My results did confirm this with results suggesting that I associated equally with both Asian Americans and European Americans. The second text I chose was regarding race and whether I preferred black people over white people. This test result was the same. The data suggested that I have no automatic preference between Black people over white people. I attributed this to again my upbringing and the mixture of different races that I have in my family. But again, there are some with the same dynamics who still have a racial bias. The last test that I chose to complete was regarding disability and to determine if I have a bias against disabled people. This one truly baffled me and not that I found humor in the results, I had to laugh out of pure shock in seeing the results that it is suggested that I have a moderate automatic preference for abled people over disabled people. Seeing this result to me confirms that everyone has some short of bias whether it is outwardly expressed or not, we all have them. I am more so shocked because I feel like I have never treated anyone with a disability any different that someone without a disability. The only thing I can honestly say is that I do feel as though some people who “claim” to be disable are not and use the system to use the allegedly disability to their advantage. For example, being in my profession I see daily those who claim to be bi-polar. But in all actually they have different moods when they are high and sober. So, they receive social security and will not work because of the claim of suffering from “bipolar disorder.” This to me is sometimes frustrating but I never saw it as being bias. I saw it as a right and wrong situation. Jadist002

    1. You are so lucky that the end results of the tests that you took were accurate with your personality. In most one my end results they got it all ‘wrong’ and I was not happy with my end result. It was only two out of four tests that were ‘right’ with my personality. I hope that we will not have to do that again for a long, long time. The one’s that I thought were the ‘wrong’ end result was for the weapons category and the Arab-Muslim category. Okay, with the Arab-Muslim category it said that I had too many errors to make a determination. I do not know if that counts. I hope it does not because then I would have just wasted my time doing four tests instead of just three. I mean the errors part is true. That was just because I did not know the different types of Muslim and non-Muslim groups. So it would make since that the test could not give me a great end result. Again you are very lucky that your end test results matched up with your personality. And again mine did not. Also again, hopefully we won’t have to do this again for a long, long time –Adventureflight002

  17. I went into the IAT tests not sure of what my results would be. My first test I did was the test on gender careers. The test results concluded that I had no preference, which is very true and what I had hoped to come out of it. I like to work with males, females or even younger and older, people. By having this I find that it you find your work easier and know how to interact with any kind of people. Where I work I see and live this every time I work. Implicit bias is an important topic to discuss. I think by educating on the topic it will make the community as a whole experience a positive change on an individual level. Next I tried the religion IAT. I got the same result saying that i didn't have any preference. I personally believe in one God. I don’t look down upon people if you have another religion like Islam or Judaism. I think whatever makes you happy and gives you hope that is all that matters. Religious beliefs should be personal thing that people should be able to be at peace with and not have to worry about someone else judging them. -CUBSFAN002

  18. The first test I took was the Age IAT test. “Your result is described as an "Automatic preference for Old People over Young People" if you were faster responding when Old People and Good are assigned to the same response key than when Young People and Good were classified with the same key. Your score is described as an "Automatic preference for Young People over Old People" if the opposite occurred.” I feel like this is not accurate. I go strictly off of how someone treats me. If an older person treats me with little to no respect than yes i would rather help someone young. But if a young person treats me with little to no respect than I would rather help someone that is older. Some older people get very entitled and think because they are older, they walk on water. But younger people also think that because they are young that gives them the freedom to do whatever and act however they please which is very inaccurate. The next test I took was the Sexuality IAT test. My result was “Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Straight people over Gay people.” Which in all reality I don’t care, I do think these tests are rigged because they set you up and then they switch the keys on you. If I do one thing for a while and then it switches it messes with my brain and I automatically think to how it was the first time. The last test I took was the weight IAT. My result said, “Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Thin people over Fat people.” I also don’t think this is true because majority of my family is overweight and suffer from diabetes. I believe these tests are rigged to show what the makers what people to see, not what is really true. #notaplumber002

    1. I agree with your response. I was very skeptical with some of my results. I do not feel you can get an accurate reading based on how quickly someone clicks a button. Especially if that person processes things at a slower pace. I also feel to get a more accurate response you would need a persons entire background. How they were raised, what environment did they grow up in, and also if they were ever the victim of a particular crime. This to me would contribute to a certain type of bias. Not clicking a computer. Jadist003

    2. I also had a preference for old people over young people. I think that I scored that because I work at Target and I have to interact with a lot of old people every day. Not only do I have to help a lot of old people but I also have to work with them which can make a big difference in my bias toward them A lot of the times they are very nice and are in a good mood, but other times they’re the worst customers we have. I thought that I’d be bias against old people because of my bad experiences with them but the test said otherwise. Celtics003

  19. In completing the IAT testing I have some skepticism in what my results were. I chose to take the test regarding Gender, Arab-Muslim and weight. My skepticism comes from the results that I received on the weight test. I consider myself a rather healthy individual and stand proud and confident on my appearance. Basically, I love me PERIOD. So, when I received the result that I prefer thin people over fat people I had to stop and chuckle. I am not sure how the results are calculated and what led to this conclusion. Maybe from the E and I quick response. But I feel anyone could have faltered there. I feel as though just because a person may have pushed a key in error should not mean that they are bias against a certain group of people. As I stated in my last blog, I feel as though I am one way across the board and though I do agree that we all have certain bias this is not one that I would agree upon. The next area I tested on was Gender. I wouldn’t necessarily say I have a bias regarding females and males and what role they play in family and career but as the test stated I associate male with career and family with family. I would say that is probably due to my upbringing and what was shown that men work to provide for their families. But as I got older I saw that women could provide just as much and in some cases more. The final area of testing that I selected was Arab-Muslim and the data suggested no automatic preference. Despite the questionable response to the weight portion of the testing I was satisfied with the results that I received and do feel that this could be something that is beneficial in all police departments. Jadist003

    1. I wish these tests were set up more in a way you can answer honestly because I feel like since it is set up in a manner where you already have to associate things and then differ them, it is confusing cause there were a few times I accidentally hit the wrong key trying to associate it in its correct category and I knew that would throw the results off. I think the test overall is very neat and I understand what they are trying to accomplish but I think it really sucks how we also identify having to move quick which defeats the purpose. -holywaffles003

    2. I agree that the test should have been set up differently. I feel like the test results were not fairly accurate because in the game we had to answer quickly and with them switching around the categories, it was hard to answer the way we wanted and fast at the same time. I continued to push the wrong key when I meant to push the other since the rules were to answer quickly. It defeated the purpose of the game, which was to see if we would answer our bias answer with bad instead of good when it was assigned with the bad. If they had normal questions instead of having us categorize the words and pictures, I feel like I would have done a lot better on the tests. -pieface003

  20. The first test that I took was the weapons test. It was a test to see how you quickly associate between white and black with harmless and dangerous objects. My test came back little to no associations with different races and harmless or dangerous objects. For me you can tell if someone is dangerous it doesn’t matter if you black or white. I also would have thought that if I did have a implicate bias it would be towards the white side because when I think of a cannon or grenades it is usually being collected by some rich white old dude. The second test that I took was the presidential test. I had a slight preference for JFK than I did for President Trump. I came into the test thinking that I would not have a bias for either so it surprised me that I preferred JFK over Trump. The only thing that I can think of is that when you hear JFK the News praises him so I associated more good things with him. The third test that I took was the weight test. It is a test to see if you have more preference over thin people or fat people. I have been a heaver set kid my entire life and I decided to do something about it. I go workout 5 to 6 times a week so when I had a slight preference for thin people that surprise me because I hate thin people because they don’t have to work as hard to stay fit. -ClarkKent002

    1. I completely agree and I think that is what bothered me but also caught my eye to take the weapons test. I do not think one group is more dangerous than the other. I do know the statistics and what is there. That is something you cannot make up and believe it or not, it is a fact. But in a reality and from my standpoint, whites and blacks are both as equally capable of holding a gun and committing a crime. And I honestly do not trust one racial group over the other. I think little kids, no matter their skin color can commit serious, adulthood crimes as well. I do not judge or have a racial bias and I am firm on that. In my line of work I have seen every walk of life from their worst to their best and I have never stereotyped anyone because my job not only prevents me from doing that but I do not have the feeling to. I deal with a predominantly black community and I am a white female. I am treated more fairly by people in that community than the whiter community. Granted, I have had my fair share of those who do not want a white female in their presence, but I am talking from a more overall standpoint. -holywaffles002

  21. I found this test to be very surprising. It was interesting to see what this test ‘had to say about me’. At first I was skeptical to even take this test, but eventually I did it and boy was I surprised. The first test that I took was on presidents. I answered all the questions as best I could. My end result said that ‘Your data suggest no automatic preference between George W. Bush and Donald Trump’. Which is true. I do not know much about the George W. Bush administration, but I do know a little. I know a lot about the Donald Trump administration, which I am not a fan of. So this test got it right. The second test that I took was on Arab-Muslims. I found this one to be interesting because the end result was very surprising. I was actually shocked by the end result on this test. What the end result was, said that ‘There were too many errors made to determine a result’. I did not know what they meant by this because I was hoping it would give me an answer on what my opinion was of them, just from taking this test. This was also a hard test to take because it was asking me questions like which one’s are a Muslim group and which one is not a Muslim group. I do not know much about the different Muslim groups, so I think that’s why I got that end result. Do to that error, I decided to take different one. This one was on Americans and Weapons. This one was a lot easier. It was easier because I just had to identify the different race, using either E or I. Again, I was shocked by the answer that I got at the end. It was totally not was I was expecting. The end result on this test said that ‘Your data suggest a slight automatic association for Harmless Objects with White’. They got this one totally wrong. I have always thought of the exact opposite. Now you see why I was shocked with this end result. The last test that I took was on age. This one was easier than all of them because I just had to tell which were young and which were old. My end result for this one said that ‘Your data suggest no automatic preference between Old people and Young people’. This one was true. This test was both hard and fun. Hopefully, I will never have to do this again anytime soon. Most of the results were accurate, the rest made me very uncomfortable, which I guess can be a good thing. –Adventureflight002

    1. I like where you said being made uncomfortable can be a good thing. I totally agree with that, it's good to see where we may or may not have a bias because it's something a good person would want to correct. Having an implicit bias I don't think says anything good or bad about you it's about what you intend to do about it I think is what makes you bad or good.

  22. The three tests I took for this class were the Gender bias to careers, the Weapons bias test and the weight bias test. I think all three of these were incredibly intriguing and quite fun to do. I say fun because I learned some things about myself I never took the time to think about or understand. When I took the gender bias one, I had a moderate association with males and careers and females with family. I knew this to be true, as I grew up with a father as the main supporting income and spent majority of time with my mother who at the time did not work and catered to my family and I's every need. That was how I was raised and grew up, as I grew up very traditionally with the male providing the most and the money and putting the food on the table and clothes on your body while the mother and female loved and nurtured. The next test I took was the weapons bias. I will admit, I was quite nervous to take this one as this is not a test I think anyone wants to discover their answers to. I got a strong association for harmless with whites and associated weapons with blacks. I truly did not bargain and expect that answer so when I did get that I had to re-read it multiple times as I was slightly confused. The last test I took was the weight bias which expressed I had a strong automatic preference for thin people over fat people. I honestly did not expect that either so there again I was quite surprised. I do not think our answers to these tests define us necessarily but it truly should make us think twice whether we believe these or not. I think a lot factors into these tests, not just necessarily our beliefs but how we were raised. I firmly do think females can have and perform to the same standards as males in their careers and in general. I believe overtime there has been a change into what is socially the norm. I also do not identify as racist. I think both whites and blacks are just as equally as capable of crime and the severity of their crimes. I also think that fat and thin people are both human and treat neither one differently than the other but these tests were very neat and set up interestingly. -holywaffles002

    1. I think that these test lead us to believe something that is not. In the weapons test I felt like it was leading me to think black with harmful objects which made me mad. I like your statement that no matter the skin color everyone is capable of picking up a gun to commit a crime. -ClarkKent003

  23. Taking these tests help us understand thoughts we never stepped back to understand, it has always been in our heads and it comes out when we do things like this which is kind of unfortunate but a better way to understand who you are as a person. For the age preference test I found out I prefer young people over older people. This honestly is nothing new, I have known I prefer young over old and that is just who I am. I am not necessarily bitter towards older people but I can say I do not care to talk to elderly over talking to someone near my age. I also found out I prefer Donald Trump over Thomas Jefferson. I had a feeling I would get that simply because unlike a lot of millennials I have nothing against Trump and I do not think him as a person can go against how he is as a president. I have dealt with horrible people in my career and others I work with that are not nice people and they are phenomenal at their job, it does not define their work ethics necessarily. I am very conservative as well. I also found out I have a strong automatic preference for straight people over gay people. I do not feel like this is true because three of the most important people in my life are actually gay and I feel more leaning towards them in support before even myself, as being straight. I think my choices just tend to be more of not in support simply because I am straight therefore I think as a straight person. I think being informed on implicit bias helps us in the criminal justice system as it gives us a much better understanding for who we are and what we are more lenient towards which may help us to take a step back on words and be more cautious of how we are and how we present ourselves. I do not think though that this immediately identifies what our thoughts are but I think taking these tests and understanding biases help us cause everyone will ultimately have a preference but if you were to put a blindfold on me and tell me a situation and I were to approach it, I would not talk to anyone differently if that blindfold were not on but I also know what respect is. -holywaffles003

  24. The first test I took was the Age test. This test is to see if you prefer young people to old people. I already knew that I would prefer young to old. That is not to say I hate old people because I have a lot of older friends. I do not see these people as old though because they are always active. The test determined that I had a slight preference for young people over older people. The next test that I decided to take was the religion test. I am not a very religious person so I thought this would be a good test for me to take. The test results for me stated that I prefer Islam over Judaism. This test seems to be not accurate for me. I would have like to see this test compare Judaism to Christianity or Islam to Christianity. For me I do not know enough about those two religions to make a good judgment on them. The last test that I took is the race test. This test is to see if you have preference for a certain race, black or white. When I first went into the test I figured it would not be any implicate bias for either group. I am the type of person who doesn’t care about your race I can get along with anyone. If you are nice to me I will be nice to you. I have friends of all different races and ethnicities because we are all humans. The test stated that I have a slight preference for African-Americans over European Americans. I figured that it would be a no preference or slight preference either way. I took 6 of these implicate bias test, they were fun to take and very informative. -ClarkKent003

    1. I think some of the tests were slightly flawed because it seemed they assumed a level of knowledge about certain things like religion. I tried to avoid those tests because of that. I am also the type to say that if you are nice to me I'll be nice to you but even with that in mind I thought I might have some bias just because of how and where I grew up but the most I got on of these tests was a slight preference so I was pretty pleased with that.

  25. Implicit preferences can predict behavior. Implicit preferences are related to discrimination in hiring and promotion, medical treatment, and decisions related to criminal justice. The first test I choose to do was the test over presidents and presidential popularity. This test was very interesting at first I was confused until I read more about how this implicit Association test works. The AIT measures the strength of association between concepts and evaluations. For example in the presidential popularity test the concepts were Donald Trump and other presidents and the evaluations were the words good and bad. The main idea is that making a response is easier when closely related items share the same response key. I was much quicker to respond with good after seeing the picture of Donald Trump so the data suggests from this test that I have a moderate automatic preference for Donald Trump over recent presidents. The second test I chose to take it was the gender test. The data for this test suggests I have a moderate automatic associations or males with careers and females with family. The IAT measures the strength of associations between concepts (e.g., Female/Male and Career/Family). The main idea is that making a response is easier when closely related items share the same response key. We would say that one has an implicit association between Male and 'Career' relative to Female and 'Career' if they are faster to categorize words when Male and 'Career' share a response key relative to when Female and 'Career' share a response key. The last test I took had to do with the association between weapons and harmless objects with white Americans in black Americans. After taking the test the data suggested that I have a little or no automatic association between weapons and harmless objects black Americans and white Americans. I enjoyed taking these tests because I found them to be very interesting and it almost makes you stop and think about all of the things that you have been told over the years as you have been devolving.

  26. I was curious to see how these tests would turn out, I know I don’t purposefully have any biases so I was hoping that would be reflected in these tests. I started with light skinned and dark skinned test, the results said I have slight automatic preference for light skinned over dark skinned. I suppose this doesn’t surprise me much as I would certainly be described by most as having light skin as would pretty much everyone I grew up around and went to school with. The second test I took showed that I have little or no automatic association between Female and Male with Career and Family. I’m surprised I got no bias, but only because I expected there to be some for every test. Obviously I think men and women are equally capable in either career or family matters but I thought given the stereotype that women are the caregivers and men are supposed to work that many of us grew up with I thought I might lean towards that. The last test I took was the one about weapons and white americans or black americans. On this one I got little or no automatic association between Weapons and Harmless Objects with White Americans and Black Americans. I thought I might get a slight preference in this one since I did in the light skinned and dark skinned one but I’m glad to see I didn’t. I think had I taken these tests when I was younger I might have scored differently because when I was 18 or 19 I really had only been around other people like me. Not by choice or anything it’s just the nature of the area I grew up in. But I think experiencing life and meeting tons of new and different people have helped me to keep my biases in check for the most part though I should probably wait to say that until I’ve finished my second round of tests.

    1. I also thought these test were very interesting. I as well know I do not use my biases on purpose, so I was hoping that my test would show that too me as well. In the previous blogs I have stated many times that I feel like most people who are respectful don't purposely use biases to judge people and their physical attribute. Our bias are created, around the way we grew up, and the people we surround ourselves with. I as well took the light skin test, and my results actually surprised me a lot. My test results states that I prefer dark skin over light skin, which was really interesting, considering that I grew up in a most light skin dominated town. But that is where I feel like it's flawed, it makes it results, on how quick we reacted, and identified to the certain skin colors. I feel like just because we react quicker doesn't mean that we prefer that certain skin tone over another. But maybe I am misunderstanding how the test should actually work. Bias in my opinion should not be judged based on how quick we react to certain categories, that we deal with everyday.

  27. These have been interesting tests to try and determine what your implicit bias might be. For these three tests I had to choose I first chose the one about straight and gay people. For this one I showed a slight automatic preference for Gay people over Straight people. This was an interesting one for me because I figured if I had any bias at all it would be towards straight people. Still though, I’m glad there was only a slight automatic preference. The next test I chose between fat and thin people. For this one I wasn’t really sure what to expect as I’ve grown up around both thin and fat people and I’ve been both as well so I was curious. Turns out I have no automatic preference between Fat people and Thin people. I don’t think I even realized there was a no preference option, figured the lowest option was the little or no option. But I suppose this reflects how I grew up so I guess it’s not a surprise there was no bias there. For my next test I chose the test about young and old people and got a slight automatic preference for Young people over Old people. I thought for sure on this one I would have a stronger bias for young over old just because I hate the idea of growing old. For both of my blogs I showed only a slight preference at most and that was interesting to me as I thought there might be more there. Perhaps having had the opportunity to meet lots of people of various backgrounds has helped me to keep my bias in check. As I said before, growing up there wasn’t a lot of variety as far as people were concerned where I was from so I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to go out and meet so many different people and be exposed to different things as I think it’s helped make me a less biased person.

    1. I can relate to your thoughts between fat and thin people. I have always been around both sizes and thought I did not have any bias toward them, but my results told me otherwise. It seemed I was more for thin people than fat. Then I realized I do have a little favoritism toward thin people but that is probably because I am thin myself. Since I am thin, I can relate more to thin people rather than bigger people. It is weird how we can think we feel some type of away about a certain subject and it turns out we have hidden feelings we never realized. -pieface002

  28. I thought taking these test was very interesting. But sometimes I feel like they are not very accurate. Because I feel like when I personally take these bias tests, I feel like I try to have no biases at all. I don't do this on purpose, I feel like I subconsciously do this to make myself feel better. The first test I took was the race test. As I was cycling through the test, and answer the questions, I accidentally answered some questions with the wrong answer. That is another reason, why these test are somewhat flawed. But because I identified the African American race better, the test said that I prefer blacks over whites. Which I found very interesting, I try to not prefer a certain race over the other, so that surprised me. The second test I took was the weight test. My results were that I moderately prefer thing people over fat people, which also surprised me. Obviously when I am trying to figure somebody out as a person, I take looks, and weight into a slight consideration. But I mostly try to judge them based of their personality, and the way the treat and act around people. But that is one of my bias that I feel like I cannot control, and that is automatically preferring people because of their weight. The third test I took was the sexuality test. My results were I prefer straight people over gay people. Which didn't really surprise me. I have friends that are gay, and know people that are gay. Someone being gay doesn't really bother me, you have to do what makes you happy, I just prefer straight over gay. That is just one bias I have that I do not think will ever change. I don't think It will change because of the environment I grew up in, and how I was raised as a kid. That is why I don't think we can change our biases. It's what we are around constantly day in and day out, that create our implicit bias. Sure we can change them, and open our minds up to new experiences, but I think it can be hard sometimes. I feel like people are so quick to shut out new experiences, and I am also one to do that as well. It was very interesting to take these test, and see what we prefer.

    1. I also thought it was interesting taking these tests and I also felt like some of them were not very accurate. I felt like the weight test I took was very inaccurate. Before I took these tests I thought of myself as mostly unbiased. I agree with you when you talked about what people were around or taught during their childhood and that is how some people's biases were created. I have a family member that is older and their father did not like people that were African American. The father felt so strongly about his opinion that he always pushed his opinion on to my family member ever since my family member was a child. Till this day my family member still does not like people that are African American. People tried to change his mind but he would not listen so I also agree that changing someone's mind can be hard or impossible. But it’s not always impossible. I also agree that people are quick to shut out new experiences. Some people do not like stepping outside of their comfort zone. Some people do not like change either. Some people are willing to open their minds up to new experiences and some people might take a little convincing but there are some people that will refuse. -Soccer002

    2. I agree that taking this test left me kind of skeptical to how effective they really are. I don’t have much faith to begin with in these types of tests but this one really made me question. I don’t like how there is a lot of hand eye coordination and remembering in this because that shouldn’t be what we are practically tested over. I also selected some wrong answers because I was trying to go fast which could have affected my score. I did this more than I wanted to because I kept selecting them without thinking it through first. I feel like I could have scored higher if I remembered better.Celtics002

  29. Implicit bias are a very interesting thing that we humans have, and use on a everyday bases without even realizing it. Bias are created on our everyday experiences, and the people we constantly surround ourselves with and interact with. They are also created on how we were raised and the environment that we grew up in. The first test that I took was the disability test, do I prefer able people over disabled people. My results were that I prefered able people over disabled people. Which really did not surprise me, considering that my whole life growing up, and even now I haven't really had to interact with a lot of disabled people. Obviously I do not have any problems with disabled people, I personally think they are very strong people, I just haven't had much of an opportunity, to develop a relationship with a disabled person. So I personally think that I do not have any biases towards disabled people at all. The next test I took was the young versus old test. My results were that I prefer younger people over older people. Which also did not really surprise me at all. I think since I am a younger age, I prefer to be around people who are my age, and maybe even 1 to 2 years younger than me. I would obviously much rather be hanging around a 20 year old than 30 year old, I just think that is more normal. But that is the bias in me thinking about what ages should be able to hangout around each other and what ages should not be. This is also laws, and social standards that tell people what ages are too young for each other, which I agree with. I feel like a majority of people in society follow these social standards. The third test that I took was the religion test. I prefered christianity over judaism, which also didn't surprise me. Considering that I am a christian, and that is what I regularly practice. I feel like some of these can be flawed, just because a huge part of these test give you results based on how quick you answer a question. I do not really think that can be accurate, because if you answer wrongly, it will take more time to answer. Obviously it's not going to be 100 percent accurate, but I also think it is very flawed.

    1. I agree that the test isn't a hundred percent accurate, however it does really get people thinking and i think that is the point. I liked how you were able to connect the bias results with your childhood and growing up. I also think bais does come from where you were raised and the views and values that not only your family shared but the ones of your community. You supported this in your blog.- pizza002

  30. I feel like the IAT tests are helpful tests to take when trying to identify our hidden biases. I do think the part of the test where they switched the sides of the categories was more of a mind thing. I was used to a category being on the left or right side, so when they switched it I had to remember where the category was now located. One of the categories I did was Sexuality (‘Gay – Straight’). I do not have a problem with someone being homosexual and I believe that they should have the same rights as everyone else. After taking the test, it stated that I was strongly for straight people than homosexuals but I feel like it was because of the category switch. I also did an IAT test over Weight (‘Thin – Fat’) which compared fat and thin people. I was not surprised by the test results I got. I figured I would be more on the side for thin people than fat since I am thin myself but I do treat everyone with the same respect because everyone does not have full control over their weight. The last IAT test I did was Age (‘Young – Old’). I tested slightly more for young people than old. My test results made sense to me since I am young. I am a Certified Nursing Assistant at a nursing home so I am around old people a lot and they aren’t that bad. I don’t know why old people would be a problem besides that they are grumpy sometimes but we young people have our attitudes too. Overall, taking the IAT tests were okay but I still feel like them switching around the categories interfered with the answers I chose. I really just memorized which category was where to match the word or picture with the category. -pieface003

    1. I took the same test as you the first time and I got the same results, which I wasn't really surprised because of ways that I was nurtured as a kid. I was always told to think a certain way about things and now that I've gotten older I get to decide for myself on those things. I treat people equally but I know that they way I was raised affects decisions I make. yellow003

  31. I have come to realize that these are very helpful to help open your views on your surrounding human beings. The First IAT I took was about race to see what it would come down to. After taking it, I had a neutral outcome when it came to a preference between Black people and White people. I feel like the IAT was trying to get you to mess up to see if you were paying attention during the part of switching the roles on the faces and words. I liked that a lot because without thinking you go to your natural thought of how you feel about people of other races. The second IAT that I took was Sexuality which the outcome actually took me by surprise. It said that I had a slight preference for gay people over straight people, and I can understand why. With that being said I truly believe the outcome could because I work with a gay person and I find them very welcoming to be around. I have no problems with them because I know that in the end, they are happy with who they are and how they live, and I support that. The last category I chose to do was the Arab-Muslim to see if my time away had any affect on me. So, in the end my time away actually helped me understand Arab-Muslim people more. Given that I’m glad to see that outcome since where I live now isn’t really populate with Arab-Muslim people. With this knowledge I hope to use this to still grow as a better person for my son to watch and idolize like I did with my grandpa. After taking all three of these IATs I feel like a lot of biases comes from how you were raised and how you adapt to that because no one is born with a bias against other people. I wouldn’t doubt if places of business use this as a tool for hiring people as well. With the last two categories the slight preference did throw me off a bit. Which I mean there is always some room to grow as a person. -MrWadeWilson002

    1. I agree that these are very helpful and useful when you want to open yourself for improvement and understanding other people around you. I also agree with that bais does come from where you were raised and the views and values that not only your family shared but the ones of your community. I also agree that everyone needs to grow and i think recognizing something like this is a good start. -pizza003

  32. I think that in the IAT test helped me figure out what I need to do differently in my life to unfold the biases that I have towards people. Even though they aren’t intentional being nurtured a certain way as a child has affected my life to the decisions that I make now. If they aren’t changed then that will affect the way i do my job in the future and it won’t be a good thing because people need to looked at the same as everyone else. Growing up religion has always been a big part in my life because of my parents even if I didn’t agree with it. Being homosexual was something frowned upon so I saw it as something bad. Yet, I grew up with family members that are homosexual and they are super close to me. So I was surprised that I preferred straight people over gay people. Also, I preferred young people over old people and thin people or fat people. Growing up the people close to me didn't want to get older and not be able to function. Yet, a lot of people that I hang out with are around my age and it’s not that it matters it's just is like that. I feel the same way about thinner people and I think that trauma can affect a certain you think about certain people that fall in those characteristics. I think that when it come to bias, it true that the more someone is around those people it helps unfold the opinion and create a better relationship. Which that as working in law enforcement would help because creating a community is what helps make the job a lot easier. It’s not always about if you treat people the same it’s about if you look at people the same. As a police officer, they have discretion so when they have a relationship with someone they looking at the different factors of why to arrest or let them go because of the experience. yellow003

    1. I thought it was interesting how in your blog post you mentioned how you thought that certain things made a difference such as: growing up with people close to you made a difference. I don't know how accurate these tests truly are. I felt that they were a little bit wrong in different ways but it is nice to read someone else's results to see how similar they might be to my own. -Anchorman003

  33. After taking this IAT test, it really made me think about what I truly believed in and what I did not realize about myself and what I should improve on and where I lack in certain areas. The first IAT test that I took was the test over race. My result was that I favored whites slightly more than I favored blacks. I personally feel like this is not true about me. I have always liked everyone the same in my opinion. My family ranges from whites to hispanics and I have no problem with hispanic people and when it comes to people who are black, I personally have many black friends who I love and care about and never have I thought that I was ever better than them in any way shape or form. I did like taking this test though because it did make me think hard and clear about what I truly think and feel. The second IAT test that I took was sexuality. After doing the test over sexuality, my results stated that I was strongly for straight people. Me personally, I have never had a problem with homosexual people. I always have thought of them as just another part of society just like me and I never discriminate towards them. I never understood why anyone ever cared about people being homosexual. I mean if it makes that person happy then that is what truly matters right. And they deserve the same rights as everyone else in the U.S. I have no problem whatsoever with whether or not a person is homosexual. I think that the way that the test was, was just weird and that is why I got the result that I did. My third test was the weight test. My results said that I preferred thin people over people who were larger. I personally think that this is because of the fact that I have always been into fitness my entire life and have grown up believing a certain thing for so long that it just comes naturally to me to think that way. I do not have anything against people who are overweight. I have many people in my family who are overweight and could drop a few pounds but I don't judge them for being overweight. I feel like these tests were a good thing and opened up my mind more to society and the people in it. -Anchorman003

    1. I feel the same way towards any group of people. I don't feel like I have preferences or I treat them unequally. I just know a lot of my answers toward the groups was because of past nurturing of my family and close ones. I have all types of people in my family when it come to overweight, thin, homosexual, straight, dark skin, light skin and I was surprised that I had a preference either way. dory003

  34. When taking this the IAT test for different topics I realized that a lot of bias from when i was younger had unfolded and now I don’t have an automatic preference. I took the Arab-Muslim one, and that was the one which I didn’t have a preference. I have a member that works with them, so I am around them a lot to which i have build personal relationships with some. It has helped me looked at their lives and religion in a different way. I grew up in a christian household and so being around another religion all the time has helped me understand a lot of the decisions they make. Then, I took skin color test and came out no preference. Growing up around both dark skin and lights people has helped me create relationships that I don’t care about skin color. Also, with my ethnicity there are people of both skin types that i have in my family. Finally, I took the career and family test and I wasn’t surprised after words because I grew up in a culture where it is seem that females stay home and males work. Even though I don’t agree with it, it’s something that I have seen with other cultures that I grew up with not just my own. As one its nurtured to think a certain way, it can be hard to let go of an opinion and create your own. Once being around those with a bias towards help one unfold it and make a relationship to where naturally there isn't a negative bias. Dory022

    1. I enjoyed seeing and reading your results. I like how you happened to mention that you grew up around certain types of people and that it may have been the reason you feel a certain way and better you as an individual. I thought it was interesting that your results were that females should stay at home while the males worked. You don't see this as much these days. I also agree that it is not really the way of life anymore and that both males and females need to almost always take on a role in working society. -Anchorman002

    2. Reading through your response it is really cool to see how you do not have a preference of other types of people over Arabs. I too spend a lot of time around these types of people and I should go see what my results would be. It is cool how you were able to be around them and like you said, see how they were being able to understand a lot of the different decisions that they were making. Also I thought that it was interesting in your response that you got that result of women staying home and men working when that is not what you believe. The same thing happened to me in the science and male and females to liberal arts test. I got the results of the males being linked to science and females to liberal arts even though growing up through school i always had female science teachers and the drama and art teachers were males in my high school. -Steel003

  35. This time was my second post for this blog. I took three different tests this time. After doing these tests again, I still feel like the results that I received are not what I was actually expecting. I thought I would have different outcomes. Then again, like I said before, I think that some of the reasons I may think the way I do is because of the people that I have grown up around and been around my entire life. The first test that I took was the gender careers IAT test. I have never been a person who thought that females were not capable of doing something that a man could. Men usually do have a more physically strong physique compared to a women just because of a genetic make up and testosterone being higher in males, but besides that I always have thought of women as equally qualified for the same job rolls as men or even better in many cases than men. I just want to say that I think it is awesome when a female is interested in going into the criminal justice field. It really blows my mind because it just is there to show every person who thinks that a man is better than a women is completely false. I mean I have read up on some statistics between males and female officers comparing violence and who used violence more often to get what they wanted. The results were that women do a better job at calming people down so violence does not occur while men are trying to act rough and tough and go towards violence like it is the only option sometimes not all the time. My second test that I took was age. My results were that I preferred younger people over older people. I don't know how accurate this one was because most of the people I hang out with and am around all the time are older than me and I enjoy being around them more than younger people. The third test that I took was the skin tone test. It said in my results that I preferred light skin tone over darker skin toned. I don't understand why I got the result that I did for this one. I have grown up with many different people with many different skin tones and have family with different skin tones than me and I never judge them and I love them just the same. I don't care whether or not someone looks a little different than me. I like everyone the same. -Anchorman002

  36. When I took these tests, there was one thing that kind of messed with my mind. When the test started to switched up the letters, I kind of felt like that messed with my mind a little. The first one I took was the weight one. It said that I have a strong automatic preference for thin people over fat people. I strongly disagree with that statement. I can’t think of anything from my childhood that would make me think of that statement even being slightly true. When I meet someone new, I think about their personality. I don’t think about weight. I’m not going to refuse someone’s friendship over their weight. Weight is not an issue for me. The second test I took was the age one. It said that I have a moderate automatic preference for young people over old people. I am going to be honest, I feel like this one is somewhat true. At my job, I work with a lot of younger people and few adults. For some reason I feel more comfortable working with people that are around my age. I currently work at a fast food place and some of the older people that come and order food and sometimes really mean and rude. They are normally in their seventies or eighties. It sometimes makes me really irritated because they can sometimes get nasty over things that I don't have control over. Our prices are kind of expensive and they yell at me even though I stated that I have no control over any of that. Sometimes younger people will come in and they will question the prices too but they don’t get mad at me. I have my lip, nose, and septum pierced. When I’m out and about, sometimes older people will come up to me and basically say that I should not have piercings in my face or that they don’t like them. Piercings are something that I like and I’m not going to take them out because they don't like them. It’s something that shows me. If you don’t like them, you don’t have to come up and tell me. It’s not going to change what I like. The third test I did was disability. It said that I have a moderate automatic preference for abled persons over disabled persons. No one in my family is disabled. I don't have a dislike for disabled people. Growing up I have never really been around someone who is disabled. -Soccer002

  37. So for the first test i did the age test. This would see if i favor young people or old people more or old more than young. I had no preference between the two. This got my to start thinking why, well for the majority of time is spent at work. I work at walmart so I deal with all types of people old to young and all around. So i am used to dealing with both ages and have to learn how to be around both and how to interact with both. However if you would have tested me in highschool it would be so much different I wasn't really around people who weren't in or around the same age group as me. Then I did the test gay or straight people. This test also told me that i had no automatic preference between Straight people and Gay people. This wasn't surprising i really have no bais really against people we are all going to die ya know. I think this is because i was around people who are different and i myself am lesbian so i know that side but i also don't think any different of straight people, its whatever makes the person happy. Also again working going to college and all that gave me experience around different types of people and personalities. However one that kind of surprised my was the race test. When i did this one i didn't think that i would have a preference but then after i took the test it said that i had a slight automatic preference for White people over Black people. I thought that maybe this is because of the fact i grew up in a small very white redneck town and i wasn't used to being around color until I got up to college and even at Walmart in pekin it is still predominantly white associates and customers. This was a very interesting thing to do it really opened my mind up to how and why i think like i do and how people can change the way the think cause of their environment. -pizza002

  38. I did the test gay or straight people. This test told me that i had no automatic preference between Straight people and Gay people. This wasn't surprising i really have no bais really against people we are all going to die ya know. I think this is because i was around people who are different and i myself am lesbian so i know that side but i also don't think any different of straight people, its whatever makes the person happy. Also again working going to college and all that gave me experience around different types of people and personalities.
    However if you would have tested me in highschool it would be so much different I wasn't really around people who weren't in or around the same age group as me. However one that kind of surprised my was the race test. When i did this one i didn't think that i would have a preference but then after i took the test it said that i had a slight automatic preference for White people over Black people. I thought that maybe this is because of the fact i grew up in a small very white redneck town and i wasn't used to being around color until i got up to college and even at walmart in pekin it is still predominantly white associates and customers. This was a very interesting thing to do it really opened my mind up to how and why i think like i do and how people can change the way the think cause of their environment. So for this test i did the age test. This would see if i favor young people or old people more or old more than young. I had no preference between the two. This got my to start thinking why, well for the majority of time is spent at work. I work at walmart so I deal with all types of people old to young and all around. So i am used to dealing with both ages and have to learn how to be around both and how to interact with both.-pizza003

  39. I took the racial test again to see if I could get a better score then I did last time. I received the same score but I noticed that I did about the same on both tests. I then took the age one and scored slightly bias toward old. I then took the fat and skinny one and scored slightly bias toward fat people. I still think that this test does not accurately measure implicit bias. The first reason is that the questions are ones that only someone with extreme racial beliefs would answer anything other than I did. If it accurately wanted to measure my implicit bias it would ask me more questions about my experiences in life and not if I thought that black people should go to school with white people. Even some of the most racist people may answer these questions like I did, but they still have a hatred for that culture or race. I really hope that these tests aren’t being used in police academies or anything with the government because I don’t think they work. It would kind of be like the polygraph test, it would work for a lot of people but not everyone. This type of test puts you into a category based on where you are from and what your experiences have been, but in order to do this accurately there would need to be a lot more questions than the ones given. I think for this test to work properly they need to either make it longer, or cut out a lot of the questions that simply just don’t make sense in this type of test. After going over the results in class I realized that there were a lot of people that tested into no bias. I think that proves that this test is weak because there should be at least some bias for one of the tests they took. Celtics002

  40. This time that I took the test I did the same three as I did last time but tried to score differently then before. I really wanted to see if the test results would change and they didn’t. I scored slightly bias toward light colored skin, skinny, and old. I think that this test can be successful for some people but not for others. I think that this also might vary depending on the hand eye coordination of the person taking it. When we went over the answers in class there were some people that received no bias on a lot of tests, and I wonder that if they took it again what their score would be. I think that they wouldn’t get no bias for all of them again because that would be considered a perfect score in these tests. I have never had much faith in these types of tests that say they can dig into your mind by only asking a series of questions. This website at least added a memory game that made it a little more believable that it could fit you into categories more efficiently. I don’t think that we have the ability to make a test over the computer that can accurately determine something like this. Especially since there are several situations in our lives that the test won’t know that could change our bias. I think that to improve this test they should add more of the memory game and more questions. For this type of test to be effective I believe that it has to be extensive and has to cover as many areas of a person’s life as possible. The only problem with this is that the test will probably have to take an hour or more to complete. Celtics003

    1. I agree that this test can vary depending on the hand eye coordination of the person taking it. There was a couple times where I got confused on which key was which and that caused me to select the wrong answer. I agree also agree that we might not have the ability to take a this type of test and get accurate answers. There is nothing saying that these types of test are one hundred percent accurate. These types of test don't know everything about us. I agree that these types of test should have more questions. I felt like this test was more about memory. I'm not sure if they can create a test for everyone that covers everyone's life. Everyone's life is different and everyone has had different experiences in life. Everyone's story is different. I agree that that test would take a long time to complete. I think these tests just give us an idea of what implicit biases we might possible have. It makes us think about things and if these test results are accurate, it makes us think how we might be able to think differently. I thought some of my results were not accurate but there was one that I felt like was accurate. -Soccer003

  41. The first test I took was to see if I had a preference between thin or fat people. Unsurprisingly I had a strong automatic preference for thinner people. I think this is because I exercise frequently and I’m conscious of good and bad eating habits different people may have. If I took this test when I was in highschool I would have undoubtedly had at least a slight preference for fat people considering I was overweight myself. The reason for the change is because I was taught that to have a happier, healthier life, self discipline is essential. I don't have anything against fat people, for being fat. I know what it’s like to be fat because I used to be fat, and I know what it’s like to work hard towards not being fat anymore. Secondly, I tested on gender and careers. The results were slightly surprising, I didn't expect to have an opinion either way but the results of the test concluded that I had a slight preference towards women in careers. If the test is actually accurate then I think the reasoning behind these results might be because I was raised mostly by my mom but she was working full time and going to school at the same time so I had the idea from a young age that my mom was the harder worker between my parents. Lastly, I tested on race between white and black people, and the results showed slight preference towards white people. This is likely because for the last four years I have lived in a predominantly white town. If I had taken the test in high school there probably would've been less of a preference because the school i went to was much more diverse than what I've been used to for the last couple of years.-Waterboy002

  42. The first test I took was the race one. It said that I have a slight automatic preference for white people over black people. I feel like this is inaccurate. I don't judge people based on their race. I look at everyone equally. I have friends that are white and I have a friends that are African American too. I’m not going to refuse someone’s friendship based on the color of their skin. If someone did something bad and it was on the news, my family would ask if the person was African American. If someone does something bad, they automatically think that person is African American and that is not always true. People that are white also do bad things. Just because my family says that does not change the fact that I look at everyone equally. Growing up I was never really around people that were African American and there is no one in my family that is African American but I still feel like I look at everyone equally. The second test I took was skin tone. It said that I have a moderate automatic preference for light skinned people over dark skinned people. I feel like I don't have a preference when it comes to dark skinned people over light skinned people. The third test I took was the sexuality one. It said that I have a slight automatic preference for straight people over gay people. I don’t feel like this is accurate because I have friends that are straight and I have friends that are gay. There is a few people I work with that are gay too. No one in my family is gay but my family also does not have a problem with gay people. I know a family friend that does not really like gay people. I was not around this person a lot growing up but I am around this person more often now. I remember some of the things they said and I did not think anything of it. I have never had a problem with gay people. Being around this person now, I sometimes have a problem with what this person says because I’m not longer a child. I have friends that are gay and I stick up for them when an unfavorable comment is said. I feel like sexuality does not matter to me, everyone is a human being. -Soccer003

    1. I see that with every test you took you disagreed and said you did not really have any preferences. I totally agree with that because even though my test said I had slight preferences for this over that I disagreed because I felt I do not have any type of preference at all with things like this. But when I looked at the bigger picture I can see where this unconscious bias is coming from and the reasoning behind it. Even though I do not want to see this test say I prefer something over another I definitely know why it says it. -brooklyn003

  43. I was really not surprised to see my results for the first two test that I had taken which were the Fat and thin test and the Black and white people preference tests. For the first test that I took which was the black and white and my result was that I had a slight preference to white people over black people in my test which really did not surprise me because i grew up around white people and there were not really any black people that really went to my schools growing up and even my first two jobs, I do not think that I worked with a single black person.Also in the place that I live, there are close to no black families that live out here. If i would have taken this test around four years ago I think my result would have been a lot different. Going out and working where I do now, I work with a lot of black people and am very close with some of them. For my fat and think test results I got the no preference result which really did not surprise me because I deal with both every day, family and friends and with classmates and work people. The third test was the one that kind of surprised me a little bit. My third test was the male and female and their relation to liberal arts and science. My results for this test was slightly associating men to the science and women to the liberal arts. In the big picture to me it makes sense but at the same time I do not get it because growing up going through school, all of my science teachers were female teachers, except for one my junior year of highschool, even in college it was a female science teacher. And the only arts and drama programs in my highschool were ran by a male teacher. So even though what I was use to from growing up i still got the results reversed somehow which was interesting really. These test were very interesting to do though. It just really probes to us that even though we might think that we treat everyone or love everyone the same, we all have those small things that make us go in one favor over another just from how we have been brought up and where we grew up and what we were doing. -Steel003

  44. I took 3 different test to show the different preferences that I have about different types of people. Each result of each test allows me to explain why I ‘prefer’ one over the other. The ones I took were the Light Skinned People vs Dark Skinned People, Thin People vs Fat People and Gay People vs Straight People. My results for the Light Skinned People vs Dark Skinned People was slight preference for Dark Skinned People over Light Skinned People. I can see this because I have always been around black people my whole life and I am from Brooklyn New York so therefore there was a lot of diversity but many dark skinned people. I also went to a performing arts school and was mainly populated by black people. But also I am kinda surprised that I did not get Light Skinned People over Dark Skinned People because I moved to Illinois in 6th grade and ever since I have been enrolled in school the black population in East Peoria was very low and that's all I have been around for a while now. Especially with sports I have always been 1 out of maybe 2-3 people who were fully black. My results for the Thin People vs Fat People was slight preference for Thin People over Fat People. I think the reason why I got this evaluation is because most of my own friends are thinner than me. I was also on a competitive dance team and was surrounded with girls that were all thinner and smaller than I am. Thin People were the people that I was mostly around during dance competition season. This is because they are all athletic and had the slim body type that was fit for dance. I was also surrounded by Thin People when I ran track in high school. A lot of the girls that I ran with were thin and very active.That is probably why I have more of a preference for Thin People over Fat People because I am around the thin body type more than the bigger body type. My results for Gay People vs Straight People was slight preference for Gay People over Straight People. I can really understand this because my aunt is gay and I am very close with her and her partner, I see them almost every other day. Also while on a cheer team there were two boys that were gay on the team and I was with/around them quite often for the cheer season. But one of them also became one of my close friends. Since I have been really involved with gay people I can understand why the results say I prefer gay people over straight people. Overall I believe that each test does accurately describe my views on my different preferences about different types of people. Since I have been involved with those types of preferences more than the other it allows me to share exactly why I ‘prefer” one side over the other. Even though I feel that I don't really choose between which I prefer more and I like everyone equally I definitely can see where these results are coming from. -brooklyn003

  45. I tested on gender and careers. The results were slightly surprising, I didn't expect to have an opinion either way but the results of the test concluded that I had a slight preference towards women in careers. If the test is actually accurate then I think the reasoning behind these results might be because I was raised mostly by my mom while she was working full time and going to school full-time so I had an idea from a young age that my mom was a harder worker than my dad. I also tested on race between white and black people the results showed that I slightly prefer white people over black people this is likely because I've lived in a predominantly white town for the last 4 years. If I had taken the test in high school they probably would have been less of a preference because the school I went to was more diverse. I also tested to see if I had a preference between thin or fat people. The results of the test showed that I had a strong preference for thinner people. This isn't really that surprising to me considering I used to be overweight and I worked hard to not be there anymore. I was taught that it's important to discipline yourself and not get too comfortable with being complacent because that's when you start to slip up and then you start letting yourself down. when I was in high school I would have tested differently most likely, But after working as hard as I have to get to where I am I'm not surprised I tested the way that I did.-Waterboy003

  46. After doing these implicit bias tests, I feel as though I have a new perspective on what I may be unknowingly biased about. The test I took were the weapons, race, and age bias tests. The first one was the weapons bias. This test decided if you associated white or black races with harmless objects or weapons. My result came back that I slightly associate white americans with harmless objects and black americans with weapons. I am not completely sure where this bias comes from for me. It may be from the news or local channels when you see black american involved shooting in peoria quite often. This would be the only thing I feel this bias may come from. The second test I took was was the test about race. My results showed that I was slightly more drawn to white americans than black americans. This I can see exactly where it comes from. I grew up in a small town of Morton. This is a very wealthy, dominantly white community. That is all I have ever grown up with and raised with. This by no means makes me feel as though I do not like other races. It just means that's what I am grown up around and am comfortable with. The third test was the age test. This came back as showing that I was slightly more into younger people. I think this comes from where I work. The majority of the people I work with are young people. Even the clientele that come in are a younger crowd of people. I feel like these tests really help me grow as a person and are helpful knowing in the career I am going into. -AS003


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