Human Trafficking in Illinois.....


  1. Human trafficking is the modern day slavery. Human trafficking is occurring all over the world and Illinois is one of the biggest states involved because of the high population in Chicago and one of the largest international airport. According to, the definition of human trafficking is, “Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to control victims for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or labor services against his/her will. Sex trafficking has been found in a wide variety of venues within the sex industry, including residential brothels, escort services, fake massage businesses, strip clubs, and street prostitution. Labor trafficking has been found in diverse labor settings including, domestic work, small businesses, large farms, and factories.” People seem to think that human trafficking is just sex trafficking. Illinois is one of the largest cities in the country known for trafficking. O’Hare is considered to be one of the largest airports in the country and is an international airport. Therefore, a lot of people that are trafficked into the United States comes through the Chicago airport. Chicago is also such a big city that people are constantly victims of human trafficking. Chicago is ranked 10th as a hub for sex-trafficked children with approximately 27,854 registered sex offenders in Illinois. Chicago, a city plagued by a robust abortion industry as well as easily accessible public and interstate transportation has approximately 16,000 – 25,000 sex trafficked victims every year.” Chicago is known for having one of the largest international airports across the world. This is an open door for traffickers to bring in victims and transport them and even pick up more victims along the way. Law enforcement is trying to cut down the numbers of human trafficking and decrease the numbers instead of having them skyrocket. They are doing everything in their power in order to catch the traffickers. The biggest use of trying to stop the crime is having female cops go undercover. #notaplumber003

    1. I have got to say, I don't think I made the connection as quickly as you did in my head, but I knew what it was- human trafficking truly is the modern day slavery. Taking somebody's freedom, kidnapping them from their homeland and family, abusing them, selling them like property- it's disgusting. Reading about this sort of thing and doing research on the statistics in my own country has made me strongly consider looking into becoming apart of the fight against human trafficking. I always place myself in others' shoes, and imagining myself in these poor victims' places makes me feel sick to my stomach. The worst part of it is is that there are probably tens, if not more, of human trafficked victims in the city in which we live. The hard part to swallow is that many will never get help, or if they do, harm may come to them or their families back home. GMan003

    2. You hit it right on the head with modern day slavery. I also enjoyed the female cops going undercover would have to be looked into safely but could be 100% helpful. There is so much human trafficking it is impossible at sometimes but also very difficult very law enforcement to make big bust in the main areas. Chicago needs to have a separate department just for human trafficking. DirtTrack003

  2. I have to say firstly, that I am astonished at how much goes on in our country that so many people, including myself, believe is mostly only prevalent in other countries or only in movies- human trafficking certainly is happening, including in our own state. In 2018 alone, there were 135 human trafficking cases reported. The actual number of how many people are trafficked through our state every year has got to be significantly higher, being as Chicago is the human trafficking hub of the midwest, as discussed in lecture. I believe the number of reported cases is so seemingly low due to the victims of said crimes being afraid of repercussions from fleeing their captors or what would happen if they told anyone. There are a couple reasons for this- one being that the victims being trafficked, more often than not, come from foreign countries and are kidnapped their by a group before being sent here. They fear that the group or person that originally captured them will harm their family if they were to ever uncover what that group or person is doing. Another reason, also discussed in lecture, is that in a lot of these foreign countries, the law enforcement agencies don’t have a good relationship with their communities and are often feared or strongly distrusted. These individuals that are trafficked to our state and held here for sex or work often times bring that belief about all police or law enforcement officials being untrustworthy or corrupt. One of the statistics I found for Illinois was that in 2017, there were 107 calls from survivors or victims, whereas in 2018 there were only 50. This makes me extremely curious as to why this statistic would’ve decreased by so much- in my mind, I hope it is due to becoming increasing difficulty for the traffickers to get away with it, but I also fear that it may be due to them becoming smarter and better hidden. The last statistic I chose to cover was that the very large majority of all trafficking through Illinois is for sex, at least from the cases reported in 2018. Out of the 135 total cases reported, there were 97 that reported it was for sex, with the next closest being for labor at a mere 20 cases. GMan003

    1. I completely agree with you, I think most U.S Citizens do not really realize how big human trafficking is in the U.S. I am even guilty for not realizing how big it is. I also thought the same thing when I saw the number of human trafficking cases reported. That number is so significantly low, and with the city of Chicago being a major hub for human trafficking the number has to be significantly higher than just 135. I was also very curious why the number of calls decreased in just in one year. I would like to find the facts behind that.

    2. Gman003, I agree with you, as we tend to forget about the crime that doesn’t affect us and our daily life style. But yet, these crimes do exist in our community even if we are vastly unaware of them. I for one was truly surprised on how closed to home human trafficking really is. I had always thought it was only an issue in large cities and other counties. But in fact, human trafficking is happening daily in our local communities. Through this web site, I have been made more aware of this issue. I have a broader understanding of how real and life changing this crime truly is. -CoalRoller033

  3. As we have learned from the class, human trafficking is now occurring within country or trans-nationally. The law says, human trafficking is a crime against person because of the violation of the victims rights of movements due to their commercial exploitation.Even though some of the common factors are local conditions that make population want to migrate i search of better conditions, poverty, oppression, lack of human rights, lack of social or economic opp unity , dangers from conflicts or instability and similar conditions.But being said that most people had taken advantage of that and kidnap young women and men for either using them for labor or sex. Illinois or in the united states, human trafficking tends to occur around international travel-hub with large immigrant population such as Chicago airport. Traffickers use lies like promising jobs accommodations, new and exciting opportunities, loving relationship to convince them but they are not. A lot of times people do trafficking for the purpose of exploitation, forced labor, slavery or similar practices and the removal of organs. This has been happening more especially countries of Africa where the families are being told that if they give out their kids out to other country they will bring money back and help the rest of the family eventually they will never return back home. this is a true story. according to the united nations there are between 27 and 30 million modern day slaves and the U.S department cites 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across the borders every year. this is a large number. To stop this i think the media will play the big role to report the overall impact of these story to the public, law enforcement to understand the issue GUSII 003

    1. Human Trafficking is a major problem all over the world. But to know that it also happens not only in america but in your own state, is a really scary thing. Its just like modern day slavery. You have no family, no rights, treated terribly and all you wanted to do was start a new life in a new country and or help your family out with money. Its sad how these Traffickers take advantage of that when your trying to do the right thing for the people that you love. And some cant even report about what has happened to them without the risk of there family being harmed. Batman003

  4. Human trafficking in Illinois had 632 calls reported in 2017 and 193 cases were reported. Now, in 2018 297 calls were reported and only 135 cases were reported. The numbers have decreased since 2016 and haven’t any noticeable spike in numbers since 2016. 38 antitrafficking task forces nationwide and only 13,000 have been trained by Homeland Security. The average human trafficking cases are recruited through fraud, deception and other enticements. Chicago has the easiest way out and in to the human trafficking with such a big city and airport. O’hare in 2014 was scaled on 1000-point scale and got a score of 723 in 2014, this is out of mega Airports. With that being said Chicago is based on a international mega airport scale, which makes it very easy to get access to all around the world with trafficking. it is a every day thing on the radar but is it on the media 24/7. Most people do not know how serious human trafficking is in Illinois and around the world with mainly women and children. It comes down to a modern-day slavery. The average person should know how serious human trafficking has become in todays society. The rates have dropped in the Illinois but, that doesn’t the human trafficking doesn’t still exist. There needs to more said or brought up or some departments looking more into it not just around Chicago but, around the state and updates on numbers on how the research is going or training. I did not know how serious or how big it was around me until I read upon this and did more research about it. How much it affects the women and children around us should be made one of the top priorities in the police and news. Big changes need to be made for upcoming police officers and military police officers for better research and training. DirtTrack003

    1. I definitely agree with you saying that there needs to be changes made and how much women and children are affected by this is crazy. I do not think any child should have to go through this at all in their life and women don't deserve it either. It is very good that in Illinois the numbers of human trafficking calls and cases decrease. It's sad to think that Chicago has the easiest way out and in to human trafficking due to how big the city and airport is. Many people do not realize how big of an issue this is in today's society and how many people are affected by this. -brooklyn003

  5. Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing or soliciting of a person for the purposes of a commercial act. Commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age. Labor trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purposes of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, data bondage or slavery. Low Risk human trafficking means when there is little risk or deterrence to affect their criminal operations. Human Traffickers can make very high profits which is part of the reason why they do it. Despite law enforcement getting more strict over the years on human trafficking, human traffickers still find the it worth doing. Prosecutors and states have pushed for more stricter laws going towards putting more years in on sentences. Human Trafficking is a market driven criminal industry based on the principles of supply and demand. This is also like drugs or firearms trafficking. -chicubs003

  6. Human Trafficking is something that happens all day everyday and happens to men and women in every single country. Human Trafficking comes in many different forms. Sex Trafficking can be in different businesses such as strip clubs, massages parlor, prostitution, and any other business. Chicago is one of the largest cities in the country for human trafficking and sex trafficking. Chicago is ranked 10th as a stop for sex trafficking and human trafficking for children. I believe that many Trafficking is not being reported because the men or women or that group that controls them may try to hurt, harm, and kill their family as we talked about in the lecture. Most of the trafficking goes thru O’hare airport because it is the largest in Illinois. O’hare airport is one of the easiest way to get people from place to place. Human Trafficking is just like human slavery. Being stripped away from there family, treat with no respect, and having poor living conditions. These men women and children freedom are being taken away just for some money. Trafficurs trap these people by using lies by promising people jobs to help out there family or themself with bills or any other debt, a new and exciting life or a fresh start which are all lies but they believe these lies that they tell them because they give them a trusting relationship. Illinois police department and other police departments need to have more training on how to protect people from being taken and how to deal with people who have been thru those situations. It’s scary to think that this could happen to you or someone you know. You manly here human Trafficking happening to mostly women and children but we never think about that it can happen to little and or teenage boys. Batman003

    1. It is so important you pointed out that many of the human trafficking incidents are not reported due to fear. This fear can be anything from the fear that the group will do harm to the individual or even harm to their family. Some times the families agree to have their child go do work in another country and the group promises them they will send money back. When in reality the work is not at all what was expected and the family never hears from them again. It is a sad place we live in today. -AS003

  7. I think in today's age most people don't realize how big of a problem human trafficking is in America. It is very prevalent, and is a major problem, in many of America's large cities. Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery, just let that sink in. Even though we don't think slavery is a think in America, it still is and it is still a very large problem that we are facing day in and day out. Sex trafficking is the highest type of human trafficking crime reported in Illinois. In 2018 there were 135 cases reported in Illinois. That is a such a small number, I feel like there is so many cases of human trafficking that go undocumented, or the leaders of the human trafficking ring never get caught. Females are more affected by sex trafficking, than males are. Which honestly does not surprise me, I feel like females are more prone and vulnerable to sex trafficking than males are. Not saying men do not get affected by sex trafficking because they do. It just that the statistics show that women are targeted more than men are. 2016 was the highest year for reported sex trafficking crimes, with a total of 203 cases reported. Still a very low number. It surprised me that foreign nationals are not targeted nearly as much as U.S Citizens. You would think that foreign nationals would be targeted more, because some could be trying to find a better way of life, and will get tricked into thinking that they can make some fast money by using their body for sex. Since 2007 there has only been 1280 cases have been reported. That is such a low number, in the past 10 years think about the amount of cases that go unreported.

  8. Human trafficking has been around for hundreds of years. It existed as slavery and it evolved into human trafficking as we know it today. This crime effects people from all over the world on a daily basis. It effects people from all ages and all back grounds and families structures. It is a crime that is so often over looked due how large and universal the issue truly is. This form of crime is quite challenging to investigate effectively. Human trafficking has many different forms, they can use the individual for sex and or labor. The individual may be forced, convinced or frauded into this vulnerable position. More often than not, the individual is in a country not of their own. The captors usually take the individual’s identification papers, which then makes it harder for them to ask for police intervention. There are human traffickers who are local in their enterprises. Meaning they may take an individual who is a local in the area. Human trafficking can take many shapes also, the captors may be only one or two; almost like a small business. While others are on a much larger scale which involves many people whom they capture. Each country has some form of human trafficking, it may vary between its appearance. This crime has high rewards, making it “worth the risk” this is why this crime is fairly common in every country. Within the United States, California had the highest rates of human trafficking in the year of 2018 they had a total of 760 reported cases. While Illinois had a much lower rate at 135 reported cases in 2018. In 2018, there was a total of 5,147 reported cases that year. These statistics are far from the actual truth, many cases are not reported. This makes it harder to understand the depth of human trafficking. We need to more aware of this form of crime. -CoalRoller033

  9. This is really a very interesting article to look at and see how relevant that this is in Illinois. Looking at all the statistics of the human trafficking in the state is really kind of shocking to me. There is definitely a lot more sex trafficking going on rather than labor trafficking. About 97 sex trafficking cases compared to the 20 trafficking cases. This number does not necessarily shock me but it is very much alarming. Most of the labor trafficking was consisting of domestic work and also construction work, while the sex trafficking people were being used in things such as massage or spa businesses, residence based commercial sex, online ads and venues, hotels, and escort services. Something else that did not really surprise me was the amount of women versus the amount of men that had been used in these human trafficking cases. There were 115 females that were used in human trafficking while there were only 14 males that were being used. I expected females to be used more than the males. Something that did surprise me was the ages of the people that were taken and being used in human trafficking. There were 72 adults that were being used while there were only 34 minors. I would have thought that there would have been more minors being used just because they would be more vulnerable, or so I had thought. Also something that was pretty surprising was that the people that were being used were almost 50 percent U.S. citizens and 50 percent Foreign. I thought that there would have been less U.S. citizens really. It just goes to show that it can happen to anyone and it really is going on right here. There were 135 cases of human trafficking and that is pretty shocking for not really hearing about it too much. -Steel003

  10. Among the midwest chicago is one of the most visited places and along with that it experiences the highest volume of arriving immigrants. This makes Chicago a more likely point of entry for trafficking victims. Chicago because it is extremely accessible due to its location and importance not only to the state and the country but to the world makes it that much more easier to traffick people in and out of. Chicago O’Hare International Airport is a very vital air port for people who are leaving the state for things like vacation and business, it also can make it very easy for traffickers to disperse the victims to other states as needed. Chicago is also home to many major events for the three major sport team that they have to massive art and music festivals it draws people in from all over the state and country. During these major events is often when traffickers seize the opportunity to increase their profits by trafficking and exploiting women in greater quantity. There is also a great amount of forced labor in the Illinois according to the text because forced labor networks thrive in highly populated states with large immigrant communities, like Illinois. Such networks in Illinois manifest themselves in forced begging, domestic servitude, and forced labor in restaurants. While tens of thousands of people work as forced laborers in the U.S. it is unknown exactly how many of these victims are in Illinois. There is some upside coming from criminal justice reform in the Chicago. Cook County in may of 2015 established the Chicago Prostitution and Trafficking Intervention Court, a specialized program that aims to divert the people who are arrested for prostitution from the traditional prosecution and incarceration. Instead what they are trying to do is to provide them with victim centered treatment and to help them by giving them over to a trusted service that way these individuals can get back on their feet.

    1. I am glad you spoke on Chicago there are a lot of young college girls and high school girls who are clueless about the dangers of going to Chicago on their own with the mindset that "its only Chicago". There are so many different venues and happenings that go on downtown and in areas that are close to the airport and with a lot of freight going in and out you never know what can happen. You can never know when something like human trafficking will occur but to me it always best to travel in a group. More than just two people. This to me sometimes will deter a predator. Jadist003

  11. In the article human trafficking is said to be modern day slavery, and is based off the principle of supply and demand. Human trafficking is mainly for cheap labor, commercial sex, and other services. There is low risk for human trafficking because the government and law enforcement don’t have the kind of training needed to detect when these situations are happening, law enforcement investigations don’t go very far because they are so hard to detect, not enough community awareness for these kinds of situations. It helps if the community doesn’t participate in buying sex/participating in commercial sex. Many people believe that the profit from human trafficking is worth the possible risk of being detected. There is something called the Actions-Means-Purpose model, the actions aspect is about the harboring and transporting of a person and that has to do with labor trafficking, the sex trafficking is the soliciting and advertising of another person. We talked a little bit about this in class, how mostly women and children are subjected to this. The Means aspect is through force and coercion which is assault, false promises, sexual abuse and psychological manipulation. The Purpose aspect is labor and services they are being used for. Human trafficking is belittling and someone being held against their will to give services they aren’t consenting is wrong and cruel. Though it’s hard to detect human trafficking in a lot of situations, it would be good for law enforcement to be trained on how to handle and or see what’s going on in that situation. We could possibly save a lot of people from being held against their will or save those who already are.Ark003

  12. Human Trafficking is a form of modern day slavery that affects most people under the age of 18. Human trafficking occurs in every state. The states with the highest rates of human trafficking are Texas, California, New York and Washington. This is possibly due to these states having a large immigration population and international travel hubs. There are two forms of human trafficking. Sex trafficking, which is done for the purpose of commercial sex acts and is induced by force, fraud or coercion. The other form of human trafficking is labor trafficking which is done for the purposes of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. This is also done by force fraud or coercion. I find that most people fall into the trap of human trafficking due to the promise of a better life. This affects mostly immigrants who seek a better life in America due to there current poverty stricken living conditions and also with the hopes of helping their families. According to the article “Every year, human traffickers generate billions of dollars in profits by victimizing millions of people in the United States and around the world.” There are ways you can protect yourself and members of your community from human trafficking. Do not buy are participate in the commercial sex industry. This would include going to strip clubs, purchasing porn, purchases prostitutes etc. As law enforcement you could aide in the prosecution of human trafficking offenders, making your community knowledgeable of high human trafficking areas and teaching them the do’s and don’t on when and where you should be out alone. jadist003

  13. In this article it says that human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery which traffickers use force, fraud or coercion to control victims. This is all for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or labor services against his/her will. Human trafficking affects people across the world, including people in the United States. It also affects many communities in the United States across age, gender, ethnicity and socio-economic backgrounds. There are two types of trafficking called sex trafficking and labor trafficking. Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation and etc. of a person for the purposes of a commercial sex act. Which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age. I think sex trafficking should not be done and is very rude and disrespectful to do to people. They are also kids when this is happening to them and that would be very traumatic for a kid to have to go through. Labor trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation and etc. of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage and etc. Just like sex trafficking labor trafficking is not a good thing at all and people should not have to go through that everyday. Human trafficking is basically someone using another person for their personal reasoning. Human traffickers perceive there to be little risk or deterrence to affect their criminal operations. Investigations, prosecutions and penalties have increased throughout recent years, many traffickers still think that the high profit margin is worth the risk of detection. Therefore human trafficking should be more monitored and have a harsher punishment so people don't do it as much. -brooklyn003

  14. Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. This crime occurs when a trafficker uses Force, fraud or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against his / her will. Force, fraud, or coercion need not be present at the individual engaging in commercial sex is under 18 years old. Sex trafficking is when people are abducted specifically for the purpose of commercial sex acts. While labor trafficking is when people are abducted specifically for the purpose of laborer services against his or her will. It looks like one of the best solutions to solving this human trafficking problem would be to change the the value of what is currently being exploited. If it's no longer as profitable then it wouldn't be as worth it for people to do. Traffickers currently believe the value is still high and profitable. To the traffickers, it is worth the risk involved with getting caught. The public must be made more aware of the significance and frequency of this epidemic so people know what to look for in their neighborhoods. The dangers of human trafficking are growing. Many people do not realize that human trafficking is a significant issue in the United States. The human trafficking industry generates billions of dollars a year by exploiting over 40 million people with about 25 million involved in forced labor and about 15 million involved in forced marriage. Human trafficking is going unreported due to lack of awareness. Thankfully, awareness is slowly spreading and law enforcement is starting to turn a more watchful eye towards the issue as the public starts to be more vigilant.-Waterboy003

  15. Human trafficking is a major problem all over the world including the United States. Looking at all the high numbers and statistics is shocking, but it makes it seem more real and it becomes a serious threat. Usually, when I think of human trafficking I think of sex trafficking, but it also comes in the form of labor. I am sure we all agree human trafficking is terrible and it should not be a thing, but it also seems incredibly difficult to stop it completely. The website says that there is a lot of profit to be had in trafficking people which makes the risk of being caught and arrested relatively low, so those people who are willing to do something so awful just keep doing it. Another reason why it could be hard to stop is that it is such a large industry that happens locally and globally. Also, I do not know if a lot of people know how to identify a situation of someone being trafficked. Recently at work, I had a couple dine in that was acting extremely suspicious. They both had backpacks; the man had a big wad of cash and a passport sitting on the table and the girl was very quiet and wouldn't talk to me or make eye contact. They barely spoke to each other the whole time they were there and the guy kept looking at the door. When I had asked them questions directed at the passport and asking them if they were traveling and if so where to the man would avoid my questions and give very vague answers. I thought it was really weird at the time, but after looking over this website I wonder if that could have possibly been an incident of human trafficking or just people being weird. Hopefully, it wasn't anything serious. We should teach kids in schools how to identify traffickers and how to avoid situations that could lead them to being trafficked. It is a very serious and scary issue that I wish wouldn't happen to anyone. -Smokeybear003

    1. Before I took the Human Trafficking class I had no idea that Human Trafficking was this bad. I also did not know that Human Trafficking had to parts to it. I only thought that it was just sex trafficking. When I did think of Human Trafficking, I did not think it was a major problem in the United States. I thought that this horrible crime was a problem in overseas country. That class open my eyes, this horrible crime effects every part of the world and it is growing every day. -ClarkKent003

  16. Human Trafficking is a horrible crime that affects the entire world. It is a 32 billion dollar industry only second to drug trafficking. This crime is made up in two parts, there is sex trafficking and Labor trafficking. It affects nearly every country in the world, every gender, and every age. In Sex trafficking women make up the most of the victims being around 80 percent. In labor trafficking that number is flip being that men make up the bulk of the victims. The United States is one of those countries that is affected by this horrible crime. One report states that there are 13,000 to 17,000 victims trafficked into the United States, another report has that number between 33,000 and 175,000. Every state in the United States is also affected by Human Trafficking. The worst 3 being New York, California, and Texas. Any state that has a large immigrant population or sees a lot of tourism will probably have a lot of Human Trafficking victims. Florida is one of those states that see a lot of Human Trafficking. Florida sees around 94 million tourist a year, making it a perfect place for undocumented workers to work without anyone ever knowing. Illinois might not seem to be a place that has a lot of human trafficking but it does see many cases throughout the year. It is still not as bad as the top 3 but it is still on the top 10 list of states that experience Human trafficking. In the just the first half of 2017 there were 4,500 cases reported that were related to Human Trafficking. Of that 4500 cases reported women made up the bulk of it being around 82 percent. This is not surprising since that women are more likely to be a victim of this horrible crime. -ClarkKent003

    1. I agree with you human trafficking is a horrible crime. I think it is one of the worst because it is so broad and people convince people to let them take away their own rights. Most of the time the victims have no idea what they are getting themselves into. With living in one of the biggest countries in the world, it is very prevalent and happens more often than what we think. We need more prevention centers and rehabilitation center and awareness to decrease the number of trafficking across the world. If the United States can make the count decrease, other countries will take our system and use it to their advantage to decrease human trafficking as a whole. #notaplumber002

  17. Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. This crime occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against his or her will. Force, fraud, or coercion need not be present if the individual engaging in commercial sex is under 18 years of age. Human trafficking knows no borders as well. Within the United States, California had the highest rates of human trafficking in the year of 2018 they had a total of 760 reported cases. In 2018, Illinois, there were 135 human trafficking cases reported. The actual number of how many people are trafficked through our state every year has got to be significantly higher, being as Chicago is the human trafficking hub of the midwest, as discussed in lecture. I believe the number of reported cases is so seemingly low due to the victims of said crimes being afraid of repercussions from fleeing their captors or what would happen if they told anyone. They feel this way because they fear that the group or person that originally captured them will harm their family if they were to ever uncover what that group or person is doing. Another reason is that in a lot of these foreign countries, the law enforcement agencies don’t have a good relationship with their communities and are often feared or strongly distrusted. These individuals also take these victims passports which in turn leaves them stranded now in the country. I think more education on the topic of human trafficking needs to be done across America. Many people don’t even realize that it is occuring in their own backyards. Once people can learn the warning signs of human trafficking, I think more victims will then start to be reached more. -CUBSFAN003

  18. Human trafficking being a modern version of slavery is a great way to describe what is happening in the world and I think really frames it in a way that shows how serious of a problem this is. It’s weird to think of Illinois as a major hub for human trafficking but of course it makes sense with having a huge international airport and one of the largest cities in the country. One thing from class that I didn’t realize was the often times human trafficking takes place within smaller organizations and not through large criminal enterprises like we are led to believe in most movies about it. However this does make sense from a criminal point of view because if it were part of a huge criminal organization it could potentially be easy to take down with getting a few of the key players. This way it makes it difficult for law enforcement officials to stop it from happening on a large scale because it’s a lot of small fish in a huge ocean working together to keep this going. It’s a terrible tragedy that this kind of thing is taking place anywhere in the world but the fact that it’s going on in a huge way in my own state is deeply troubling. Especially because it makes you think about how many times you’ve potentially interacted with someone that is either a victim or someone who is engaging in these criminal acts. I’m sure that we won’t see an end to this in our lifetime but I hope we can keep working towards combating this as it’s an incredibly dehumanizing practice.

  19. One thing that many people do not realize is that Human trafficking comes in many different shapes and forms. Before really doing more research into the subject of human trafficking, It was unknown to me that there was even human trafficking around this area. For the most part, I figured it was in other countries or if it was in the United states, it was probably only on the coasts. In reality Human trafficking is spanning the entire globe even here in Peoria, Illinois. It was one of the most disgusting crimes someone can commit in my opinion. The ability to take someones life away from them and it not be in their control is a horrible thought. This is something happening in our own backyard. On the website provided I found that just this year alone in Illinois there have been 135 human trafficking reports. (97 f these reports have been reports of sexual human trafficking. This is not the only types either. What many people do not realize is that it can also be a form of labor human trafficking. This is where a teen may be forced to work at a fast food restaurant for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is something that may not be as recognizable to most of the general population. It truly does make me realize that there is a lot going on in the world that we do not know about. These are people who are just trying to live their lives and it gets take away from them. It is very difficult to put a stop to simply because it is so global and in some countries may even provide some sort of income. Some countries don’t actively try to enforce human trafficking laws for this very reason. -AS003

    1. Human trafficking in the form of labor is one I had heard of but I never thought about it taking place in restaurants. It would be difficult to spot that kind of thing because it's totally normal for teens to work in restaurants. It's also frustrating to learn about countries facilitating these things because they make a profit when they could be a valuable ally in stopping it if we could work together.

  20. Human Trafficking is problematic world wide. However, I did not realize that our state alone has a problem with human trafficking. I never put too much thought into Chicago being a human trafficking base. This year we had 297 calls for reported human trafficking and 135 human trafficking reported cases in Illinois. A huge issue that we have when it comes to dealing with human trafficking is the lack of education available to the community. We automatically think that it is a third world country issue not our problem. We are part of the problem thought regardless if it is happening on our home soil for another countries soil. When we have soldiers buying into sex overseas or government officials buying into escorts, we are apart of the problem we supply the demand for trafficked Men, Women, and children either for sex or labor or just pure greed. We bring people over sees with a promise that is to good to be true and make them work for next to nothing when it comes to money that they will never truly earn their freedom unless it is through escape or death or police forces come in and save them. We hear about women and children being sold for sex. Children’s parents sell their children with a promise of money and that their children are working and sending money home only for their parents to never see their children or have a dime sent to them. Also, another issue that is becoming an issue is foreign adoption babies are being stolen and our celebrities are paying to adopt these babies they assume to be a legal adoption. We are just as guilty as the trafficker themselves. If we educate our community and or children if it’s too good to be true it is. Casket 003

    1. I knew sex trafficking was a problem, but I had no idea the problem was this severe. It’s crazy to believe that human trafficking is happening right in front of us in our own state. I also never thought chicago would be a base for human trafficking.I also read on the website that there is a lack of education about the issue. I think we as nation need to fix this problem, otherwise human trafficking will continue to thrive and out streets will get more and more dangerous. I feel like it should be common knowledge for everyone. Taught in schools, the work place, etc. Everyone should know the indicators of human trafficking. We should have more classes for human trafficking training. -pizza003

    2. The fact that people even need to worry about be taken and put into the sex trafficking system is terrible. In my opinion, I think that everyone should be aware at the dangers in certain state in the US. The fact that it happens here in the state which I live in feels disgusting. I also think that it is a problem which should be fixed immediately. There has to be a way in which we can focus more on situations like human trafficking. -Anchorman003

  21. This website gives information about human trafficking in different states. I focused on the state of Illinois and it told me that there were 297 calls in 2018 in relation to human trafficking. There were 135 human trafficking cases reported in 2018 in just Illinois. That just goes to show that human trafficking is going on more and more now in several different states. Sex trafficking is the leading type of trafficking in Illinois with 97 cases. The next highest type of trafficking is labor trafficking at 20, and then sex and labor at 9. The top venues for sex trafficking are spa and massage businesses. This doesn’t surprise me at all because these are the type of cases we hear in the news and on tv shows. Recently the patriots owner Robert Kraft visited a spa with a happy ending that was actually a sex trafficking spa. These cases are becoming more and more common. The sad part about this data is that 34 kid cases were reported compared to the 72 adults. It’s sad that there are so many kids being taken advantage of and are suffering in these inhumane types of ways. The gender of these sex trafficked people are majority female which doesn’t surprise me. What does surprise me is that there are still guys being sex trafficked. I honestly didn’t know that it was even a thing to sex traffic guys. Another sad part is that only 5 of the 135 human trafficking cases only 5 were caught due to the victim calling the authorities. That means that the traffickers are good at what they do and inflict enough fear in their victims and control their every move so they don’t try and cry out for help. Human trafficking is definitely one of the most upsetting crimes in America. Celtics003

  22. Human Trafficking is a form of modern day slavery. The traffickers will use whatever means necessary,including force, to control the victim into selling sex or labor services without their consent. Sex trafficking has many outlets, including brothels, escort services, false massage businesses, strip clubs, and street prostitution. Labor trafficking has been found in domestic work, small businesses, farms, and factories. There are many things that make adults and children susceptible to human trafficking. But human trafficking is not just because people are vulnerable. Human trafficking is due to the damn for cheap labor and commercial sex. Human trafficking thrives for two mains reasons: love risk, and high profit. Human traffickers believe there is little to no risk on getting caught. They believe there is low risk due to the fact that there is a lack of government and law enforcement training, low community awareness, scarce resources for victim recover, etc. There is a high profit for human trafficking because if there are people out there that will buy sex, then there is a market to exploit adults and children. When people are willing to buy goods and services from companies that use labor trafficking, then there is an extremely high profit because they don't have to pay their workers. In Illinois specifically, there were 297 calls to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, and 135 cases reported. Majority of those cases being sex cases. There were 97 sex trafficking cases, 20 labor trafficking, 9 sex and labor, and 9 not specified. The highest labor trafficking industry was domestic work, and construction work. Sex work trafficking was mainly from massage/spa businesses in Illinois. There were more adults than children getting trafficked, most of them being female. There are some potential red flags for human trafficking. Red flags such as promising things that might seem too good to be true. For example, high wages for easy work. Expects you to agree to the employment on the spot. Also if the terms of employment are unclear, along with the location and credentials, it could be a red flag. Attempts to isolate you from loved ones and social media, not allowed access to your money, attempts to scare you by threatening or violence, and extreme jealousy and lashing out. Overall, you should always trust your gut, and it a person /situation makes you feel uncomfortable, you should trust that feeling.-pizza003

    1. Human traffickers try to traffic people from other countries into the United States and they promise the victim certain things and then they end up lying to the victim. People from other countries try really hard to come to the United States and the victim might not realize the signs that this could potentially be a human trafficker until it’s too late. The human trafficker could promise them a visa or a very high wage and not keep their promise when the victim enters the United States. If they don’t get the visa then they’re in the United States illegally and then the victim fears that they will be deported back to their country. -Soccer003

  23. Modern day slavery is now known as human trafficking. This crime is committed when the trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion in order to control another person. They will try to control this person for engaging in commercial sex acts, soliciting labor, or services against the victims will. If the victim is under the age of eighteen, there doesn't need to be force, fraud, or coercion. A study was conducted in Chicago Illinois and they were able to find a lot of information about the men who post online that are looking for sex. Streetwalkers, strip clubs, massage parlors, escort reviews, backpage reviews/backpage advertiser, general reports, craigslist reviews, news and media reports, and rip-off reports are where men in Illinois go to buy sex. If not all of these are used then at least most of these are used. Chicago Illinois is the city were human trafficking seems to happen the most in this state. This study was about human trafficking online.The study found out that the men would describe women, sex acts, and prices through acronyms. The study also found usernames that the men created. A few of the usernames are TheBoss, Panther54, Richguy6, Johndoe47, etc. Human Trafficking exists because it’s a market driven criminal industry. Human traffickers are estimated to use 40.3 million victims. Around 25 million victims are in forced labor and 15 million victim are in forced marriage. In 2018, there was 14,117 calls and there was 5,147 reported cases. 2012 had the lowest calls and reported cases but that all increased from 2013-2017. In 2018 is has dropped quite a bit but not as low compared to 2012. In 2018, sex trafficking is the highest, labor trafficking is the second, trafficking type not specified is the third, and sex and labor is the fourth. -Soccer003

    1. It's sad some of the ways that people come up with in order to lure someone to force them into labor, social media makes it so easy to lie about who you are and people blindly trust that they are telling the truth. Unfortunately a lot of human traffickers have a well oiled plan and they work their schemes like a machine. People are too good at being evil, devious, and hiding and when the people they target are vulnerable it makes it easier to perfect their system. Ark003

  24. Human trafficking is slavery but under a different way. It’s sad that people actually take people and do it not only women but really young ladies, kids, boys, men, and even elders. “Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to control victims for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or labor services against his/her will. Sex trafficking has been found in a wide variety of venues within the sex industry, including residential brothels, escort services, fake massage businesses, strip clubs, and street prostitution. Labor trafficking has been found in diverse labor settings including, domestic work, small businesses, large farms, and factories.” These individuals that are trafficked to our state and held here for sex or work often times bring that belief about all police or law enforcement officials being untrustworthy or corrupt. according to the united nations there are between 27 and 30 million modern day slaves and the U.S department cites 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across the borders every year. That is a very large number.Chicago has the easiest way out and in to the human trafficking with such a big city and airport. O’hare in 2014 was scaled on 1000-point scale and got a score of 723 in 2014, this is out of mega Airports.Human trafficking in Illinois had 632 calls reported in 2017 and 193 cases were reported. Now, in 2018 297 calls were reported and only 135 cases were reported. The numbers have decreased since 2016 and haven’t any noticeable spike in numbers since 2016. 38 anti trafficking task forces nationwide and only 13,000 have been trained by Homeland Security.-KenzieLand003

  25. Right off the bat when you first get to Illinois on the page, it immediately says what human trafficking is. It is a form of modern day slavery. It does happen to occur in every state, but some more than others. The NHTH (National Human Trafficking Hotline) is a hotline number that you can call to report human trafficking incidents. The NHTH works with the criminal justice system to help give information to police. In the year of 2018, there were 135 human trafficking cases that were reported in the state of Illinois along with 297 calls. 97 of them were sex trafficking while 20 were labor trafficking, sex and labor had 9 and other was 9 as well. I think that it is terrible that anyone would ever do such a thing to another individual. When you scroll down even further it mentioned that 115 of those people were female. That is terrible. One thing that this proves is that women need to be scared, and it is terrible to have to say that but if they are scared then they will watch themselves more in public places. This topic is one that always gets to me because it scares the daylights out of me. I can not imagine the pain and suffering that these people are put through when taken into the human trafficking system. In my opinion, I think that it is one of the most important things that we need to be aware of as citizens of the United States. This is the reason I believe in my rights to bare arms. I believe in protecting myself and my family, along with anyone else in the United States. I personally think that people everywhere need to know these statistics or at least be aware of what is going on in their own state in which they live and work. -Anchorman003


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