Implicit Bias and Socialization


  1. One of the implicit bias tests I took was the Gender-Career test. My results said I have a moderate automatic association for Male with Career and Female with Family. I assume this is because of how my parents were raised and taught me, meaning the man of the family back then went to work and female stayed and cared for the children and house. I am not sure I completely agree with my results anymore because I find that I think of females striving for careers more than I do males. I also think that both males and females take equal parts in family; however, I can see why I scored what I did based on how I was raised. A second test I took was Religion. My results were that I have a moderate automatic preference for Christianity over Islam. For me, this makes sense because I was raised in a Christian-based household. I do not believe this means I have any ill feelings towards Islam, I simply know more and feel more familiar and comfortable discussing Christianity because of how I was raised. I feel that had I taken this test about ten years ago, I would have had a stronger preference for Christianity because of my parents’ uneducated, negative feelings towards Islam; once I went to South Florida for school and met more people who followed the Islamic faith, I gained a better understanding and respect for the religion. The last test I took was the Arab Muslim test. I received the result that I have a slight automatic preference for Arab Muslims over Other People. I believe this is because of the stigma Arab Muslims have currently and the fact that I have Muslim friends, so I prefer them slightly over others because I feel the need to defend my friends and their beliefs. I notice at home as well that I defend Arab Muslims because of my parents’ automatic association with Muslims and terrorism, so I am a bit surprised I only have a slight preference compared to a moderate preference. I feel that these tests deemed accurate for the most part. I took almost all of them simply out of curiosity and some results I deemed a bit off; however, I viewed the majority as accurate. -Gamma002

    1. I can relate to what you said about your parents having more of a bias against arab muslims due to terrorism because I feel the same way, I do not have experience with them like you do. I think that is great that you are defending your friends who are arab muslims and I wish I knew more of them that way I might have not scored slight bias against them. It is not that I do not like any of them it is just that I am going off of from what I have heard and since I do not know anyone personally like that it showed bias toward them.-wags002

    2. I like how you shared that your results for the gender-career test could have been from the way your parents raised you but that you no longer think careers are only for males in the house. Personally, I know more women that are striving to be more work oriented than males. I also took the religion test and the Arab Muslim test! I’m personally not religious but I did get the same results as you! My mother was raised catholic and always took us to church, so I do understand a little bit more about Christianity than Islam as well. For the Arab Muslim test, I received the opposite results as you but for no reason against them. I can relate with you about having parents who are uneducated about some of these topics making them bias.

    3. I see what you are saying about the gender and career test. I have a lot of older people in my family and they were raised to let the woman cook clean and raise the children. While the man worked all day. But my mom and dad always raised me to have a two way street. Meaning if i have to cook and clean the man will cook and clean. Which I believe is fair so that neither person in the relationship feels less than. Batman002

  2. When looking through the implicit bias tests I wasn’t sure which three to pick because even though I’m human, I’d like to think I don’t have any biases against any of the choices on the list. So, I randomly chose them, and the first test that stood out to me was the Asian-American IAT. In that one they gave you pictures of Asian American faces, in black and white obviously no color, and European American faces. The test also used foreign things such as the Eiffel tower, the leaning tower of Pisa, a pyramid, etc. and American things like the St. Louis arch, the statue of Liberty, the Hollywood sign etc. It then had you go back and fourth from choosing either Asian or European and then foreign or American. After those rounds it linked the foreign objects with Asian American pictures and American objects with European faces. It would switch them up and after 7 rounds of short matching games it gave me the results. It suggested that I was quicker to associate European Americans with America and Asian Americans with being foreign. I was a little surprised because I cant think of any reason why I would think that way but I could tell as I was doing the test it was harder to match “Asian American and America” than it was to match Asian with the pictures of foreign places. The next test I chose was the Arab-Muslim test where it requires you to distinguish between names that are likely to belong to someone who is Arab-Muslim versus people of other nationalities such as Hispanic. After a couple rounds of just names they then throw in “good and bad” filters as well and you have to match the Arab-Muslims names with bad and others with good and vice versa. The results stated that I had no automatic preference between Arab-Muslims and other people. It took at least two or three rounds for me to get used to seeing those types of names; in the beginning I was guessing them wrong so that’s probably why it gave me the result of no preference although it is true, I have no preference. The final test I decided to take was the religion IAT because personally I am not very religious. This test was having me choose between Christianity and Judaism, and then also threw in the “good and bad” filters. The results claimed I showed a slight preference for Christianity over Judaism. I could see these results holding some truth if it were Christianity over Islam for the sole fact of 9/11. But I don’t think I show any signs of favoring one over the other by any means.

    1. I completely understand when it comes to really opening your mind and eyes up about the results and understanding why you got what you got, really when you did not think that's what you were going to get. As I was looking through which ones to take, I could not decide for awhile, just because I knew which ones I would get the results I knew I would get in them. However, the other tests did not interest me into taking them. But when I did, I could relate in many ways and there were ways I questioned myself about the results, wondering, "is that really who I am?" therefore, I can see where you come from and understand. SH002

  3. For the first test, I completed the Presidential bias test and I found out that I had no automatic preference between Donald Trump and Franklin Roosevelt. I was put in the 20% of people with the same preference as me. The majority of people who took the test have a moderate automatic preference to other presidents other than Donald Trump. This makes sense because of all the political tension going on. I already figured I would receive the result that I did because I like both presidents being compared in the test. I believe the reason why these two presidents are being compared is simply because I think their political ideals are pretty similar, just on opposite sides of the political spectrum. I like the ideas of this test because it can teach you things you probably didn’t know about yourself, even though I pretty much already knew what my result would be. The second test I took was associating white black people with weapons and harmless objects. My result was that I had little or no automatic association between weapons and harmless objects with white Americans and black Americans. I really didn’t know that there was a test for something like this so I really didn’t know what the outcome would be. Interestingly, the majority of people who took the test had a moderate automatic response to associating black Americans with weapons and harmless objects to white Americans. I think this could be our unfortunate history of racism and prejudice towards black Americans. I don’t have any prejudice towards anyone, nor do I associate anyone with weapons or harmless objects, so this result made sense. For the final test, I decided on the weight bias test. My result caught me a little off guard because I am more interested in personality rather than weight. My result indicated that I have a slight automatic preference for thin people, rather that fat people. Once again, I find this result a little surprising because I’m more interested in a person’s personality over someone’s weight. The majority of people had a strong automatic preference towards thin people over fat people. This result doesn’t really surprise me because of our culture and the weird mindset of telling everyone, especially girls, that you need to be thin in order for people to like you more. All in all, I actually had a lot of fun with this assignment and I felt like I had learned something about myself. -OUTATIME002

    1. I like what you had to say about the weight test, I like how you said that you are more interested in someone's personality rather than their size which I think is great and I wish more people were like that. It is so hard these days because like you said society kills us with how we all need to look and that we all need to be so skinny. So many people have issues and depression because they do not feel or look like what the society standards are which is so sad. I hope these standards change and aren't so critical towards one another. -wags002

    2. I also respect what you said about the weight test. I have taken this before a couple of years ago and I believe I had a similar result. I also prefer personality to weight; however, based on how the media represents a majority people with thin models and photoshopping, I feel that it is not too surprising that we have a slight preference for thinner people. With these images constantly around us, teaching us from a young age what beauty is “supposed to look like”, we have most likely built a bias in our subconscious. -Gamma002

    3. I also took the weight test, and I was also surpised by my results. Instead of a slight preference for thin people I got a strong preference, and it just threw me off guard. Some of my best friends are on the heavier side, but I feel like I don't look at them any differently than my other friends. I'm all for wanting everyone to be able to live a long healthy life, but I don't think the media should portray overweight people as less liked than anyone else. I agree that society has the mindset that eveyone needs to be thin, and that this is causing people to have this bias towards bigger people even if they don't know it.-CRJB002

    4. I also have tried the weight test. Which again I received a no preference. Which is true because i have friends that are skinny and I also have friends that are on the heavy side. Weight has never effected my relationship with any of my friends ever. I've always looked how a person treats me as a friend not there appearance. Batman002

    5. I love how interesting the implicit bias test are. I didn't take the weapons associated with race but I understand how surprised with your results. It said that you associated black americans with weapons and harmless objects to white americans. Even though you don't believe your results are true, something influenced your test results. Your weight results were very similar to mine. You have a slight automatic interest in thinner people than fat people. I didn't take this test very personal but it certainly opened my mind. I agree with you when u said that I had a lot of fun with this experiment.

  4. I knew that I would have some bias on different things given everything going on in this world but I did not know how much I would be bias on certain things. I know we all have them even though we do not like to admit it. Now the first test I took was the one about Arab-Muslims, I knew going into this that I might have some but did not know how much. So I scored "slight automatic preference for other people over arab-muslims" which lead to me think of why I would have scored that way. I mainly think I got that is due to all the influence and stuff from 911, which were done by terrorists. We have such a huge bias about any one we see who may be arab-muslim due to 911 and I do not think that will go away anytime soon due to the impact it has made on so many people. In my major, I will hear and see about terrorists a little bit more than one might hear over the news so that could be a factor. Another reason I think I scored this way is because I personally have not had much interactions with arab-muslums in my life so I am not used to seeing a side of them where they are not terrorists. I do not have any friends who are that so again I am not used to be around some of that. The next test, I took was the one about weapons, this one dealt with race and associating weapons with the races. I scored "strong automatic association for harmless objects with white Americans and weapons with black Americans." I feel as though I got this because of the media and the television due to blacks being armed and they are covered more by all these people rather than the whites with weapons being covered. Another thing I thought about was how I associate the blacks having weapons because of gangs. When I think of gangs, I think of weapons (mostly some type of gun) and black Americans so therefore that I another reason why I fee like I scored what I did. The last one I took was the one about disabilities, while doing it I was afraid that it might turn out that I have some sort of bias towards people with disabilities. I was glad to find out that I scored "no automatic preference between disabled and abled person." I know people who have all kinds of disabilities and I know they are human just like me with something unique that I may not have. I believe everyone is equal in that sense and we all are human and just trying to live life. I have been around all types of people to realize I do not have a bias against those with disabilities. -wags002

    1. I really like your thoughts on the arab-muslim test and how the unfortunate events form 9/11 my have played a role on how we view those people. I think its kind of sad that some people in this country still abide by that sigma that we have placed on Muslims. There still may be some people that are like the ones who caused the events on 9/11, but the vast majority of Muslim people are pretty normal, they’re just part of another culture. I think more people should take this test so they can learn something about themselves and maybe even change how they feel about Muslims.-OUTATIME002

    2. I like how you mentioned how we associate Muslims with terrorist attacks. When its really not how all Muslims are, I also like how you mentioned the media when it comes to black people being portrayed as being dangerous, and white Americans are harmless when it comes to weapons. When that's not always to case to every black person.-zw002

    3. I also took the Arab Muslim bias test, received the same results as you, and was also a little surprised by that because I don’t think that I hold any bias towards them. I agree with you when you say the bias against Arab Muslims in America most likely won’t go away any time soon; unfortunately, the terrorist attack effected millions of people and I’m sure most of them are still healing from their losses. I really respect what you had to say about people with disabilities and those who don’t. We need more people in the world who view those with disabilities just as human, just as deserving and just as important than those without.

    4. I think looking at it from an associtation point of view is a good thought, and something I didn't even take into consideration when I got my results for the Arab-Muslim test. I've also never really been in contact with someone who is Muslim, and I definitely think that creates sterotypes. 9/11 really changed how americans see Arab-Muslims, and it's in a way unfair. Most Arab-Muslims are not terrorists and shouldn't be treated like one. I also think that media plays a large role in creating biases. A lot of times certain races are targeted on the news while other races are let off easy even if the same crime was committed. -CRJB002

    5. It is unfortunate the amount of bias against the Arab and Muslim communities that has developed after 9-11. Many people came to associate the Muslim and Arab Community with the images of the World Trade Center. Most of the people within these communities are peace loving. The issue is the images that are constantly embedded within the media that equates them with terrorism. This has happened throughout history with groups after an attack. One example is the American’s treatment and detention of Japanese Americans after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Clearly the Japanese people living in America were not responsible for this attack but for a long time the association was apparent in their treatment. I feel the best way to overcome these prejudices is to learn more about these cultures, show unity and embrace diversity. -Zen002

  5. I like your analysis of your results for the Arab-Muslim test. It makes sense that you received the results you did because Muslims as a whole tend to get grouped into terrorism because of 9/11. Before going to a very diverse university, I most likely would have scored the same because of how I was raised and because of the fact that I did not have any interactions with Muslims. Once I went to a university with students of all ethnicities, religions, races, etc., I learned more about Arabs and Muslims and gained a new respect and knowledge of their culture which is why I scored differently than I would have 2-3 years ago. -Gamma002

  6. Taking these three testes really makes you think and opens up your mind to how we view things. The bias test was very interesting to me when it came to stereotyping people and different religions. I learned new things when it came to religion, like the different names Islam use
    compare to Christians. It also gave insight to how good and bad things can be associated with stereotypes. When it to the African american and European test it really was accurate with how people are prejudice. By it showing pictures of black men and women and white men and women. It shows how people really look at race and skin tone as being bad or good. Showing the weapon with the race was a good thing to see, because most of the weapons that were considered dangerous belong to whites. Many people would be prejudice to considered blacks to be the most dangerous and be involved in gangs or have weapons. Taking the gender test It shows how names, family , and careers play a part in being bias. When it came to the results it showed that I did not have a real bias to this category. Taking these different tests really open up my eyes when it comes to how we view individuals in society. The mental
    health test really had me concern, with how depression and anxiety is very common among people today.I had to evaluate my self taking this particular test to be concern about my mental health. Rather its their religion, skin color, political ideas or having a disability.It just goes to show that we may think one way but taking the test it changes it .-zw002

    1. I completely understand when it comes to really opening your mind and eyes up about the results and understanding why you got what you got, really when you did not think that's what you were going to get. As I was looking through which ones to take, I could not decide for awhile, just because I knew which ones I would get the results I knew I would get in them. However, the other tests did not interest me into taking them. But when I did, I could relate in many ways and there were ways I questioned myself about the results, wondering, "is that really who I am?" therefore, I can see where you come from and understand. SH002

  7. The first test I took was the Race to Weapons test. This test would have you recognize black and white faces to harmful or non harmful objects. On this test I scored a “moderate association for harmless objects with white americans, and weapons with black americans”. I scored these results because my reaction time hitting the keys when black Americans were assigned to weapons was quicker. I think these results in a way are skewed, because it starts out having you relate white people to non harmful objects and black people to harmful objects. After this part of the test is over it switches scenarios. After switching scenarios is when it’s easy to make a mistake. The second test I took was the preference between fat people and skinny people. In this test I scored “strong automatic preference for thin people over fat people”. At first these results didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, and I thought I would score a more neutral result. I have a lot of fat friends and family members in my life that I care about, so I figured it would be pretty balanced. After thinking it over I've came up with one possible solution, and that is the difference between my parents. My mom has been skinny all my life, while my dad has been on the heavier side. I’ve always had a lot stronger relationship with my mom, so this could be a possible reason I scored a strong preference for skinnier people. This is a stretch, but at the same time has some correlation. The third and final test I took was the Arab and Muslim test. In this test you are to distinguish names that are likely to belong to Arab-Muslims versus people of other nationalities or religions. My results to this test were “moderate automatic preference for other people over Arab-Muslims”. I thought this test was the most difficult of all the other test I’ve taken, because to me all the names were so similar it was hard to tell a difference. I looked at the different names before starting the test, but once the tests actually started the names all seemed to be the same. The only word that really stuck out to me the whole test was akbar. I think it was easy to mix these words up, because towards the end I was mostly guessing. Taking my best guess throughout this test led me to get a lot of them wrong. I think a possible reason to my results could be because my parents have somewhat of a bias agaisnt muslim people. I wasn’t old enough to remember 9/11, but that definitely had an impact on my parents views. -CRJB002

    1. I like your results. I took the weapon IAT. I thought my result was interesting because it said that I associate Black Americans with weapons but I would never thought it would be like that. The reason why is because I have a lot of friends are Black Americans. It was odd to see that result. These test are interesting because it would show what you thought you didn't have. Softball002

  8. The three test I took were Native IAT, Weapons IAT, and Age IAT. When I took Native IAT, I never thought I would get that result. The reason why is because I have friends that are Native American and I love being around them. I got 22% by associating White Americans with Americans and Native Americans with Foreign. Then my second highest score was 22% again. This said I moderate automatic association of White Americans with Americans and Native Americans with Foreign. My lowest score was 5%. That topic said I have a strong automatic association of Native Americans with Americans and White Americans Foreign. I thought this test was interesting. The next test I took was Weapons IAT. The result that I got was interesting. The reason why is because It was I moderate automatic association of Black Americans with weapons and White Americans with harmless objects. I thought I would never have that result because I have more friends that are Black Americans than White Americans. But I can think of one reason why I could get that result. The reason why is because think about how many stories about shootings that happen. I should not go by those stories. The next test that I took was Age IAT. The result that I got I am moderate automatic to younger people over older people. The reason why is because I am young. I also can deal with older people but I don't really have the time to deal with them even when they drive to slow. It just drives me bonkers when they have to drive slow. I believe they should just let someone else drive them to places. These are my implicit biases. Some of them are true but then there are negative too. Softball002

  9. On the IAT test I reviewed all the options. I remembered that I took the Light or Dark skinned preference, The Gender-Career, and The race (Black and White) Preference. The lAT tests that I took in the past from previous classes I had received no preference for all three of the tests. I wanted to see if I would receive the same results again. My results was that I didn't have a preference from the Light or Dark Skinned Test. I assume because my mom is really light skinned and my dad is dark skinned. On top of that my family and everyone I have ever been around is a range from lighter to darker skinned. Next was the gender career test. Which again I received no preference. I personally believe that there is no gender to a career. If you have a passion to do something and you are good at the job then it shouldn't matter what gender you are. I don't believe in the man should take care of the household and the woman takes care of the kids. It should be fifty fifty where both man and woman split the bills and take care of the kids. Lastly, I again took the race (Black and White) Preference test. Which I received no preference. When I was in elementary school I went to a predominantly white school with a few black kids. Then in High School I went to a predominantly black school with a small amount of white kids. And once I came here to Illinois Central College where it is about the same mixture of both races. So I know how to work with or get along with someone who does not look like me or even grew up in the same background. I am the type of person who does not have an issue with any race it just depends on the way that specific person treats me no matter the race. Batman002

  10. The implicit bias test was very interesting to me. The three topics I chose were skin tone, weight, and race. These three topics are very important to discuss. People have their own bias on all of these, especially skin tone. Growing up in a predominantly black school was very challenging there were mainly darker skin people in my school rather than lighter skin. When I came to Illinois Central College I noticed that there were mainly lighter skin people than darker skin. When I took the implicit bias test my results were I prefer light skin over dark skin people. It took me by surprise because I grew up around darker skin people. My father is dark skin,but my mom is light skin. The other implicit bias test I took was for weight. Growing up my mom raised me in church and she believed that overeating was a sin in God's eyes. Now that I am older I understand that people over eat for many reasons. The test said that I prefer thinner people over heavy people. I would say that this bias is not true. I like all people the same,but grew up around people who was thinner than heavier. The results are very interesting because even in my mind I know that I treat people equally there is something in the back of my mind taking up the fact that I was raised a complete opposite way. I think that this implicit bias test is an eye opener. The last test that I took was the race test. Growing up Chicago was very different. I grew up around mainly African Americans and Hispanic people. In highschool was when things changed. I noticed that my highschool became more diverse with foriegn exchange students for China. Being around different races is important, especially because the criminal justice field is very diverse. For my implicit bias test that I took on race it said I prefer African Americans than Europeans. I believe that this test is incorrect because I don't prefer any race over the other. This test has certainly opened my mind up on how I view things. -Jas002

    1. I see you chose that appearance mainly for all the tests. Although ones’ self is all about how they look but these tests don’t show how you feel on the inside. Being raised with having been exposed to all races in school I know that skin tone doesn’t matter. I can be friends with whoever but thats if they want to be your friend. I went to school with asian, hispanic, and blck people. They may talk different or act different but they are there for one thing. The same thing you are to learn and to accept the cultural norm. This is america we are all here for one common goal. To better ourselves and society so that we can all get along and live a good life. Navy002

    2. I think you chose great, broad topics to focus on. I also took one of the race tests and was a little shocked by my results. I took the one that was black versus white. My results came back saying I have a moderate preference for white people over black people. Yes I am white and so are my parents. I grew up with some black family and friends, I am even in a biracial relationship, and never thought I viewed them as differently. These tests opened my eyes a little that maybe I do have some real biases I was unaware of.

  11. I have mixed feelings about my results on the Implicit Association Test. I opted to take the Presidential test which compared George W Bush to Donald Trump, the Weapons Test which compares association with weapons and race, and finally the Abilities test which compared preferences for Abled Persons vs Disabled persons.
    During the Presidential test, I was given the comparison of George W Bush and Donald Trump. The test indicated a moderate automatic preference towards George W Bush. I believe that with all of the political tension going on currently, it is easy to see why 24% of those surveyed had a moderate automatic preference towards other presidents compared to Trump. I have always considered myself moderate. That being said, I could see why the calmer methods of George Bush would be more appealing to me. I prefer leaders that tend to be level headed dealing with the world population as well as the USA. The amount of turmoil and discord in the political climate today are things I tend to shy away from. Because of these reasons, I feel that this result was somewhat accurate.
    The weapons test was slightly surprising to me. This test indicated that I have a slight automatic association for harmless objects with black Americans and weapons with white Americans. I have always considered myself neutral when it comes to race. I believe that violence is not in relation to race. Most of those surveyed indicated a moderate automatic association of Black Americans with weapons and white Americans with harmless objects. I believe that this is a direct result of the images that media portrays of black Americans. Most black Americans are hard-working and family oriented, however society and media tend to focus on the negative aspects of black Americans. I feel that I am more neutral in regards to automatic preference between race and relating to weapons. Unfortunately the media’s reflection on certain cultures has influenced peoples perceptions when it comes to race.
    Perhaps the test I feel that did not represent me at all was the test indicating that I had an automatic preference to abled people over disabled people. Throughout my entire life I have been around and associated with both people with disabilities and abled people. I respect people of all abilities. Thirty seven percent felt a preference to abled people. I believe society has the tendency to feel sympathy for disabled people instead of treating them as equal. I have a tremendous amount of respect for people with disabilities and the effort and perseverance it takes for them to be a part of society. –Zen002

  12. When I got to the page where I take choose what tests to take, it was hard to pick three of them. The ones that I picked were; the Disability test, Sexuality test, and Age task. Reason behind the picks where because they seemed like the ones that I would like to know my results in. therefore, I was not overly shocked by my results because they describe me well. My first test, the disability test, my result was; Automatic preference for disabled persons over abled persons. It is half and half. Because I am a disabled person. I have hearing aids, dyslexia, contacts/glasses, and some mental health issues. However, I do like abled people as well. I just relate to disabled people more. I got hearing aids when I was just three years old and learning to grow up with them has been a huge challenge. Having hearing aids disqualifies me from many careers. Such as the military, which was my first career choice. Then some criminal justice careers. Some departments allow my hearing test to be used to determine if they will allow me to go into the academy for police or not. My eye sight also has been a problem as well just because I can’t always see, and without my contacts or glasses, I can’t see anything but blurry images. My mental health is a problem as well. I have some depression, just because my life has not always been easy and a lot of stuff has happened to cause me to have depression. But I do not allow it to stand in my way when it comes to my career. My second test, Sexuality test, I can relate because I am gay, I have a girlfriend and I couldn’t be happier. My results were; Automatic preference for gay people over straight people. Don’t get me wrong, I like straight people as well, but I just connect with gay people more. I know a lot of straight and gay people equally and I don’t treat anyone differently because of their sexuality. We are all humans and that’s just the way it is. My last test, was the age test. My results were; Automatic preference for young people over old people. I am half and half about this. Just because yes, I get along great with young people, old people are just easier to talk to, be around, and have a good time with. Meaning that they already been through life and they know what it is like. Plus, they are so sweet and caring. Don’t get me wrong, some old people are just mean. But I probably will be too when I get older. After taking all three tests, I understand myself a little better and understand how I may come off as a person. These tests did not change my views, but made me look deeper and truly understand who I am as a person. SH002

    1. ome of these tests I think cant really judge the character of who you are. Disability is something you can’t control. People are made the way they are end result. The only thing we can do as people is accept who they are and move on. Mental State is also a big thing you have overcome your own self before dealing with other peoples problems. On Age, I see that the older one gets the more wiser they become and see the world in a different light. I get along with everyone no matter what that you happen to be. Navy002

  13. I took the sexuality, arab and race test. I am not surpised from the results therefore I am consisitent on what the answers turned out. I am not anyway against anybody or anything. My views are mainly neutral and will always will remain that way. My first test I took was on sexuality. I was raised straight and will always see things that way but the results from the test said I was 25% more comfortable with straight people then gay people. Although I don’t believe in their view’s to me people are just people that is all. If you choose your sexuality that is your choice. I don’t believe that what you think is what you are. If you were born and certain gender then that is what I think you should be.
    The other test I took one the arab one. It says at 26% I have no little or preference to what your skin tone is. It doesn’t matter to me what skin color you are as long as you are who you are. But it also states I am 17% moderate to thers beside muslim but in the end like I said I have no preference. Even though society has deemed arabs as the main bad influence on society which violence has allocated too.
    The last test I took was on race mainly dealing with african american and caucasion. I don;t see the justice in between each other. To the fact that violence mainly has a significant edge on race which shows that african american people who live in bad poverty restricting or low income areas are more precedent to commit crime then Caucasian living in the same environment. In the end the tests states that I associate 24% of blacks with firearms then whites. It states I am seeing things at 6% of blacks with harmless objects associated to bad things. Either way the analysis says that I see the world of more bad things happen with african americans then caucasions doing the same type of crime. But that is just a test and not reality. But it can go either or depending on the atmosphere from which the subject has been exposed to or lives in. I though these tests were intriguing showing an insight on how we perceive the world on a variety of categories. Either way nobody is perfect. The world is gonna be full of violence and discrimination it will never end. Navy002

    1. I feel very similar to how you see others, I am a very neutral, calm person for the majority. I like that you chose topics dealing with things someone cannot control. Sexuality and race are not something we choose, otherwise we would have one very confusing society, maybe better? But why, why can we not view everyone as equal? If we are all the same, life is boring. It is mind blowing to me that so many biases exist for things somebody cannot control or change. Let us live in peace, and accept these differences, we are all human. Tearing people down or disliking them for who they are as a person is complete, utter silliness.

  14. These implicit biases tests were interesting to me in how they can find out biases due to how fast you click your answers and how you answer. I decided to firstly choose the sexuality text, dealing with gay versus straight. As a bisexual female I was ultimatyely curious to see if I had any present biases. As humans we all have biases but most of us ignore or deny them. My results conclude that I have “a slight automatic preference for gay people over straight people. In comparison to others results I am ranked with the fifteen percent who also have a slight prefence for gay people over straight people. It was only a little shocking that the majority of people strongly perfer straight people over gay people with twenty-five percent. On the opposite side only three percent strongly perfered gay people over straight. Obvious to these results homophobia is still strong. The second test I took was race sealing with black versus white. I was honestly a little surprised that I have “a moderate automatic preference for white people over black”. I guess, considering I am a white female that I can unintentionally have this bias in my head due to who I grew up around. Ultimately I do not feel like this bias is prominent in my life. I am a very open person, I have black people in my family and I am also in a biracial relationship. It was a little crazy to me that the strong preference for white over black is twenty-four percent, when it switched around is only two percent. It is interesting that so many people have a higher preference for white over black people. Lastly I chose to that the test involving weapons, harmless objects versus weapons. My result was that I have “a slight automatic association for harmless objects with black americans and weapons with whit americans”. I found this odd in lu with the test I took previously. One might think the race you “feel” more comfortable with would be that group with harmless objects. I guess my association with white americans with school shootings play into my bias. Many times black americans will be stopped for little or no reason, but then the nerdy white kid are shooting up schools. Just because someone may resemble you more does not make them any more or less innocent. After viewing all my final results, I am far from perfect, but thankful I can see the areas in which I need to change my mindset.

  15. The test I took for implicit bias was for preference of african americans, or european Americans. The outcome was that the test believed I had a Moderate bias towards african Americans. I think that through this test there is a problem. The way the pictures are given. If they would have asked to put the african americans with the good words, then I think the results may have changed. I can understand this saying I have a bias. I was raised with older folks that had biases. I have noticed that these have rubbed off on me. One way I work to change this feeling is to try and treat everyone equal. It doesn't help to treat african Americans better, this only makes me look like a bad guy. So, I instead work to treat everyone with love, care, and respect. I also realized one thing professor White pointed out. When I speak with different races, I often change the way I talk and I speak a little more like them. I have since changed this and tried to be myself around everyone. I think that biases are unfortunate but, I think that with some thought and some effort we can change these biases. We can eliminate or at least calm down the race relations. Bring more love and peace to this amazing planet.


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