I Never Knew I Had Them....Take 2 and Reflect.....

I Never Knew I Had Them...Take 2 and Reflect


  1. On a Criminal justice stand point I decided to take the weapons test and the race test. I don't exactly know how these tests would validate if you prefer black people or not. They have to have some sort of formula to determine if you are a racist or not. Anyway the segment of the test with the faces and the words I felt that part was really interesting to me. I felt like I got through it pretty smoothly. On my race test I apparently strongly prefer the company of white people over black people. One of my main brothas is an African American fellow and I love him. On my weapons test I strongly associate weapons to black people. I think these tests are pretty fun. I think the results are humorous. Godzilla789

    1. I got the same result on the race test. I think even if you are white and have a friend that is african american, you might by nature, prefer the presence of whites than blacks. Its almost like a boys will mostly hang around with other boys. It is the same thing with race, whites will hang around with whites and blacks will hang around with blacks. Its not any racist or maybe even in most cases bias, but its what generally happens.


    2. I think that these test are going off what your mind sees faster and then the test just shows that that is what you prefer. These can also just be how fast your fingers work after looking at the word or picture. We have to look at the word or picture and remember what side it is on so that takes a minute as well. This has nothing to do with being racist. Green123

    3. According to these test I prefer white people over quarter of me so I also find these test pretty humorous. It reminds me of a story my mom told me. She had told me that my aunt has sickle cell and it is most common in people of African descent it made her really mad. She is a little odd. TAGTaylor33012

  2. Godzilla789 - Not sure if humorous is the right word. I don't believe the test indicate racism. I think it has to do with unconscious bias that all humans have and that may be hardwired into us due to socialization. These biases are malleable. They can be reduced. I took 2 of them and my response will be more serious. I thought yours would have been as well especially since you are a criminal justice bro and I guess want to a cop. Really789

  3. From a sociology point of view I decided to take the Sexuality test and the gender science test. I strongly agree that men are more associated with science and females are more associated with liberal arts. Liberal arts is more of a passionate field and I believe that women are more passionate. Men are more critical thinkers. Yes there are a lot of women who succeed in science but I would agree that it is mostly men. These tests are pretty fun and I enjoy them. I don't think they are accurate though but I cant be sure they probably got some male Harvard scientists making this test. -Godzilla012

    1. I do not agree with your statement "men are more associated with science and females are more associated with liberal arts". I would say that men are just as much, if not are more involved in liberal arts than females. I think that women did not get the credit for their scientific experiments fifty years ago so it is thought that men rule the scientific world. Storm012

  4. I decided to take the Gender Implicit Association Test first. I unconsciously associated males with career and females with family, moderately. I am not too appalled by these results. As much as I would like to say that males and females are equal, they are not. Although females are working and males are staying home with the children more frequently than they used to, it is still implied by most that the female should be home with the children and the male is the provider. Next, I took the Disability Implicit Association Test. This test showed that I have a slight automatic preference for disabled persons, as apposed to favoring abled persons. I do work with the disabled, have volunteered at camps for the disabled, and have a disabled family member so these results were not completely shocking. I did not think I favored one over the other but if I were to favor one it makes sense that I would favor the disabled. Storm012

  5. I chose to take the test about sexuality, and weight. I decided to take those two because I was curious if I did have any hidden biases against gay people over straight people, or skinny people over fat people. I also chose those two because I was fairly certain I didn't have any biases but I wanted to make sure. My results were pretty similar to what I assumed they would be for the sexuality test. My results showed that I had little to no preference to straight people verses gay people. However, I am slightly inclined to understand straight people better because I am straight myself. I had the same results with the weight test where I really had no preference, but I identified slightly better with skinny people. I found this to be a weird result mainly because I used to be heavier and I worked really hard to be at a weight that I feel comfortable, so I feel like I would almost relate better to overweight people. Piglet456

    1. I too took the test about weight. I also identify with thinner people because I make exercise one of my priorities. I associate with people who workout and take care of their bodies. I have a brother who is obese and unfortunately we fight about his weight. I try to suggest ways for him to loose weight out of love and fear for his health and he sees it as me picking on him. I was curious to see if this test would show that I preferred thin people to overweight people. It did. I guess I am not surprised but I do feel a little bad about it. Maybe I will ease up on my brother a little. I myself am not super thin nor am I very large. I was hoping I wouldn't prefer one over the other. It definitely gives you something to reflect on about yourself. Hadrosaur012

  6. I took the gender career test and the race weapons test. I really didnt agree with the results from the gender and career test because it said i have a strong association between males and careers and women and family. I found this wierd because both of my parents worked growing up, and my mom even made more money than my dad. Almost every woman i know has a career of their own and doesn't rely on their husband or significant other for financial supoort. The strong association was a bit interesting to learn i guess. The next test was the race and weapons, and i guess i wasn't surprised to see that i had a strong association between black people and weapons. It does sound bad, but i am by no racist toward black people. I grew up in an area where they were absolutely so black people around, no most of the black people i saw were on TV. Television does a good job of making that association for you with all of the shows that portray gangs and black on black violence. I know this is where the bias has come from, but ill just need to be aware of this and take it into consideration. Crown012

    1. I agree with you that most women have a career and don't rely on someone for financial support. Their are someone women who rely on someone financially but a majority of them can support themselves. I agree with you on the media influencing your opinion towards a certain group of people if you didn't grow up around them. A lot of the time the media portray blacks to be in gangs and doing all the murders but in reality whites do it just as much. dragons789

    2. That was a solid comment because you dug deep into what made the bias come to life in the first place. Sure it isn't a big deal but you thought about what made that way. Which I can disagree and agree with the media being the problem. I agree because we do only see black violence and black people in gangs most of the time. But I disagree because you grew up in the area like that and you know what it's actually right. So it all makes sense. ICCRunner789

  7. I chose to take the race IAT and the weapons IAT, because they seemed like two tests that could impact my career the most. These tests certainly were interesting, but I don’t think they hold any accuracy pertaining to me. In both tests it said I have a slight automatic preference towards white people, and yet I grew up with many black friends, and my fiancé is mixed. I think that the way the test was designed was very thoughtful, and if I remember correctly they took a test similar to this in King of the Hill, and his results weren’t correct either. I haven’t tried any of the other tests yet, but I probably will to see if I actually do find any biases hiding in my subconscious. There are tests for biases on here that I wouldn’t have even thought of, such as presidents and age, so those will be two that I will definitely take in the near future!

    1. I don’t know if I completely agree with the tests either, for skin color I didn’t think I was biased at all. The test showed that I was partial of light skin over dark, which I could see because of my background of where I came from and where I live currently where it is almost all white but I didn’t think that it had an effect on me like the test said it did. I mean when I played football I was a close friend to the only black player on the team and I didn’t think I treated him any different than the other players on the team. But seeing these tests will help me point out my biases to me and I can make a change to not have them anymore. Birdman789

    2. I definitely think that you are right when you say that you are not sure these test are 100% accurate. They have interesting techniques for determining if you have a bias or not and I don't think that, that system can be trusted all of the time. Especially since your fiance is mixed yet you still prefer white people, that doesn't seem very accurate to me. Piglet456

  8. These tests were a little like playing games. I decided to take the test about weight and Native Americans. My brother is obese and I was curious to see if I held that against him. The test said I prefer thin to overweight people. I don't see how quickly selecting a silhouette to be fat or thin or if a word is negative or positive can prove that I prefer thin to overweight people. I myself am average size. I'm neither very thin nor am I very large. Maybe I associate with thinner people because I wish to be thinner. I think the research for these test might be interesting and help me understand how they came up with the results they did. I chose the Native American test because I am currently reading a book about Navajo code talkers during Word War II. This book is a memoir and Navajo history is full of very sad stories. I do not have a lot of exposure to Native Americans and I was curious what the test would say. The test said I associated White Americans with America and that I associated Native Americans slightly more with foreigners. If you were to ask me who is more American, White Americans or Native Americans, I would say Native Americans because they were on this country first. I guess maybe their culture is too foreign for me to associate with. I thought one of the question after the test was a good one. There were a list of answers that best represented why you think you got the result you did. One of the choices were "the test reflects the culture you have been exposed to not your personality". On this test on strongly agreed. What is "American" to me may not be "American" in other cultures although both cultures live in America. Hadrosaur012

    1. Hadrosaur012, I can certainly see what you mean. I was a be skeptical about the accuracy of the tests as a lot of factors (such as learning the controls or how tired someone is when taking the test) could affect the result. I would be curious to know the theory behind the test. In addition, the result of the Native American test is interesting! I wonder what your result would have been before reading the book on the Navajo code talker. – Jung012

    2. I do agree it was like playing a game you have to try to get the hang of it and by the time you do the game is over. I hope that because of those things it did not affect my results. Something's I agreed with and others not so much. Blue012

  9. I decided to take the sexuality and race tests. I took them to see if I could uncover any biases I had towards those certain groups of people. I also took them to see if the biases I knew I had towards them could be discovered. my results were pretty much what I expected them to be. They showed that I have a moderate preference for straight people compared to gay people and that I have a slight preference for European Americans compared to African Americans. The results from the tests reflect the area I grew up in and the people I grew up around. These tests gave me a good idea of what I need to work on with my biases towards certain groups of people to help me in my future. dragons789

    1. I noticed a similar pattern with my results as well. If you think even a little about how you were raised and who you were close to as a kid then the results just reflect what you already knew. But that recognition could be important later on down the line for self-awareness and self-driven tasks where you have to know yourself to do it properly. -Pasta012

    2. I took the same two test, I agree that the people you grew around with is what influences your answers. Being around homosexuals all my life I had no preference for homosexuals and heterosexuals. I also have to work on being less biased against African Americans, but that is because I went to an all white school.

    3. I agreee with you on thinking that the results on some of these tests reflect how we grew up or with whom. I took the gender test for male/career vs. female/family and resulted with a 4% and only slight association. I expected this because I was raised with both parents having jobs so both parents participating in everything and splitting everything. Then the one I knew I had a bias, the test on young vs. old, claimed the exact opposite of my bias so I'm not totally convinced these are scientific, but entertaining to say the least. Deacon012

    4. I got the same results, as I'm sure many students did if they too were raised in the United States. Although I'm sure that these tests were created by stronger men than I, I do not believe that anybody can fully discover my biases, or anything for that matter, fully other than you yourself. JimHalpert012

  10. There was quite a bit I already knew I had some biases just because of how I was raised and culture perception. Overall it wasn’t all that surprising to me to get the results that I did. I took the gender and age/career tests. Since I am younger I did identify stronger with younger over the older but I already figured that would happen when I saw the test and how it was constructed. Maybe I should have pushed into areas I didn’t know more about but I feel like they would have gotten predictable results as well. Although I still feel that the test was valuable if you aren’t used to calling ‘crap’ on people around you and having them do the same towards you. However the degree that society affects my point of view was enlightening and helped me to realize just how much influence cultural perception does actually have an effect on me. -Pasta012

  11. I chose to do the weight test to see if I had any bias as well as the sexuality test to see if I had any bias there as well. The weight test was honestly like i was playing a mini game on mario party. I was going through and clicking certain keys for the fat people images as well as clicking certain keys for the thin people ones as well. they also did the same thing in that test about kind words compared to not so kind words. The sexuality test really just asked a ton of questions. It seemed like the questions were never ending and whatever you answered it would come up with more answers about how you answered. Overall I don't see how these tests are that accurate they were quite amusing though as specially the weight one where it was like I was playing a game.Bengals012

    1. I'm not sure how you thought the weight test was like a game. I took the same one and I thought it was pretty similar to the others I took. I do disagree with you when you say that these tests don't accurately represent you. You can say that you're not biased at all but in reality, everyone is biased in some way. Whether or not you are aware of it is another story. Gators123

    2. I don't think he ever said he wasn't biased. I agree it wasn't much game like, more repetitive. I don't see how the tests them self by clicking two buttons saying weather a image is or is not something can come out with results. I don't know it was an interesting concept to have this tests to find uncousic biases, but I still really don't get it. MuayThaiGuy012

    3. I agree with you that this felt more like a mini game than an actual test. I don't see how these little games can tell if you have a bias or not. Wouldn't they have to hook up cords to your head to really be able to tell if you have any bias? Godzilla012

    4. I do not believe that these tests are necessarily like a game, and that I am sure quite a bit of time and effort went in to making sure these tests were accurate to at least some degree. As for the actual results I suggest just taking it more seriously to get a better understanding of how you got what you did. Acquainted123

  12. First off, there is nothing about race in this study; it’s called implicit BIAS for a reason. Just because your results came out that you prefer white men over black men does not mean that you are racist, it means that you’re subconsciously biased. There is not too much you can do about that.

    I took 4 of these studies (Race, Arab-Muslim, Weight, and Sexuality). Before taking these tests, I had a general idea of what would come out as the results (I was correct about the results). The race results came out as preferring white over black; the Arab-Muslim test came back as me preferring other names as opposed to Arabic names; the weight results preferred skinny rather than overweight people. The sexuality test was, by far, my most biased test. I knew going into the quiz that I prefer straight over gay people. I was a little shocked, however, to get the results back that I have a strong automatic preference for straight people over gay people. I thought this was interesting because, like stated before, I already knew what my preferences were, but I didn’t expect them to be as strong as they really came out to be.

    I believe that this is a good test to take because it may give you insight on what you need to be cautious of. Without knowing it, you may speak in a derogatory manner toward someone you have implicit bias against. In the law enforcement career, you need to try to be biased as little as possible. Gators123

  13. This is about being biased on an internal level which you have no control of, just like you really have no control of your thoughts and this is where it ties in. I took the (Arab Muslim) and (Native American} tests. I took the Arab one because of all the things going on with terrorism in the world today, and I wanted to see if the media has influenced me in any way to cause such biased thoughts. Now I know full and well from my own experiences that not all Arab Muslims are terrorist, but that is certainly the opinions of many people in the US because that is what the media shows. I actually got in both of my tests that I prefer the non white over the white. This does not come as a surprise to me, as I have always been able to get along better with people from different races better then my own if that makes any sense. Don't get me wrong I am certainly not bashing whites at all, just me as a person can I guess. I just respect all the different ways and walks of life people come from, I believe no one should be a out cast. Now I chose the Native American one, because I am part native myself and I thought it'd be fun. MuayThaiGuy012

  14. The two implicit association tests I chose to take were the Gay – Straight association test and the Weapons – Race test. The results on both of them surprised me. First, I took the Weapons – Race test. To be honest, I was curious as to what it would entail. I had expected a Buzz Feed style test with a series of questions with answers to pick from. However, I can see how the method employed by this test would be more scientific. My the Weapons-Race test indicated, “slight association of White Americans with Weapons compared to Black Americans.” This result was surprising as, quite frankly, I expected to opposite readout. This could, however, be the result of familiarizing myself with the controls of the test rather than an actual accurate result. On the second test I scored “Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Straight People compared to Gay People.” This is unsurprising as I am straight and have a religious objection to the homosexual lifestyle. However, I’m glad it was only a slight preference as I want to learn to fight my biases in this area. – Jung012

    1. jUNG012 I did the Gay-Straight test also it aid i was bias against straight which is weird because im straight but I do not have nothing against gays we all are human beings who should be treated the same. We all are Gods children. But i will also love to fight my bias.-SHAYLAVON789

    2. I myself took the gay-straight test and my result was that I have a moderate preference to straight people over gay. This does not surprise me because I've always viewed homosexuality as a negative thing. I've known about this bias all my life but I'm willing to also fight this bias and try and treat them as the same as I do straight people.
      ~ Caz012

    3. I agree with you on wanting to fight your biases. I also would like to fight my own I didn't even realize that mine were there. But I am glad that I am more aware of them now. Believe012

  15. I think theses was very interesting and funny. The ones i choose was sexuality and gender career.For sexuality it said my data suggest that I had a little to no preference between gay people and straight people.Meaning idk because im not bias against neither. I feel like I treat them both them same well I can be honest I rather hang ut with gays before I hang out with straights. The 2nd one was Gender career says i responded faster with females names and career words were classified with one key word and males and family withe the second one. Probably because me as a female I put my career first and i really do NOt like males or my family SHAYLAVON789

  16. The first one that I had ended up taking the was the weight bias. I had no idea that I had a bias against over weight people. I always looked at them as just people. In fact me calling them right there was unusual. That was just a way to describe over weight people. I think my bias is because I try to be to nice and censor myself instead of just saying. That would make sense though. I am a smaller guy myself and really try to stay that way. But that might be because I am just a healthy person. I'm not saying that heavier people aren't healthy because people on diets have a way better diet than I do. I eat a lot of protein and fat but that's because I'm a distance runner. Anyways back to the main topic. I also took the sexuality test as well. I didn't know I had so many biases against gay people. I think its because at my old workplace a co worker would always hit on me and tell me a bunch of stuff I didn't want to here. Bottom line is that I just need to get over my biases and move on with my life. Although that is easier said than done. ICCRunner789

    1. I took the race test and it said I had a strong bias against African American people. I'm not a firm believer in these tests. I know you personally and you have no bias against overweight people. You yourself are what I would consider overweight. Godzilla789

    2. I also agree with Godzilla, these test can never be one hundred percent accurate. There may be hidden biases, but they do not mean much, you just need to stay cool and professional.

  17. The first test I look was the gay- straight IAT. The test said I had little to no automatic preference between straight people and gay people. Being straight, this still did not surprise me since I have gay cousins, uncles, and a couple of gay friends. Being atheists, I’m glad a religion wouldn’t leave me biased towards people because of who they prefer to be with. The second test I took was the race test. My dad can be a little racist at times, but I like to think that does not influence me. It said I slightly preferred European Americans over African Americans. I’m not a racist, but I did go to a school were mostly all the kids are white. Being a shy person that I am I tend to stay with my group of friends. I hope to be around more colored people at ICC that preferring Europeans Americans slightly over African Americans changes.

    1. I had the same situation with the skin tone test, I went to a predominantly white school that was in a predominantly white town so I had a little bit of a bias as well. I think it will definitely change when I move to a University because there will be a wider variety of people at a University so I will get more exposed to different kinds of people and hopefully that can eliminate any biases that I have. Birdman123

    2. I took the same test and my result was different but I have my own beliefs. I have no biases about sexuality I just let people be happy and do their own thing. I don't take this test to heart I just have my own opinion. DaBulls456

  18. I chose the test associating male to career and female to family and also the young vs. old test. With the gender role test it said I had only a slight association of male to career and female to family. This didn't surprise me as I read further because it also said daily exposure to difference in gender roles is influential in memory. Growing up I had both parents who worked and both parents who split everything equally and passed that to me and my brothers. To this day I can still work on my vehicle and my brothers all cook. The young to old test I don't believe was correct because I know I have a bias and I took that test deliberately to see what happened. It gave me the opposite and said I had slight preference for young to old, when in reality I have a strong preference for old vs. young. Since I was young I have preferred hanging out with my grandfather vs. my friends and even as I got older my groups of friends have always been 10 to 15 years older then me. I'm not sure if it has to do with maturity or maybe because I was raised in the same mannerisms and backgrounds or what but it's just always been that way. Even now when I have patrons in my bar I'd prefer to have conversations with the older or elderly as opposed to young ones. Deacon012

  19. I took the Presidents test and the age test and I had some interesting results. Now for the Presidents I chose Kennedy over Obama but I can definitely see why I did that. As a kid when they taught us about Kennedy there was never really negative stuff just that he was a good guy that was assassinated and it was tragic. I think that the only real thing that separates them is that the things that Obama is doing is happening in the present as opposed to things Kennedy did that happened long before I was even born. So Obama doing things I don’t like is affecting me more than Kennedy’s actions will. The age test threw me off because I had no clue that I had a bias of young over old; I thought that it made no difference to me. But after seeing it I can make changes so I don’t have these biases anymore, well at least the age I’m not sure but my view on Obama being a better president will probably not change much over time. Birdman789

    1. I agree that this test showed my own biases and weaknesses. It is a good reminder that we all have biases even though we think we don’t. Tests like this need to be taken often to make sure we understand how our mind things about others and our own perspectives when it comes to diversity

  20. It was an interesting couple of tests to think about and I didn’t think that I had any biases but from the tests I could. I took the age test and the skin tone tests as well as a few other tests that I took for fun; I was kind of surprised to see I had some bias with skin tone but I can see why. I grew up in two towns that are almost all white, school that was all white until my senior year, and my work is mostly a white population as well. So I have not had enough exposure to people with darker skin than someone else may have had, but after seeing this I will try to make an effort to expose myself to different types of people and to not have those kinds of biases. The age test was the one that shocked me; I had no clue that I prefer young over old. Never in a million years would I have guessed that but now that I know about it I can work towards fixing it so I can be more effective in my career in law enforcement. Birdman123

  21. Although these tests are interesting, I really do question the validity of the results. I took a few of them but perhaps the one that upset me the most was the IAT test about Race and racial preference. Although my results said that I only moderately prefer European Americans over African Americans, I still find the way the test was administered slightly subliminal. It has you use the 'E' and 'I' keys to choose between words/pictures as good and bad. The first segment of the test was challenging for me, as I was just trying to grasp the idea of what was going on - like playing a new video game or something. By the time I got the hang of it, the game switched to African-Americans being categorized with the same words that were negative, and Easter-Europeans with the words that were positive. Again, I now had a good grasp of how to play this "game" and I flew through it, only then did I begin to feel racially insensitive. JimHalpert012

    1. I also was very wary of their accuracy. I took the same test and felt the exact same way, I almost felt like it wanted me to be biased towards African Americans. Which I am not in any way. I would like to see the research and reasoning behind the studies to determine whether these results hold any truth. - leafy012

    2. I also question the validity of these results, and I too found that as soon as I had finally gotten used to which keys to associate with which race the pairs were flipped. I grew up with many black friends, had many more in high school, am engaged to a person who is mixed, etcetera, and yet this test still said I was biased. I enjoyed all of the other tests, but I cannot agree with this one.

    3. I think these test would be more accurate if they were longer, because we don't get the hang of it until it's almost over or we have to switch. But I still feel, for the most part, it shows which way you lean, not necessarily what you fully believe. Marley012

  22. From a Criminal Justice stand point I took the tests for skin-tone and Weight. It says that I have a moderate automatic preference for light skin over dark skin. I always kind of been aware of this but have pushed it to the back of my mind and ignored it. I also think that now going to college it has slightly changed my outlook on the way I view skin-tone. I wasn't ever really exposed to people many different skin tones other than white. I was in a majority white high school and growing up my family never really had any friends of another skin tone. The weight IAT says that I have a strong preference for thin people over fat people. I never really noticed that until I took this test and it really opened my eye. Now that I'm older and know about this I'd really like to work towards changing these biasis so it will better help me when working on the streets as a law enforcement officer in the future.
    ~ Caz789

  23. For a sociological stand point I took the sexuality IAT and gender-careers IAT. It makes sense to me that my result was that I have a moderate preference for straight people compared to gay people. Growing up my grandma rented trailers for a living and I've never viewed being gay as OK. My answer to the other test was that I have a slight association of males with a career and female with family. Growing up I always saw my grandma and mom in the kitchen cooking and cleaning and taking care of me and my sister. While my step-dad was always at work and when he got home it was always dinner time. There has always been very prominent gender roles in my house hold. I've always seen it as the way it should be because of my grandma telling me that's how it should be.
    ~ Caz012

    1. I thought the sexuality test was interesting because it was the results I got. I just never thought that way in my life but then again im not going to take my results by heart. BlackHawks012

  24. From a Sociology stand point I took the sexuality and age test. From the age test it says that slight automatic preference for young compared to old. I mean my whole life it was easy to tell who was young or old but when I see old I think anybody over the age of 65 because it was obvious to tell but I mean even in society today people can tell the difference. The Sexuality test says that I have strong preference for straight people compared to gay people. Well in society today there are times that it is very obvious on who's straight, who's gay or we might of never guessed assumed. I never guess or assume because who cares what their sexual reference is. Happiness is all it matters. BlackHawks012

  25. From a Criminal Justice stand point I took the Weapons and Gender-Career tests. With the weapons test my result was slight association of Black Americans with Weapons compared to white Americans. To me that result is a little bit nonsense I personally believe that it doesn't matter what race a person is because I believe that it an equal statement because I'm not the one to accuse of African Americans to always use weapons if they commit a crime even it is small or major crime they are going to commit. White Americans can be in the same position as them also but look at it in a different way because he's white and the other is a different race. Is this what the justice system as come to? My gender-career result was little or no association between female and male with career and family. It's true it shouldn't matter to where if your male or female and trying to get the same job like working for a corporation. The only reason why females make a little less than males is because if they get pregnant they go on maternity leave to take care of the child while the males go to work and earn more of the money. I find it to where it should be equal amount. DaBulls456

    1. I took the Weapons test, too. When I took it, I had a moderate association of Black Americans compared to White Americans. I was shocked with my results because I do not consciously view either race as more likely to have a harmful weapon than another. This test was eye-opening because I believe that our conscious mind is much different than our subconscious mind. Although we may not think we have biases, they come out when we least expect it (like in these tests). Cards789

  26. I took the gender and the age test and it came out way differently from what I expected. It said that I like younger individuals more than I like older individuals. It was really eye opening to me because I work with older individuals everyday and I love it. Maybe this test is trying to tell me I like my age more then I think. So yeah I do not know about that but that's what I got. As for the gender test it said that I favor men more then women in regards to science vs. liberal arts. It said that I think men basically have a better chance then I believe a woman would in the science field. Hopefully I'm stating this correctly so your understanding me. I don't agree with that I think we all have an equal chance towards anything. Men being interested in liberal arts and women having a background in science. These tests really made me think about my perspectives on things. Blue012

    1. I definitely agree these tests also made me think. They bring out our inner mental thoughts about subjects that we normally do not think about. I liked taking the tests but I think it is only a a part of our true feelings. It told me I strongly prefer straight people over gays. I do when it comes to my sexuality but I have no problems what so ever over gay people. It is an interesting test but does not quite get your feelings to a T. VT012

    2. This study, did a good job for me in interpreting what I believed was my answer and for the sexuality module it said I favored straight people over gay people. Which I don't think that is, the words I would use. Like VT012, for sexuality I would gravitate to straight. If someone I was talking to was gay I wouldn't have an issue with them. I would falter though on the ones that are more radical with their sexuality and being able to conduct business professionally would be something I would be more proactive and cautious about.

  27. Out of all of the tests that I took, the two that stuck me most was the test on weapons and race, and religion. For the test on religion I was more favorable to Christianity and far less favorable to Islam. Buddhism and Judaism were in the middle. I classify myself as an Agnostic. I was a Christian protestant for my whole life up until about five years ago. After starting eighth grade I began to start looking at the bigger picture, in my opinion. I can not justify or verify a god. I believe in a creator of the Universe, I have many doubts that a "big bang" could have just randomly occurred and created the universe. I still heavily view science as a logical hypothesis on why things work the way they do. I do not believe that they happen, because a god wants them to happen. I do understand how I am more in-line with Christianity though, I hold the moral values of the Christian religion and believe that the Bible is a great book that we can all look to for moral reasoning. I also understand that I view Islam in lesser light, I think that in part it is the anti-Islamic sentiments that are spewed all over the media. As well as the U.S. government being at war with Islamic extremists for almost my whole life. The weapons test that I took, I found that to be a little more shocking. I believe that all people have the potential to be good, I've met plenty of African American gentlemen who by no means are criminals or deserve to be treated lesser than any other person. I have met some white Americans that are nastier than what the media describes black people to be. I can not completely explain this bias, as I do not understand why I would be biased towards people of African decent. I know that I am going to have to keep any biases to myself as an officer of the law. It is unjust and cruel to treat anyone that has a different religion or skin tone than mine with ill-will. We are all human beings after all, and most of the stereotypes that we associate a group of people are certainly false. There will always be the good and the bad, no matter what race a person is or what religion they believe, but that is not reason enough to treat them as lesser beings.

  28. I took the Asian IAT and the Age IAT. I did very good and it was easy to choose the Age IAT. However, when I try to distinguish between Asian and European faces, I made lot of bad assumptions. While I was able to identify American and foreign places, I made mistakes with faces. I guess that shows some of my own biases. I understood what this test is trying to teach us and I was able to see myself having some kind of implicit bias. I liked the test as it showed my own issues without anyone pointing out. – chichi012

    1. I strongly wanted to do the age test but I wanted to see how I would do on a specific race. My results were pretty relevant to how I felt on Asian association and I do know I had to second glance which side the topics were on towards the end of the test. I was disappointed on the disabled test, where I had worked with and for disabled individuals. But the subconscious definitely plays a role in knee-jerk reactions. As the test said go as quickly as possible. - StrongArm789

  29. I decided to take the test on sexuality and age. The test on sexuality said I preferred straight people over gay people. This I suppose is true but more so in the fact that I am straight. I have no problems what so ever with gay men or woman. I believe when we are younger and don't quite understand we tend to shy away from people who have different opinions than us in the sexual perspective. Yet as I am older and understand it really doesn't bother me. The other test I did was the age test. This told me I preferred young people over old people. This I do feel is true to me because I have been around too many old people I'm really tired of it. My parents have always been the oldest parents out of all my friends. They lived in a completely different time than me so I feel they don't understand a lot. It is hard for me to bond with older people because they don't understand what I'm going through. Yet I do not associate with many people younger than me. My age group is just fine for me. I think these tests were very interesting and I'm glad I got the chance to do them. I think it brings out your mental feelings that you don't always think about. Yet at the same time it's not a full view of your inner feelings towards the subject. VT012

  30. I decided to take the test on sexuality and age. The test on sexuality said I preferred straight people over gay people. This I suppose is true but more so in the fact that I am straight. I have no problems what so ever with gay men or woman. I believe when we are younger and don't quite understand we tend to shy away from people who have different opinions than us in the sexual perspective. Yet as I am older and understand it really doesn't bother me. The other test I did was the age test. This told me I preferred young people over old people. This I do feel is true to me because I have been around too many old people I'm really tired of it. My parents have always been the oldest parents out of all my friends. They lived in a completely different time than me so I feel they don't understand a lot. It is hard for me to bond with older people because they don't understand what I'm going through. Yet I do not associate with many people younger than me. My age group is just fine for me. I think these tests were very interesting and I'm glad I got the chance to do them. I think it brings out your mental feelings that you don't always think about. Yet at the same time it's not a full view of your inner feelings towards the subject. VT012

  31. At first, I only took the Sexuality IAT and Race IAT because I was most interested in these two. However, after taking those two tests, I decided I wanted to take more, so I took the Weapons IAT and Weight IAT. The most surprising results for me, out of all of them, were my results from the Sexuality IAT test. It said that based on my results, I had a moderate automatic preference for gay people compared to straight people, which was a rare result (only 6%). When I took the Race IAT, I found out that I have a slight automatic preference to European Americans compared to African Americans. Although this is somewhat of a typical result, I was still surprised to find that I had any bias at all. Similarly, when I took the Weight IAT, my results showed that I had a moderate automatic preference to thin people compared to fat people. Although I am not consciously aware of my biases, I apparently show some evidence of having biases. Regardless of the fact that I typically believe that I am neutral to everyone and treat everyone equally, it is clear now that I may have biases that I was unaware of. Now that I am aware of this, I can try to make myself more self-aware and be proactive about reducing my biases. Cards789

  32. I first took the preference for dark or light skinned test. After taking it, the score told me I strongly preferred light over dark. My scores were extremely inaccurate. I do not have any bias or preference for one skin colour over another. The only reason I could think of for this would be the culture I was raised and live in. I am from a practically all-white small town and did not grow up with many multi-cultural influences. As I grew, though, I became more exposed and never felt like light or dark skin tone had any affect on my thoughts or behavior. I also took the Sexuality test and discovered I had a preference for those who are gay. These results surprised me as well. I strive for equality of gay and straight peoples, but never did I think I preferred them. In fact, I know I don't. The matter doesn't really concern me, so I don't truly care at all as long as no one is being physically bothered by one group. Regardless of if my results reflected who I am or not, it was still very interesting to read. -leafy012

  33. This was a unique experience. I never fully understood the issues that are talked about with how we interpret our reality. I did the Race and weapon IAT and the Sexuality IAT.
    My results were inconclusive for the race and weapon. I knew about this test before taking it and I can see now it is harder than what I expected. The test has shown that, I really don't have a full grasp of the situation. I was tripping up everytime gun came up. Not that this means I am a "racist", but having to be proactive and look at the person as a person. We stigmatize and attach the identity of a gun to all African american males due to media reports.
    The other test was sexuality and that focused on words and symbols.
    Words for gay and symbols for gay and vice versa for straight. Eventually it got to the point of attaching a positive wrods for straight and negative for gay. That was "easy", but when it got switched to good words for gay and bad words for straight I began to spiral down.
    The tests are a great tool to reevaluate yourself and learn that these emotions can surface in our daily life, but being conscious about these implicit biases.

  34. I took the sexuality and religion IATs. The results I received from the religion IAT showed that I view Buddhism and Christianity the most positively then Judaism then Islam. This surprises me, because I consider myself to not have a religion at all. That's the reason I chose this test, I thought I wouldn't have any biases toward any religion. I don't really care what others believe in as long as it does not affect the well-being of others. I think I am just more familiar with Buddhist and Christian terminology than the other two because I was raised Christian and I took a special interest in Buddhism when I was younger. I then took the sexuality IAT, it showed that I have no automatic preference between gay and straight people. I think this is fairly accurate, because I don't care who someone is interested in. It doesn't have an impact on me so why bother. Marley012

    1. I think I will go back and take the religion test. I assumed due to the description that I may not know enough about the religions to answer. I also don't consider myself to have a religion. I'll see how that goes. Purple012

  35. My two test were weapons and Arabs. I chose these because I'm very comfortable with weapons, I can field strip any firearm and sharpen any knife. But then I also chose Arabs because that's the topic I'm most unconformable with. Not because I'm a racist but because of my upbringing with my father being in the Marine corp. I was raised to know Arabs as the enemy and not people. Now that time has evolved I came to realize that everyone bleeds red in the end and that we are all the same. But the results of both test were not what I predicted. I associated weapons with black people as most people did but that's not what I truly think. I believe it doesn't matter on the race, religion, or ethnics. I believe it is all mental if you want to hurt someone you will not because your black or because you are white. The Arab test showed me I was more likely to associate good with Muslims/Arabs. That was a surprise to me because I've only had a few friends that were either Muslim or Arab to show me the truth about people over the platoon of marines who I looked up to at such a young age. It just goes to show you no matter what test you take everyone's results are different and every problem has a different solution brought by different people.

    1. Hola Bikemaker456. I'm replying to your post due to the fact it has similarity to mine. My old man would always try to force his racist doctrine on me. As long as I can remember, or care to. It's a trip that you and I think differently then what our fathers taught us. I do still have some skepticism on the validity of this test. I mean you could just mash some buttons. Not like those psych tests where they ask you the same questions multiple ways. Anyway, good post man.

  36. I took the sexuality test and the test told me that I favor straight people. I mean, I am a straight person and I rather be straight. If I had to choose id choose to be straight. On the other hand its not that I look down on, or judge gay people, which is what the test made it look like. My second test I took was the religion test. I apparently have a favor for christianity but a strong belief of Islam. I have no idea where Islam comes into play here. The two are totally different in terms of worship and ideological things. Maybe its because all the bad things going on in the world about the muslim people and I just have some sort of syphmathy. I almost have second thoughts about these tests.
    Music 456

    1. I too have second thoughts about these tests. Not only did your results not coincide with what you really think, mine did not either. I do not understand the process of them using these tasks to determine what we prefer more.

    2. I think the test were good first steps to finding out if you are bias about someone or something but I agree in the fact that you should do some more figuring out if you are truly bias about something or other. To prove to yourself that the bias is real.

  37. I took the Disabled IAT test first. I look this test because my sister is disabled so I thought it would be interesting to see what the test thought compared to how I really think and feel about able and disabled people. My results were that I have a strong automatic preference to abled people compared to disabled people. I strongly disagree with this test. I love disabled people and I tend to become friends with them more then able people. The second test I took was the Presidential popularity IAT. The test results said that I favor Abraham Lincoln more than Barack Obama. Again I disagree with this test. I think Barack Obama did a better job as president with everything he has changed. This test did not know what I feel or think about the subjects. Even though the results did not go as I thought they would, I took more tests. I was intrigued on what the others would say. Even when I did not agree with the results it was still an eye-opening experience to take these tests.

    1. I agree with you that these tests are a little funny. I don't really understand how it can tell you your biases just by showing you picture. I also took the disabled one because I've always been friends with disabled kids in my class. My results came back that I am in the middle and I don't understand how it finds that out.

  38. I took the disabled test just now and what I did not understand is that it said that I slightly prefer able people of disabled people. I do not see how. I think this test is not accurate at all. It says go as fast as you can and I slipped up like 2 or 3 times. I do not believe it. Completely wrong in my opinion. I see them as one of us and not different, whether mentally or physically. It does not matter to me at all. Kind of upsets me to be honest, completely ridiculous.

    1. I agree. This test is making assumptions based off of accuracy and response time. I do not believe that this test is all that accurate. I’m sure there are better ways to find out what your biases. Also for those with bad short term memory or those who aren’t good at reacting quickly, their results were probably not accurate. Moot012

    2. I don't believe this test can be accurate but it is very interesting to try it and it can give us some very interesting results that we had never thought of. Elite123

    3. I agree with you, I did not like the fact that we had to answer the questions or make a choice really fast because a few times I knew the right answer but clicked on the wrong one.

  39. I decided to pick weapons and disabled. Both of mine came back that im pretty much in the middle with both of them witch isn't very surprising to me. When being a police officer you are going to come in contact with all walks of life, Having biases isn't a bad think its just how you show them. That's why I like learning about implicit biases because I would love to be able to control my biases and be as professional as possible in the work force.

  40. I took the first two tests that I saw. The first test I took was the test with Nixon and Obama. The results of that were that I preferred Obama over Nixon. I would probably agree with these results. However I noticed that mistakes significantly messed with results, if you have a slow reaction or a bad short term memory the results may come out incorrectly. The other test I took was the gender quiz. It said I responded more quickly to the female end. I don’t really know how I feel about that, but it seems about right. I associate more with females then I do males so it would make sense. Moot012

  41. I took the weight test and the sexuality test, neither result really surprised me. The sexuality test says I am moderately inclined to lean towards straight people, being from small town I didn't even really know what a gay person was until i was in High school let alone be around one. The weight test said I am moderately inclined to lean towards skinny people, I have battled my weight my entire life and I am constantly disappointed in myself. I also have a tendency to drool over muscular men. Sherlocked012

  42. I took two test on the website were the age test and the sexuality test. I got some surprising results on my age test. I thought I might have a more neutral stance on the people I come in contact with. Meaning that felt that I don’t look at a persons age and think something or another. I think its very eye opening to see me have this bias because I like to think I judge a person by the way they act or present themselves. The sexuality test was as surprising to me because I judge people by the way they treat me and others around me not by the people they want to be with. I thought these were very important things to know speaking in general about bias.

  43. Finally a test that I took on here that is actually correct! I took the weapon quiz and it said there was no association with weapons and other races. So that is totally correct, unlike the other ones. This could help me in my career field from not judging random races to have weapons on them. So that is a plus side of this quiz. Hopefully this not being bias will stick with me in the future. I can see it not sticking if something dramatic were to happen to me. Like if I were to be robbed by another race. But that is just metaphorically speaking.

  44. I took the Race, Sexuality, and Weapons. Hot Topics. After all how often do you get a free head shrinking. right? First of all, I'm a gamer so I wish this would've been AWSD keys. The Race IAT: Moderate preference for Afro American compared to European American. These results I didn't expect. I grew up in Forest City/Manito/Pekin, IL. my whole life. I had no interaction with black people until I graduated from H.S. and went into the service. There all my D.I.'s were black and I was surrounded by every walk of life. Native America, Afro American, American Samoan, name it.... cats from NY, Chicago, L.A. Georgia, preps, rednecks, burn-outs, man oh man. Best time of my life. We all got smoked together and trained next to each other. You're only as safe and sound as the dude next to you. He is your ticket to the next day and home. And you're his. Regardless of skin color. Anyway, with that said. I was leery going into this. Because I thought maybe deep down I had some strong implicit bias against black people. I mean after all this is 'science'(insert sarcasm)riiiiiight!. My biological father was as racist as they get. My intention as a child was not to become my old man because I hated him. So I was conscience of how he was and stayed away from his beliefs and attitudes. Did I train myself away from my implicit bias to oppose or spite? I don't know, maybe. Weapons IAT: Moderate association of Black Americans w/ weapons compared to White Americans. This one I don't know about. I felt different then what my results reflected at the end of the test. Knee jerked into a wrong key, or just wiped out from a long day. The results didn't feel right. I do watch the fear channel from time to time and on occasion take my cues from the media if not aware of what I'm consuming and spitting out. That might have bearing on my weapons results. I mean, if it was like black guys vs. arab guys, I probably would've went the way of the arab. Because every time you watch the fear channel some dude in fez or turban is killing christians. My people.
    In short, human psychology can not be boiled down to that of an 'ink blot' test.
    Personally, I don't think anything can be determined from this test. The best part of this test was anticipating the results. Potentially learning something 'secret' about yourself. A battery of other tests in addition to this would suffice for something 'scientific'. It felt it was lacking something. Although entertaining I don't believe I would return to this as a determinant of my moral compass. I know which way my compass points. Deep down inside we know ourselves. Some go there whole life not showing their true selves to anyone. A man or woman should not be weighed and measured because of how they think, but how they act. 'A society will be judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest and most helpless citizens.' Whoever said that was a bonafied genius! Actions are a reflection of the heart. We as a people are always 'breaking a cycle'. It's human! Rage Against the Machine. Doberman789

    1. Same here, I was expecting there to be all of this bias and what I found was I was very neutral on everything. I don't entirely trust the tests but it is quite reassuring. DwDrums789

  45. I took the race test and the arab-muslim test because these groups of people are so discriminated against in today's society. I wasn't very surprised by the results of the race test which said i prefer whites over african americans. I thought I would get that result because I am white and was raised in a predominantly white town. I was surprised by the results of the arab-muslim test which said i preferred arabs to whites and other people. I thought that was a little weird becauseof how I was raised and there are these incredibly rude arab guys that come into my work all the time so I guess i had a little bias based on those experiences. These tests were great because it lets you know about the biases you didn't even know you had.


  46. I took the test on race and religion. I was kind of surprised by the results because I thought that I was a little more neutral to these two. But I guess i'm not. I know that there is always a way to change these things or at least be very mindful of them. I think that the tests helped me a lot more than I thought. I'm glad that it made me aware of my biases and to know that even though I may not agree with certain things doesn't mean I shouldn't respect it. Believe012

  47. I took the tests on race and gender. I found that I was neutral on everything, surprisingly. I was expecting to be something, at least for one of them. I took about half of the other tests as well and the only one I had bias on was the presidents test. It said that I proffered Richard Nixon over Obama, no surprise there. I didn't vote for him. Never the less I am very satisfied that the results were neutral which means I truly consider anyone equal. Which in law enforcement, especially today, that will keep things running more smoothly. DwDrums789

  48. I took the two test on race and gender, and I was equal on both test. Which i knew i would be. See i'm the least most racist person that I know. I don't see color I have no bias against anyone of a different race than me. I am also a feminist I believe in equality of the sexes. I believe we all should get the same job and other opportunities as equals. No one is better than the next -dicaprio789

    1. I took the test on young/old. I was surprised to find out I leaned more to the younger generation. I think of myself as being mature. And would rather, enjoy the company of people my own age. As oppose to people who were younger and immature. Not saying because someone is young, that they have to be immature. Cognitively speaking. But I guess if I honestly thought about it, I'd have to say being around young people depending on the situation can make an old person feel young. I guess for me anyway! MITHGTS012

    2. Atleast you are the one person out of the entire bunch that is actually satisfied with your results. Cant say the same myself. I am very shocked that the results that I have received from the homosexual straight test came back that I leaned more toward straight people than homosexuals. I have family members who are homosexual that I love just the same as I love anyone else in my family. I never treat them any different or talk down on them in any manner. Forensics123

  49. I decided to take the abled-disabled as well as the Asian tests. Apparently I have an underlying bias against disabled people, while having a strong automatic response towards disabled persons. This shocked me as I know a few disabled individuals and years back I worked at PARC in Peoria. My natural actions will always be to hold the door for the elderly and disabled people, because it gives me a sense of what if I were in their shoes. But apparently somewhere in my character there is still a breach of, 'well when it comes down to it.' Which does kind of suck. The Asian tests held me as pretty equal with a preference for being Asian-associated just below European-association. I hope this is because one of my best friends is Filipino, I've always found Asian women prettier than most, and I'm big into watching anime in my free time. So, first test shocked me, second one I'm glad for my results.

  50. I decided to take the weight test as well as the race test. My results from both of the tests were not exactly what I was expecting. However, like they state after the test is over with and they give you your results along with possible scenarios as to why your results were what they were, it is not a proven fact why you got what you got. The results I received from the weight test were that I preferred thin people over fat people. Normally I try to be a pretty accepting person because in many cases a person might have a weight issue for a reason whether it being health related or whatever the case may be. My results on the race test were that I preferred white people. This may be true in some instances because I am white and I am around a lot of white people, but that does not mean that I am bias against different races, I would have to say that I am just as open towards a different race of a person as I am to my own race. These tests were definitely eye opening and will make anybody start to think about how they go about things when dealing with something like this.Sparks123

  51. I took the sexuality test and the race test. I'll probably go back and take a couple more just because it was really interesting. I can see where they are getting their results with the quick click response type test, but I can see where that is a hindrance as well. I got so caught up in doing it fast that as soon as I got the hang of it they switched and it was all out of order. I even pressed the key on accident sometimes not realizing I was doing it. I think both my results were fairly accurate though. I think the point is to really dig deep and see why you may have gotten the results you did. That it could be showing something you didn't realize. Something you may want to change, for whatever the reason. I think sociology is like this. What can we see that we didn't see to begin with. What is influencing something that we may not have realized until digging a little further and seeing all the factors. Purple012

    1. I agree with you. At times I felt more confused than anything when taking it. Every time I would get on roll the round would end and they would mix it up. I feel these tests could be pretty accurate but confusion is what got me most. Im sure theres something within that confusion that they are testing in order to get your results. I enjoyed taking these tests. gabegun123

  52. I took the age and the weight one. It said i was biased on both ones of them for the age one I didn't really expect because I have never shown any type of biased behavior towards them all though I guess I have had biased thoughts about them at one point or another. The weight one said I preferred thinner people over heavier which is weird because I was a "heavier person" at one point but i guess my views have changed a bit since then and my subconscious mind makes me think differently than I once did bias opinions can change very fast in some circumstances This test was very helpful of showing what my bias opinions are but they might change in a year from now I would have to retake the test to see what they changed to. Elite123

  53. I was kind of surprised with the outcomes after taking these tests. I took the sexuality test and the disability test. Both of these topics I like to think i'm open minded about and completely comfortable with. I took the disability test first. The results of this test said that I have a slight automatic preference for able people over disabled people. The sexuality test said that I have a strong automatic preference for straight people compared to gay people. I chose to take these test's because I felt that the results would show that I don't prefer one over the other. I was shocked to see the results at the end. I'm not associated with gay or disabled people on a daily bases so I guess that I do not really know if I feel as comfortable around them as I like to think I do. These test's are very interesting and I would love to learn more about how they calculate the results. gabegun123

  54. I did the "skin tone" test and I got the outcome of moderately prefer light skin toned to dark. I figured this would be the result. I'm no stubborn rural living racist like it would seem according to the test. I think most people that aren't really engulfed in other peoples culture or who live in a diverse neighborhood will end up with the results that match their own skin tone. One of my best friends in high school was an African American male. Never in my life would i have treated him differently or thought anything about his skin color. Doesn't matter or effect anything. But as i said earlier. I'm not engulfed in a very diversified area where I live. So anything other than the "normal" i've grown up with could slightly alter how I feel about getting to know others.

    1. Just as I felt about my results I was upset to an extent. This test in my opinion is inaccurate to the fullest extent. My results stated that I lean more toward the straight population than the homosexuals. Which is so not true, I treat both populations of people the same. I never felt different about a particular kind of person because of his or her sexual orientation. So why would I choose to do so now! Forensics123

  55. The two test that I ended up taking are the "skin tone" and the "sexuality." I got that I prefer light skin over dark for the first one and for the second I got that I prefer straight over gay. I feel that the sexuality was in a way correct because I myself am straight, however I do not care about the preference people have for the partner. I have two people in my family that are gay and I also have a few coworkers and that does not make me look at them any differently than I would if they were to be straight. This is their life style and I believe that they should be able to live the way that they want too. The other test I do not see how they can say that I prefer light skin over dark. Again it does not matter to me. I treat everyone the same and will keep it that way. I don't look at a light skin different than a dark skin. Green123

    1. Agreed! I took the same two test and I got the result of dark skin tone over light skin tone. For the sexuality test I got the same result of straight over gay. I really don't have a preference all are honestly the same to me.

  56. I decided to take the Arab-Muslim IAT and the Disability IAT. I do not like taking on line tests or surveys but this one was fun and interactive trying to answer the questions as fast as I could. The results from both of the test I took were interesting to say the least I think some were spot on and others I was like no way. But overall I did not think this was a waste of time and found it to be interesting and fun to do.

  57. The two test that I ended up taking was the "skin tone" and the "sexuality." My results to the test showed I prefer, dark skin people over light skin people. I really didn't find this test interesting to take because it asked me the color of my skin tone. Not that I found this test bias or anything but it just kind of defeated the purpose of the question because it knew my skin tone color which would make my results match up to the reason why I prefer dark skin people over light. I am a mixed with black and white and I don't prefer nor put one over the other, its all the same to me. The second test "sexuality" showed that I prefer straight over gay. Being that I'm straight I could understand these results. I do however have a gay brother who's married to a man. I don't think anything at all is wrong with his happiness nor do I put one over the other.

  58. I took both the age and sexuality test and got results that while not too surprising, still made me think about it for a while. For the age one I identified more with younger people which I think makes complete sense seeing as it is the age group I spend the majority of my time with and have an easier time connecting with in terms of interests and humor. The sexuality one was a bit more revealing as it said I prefer straight to gay. This made me finally realize that this is a bias that you really are not fully aware of. While I personally have no negativity towards any sexuality and I never really think about it too much, it just shows that those thoughts are there and they can influence your decisions. Acquainted123

  59. I selected Sexuality and Race for implicit bias. In the first I had no automatic preference and the latter a moderate automatic preference. I am not sure how the test shows implicit bias, but I thought my results would have been more uniform. I also wonder if the “no automatic preference” means I have no implicit bias regarding that issue or does it mean I do not make overt judgements about a person’s sexuality?
    In a law enforcement context, recognizing implicit bias towards certain groups would help an investigator be more aware of the bias and help them work towards eliminating it. By doing so it would assist in developing rapport and using their judgement in evaluating the credibility of the information as well as the credibility of the witness. By using some of the methods Melanie talks about in the video, we could improve our self and become better at our chosen profession. Humvee 123

  60. I have absolutely no clue as to what the results are saying. The way I am reading it I am impartial to whites compared to Native Americans. I am quarter Native American I don’t think that would be possible. Of course I wasn’t raised in that family that has the Native American heritage. I wish I could of known that side of my family. It also said I am impartial to men and science and women liberal arts. That is weird because I am in a health career major. I am still thinking of going on from paramedic to become a doctor. I also want to become a fireperson as well. I really wouldn’t think I would be this way. I would really like to know how they make these response and judge it. I feel like there is a lot of psychology involved. There was probably involves several years of research before I would really understand it. TAGTaylor33012

  61. IT didn't really give me a clear answer to what my results were, and I'm not really sure how the test actually gets its results. Both of my test results said exactly what i answered for the fill in the blank questions at the end, so I'm not sure what the point of pushing i and e for 5 mins was. The first test i took was gender roles and my results were slightly favor males in the work force and females in the family section, which is what I figured. The other test I did was for sexuality, and the results came back as no surprise. it says I have a slight automatic preference for Straight People compared to Gay People. Both are results came back as i figured they would. dangkids123

    1. The pressing of the I and the E is to show what things you are more knowledgeable about and what things you favor. If you like something more than the other chances are you probably will be doing really good on that section and maybe not so good on the section of things that you do not favor.


  62. I am very surprised wit the information that was given to me. My first test showed that I favor white people over black people. Even though I in no way feel that way the test said that it could be potentially inaccurate though do to the way I answered my questions. It surprised me so much because I have black friends and family and I enjoy there company a lot. The other test I did was the religion test and it says that I favor Christians more than Jewish people. This also was a shock to me because I really do not care what a persons religious beliefs are at all they can be there own person and that is not my call to decide what is okay for them. Overall this test was a little bit interesting and new wouldn't mind seeing the end result of the overall thing as a whole.


  63. I know, I know, I'm late here. But I took the tests anyway and adding my results. I think that having implicit biases is natural because of influences are given to us by our family and sometimes friends. I took the Gay/Straight test, and the one with associated of Male/career and Female/family. My results held true to what I thought. In the first one, I got no preference between Gay/Straight, and for the second one, I got a slight preference of association of women to family with men to career. I think both of these things reflect my childhood and the family I was raised around. There are a lot of Gay people in my family, but there are also a lot of straight people. I was raised to love everyone and I was not surprised with this result at all. As for the second one, I try to promote equality in work place and across the board. I do not like gender biases or stereotyping roles. However, seeing as I was raised around my grandmother and mother who were home a lot, while the men were usually gone for long periods of time or not present at all, I can see why I have an implicit bias. I only have sisters, and my mom has two sisters. I liked taking these tests and they created a reflection session for me. -Jakku012

  64. I am very shocked that the results that I have received from the homosexual straight test came back that I leaned more toward straight people than homosexuals. I have family members who are homosexual that I love just the same as I love anyone else in my family. I never treat them any different or talk down on them in any manner. My other results from the age test were sort of true. I don't think that I am actually bias toward the younger generation versus the elderly. I just feel as if I can relate more to the elderly versus the younger generation of people. They can teach you so much from what they have learned, just as well as a young person can. Because some of them live in the fast lane most of the time. Forensics123


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