Implicit Biases, Policing, and Being Simply Me....Its Human and Not Hardwired

Implicit Biases, Policing, and Being Simply Me....Its Human and Not Hardwired


  1. I found this very entertaining as well as informational about myself. The first test I took was the skin tone preference. My results were a little bit surprising to me, but when I thought about it, it made more sense to me. It showed that I have a strong automatic preference for light-skinned people over dark-skinned people. I am by no means racist, but I think these results are due to the fact that I grew up in a very small town with very few black people, so I am a lot more used to being around light-skinned people. My results came back the same as 23% of others that have taken the test. The second test I took was the weapons test. My results show that I have a slight automatic association for harmless objects with white Americans and weapons with black Americans. I fall into this category with 19% of other users. This does not, by any means mean that black Americans are the only ones that ever have weapons, I just think this view is a result of being sheltered in the first part of my life in a small town.

    1. No Doubt! There is no hard wire here. With this knowledge, you are empowered to correct or change, etc. No doubt an asset to your law enforcement career. SimplyMeThinkingAloud002

    2. I came from the same background as you do and I was also very shocked by my results. I was not expecting to have no association between race and weapons. It really does show that we choose who we are, we are not our community. I found these very reassuring and informative. Also, by taking all of them, I found some biases that I need to work on. Oasis_002

    3. I can see how where a person grew up can have a huge effect on this outcome. If you were surrounded by a mostly white town I wouldn’t be surprised with your outcome. However, every person has a different bias towards certain people. It doesn’t matter that one has biases because it is human nature. It all depends on how you use it while making decision and not let it influence your decision. Max003

    4. I agree with you on the growing up in a small town and not having a lot of diversity. I didn't take the skin tone because I kind of assumed what my results would be, since I didn't grow up nor go to school with a lot of darker skinned people. The test really does open your eyes to what you think you know, to what it actually is. rose001

  2. First of all, I was very surprised by these tests and the variety. I ended up actually doing some soul surfing and taking them all. The first two tests that I took were the Asian American and the weapons. The results from both tests really shocked me. I grew up in small town Manito, Illinois where you are basically taught racism. The results for the Asian is that I had no automatic association between American and foreign involving european and asian. For the weapons exa I thought that I would automatically associate the African Americans with the weapons, but that test also came back with no association.
    Honestly, this is a very big deal for me. I was raised to be racist and hatred to minority groups. I was always told racist jokes and insults. I am proud that I was able to define good and bad for myself and indulge myself into all races and be open minded to cultures. These were very self-evaluating for me and I thoroughly enjoyed them. Oasis_002

    1. I think that's good, Oasis_002! It can be difficult to change our mindsets that we were taught growing up. I understand where you are coming from as well, as we have similar backgrounds. The fact that you already changed the mindset that you were taught shows that you are one step ahead in that area!

    2. I was also raised in a small white town and raised with racism and prejudice. I also found the test to be interesting, but I wasn't surprised by my results. As a matter of fact I am glad my results showed only a slight association. With the way I was raised I thought it would show a much more prejudice. I taught myself to try not to fall into the way things used to be and to be more open and equal with everyone because really we are all immigrants from somewhere and life would be rather boring if we didn't have differences. bdole004

  3. The two test that I took were skin tone and young or old people. In the first test I took I found out that I do like people with lighter skin tones more which is odd because one of my best friends is that of darker skin tone. We have been friends since grade school. I think the results are a little shocking since I grew up in a prodominatly black neighborhood in the south end of Peoria. But then again I had very racist parents growing up so that could have swayed my answers a little bit on this test. By no means am I saying that I am a racist. The second test I took was the prefernece of young people or old people and I wasn't that surprised that I favored older people to younger people. I have always felt older than my peers maturity wise. I think I have always connected better with people that were older than me as well. My core group of friends growing up were significantly older than me as well. Ciaccio002

    1. Your absolutely right depending on how you are raised at home. Determines a little bit on how you act out into the public. Because just because your parents may have been racist doesn't mean that you will be racist. I feel the same way too. As to wanting to be around older people who fit my personality and maturity. Because it makes me grow up even more and also gaining better knowledge about life in general. Because of course older people know more about the world than younger people. So I see exactly where your coming from. Actually I probably would have scored the same thing you did. But referring back to your first test I am generally up in the air about my favorite skin tone preference because I kind of like every skin tone. -K9003

  4. The two test I took where, Weapons-Race and Gender-Career. They both really got me to think about other hidden beliefs I may have. My results from the weapons test was moderate automatic association for harmless objects with white Americans and weapons for black Americans. Then I continued to the end and coming to find out that I fell into the 30% category of people who score on that test. Which was the leading category out of all of them. So then I realized that I am just like everyone else; subjected to African Americans committing more crimes then Caucasians. On my second test Gender-Career, my results was labeled as slightly automatic association for male with careers and females with family. The category that I fell into from receiving that result was the 19% category which was I think the third leading category out of all of them. So reflecting on that. I noticed that I am subjected to males doing all the heavy lifting and the women taking care all of the things that needs to be done around the home. So all in all I would classify myself as an average person to when it comes being bias of white & black males and white & black females. When dealing with family, careers, weapons, and harmless objects. -K9003

  5. The first test that I took was the weapons test. My results came back as little or no automatic association between weapons and harmless objects with white and black Americans. The second test that I took however was the Arab-Muslim test. To my surprise, it too came back as little or no automatic association between other people and Arab-Muslims. I thought that it might swing in favor of other people simply because, just as every other American whether they want to admit to it or not, there are some prejudicial views towards Arab-Muslims. The reason-9/11. Ever since that fateful morning, I am sure that a lot of people, if not everyone, developed strong prejudicial feelings towards these people. CAE002

    1. Americans have created a stereotype for Arab-Muslims since 9-11, but not every Muslim has the intention to be a terrorist towards the Unites States. Most of them are here to have a better life for their families, which they have the same rights as us, Americans. Some Americans do treat Muslims differently and horribly than they do others religions. It's not fair because majority of them have not part in terrorism. -RW003

    2. I agree with you, you don't mean to make an automatic stereotype but at the same time it is kind of hard. It's obvious that not all Muslims are radicals but, when you grew up watching what happened on 9/11 every anniversary after it happened, it still gets to you. rose001

  6. I found it very entertaining taking all these tests and finding out some of the hidden biases that I never knew I had. I took a few tests and some of the outcomes I had already foreseen while others actually surprised me. For example, I took the gay or straight test and I figured that I would have had bias over gay people. The outcome of the test was that I strongly prefer straight people to gay people. I am not homophobic but I grew up in a small area where about 99% of the population was straight. The same thing happened with the light to dark skin test. I prefer light skin people, simply because I grew up with them and no dark skinned people. One that really surprised me was the disabled test. I knew I would prefer abled people a little bit, but I really didn't think I would have as much bias as I did. You learn something new everday. zmw002

    1. I agree it was a fun test and not boring where you just don't care anymore and just pick answers like we have all done that but this kept you entertained and kept you involved which I think makes the test more accurate by far than any other test you may take on biases. JE002

    2. I agree zmw002. I thought the test was really interesting. To go off of JE002's comment, I thought it was also entertaining. Not once during the test did I feel bored or wanted to stop. The test was not dry, but kept you interested and anxious to know more about yourself. Steve002

    3. I came to the same conclusion with the skin color test. While my slight preference was to light skinned people, I feel no prejudice against dark skinned people. In my eyes, we are all Americans and human beings. Everybody should be judged by their actions, not by stereotypes or misconceptions.-OKC002

  7. I found taking these test was quite fun but it got kind of difficult and tricky when all of a sudden the flip everything on you and then you start to think about everything harder and its just not instinct. I was quite shocked with the outcome of my two test though it really opened my eyes and shocked me because the ones I took I was thinking oh there is no way I can have a bias in this but sure enough I did and it really surprised me. Now I am going to try to look at myself more closely now and see if I can actually find these biases in everyday life because I think it would be interesting and just to see how accurate the test actually is for people. I think this test is a good idea but I don't really see how off of 13 questions then you picking between pictures can show a bias there are multiple times I just hit the wrong button and that just counts against you I guess so I don't know how they score it but its a great idea. JE002

    1. I agree with you. The test have some flaws, such as accidentally clicking a wrong option, or like you said counting the accidental clicks against the overall score. This happened to me and resulted in a weird result, so I had to retake it and go a little slower so I wont miss too many. JZ003

  8. I thought it was interesting doing the test. i am not racist by any means but the test said i prefer light skinned over dark skinned. it was interesting and kind of confusing when i had to keep pressing different buttons. it was fun to do and i found out stuff that i didn't know oregon002

  9. I took the Sexuality task as my first test.
    I don't have any like hatred or anything against gays. How I see it, you be you and I will be me. However, I have had a feeling of akwardness anytime I am around somebody who either I know is gay or I think acts in a stereotypical homosexual manner. The test basically said the same thing, so that is nice. I am not against gays anymore than I always knew I was, which really is a slight amount. I don't treat them any differently, I simply feel uncomfortable around them.
    The second test I took was the race test. My family has always been pretty racist, they are old-school in that way. I was curious to see how much of it I have actually picked up. I don't personally believe I am a racist person, although I will always laugh at a good racist joke. The test told me that I have a slight automatic preference to african americans over european americans. I am going to be honest, I don't believe it at all. Like, I am not deeply racist or anything, but I usually feel uncomfortable towards african american's as well. I find it hard to believe that I feel preference to blacks over whites.
    - AJC002

    1. AJC002 I also took the sexuality test and found that one very interesting. I as well have nothing against gay people but it showed that I have a stronger pull towards straight people. The way I see it is as long as a person is happy then who cares. I'm glad to see that I don't have an overwhelming hate for them. Not like I did in the first place anyhow. Rocker002

  10. I found this a very interesting little test. I found out that I am slightly more partial to be around thing people than fat people. I found that interesting because I myself am a bigger guy so I guess that means I aspire to be skinnier or something. I also found that I strongly prefer straight people over gay people. I have nothing against gay people. I have a family member that is a homosexual so I give them the utmost respect and feel as long as they are happy who cares what sex they prefer. I take it as that I am straight and I am more drawn to women than men. I thought overall that it is a very good test and that it is very accurate. It really went in depth and showed things that I never would have really thought about. Like with the whole fat thin gay straight thing associating the words and pictures was neat because at times I got confused and hit the wrong button but I guess that just shows you what really is down in the subconscious. Rocker002

  11. I found the results of my test both surprising but also not surprising at the same time. I take the race test and the sexuality test. I felt personally that i had no real preference to races or to sexuality. But growing up in a small suburb of Pekin I had no real experience other than white straight neighbors. Once I hit high school I officially came out of the closets as bisexual so as being a pert of the LGBT community I thought I would have equal preference to both straight and gay people. The results of my tests were surprising though. The test said I had slight preferences to whites and straight people. It shocked me at first but then i realized that even though I don't feel that way personally now, subconsciously I did prefer white and straight people because that's all I grew up with when I was little. So even though the results surprised me it was eye opening to realize that even though I have hidden biases doesn't mean that the bias would effect me in day to day life. Haggard002

    1. I agree because it can be a real surprising result but some people might not go with what the results so. Some people when they take these test they can be stubborn about it and try to say that they don't believe these results when all in reality it really is what they are thinking. It just shows that they are believing one aspect over the other. GoodVibes003

  12. I found the results of my test not really too surprising. I took the old or young preference test. The test resulted in me preferring younger people over older people. I was not shocked by this. I already knew that I would be more open to a relationship with a younger person that was near my age. I do not prefer being around much older people than younger. It is not that I do not like old people, it is just that I prefer to be around people my own age. I feel like that is the case in a lot of people. The second test I took tested to see if I preferred straight people over gay people. My answer I got from the test really did not surprise me. I have absolutely nothing against gay people, as I have a few friends that are gay, but I prefer being in the company of straight people. That is probably due to the fact that I have no one in my family that is gay. I also have never really been around anyone until around two or so years ago. In that time I learned that there is nothing different between straight people and gay people besides there preference sexually. I have learned to be more open to people that have different beliefs than me. These two tests have showed me biases that are in my life. Even though I know I have these biases, I cannot let them affect my life and the people I surround myself with. Steve002

    1. Of course, speaking as "younger people," we will all have a bias towards older people. It's just like being a white kid, raised within a white family in a white neighborhood having a preference towards whites. We all grow up with people who are the same age as us; whether it be in school, our hobbies, etc. If you're around the same general group every single day, of course your bias will lean towards them. That being said, as you start to age, I'm sure your bias will change to the ladder. It's the same principle as not finding the same girl attractive from middle school - you're not 12 any more. You've grown up and your bias adjusts to meet the new you. That being said, you must let the biases affect your life. Being affected by something doesn't mean that it has to be negative. Take those biases and try to use them to adjust your behavior for the better. CK003

  13. The two tests I took where Age (young and old) and Gender- Career. I wasn’t so surprised with being bias to younger people, to me it’s just easier to talk to people that are around your own age than someone much older than you that you don’t know. If I had a teenager walk up to me and talk to me it would be easier to talk to them but if an older couple would walk up to me, I would get nervous and make sure not to mess up in the conversation. With my Gender- Career I had that men had a career and women with the family. Which I can see being true. Men work for the family and to provide but when you are a single mom of two then you have to be the provider and family leader. Different roles are played when involving your family outcomes or lifestyle. aaap_cougs002

  14. I took the all the tests, and some surprised me, while others did not. The two i’m gonna talk about are the age test and the sexuality test. I am by no means homophobic at all. I have two close friends who are homosexuals. Now when they first came out, it took me some time to get use to it, but I did not judge them for it. I have no problem with gay marriage or anything like that, yet it said I had a preference to heterosexual people. I honestly never knew this about myself. The age test results kind of made sense to me though. I just find it easier to talk to people my age, as I am sure most people feel, and the test results merely reassured this for me. Overall, some of the tests didn’t surprise me, while others really did. I can honestly say I am very glad that I took all of the tests and not just two.-OKC002

    1. Even though I am very accepting and nonjudgmental towards gay people, it also said that I have a preference of straight people. I find that hard to believe, but I can understand how they came to that general conclusion based on their test. In a way the test did surprise me, but also in other ways I was not surprised.

    2. I took the age and sexuality test as well and I received neutral results on both. I honestly don't think that most people should be surprised when their results say that they prefer people who are like them over people who are different.Its what we are accustomed to and what's "normal" for us. I don't think that having two close friends who are homosexual constitutes homosexuality as being normal for you. Where as I grew up with an older brother and a younger sister who were bisexual, a few friends who were bisexual or gay, and people constantly think that I'm gay (including a gay friend). I've never been offended by people calling me gay, but at the same time I don't like the reasons they give for thinking it. So really it comes down to what you were raised to believe is the norm.
      Secor22 004

  15. While taking these, it made me reach deep inside of myself, and actually think about thse topics.
    In the field that we are all thinking of being apart of, it is important to not be bias or discriminative against anyone! The first test that I took was for Old & Young people and the score that I got was no preferenece. but the second test that I took was compairing White people with African American people, and im not going to lie, it came out as comparing weapons with African Americans and harmless items with white people. So with that being said I have to work on not discriminating against people in general. camvilla002

    1. i took the same test to said that my bias towards old people which make since because im young so i get along with younger people because i am young and around young people so that make sense so i need to make sure old or young i treat everyone the same cowboya003

  16. I love taking these because I feel like it can open up your mind a little more and to help better understand where your biases stand. The first test that I took was the sexuality test and it told me that I have a slight automatic preference for straight people over gay people. Well that might be a little accurate but I think that I can say that I have a equal amount of feelings towards both sexuality. When it comes to sexuality we all have our own biases like if someone where to hate all gay people or people who are against trans gendered people. I believe that I can believe what I want to believe in my own opinion. When it comes to sexuality sometimes you can tell who is either straight, gay lesbian or whatever their situation is, but there can be times where you think one thing but they are really the opposite. When judging someone by it's sexuality we shouldn't blame on the things like growing up with just sisters or had no father figure in their life. Maybe something it's just the way they are meant to be. The second test I took was the age test it says that I'm moderate automatic preference to young people over old people. I would've thought that this would just be an accurate result because I mean I don't preference anyone over the other because I just see everyone the same rather they are old or young. There can be some people who are even that old and their skin starts to sag a little because of either drug usage or maybe bad genetics, but the point being is age is mostly based on how you look and how you act. Maturity plays a role for young people because it can determine on how everyone else can see you in their eyes either childish or an adult. These test show you where your biases stand and maybe some people don't feel that way but it could be deep down we just don't know it yet. GoodVibes003

  17. The two test I took were the age test and the race test. In the age test the results showed that i prefer younger people over older people. I can see this being true considering the majority of people i spend my time with are younger individuals in my same age group. Another reason this I prefer to hang around younger people is because I am one of the older siblings in my family, so growing up I was always hanging out with younger siblings. The results to my race test stated that I am moderately inclined to white people. This can be explained because of the community I grew up in. My entire life I have lived in Morton and there is mainly white people that live here. I also think that it was moderate and not extreme because I have matured and been able to see the world how it really is due to military experiences. All in all I enjoyed taking the tests and seeing the results.

    1. I think the age group that the majority of college students are in is kind of forces us to hang out with younger people. Since most of us are not in our careers yet, we are working alongside and thus interacting with a younger crowd day in and day out. Once we get into the work force and start talking to lots of different people, we will be acquainted with more of a variety of ages. -NOsaints

    2. I can see why hanging out with younger people would most likely mean your more comfortable with them, I also took that test and I had no preference.

    3. I think the age group that the majority of college students are in is kind of forces us to hang out with younger people. Since most of us are not in our careers yet, we are working alongside and thus interacting with a younger crowd day in and day out. Once we get into the work force and start talking to lots of different people, we will be acquainted with more of a variety of ages. -NOsaints003

  18. Of the two tests I took, the one I was most interested in learning the results for was my "skinny or fat" implicit bias. The reason I was most interested in this topic was because, within the past year, I have gone from almost 300lbs of fat to around 190lbs, most of which I like to believe is muscle, but I digress. I would initially have thought my bias would be non-existent as I have now lived on both sides, but apparently I have a strong preference to skinny people. As I continued to analyze this, I came to an interesting conclusion being that my subconscious mind linked "fat people" to the lack of happiness that the 300lbs version of me had. I believe that my implicit bias towards the overweight is because I was mad at myself when I was fat. CK003

    1. I took the same weight test and my results were similar. I believe it matters about the experience like yours that causes that. I got the same results that I prefer thin over fat; I believe i received these because I was bullied as a child for being overweight, even though I have lost weight since then I grew some sort of bias. -kitsune004

  19. I started my tests with the Age IAT. Going in I knew I had somewhat of a bias for younger people over older people, but according to my result, which was “Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Young people over Old people….” apparently it was more than I thought. I am having a very difficult time figuring out how it calculated this, as I was going through I felt like I did a very good job of answering each question very promptly and just clicking what I saw and miss clicked only twice. I feel like it based my result on the regular questions before the actual quick type questions. I still love you Grandma!

    Next I did the Weight IAT, this one I was very unsure of but my result was “Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Thin people over Fat people.” Looking at events in my life I suppose I would kind of agree, I am a very sport/exercise oriented person and a lot of my friends that are overweight may not enjoy such activities as much and because of that I end up not hanging out with them as much. -NOsaints

  20. The first test i took was on weight. My result was that i moderately prefer thin people to over weight people. my result doesn't surprise me too much. i have had an eating disorder in the past that i attended consoling for. My result would have probably been different months ago before i got help. This showed me my outlook really has been changed for the better and im more positive. The second test i took was carer-gender. The result i got was that men are connected to carer and woman are family. I do have this bias because of the was i was raised. my mother raised my siblings while my dad worked full time. I like the tests i took i thought they were really interesting. chi003

  21. I decided to take the Harvard test on old people VS. young people and my results suggested no automatic preference between old and young people. I am not sure if this test was right or not there are times when I see older people and think certain bias things to myself and even when I see some younger kids say driving in a car I think I am bias towards younger and older people when it comes to things such as that.
    GRUNT 003

  22. I took the old vs young people and the Roosevelt vs Obama and i dont know how they come up with the results but it said i bias towards old people which is probably true because lot of them are mean but im young and like being young so if i was old i would be bias towards young people.Then i took the Roosevelt vs Obama said i preferred Roosevelt which is true but said i preferred Obama over some other presidents whcich i dont really agree with but might be true reason im bias towards Obama probably becaue hes in generation since i been old enough to understand just never been a fan cowboys003

    1. I’ve taken the old vs young test before and my results came out the same as yours, that I preferred young as opposed to old people. It’s been months since I’ve taken it so I’m not sure how those results came about. This time around, I also took the presidents test. My results came out that I favored JFK over Obama. Gators003

  23. This was a good test to do. It really showed us how biased I am towards a certain group. This is really important in law enforcement because no matter what you will become biased towards a certain group or person. The two test I took was the age test and race test. My outcome for the age test was that I favor young people over old people. This kind of surprised me because a lot of times I feel old. However, now that I look at it I can see how I got the outcome I got mainly because a lot of the people I am around are younger people. The outcome I got for the race test was that I favor European Americans over African Americans. Even though I got this outcome does not mean I am a racist at no point in time. However, I can see why I got this outcome because I am European American and come from a European American family. Also a lot of people I am around are European Americans. This test really showed my biases but it depends on how you bend these biases and not let them over take your decision making is the important part. max003

  24. The tests I took first were the Racial Preference Test and the Weapons to Race Test. The bad news is, I had a strong automatic preference for white people over African Americans. This is probably because I grew up with at least 95% people of my own race, I'm also probably biased because I prefer to be with people who look like me. I'm not worried about what it found, I know from experience I have no aversion to colored people and have had multiple good friendships with people who were not white. Also, The good news Was I did not show any major bias regarding race when it came to weapons. This did not surprise me because I always found it equally likely to be attacked by a black man with a canon as a White person with a morning star. I expect the bias I had before to reduce on its own as I spend more time away from Morton and in either college or at my guard unit since I'll be exposing myself to more and more different people. CoolGuy003

    1. I completely agree with you, I also had a moderate preference for whites over african americans, and like you I have no problem with them, its just that I haven't grown up around a large number of them and I think that this bias will go away with more exposure to different races. JE003

  25. Through this test, I found out that apparently I preferred light skin tone over the dark skin tone. Due to my own personal skin tone is more or less in the middle, I've always believed that I would be neutral when it comes to this topic, instead of favoring one over another. I've never had a racist mentality, because I simply do not like or hate a individual because of their race. This test made me understand how my sub conscious feels, but despite that I would still carry on with the belief I've always had, though it was a interesting result. I also did the weight test, which my result shows I preferred thin over fat. This result was pretty weird, because I use to be pretty fat for my standard, being 5 feet 9 inches, I weighed about 200 pounds at one point. So if I were to take this test I would probably favor the fat people more, simply because I would better understand obesity more. Overall the test I would say is pretty fun and getting to better know my subconscious is a pretty interesting thing to do. JZ003

  26. The first "implicit bias" test I took was gender-science which often reveals a relative link between liberal arts and females and between science and males. As it suggests, my results were that I have a strong automatic association between males with science and females with liberal arts. However, I am skeptical because I feel like my answers didn't necessarily suggest what the results are saying. In my second test I took the sexuality IAT. The ability to distinguish words and symbols representing gay and straight people. In my result, the data suggests that I have a moderate automatic preference for straight people over gay people. I can understand how they got to that result, and apparently if you respond faster when straight and good are paired, and also gay and bad are paired, you prefer straight individuals. I understand their formula, but I don't necessarily think this has to do with anyone's personal opinion, but more of what society has taught us. No matter what our actual thoughts and beliefs are, many people have connections to "good" and "straight" but also "bad" and "gay" despite what they actually believe.

    1. I, too, took the gender-career test. However, yours and my results were totally different. Yours resulted in a strong connection between men and science whereas mine resulted in neutral feelings. I’ve also taken the sexuality test before and mine came out a little different than yours. I had a strong automatic preference for straight people over gay people. I was surprised by it because, even though I’m straight, I don’t believe that gay people are bad/wrong. Gators004

  27. I took two of these tests (presidents and gender-science). In the gender and science test, my results came out that I had a slight automatic association for male with science and female with liberal arts. I can see where I would believe this unintentionally because as a general rule, more women are in things such as music and art whereas men are more into engineering and math (obviously this isn’t always true, just generally speaking). For the presidents’ test, my results came out that I had a strong automatic preference for John F. Kennedy over Barack Obama. This kind of shocked me because I hardly got any of the questions wrong on it so I was expecting more of a neutral result, maybe a slight preference to JFK over Obama. This test has nothing to do with being racist; it’s strictly implicit bias, what we subconsciously think. Gators003

  28. The two tests I chose to take were the disability test and the gender-career test. In the disability test, I was a little surprised to see that I really do have a moderate automatic preference for abled persons over disabled persons. I went in thinking that I wouldn’t care one way or the other about whether or not a person is disabled. I like to think that I don’t treat them differently, but now that I’m thinking about it I believe I do. If someone is hard of hearing, they could be considered disabled. I speak louder and slower so they understand. I wouldn’t generally speak loudly and slowly. In the gender-career test, my results came out just as I suspected: little or no automatic association between female and male with career and family. I was raised by my mother and father (they are still married; one household unit with the same last name) and both of them worked growing up. I was fully expecting the results I got for this test. Gators004

  29. I took the sexuality and the skin-tone test. My results for the Sexuality test was I prefer straight people over gay people. I have close straight and gay friends, which I thought I considered them equal in my eyes. I'm not a homophobic and I do support same-sex relationships because I believe anyone has the right to love who they want in their life. For the skin-tone test, my results were I prefer light skinned people over dark skinned people, which it shocked me too because I have mixed relatives in my family and I grew up in the south part of Peoria, where there is diversity in the community and encountered other races besides mine. T'm not racist either, but I think I got this result because I do spend more time around individuals who are the same race as me even though I do have a few friends that are a different race than me. These two tests open my eyes and made me realize that I need to be aware of how I encounter with certain sexuality and races. I have a better outlook of how I should interact with different sexualities and races that way my biases won't get in the way of serving my community as a police officer and interacting with a diversity community. -RW003

  30. I enjoyed taking the tests. The first one I took was the "Skin-Tone" test. My results stated I preferred light-skin people over dark-skin people which I found to be a little funny cause most people I hang around are on the darker skin side, doesn't mean I have anything against light- skin people. The second test was the "Straight v. Gay". Results stated I preferred straight over gay, which was fine but I TOTALLY don't have anything against homosexuals. -tracker003

    1. I also took the skin tone test and I believe it was not accurate for me either. The order in which the categories were presented were bias. Light tones were good and dark were bad, then when it changed up, I had to concentrate not to hit the wrong keys. Didn't belive in this test.

    2. I also took the skin tone test and I believe it was not accurate for me either. The order in which the catergories were presented were bias. Light tones were good and dark were bad, the when it changed up, I had to concentrate more and not hit the wrong keys. Didn't believe in this test. myboys004

  31. I enjoyed taking the tests. The first one I took was the race test and I was surprised by me results. Apparently I have a preference to european whites over african Americans. I never knew I had this bias and it was interesting to find that out. My second test I took was the age test. At the conclusion of the test, i found out that I prefer young people over old people. This also surprised me, because I deal with both kinds of people at my job and I don't feel like I prefer one over the other. JE003

  32. These tests were a lot of fun to take. We were only assigned two but i took more after the first two. I chose weight and weapons to test on. My results showed that I prefer thinner people over overweight people, and I have no association with weapons among African Americans and white Americans. I was surprised by the weight test, I thought I never really thought of weight gain and stuff like that before, but it was interesting to read. I am not surprised by my results for the weapons. To me, the color shouldn't be what factors with the weapon, but the character of the person. rose001

    1. I agree with you because weight is something not to laugh at and weapons are very dangerous to use and they might hurt someone if you pull the trigger and shoot at them. golfer001

  33. The tests I took were age. The age told me that I prefer Young people over old people. I like young and old people equally. Even there is a big age difference they both can still have fun. My other test I took skin was skin tone. The test said I prefer light skin people over dark skin people. I still dearly love both races equally. They are still human even though they racially different Golfer001

    1. I also took the old people versus young people test. It says I had a slight preference for young people. I get very nervous around older people. I cannot relate to them. I also am super ADHD and have a bad habit of finishing people’s sentences for them because my brain doesn’t like to wait. So I get extremely nervous around older people because they deserve special respect. I believe it is a wonderful gift to love and care for elders that are bestowed upon some people. I greatly admire people who have this gift. BabyB004

  34. For the test you took that said that you prefer younger people you may spend more time with younger people so you find them easier to be around. For the light color skin tone test those people are who you may be used to seeing therefore you may see them as more normal bc that's where you have your common ground. Eagle001.

  35. The tests that I took had been the Weapons test, and the Presidential test. The weapons test showed that I associate strongly that Black American are more likely to have dangerous weapons, also that white American's are more likely to carry harmless weapons. I look at this as being formed around central Illinois where most of harmful crimes are committed it's in predominantly black narborhoods which is where I believe this idea was formed. Also for the Presdtal test that I prefer Barack Obama over Richard Nixon going into different history classes it seems that Richard had more issues dealing with character then Barack which is where this difference in opinion comes from. Eagle001.

  36. The two tests that i decided to take were race and weight preference. I was generally surprised at the results. For race, my results were that I prefer European Americans over African Americans. I believe this is so because throughout high school, i was surrounded by mostly white students versus black. It has nothing to do with my personal preferences; just my surroundings growing up. For weight preference, my results were that i prefer think people versus fat people. Within the past few years i've lost close to 65 pounds, meaning i was once on the overweight side. I found that surprising because i work with people doing physical training and i don't believe i would not prefer them, only want to help. One of the questions asked were whether or not we have control over our weight and I agree 110% percent with that! The overall results for the weight were 31% preferred thin people and 1% preferred fat people. In today's society i find that contradicting; we adore thin people but allow fat people to continue consuming fast food, not working out, and pushing them aside as if they aren't enough. It's sad. behappy001

    1. Congratulations on your weight loss! I too took all the tests and I had nearly the same results. It was said that I slightly prefer thin people over black people. I am around thin people all the time and when I come home I am around thicker people; I see how my family are and I do despise them slightly, and I always tell them if they want to lose weight then they can. All they have to do it try and keep with it, because they have control, it's all in their minds. That could be the reason why I prefer thin over thick. -Happy004

    2. I also believe we have control over our weight as well! People have the choice to get in shape or stay in shape. More and more people are growing overweight and obese now a days. Our country definitely supports a lot of overweight peoples habits and we need to find a way to help overweight people find better alternatives to fast food. Bike001

    3. I had a similar result when I took the Asian-European American test. It showed that I have a moderate preference for European American over Asian Americans. I also believe that this is because I grew up in a small town where practically everyone is white. These are certainly interesting tests to take and I plan on taking more to see what my results are in the other categories. EKT001

  37. I took all the tests! I found it to be very informative, but I choose two that I was mostly surprised with. The Skin Tone Test said I had moderate automatic preference to light skin people. I understand because I was raised by two Caucasian parents and that is what my instincts would turn too, but my man is dark skinned and my future child is going to be darker skinned as well. I’ve always been more attracted to darker skinned men. It’s interesting how I might not think I have a preference but obviously, subconsciously, I do. The test I found most shocking was the career test. My results were not automatic association between female and male. This is interesting for me because I grew up in a household where my father worked and my mom was a stay at home mother. I was around other moms who stayed at home. I actually never have been around women who worked full time. Even the people at my father’s work were mainly men. It’s funny because I cannot stand not working. I want to have a very successful rewarding career and believe men and women should have equal opportunities. So the test was right I don’t have a preference. I just assumed I would associate men with working rather than women. ~BabyB004

  38. The first test I took was the skin tone test. I was actually really surprised with my results, stating that I prefer light skin tones over dark skin tones. The only reason why I find that interesting now that I am older is because most of my friends have darker skin. I went to a primary and middle school with most black children but when I got to high school, it was a lot more diverse. My childhood best friend had lighter skin and in high school I met a lot of new people so Im not really sure how it says I prefer lighter skin over darker skin because I've been around it for so long and my best friends now are all black so I'm not quit sure where that result came from. I would have expected it to be somewhere in the middle. I also did the race test, dealing with science and liberal arts. It was said that I think more of science as a male profession and liberal arts as a female profession. I think that is accurate because I do kind of think of scientist, biologist, etc as something a man would be more interested in. And for females, arts and history seems more natural to us I think too. Kt002

    1. I think that these tests were pretty cool. My results were pretty spot on for my preferences. I'm guessing that is because I feel more comfortable around African Americans than Europeon Americans. So it would appear that these test's are based on comfort levels and what we are used to seeing. I have both white friends and black friends, but my dating history is mostly black men. I am just more attracted to black men always have been. Maybe thats because my dad is black I'm not sure. mommy001

  39. Taking a couple of the IAT didn’t impact me as I thought it would. I took the race IAT and the sexuality IAT. My results were that I preferred European Americans over African Americans. Another result was that I preferred heterosexuals over homosexuals. The tests didn’t impact me or made me realize anything new about myself because I know who I am and what I prefer. I know that I favor white people over black people, and straight over gay. I took a few other tests and all of them never change any point of my view. I may prefer something or someone over another, but that does not mean I am prejudice or will treat somebody less than what they are. I was simply raised to favor white and heteroseuals, and despise the blacks and gays. My family is very conservative and prejudice, even when they are a minority themselves being southeast asian, but what separates me from them is that I can look further than the labels and not abhor because of those labels. I absolutely judge, I believe that everybody does, but I believe it is how you act upon that judgement that shows who you are. -Happy004

    1. I appreciate that you are able to acknowledge your preferences and share that you were raised that way. I was raised in the same manner. My parents did not like African American people and their parents didn’t like African Americans either, and so on and so forth. Same goes for gay people. My parents and their parents before them all grew up with the belief that gay is wrong. Growing up I was not allowed to have African American friends and certainly not gay friends. Mind you, this was 30 years ago and my parents have mellowed quite a bit since I was little. Now that I have my own children, I am trying to teach them acceptance and equality, as much as I can. My daughter just went to her first homecoming dance yesterday. She and my son were sitting in the kitchen and I was telling my daughter all of the motherly things I needed to say, “make sure the boy is appropriate at all times”, “make sure you feel safe” and “you can call me anytime and I will always come you up”. My daughter turns to my son and asks, “was she this crazy with you when you went to homecoming?”. My son replied, “yes, but in a different way”. So much for gender equality. ~happilycurious004

  40. I took the IAT on race and sexuality. My IAT on race said I had a preference for African Americans over European Americans. I wasn't very surprised by that result. Although I am bi-racial mixed with both black and white, I have always identified more with my African American side. I prefer black men over white men. I don't dislike Europeon people, I am just slightly untrusting of Europeon people that I don't know. As far as my preference of dating black men exclusively, that is just what I am attracted to. As to my preference for heterosexuals over homosexuals, I feel that was bound to be the result since I am heterosexual. I do have a few male friends who are gay and that's not a problem for me. I am however, a bit uncomfortable with homosexual women, and I guess thats cause I don't want them to try to hit on me. I don't find homosexuality to be vulgar, everyone has a right to love who they love. I just really don't want to see public displays of affection especially two men kissing. Save that for the privacy of your own home. We all judge people, no matter what we say. But, I am able to treat fairly regardless of any bias I may feel. As long as I am treated with respect I will be respectful in return. I was raised to treat everyone equally so that's what I do. mommy001

    1. I wouldn't worry too much about any bias you may have towards anybody when it comes simply to preference. Everybody tends to prefer people who are more like them at first. As long as you're not openly hostile towards anyone simply because of race and you're capable of working with different people then whatever implicit bias you have shouldn't have a negative impact on your ability to work in this field. CoolGuy001

    2. The two tests that I took the results didn’t surprise me. Also most of the subjects I know that I have a bias in one or the other direction. In this case the first test was young vs. old people. According to the test I prefer young people over older people. I believe that the reason maybe that I am in the point in my life were I’m middle aged and I didn’t want to viewed as old man. The reality is younger people that I met greet me with, ‘Hi Sir or Yes Sir” which I acknowledge as a sign of my appearance and maturity.
      The second test was again expected preference for light skinned people over dark skinned people. I have observed this in many people in the Africa American communities. Friends, family and just people in general that I see in social settings. I have tried to put balance in how I view all people. I have dated women that were dark complected as I am and really liked them. Like most man we want the company of a beautiful women regardless of the complexion of their skin which taught me not to be shallow.


    3. I really enjoyed taking these tests and reading a lot of different results. Your results actually seem pretty accurate from what I have read. You're a biracial woman and you mentioned that you are more identified with your African American side and preferred black men and your results came to a preference for African Americans over European Americans. I clearly see why, it seems like you're more comfortable with that and its completely understandable because I kind of know where your coming from. Kt002

  41. I took the test on gender science and on Arab Muslims. I was surprised by the results from the test on bias against Arab Muslims, I found that the results said that I have a strong preference for people other than Arab Muslims. I don't think I have any disdain for Muslims, I've only really met one in person and he was an alright guy. It could be because of how heavily the media portrays all the bad stuff going on in the middle east and how most mass casualty attacks shown on the news are attached to an Arab sounding name. Even with the portrayal in the media, I was not expecting to have such a strong result. It could also just be because I went to fast and I was confused by the categories switching sides midway through the test.

    My results on the Gender Science test were much less surprising It showed I had a slight association of males to science and females to arts. This is probably because I have met more women who are interested in arts than science and more men who are interested in science than in arts. I don't think that arts are a girls only club or that science is for boys only, It's just that males just seem to be and historically were more prevalent in the sciences. Neither of my biases really worry me, I don't see myself intentionally avoiding Muslims or automatically assuming all women are just a bunch of feely artists. coolguy001

    1. I also took the Arab Muslim test and found out I have a strong bias against them. I know personally I don't I have met a couple Muslims in my classes and they are some of the nicest people I have met. Of course when we were growing up in the post 9/11 age they didn't get a good rap. Godzilla001

  42. The first test I took was the obese vs skinny test to see if I had a bias with the two. After taking the test I learned that I had no particular bias over the two. I have a theory on why this was the result. I grew up with an overweight father who was very busy with work and had no time to hit the gym. On the other hand my mother who was also busy with work had the convenience of being able to be a personal trainer as a job so her job was to literally stay in shape and help others get in shape. Having one parent be out of shape and one parent be in extremely good shape made me accepting of both obese people and extremely skinny people. The next test I took was the gender/ career test to see if i had a bias on gender roles and the careers involved. The results also being that i has no bias between the two. This also most likley was shaped by the fact that I had both a mom and a dad that were hard workers. This made it so i saw women working just as hard as men as socially acceptable. Bike001

    1. It good when there is little to no biasness in a subject like obese vs skinny or gender roles and careers. I think because you had both parents in the household that were in each category was really helpful in staying neutral. There are a lot of influences to help us shape the way that we feel about obese vs skinny but almost nothing to balance our viewpoints.

  43. The first test I took was the weapons test. This test tested to see if I had an association between weapons and harmless objects with blacks or whites. My results showed that I have little to no association with weapons and harmless objects and blacks or whites. Results form other peoples test show that 18% of people have little to no association, while most people associate weapons to black people, and very few people associate weapons with white people. The second test I took checked for an implicit bias to weight. My results show that I have a strong preference to thin people. The results from other peoples test show that most people do prefer thin people to fat people, and only about 15% have no preference. As much as 31% of the people tested have a strong preference to thin people. I thought these test were very interesting. I was little surprised by my result on the weight test but the results on the weapons test was what I expected. 7point62001

  44. I truly enjoyed taking these tests. I would like to think that I’m accepting of everyone and I try to treat everyone the same. The two tests I took were the Disability test and the Gender/Career test. I found that I have a moderate preference to abled persons over disabled persons. I understand the findings in some ways. At my place of business, we sometimes have people who are visually impaired come and talk to us about braille. I do find myself unsure how much to ask about their disability and how they read books, walk along the street, etc. The other test I took was the Gender/Career test. I found that I have a moderate association between male and career and female and family. This surprised me a little bit. I am one of three girls. My mom stayed home with us when we were little and my dad went to work. My parents taught us to be independent and not rely on anyone for our own financial stability. I really thought that this particular test would come back and say that I didn’t have a strong association between males and careers and females and family. I am going to have my children take these tests and see what biases they may have. ~happilycurious004

  45. These tests are designed to find something out about yourself that you may have been unaware. I took the Arab test and from that test it said I had a bias against Arabs. I personally don't have a problem with them I met a couple in my psychology class and sociology class and they are some of the nicest people I have ever met. of course college is the first time in my life I have ever met someone from the middle east. I grew up in the post 9/11 era so the people from the middle east didn't have a good reputation since then. I find these tests to be a fun and enjoyable. Godzilla001

  46. The second test that I took was the weight one. How on earth a fat guy like me got a result that said I was bias against fat people? I myself am a big guy and I personally think that bigger people are more fun to hangout with because we are funny and jolly. Santa was a fat guy and you cant find anyone that doesn't like him. Fat people make up some of the best comedians. Tests like these really make you think about what is really going on in your head. My brain says no fat but my body would beg to differ. Godzila001

    1. I see where youre coming from and i feel the exact same. big people are the best anyways!! RRM001

  47. i took the weapons test and the presidents test. i was somewhat surprised with the weapons it said i had a slight automatic association with white americans and harmless objects. i found that weird because whenever i see news about shootings or weaponry i assume white people for some reason. and the other test it said i had a moderate automatic preference for barack obama over FDR. i agree with this because barack is honestly the first president ive really paid attention to in my life and i thoroughly agree with his choices as POTUS. RRM001

  48. I took the race test and the sexuality tests. I found that I preferred eastern European to African american. I feel as if a major component to my results is where i grew up. Throughout grade school and high school, my classmates were majority eastern European therefore my friends were also eastern European. My second test I found out that I preferred heterosexual rather than homosexual. I believe that people have the right to do what they want and I dont see myself as being homophobic. I just prefer heterosexual over homosexual. Broncos001

  49. The two tests that I took were the Asian-European American and the Disability tests. I was not surprised by my results. I got moderately prefer European Americans to Asian Americans and moderately prefer able people to disabled people. I think I got these results because I was raised in a town that is pretty much entirely white, so not being exposed to people of different races has led me to have an implicit bias against them. I believe a similar thing about my results from the disability test. I feel like because no one in my circle of family or friends has ever had a disability that, since I have not been exposed to it, it has led to me having somewhat of an implicit bias against it. I found these tests very interesting and I think I will take some of the other ones and see what other results I get. EKT001

  50. I took the test relating to your preference of thin to fat people. I am a more thin set guy and find myself hanging around people with all sorts of different body shapes. After completing the test, my results showed that I prefer thinner over fatter people. I would have to agree with the results I was given, but with a few exceptions. For the most part, the test was right, but I feel that I don't care what somebody looks like when I talk to them. I also took the test to see how it measured my preference to ages. I personally would say I prefer people about my age. I feel this way because it is easier to relate to somebody close to your age as opposed to a child. These tests are interesting ad the fact that Harvard constructed them just makes them that much cooler. Bry001

    1. I got the same results as you when I took that test. I feel the same way you do when it comes to how people look when I talk to them. Everyone is human and have their own personalities. Everyone is so judgmental I think that everyone should just look around and see who the next person is before the judge.

  51. The test that I picked to take was the gender test and the weight test. Before I took the gender test I was not sure what I was getting into. I was a little confused about the test and how it was dealing with science and liberal arts and gender. So when I got the results back saying that the data I suggest a moderate automatic association for male with science and female with liberal arts I was wondering what does this really mean. I am taking from this that I think males are better a science and women are better at liberal arts. When doing the weight test I was wondering how this was going to come out because I don’t feel any type of way with any certain weight. People are the same no matter their size. My results came back saying my “preference for thin people over fat people.” When I think about it after I got my results is that looking around all of my friends are skinny my parents are a little bit bigger but they are not “fat” so I can see how I got those results because that’s not something I seen every day.

    1. I also found out that I prefer thin over fat. It does make sense though that when all the people around you are think you would automatically tend to think of thin people to be the norm. People around you can have a huge emphasis on biases.

    2. I did the same one and I was told that I had no preference over thin or fat. Ihonestly would have said hat I prefer thin more than fat. Its kind of weird to know that even though I thought that I had a preference, my mind said differently. Crazy!

    3. It seems like almost everyone that took the weight test got result of preferring thinner people over bigger people. It's interesting but not surprising. The media really pushes that ideal of being thin as being equal to healthy and happy. I think think the media for the most part is to blame for that bias. -Antoinette004

  52. Its amazing to think that your brain will automatically prefer a certain type of person without even knowing. I took the weight test and was surprised to find out that I strongly have a more preference for thin than fat. I thought that my results would come out fairly even, but apparently I prefer more thin people. I have friends that are all kinds of sizes and never really thought differently from then. Unconscious biases should really be discovered and dealt with so that people aren't treated differently.

  53. I found this assignment interesting. I can't say that I agree with the results. The first test I took was the skin tone one which said I favored light skinned people. Which was surprising to me since I am married to an African American man. I don't necessarily believe this test is reliable. The second test I took was the gender science which showed I held no association between gender and science. Which I don't. It makes no difference to me what gender you are. If you're good at science you just are. And,if you have a love for the liberal arts you just do. Anyone can excel in anything they put their minds to. ~peoriahighlionsfootball004

  54. I too took the gender science test. I feel like some of these tests don't necessarily give realistic results. mine came up that I have no association between gender and the sciences. This is how I feel but I know that sometimes I do tend to think that more men are in the sciences and more women are in the arts. ~peoriahighlionsfootball004

  55. i did the race one said that i dont prefer white or black which make sense because i dont really care wht u look like i just go off how people act and i did the fat and thin one said i like fat people over thin which dont make sense bacause im into fitness si i dont know how that is but i dont hate fat people just prefer thiner people cowboys003

    1. I get what your saying about not caring what you look like but going off how you act. But when a majority of the news anymore is black guys going to jail for shooting each other, you have to notice that. I have black and white friends. But I will be honest, I am most hesitant towards black people because of all the stuff that I see happening. And it's not the media making them look bad, these are people I know getting shoot and shooting people everyday. It's hard to not be a little hesitant when befriending a black guy being a female when you see everything that's happening just in our own city. It's sad.

  56. I took the race test. I must admit, I am surprised by my results: "Your data suggests a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African Americans." This comes as a surprise mostly because I am a black woman, and I am not sorry for being black. However, now that thought is provoked I can recall times that I have passed other black women in a store with a negative demeanor (seemingly for no reason), and I find myself reciprocating the attitude. Later, with regret, I ask why? If I am "so proud" then why not treat my people with more respect? My theory is that I, like many people, am a casualty of society's negative influence on race relations. Naturally we associate more with familiarity, but make no mistake, our racial problems are much deeper than that. I believe our racial disparities are far more intentional than unconscious. Segregation is no longer a law but it is still a choice that many people make. I also believe that our upbringing and specifically our education has shaped the perception of black people in such a negative way. From kindergarten up we are taught that most our this nations greatest accomplishments were achieved by white people. I feel that our education gave birth to our unconscious relation between the black race and intellectual inferiority. And now that I am conscious it has been very difficult to reverse these thought patterns. -kylegoldheart004

  57. I felt almost like this test was trying to trick you into thinking something that you didn't originally think. I did the weight teat. It had me continually clicking on the "fat" with negative words and then the "fat" again with all the positive words. It also gave me an insight I to what I really think. It was nice to know that eventhough I personally thought that I was more aligned with thin people (even though that may make me shallow, I'm honest.), I was told that I have no preference. Its nice to know that we can be truly accepting even though we think in a different manner. We may not know that we have a preference for one thing over another, but then you get information that you don't really have a preference.

    1. I agree that the method that the data was collected was a little "tricky". I don't know how accurately you can judge what someone really believes based on word association when you switch the meanings. It kinda of confuses your mind a bit. ToyaOconnor004

  58. I took the weight test and the race test. In the weight test it told me I preferred thin people over fat people. I think the reason is because I myself am a skinny girl, and in the past I suffered from an eatin disorder, so that probably had a huge impact on the way I took the test. For the race one, I preffered european americans over african americans. The reason for this is probably because I grew up having all white friends and asnt really exposed to the African american culture. Its not because Im racist, its just because of the culture I was surrounded by.-lilcakes004

  59. The two implicit bias tests that I took were the Arab-Muslim IAT test and the Sexuality IAT. I scored a slight automatic preference for other people compared to Arab-Muslims, and no automatic preference between straight and gay people. I would agree with the second test for sure. I don’t have any prejudice to same sex couples or any other member of the LGBTQ community. I do disagree with my Arab-Muslim IAT score though. I would definitely not think that I have any type of bias towards Muslim people at all. I have worked with quite a few Muslim Americans and they are literally some of the nicest people I have ever met. I definitely get angry when people make derogatory comments about Muslims because it just doesn’t pertain to every single person of that religion. People like to say that all Muslims are terrorists which is completely ridiculous. Yes, there are extremists who perform acts of terror under the name of the Koran. But there are plenty of people who do horrible things saying it is over the bible. We as a country have singled this religion out and have put on blinders. It is unfortunate that so many people hold such a negative connotation to such a large group, based on the actions of a limited number of individuals within that group.

    1. I was very surprised at my results as well. My results were that I have a slight preference for Arab Muslims. I do believe that evil comes in all colors, ethics, race and religions and I do also try to treat everyone equally and get to know the person before making a judgment on their character. I think the order in which the grouping is done may be a changing factor in your results I know by the 2nd or 3rd set I was much quicker with my response.

  60. So my first result was for the weight test, and my second was for weapons. Neither result surprised me. I am basically slightly more biased towards fat people than to thin people. And it isn't because I am judging them for being fat but when I see and overweight person I think of their health. I also don't agree with those models that are extremely overweight and Im not talking about regular plus size models. I just don't want my little girl seeing that thinking its ok to be that overweight, it just is so unhealthy. I know not everyone can control and there are medical issues but a lot of people can control it and I don't want my little girl growing up with health issues because she thinks its ok to eat anything she wants cause her weight doesn't matter because it very much does matter.
    My second test result said I strongly paired white people with harmless items and black people with weapons. I think that when I lived in the country I was more open to black people but since Ive lived in Peoria for so long and everyday Im seeing on the news another black guy arrested for shooting and killing someone. Now I do have black friends and they are super cool but for example one of my black friends who was super laid back and not violent at all, I didn't even know he owned a gun but he just got arrested for shooting and killing one person and injuring another. Now I have white friends but it seems they never get themselves in situations like that. The younger black crowd these days just doesn't care. They are shooting people over money, drugs, gangs, and who knows what else. With how much violence happens in Peoria alone its hard not to be biased towards a specific black crown. Now the older generation seems to not be in this mess. It's the kids that keep going around shooting each other and it really needs to stop.

    1. There are many thin people who are also unhealthy. No being extremely overweight is not healthy and being extremely underweight is not also. Teaching your daughter that WEIGHT matters could possibly create its own unhealthy habits.(Speaking from experience) What someone weighs does not determine someones health. One person who weighs 170 lbs could be healthy and another could suffer from type 2 diabetes. A person who weighs 280lbs could possibly be healthier than someone who weighs 102 lbs. Its not so much about the number as it is taking care of yourself. Eat healthy, exercise and take care of your body. Even doing them things does not ensure that you will be healthy. The most important thing to teach a individual(especially a young girl in this society) is to love themselves for who they are and if YOU don't like your body change it for youself. I appreciate your honesty in your response and I could imagine my results may have been the same.

    2. To that extent I agree. Weight does not always mean that you are overweight. Flip side being underweight does not mean that you are healthy. I also agree that the most important person that should care about weight is the individual. If you're not happy with yourself then change. But it's easier said than done. Now why is that? That question always eludes people. It's also not our place to shame anyone because of their body. If they accept and live the way that makes them happy why should I care. DAM004

    3. It is really sad to think kids are actually going out and committing crimes like that. All races have those messed up people though its not just one race. even in peoria. Its really what you're paying attention too. I like what you were saying about the weight though because im the same way i see it and its a heath thing i dont think they are bad people for being lazy but i just want to be like get yourself in shape you'll feel better about life. I think all sorts of modeling extreme sizes is wrong even the super skinny ones. It really does put out the wrong image for young girls.

  61. I found the test very interesting. The idea of that the correlations in key strokes based off the categories gives you the result was a little discouraging. I think that my results would have been different had the order been different. As I get the hang of it the better my key strokes would be thus possibly changing my results. I took the Arab/Muslim IAT first and the results were very surprising. It suggest that my data suggest a slight automatic preference for Arab Muslims compared to others. I don’t know if there is a slight automatic preference I kind of feel like it should have said a slight preference the other way. Not that I don’t like Arab Muslims. However, I am an individual who witnessed 9-11 at a time that I can clearly remember every detail of where I was on that day in history. I do try hard to see everyone as a person and maybe that is what pushed my results the way they came out. As for the second test I took the skin tone test. And the data suggest I have a preference for dark skinned people over light skinned. I would say this is probably accurate. As my son has darker skin tone. I feel like I don’t really have a preference but apparently I do and I can completely understand why. I went to a predominantly black school in the beginning and ended up in a high school that was very diverse maybe these things play a park as well. This test was overall very fascinating. I took some of the other test as well just for fun to see my results.

  62. taking these tests was weird to me. I know my bias towards most of these groups, but I decided to take the Age and Sexuality tests. First of all, I understand these tests are meant to see what group you associate with good and bad, but to me it felt like in the movies when they try to brainwash someone and they flash something on a screen followed by something bad so that you associate them. The test was confusing to take because of the key changes and I had to start saying the answers out loud (and I'm glad that I'm home alone, because I would hate for someone to walk in while I'm repeating "Gay. Gay. Gay. Bad. Straight," over and over again.) But my end results were neutral on both sexuality and age which means that I don't prefer heterosexual or homosexual people and old people or young people more than the other. This makes sense to me because I am heterosexual, but I have quite a few friends and family members who are gay or bisexual and I grew up spending a lot of time with my grandpa and his friends as well as spending time with my own friends. I'm honestly not entirely sure how accurate this test was for me, but my results I feel were spot on.
    Secor22 004

  63. The results of my bias were pretty normal to me. But taking the tests were awkward and felt too long and repetitive. I understand what the test made me do and that was to see if I look for black or white people first when I see a gun. My results were neutral but said I see weapons more to white people. I believe thats because I think of school shooters who are normally white. My second test said I prefer skinny people of thick people, and I think thats because I like fitness and I'm always around that group of people. Cubs001

    1. I agree the tests seemed repetitive and awkward. I didn't think the race test really figured out if you were biased or not. It was just confusing. Overall though, I still liked taking the tests. hawkshockey001

  64. I took the presidents test and it said I preferred Barack Obama over Thomas Jefferson. Which doesn't make sense to me. I don't hate Obama but this test seems like it measures hand eye coordination more than bias to me. I also took the sexuality test and it was neutral. But im not sure how good these tests are at measuring bias, but what do I know? they probably do more than I think.

  65. I found these tests to be very interesting. I did find the race test to be confusing. It said that I was more biased to whites than african americans but i thought the test was weird. by switching the sides of the labels i had to think more of which side was what. I don't think it had anything to do with the races. The other test I took was the sexuality test. My results showed that I was slightly more biased to straight people than gay people. Overall I thought that the tests were interesting though. hawkshockey001

  66. I was kind on the fence when it came to the test. I feel that it is not accurate. I understand that the test might show some of form of bias towards. If not, I would be a perfect person. Maybe I feel that way because I didn't want to hear the truth about myself. Sometimes it's hard to accept the truth about yourself. Besides that, I kind of understand why we need test like this in order to at least understand who we are. It makes us better people especially if we understand that it's a bias that we need to work on. DAM004

    1. I think these test can sometimes not be accurate. I was totally messing up the part where you use E and I keys! I also agree that sometimes the truth can be hard. We don't always want to accept the truth and we wont always get the results we want but all we can do is grow and learn. Ruetootie004

  67. The two tests that I took were skin tone and race. The first was skin tone and it told me that I prefer light skinned tones over dark skinned tones. I have two light skinned children and one dark skinned child. The dark skinned child is the middle child and the most respectful of all three. I can't agree with this test I don't love ant of my children any less. It first started out with light being good and dark being bad, then it changed up to dark being good and light being bad. I feel that after repeadly pushing the E key for good and I for bad, when it changed up on me I had to concentrate more. Why was the test set up to make light good to start off with and dark bad? Is this a set up for the outcome to preference light over dark? When I took the next test which was race, the findings were that I show little to no preference between European Americans and African Americans. This test sounds more accurate to me. This is something I'll have to think about more. myboys004

  68. I like these kind of test because it allows me to learn a little more about myself. I think these test also draw attention to bad qualities I hold that I wasn't aware of and therefore can try to turn those qualities from bad ones to good ones. I took the skin tone test first and it turned out about how I expected it too. According to the results I had a Slight preference to light skinned people over dark skinned people. I think I see equals when I compare myself to someone else. I like to get to know someone before I pass judgement. But I think that slight preference just comes naturally because of where I come from. I was raised in a small town where everything and everyone is pretty much the same. I also found out through these test that I have a strong preference for straight people over gay people. I found this a little surprising. I always feel like I see equals, But maybe I do. All I can do is take my results and learn from them. Now that i am aware I unconsciously prefer one over the other I can try to work on it and find ways to see straight and gays as equals. Ruetootie004

    1. ugh. I want so badly to think I am open minded and don't judge. But I also am intelligent enough to know that in our society that is very difficult to do. I did the skin tone test and lets just say I am happy I didn't STRONGLY prefer light skinned people over dark skin people due to the fact that my sons father is black and I am white. That would have been weird.

    2. I too enjoyed these kinds of test because it allows you to see something about yourself, you didn’t really notice about yourself and how you view thing’s. I also took the skin tone test, even though I view everyone as a human begin and not by their color, it is interesting how we all do have a skin tone we normally prefer without realizing we do. I think when it comes to nature and nurture, nurture defiantly has a big impact on the person we grow to be. – JustMe1989004

  69. I did the skin tone test and I so badly wanted to be equal but I ended up being moderate automatic preference for Light Skinned People over Dark Skinned People. Dang it. It try really hard to live life unbiased. But my naked eye goes a different way. That test was actually kind of cool. I think I am going to do more just because it was entertaining. I am not taking this test to seriously. On a sexual side I am more attracted to darker skinned people. But obviously in an all around aspect I prefer light skin of over dark skin. I am one to believe that in 50 or so years we will all be some form of “mixed” so we will all end up being around the same color. In a way this makes me sad. Just due to the fact that we will all sooner or later look alike. I like the different skin tones in America. It is what makes our country so different!

  70. I wasn’t honestly so shocked with not so much both of the results of the two test I had taken. Really with only one of them had took me by surprise when I read the results. The two test I had taken were on skin tone and gender careers. I wasn't so much surprised when I took the skin tone test and the results were I preferred dark skin tone people over lighter skin tone people, for most of the people in my life growing up and who I have had past relationship’s with were darker skin tone. I felt like that test was pretty accurate according to my past. But when I took the gender career test I thought to myself, surely I was going to look at Women being more associated with careers. I come from a home where my mother worked 3 jobs and held down everything at home, cooking dinner, house work, ect. While my father had little to do with anything. I, myself, am a single mother, raising my daughter on my own while working full time. So when this test came back to me as I associate males more with a career and a woman more associated with family I thought it was crazy at first. But then I stopped and thought about it and even though at first I was I always told myself women can make just much of a career for themselves as what a male could, it hit me. The backbone in 99.9% of families will most likely be a woman. Us as a women are nurtures. We are the ones that provide care to our family and raise our children with or without a male figure in the home. So when I look at the results this way it’s only natural I would have gotten the results I received on this test. -JustMe1989004

  71. I did the sexuality test and I have no preference between straight and gay people. Yes! That excites me. To each his/her own!!!

  72. I took the Weapons Association test and the Straight and Gay test. I was not shocked by my results. I did find the tests to be rather entertaining and I look forward to trying to find the time to take every one that they offer. My results for the Weapons association test showed that I have a slight preference that I associate weapons with African Americans. This didn't surprise me and I think that it is from the environment, family, town, and culture that I was raised in. My background is from a very small biased and prejudiced town. It is not as bad now as it was when I was growing up, but I have to admit in the years that I have lived here we have had one African American family. My family background, going back to the 1960's - 2000 my grandfather is a retired State Trooper, my dad and his two brothers were also police officers. I do think that the television portrays weapons and violence more with African Americans than with white people, but honestly I think they are pretty even. bdole004

  73. I took the weight test and skin-tone. I'm slightly over weight but I prefer thin people more than fat.I am not surprised since the media shows happy people as being thin instead of being over weight. Another reason I believe was that I was raised to believe being overweight is bad. My results for the skin-tone test is neutral. I am not completely surprised because the way school taught me not to judge by the color of someone's skin. A surprise is that my neighborhood was predominantly the same color as I so I thought that would maybe skew the way I subconsciously think. I also believe you should not judge people by something that they can not control like skin color. I enjoyed the test to see what I prefer, I do wish I knew how to judge if you prefer one over the other. Neither results completely shocked me the weight one did a little since I am over weight. -Kitsune004

    1. i agree! i took the same test as you and im plus size as well and prefer thinner people as well. Our society is so stuck on thinner people also in the media. Plus size just became popular, years ago it was bad to be plus size. I also agree with your skin tone part i just love this blog! Pure004

  74. These test were definitely interesting. The first test I took I had thought about what I prefer before I had the chance to take test. I guess it was spot on with the results. But I was the test about young or old people and which do I prefer and since I am younger I was strongly drawn to younger people. The second test was kind of a mystery, because I had not really thought about it. It was the test about fat or skinny people and which I prefer. The results came back as no preference. I’m not really surprised about these results seeing that I have friend of all body types.

  75. The two tests that I took were the weight test and the sexuality test. My results for the weight test were that I preferred thin people over heavy people, which I expected. I've struggled with my weight the majority of my life and for a time had an eating disorder, so I expected the outcome to be a preference towards thinner people. I think the media had a huge effect on the majority of women in America. It has warped the mindset of America into thinking the perfect female body type is a size 0, which is an unhealthy ideal for most. My results for the sexuality test were kind of interesting. I had no idea what the outcome would be going into it but it turns out I don't have preference towards straight or gay people. I'm a very open person so it wasn't surprising, but it was interesting to see. Overall I thought these tests were very interesting and I really enjoyed taking them. -Antoinette004

    1. I took the same test as well and the results for the weight test stated that I also prefer thin people over heavy people. I didn't expect that being that I am a heavier individual. Please don't get me wrong I'm not against thin women, I just don't wanna be like them. I also scored the same with the sexuality test, it stated that I too prefer straight over gay people, in turn I don't agree because i love all people, men women, gay or straight, I don't discriminate, I too am a very open person.~Mznurse004

  76. I chose to take the age and disabilities IAT tests. I chose these two because those are two areas in which I believed I was unbiased. I was surprised to find out based on these tests that I prefer young, able-bodied people. I'm not sure how accurate the results are. The method of collecting data seemed a little bit tricky. Even if I subconsciously feel this way I believe and hope that my outward actions and words do not reflect this. ToyaOconnor004

  77. I found these test interesting i love the outcome results i decided to take the skin tone and the body type test. In our society skin color is such an issue i see it alot on social media.Mostly young kids saying it and I am darker myself and alot of people in my age category think that light skin is better than dark which i love the saying " Black is Beautiful" that will always be my favorite saying. My results said i like light skinned better i was hoping it would say darker but hey i do prefer light skinned men anyway. i always said i wouldnt want to marry anyone dark weird huh? But we all all equal. For the body type i tested i to like skinny people that is also a big thing in our society i see people getting teased for their weight all the time. MY test said i like skinner and that is true i do i'm plus size myself but i'm not gonna settle for that im working towards getting healthy. size does not matter to me i love everyone my test just happened to say i prefer Skinner, these test are so interesting to me to really look at your outcomes! Pure004

  78. The two test I took were the race test and the sexuality one. I took the race one first and I scored that I prefer the European American more than an African American. What I actually thought was a little racist was how the set it up and you have to click E or I. They matched up good and bad words to the race and you had to click them as fast as you could. But I don’t think just because I messed up a couple times means I prefer one over the other. Im not a huge fan of people in general but a good person is a good person. I noticed what they were trying to do with that kind of testing and it may be accurate for some people but I don’t think it was for me. For the sexuality test I was kind of expecting something different. I am a straight male no questions asked but im not a guy guy bro bro whos trying to drink and get butt then talk about it ..sorry but it’s true for a lot of you fellas out there. I think women are beautiful (now some of you need to get your act together) but again for the most part I think a woman should be sacred almost. I also have had friends who are lesbians and I enjoy/enjoyed them a lot. This test was set up the same way though were it matched good and bad words with either gay or straight. It came out that I prefer straight people which in my eyes isn’t true. I don’t prefer one of the other. Whoever is going to be nice to me and not annoy me is fine. I hate plenty of straight people. The test kind of came out the way I expected but I do not agree with them.

  79. I found these very interesting. First I took the age one and found out that is actually prefer older people. To me, this was not really a surprise. My grandma goes everyday to drink coffee with a group of friends and I can talk for hours, but sometimes I find it harder to socialize with people my own age. The second test I took was the sexuality test. I found that surprisingly I have a slight preference for gat people over straight people. Odd, because I am straight but i have grown up having a best friend who is gay, and have gone to several events with him in the gay community. Though I don't understand how I like gay people over straight people, but I guess he more you know.. SCGC003

  80. The two test I took were very interesting but in the end I do not agree with the results. The first test I took was in regards to sexuality. The results stated that I prefer straight people over gay. Truth be told I love all people, gay or straight. I love women and men, I have no preference between gay or straight people. I do not rank one higher than the other and I do not judge in regards to ones choice. In all honesty, if I'm in a relationship with a male or a female as long as I'm being treated like I should be treated, all else is irrelevant. The second test I took was in regards to weight. The results stated I prefer thin people over heavier people. I do not agree with that. I am a heavier individual but my weight will not make or break me. I have had extra weight for many years, i have lost weight do to stress but gained it back full force. I consider myself to be a BBW (Big Beautiful Woman). When the time is right I will loose some weight but I do not want to be skinny. I love a woman with a little meat on her bones, I'm not trying to downgrade skinny woman but now a days big and beautiful is in. As long as BBW carry themselves in a certain manner including keeping hygiene up, everything else does not matter. At the end of the day, I do not discriminate against homosexuality, in regards to thin women I love you guys but I do not wanna walk in your shoes, I love me just how I am.~Mznurse004


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