Culture and Learning? We need to know more in order to accomplish more.

 There is no doubt a sense of community is essential and needed if the learning experience is to be enhanced in online instruction. My f2f has the benefit of ‘seeing’ me actively participate in the courseroom discussion. They have my physical presence of simply being there. They are able to gauge my reactions to subject matter and discussion even if my reactions are subtle. The online learner is at a disadvantage here. Their sense of community must be created and sustained by me.

This group does not have my physical presence nor can they instantaneously read my physical response to subject matter. This has to be transmitted to them in the courseroom. As a result I have to present and maintain a sense of presence during their online experience more so than in the f2f. This means I have to continually respond to learners, give feedback, social presence and initiate community learning more than the f2f class if I’m to succeed.
Now intertwine all this will culture. There is new group of learners in academia. The international online student. Here needs are to be met if the United States is to continue to attract this segment of learners.
The following brief article provide an insight.

A First-Person Explanation of Why Some International Students Are Silent in the U.S. Classroom
