An Idea for Communicating With Police Officers

What are your views on such an idea?


  1. If I am understanding exactly what this video is about, I think this may be a good way to allow police officers to communicate with the public by way of technology, but I'm not so sure if this will be very effective being that police officers are busy people, and the ones most involved with the community are in the community, and not at a computer. So many people will have something to say to and/or about an officer and eventually the channel will go unanswered to, due to the lack of time officers have.

  2. I think that it is important for police officers to be available to readily communicate with and open to feedback from the community. feedback is needed in order for them to know if the things they are doing to help the community is effective and that the citizen feel safe and secure. This suggestion would be good because it gives an informal and easy way to bridge this open communication, but in order for it to really be effective the police department would need to implement some sort of set aside "office hours" for the officers to respond to the feedback and make sure that it is being kept up and regulated.
    -lauren p. 123

  3. I respect this man's desire to communicate with the police, however I do not agree with his idea of how to go about it. Believing that a police officer will want to take time out of his day to comment on your facebook page posts is in my opinion a bit presumptuous. Furthermore, trying to rope a person in by saying "you should check this out if you like to think for yourself" is manipulative. However, if this man put the effort he wanted to put into making this web page into speaking to the police officers one on one either when he approaches them like in the scenario he created for giving them his card with the webpage on it or just trying to set up a meeting perhaps during office hours, he could get similar results. If he wanted to set up a webpage to make a change he should use it to encourage others to approach the police as well. It is important to many police forces to have a good relationship with the community they protect and serve and I fully believe that if people tried to seek out communication with them, they would be pleased with the results.

    Courtney F. 123

  4. I understand this guy's point of communicating with the police and believe in theory it is not a bad idea. In this day and age where people are using the internet and social media throughout the day, this type of channel for community and law enforcement to interact could pose to be efficient. However, there would have to be some parameters. The managerial police, such as the captains or commissioners would have to delegate someone or a group of people to monitor and contribute to such a platform. It could not work if it was just a one way communication where people are posting, writing comments without any responses and at the same token it has to worth the officers time. Because I'd rather have someone patrolling than in front of a computer. I know communication is key in any line of business or law enforcement and I could see this channel being so beneficial as it could be used as the foundation for a relationship between the people of the community and those who protect and serve it.

    Kelly F. 123

  5. Okay so yes, this idea is a good one..sort of. I don't think police officers would really have time to go and to post on a page to talk to the community and reply to others. By not allowing negative comments about the police, that would sort of defeat the purpose of expressing ideas to the police. Sure, if something really bad got posted it could be deleted by an administrator. Anyway, it should not be part of the officer's job description to maintain contact with the community on a platform. There could be one or two police officers that deal with the platform and maybe get feedback and ideas from other officers, but not every officer should have to participate in it. I think if the idea was changed to having a few officers with good communication skills control the webpage, then it could really work.

    Andrea F. 123

  6. I think there would be ups and downs to this idea. I feel like if there were to be a site or blog that police officers could respond to what people of the community had to say, it would have to be heavily policed itself because of negative comments. Otherwise, if police could find the time to get online and respond frequently to questions it would be a good way to respond to the community's problems. Time might be an issue for a lot of officers because they are busy, and if stupid and negative comments were filling up half of the page, officers just wouldn't have time for it. Maybe if someone was hired and a part of their specific duty was to tend to the page, then it would be more of a successful idea, but may be difficult for police officers on their daily routines to look at very often.

    Brady B. 123

  7. I think that the site/blog is a good idea but might not be practical. The site would be beneficial for focus groups on decision making. It would be an easy channel to use to get a lot of feedback from the community. It could also help people voice their true and honest opinions without revealing who they are, similar to the Modified Delphi Technique. However, there are a few down sides. First of all, police would have to the find the time to get on and respond to the questions or read the suggestions. This isn't realistic. The police are getting paid to patrol and keep our communities safe, not blog. Also we might see more of an increase on groupthink, and less brainstorming and problem solving, than anticipated.

    Mack. P 123

  8. I could see this idea working well in communicating with police officers to a point. With modern policing techniques, the vehicles the officer uses now in days have a computer right there with them. The problem that I could see arise out of this is one that the police will have a lack of time. Other than that there will always be negative people say comments to the officer's and who wants to read to something negative. There is a point that I disagree with this video is by why email or message an officer when they are out in the public and talk to them there. This would do the same thing I believe only the down side to this is if the officer's patrol in there car. Yet if this did work the best way to go with this is to hire someone to maintain this contact and not have the officers do this but have a to get a public relation's person.

    Kevin K. 123

  9. I believe that it is a good idea because not many people know much about policing or what police go through. I think it can create a better bond between people and police. There are many people out there who have a bad outlook on police officers because of the negative videos depicting police brutality. One thing I disagree on is that the videos posted should not "chosen carefully". Good and bad videos should be posted so that police can realize the effect they are having on people and why people distant themselves from the police.

    M. Parra 123

    1. That "chosen carefully" rocked me as well. So, they get to 'police' the information. There goes another right....

  10. I believe this is a pretty good idea. The use of technology to communicate with citizens of the community is a very good channel, especially with the more youthful generation of today. Having a youtube channel like this would do a great deal to help both the community and the police officers understand each other, and opens several opportunities for them to help each other out. However, I feel that even the more negative videos should be allowed to be posted on the channel. Police officers need to consider all types of feedback, good and bad. Having some type of criticism could help an officer become more aware of his or her actions and help him or her to begin reforming their ways that were previously seen as unsatisfactory. Overall, I feel this is a good idea to better the relationship between law enforcement and their community.

    M. McDonagh 123

    1. I think this is a very good idea to start a blog/channel where police men and woman all over can talk about their own personal experiences. Reading from a text book gives you a good idea what to expect in the police force, but hearing real people’s experiences or ideas will give people a better outlook on what to expect and it can help people do things differently that they have been doing in the past that hasn’t worked. Communication is one of the most important skills in life, so this can only better police men and woman. I disagree that negative comments will scare away other police officer; people have opinions and they may be negative or positive. You never know maybe a “negative” comment or disagreeing with another police person could actually be a good thing. Overall, this seems like a great way to promote effective communication in the policing system.


  11. This is an interesting idea about how enhance communication between police and the community however I don't think that youtube channeling would be the best way of going about it. From my point of view most people come on youtube to view videos that are shocking or entertaining. Perhaps people that take policing in a more serious manner would be drawn to this type of channel. In the problem with screening certain topics or comments from the channel might be a little problematic. Since people have so many different view points and attitudes toward certain subjects in policing there might always be come kind of disconnection. Not all people are open minded about new ideas and often times without meaning to strike out at those new ideas. This leads to conflicts and soon the channel might just be used for fighting and nothing else. I think a more personal approach might be better. The internet is useful at times but when it comes to policing actions speak louder than just viewing something on a screen. Certain types of feedback are important but where to draw the line on negative feedback could become more of problem than other "real" issues.

    -H. Carlson123

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. The channel/blog that the person describes in the video would be a relatively good and new idea. The aspect of this that stands out the most is how he wants to develop the good free thinking rationality of officers. There would be a legitimate way for both officers and citizens to share and develop ideas. What makes this particularity useful is the inherent negative perceptions many tend to have with officers. People tend to see them as automated, simply following orders or treating citizens inhumanely. Not that everyone shares that viewpoint but if a portion of the people that did, could see that most of those stereotypes are invalid and officers have a multitude of factors in their decision making - they might understand law enforcement and what it means to be an officer more.

    -D. Rosser 123

  14. I think that this is an excellent idea. It will have to be carefully executed though. I think that a channel used just for talking with the police is a great way for socieities to communicate their issues, likes, and dislikes with their police departments. However, like always, there will be some people who take it too far are make it a joke. If mature people use this channel for what is is meant to be used for, I believe that police departments could only benifit from it. I want to be a police officer myself and I can easily see how this is a great way to begin a communitiy policing program in every neighborhood. I also believe that it will give officers an outlet to show the citizens that they are not a bunch of bad guys and that they are out there to protect the safety of individuals. I also believe that this will allow officers to voice their own opinions (in a professional manner) about the issues that are affecting their beat. If police officers can alert a few individuals about recent crimes, ways they believe they can stop certian crimes, etc, there can be a huge benifit for all involved. Hopefully this will happen because I would love to see how it turns out!!

    - M. Sheerin 123

  15. This is a great idea to use to get police ideas across to a wide array of people. This would limit any communication problems that might arise if officers talk to people individually. Using the technology we have today will increase public safety and make every aware of anything that might be happening in a particular location and measures to make everyone safe. However, I feel like if the criminal is intelligent enough they will view this site or any sites related to it so they can get the scoop on new advancement in the law enforcement field. All in all I think this is a great idea to increase communication and understanding between the community and the police force.

    -D.Deluna 123

  16. I think the concept behind the idea would be pretty beneficial to both communities, and police departments. Individual police officers could add their own opinions to the site and answer any questions people ask. Also it could serve as a new source of information direct from departments instead of through the news channel. However how beneficial would this be overall? Obviously if this was set up by a civilian it shows they care but if there is lack of police department involvement in it, it could be reflected poorly on them.

  17. The idea of this channel sounds like a good idea, to have police officers be involved with the community through means of communication, after all communication and feedback are vital to a well developed organization, in this case the police agency. However, we must be realistic police officers don't have that kind of time in their hands, they are busy individuals. The only way to effectively take this idea into effect is to have a number of assigned police officers dedicated just to responding to the comments and concerns of these alert individuals. The channel would be ineffective if these individuals get no response. Also limiting the public to not mention any of the bad is not going to be as effective, in fact mentioning the bad builds a better sense of communication and gives feedback on what needs to be changed or improved.
    -A.Orozco 123

  18. What is nice about being in a small community is we have beat officers that come into businesses and chat to the public. By coming out and being approachable people are more likely to ask for help or give helpful comments to the officers. People are more likely to talk then put in writing comments to the police.

  19. I agree with the idea of getting the officers more involved with the community. This would work greatly because the Cayman Islands is such a small and not heavily populated Island. Communication is key, and with the public having a more hand on approach this can be very positive.

  20. I do agree with what this person is saying in this YouTube video, that there should be more communication between officers and citizens. The way the communication channel needs to be setup, Is in a simple way and not a lot of information so the officer do not get confused and loses interest in it. On the other hand I don’t agree with the video because police don’t have time to deal with the communication channel. The officers are very busy people and by approaching an officer to talk to them might work. The reason being is they are too busy dealing with their responsibilities to fully pay attention fully and understand what the person is saying to them. Also, when you approach a police officer outside on the street there is noises all around them and it would be hard for them to hear the citizen speaking. 123

  21. The idea this man has is a very solid idea, this could be very effective if planned correctly. This would give communities and towns the ability to police their own, by having the ability to closely interact with the departments and and get right down to the issues that matter to them most. Given, police officers do not have time to be checking websites and social networks, I feel the plan should be executed by interns or people of lower rank
    J. Brown123

  22. I dont blame that man in the youtube video when he said the police officers should communicate with the community more. They should have time to hear the feedback on the community to. when police gets more involved in the community the community feedback will be intresting and helpful to know whats working and helping with the community.


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