Your thoughts and views on this?


  1. Darrell

    i think that they public humiliated that men by calling all those police officers he wasn't resisting arrest all they needed was two or three people to handle one person he let them search him and they put him on the car and held him there and then call for more back up and search him again that isn't right

    1. there was not really equal representation and it wasn't really a diverse team

    2. and I would say that the camera man needed to keep the camera on the action

    3. I agree with this 100 percent, they shouldnt have stuck around so long at the scene. They just seemed to go way beyond what was needed

    4. i agree that the camera man needed to keep a steady hand, it was hard to see what was going on at certain times

    5. To add to what Drew said about the camera, because there was no sound and such a focus on the first offender I was not for certain what exactly the other guy was arrested for, I only assumed it was arguing with an officer or trying to interfere.

    6. What amadeus16 said. You can't really be certain on what he was arrested for, you can only assume. With assuming, you all know the saying about "assume." You make an ASS out of U and ME. Assuming isn't the best approach to take. - Wanless123

  2. From a first glance I see that there is at least one, possibly two African Americans working on that team which is good especially in the areas they are policing, but that is the only positive i see in this video. To me they seem to be alittle excessive on the force they are using, did you really need so much backup? We are in the community era of policing and this cannot look good to the community in that area. There is a bigger picture than just catching those breaking the law and preventing crime imo is that picture, no one who saw this happen will have anything good to say about that situation and will probably raise tensions in that area.

    1. forgot to put that they do need to continue to develope that team and get more minorties involved in that team because two is not enough

    2. i agree with that they need to develope their team more thats all the two people had it under control without the help

    3. Cool stuff. Representation is the key....

    4. I completely agree that it is good they had a few diverse officers. Although i do agree, I do believe they still need more people from different races and a few more women to make it more fair. I also agree that it was not necessary for them to be throwing the offender to the ground, to the car, back to the ground. It was very excessive, especially to one who seemed to not be fighting back. Thanks, Luke Stickelmaier123

    5. completely agree, a diverse group would allow for less complaints on racial profiling.

  3. With no sound, it loses some of the luster. I think they need to work on job assignments and suspect handling. It looked like there were about 4 different officers who were "handling" the suspect, which to me is way too many. Not sure why the suspect had to be put on hood of the car on his back to be searched, never saw that on an episode of Cops.

    On the movie, there was a comment about the team being all "white". I did notice that while at the precinct house, there were several "black" officers getting the briefing and leaving with them. I would suspect that they are the "undercover" officers who do not participate in the arrests, to preserve their covers. So, on one hand, I can understand the make up of the team with regards to that. I also agree that the arrest team needs to be more diverse, to hopefully deter some incidents. It's an old movie, so we can expect that the narcotics teams have better representation.


    1. Chris, excellent point about the undercovers.

  4. with no sound and at times bad camera work, it is hard to get a real clear picture of what is going on at times. From what i saw there was good and bad aspects of how the task force dealt with this situation.
    first the bad; they left the suspect on the ground way too long, which in turn gets him angry and violent, something a cop doesn't want when dealing with a suspect.another bad aspect is that there were probably 7 cops there to deal with 1 suspect, there are times when intimidation factor is a must and there are also times where you dont really need it, this was one of those times, it looked like the suspect was worried and scared, and obviously mad because of the fact that there were so many police officers there. I guess the only good thing to take away from this (although there wasnt much) was the fact that the task force was somewhat diverse. the make up of the force needs to reflect that of the community. the situation could have gone a lot better if there were fewer cops on the scene itself and that they treated the suspect with just a little respect, therefore the officers might get it in return.

    Drew 123

    1. soooo agree,and if they would of took jus a little less time...I mean they could of took some of that time and found a drug dealer with drugs on him/her....really? I bet tax payers dont agree with this either.

  5. i think they kinda took it too far and too long. They had the male on the ground too long.My main reason in searching him long probly would be for a weapon but drugs also. The police could of took him down town to search again,just made a big negative scene I guess tryin to use him for an example in front of others.

  6. First, I'd like to say with the first video we watched there were many problems with NYPD's narcotics team. The didn't have a diverse team or any women represented on their team. This just brings a sense of inequality. The team was with all white men arresting African Americans and also women. This causes those being arrested to feel discriminated against. In regards to this video, I believe that the representation was better than the first video shown. It looked as if there were a few more African American officers, but what about the women or other races? Also, the way they handled the offender was way too excessive. They threw him around like a rag doll when it looked as if he was complying. Also, the amount of officers present wasn't necessary to deal with this man. Thanks, Luke Stickelmaier123

    1. I agree with Luke, in that, the team should have had much more diverse team rather than only white males. Specially when there is a woman being arrested. A woman should arrest a woman because it will lower the chances of that woman being majorly aggressive towards the officer.

    2. I think luke has a point when he mentioned how they treat the suspect. there didnt seem to be any need to be that agresseive with him when it looked like he was doing what the officers says. It almost turns the criminals into victims. jakemiller-jacobmiller123

  7. I wish the video would have had sound to include what the New York's Police Department officers of what they were saying. One thing I think was wrong with this drug bust was that the man was an African-American man and every officer was white. To people watching or the arrested African-Ameriacn male, it somewhat looks as racist when there are no African-American maels on the narcotic team. Another flaw i noticed on the team was not only were they all white, but they were all male as well. There should be a woman just incase a woman gets involved in the case. I also think they kept the man in handcuffs for too long on the street. I feel like they should have taken him down to the station much quicker and swiftly. I also feel like it was not neccesary to have so many police officers surrounding one man. Feeling surrounded like that will make him angry which will make him aggressive as well.
    thanks Kyle Mooney123

  8. I thought this was a great example of how important it is that the police force in a certain area needs to reflect the community. Like in the video we watched in class it just didnt look right having half a dozen officers arresting so many people of different races. I also didnt understand why they need so many cops on one person. It almost makes the criminal look like the victim. Like what Dr. White said, even if the cops doing this arent racist, they might as well be, because of what the community around them sees. thanks jakemiler-jacobmiller123

  9. In the video in class, the officers had taken way too long to get someone off the scene and by doing that they caused arguments with the people watching. From this video it would appear that they had caused the same thing but with another arrest in the process. All that time spent by 6 guys arresting one drug user and a spectator could have A.Caused a riot, B.Caused a horrible car crash since their vehicles blocked off both lanes of traffic and C. could have been spent arresting other people who may have been committing worse offenses. I don't condone drug use at all but if the way you are approaching it as an officer could harm more innocent people than allowing the person to take the drug in the first place then there is a serious problem.

  10. I liked how the video was shot from some random person rather than shown on some TV channel, because it shows what is really going on and isn't made out to be something that it isn't like the mass media always does. However one thing I didn't like was that there was no sound, it made it less interesting and harder to completely understand without listening to what everyone is saying. from what it looked like, I felt that the police officers were putting a lot of unneeded force on the suspect. There were too many police officers to deal with just one person who was already put in hand cuffs, and the officers were all white males while the suspect was African American, which is both sexist and racist. I also believe that it was unnecessary to have him on the ground and held onto the car, if they already have him in hand cuffs and obviously have some reason to arrest him then they should send him straight to jail and dealt with there, not on the streets. All in all it was done very unprofessionally and very ineffectively.

    Aliya Mairza 123

  11. Everyone pretty much said it all. From this video to the video shown in class, the officers are too unorganized. Unlike the video shown in class, this video at least has SOME diversity, not much, but some. In this video, they needed to take the suspect away much sooner. Also, they had too many people (at least it seemed to me) for an already subdued suspect.
    What was discussed in class was that they needed to reflect their community, diversely. The main problem is that they do not do have that or at least it was not shown to us. This would prevent any reason for the community would blame racial profiling on the amount of arrests.

  12. Like Dustin said, everyone practically said everything. It has no sound, so you can anly ASS.U.ME that he was arrested for this or for that, you can't necessarily prove that he was arrested for anything. It might have been my computer, but from the looks of it, it wasn't. One of the many things I hate doing is making assumptions. I can predict that those officers were being racists or that the civilian can be the one acting up and talking back to an officer. Can't be for certain, though. - Wanless123


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