Profiting from Prisons

Prisons and Profit?


  1. There were not a lot of things that shocked me about this article on privatization of prisons. In our classes, there have been a lot of discussions over the topic. I’m not surprised that society is turning against privatization. It’s definitely a bad thing with churches will not support the privatization cause. It is clear that private prisons are out to make a profit in our money driven society and I can go both ways about it. The one reason I agree with private prisons is because they are taking the burden of supporting a prison from the state. I just read an article that discusses how Illinois’ state Governor Pat Quinn is closing several of our correction facilities; prisons and jails alike. It’s ridiculous, but our state does not have enough finances to keep supporting all our correctional facilities. And it’s all because of Get Tough on Crime and our supposable drug war. But in many instances, they are contracting states back into the prisons. The several reasons I refuse to agree with this topic begin with the use of money to run each private prison. Private prisons will use the bare minimum to turn a profit. Budge slashing includes cutting rehabilitative services, staffing the prison with ill experienced correctional officers, and in a way, encouraging violence to ensure that prisoners will come back. This causes more friction between the inmates and officers. The second thing I want to point out is that fact that immigrants are more likely to be stopped and arrested if they do not have proper clearance in the country. Yes, that sounds normal for the United States, but the private prisons are thriving off of this. “, private prison companies note that immigration detention is essential to their growth. Today, private prisons—including CCA, ICE’s largest contractor—hold about 50 percent of the 30,000 people detained for immigration offenses on a given day.” This is ridiculous and seems unnecessary to me. Prisons should be punitive and rehabilitative. Let the punishments fit the crime, help those who have been convicted of crime, and try to put him back into the community to be a productive citizen. Profiting from crime should not be the goal. Overall, I disagree with privatization of prisons.

    Alyssa DeVore123

    1. Ally, you hitting this on the head with the real deal. Ouch....that hurt.

  2. I agree Alyssa it can go both ways. The states can not afford to keep taking care of the offenders but if the private prisons do not help the offenders then you just have the offenders staying in longer or not coming out a better person.

  3. Thank you Cayman. It seems like the state and private prisons should make some critical decisions in the future. Why should private prisons profit off of deviant individuals and not provide the rehabilitation they need? And why are state run corrections not doing enough to curve the prison population? Because money is a huge factor and no one seems to have it. If you look at it from a different angle, there will always be a prison population. The world will never be without chaos and deviant behavior. Why should people be encouraged to re-offend when that person could be a productive citizen? There will be more offenders. Help those who could turn their lives around and make a business out of that.

  4. Prison privatization is profiting out of crime. I strongly disagree with what they are doing because instead of helping criminal rehabilitate and be part of society they are basically just incarcerating them to profit of of them. Its like a circle that will never stop, first they catch the criminals then send them to jail , they let them go, not doing anything to help them because they want them back in there to make a profit. I personally think that being hypocrite because every person in america including CCA and ICE stock owner do not like crime but yet they are making a profit of of it. Yes i know state prison can save money by sending inmates to private prisons however state funded studies found that private prisons keep only low cost inmates and send others back to state prison. Overall i disagree with private prisons and i think they are a bad business that makes no good for our society all they are doing is making money and not caring about anything else. If you see it through my point of view they are even putting us in danger by releasing criminals without attempt's to rehabilitate them expecting them to commit more crimes and who else will they commit crimes against but us!
    Aurelio Vera123

    1. i agree with Aurelio Vera, we are not incarcerating to rehabilitate we are incarcerating to profit the prisoners.

  5. WOW. Ally that was the perfect way sate what you think about private prisons. I strongly agree with you 100% you just left me speechless.

  6. This article brought up many interesting topics on private prisons. I think that the churches decision to drop out of funding the prison was the right thing to do seein as some of the prisoners are pretending to "find god" to get an early release or fake forgiveness. With prison populations rising and over 3,365 locally owned prisons in the United States, private institutions should not be an option for these inmates. These prisons are asking for to much money to fund and they should be shut down. If prisoners in private institutionsn are getting better healthcare than i am then i think there is to much money given to these inmates. The people who are committing these crimes shouldn't be separated in public in private, they should all recieve the same care and treatment. The way we are not rahibiltating these criminals is not helping them get ready for the real world again so why do we keep putting more and more money in to these institutions. I'm not saying we should just completely forget about theses inmates needs but they should not be getting close to what we get out here.

    Jacob Potts 123

    1. I totally agree with you jacob. these companies shouldn't be allowed to run these prisons. And, the prisoner's shouldn't be treated the way the are. i mean come's prison not the Merriott.

    2. I slept in some Marriott's that were like prisons....go figure

    3. Jacob is correct,in that,the church's desision to drop out was a great idea. People should not be able to get early release from lieing to the church with fake forgiveness. We should also put more money into the rehibiliation programs to make the criminals more civilized, not use them as money makers in prisons.

  7. I believe that the church made the correct choice when they voted to withdraw nearly 1 million in stocks from the two private prison companies. I personally don't like the idea of private prisons. I believe that using Immigrants as a waay to fund private prisons is wrong. They should be sent back over the border. The corporations CCA and GEo Groups are wrong to be doing what they are doing. they should be terminated. The men that are sent to live in these private prisons have more luxuries than the man that lives down on main street and he's not incarcerated. The whole point in locking the men up is to try to change their behavior so that they can live with the rest of the population without causing problems. private prisons are demanding outragous amount of money to fund these prisons, but they arent't using it like they should. Why is it that prisons can't be left up to the state and federal government to run, and not the local joe?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Brandy Cox 123

      Sorry forgot to put it at the end

    3. I agree with brandy that they shouldn't use immigrants to fund private prisons and also I dont think private prisons are a good idea. I dont get why people would want to make money on something that isnt working and the church was right by not helping. I found it interesting how you brought up how they are living better than someone on the street because that is true and if your in prison you shouldnt be living like that.

  8. I Agree with Brandy about how it was a smart move for the church to withdraw there one million dollars wroth of stock from two of the private prisons. I didn't know that after 9/11 that the government contracted the private prisons to hold immigrants that were being questioned. My personal feelings towards private prisons is that there should not be any. The government is willing to pay the private prisons a lot of money to keep people there and there not helping out there own federal, state or local prison systems. If they want to spend that kind of money why not give it to a government payed prison? Also the other sad thing with some private prison is that they get treated better than we do, the ones who are not in prison. If you get set to prison, you should be sent to the same one everyone else is going too, NO special treatment.

  9. I agree with the church when they agreed to not help with private prisons. It mentioned that people that are in private prisons aren't even getting any better so I don't know why people would even want to be part of something that isn't even working. If your going to make a profit at least have it be on something that is good. But feeling a stock isn't solving the problem you might be getting put of it but as it said in the article when you sell a stock someone else is buying it. It just keeps going around. It even said people that work in private prisons leave and it has more fights. That shows there is a problem and something needs to be.

    1. I agree with your view on how private prisons are not as efficient as a non private prison. I think that one of the main reasons inmates have more attacks on faculity members, inmate fighting, and higher escape numbers is due to how they feel as they have more power by how they are willing to pay for what prison they want to be incarcerated in.

  10. Its sad to see prisons now think of criminals as clients now instead rehabilitation for the people to enter society again. It's horrible to see because of todays economy that prisons are relying on prisnors to return to profit more and more money.Despite it is morally wrong,after the CCA & GEO saw the explosion of profits from all the people being incarcerated from getting tough on crime, it is still wrong. People should not be used in such way in order to profit a company. I do agree that the United Methodist Church was right to withdrawl from the $1million in stocks from people being incarcerated because they know it is morally wrong.It's also crazy to think how other companies are getting in on the action as well. I think it's very wrong for major companies such as wells fargo, a company many people look up to, is a company that is profiting off of prisons who are using the prisnors as profit makers. I have a feeling, despite the moral of what is happening, it will continue to take place and more companies with see that they will be able to profit off of it as well. There will always probably be prisons trying to profit off the inmates because everything is centered around our economy and money.

  11. I beleive as long as private prisons stay in working function, investors will always make money due to how criminals behind bars are willing to pay for what correctional faculity they want to be placed in. This is not the correct way to be dealing with criminals. I think the church organization did the right thing by withdrawing their money. Making a profit off of private prisons is simply a way for investors to get rich off of doing nothing. Buying as many possibble stocks from the market and selling them to make major revenue is simply wrong. Something needs to be done immeditely for these private prisons. The prisoners within the private prisons have shown to be worse than non profit prisons and this needs to change.

  12. I’m not really surprised at all that churches do not want to help out with private prisons. They are making a profit because they are not really doing anything to help rehabilitate the prisoners that come in and they are housing them at the bare minimum of money that it takes. I understand that these are criminals but they still deserve a chance to better themselves and be able to be a productive citizen. I personally feel that there should not be any private prisons because no one should be making money off of other people being incarcerated. If a prison is going to be run it should be ran correctly and under supervision of the state. The fact that they are able to hire guards that are inexperienced is wrong and should never occur. The reason that people are put into prison is because they did something wrong and need to be rehabilitated and if that is not occurring then the prison should be shut down.

  13. I believe that the church's decision to withdraw their stocks from the two private prisons was a great one. Private prisons are not rehabilitating their prisoners. In the article it said that private prisons has more assault on staff and more assault on other inmates than regular prison does. I feel that private prisons shouldn't exist if this type of things are happening. Prisons are suppose to help the prisoners, but in most cases thats not the case. Their concern is money. I believe that there's really something wrong with this system.

    1. Derrick, I agree with you that pulling stocks from the private prison was the right thing to do, and that privatization of prisons hurts the individual in it more. How would you feel if this was changed and the privatization of prisons went from making a profit to taking non violent criminals and drug offenders, rehabilitating them and offering them an education to enter back into society as a productive member? I think this approach would help our current situation tremendously.

      Keith E.123

  14. I think that is was a very wise decision for the church to withdraw their stocks, and I believe that anybody else supporting these private prisons financially should do the same as well. The fact that these private prisons have so much crap going on with all the assault on staff members and inmates, as well as bringing in people to work there who have no experience in these professions is very supid. Rehabilitation is one of the most effective ways to deal with criminals, as well as proper housing and with out that there is just going to be pure chaos. The fact that these facilities are even allowed to exist is just completely ridiculous and very ignorant and selfish on the part of those involved or in support of it.

    Aliya Mairza 123

  15. It very interesting to read about how companies are trying to privatize prisons and make a profit by seeking investors, it surprised me with some of the companies that invested in such prisons and how much they spent. I do not believe in private prisons after what I just got done reading, I believe they are making the offender worse then sending him to a state or federal run prison. I am glad there are such interest groups to spread the word about these types of prisons because it seems in the 1990s people have been uneducated about what they really do and how they are ran. I do believe that I would support the privatization of prisons if they decided to set up a rehabilitation type setting instead of a prison. If private companies opened prisons where they took mostly non violent offenders and drug offenders and offered them the rehabilitation and gave them education to be able to go back into society I think it would help the current situation we are in tremendously.

    Keith E.123

  16. Getting money in return for number of people incarcerated? i dont know if profiting from prisons would be a good thing in any situation. im glad the church withdrew their stocks from the prison companies. The idea of private prisons just seems corrupted to me. i guess the only way prisons could anyway profit from incarcerating people would be from the fruits of the prisoners labor, (just like a job, prisoners could earn an hourly wage for their work) and i dont mean hard labor, i mean teaching them valuable skills that they could apply to life outside prisons, welding, computer skills, public speaking, anything that a prisoner would want to learn in order to benefit himself when he his released. because the purpose of incarceration in my mind is the same as rehabilitation. and what is better for a prisoner to work for HIS own money when he gets out and help create a job routine. in nearly every documentary ive seen about prison, the first thing usually out of a prisoners mouth is i cant wait to get out of here and get a good job so i can provide for myself and my family.

    1. you are so right drew. I like the fruits of the PRISONS LABOR. With the inmates working for .10 an hour,getting out and get a min wage job is like hitting the lottery. luelabell 123

  17. I agree...there is a Wellsfargo in every city.Its a shame a prison would promise to keep their prison 90% full at all times.WOW.But i feel as long as there is private prisons there would be alot of people trying to invest.It is a really good thing churchs backed down because men/women go to jail most of the time going to church but once they get released they kinda like forget all about church. luelabell 123


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