Retired NYPD Officer Frank Serpico: American Drug War is A Lie, Just Like 9/11! 1/3


  1. I thought it was interesting how he went on this talk show to give some insight to his life and he ended up going public with information that was shocking to some people. He gave insight to how corrupt some of the police force in New York was. He also noted how rudy julioni's top man took evidence on ground zero has sovenoirs. He came out against police corruption, the government,and the UN.

  2. Its no longer shocking to hear of corruption in any type of field. its sad but corruption is everywhere and has to be dealt with especially in the police force ranks where its the ones who have sworn to protect the citizens they work for. I'm not going to jump and believe everything Frank Serpico says but if these allegations are true then they need to be dealt with.

    1. Knoblauch123
      I have to agree with you about the allegations. This definitely needs to be investigated further if in fact he does speak the truth or even if its not. Obviously as a retired detective he saw some stuff that made him believe the was he does

    2. I completely agree with Wade89. It really is sad that corruption is still going on after all the years the police have been corrupt. Its just like the times when police were corrupt and being paid off. I also agree people shouldn't jump to conclusions and think all the allegations were in fact true. There should be an investigation or looked into better.

    3. I would definitely have to agree with your comment Wade89

      Aliya Mairza 123

    4. I agree with you. It's horrific to view the corruption, especially in your own country. I wish that there's a way to stop it, however there just isn't. You might be able to stop some of the corruption around your neighborhood or town, but you can't stop it in the whole world. It's just gotten to that point to where if you think top stopped it, it's still somewhere else. - Wanless123

  3. Knoblauch123
    He is certainly opinionated about how corrupt the police department is in New York. He talked about his experiences as a detective and I found that to be interesting but how much of it can you believe. He speaks about a man helping with cleanup after 9/11 taking things from ground zero like it was a crime. Although it could technically be, I read not long ago that many involved in the cleanup were taking pieces such as bolts and some even collecting small pieces of metal. Not necessarily as a souvenirs but more of a sign that we will never forget.

    1. I agree that you have to take in everything that Frank said and decide what you want to believe or not. I believe his point about the "souvenirs" was just that the people he spoke of taking "souvenirs" were not the most likely to cherish a bolt from 9/11 as a memory to not forget. Yet again that is up to individuals to critically think about and form individual opinions.

  4. I am not sure why the title says that the drug war and 9/11 are a lie. All that Mr. Serpico says is that the drug war is like prohibition, and that police used to shake down drug dealers and the police chiefs were in on it. He also implied that the mayor of NY during the 9/11 attacks was corrupt and has coworkers that are corrupt as well. While it is interesting, and he may be right, he does not present any evidence of these theories. I am not sure what good he hopes to do, unless someone will launch an investigation into the things he mentions.

    1. I agree with your statements, in that, he does provide good information that may be right, but I also think he should have more evidence and reasoning behind his theories as well.

  5. I believe Frank Surpeco's points on 9/11, corruption with police, and other officials were very interesting. Frank talked about all the corruption that was on the New York force when he first joined. Him discussing the corruption going on in New York shows that it wasn't just old policing that had corruption going on but even lately there is still problems. Also, his talk on Julioni in his corruptness as mayor and with building 7 raises questions too. Also, like police corruptness, it raises questions about political corruptness as well which we had many years ago.He didn't show much evidence though which means it's not all necessarily true. I believe his points were interesting but may not have been accurate. All in all it was very informational. Thanks, Luke Stickelmaier123

  6. Frank Surpeco touches on some very interesting subjects. The conversation began with questions about police corruption, and like everything else there is corruption in every police department. Frank really wanted to drive the point home on how much control the rich have over politics in America. Frank began his police career in New York watching other officers shake down drug dealers and even everyday citizens. From there he was on the inside and very informed on the events following 9/11, including the clean up and investigation. As he stated, "America could be the safest country in the world." That comment in combination with the Motorola radios shows that he has great skepticism about 9/11. Overall his main driving point is the massive amount of corruption there is not only within local police, but within federal law enforcement, and our U.S. government. Overall Frank was very interesting and I would be interested to hear his opinion on other current events.

  7. I thought this clip was very interesting and I liked how open Frank Surpeco was with speaking up about different forms of corruption. he certainly is a very outspoken and opinionated man, which when discussing legitimate problems can be a good thing for us all. people need to be aware of the corruption that goes on in the world especially when discussing war on drugs considering that its one of the biggest reasons for the prison population. police officers are supposed to be peace makers not create more problems, and if more people know more about whats going on and how to handle situation like this then there would be major improvements.

    Aliya Mairza 123

  8. He surely has his own mind when it comes to things like this. The whole thing about corruption with 9/11 is very interesting and I can see where he's coming from; however, like Tonia said, he doesn't have much, if any, evidence to backup his theories. Although it could be true, he can't prove it without substantial evidence. - Wanless123

    1. I totally agree with what you are saying, he seems to approach the interview as more of a conspiracy theorist than a former cop.

  9. Serpico seems to be implying that the more authority one has, the more reckless they become. I certainly agree that power and it's benefits can have serious consequences, but there is corruption on every level of authority in the Criminal Justice system, not just our government and not just at the top of the police department. If you are an officer, you have authority over the public. I can see this is a major struggle for the officers who do want to see a positive change, who want to believe what they are doing is effectively helping society, that yes they are limited by those on top but are more importantly able to be influenced by those alongside them.

  10. I think that Serpico is just bringing this information forward to make people aware that there is corruption in this feild and there is corruption as the ranks go up because they believe they can get away with it because of the position they hold . Serpico did jump around speaking about alot of different subjects all in this interview and maybe this all should be checked into to see how much truth there is in all off this . but it was a interesting interview .

  11. I am very suprised to see a man like Frank Serpico come onto a public televison show to share the true facts about how the New York police force wants was. Serpico shares how the NYPD was actually pretty corrupt when he first entered the force. He even explains how it was corrupt when he first joined the force to when it is still corrupt in some ways today as well. Some of his opions, I can see to be factual. Such as, how the war on drugs is exactly like prohibition. Frank then states how today, after the attack on 9/11, the mayor is corrupt as well. I think Frank does an excellent job in sharing to the public of corrupt things that have been going on for years and probably will be for years to come.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. While I certainly have no evidence-based reasons to doubt Serpico, I still have to question just how much of his story is pure truth. The host seemed to verify several of Serpico's points along the way, lending him merit, but perhaps if he directed viewers to a place they could see the facts themselves from other sources it would be better. Hearing this from other sources would help to establish credibility, opposed to one individual's viewpoint.

    That being said, I could sadly wholly believe every word he said because people in power seem to inevitably abuse it.

    Also, did anyone else think that the host sounded a lot like Chris Berman?

  14. I felt that Serpico made a few valid points through his speech but he could have presented more evidence to back himself up. He talks a lot about how the NYPD was actually pretty corrupt when he first entered the force, and how some police are still corrupt. I also thought it was interesting how these two men were comparing the war on drugs to prohibition, in many ways I would have to agree with them.

  15. i love the way the retired officer came public and shared alot of thoughts he had.He put the officer that was with him when he got shot on blast because it needed to be heard. you gotta be a team no matter what.He is a very lucky man every which way.



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