Eye To Eye: The Seligmanns On The Duke Case (CBS News)


  1. i think this boy perants took it to far like yea it is a serious thing but if he didnt get convicted for it that dont give them the right to say she a bad mom a child needs his or her mom. not any foster perant or anything but if it didnt happen i bet he knew something bout it if it did happen though but i feel that blameing one side of the party instead of faceing the fact that thier son was doin thing that he wasnt post to be doin at that time and he had his head in the books this would of never happen to him that tells you what parting do to you

    1. They didn't take it too far. They didn't take it far enough. As they said, and with the evidence at hand, the charges should have never been brought on by the DA. There was overwhelming evidence that their son wasn't at the "party" at the time the woman falsely accused him of being there. And the DA KNEW that from the time line and the witness statements. This was a case of a DA trying to get re-elected and using this case to get the African American vote in Durham. That was even brought out in the findings by the Attorney General of N.C. in his investigation. These parents were very reserved and controlled. If this were the other way around, what would the other parents act like on national TV? And the comment about the child needs his or her mom, not in all cases. There are people who don't need to be parents. And in this case, a woman with drug addiction and past felony convictions, and now perjury. That's not a mom that needs to be raising children. They can be raised by better parents. Just because you can have children, doesn't mean you should get to keep them if you have drug problems and mental problems. Take the kids out of the negative environment and put in a positive environment for their best interest and chance to succeed in life.

      Chris H123

    2. i think that this was a serious case and i don't think they will be doing it again

  2. I think that State's Attorney should be criminally tried and hopefully convicted. Just losing his job and being disbarred is not enough. The woman who falsely accused the players should be criminally tried and hopefully convicted. It is a crime to give false testimony in every state in the US. I am very displeased that the detectives in this case did not speak out when the DA brought the grand jury indictments on the three innocent players. They should have had the intestinal fortitude to step up and tell the Attorney General or the judge that there was no evidence and that the woman was lying.
    Chris H123

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I also think that charges should be brought against the DA. To wrongfully accuse three young adults is one thing. To hold over whelming evidence back that should be presented to the court is a complete criminal act. I believe that race and politics had a role in this case as well in regards to the prosection. I think that Three white teens and young adults coming from a weathly family being accused of raping a mental black stripper more or less fanned the flames of this case, so everybody wanted to hear that these guys were guilty before they even looked into the case. I believe the DA took advantage of the circumstances of the case and saw it as an opportunity to make a name for himself and improve his conviction rating.

    1. I agree with your statement on how the DA should be convicted. What he did was very wrong. He knew the kids were innocent but kept pushing on the case for his political election, power, and money. What he did was not right and could have got the innocent boys put in prison. Lukestickelmaier123

  5. I think that the judge should have criminal charges brought against him for the wrongful incarceration of these three boys. To me he seems like an egotistical guy who wants everyone to like him and to make his career better by the feeding off of the public. I don't understand why the judge would ignore the evidence when it clearly proves that these three boys were innocent. Emily Hammerl123

  6. I think that this whole case was out of hand. Many people were at fault. I believe that the woman should be criminally charged for lying for giving misleading information. She was trying to get out of her problems and tried to get these innocent men convicted. The DA also should have criminal charges against him for wrongfully accusing these 3 guys for rape. He kept drawing on and on on this case when he knew the information was fake. He would not stop until he could convict these boys. He did this to put the woman on top and help him in his political election and to make more money just as the father said. This case was all wrong in many ways.The things the DA did and how the case went just makes the Criminal Justice system look bad. LukeStickelmaier123

  7. It continues to amaze how people like the DA in this case come to power. He was clearly trying to better his career at the expense of these three boys. I remember how the media covered this case, and i think the coverage might have gotten out of hand, similar to what Luke said in the previous comment. this might have have made a big influence on the decision made. the outright refusal to look at the evidence that clearly proved that the players were innocent, and decide to ruin the lives of three individuals is a criminal act in itself.

  8. My first thought that came to mind watching this was how many innocent people are really behind bars? 45 witnesses? That is far more than enough. In my opinion I believe at times we assume people are innocent when someone is arrested but this case hopefully made everyone open there eyes to what could be happening right before us. This DA needs to be prison, these three young men are all trying to be better citizens by getting a degree and then something like this happens to them which could have ruined there lives.

  9. i definitely think that the boys got lucky and that theywont be doing it again

  10. This case obviously consists of a lot of twisted lies. The woman appeared to be using these lies and the conviction against these innocent men as an escape from her own issues, and for this she herself should be charged for providing false/untruthful information. Not only should she be charged but the DA as well for leading on this case using nothing but lies. It seems that the main goal was to help this woman out in order to benefit himself with his election. This case is one of many that obviously ruin the reputation of our criminal justice system, and should be used as a lesson to learn from and prevent from happening in the future.

    Aliya Mairza123


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