Attorney general: Mississippi may order nationwide manhunt. Mississippi and Prisoner Pardons?

Mississippi Pardons


  1. Governor Barbourn must of had a really really good reason to grant pardon to these criminals. Personally i think he was wrong and i do not know what he was thinking. We are talking about murderers, this is no joke. One of the guys killed his own wife while she was holding their baby. That is cold blooded and he decided to pardon him. this is just plain wrong he is putting everybody in danger by putting this criminal back in the streets like he didn't do nothing. If he killed once he might do it again. im am not saying he will but there is a possibility of this happening. Honestly i thing Mississippi governor did a very big mistake i just hope he gives the public a very reasonable and great reason for his acts. Its like he just slapping the murdered in the hand and telling him not to do it again and expect for him to listen. Unbelievable is the word to describe this. Thanks Aurelio Vera123

    1. I most definitely agree with you. He made a mistake, and he needs to explain himself. Those men were meant to be locked up, and they should stay that way. If these men killed once, they will do it again. It's in there blood, basically that is there lifestyle. So, I 100% believe that he was wrong and should be held accountable for it.

      Brandy Cox 123

    2. I agree with you that he was wrong to give these killers a chance at a good free life, when they in fact took those chances from the people they killed. The govenor is totally forgetting the rights of the victims and their families, how would he feel if his daughter was killed.

  2. I think that Governor Barbour made a huge mistake pardoning those men. They are reckless and can't he trusted. They are a threat to society and should be locked up. Barbour has a lot of explaining to do. When he pardoned these men, did he realize what they where locked up for? They killed more than once, what makes him believe they won't do it again? The bottom line is that Barbour needs to be held accountable for his actions. I believe that there pardons should be revoke. They all should have to report back to court and have to finish out there sentence.

    Brandy Cox 123

    1. I agree with your comment.

      Aliya Mairza 123

    2. Yes I agree with you. It was definitely reckless and that he should be held accountable. But if he didn't offer an explanation the first place, do you believe there were hidden dark intentions?

    3. Luckily in the Cayman Islands only the govenor and the parole board can make a decision like this and it is very unlikely that they would pardon a murderer.

    4. No doubt about this one. They are on serious lock-down until all processes are exhausted.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think that Governor Barbour is a criminal himself for endangering the lives of several people by releasing those prisoners. If he believes that allowing rapists, burglars, murderers and so on roaming freely into society is a good idea to any extent makes him one of the biggest idiots to ever be left in charge. It shocks me that stuff like that still even exists within the United States, Its people like him that make me want to follow a career in criminal justice so that something can be done about situations like that or better yet prevented from happening at all for that matter. I don't care who that man is, nobody should have a right to make such a decision if it causes that much danger. these criminals can easily spread out and cause even more damage to the lives of other people as well as the ones that they've already screwed up. I hope that all these criminals are put back in prison before they can recommit any crime and that Barbour gets sent to prison with them where he can deal with them face to face and understand how truly dangerous they are.

    Aliya Mairza 123

    1. Indeed - some no doubt are calling him a criminal. Check CNN!

  5. It is quite a sad thing when something of this magnitude does not surprise me in the least. Our political system allows morons and buffoons into our offices of power—not matter what state; it is all basically the same everywhere. Honestly, we need a tighter nit system that should weed out people that cannot comprehend the ability to critically think. I think Haley Barbour is one of our modern Neanderthals and the masses of the United States need to ensure that he is held responsible. Why would anyone use their discretion to put people in harm’s way especially if it is life or death situations? I think we should demand an explanation for such an atrocity. This does not make him any better than an indirect murderer himself. If the state of Mississippi cannot track down the five released murderers soon and someone is injured or even kills, that Haley Barbour should be charged (at the minimal) with manslaughter or murder. He deserves punishment for being reckless and going pardon-happy. How can our country expect to survive when you put these people in office? Seriously? It ticks me off when I see this crap happening and I am not surprised! I hope that they can catch those men before anything happens!

    Alyssa DeVore/Rohman123

  6. I agree with Ally, having these convicted murderers out is putting not only the victem's family, but also putting the whole society in harms way. Haley has broken the law and should be punished. It makes me sick to my stomach that someone will abuse power like that. But lik she said it's not only this guy who's done it, it's happening everywhere. Like Governer Schwarzenegger in California, so many things came out about the corrupt things he was doing, one of the things that sticks out to me thats similar to this is when he reduced the sentence of one of his close friends son who was in prison. I think people should wake up and quit putting guys into power who think that they can do anything.

    1. your right Derrick, its a shame that people like this get put into power.

  7. I want to know what was going through Barbour's head when he pardoned all of those prisoners. I like the comparison to Boss Hog in the dukes of hazzard, because the governors actions mirrors that of the greedy mayor of hazzard county. it may seem like a joke but the sad reality is true. the governor thought he was above the law and that he could make it, just like boss hog did in the tv show. what puzzles me though is that the governor didn't know that its his job to INTERPRET the constitution, and not make up idiotic laws to get around it, its people like this that is corrupting our American government, and its our job as United States citizens to change it.

    Drew Dial 123


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