Trayvon Martin 911 Call [SHOCKING] Murder Caught on Tape | Killed By George Zimmerman #7


  1. Jonathon (CRJ 112) I can't imagine being on the phone with the woman as a 911 operator. He had really good composure, something I'd imagine only comes from experience. You can train and train and train, but when it comes down to it there's no way to truly train for something like this. The lady had every reason to be in a panic, although she seemed to handle herself fairly well considering the circumstances. I think they both did well in controlling her emotions and help keep her calm.

  2. From the film, we realize that the woman on the phone have just witness a murder and is in shock while speaking to the 911 operator as he tries to calm the eye witness down. We hear from the eye witness that she saw the guys wrestling and have heard screaming of the man saying "help me, help me.." and then a shot. This is obviously a cold blooded murder and not a self defense act.

    1. i think he shouldn't have been able to use the justification of self defense in this situation because he was ordered not to approach but he did any way

  3. The whole situation is absolutely crazy. It could be argued that the young boy could have stopped to explain what he was doing, but in reality how many of us would explain why we are in our own neighborhood? This is a great example of the dangers of open carry. As for the self-appointed neighborhood watch, why did he shoot and ask questions later? The whole situation could have been handled better by both parties involved. In addition, the amount of professionalism and serenity displayed by the 911 operator is staggering. The witness was very upset and he remained completely cool and collected and even helped arrange for her to speak to an officer about the incident. Overall a very sad and tragic event where a young man needlessly lost his life.

    1. I have to agree with you that this is a great example of a problem that comes with open carry. People just assume that they can use the weapon without a further thought

  4. I was thoroughly impressed with the 911 operator, he remained calm and assuring for the entire process. And unless Trayvon had his own firearm or some other deadly weapon, I see no justification for opening fire on him. This was a decision made to murder another human being. The woman on the phone handled herself pretty well considering, and I am not sure what I would have done in her place... not sure I could keep myself in the house.

    1. I was also impressed with the 911 operator, he kept the lady on the phone pretty calm thought the whole conversation. And I also agree that this was a murder that was committed by a cold blooded killer.

    2. I agree with you about the operator, but not only did he keep calm and reassuring, he even offered to bring someone down there that this woman could actually talk to. I can say most people though they might not want to admit it would not want to be anywhere alone near a place where a shooting just happened. At the very least, even if you are not getting all the most accurate information, you are making someone in the community feel safe.

  5. The lady commented that the two men were shouting, wrestling, and that there was a shot fired. However, she seems quite hysterical, and I am not sure that she is a reliable witness. It was dark, she could not see or hear the incident clearly, and she does not seem to have the facts straight. For example, she keeps saying that the victim is dead, even though she does not know that. She keeps saying that he was shot, even though she hadn't seen a gun or the actual shooting. She may be right in the end, but not by the right means. I was impressed at how patient the man on the phone was with her. It sounds like she may need some help coping with the experience, as he seemed to offer to her.

  6. The 911 operator does a great job trying to calm the lady on the phone down. The operator asks the lady many necessary questions dealing with the shooting; she then explains what she heard outside her window. By listening to this phone call you can obviously tell the 911 operator is very experienced, and knows how to handle the situation. He gives good information to let the lady know that there is a victim advocate that will speak to her and help her through this tragic time. The lady on the phone held her composure well; she was upset and did the right thing by calling 911. If it was me in this situation I’m not sure how well I would handle it.

  7. Wow! That operator was impressive. He kept calm through the whole conversation even when the caller was so scared. The women on the phone was actually more calm then most people would be. She definitely did the right thing by calling 911 and let them know what she heard. I think that the information that she could recall was usefull to the officers handling such a terrible situation. In my opinion I also feel that the incident occurred because the nightwatchmen was assuming that because a black teenager was walking down the street at night that he was a criminal and out looking for trouble. The situation between this innocent teenager and his cold blooded killer should never have occurred in the first place. Words should have been used before the weapon.

  8. This was an Unbelievable video it diffently made me look more into the story of this young man and his murder ! a young man lost his life over a bag or candy . I feel for his family and the woman witness . I couldnt imganie what that woman was feeling or going through at that moment . I give major credit to the 911 operator for being so Professional and helping that woman through that time he was truely helping that woman on the phone as much as possible. I hope justice is brought for the young man and his family !

  9. Justin Curry (CRJ 112) Sure the 911 operator did a good job keeping the lady calm but thats not the issue of the situation, he was doing what he was trained to do, which is what zimmerman should of done himself. In any type of law enforcement anywhere your firearm is always your last option. Hopefully the irresponsible actions of one foolish person will not damage the reputation of law enforcement personnel nation wide.

  10. The Operator did an amazing job as most of you have said, he kept that lady from losing her mind when it was obvious she was about to. This is pretty important cause with her being calm she was able to give alot of information. Martin was most likely scared i mean someone was following him in the middle of the night. From what it seems Zimmerman was getting beat after the confrontation started, so he decided to use the gun in self defense but that was way above how he should have handled the situation because of that mistake this young man is now no longer with his family. Martin did not have a weapon. Zimmerman should have been arrested on the spot. (CRJ 112)

    1. I agree that Zimmerman handled the situation very wrong and hopefully the Criminal Justice System will soon get to the bottom of all this.

  11. Listening to this audio was just sad. A young boy was killed by Zimmerman with a gun when the boy Trayvon only had some candy and a soda. Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman that saw this African American boy walking down the street with his hood up. He was walking home at a reasonable time and the woman on the phone also said that it was raining and that's why his hood was up probably. There was no reason at all for him to shoot Martin. George said it was in self defense but is this really true? Also, Zimmerman also said a racial slur to the 911 operator calling the boy a coon which brings the feds in now to look into it as an act of racism. The operator also did a good job at keeping the woman calm to get any information out of her and kept her feeling safe. It surprises me that Zimmerman wasn't even arrested for shooting a weaponless boy and hopefully the criminal justice system pulls through on this case.

  12. I'm not sure how accurate of a witness one would be in her position of emotional panic but for one who may not have been accurate she gave a lot of information. She could say with certainty that she heard a loud noise, someone calling for help, and that it looked like people were struggling but it was dark, rainy, and hard to see. Luckily the operator was asking all the right questions and other people were calling with similar information. So hopefully they will not have to prolong this case like so many with what information they have available.

  13. Obviously there is going to be a lot of continuous controversy around this topic. Although there is a lot of information provided about what had occurred during the time that this young boy was killed by Zimmerman, there is still many questioned left unanswered. However based on what we have now, it appears to me that Zimmerman had no legitimate reason to end this boys life. Evidently Trayvon was only carrying candy and a soda with him, and it was also rainy which gives Trayvon a legitimate reason to have his hoodie over his head. Not only that but Trayvon was also walking home at a decent hour, which gives Zimmerman no reason to take his life or even consider taking it that far for that matter. I believe that Zimmerman should have to pay for what he did.

    Aliya Mairza 123

  14. i don't think he should have been able to use the self defense claim in this situation because the kid was unarmed and two he was told not to follow or approach. so really he wasn't defending him self

  15. What i thought was interesting about this call is that the women was describing Trayvon as the victim. I wonder if she knew who was fighting with who if she would still take the same stance. I Think that Zimmerman should be punished for what he did. I would also love to know who was yelling for help. My guess is that Zimmerman picked the fight and since florida has a stand your ground law, both Zimmerman and Trayvon had a right not to back down. I think Trayvon got the upperhand in the fight and that's when Zimmerman yelled for help and pulled his gun and shot Trayvon. You should only pull your gun when you're in fear of you life, not when you're getting your butt beat in a fight you started. Zimmerman should be arrested and Charged with Manslaughter at the very least

  16. This whole thing is just sad. i hope they find a good jury to take this case. We obviously know that the media will blow up the case, and i hope they keep the facts to a minimal to the public, because this could be a hate crime, which in turn can mean the federal government has jurisdiction over it. what ever the outcome i hope justice is served. Also i believe the operator was very professional when dealing with the caller.

  17. one thing i really hope the jury takes into consideration is the fact that Martin was 100 pounds lighter and a teenager, and Zimmerman expects us to believe that he was using self defense and shot him? I don't believe any word of this. but i just did some research on Zimmerman and he has a record of assault on a police officer and other misdemeanors. there is no way he would let a teenager get the upper hand on him in a fight. this to me was a murder plain and simple. during the whole time Zimmerman was stalking Martin, he was obviously premeditating on how he was going to murder Treyvon

  18. i believe the operator did a wonderful job handling the situation with the caller. this case is very emotional. taking this call, i see how the media would turn it into something it could possibly not be. i agree that a man would be able to take the upper hand to a teenager boy, but with that being said, this call doesn't show much assurance that the boy didn't do anything to Zimmerman. with all that being said i believe that Zimmerman should get what he deserves cause after all, he did kill a teenage boy.
    Emily Hammerl123


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