Kids Behind Bars: Crime Report

Kids Behind Bars: Crime Report


  1. due to the fact that juveniles brains are still developing, i think we as a society should focus on habilitizing young people on how to a contributing factor. because most times these kids never had parental figures to show them right from wrong. i believe that what they said in the article is shocking "Carrion spoke about the lack of mental health services in the juvenile detention system. The cost of keeping a young person incarcerated was over $220,000 annually five years ago and now it is $266,000/ a year with terrible outcomes" why are we spending so much money locking juveniles up when we should focus on actually helping these kids. to me i think were going about this all wrong. and that there should be programs put in every facility out there with councilors and teachers to help these kids learn what is right and wrong in this world

  2. I think this was a very interesting article to read. It shocked me to learn how much it costs to keep a juvenile incarcerated, however that they do have success with the children after. I think it is crucial to keep juvenile detention centers. Some may disagree by stating the point above, that it will cost the state more money. This is where I think it must be a goal to focus on juveniles, and at risk juveniles before crime happens and after crime happens. Towards the end of the article the author mentioned that it is important to see what a minor does between the time that he gets home to the time that he/she goes to bed. I agree with this. I think by instituting after school programs for those who have working parents, by encouraging them to do community service, and most of all by including the parent in one way or another will bring down the numbers of juvenile delinquents. Thanks JoannaGla123

    1. I was also pretty surprised at how much it cost to keep a juvenile incarcerated. I feel that detention centers are needed but we also need to increase our focus on increasing the help that is given to keep the children out of trouble. I also agree that parents are a huge part of childrens lives and really help determine the path that they take in life.

      Chase Perdue 123

  3. After reading this article I was pretty surprised at how much it costs to keep a juvenile incarcerated. I feel that we should be spending money on helping juveniles and attempting to keep them out of trouble but also have detention centers to try and help the juveniles that are already troubled. I also agree with the article that parents have to do more to try and be there for the kids. They hold a large part of their children’s lives and they help decide which path the child takes in life. The parents can also put their children in extracurricular activities such as team sports. It helps show children how to behave and listen with other people. The juvenile also learns how to be a team player and to put other people first. The coach or counselor also is a role model that the kids can look up to and strive to be better people.

    Thanks, Chase Perdue 123

    1. I also cant believe how expensive it is to keep a juvenile incarcerated. But I also believe it is money well spent when it works. Kaleigh123

  4. I believe that juvenile detention centers should be more of a mental health provider. I am willing to bet that, yes, the majority of their problems are a mental health issue. I also think that some investigation should go into the said juveniles homelife. If they are provided with good parents or the things that they need in life, that could cause them to act out. I am glad that the reevaluated who was incarcerated because I do believe that juveniles would benefit more from doing things out in the community. It would help them to find their niche in a positive way in the community. It could help them to find new hobbies and to meet new people who are positive influences in their life as opposed to some of the negative influences that they have been hanging out with.

  5. This was OK article to read but my thing is there are way to many assumption on why these teens do as they do to get incarcerated because no matter how many we come up with its not solving the bigger issue( what can we do to assist them in making better choices) for a lot of these teens there doing things because they have no parental guidance and no out let the first thing the legal system do is lock them up and it really doesn't help them it actually hurts them because now there again alone and upon release with no rehabilitation strategy they return to the same ole activities.instead of giving them help that will be useful and walking with them to the light our system is basically enabling our youth. I mean just think of how you felt as a teen. Patient123


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