New Tool for Police Officers: Records at Their Fingertips


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  2. I really think that this is agood new tool to use. This will help tyhe officer better do their jobs.This will stop people from lying to an officer about info due to the fact that they acan type in a name and get pics and all other info from the phones. I hope that this new tool will be in every state and police deparments around the world. I also feel that this will help stop alittle bite of the crimes out here due to all that these phones can do, and that it will pick up on a criminal background in seconds. and all officers will know everything about that person that they may have or have stopped.This is very smart to me.
    Jessica Colley123

    1. I agree, these android phones that let the police look up information on criminals history is a brilliant idea and will be very helpful in the future.


  3. I really think that is a helpful tool for those officers, because that could help them catch a thief or rapist that trying lie to keep from getting caught.with having all that information at their fingertips will help them be able to do their job a whole easier instead of having to wait on information to come to them via a dispatcher or taking a lot of time to look it up on the computer when they have to go thru all those steps to find the information on there when its right there on those androids in their hands. I think will help them better to try and figure where they are really needed to help cut down on some of the drug deals and where a lot of the violent crimes are taking place so that way the rest of the neighborhood would start to feel safer where they live.
    Tonya Harrell123

  4. I defiantly think that this a great thing for officers to use because it helps out the officers a lot it can show if they are lying. Its also great because it can show the officers how many times that they have actually been to the residence of the house, and its great for somebody who doesn't have any information on them and they can use the phone to search them and can pull up all of their information like that also. It could also cut down a lot of crime in certain areas and drug sales.

  5. This technology could be such a powerful weapon for law enforcement, if used correctly. While the convenience of the smart phone is great this type of unified database should be available on every officer’s laptop. While this tool would greatly improve officer’s chances of catching criminals with warrants, and protecting themselves by knowing what kind of situation they are walking into, there are also some concerns with this technology. This kind of information could prompt officers to harass the same group of people more often. If a shift of officers updates the database, the next shift could go right back and make more arrests on the same block for the same petty crimes. This database does what good community policing should do, and that is to know the people you are policing. I do hope this technology will be available to every officer one day.


    1. I agree it does make for good community policing. It allows officers to be doing more foot patrol and communicating with the public. Not only that, but it can help know if people are lying and it will be good to use for officers that don't know about a situation, person, or building.Sticks123

  6. I think these new phones that are coming soon are a good idea for the officers that are on foot patrol. this gives officers a more easier way to catch a criminal much faster and they would be able to catch them in a lie if they are lying about their past offenses. this invention would help keep criminals off the street and keep communities more safe, this device would be a great service for community policing.
    Breonna Robertson123

    1. I agree this will help them catch criminals faster, but I can also see the controversial side of it. If looked at through the communities eyes this could be seen as an easier way for Big Brother to spy on people or intrude on their privacy. The part that really got me was the part about being able to aces the surveillance cameras from the building across the street. If you look at it as someone other than an officer you can see how this can be a serious breach of a persons' privacy.

  7. I think that the phones can be a great tool, but I can see problems that might come up further down the road. The technology can't tell an officer what is going to happen, only what has happened. It mentions that there was an individual known for hiding drugs in his left sock. What happens when he decides to switch socks? Its a simple switch, and I hope that he would be caught, but the device can't account for the change in that individuals decisions. The device is a tool, but so is the officers mind, and the mind is able to account for changes.

  8. I think this new tool ia good idea. It will better the jobs of police officers. although i can see a problem if the officer isn't using it right. The officer knowing all the previous offenses might be a challenge. The officer might treat the person differently knowing all the past things the person did.


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