Predictive Policing and Technology

Predictive Policing and Technology


  1. I think it is a good idea. It seems to have reduced crime in the areas that it was used. This predictive policing method should be used more often, but i also think that police can't just use this type and have to continue to find new ways to reduce crime because eventually the criminals will move to different places and new hot spots will appear.

  2. I feel that is so true when the police officer fouces on one part of town or one hot spot criminals will move to another location to do there work. so officers will find themsleves moving from area to area try to stop crime it will be a never ending battle. The officers need to find out a better way to try and stop the crime maybe thaey need some of those new phones devices to try and help them manage crime.
    Jessica Colley123

    1. I agree with you. If the offucers focus on one spot the crime will move. It may be a good idea for them to have those new phone things. i agree that it will be a never ending battle because on the activity from the beach will bring in all different kinds of people and they will never know how many people will actually commit crime while being there.

  3. I think that is a really good idea to use that program if its helping them crack down on the crime but they also have to still come up with new ideas to help in the other areas that will need to make sure they can stay on top of everything that is occurring. Well maybe they should try that idea that New York is using with the phones to help them centralize themselves in the areas that they need to be in also.
    Tonya Harrell123

  4. I think that is a good idea for them to use this because it can reduce the crime rate and certain areas and it could help put more officers in the hot spot areas so that if there is a crime being committed they can get to the crime a lot faster and get the person committing the crime.

  5. While the idea of an algorithm that predicts where the next crime wave will be astounds me, I think there are better ways to test its success. Police departments should first implement it, and simply wait to see if the computer is right. If it says there will be a high risk for robberies or burglaries in an area, once the computer algorithm has proven itself to be reliable then inform the officers of the information, and implement its use daily. This will provide for fewer variables. Crime could drop 11 or 12 percent simply by a change in the temperature, or many other unknown variables. My main concern with this program is that it is simply targeting the high risk areas. Could this just be a way for departments to increase police presence in high crime or low income neighborhoods? Instead of officers patrolling a grid could officers from lower risk areas be flocking to the high crime areas? While 11 percent is still a good drop in crime departments should set standards for the program so they are not leaving other areas unattended. Brad123

    1. Not only are they only focusing on the high crime area, but only the reported crimes. Just because the algorithm can tell you what you already know, but put a slightly different spin on it doesn't make it as capable as a human being who can think, react, and feel.

  6. I think this would be a very smart way for cops to be able to tell where the next crime would be this would keep the community safe and the people wont be afraid to walk to the next local stores and schools, also the crime rate will go down as well. this invention would be the most successful in my opinion in the urban areas where crime is done the most. Breonna Robertson123

  7. This new invention is very interesting. It is important to note that the new system is making officers a lot more proactive instead of reactive. They are showing their presence more in these hot spots. Just the thought of using an algorithm to prevent crime is very cool and something I would never expect. So far it has helped decrease crime so hopefully more departments start to use this with hoe bad budgets are. To go along with community policing, citizens should be aware of the hot spots and the times. At these times when the police have driven through they could help give an extra look outside and see if there is anything out of the ordinary. This would involve the citizens with the police and make a group effort. Sticks123

  8. I think this is a very good idea. If they can make it work as good as they are hoping it will greatly increase the effectiveness of the limited resources available to them. Since they are not able to hire any more officers this very well could be the answer they were looking for. I do however feel a little sceptiacle about how well an algorithm can predict what someone is going to do. People aren't always predictable and the smarter someone is the less predictable they are. My guess would be this is supposed to work mainly on the small time thug like criminals who aren't very smart and can have their actions predicted.


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