Alaska Police - Calls for Service

Alaska Police - Calls for Assistance


  1. So comparing to the content in the book to the article the book explains more and focuses more on community policing where the police try to get the community involved to look for anything suspicious to where in Alaska really no one looks out for suspicious things and alot more crime happens when police who are short on officers as it is cant get to calls fast enough so more crimes might happen that are more important for them to respond to. Thats why in most communities police rely on the citizens to report anything they see going on! TMilligan 789

    1. In the movie we saw that a citizen called in a suspicious driver who was possibly intoxicated. Maybe it was just in the movie but it does appear that some people call in things such as this. However i do agree that the police rely on calls of suspicious activities and the result from this is more arrests but they also rely on themselves to do busts such as the prostitution busts they were doing in the video so some crimes rely on people calling them in but they can do some of the work themselves by using prostitution busts and other undercover work.

    2. I agree, this is a problem that seems to be growing in communities in Alaska and also on the reservations we saw earlier. If citizens don't feel like they will get a fast enough response from local law enforcement, then maybe they wont report the crime at all. Lack of a good relationship can effect this. We see this everywhere in the United States. The most difficult thing that citizens and police officers have to deal with, I think, is determining the severity of the crime and whether or not to pursue it, in the citizens' case report it or dismiss it. RMG789

    3. Getting involved is an excellent idea. Even if your suspicion can be false the best idea is to report it and hopefully prevent it from happening. If you think you are going to look stupid if you report the call, don't mind that report it, you might save a life. Doing the is helping the community police a lot. NR789

  2. After comparing the stuff in the book to the article, the book explains more and focuses more on community policing where the police try to get the community involved to look for anything suspicious, whereas in Alaska nobody looks out for criminal activity and as a result more crimes occur because they are always short of officers. This is a good reason why in other areas of the US, the community assists the police, while in Alaska the cops are on their own in combating drugs and prostitution; Alaska has a lower number of crimes compared to the larger cities.

  3. In the video about Alaskan State Troopers, it talks about how high the crime rates are due to people being isolated from most of the population. The main crimes that are very high in areas such as Anchorage, Alaska are rape, murder and prostitution. The reason that these areas have such a high crime rate is due to the small population and large areas. The reason the prostitution is so high is because most people know each other and grew up with each and are related, so they can’t find anyone they actually love and want to live with. The reason suicide and murder is so high is because there is not very much activities to do, or people to see. –AEK789

  4. In the movie they mainly focused on prostitution and drinking and driving. These two crimes are all over but in Alaska it says that there is more profit to be made. Maybe its because the state is so isolated and there is not much to do. One interesting thing i saw is when they were doing the prostitution busts both on the men and women, there was no hesitations on how fast they were going, they would get one then not even 5 minutes later be going onto the next. While reading the article and it was showing its statistics of murder, assault, and etc. I was surprised they did not put how many DUI's there were since that seemed like a big part of the video.

  5. I agree with AEK789 that because people being isolated from most of the population the crime rate is very high. The main reason for this is the large area and the small population; there are not enough cops to cover every square foot, so they have to pick and choose.

  6. I agree with Ramadan789 on that because Alaska is so small and cold there's not much to do at all. I mean there's barley couples. Women and men are coming from different places because they may have heard prostitution is easy money. I found it interesting in the film when some guy didn't want to prostitute because he knew police officers where doing prostitute bust ins. He was thinking very smart when he did that because he would of went to jail. SJ789

  7. When I read the article I see that its a lot of Robbery's in Anchorage. In our town you barely here about someone or a place getting robbed. Alaska is small to and its so many robbery's than Peoria. You wouldn't find a place any where else than Alaska that is very strict about prostitute. That's all I really seen in the film and how in Anchorage they have have prowlers and in the film the man called the police because he seen a prowler. Then arrested a drunk man who had a lot of alcohol in his truck. The article and the film had a lot of similarity's that were very interesting. SJ789

    1. Peoria and any other place in the United States each suffer from many burglaries and getting robbed. But, a lot of the time minor things are taken out of homes so people end up not reporting them which makes it hard to relate Alaska to Peoria because there's probably a lot of crime happening that never ends up being reported. Prostitution is and probably always will be a problem anywhere you go in the world, but I'd say that in Alaska there seemed to be a ridiculous amount of women and men buying into prostitution. - MH789

    2. Alaska seems to be doing what many other states are doing. They focus really hard on what is seen to be as their most prominent issue. Florida is a natural gateway for drug shipments to be sent through so they spend a lot of their time and money on combating drug importation. Alaska's issue, at least from what we saw in the video, seems to be prostitution and they're focusing on, as Mr. White says, taking that off the front page.

      - EAB789

    3. I don't agree to what SJ789 is talking about. If you read the news paper in the local section at the bottom of the page it shows stuff like robbery. I say that because every time i read the news paper in the local section i see that someone has been rob or a biulding has been roobed. Just because it's not in the news on tv that doesn't mean it rearly happens. Jimoh789

  8. After reading the book, watching the video, and reading this article, just like the Indian Reservation, each had similarities. In Alaska there seems to be a higher rate for prostitution but there are many women and men out in the world who probably do it but are just very secretive about it and have yet to be caught. It is unfortunate that these people have led to prostituting as their way of getting income but it's an issue that a lot of places deal with. Also, in Alaska a lot of homes are in the middle of the wilderness which can take a longer time period for the police to arrive on a scene, causing the crime rate to increase. -MH789

    1. I agree with how you made points of the similarities with the reservations and the state of Alaska; especially the amount of ground officers must cover to get to the scene. This clearly has an exact relation with the crime rate. Specifically the robberies because of how long the response time is.

    2. I agree with MH789. Alaska's massive land base makes it difficult to find and catch people breaking the law. Like finding potchers, there isn't enough man power to catch them all. which is sad. With the large amount of prostitution in the state is also sad. People shouldn't turn to that line of work there are plenty jobs.SM789

  9. Throughout reading the articles, watching the videos, and reading the chapters of the two areas it made me realize a lot about how life is away from where we live. Prostitution seems to be a major problem in the areas we learned about, but the rate seems to be higher in the Alaskan area rather than on the Navajo reservation. Like discussed in class it only makes since that prostitution is much higher in areas where people tend to have more money because the prostitutes will make more money. Drinking and driving is another main issue that the law enforcement has to keep at a minimum low because of how dangerous it is and of course being illegal. DO789

    1. I agree with DO789, because the rate for rape, prostitution, robbery and drunk driving is a lot higher in Anchorage than the Navajo Reservation, due to the fact that people get so lonely and bored that they have nothing better to do besides getting into trouble. On the other hand, the Navajo Reservation has crimes do to people not having their own properties lines, so people will think something is theirs when it is not. –AEK789

  10. The article discusses all sorts of crime that occurs in Alaska, particularly in Anchorage. But in the film it talked about how Anchorage police focused on prostitution in particular. I found it extremely surprising how quickly they move on after one arrest. As they were arresting their first target, they were making calls to set up 'appointments' with the next. Some girls that prostitute in Alaska stated it was because of the money they make, because of the seemingly un-touched economy of Alaska. Something that is different about Alaska patrol is that it includes keeping an eye out for hunters. They stake out in popular hunting grounds and keep an eye on those hunting moose and other large mammals. Officers would watch to make sure that they verified their cards, confirming their one kill, and makes sure they take all edible meat with them. Aside from the prostitution, other strange calls that were made in the video led to unusual arrests. Could the amount of solitude citizens experience have a psychological effect making their actions different than those in more populated areas?

    1. I agree with RMG789 that I was surprising how quick the officers were making arrests with the prostitution. They would arrest one individual, take them into a different room to interrogate them, and at the same time they already had another individual ready for arrest. But then again, officers in those regions don’t really have any other higher crimes or violations to take on so they deal with less serious offenses more often.

  11. The video we watched in class opens with very nice views of Alaska and an officer patrolling for hunting violations. This seems like it feeds into the stereotype that there's nothing really in Alaska, which is contrasted by the next scene which showed officers on a sting operation for prostitution in Anchorage. It was mentioned that there was a boom in the popularity of prostitution because the economy hadn't hit Alaska as hard. People being secluded from the rest of the 49 states and from other Alaskans likely has an effect on this as well. Alcohol is another big issue for Alaskan police with smuggling being a popular way to make a quick buck. The evidence supporting the general statement that large metropolitan areas attract crime is evident, even in Alaska, where Anchorage has no shortage of prostitution, theft and rape.

    1. I agree about the officer patrolling the hunting grounds. It seems like that is more of a job for a game warden or someone other than a police officer. Then later the movie talked about all the land the officers had to cover, but it seems like that would be less of a problem if they would use their officers more wisely. KAM789

  12. After reading the article it looks like robbery and theft are a big problem. I think this might be because Anchorage is so isolated from the rest of mainland America. So getting new items or getting the necessities someone might need may be more difficult because of the location being so far away. Leaving stealing as an effective option to get the things people want. Assaults area high as well and I think the friction among the citizens is because of the isolation. People are constantly seeing each other and probably not getting the space they need to calm down so more fights break out. KAM789

    1. I agree with KAM789 the reason some of these crimes may be committed is because they are isolated from the rest of the population. The people that are committing the crime may not realize that they are because lack of being involved with all the populations. I believe isolation among a group of people is not a good thing. DO789

  13. Watching the video, reading the article and reading the chapters really revealed a lot of interesting facts about policing in Alaska. I found it interesting how in the video they talked about how every hunter has to validate their kill or they can be in trouble with the law. I agree with how they regulate the hunters’ amount of animals they can hunt because there are a huge amount of hunters in Alaska. They also have to take all the meat from their kill which is another good law so that no meat goes to waste. Comparing the video, article and chapters there seems to be a lot of violations of alcohol, prostitution, and robberies in Alaska. Also I noticed that, just like in reservations, officers have to cover hundreds of miles of land.

  14. Working as an officer in the state of Alaska looks to be surprisingly more interesting than I initially thought. I was really interested in the amount of undercover work they utilized to catch prostitutes. Not only that but at the pace they were doing so; setting up the next spike as they were still finishing the arrest of the one before. One thing I did notice was in relation to the Native American reservations. There was quite a large area for one officer to cover at a time. Other major problems were drinking and driving and also hunters not validating each kill they had.

    1. I agree with Noetzol789, I can see where he is coming from with the undercover work and catching the prostitutes one by one at a good pace. I can also see where there are problems with drinking and driving such as there was on the Native American reservations, it does seem that Alaska has more cops rather then the Native American reservations. KYLE789

  15. The book goes greatly in deep with community policing. It is a good aid for policing and getting crime out the streets. In my words community policing is defined as everybody working together for a safer environment. People may think that correction is only up to the officers to correct. That is not right we the people must help out and give in the calls. People in Alaska are not aiding the officers, thus the lack of calls creates more crimes. Also people in Alaska might get it with boredom and loneliness. These are also factors of crime, because the human mind then starts to think and think and think. I wish i could've seen the film to go much more in depth with this interesting topic. NR789

  16. There are similarities between Alaska and Peoria but it's a very different rural and urban environment. There aren't as many choices of professions, so females resort to prostitution much more often because they need some sort of income to come in to make a living. The occurrences of suicides and alcoholism is much higher because of the loneliness and open ranges in Alaska, people aren't around friends and other family members as often because Alaska is so spread out. Again, there's also a lot more occurrences of poaching and not tagging animals during hunting season just because the land is so vast and the hunters have more freedom to roam and more ground to cover while hunting. This also would mean that Game Wardens and Alaska Wildlife Patrol Officers would have more ground to cover to try to prevent this from happening.

  17. I can see where the difference's are from the state of Illinois and the state of Alaska. With them having more money in Alaska I can see where they would have to worry more about prostitution, rather then in Illinois where its not very common to see prostitutes walking the streets. Also the game wardens in Alaska seem to be more stricter then in the state of Illinois, where they don't check if you have all of the meat to the animal like they do in Alaska. Plus with people and drinking and driving on a bad road like in the show is different then the state of Illinois, I am not saying you should drink and drive but I can see where cops enforce it more in Alaska rather then in Illinois. to sum it all up I can see a lot of similarities and difference's in both the states of Illinois and in Alaska. KYLE789

    1. I agree they definitely have similarities and differences. What stands out to me is that they enforce some of the same the laws the same way by they seem to have a different context to them. Like drinking and driving in Alaska the worry was going over the side of the mountain not hitting another car, while in Illinois the worry would be hitting another car.

  18. For such a large area as we know it to be, you would think by these statistics and reports that Alaska was an overcrowded island. Prostitution is a major problem in Alaska.You would think people would spread out however, the terrain makes scattering about uninhabitable. So, people have to stay together. This made me realize why they number of eluding was so low. If you could elude the Alaskan police and make in up some mountain without them following you, great. However, you were now stranded up there with no food or water. This mean 1. you would have to come down and be caught by the police or 2. you died where you were. This leads to another outdoor aspect that captures Alaskan authorities attention hunting. Police have to monitor the hunting of animals and make sure tags are being marked.

  19. I the reading,movie, artical. Alaska has a large landbase and large crime rate. From Poaching to bootlegging. The rates are high. In the movie we seen a man selling bottles of vodka to a village for $400 a bottle. Then the prostitution stings are a long 16 hour day that some times they will be there all week. With all the wildlife in Alaska hunting is a huge problem and a way of life. The amount of poaching in Alaska is almost the greatest of all the other states. The police have to use extra equpment to find and track down poachers in the deep Alaskan woods. SM789

  20. I can see where the difference's are from the state of Illinois and the state of Alaska. With them having more money in Alaska I can see where they would have to worry more about prostitution, rather then in Illinois where its not very common to see prostitutes walking the streets. For such a large area as we know it to be, you would think by these statistics and reports that Alaska was an overcrowded island. Prostitution is a major problem in Alaska . Also the game wardens in Alaska seem to be more stricter then in the state of Illinois. Jimoh789

  21. I will say yes I can see where the differences are between both states of Illinois and Alaska. Here in Peoria we have to worry about a lot of things such as prostitution its bad here but not as bad in Alaska. In Alaska the police are worried about it more out there and actually setting things up in hotels where they can try to talk to them and get more information about why they chose that path. In Illinois you don't really see a lot of that or hear about it or see them just walking the streets as bad.


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