America's Hardest Prisons: Rehabilitation or Warehousing?


  1. After watching the video about Wabash Valley corrections I found some things to be quite interesting. The bug lawsuit was one thing that stood out to me. The big thing that stood out was when the inmate decided to hit the nurse. The incident showed how attacks on workers can affect their life both at work and home. My opinion on the prison is that they are more warehousing the inmates than rehabilitating them. I think that this is the case because the prison is a high security prison and the guards are more concerned about their safety and the safety of the other inmates. One thing that I did notice that might help build character was the weight lifting. I think it is good to give the inmates something to look forward to. Another thing that stood out to me was how much attention they paid attention to race when it came to the battery between the two inmates. ICC123

    1. I think they paid so much attention to the two men fighting because they didn’t want it to get out of hand. One of the guards was talking about how when two different races start fighting it can turn into a race war. Everyone has to take sides and it can escalate into murder.

    2. I agree with you ICC123, I feel like they are not doing very much rehabilitating and just housing them till their sentence is up. I was pretty shocked when he hit her too my jaw dropped. CountryGirl123

    3. The concerns the guards had for their safety was due to the amount of violent inmates incarcerated. Probably one of the reason that there was minimal effort put towards rehabilitation programs. The weight lifting was a good way to keep inmates minds at ease and out of trouble. This activity would give them something to look forward to and hopefully try to maintain their behavior in check. Good points ICC. ChiefO'Keefe123

  2. I think that the Wabash Valley prison was more concerned with warehousing than with rehabilitation. I think when a prisoner has a longer sentence they are more dangerous because they feel like they have nothing to lose. I also think that if a prisoner has a life or multiple life sentences then the state and the prison should not waste money on rehabilitation. I also think that if a prisoner has a mental health problem they should be put in a prison that has specialized treatment. I don’t think the bug guy should get any money because he had objects that he should not have had. I think he just wanted attention. The weight lifting competition was a good idea. It increase moral and it was a good way to get the prisoners to behave. It also gave them something to do because when their busy their not causing trouble.

    1. I think you are right about Wabash Vally is more concerned with warehousing that with rehabilitation. i also think the prison is not safe enough for the nurses and officer who doesn't have any guns. i honestly do not think this is safe prison. they should take bug case little serious is the they things he had was not contrabans.

    2. I agree with you for prisoners who serve long sentences they need more activities to occupy their time more exercise maybe some safe games so that they are physically and mentally busy, and like you stated less likely to commit offenses against each other and the prison staff.

    3. I agree with you about the guy who wanted to push a lawsuit about the bug. Also, I can agree with you on your position about how the prison is more about warehousing than it is about rehabilitation. I think that it would cost the state too much money for mental ill prisoners to be put into a special prison especially in the state that we live in. ICC123

  3. The Wabash Valley have 2200 inmates and it facility have some of the State worst criminal. It was sad to see that inmates always want to hurt correction officers and the nurses. I think Wabash Valley need to do a better job to protect its employee from the dangers inmates. i found the weight lifting competition very interesting. it's good that the inmate actually find something do that make them happy and make them forget most of the think they go through in prison. the issue of race in prison need to be address very ineffectively. there are no place for one race to go against another race. soccerboy123

    1. I don’t think that all the inmates want to hurt the nurses or staff. The prisoner that hurt the nurse was mentally unstable. I think that the staff did a good job addressing the racial problem. They immediately dealt with the problem. They talked to both men and gave them the same sentence.

    2. I do agree with you Soccerboy123, I feel like they should do a better job at protecting their staff members. If you remember that short little spiff about how the "attacked" officer's job now was to check on the doors and make sure they were latched or locked, I found it very unsettling because they didn't look like they would keep an angry inmate caged for too long, CountryGirl123

  4. The Wabash prison seems to be just like all the other prisons and fail at rehabilitating the inmates. I understand that a lot of it stems from insufficient funds and not spending money in the right areas, but we have to see the underlying issue if we cage these people up and do nothing to help them see a better life on the outside we just make them worst than when they came in. I noticed a lot of the inmates they interviewed had some charge of rape. I believe that a lot of these rapes are because of mental instability, maybe creating a broad to help advise these rapist and find ways to deal with their desires could possibly prevent any future rapes that might occur.

    1. I agree that some greater efforts should be made to try and help a majority of inmates, rehabilitating them will help society in general and be lost costly overall. But some inmates, such as the rapists, are possibly beyond redemption. Like we've talked about these sexual offenders commit rape for the sake of dominating someone in that particular way, its not really sexual desire in general. Perhaps there is a way to treat them and keep them from reoffending, but I'm doubtful.-Anonemoose123

  5. I after viewing this video, I was surprised on the events that occurred. First, I sort of jumped when the inmate punched the nurse in the face, and how terrible it was for her to go through with the mental effects and the HIV medication to prevent it. Second, I thought it was kind of scary that the inmates have tournaments with lifting weights. I say scary because, as a female, I saw that few of the inmates who were pretty swoll, had some sort of rape charges. Just looking at the ones with those charges, its frightening to see that they look "normal" like they wouldn't do such things. Third, I think the prison could stand to change a few rules to help rehabilitate inmates instead of just warehousing them. It is a little hard to think that those inmates will get out of that prison some time without a little rehabilitation. CountryGirl123

    1. I can see why you would be concerned as a female about the weight lifting countrygril123. I also agree with you about how the prison could change a few rules to start rehabilitating the inmates instead of just warehousing them. Without rehabilitation, they will just end up back in prison. ICC123

    2. Your not the only one who jumped when the nurse got clocked haha. I definitely respect your opinion on the inmate lifting tournaments though. You can't expect the behaviors of inmates such as rapists to completely change through activities such as weight lifting. Very good points brought to light countrygirl. ChiefO'Keefe123

  6. Money seems to be the main reason why the prison rehabilitation programs don't produce positive results. The majority of funds are put straight into warehousing inmates than giving them the help they need. This might be due to the sad reality that the prison guards are more worried about their well being than the inmate's. However, with the lack of rehabilitation programs there were still things that seemed to help put inmates minds at ease and help them stay out of trouble. The one that the video emphasized was the weight lifting competitions. It seemed to help a lot with correcting certain behavior issues in inmates. ChiefO'Keefe123

    1. Its definitely true that a lack of funds is what prevents these prisons from providing proper rehabilitation. Its likely some funds could be taken and used on improving the rehabilitation system present, but for the most part the security measures that are being funded are necessary; both to protect the staff and keep the inmates where they're supposed to be. With some creativity and the proper staff, prisons will likely be able to improve their rehabilitation programs. -Anonemoose123

  7. The prison depicted in the video, as well as most other prisons throughout the United States, was primarily warehousing convicts. The prison was not serving the purpose of rehabilitation, but incarceration instead. The diversions they give the convicts while in prison don't serve the purpose of rehabilitation, they distract them from their current troubles and keep them out of trouble as long as they remained incarcerated. Many of these prisoners can be rehabilitated through counseling and aid, such as providing them access to education to receive a GED.Though others, like the rapists and murderers, are likely beyond rehabilitation and are right where they belong.- Anonemoose123


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