Colorado Youthful Offender System - Your Thoughts?

Colorado Youthful Offender System - Your Thoughts?


  1. The Social Capital is missing from all the teens in this video. They come from missing parents or a lack of parenting that lead them into partying and or delinquent acts. These kids need help in school not only getting good grades but also coping with life. The general theory of Crime depends on the level of self control and intelligence. Knowing what there actions can do and the repercussions that could follow. Gottfredson and Hirshi put they derive satisfaction from "money without work, sex with out courtship, revenge without court delays". Mostly all kids are impulsive. Another deal the government is just not realizing that each individual inmate has a $65,000 yearly cost. They are starting to realize that youths need to be informed and counseled at a younger age to help them avoid juvenile delinquent centers or prison. In the video after the teens serve there time %70 percent of them will stay out of prison. Only 1/4th of them will end up going to prison. These are all great things and they need to duplicate this system into all of the states.

  2. The Social Capital is missing from all the teens in this video. They come from missing parents or a lack of parenting that lead them into partying and or delinquent acts. These kids need help in school not only getting good grades but also coping with life. The general theory of Crime depends on the level of self control and intelligence. Knowing what there actions can do and the repercussions that could follow. Gottfredson and Hirshi put they derive satisfaction from "money without work, sex with out courtship, revenge without court delays". Mostly all kids are impulsive. Another deal the government is just not realizing that each individual inmate has a $65,000 yearly cost. They are starting to realize that youths need to be informed and counseled at a younger age to help them avoid juvenile delinquent centers or prison. In the video after the teens serve there time %70 percent of them will stay out of prison. Only 1/4th of them will end up going to prison. These are all great things and they need to duplicate this system into all of the states.

    1. I agree that this is definitely a great system. With the amount of people we have incarcerated now its pointless to throw in even more people and increase spending. By taking these offenders and placing them in a program suited to their needs we can spend less money and have a safer society with a low likelihood these offenders will reoffend.

    2. I agree that this is definitely a great system. With the amount of people we have incarcerated now its pointless to throw in even more people and increase spending. By taking these offenders and placing them in a program suited to their needs we can spend less money and have a safer society with a low likelihood these offenders will reoffend.

  3. I believe that youthful offender system (YOS) is a great system to they youth offenders. We talked about this in class, prison does not necessarily help youth offenders. It makes them more violent and when they get out of jail, they want to go back. For the state to create something like YOS is very important to our society, not only to keep youth offender but to teach them and help them to become a better person. I wish every states have system like this, because it will definitely help decline our crime rate through out the nation including city like Chicago. soccerboy456

  4. I found the Youthful Offender System to be an excellent alternative to simple incarceration. These offenders, if placed in a normal institution, would have little hope of reform and would be back to their old habits immediately when back out on the streets. YOS seeks to eliminate that possibility by taking plenty of time to teach the offenders morals and how to interact with other humans in an acceptable manner, as well as giving them the general knowledge they will need for a job or college education. Although YOS does work better than simple incarceration it does still have trouble dealing with certain offenders. With some of these offenders it may simply be that they've already been lost and will refuse to reform. Though others may be saved by inspecting certain things such as weather or not the staff are doing their jobs appropriately and if each offender is being given treatment which may be specific to their needs. -Anonemoose456

    1. I couldn't agree with you more. The youth offender system is a great program, with the crowding in prisons we must find an alternative to incarceration.

    2. I agree with both of you guys. Prisons are becoming more and more crowed and they are also causing more problems in juveniles so now it is time to find a second alternative to help these kids out to try and get better results In the inmates in the juvenile system –Football 456

    3. I agree with the post and all the comments. I think the YOS is a great program and something that needs to be implemented, in some form, as a relief system to the current one. With the overcrowding, we are just sending people through to make room for the next, teaching the inmates nothing useful. We should teach them how to become a working part of society and treat people who have specific needs (Which is a problem in the current system). Morton456

    4. I agree with the post and all the comments. I think the YOS is a great program and something that needs to be implemented, in some form, as a relief system to the current one. With the overcrowding, we are just sending people through to make room for the next, teaching the inmates nothing useful. We should teach them how to become a working part of society and treat people who have specific needs (Which is a problem in the current system). Morton456

  5. I think that the (YOS) youth offender system is a very good idea.. I think it give kids a chance to understand what they did wrong. It also makes them strong minded. I think YOS will be a big help in states because they are watched more that way the kids can’t get in to the wrong things I think keeping them away from prison is best because once kids go to prison most of them end up back. Once a kid finishes YOS a very small percent of them return to prison. I think the YOS shows kids right from wrong and really helps them out. -football 456

  6. I think that the (YOS) youth offender system is a very good idea.. I think it give kids a chance to understand what they did wrong. It also makes them strong minded. I think YOS will be a big help in states because they are watched more that way the kids can’t get in to the wrong things I think keeping them away from prison is best because once kids go to prison most of them end up back. Once a kid finishes YOS a very small percent of them return to prison. I think the YOS shows kids right from wrong and really helps them out. -football 456

  7. I think that the (YOS) youth offender system is a very good idea.. I think it give kids a chance to understand what they did wrong. It also makes them strong minded. I think YOS will be a big help in states because they are watched more that way the kids can’t get in to the wrong things I think keeping them away from prison is best because once kids go to prison most of them end up back. Once a kid finishes YOS a very small percent of them return to prison. I think the YOS shows kids right from wrong and really helps them out. -football 456

  8. This program appears to be a very beneficial program. However, with having problems in even one child being conceived it obviously needs some repairs. With classes being mandatory and not optional gives the "residents" a better chance when they get out. This program being a team will help the residents work with different people, different people some of them very different. The (YOS) sounds like a great program. However if they had some statistics in this article with some showing how many residents are rehabilitated.
    Military 456

  9. I found the YOS a practical, beneficial alternative to regular incarceration tactics. Having the occupants in this program attend mandatory classes will massively increase their chances of becoming successful outside of the system. Placing these offenders in regular institutions has shown that most will resort back to their old ways once they are released. This program seeks to eliminate this by teaching the offenders morals and how to interact with the general public. We, as a country, are in dire need of a optimal alternative to incarceration which I believe this system can do. With the overcrowding of our nations jails, we need an alternative, fast. Morton456

    1. I agree Morton. Instilling the values of education, work ethic, discipline and social skills is essential to finding success outside in the real world and to keep you occupied, thus detracted from criminal behavior. It would be great to see more systems set up like this and to slowly migrate away from traditional juvenile correctional facilities. ChiefO'Keefe456

  10. I can't see what there is to complain about Youth offender system established in Colorado. If it promotes the value of education, hard work ethics and discipline, these are all good values that will help these youth get the jobs they want and need in the future and keep them out of trouble. Also we as the tax payers can rest a little easier knowing our money is going to a good program that is trying to instill values into the America of tomorrow. However my favorite aspect was the 4 part program with my favorite part of the program being the boot camp, or part 1. Now going through Military Basic Training (BMT) myself and I saw changes in my own behavior and work ethic that helped me reach the success I have achieved in the military so far, so I'm sure it can't be too much different compared to this boot camp. ChiefO'Keefe456

    1. Couldn't agree with all of what you said and didn't realize that I put almost the same thing until I read what you posted! I feel like tax money to help these children, yes, CHILDREN, to correct the thinking. I feel like most of the behavior is correctable with the right program and this is one. Just need to find a better home life for them after phase III. One way I stayed out of trouble was the Police Explorer Program, it helped keep me in the right crowd and think threw my decisions. I have made my mistakes like the next guy but have been considerably less with a programm like that.

    2. I also think that YOS is a good peogram because it provides education. I think that the last phase is important too because it helps offenders back into society. I think phase one is important because it helps the kids sucede as a group.

  11. I believe that they YOS is a good effort to correct the behavior of the violent offenses. However, the rentry of these youths are not addressed. I am wondering if the 80/20 rule applies to these violators as well. "Boot Camp" is a great way to teach them the values in life! The only thing I would like to see is a longer duration. This being said, I am a former marine and spent 13 weeks in boot camp and still live with the values to this day. The 28 day program is just long enough for the youths to understand. If the system were to be another 28+ days it could eliminate more of the defiance; that is just my opinion though. Overall, I believe in the system and would like to see all states adopt this kind of rehabilitation.

  12. I think that YOS works because it does not simply incarcerate the kids. This program aims to help these kids not just punish them. This program teaches the kids how to live and work as a group which teaches them how to live in society. It also teaches them how to handle money and find a job. The kids also learn how to take responsibility for their actions. The program is very structured unlike jail or prison. I think the boot camp phase is a good idea as long as its not taken to far. When the kids start to suffer physical damage the program is failing.


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