Police and the Community - Your Thoughts 110?


  1. For one let me say I laughed threw out the whole video. Why because I found it extremely funny. But why do cops abuse their power. I don’t know the answer but u would like to know it. In this video I saw a lot of things that were not right. Just because you wear a badge doesn’t give you the right to go punching or body slamming people who aren’t even trying to get physical with you.in this video I saw a seventy-two old lady get tased by a cop. Now I can see if these people were actually trying to fight to cops, then yes I would say defend yourself but these people in this video are helpless. I have seen stuff like this happen in real life. I was walking home from school and this cop pulls up gets out and says something to one of friends and the cop got mad because he didn’t respond and got out and like choke slammed him to the car. One of my other friends the guys brother that was slammed then punches the cop and let’s just say it didn’t turn out good for the cop. Jimoh789

    1. Force is never really a good answer to situations unless they are dangerous in nature. My thought is thay cops are taught to act quickly and they make a split second terrible decision. Not saying it should be excused by any means. Possibly the office has a short fuse or has had a terrible day; again, not excusing it. Although we wish this never were they case, the officer may be corrupt and intentionally trying to hurt anyone who tip-toes over onto criminal street.

  2. The most unsettling part of this video were the incidents when male cops used unnecessary physical force to detain a woman. And in every clip there was a male officer involved in the violent activity, and the mob action that we discussed in class. Even though there is no set law against hitting a woman, it is definitely frowned upon, in the videos in which a woman was the victim there was more of a reaction from bystanders. Now, there is a line that you cross when it comes to defending yourself as an officer. In most cases, none of these citizens were armed. So I would think physical force should not be the first thing an officer resorts to. As part of being on the police force, officers are expected to be able to communicate properly with the people. A verbal or physical threat is not what should be first when speaking to suspects or people that are encountered in public. We talked about the officers having to make a decision, whether or not the threat of the person they speak with is big enough to be dangerous to the cop and to those in the vicinity. I don't see how officers can expect that person to let the officer hit them repeatedly without defending themselves, its something that comes natural to humans as a chemical response in the body. Even so, it seemed that in most cases the victims of this brutality would just cover their faces and take it. Physical brutality is not the only kind that I observed here in this video. Many cops snappy with the people they dealt with, and that did not seem to be the best way to deal with things. It's no wonder police aren't respected by many people. These officers who become violent have set a name to all police officers in the country. These instances shown in the video are definitely extreme cases, because there are times when that force is necessary.

    1. I agree with you and your opinion on this video. I feel as though brutal force shouldn't be the first thing police officers should do. If they want respect they have to give it. Walking up to someone and talking to them calmly and discussing the situation should be the first thing that should occur. Not just walking up to any male or female and punching them in the face, expecting them to listen to their every demand. DenetriaLogan789

  3. To begin I will say this is not they only video of compilation capturing police bruitality. There are numerouse other videos on the internet displaying many other instances of police brutality. There were definitely one clip that stood out to me. When I mean stood out I mean unequivicably blew my mind. I'm sure some may agree. The police office, from the video clip, had stopped they 72 year old women and somewhere things had gone awry. Then the officer proceeded to tazed the women. As far as I could tell from the yelling, the women thankfully did not die. This incident seems like a prime example of police brutality. Really, is this a deturent for old ladies to drive or a heads up the next time you get pulled over?

    1. The tazing of the 72 year old woman hurt to watch. That was entirely unnecessary and I'm sure the power tripping officer could have just gently cuffed her (if he even had to). I honestly don't know what he thought she was going to do that could have warranted the use of a taser on her. The use of a taser should be reserved for the rowdy drunk guys, physically threatening people, and MAYBE people running (usually the threat is enough to get them to stop).


  4. To begin I will say this is not they only video of compilation capturing police bruitality. There are numerouse other videos on the internet displaying many other instances of police brutality. There were definitely one clip that stood out to me. When I mean stood out I mean unequivicably blew my mind. I'm sure some may agree. The police office, from the video clip, had stopped they 72 year old women and somewhere things had gone awry. Then the officer proceeded to tazed the women. As far as I could tell from the yelling, the women thankfully did not die. This incident seems like a prime example of police brutality. Really, is this a deturent for old ladies to drive or a heads up the next time you get pulled over?

    1. No this is not the only video of police brutality but there really is not any of someone else beating up a cop because the cop will always be judged for whether or not he or she is using excessive force or not. Obviously some officers use too much force like your example of the 72 year old women or the other ones someone could grab from the video and that should not be tolerated.

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  6. Rodney King Riots was a huge issue of police brutality. This lead to the rise of people not liking police especially in cities. During riots which is a very delicate situation because the police are there to calm the situation down but they are also trying to keep themselves and fellow officers safe. I am not advocating that they brutally beat people but they will be less tolerate to stupid people because more of them are at risk. Some of these are just absurd like the 72 year old lady getting tazed. The officer who took the skateboard away from the child and then the child called him dude and man, that is disrespectful to the officer but he should not have felt the need to take a kid to the ground like that. Many of these situations are relatively dumb but it really does happen in society and it will always be the officers to blame because they are held to a higher standard and will be judged for every action or choice they make.

    1. I agree with Ramadan789 on the aspect of police and how fragile containing a riot can be. A lot of people see police as being brutal and cruel in such situations because of the actions they take, but what those people don’t realize is that the police are there to contain the problem while they keep themselves and their partners safe. Many individuals tend to do some crazy stuff they wouldn’t do by themselves when they are in a group, as we spoke of in class, because they begin to feel that they are safer because of greater numbers and other reasons. So because of this police have to act with a force to defend themselves which individuals might look at as police brutality.

  7. A lot of the tapes portrayed in this compilation were really disturbing to watch. A lot of police officers take their power to an extreme and use it for brutal force on innocent individuals and I think that’s what disturbs me the most. The part that bothered me the most was when a police officer was taking a woman to the squad car and she’s not even fighting him and he kicks her legs back and makes her land on her face in such a horrid way. She wasn’t fighting him back and yet he still slammed her to the ground. But then again there are cases where a police officer could be seen as being brutal when in all reality they are attempting to keep themselves safe, like if an individual is pulled over by a cop and reaches for something in his pocket without warning the officer will have to take immediate action to keep them self from harm. This is because an officer doesn’t know if your reaching for some form of papers or a weapon of some sort.

    1. I agree officers take their power to far up. Watching how the citizens got treated disturbed me and made me want to do something about it. And you are also correct on the idea on safety now in times you don't know what will happen. RN789

  8. We are all human beings. Police officers that carry a badge should not think they have the ability to control us. Officers are here to serve and protect. They are not here to harm and abuse. If these abusive actions continues then it could lead up an increasing uproar of immortality. For example, officers or federals in mexico can mug you, steal your money, and personal belonging for pure entertainment. They have even had reports for their crimes being recorded. All of this leads to deciding on how we are going to move forward and take care of the future of our people.

    1. I agree with this. Everyone is equal, so we all need to look at ourselves equally. More often than not, this does not happen. Police need to remember what they are here for, and what their job really is. I think it is unbelievable that police officers can get away with such things in Mexico. DO789

    2. I definitely agree with you that if this continues, it will only lead to more problems with our society. Police need to keep in mind that they are here to help, not harm people. I know people do a lot of bad things but it does not make it right for a police officer to physically abuse them when all they needed to do was put the person in handcuffs. The only time they need to be extra stern would be if someone was trying to harm the officer, then it would only make sense that the officer would do what they could to protect themselves from being injured. - MH789

    3. I agree completely they don't have the right to do that. they are here to serve and protect, not control us in any way. I don't feel safe if cops think they should have the right to control us and use such force. its just not right in any shape or form and its sad that people do this especially cops. KYLE789

    4. I agree with REM789, because we are human beings and would should have some rights. We should not be controlled like a bunch a wild animals, even though some people get treated by police officers in that manner. Some people can't even protect themselves from getting abused, like the 14 year old and the elderly women in the video who got tazed. So I think that it is a good idea to start looking ahead in the future and making a change to police brutality. -AEK789

  9. While I was watching this video, I just felt very uncomfortable. I felt as though the police officers in this video did not have the proper teachings or structure. Not saying that police officers don't have proper training, just because police officers carry around badges, does not mean that they get to use brutal force on people for no reason. For instance, in the video is showed a 72 year old woman getting tazed. I know that the situation couldn't have been that serious for that to even take place. Also, when the male officers would their bare hands to harm a female. Either by punching them in the face, pulling their hair, or just simply knocking them to the ground. All of this is just ridiculous, and I hope the present and future police officers can make a tremendous change. DenetriaLogan789


    1. I agree I don’t think police should use an amazing amount of force when there are many other options. There isn’t really a reason for an officer to start of confrontational and defensive when there is a likely chance the problem could be solved or at least explained though just a conversation with the suspect. KAM789

  10. I agree with RN789 because police think they have so much power. I didn't like how the big police guy was treating the guys with the skate boards. The big police dude didn't have to push the little boy on the ground. I don't think they did anything wrong. If you don'y give police rules then they would try to over do there jobs. Some cops just don't care, they think because there the law people have to respect them. SJ789

  11. There should be a law against police brutality because police will go too far with there job. Since there the law they think its ok to take it as far as they want. I didn't understand why the cop tazed the old lady. That really bothered me. What did she do to the officer for him to do that. The cops had a riot a the University for no reason. Students were getting dragged and pulled for no reason at all. The man didn't have a warrant for being on the guys property he knew he was suppose to get a warrant. That was his right to tell him to get off his property. Some police take it to a different level and go to jail for killing someone for no reason. It was really silly when the black police office got mad because the girl was blowing bubbles. What type of stuff is that, she didn't do anything. He arrested er for blowing bubbles. That was stupid and funny to me at the same time. That cop was just picking on the poor girl lol. Police brutality is just pointless and stupid even though it happens everyday. SJ789

    1. Its true they do go to far with certain scenarios. I couldn't believe my eyes at some of the things the officers were caught doing. It is just amazing that a trained law enforcement officer that is taught to stand for law and order and has the occupation to protect the citizens of the city they live in, could think that they could go beyond the point of an minor issue and bully and harass the citizens their supposed to be protecting. LF789

  12. Too often, police officers take their badge for granted. They think that just because they have a badge with their name on it, they can do whatever they want to whoever they want. In this video, police brutality is shown to extremes. It seems as if the police officers are taking extreme forces when they are not needed. I believe that police officers do not always think before they act. This can cause them to do things, such as unnecessary force. In the video, police officers take their anger to another level. They do not keep a calm level head, and fix the problem how it can truly be fixed. Some times police brutality is needed. In terms of self defense, police using force is necessary. DO789

  13. While watching this video I couldn't help but want to show my mother and father. The actions of those officers was unbelievably unacceptable. I didn't understand what the point was?, they doing that for power? or respect? When in reality it just makes then look like idiots and I just don't understand how they couldn't realize how they were acting, especially if they knew they were being video taped. I was glad to see some people actually kept calm but still stood their ground to the cops, like the man inside his garage. That officer had no business or right to be in that garage for no reason. The video doesn't show much into that scenario but the way it looked was it was uncalled for. The officer tazing that 72 year old women is just absurd. That never should be the case with someone of that age other than a life threatening act but clearly the elderly lady wasn't doing anything to deserve that kind of treatment. It just makes you think what else happens out there that isn't caught on tape. LF789

    1. I agree that in some scenarios they do go too far do go to far with certain scenarios. It is hard to believe that law enforcement officers that is supposed to stand for law and order and has the occupation to protect the citizens of the city they live in, would go beyond the point of an minor issue and bully and harass regular citizens.

  14. I think there are times when police officers take their badge for granted. They think that they can do whatever they want to whoever they want and sometimes become excessive. The police are using extreme force when it's not required. In the heat of the moment, they react with instinct instead of logic. In the video, police officers take their anger to another level. They do not keep a calm level head, and fix the problem how it can truly be fixed. Some times police brutality is needed. In terms of self defense, police using force is necessary. This would be the case if they were fighting with a guy high on drugs that deaden their sensation to pain and make them harder to stop. Another instance would be during a shootout with armed assailants, where sometimes the only option is to use lethal force. These are the occasions when using excessive force is warranted.

  15. I can understand the reason for the use of force by police officers, but I do not see how a police officer would need to use excessive force on someone who is clearly not a threat. Something I never quite understood was if an officer is supposed to protect shouldn’t they also protect the bad guy from himself. If a bad guy have a gun I can understand an officer going for a kill shot, but I do not understand why the officer has to light the other guy up or like if the guy has a knife there’s no reason to shoot him seven times when he could be subdues using a non lethal method. Although in the defense of the officers I can understand that the nature of their job can lead to an attitude of its either “him or me” but still the force used should be within reason. KAM789

  16. It is ridiculous that the second someone is given a badge how much their ego increases. Certain police think that since they can write you tickets and arrest you that they can use that whenever and where they want. The lady was selling lemonade and more than likely the cops were just bored and decided that they should arrest her for no apparent reason, also the same goes for the girl blowing bubbles. Seriously? Is that even legal to arrest someone for blowing bubbles? It is sad that there these kinds of cops out there who could care less about anyone but themselves, and would arrest you for anything they want just for the heck of it. It is ignorant. The only time that it would be considered okay for brutal force and abuse to be used would be if someone was trying to harm the cop, such as taking their gun because they need to do what they can to save themselves. -MH789

    1. I agree with MH789 all these cops were ridiculous in the way they carried out incidents they were at and thinking they could be the top dog when they aren't some of the cases on the video what can you really charge someone with for selling lemonade and blowing bubbles cops need to learn the laws and understand the peoples rights and treat them with the respect they would like to be treated with! TMilligan 789

    2. I agree with MH789 as well. there is a time for a police to defend him or her self. i didn't see and example of that in this video. Being arrested for selling lemonade and blowing bubble. THATS JUST STUPID! those cops over reacted to the extreme. Every video showed us that there are a lot of cops that truly don't care to protect and serve. -SM789

    3. I agree with MH789 as well. there is a time for a police to defend him or her self. i didn't see and example of that in this video. Being arrested for selling lemonade and blowing bubble. THATS JUST STUPID! those cops over reacted to the extreme. Every video showed us that there are a lot of cops that truly don't care to protect and serve. -SM789

  17. In this video we see that police officers think they are the alpha and the omega when really they arent at all. They thought rules and laws didn't apply at all to them or the people and abuse their rights without having any suspicion or probable cause in the first place. Like Rodney King people saw that and were outraged by what police would do to a man who did nothing wrong and beat him there is no excuse for the use of extreme force unless the officer thinks his/her life is in danger. Or were approached by a suspect with a gun and trying to cause harm to the officer. Also in the video a officer tazes a 70 year old woman when all she was trying to do was talk to the officer and he tazed her for no reason that's way to excessive. Then also with the case of the girl of blowing bubbles saying he was going to arrest her if the bubble touched him like I'm pretty sure a bubble wasn't gonna hurt him at all and he takes it to the most extreme level and wants to charge her with assault on police officer. Cops need to be peace makers and understand people's rights and the laws and fix any problems they may have not beat them up for no reason!

  18. I'm not the first and hopefully not the last to say that police brutality sickens me deeply. With the advent of camera phones it is becoming more obvious that this has always been an issue, it did not suddenly spring up like the video implies. I personally believe that every single one of the unjustified assaults on regular citizens is an assault on the dignity of police. The officer harassing the kids over their skateboards did not even try to explain anything to them or reason with whatever he was stopping them for, he just got on a power trip and gave some kids a hard time. Those kids will likely grow up with a predisposition to hating police. Most of the abusive officers you can tell are the big tough guys without people skills and far too much testosterone. A personal family friend of mine is an officer/ILEAS member of Bartonville P.D. He has gone his entire policing career without ever having to taze anyone. Most of the time, the people he needs to arrest comply because he has the ability to talk to them and even if they do, a simple warning has stopped every person before he's had to harm them. I believe that only enough force to stop the incoming threat should be used. Although this video shows some instances where force was justified (the black lady in a pink shirt had actually assaulted the officer before he cranked back and hit her, which isn't shown in the video) most of it is not. I believe we need less of a hardened, militarized police force and more officers out there looking to be polite and courteous to everyone out there. Working in customer service I have very quickly learned that if you're polite with people and know what to say you can get them to comply, which makes for a much better police-community relationship and overall helps the community because there is a tighter bond between the enforcers of the law and the average person.

  19. I feel that police brutality is wrong in some forms of the police environment. I can see at some parts where they should use such force, but the fact that they are beating protesters is wrong. if they were in a state where they had to use such force then I can see where its all right like self defense. In other ways though some cops just think there a big guy with anger problems that need to be fixed. Cops don't have the right to be so abusive unless like I said its for self defense, and I would think the police academy would teach them how to be better at there people skills. Cops are here to serve and protect the community's not beat someone for no right. In conclusion that's pretty much how I feel about police brutality and my thoughts on it all, like I said its not right unless it should be for self defense and the police officers that are doing this need help with there anger problems. KYLE789

  20. In the video above police brutality is a big issue. It may not occur often, but it does a lot of harm to the people, such as people getting pepper sprayed while having to be hand cuffed and sitting down on the ground. They were helpless, and in the video the elderly women got tazed and then had to put her hands behind her back, or else she would have be tazed again. Also, the little fourteen year old girl got tazed in the crouch by a police officer for not doing as he said, and it is very so against her right to not get tazed in the crouch. So, police brutality can be a big issue that most people do not see today as harmful even though people are getting beat up on the streets, because some police officers think that they run the world and can do whatever they want. –AEK789

  21. Some of the Cops in these videos have lost the true meaning of being a cop. One cop yelling at kids the chocking him over a skateboard. This is a good example of why youth do not trust cops and turn to violence and crime. They think, hey a cop can beat me. why can't i beat up someone else. its gives kids a false security around cops. its wrong. Cop are supposed to be role models. this video made me sick at some of the cops who have no self control and just think they can walk on the world like they are god. Then using a tasered on a 72 years old women was dumb. Then to see them make a line of students then pepper spray them. that was sick. it was wrong and brutal...-SM789


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