Stop and Frisk and Fourth and Fourteenth - At Odds?


  1. In my own opinion I think that the stop and frisk is arrogant and shouldn't be used. Even the officers on this video were saying how their being forced to stop these innocent people just to meet their "quota" or else they'll be given bad assignments. Along with this video, to me the officers seemed very unprofessional because they were using vulgar language and threatening the 17 year old kid that they'd punch him in the face or break his arm when he wasn't doing anything wrong. People shouldn't be stopped randomly because they seem "suspicious" it's completely wrong and is discriminating. It's unfortunate that race is still an issue today when it shouldn't matter, but with the stop and frisk the only people they stop are either black or latino. There will always be people out there who carry guns and drugs on them but it doesn't make it right to invade the privacy of other by "randomly" searching suspicious people when all their doing is simply walking down the street. Each of the videos that we watched all said how stop and frisk was to minimize the amount of crime but you can't minimize crime by searching people on the street because they'll catch on to what's happening and will never carry anything on them because they'll know they'll get caught. -MH789

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    2. I agree with MH789 to an extent, not to the point of saying it is arrogant. But the cops appeared to be pressured and this then leads to them to have to meet a certain quota or another example we had was to just have a case. Things like this is unnecessary use of the officers. It is unfortunate that the race issue is still an issue that is being used today but it is and we need to reform and fix the problems that we have and learn from them.

    3. Definitely agree, having to meet the "quota" does not give the officers the right or power to manhandle citizens like the 17 year old boy in that manner. The cops are being abusive and crating police brutality and using bad language and physical force. It must take all officers to step up and go against this law. I am not saying this is racist because I am Latino, it honestly is NR789

    4. I don't agree that stop and frisk itself is arrogant, but the officers who are misusing it may be. They use terrible language when dealing with people they stop, and then there is the physical handling that is wrong. Its one thing to stop someone who is 'doing' something suspicious, but to stop someone who 'looks' suspicious is completely different. One of the biggest defenses I've heard over and over, is that minorities are stopped more because they look like the person that is suspect of a crime. Not because they themselves are doing anything suspicious. RMG789

    5. I would not say that stop and frisk is arrogant but defiantly ignorant especially considering that the majority of stops made are of minorities and the majority of those stops no one is doing anything wrong. Other than that I agree with what you are saying. The cops should defiantly not be nearly as aggressive with their stops or be making treats like that especially to minors. KAM789

  2. The stop and frisk has become very controversial recently because of the abuse caused by the police. Many people are discussing how it is discriminating and racial profiling. We have now declared the actions as unconstitutional although i can see it from both point of views. The pro of it being that it does keep people walking around with guns that can be used in robberies or in murders.This is obviously beneficial for everyone in the area. The cons are such that it is supposedly discriminating and racial profiling. Things such as these are really just on the people doing the stops. There is no reason that 87 or 88 percent of the people being stopped are African American or Latino. These kind of things can easily be prevented and now since the police have now abused the use of this it is now taken from them to perform these stop and frisks. One of the things we learned was it is better to let 9 guilty people go then let one innocent person be sent to jail. I believe this can be related to the stop and frisks. For example a person's reputation could be tarnished because officers decide to stop and frisk him because he is a man of color. Say some of his friend of multiple races are with him, they are going to view his as a offender not as a victim. It is not fair to the person or the community for the abuse of these.

    1. I agree with both your cons and pros you hit the main points. The caring of a gun can discontinue, but easily just hand it over to a white guy. The numbers are there 88% of the people being searched are African American or Latino. It does become discriminating. The probable cause should be to every citizen of New York. NR789

    2. I agree with Ramadan789 on the aspect that it keeps individuals from carrying guns that can cause robberies and murders. A person is less likely to go out with a gun, or even illegal substances, if they know that police officers have been sopping and frisking people and there is a high chance for them to be stopped and frisked.

    3. I have the same opinion as Ramadan789. If the people around are starting to hear about more and more people getting stopped and frisked then it is going to make them think twice about going and committing a crime or even leave the house with a weapon of any kind or contraband. DO789

  3. The stop and frisk has become very controversial recently because of the abuse caused by the police because it is discriminating and racial profiling. The pro of searching people is that it does keep people walking around with guns that can be used in robberies or murders. By contrast, the cons are that it is supposedly discriminating and racial profiling. There is no reason that a large percentage of the people being stopped are African American or Latino. These kind of things can easily be prevented and now the police have been abusing this power. It is better to let 9 guilty people go then let one innocent person be sent to jail, which is related to the stop and frisks. One negative result of frisking is that a person's reputation could be tarnished because officers decide to stop and frisk him because he is a man of color. Say some of his friend of multiple races are with him, they are going to view his as a offender not as a victim. It is not fair to the person or the community for this abuse. By frisking primarily blacks or Latinos, it makes it seem like we are back in the 1950s and '60s during the Civil Rights movement.

    1. I agree with jon789 the stop and frisk practice has become very controversial because of the recent abuse that the Police are inflicting. Another good point Jon made is that the cops are making themselves seem like they are still stuck in the 1950s during the Civil Rights Movement. DO789

  4. The above post is from Jon789
    I agree with MH789 but not to the point of saying it is arrogant. The police seemed to be pressured and this then leads to them to have to meet a certain quota or just have a case. Things like this is unnecessary use of police officers. It is unfortunate that the race issue is still a problem today but we need to reform to fix the problems that we have and learn from them.

  5. The 205 stop and frisk movement is disturbing, ignorant, and racial. The good thing is that crime is decreasing, therefore it can be considered proactive. I absolutely do not agree with the law, but am considerate of the crime reduction. By watching the videos you see how racial and ignorant these officers can express themselves to the citizens of New York. The people of the United States say that we have overcome racism, this is false it is still continuing and the stop and frisk is a perfect example. In New York only Latinos and African Americans are being searched for probable cause. What about the whites? You cannot just give 205’s to these kind of citizens, you must have probable cause to every race. The numbers are there, out of every 86% of minorities being searched for probable cause, 88% did not get arrested. In my opinion NYPD is taking a wrong step. They are literally having ongoing training on stop and frisk. They instruct the officers to give out more and more stop and frisks. The officers are almost being bribed by being given promotions by the amount of stop and frisk they have done. It is now becoming into a somewhat game, creating the “us vs. them”. There is some connection to ending crime, but focusing and only Latinos and African Americans is not the key. NR789

  6. The stop and frisk can be both good and bad. Right now it's bad. They need better guide lines and to fix the bad image it's made. They need to follow the results they've found. Most of the people that are found with illegal substances or weapons ARE WHITE! I believe very strongly in equal rights. They way the stop and frisk is working now is wrong and unconstitutional to everyone! If I where a cop in this city and used stop and frisk. Minorities would be my last stop. I would watch the high schools where drugs seem to flow like a river. So many things can be said about every law or act. There are up sides and down sides. Stop and frisk at the moment are nothing but down sides. I can see where the stop and frisk may be a factor of lowering the crime rate. People are afraid to get caught. For the time being i feel stop and frisk shouldn't be used. SM789

    1. i agree that it has its both good and bad aspects of it but as of today it is viewed as bad because the racial profiling that is being used. i think that it needs to be reformed more than just completely stopped though because it does help in the aspect of keeping guns and other weapons off of the streets no matter who is carrying them so this prevents murder, robbery, and suicides so it is beneficial in that aspect but it needs to be more equal over the board not just African Americans and Latinos.

    2. I agree with SM789 on the aspect of stopping more minorities than whites being racial and arrogant. If whites are statistically more likely to have illegal substances than minorities they should be targeted more. Don’t get me wrong though I’m not saying they should be the only ones targeted but instead of targeting minorities all the time they should target whites equally.

  7. The stop and frisk in my opinion could be good in some areas and bad in most areas, from what I got out of all the videos we watched in class, and the one from above, is its mostly racial profiling. I can see where the chief of police in that one video we saw in class was just trying to save his butt, because he really knows what goes out there on the street. The police officers who are doing this stop and frisking are labeling people or judging a book by its cover, as we do sometimes too, but I don’t see the right to stop and frisk someone if they are just walking down the street in a bad neighborhood where violence accurse. Also for the mayors doing there is a reason that got cut off, and it’s his idea for the stop and frisk, so it’s obvious that he isn’t going to talk down on his own program. That’s my opinion for the bad part of it, but from the good parts, the only way I see it good as if the police officers see anything suspicious and they do it for all raciest instead of the blacks and the Latinos. Like I said before they are just judging a book by its cover, and jumping to conclusions like well he’s black or Latino he must have drugs or a weapon, which is wrong. To sum this up I can see where the stop and frisk could come into play for good reasons, but to me it is just showing racism and judging a person by their skin or home just because they don’t have enough money to afford nice things, and that’s just wrong. KYLE789

    1. I agree with this, in the political area the mayor doesn't want this program to fail, because that would show poorly on him. The chief of police is covering his butt, and his officers'. I also don't think he wants to believe that racial profiling is the reason for most stops, but the numbers are hard to ignore. In one video, a speaker discussed how far america has gone to eliminate racism. With stop and frisk it wont be helpful until race can no longer be considered a factor when choosing to stop a person or not. RMG789

  8. I don'r really see how stop and frisk can be a positive thing, but I don't think the idea is entirely bad. With a lot of work it could be something that truly helps lower crime and keep guns, among other things, off the street. As of right now, it is not proactive. They are targeting areas where crime is high, which is fine. The people that they seem to be stopping are minorities, which is not a negative thing in itself. The problem with stop in frisk lies within the reasoning for stopping certain people over others. In many cases it seems that people are stopped by their race, rather than suspicious actions they are committing. Another thing that stuck out in my mind was that officers stop and frisk people who fit the description of a suspect or a crime given by witness accounts. In a psychology class that I took in high school, we discussed eye witness accounts and their reliability. Because of the situation that the witness or victim finds themselves in during the crime, most often they cannot accurately describe the offender. There have been many cases in which witnesses identify a false suspect. There are cases however, where the witness can provide solid information for a case, but to say that all suspects of crime look Latino or African American is naive. Everyone commits crime, you can't single out a group of people because of their race. I also think that some frisks officers perform can lead to brutality. Officers, being human, will get carried away and even angry when people don't cooperate in the way they would like. Personally, I don't see the harm in asking why I've been stopped. With a simple answer I would comply. I would also say then, that if someone starts to argue after that point, it would be reasonable to say they are suspicious. Again, right now stop and frisk is a negative things. RMG789

    1. I can see what you mean by saying it can help prevent violent gun crimes by deterring would be shooters to not carry guns but in my opinion the bads outweigh the goods. I do agree with what you said about it being horribly racist though I mean I think if stop and frisk prevents crime at the cost of the rights of the citizens it is counter productive to the cause of law enforcement. KAM789

  9. I agree with JON789, with the police taking advantage of the system, I like how he said about letting 9 guilty people go and having 1 innocent person go to jail. Thats just not right in my eyes especially when all of this can be being prevented in some ways or another. KYLE789

  10. I agree with SM789, they do need better guide lines and rules to fix the bad image it has made. It is just showing racism, everyone is equal in one way or another, and the police are taking this whole stop and frisk thing to a whole another level. KYLE789

  11. I feel that the 250 stop and frisk is ignorant, racial, and most of all harassment. This is what makes most individual that disrespect and hate cops have such a mindset. I mean yeah the police are there to help citizens from dangerous situations and keep the streets safe but how are people supposed to feel safe if whenever they are out they are constantly stopped and harassed just because their race or because of where they are? In my opinion if you’re going to have a stop and frisk rule there need to be some changes to the way it’s executed. I say this because stop and frisks can have a positive effect on crime but only if it’s executed without racial profiling and harassment. By this I mean officers shouldn’t just target minorities but whites as well and that they should have some sort of system that keeps officers from harassing individuals they stop and frisk like placing cameras on every officer so they will be less likely to harass people. If stop and frisks can’t be conducted equally throughout racial groups and without harassment I feel like it’s a system that is corrupted and shouldn’t be in effect.

    1. I agree, along with the revision of the way the system is run they really need to pass the legislation that would create the position overlooking the ethical decisions of the NYPD. This legislation would be entirely beneficial to the entire community, yet is continuously blocked from passing. Like this video shows, the NYPD is one of the only agencies where citizens cannot file complaints that will have a snowball's chance in hell of making a difference. The quota is also a likely cause of the abuse of power as it forces these stops and arrests of citizens by provoking them into resistance.

  12. I don't see what the reason for support of this practice could possibly be. When a look is taken at the actual numbers of stops and frisks and who is carrying the contraband it becomes increasingly relevant that the entire practice is racially motivated. During the radio interview with Bloomberg just before he was cut off made a statement that we should target minorities MORE even though the numbers state they are not the ones actively carrying the contraband. A complete disregard for an individual's rights and a hunger for power is what inspires most of Bloomberg's twisted, freedom hating policies, this one doubly so. Officers should be experienced in stopping suspicious individuals, but they are doing a terrible job of determining what constitutes "suspicious". This current method is racially biased and terribly executed, often ending with the bitter harassment of black and Latino teens. Of course the kid is going to be nervous and looking over his shoulder when he sees the police because they're constantly targeting him. Like we saw with Alvin, he was in the police explore program, yet was continuously being stopped because he was looking over his shoulder at the cops. If you get stopped every two blocks you start looking out a bit more. It's just a perpetual cycle that promotes "Us vs. Them" mentality and creates a gap in the relationship between police officers and citizens. But that doesn't matter to Bloomberg or Ray Kelly, as long as they can parade their crusade as a way to get guns off of the streets.

    1. I really like the point you made EAB789 about the officers not being able to determine the correct meaning of "suspicious". How does the Stop & Frisk program effectively work when cops seemingly can't define "suspicious behavior"? To one police officer, an empty backpack is and to another its looking back frequently at the cop car as he passes you. LF789

  13. From a numbers standpoint Stop and Frisk is a waste of time. I think its absurd that the law would give a ridiculous power like that to anyone let alone the quotas that are being put on officers to preform stop and frisks. I am not surprised that the Stop and Frisk numbers are racist either. The whole concept is so absurd that not even the guys that defend it like Ray Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg can even keep their arguments straight. Apart from the moral issues I have with Stop and Frisk I think it’s upsetting how the New York cops will stop the same guy several times in the same night. What also does not make much sense to me is how some of those cops were trying to defend themselves by saying that they did not want to stop random citizens or they would say things like their superiors were making them but in that recording those officers were unbelievably brutal with that kid. They threatened him for no reason, and were unnecessarily rough with him. Basically if the New York police officers were truly opposed to Stop and Frisk they would defiantly not be as aggressive with it even if they were forced to do it more. KAM789

    1. I would second that. The officers aren't just trying to make their "quota", they sounded as if they were purposefully trying to be racist towards Alvin and on his recording. In my opinion, they were being completely unprofessional by threatening him with police brutality when they had absolutely no proof of him doing anything wrong. I also agree Ray Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg can't even defend their own position on the Stop & Frisk procedures without contradicting their own statements. LF789

  14. In my own opinion the stop and frisk strategy can be both beneficial and not beneficial at the same time. Stop and frisk should not be centered towards certain races but at the same time maybe some of the races or groups that continue to get stopped should not set a label for themselves. I understand that the majority of the people being stopped are innocent and the authority finds no weapons or contraband on them. Yes what the cops are doing is racial profiling but if it seems to be lowering the crime rate then I believe it should not be taken away, but the authority does need to do a better job of treating all races equally. Don’t get me wrong if you have a great amount of money then you are less likely to be stopped and frisked but that does not make it right in any way possible. As some people may claim it’s a program but the others claim it is a practice so there is a very clear understanding that there is two sides of this. I believe that this stop and frisk practice has to continue in order to keep the crime rate down in the bigger cities, but at the same time needs to be taken more seriously. DO789

  15. This is just simply wrong. I believe that the reason the crime rate has dropped is because people are scared to carry anything on them illegal just because they know there is a good chance they will get stopped, but the whole system doesn't is just corrupt. What good does that really do?, this honestly makes me questionable about going into this career and profession. I have a lot of respect for the Alvin kid. He handled the situation very well, he stood his ground without provoking the officers even further than they were already headed. It's simply just outrageous and unconstitutional and prejudice. It makes me almost ashamed to say I'm going into the criminal justice program because of the corruptness that is going on. Ray Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg are simply morons and often contradict themselves just so the public will see them in a different way. If you pay attention to Alvin and the other 19 year old kid's reaction to the recording it really makes you feel their emotion towards this sickening act of police harassment. To me this should be put to a stop immediately because the numbers show it's not doing anything beneficial other than scaring and harassing the citizens of New York City, preferably the black and hispanic young adults. LF789

  16. Basically the stop and frisk policy in my opinion has its positives and negatives always in anything dealing with this topic from what I got out of watching the videos we watched in class, and the one from above, is its mostly racial profiling.It clearly shows when the mayor and the police commissioner both say that black and Latino are the ones getting the stopped the most I don't get why whites don't stopped more they can be as just guilty as anyone else there are so many issues with the topic there will never be a happy medium plus also how they said its very unconstitutional and violates people's rights by just by getting patted down as if they are been convicted of a crime when really they werent when really the cop thought they looked "suspicious" just a lame reason to pat someone down and stop and frisks have such a big failure rate why dont they just eliminate that program from policing to some departments but it would be such a big headache out of the way and get so much pressure off city officials back's and ultimately wouldnt have any lawsuits coming upon them. TMilligan 789


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