The Homeless - Are They Deviant? Sociologist Durkheim Would Argue?


  1. I see them as deviant because you never know what they have been through they could of lost their family, they could be going through a life change where they have nothing in their life but to be homeless. But I do believe that people pretend to be homeless because they know people feel bad for them and they give them money. For instance Willy York in Peoria has been homeless for many years by choice and people always help him out by giving him money when he decides to be homeless himself.

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    2. I disagree when you say that the homeless are deviant because we do not know what they went through to become homeless. I do not think anyone would pretend to be homeless. People should be ashamed of themselves if they are pretending to be homeless because there are people that are actually homeless. I do not think people want to be homeless.


    3. You don't know what someone has been through to put them in the life they are living. Even identical twins overtime will begin to have different features given there day to day lives. If life starts and ends just like a game and there are players in both so someone has to be the winner or one on top and someone has to be the one on bottom or the one that loses.

    4. I do not feel like life is a game we should play. I feel life is more of a Journey. Someones path in their journey is going to be different then the path I choose. I don't feel like someone always has to be so called "better, or on top" than someone else. I do believe that people think this way though. But why? Why not just better ourselves and be that so called "better person, or person on top?" CooCoo246

    5. I have been to other countries where people pretended to be homeless, so I wouldnt doubt that it happens in America too. I do not however feel all homeless are deviants, everyone has a different reason for being homeless and just because they are different doesnt mean people should scared of or look down on them. Some of the most enlightning conversations I have had in my life have been with people who others view as diferent or unconventonal. Take the me chat with may change your views! mfroggyus246

    6. I do not believe that people would choose to be homeless just because he/she wants people to feel sorry. Everyone likes nice and warm house in the winter, and to have a meal every single day. Doglover246

    7. I do not believe that people would choose to be homeless just because he/she wants people to feel sorry. Everyone likes nice and warm house in the winter, and to have a meal every single day. Doglover246

    8. Interesting comment about Willie York. This man surely has had many opportunities to escape the lifestyle of being homeless but just hasn’t wanted to take advantage of those to better himself. I don’t know if it’s ever been publically known why. He may have some sort of mental disorder, and no family to care for him.

      Bullml13- 246

    9. Everyone does love a nice warm house and a meal everyday. But you hear about some homeless people doing minor crimes to society where he/she is locked up for those colder months for the the place to stay and 3 meals everyday. Most people believe in life's work in America and then they're those who were never learned that aspect of life and are just going through it to get to the end.

    10. Everyone does love a nice warm house and a meal everyday. But you hear about some homeless people doing minor crimes to society where he/she is locked up for those colder months for the the place to stay and 3 meals everyday. Most people believe in life's work in America and then they're those who were never learned that aspect of life and are just going through it to get to the end.

    11. This is true. Many homeless people do commit those petty crimes to SURVIVE. Not to be labeled a deviant. If I were in their position, homeless with no where to go with the winter months coming, I would do it in a heartbeat if it meant I would survive and get three meals a day. If there was knowledge of them being homeless before going to prison while having a clean record, I believe there should be a program that allows them to be set up for success in society. It may not solve all the problems but I'm sure it would be a great start.

    12. This is true. Many homeless people do commit those petty crimes to SURVIVE. Not to be labeled a deviant. If I were in their position, homeless with no where to go with the winter months coming, I would do it in a heartbeat if it meant I would survive and get three meals a day. If there was knowledge of them being homeless before going to prison while having a clean record, I believe there should be a program that allows them to be set up for success in society. It may not solve all the problems but I'm sure it would be a great start.

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  4. I believe it is deviant of our society for that the word homeless was created when then norm of society would live in a home and someone would not obtain or lose a home for whatever reason and be living on the land. For less civilized societies homelessness maybe be more regular therefore allowing argument. There may be exceptions like those choosing to live off the land instead of obtaining a home for that they choose for whatever reason. To me it depends on what is normal for that particular part of the world. Things can be very different and hard to predict.

    1. I agree that it is deviant to use the word homeless to describe people without houses. They should be call people without houses. It is houses that they need. A home can be a state of mind and a feeling of belonging.


    2. What is exactly our countries "Norm?" I agree with you that it is deviant of our society. But if it wasn't for our society choosing that Norm, who would? Homelessness in our country is much different than those homeless in other countries. Some of our Homeless people could be considered wealthy in other countries. CooCoo246

    3. What defines a home?? 4 wall a roof? Are people in prison homeless then? They have no homes and they live on the money provided by tax payers, is that any different than holding your hand out for money? Like I said before there are to me deviants out there who are homeless, but, where line drawn? mfroggyus246

    4. I agree with mfroggyus246 who are we to judge what a person calls a home. To me a home can be a tent, to you a car, and to another person a house. The last time I checked I believe the definition of home is a place where one lives permanently, not one place in the definition does it define exactly what a home looks, smells, or feels like.


    5. I agree with mfroggyus246 who are we to judge what a person calls a home. To me a home can be a tent, to you a car, and to another person a house. The last time I checked I believe the definition of home is a place where one lives permanently, not one place in the definition does it define exactly what a home looks, smells, or feels like.


    6. Some of the people who are out on the street saying that they are homeless sometimes aren't. I have always heard stories growing up by my parents or older people when seeing a homeless person on the street that they are just "lazy" and do not want to work. So when I drive around the city and see homeless folks, I have to think to myself is it just an act or are they really in need of help.

    7. I am not really sure what side of the fence I am on with "people choosing to be homeless." I think people like to play the part of "being homeless" to get extra cash, drugs, and extra spending money. I have the same idea as Red246, I never know whether the "need food to feed family" signs are legit or if it is just a lure for extra money. It is just hard to know what their real situation is, because turning people down that may have a hard situation would be hard. feb246

  5. I believe it is deviant of our society for that the word homeless was created when then norm of society would live in a home and someone would not obtain or lose a home for whatever reason and be living on the land. For less civilized societies homelessness maybe be more regular therefore allowing argument. There may be exceptions like those choosing to live off the land instead of obtaining a home for that they choose for whatever reason. To me it depends on what is normal for that particular part of the world. Things can be very different and hard to predict.

    1. I completely agree that homelessness being deviant depends on what the cultural norm is for an area is. What we consider to be homeless here in central Illinois could be completely different than what other people around the world define homeless as. -Tyler246

    2. Agree! It seems that in the smaller citites there are more chances of getting out of the streets and back on your feet. It seems as if there are more people that are willing to give a hand and offering to help others out as much as they can. But in the bigger cities it would be alot harder to start organizations and such, i think, to help people out in need. feb246

  6. I do not think the homeless are deviant because we do not know what they have been through to become homeless. I believe people do not choose to be homeless. If people do choose to be homeless they should be ashamed of themselves. But, I do not think people would want to be homeless or like to be homeless.


    1. I completely agree, everyone out on the streets are faced with different situations, not everyone is where they are at for the same reasons. I don't however think that it's really anyone's choice to be homeless.

    2. I do have to say that if people are on the streets because of a drug addiction that they are not willing to try and help then in a way it is kind of their choice.

  7. Are the Homeless considered Deviant? I feel as if the homeless can be considered deviant because they are that "Homeless." Most people associate Homeless people with crime, drugs, or some kind of an addiction. We don't stop and think what their circumstances may have been. There are the homeless that are truly homeless not because they chose to be but because of our countries economic standpoint. Then there are homeless people who choose to be homeless, not because they really want to but because they believe it is easier. Then we have the ones who pretend to be homeless and those are the ones I consider more deviant then those who are truly "homeless." They are the ones living off the system and they should be ashamed of themselves. Durkheim would argue and say that defiance is a good thing. He says this because with out bad we would not know what good is. Deviance brings people closer in our country. CooCoo246

    1. I really like the last sentence that says deviance brings people closer together. I think that would be true for homeless people. When you do not have a job and money you are going to spend a lot of time with people who are in the same situation as you and rely on them. -Tyler246

    2. I do not consider the homeless deviant because the majority of them do not choose to be homeless. We do not know what happened for them to become homeless. I have never known anybody that would pretend to be homeless. If there are people pretending to be homeless than they should be ashamed of themselves because there are people that are actually homeless. -Kevin246

    3. I think that we hear so many bad things about those who are homeless. Your exactly right in saying that not all homeless people are drug addicts or criminals. They may have been put there by circumstances that were out of their control. If someone were to lose their job and have no friends or family to turn to, they might have no other choice but to be on the streets. That doesn’t make them a criminal though.

      Bullml13- 246

    4. I feel as people who are living off the system and are purposely miss using it are deviant, and only in that instance. But a person who is living off the system also aren't what we label as "homeless". People who are on the system live in a similar place that the rest of us reside in running water, electricity, and a bed. People who's homes don't contain those things are on no type of system besides the survival system and making away to see another day. Which is what any other person is trying to accomplish. Just making a way for yourself.


    5. I feel as people who are living off the system and are purposely miss using it are deviant, and only in that instance. But a person who is living off the system also aren't what we label as "homeless". People who are on the system live in a similar place that the rest of us reside in running water, electricity, and a bed. People who's homes don't contain those things are on no type of system besides the survival system and making away to see another day. Which is what any other person is trying to accomplish. Just making a way for yourself.


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    7. I agree with Elbow-knee_246 if your the type of person who would purposely live off the system i think would most agree they would be considered deviants by our social norms. But that is different from "Homeless". I don't believe there is any type of system to rely on when you don't have a home. Unless you pull a Willie-York and do petty crimes to go to jail for the winter. WISC_Hurdler246

  8. I think that for this area that the homeless are deviant. It is socially unacceptable to be homeless and that is why there are several agencies like to dream center in Peoria to help out people in poverty and who are homeless. It is very hard to get out of poverty. Just take a look at the poverty cycle. People who are poor are more likely to have children that are poor and then their children are poor. It can be a never ending cycle unless some reaches out to help them. -Tyler246

    1. I agree with you in this area. In other areas such as a third world country it is normal to be homeless. Chicago it isn't normal for someone to be homeless, but there are some that hang out in streets or sidewalks. Based on a persons background it us common or uncommon to be homeless and deviant. Starburst246

    2. ... and the children are poor because sometimes they have to stay at home and take care of their youngest brother or sister because mom or dad need to go to work and make minimum wage that can barely pay for anything. Doglover246

    3. ... and the children are poor because sometimes they have to stay at home and take care of their youngest brother or sister because mom or dad need to go to work and make minimum wage that can barely pay for anything. Doglover246

    4. I also agree for this area and the United States in general it is very socially unacceptable to be homeless. Walking through downtown Chicago where all these designer stores and successful business men and women walk it is very awkward to see one guy/girl sitting down on the street begging for spare change. Living in Peoria for my whole life and seeing that type of thing is different which is deviant.

    5. I also agree for this area and the United States in general it is very socially unacceptable to be homeless. Walking through downtown Chicago where all these designer stores and successful business men and women walk it is very awkward to see one guy/girl sitting down on the street begging for spare change. Living in Peoria for my whole life and seeing that type of thing is different which is deviant.

    6. Thankfully there are many agencies in basically any city that you go to that are willing to help out homeless people, and try to get them back on their feet. The only thing is, is that sometimes people are not willing to give it their all and try to get out of the cycle of poverty. Too many people when facing adversity or a tough road ahead, they just want to give up when in the end the result can better their and their family's life.

  9. I personally had a family member who was homeless for years living on the streets of Peoria. He had every opportunity to get off the streets, be it family members or other avenues of help, but inevitably he would end up back on the streets by choice. I do not feel he as a deviant, his wife passed away his children were either dead or moved and didnt get in contact with him. He choose to be free from the burdens society can put on us, in a strange way he was much more free without mone than sometimes we feel with money. Do I think there are deviant homeless people, YES. Do I think they all are, no, I think the economy has to do with homelessness, peoples personal choices (drugs, alcohol etc.) also have to do with the homeless issue. However I do believe there are people who just dont want be a part of society so they distance their selves from anything that is considered "normal". mfroggyus246

    1. I agree as well there are people that choose to be homeless or live with very little stuff. I had a family member who went from couch to couch, however; he had an addiction. Most people who distance themselves high percentage have a mental problem. I thin that maybe most homeless people want distance themselves from society. Starburst464

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  10. I remember seeing my first homeless person when I visited Chicago. I was in the eight grade with my mom. We were walking down the street and I walked on tge the opposite side of my mom, because I was very timid next to the homeless person. Being in that community being homeless isn't deviant, because some people are. I believe where people come from that being homeless defines them as deviant. In the third world countries most people are homeless though being homeless isn't deviant. I believe in America our government and a combination of ourselves puts people in the situation of homelessness. It never came to my mind that people dress up like a homeless person to get stuff for free, but in my opinion if they need it, go for it. Starburst464

  11. Someone can not judge a homeless thinking that they are all deviant. Living with little money, poor education, trying to survive everyday not knowing if food will be available the next day is the reality for a lot of people, and that is one of the reasons that people lose their homes and become homeless. Sometimes they are trying to escape from something such as abuse, or drug addiction. They reasons can be countless. There are a lot of homeless more honest than some people with a lot of money. It is just the situation that can lead to criminal behavior. Doglover246

  12. Someone can not judge a homeless thinking that they are all deviant. Living with little money, poor education, trying to survive everyday not knowing if food will be available the next day is the reality for a lot of people, and that is one of the reasons that people lose their homes and become homeless. Sometimes they are trying to escape from something such as abuse, or drug addiction. They reasons can be countless. There are a lot of homeless more honest than some people with a lot of money. It is just the situation that can lead to criminal behavior. Doglover246

  13. Someone can not judge a homeless thinking that they are all deviant. Living with little money, poor education, trying to survive everyday not knowing if food will be available the next day is the reality for a lot of people, and that is one of the reasons that people lose their homes and become homeless. Sometimes they are trying to escape from something such as abuse, or drug addiction. They reasons can be countless. There are a lot of homeless more honest than some people with a lot of money. It is just the situation that can lead to criminal behavior. Doglover246

  14. Homeless people are not deviant, I mean what exactly is considered "normal"? In other countries that is just how they live. Here there maybe a lot of circumstances that the person has had to turn to an alternative to find shelter. In this country we probably have more than the norm for some countries live with ancestors and multiple families under one roof. Unfortunately, they have not found resources to help them to get back on track for us to think they are "normal".


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  17. I don’t think that we can put the homeless in the category of social deviant. I think that you would have to go deeper and analyze the city. For example different cities may see a higher population of homeless people. In the larger cities it may be normal for the homeless to roam the city, to be begged for money. However, in the small cities it may be deviant. Some individuals choose to have a homeless lifestyle, they may have been given the opportunity to get out of the lifestyle they are in but for whatever reason they choose not to. Other may be forced in the vicious cycle that the one guy was talking about into the video, they try to help themselves but for whatever reason they are knocked back down. Maybe they got a job, but lost it due to uncontrollable circumstances.

    Bullml13- 246

    1. I would disagree with you that homeless people are not social deviant. Just because there are more homeless people in a given city would not prevent them from being deviant, in my opinion. For homeless to be the social norm homeless people would have to outnumber the people with homes; that is to say that it would be more common to be homeless than having a home.


  18. I don't believe you can put a label on a person who doesn't live in the same type of home as you. Because a person may dwell in a tent or under a bridge does not make that a home. That's like saying my house has siding, no brick, and is just basically studio type, but ran down. Doe's that make that person deviant also because thats not how your expectations are of a home? I believe there are some people who didn't choose the homeless life, but thats the life they have are living. To me that may not be normal, but to me waking up to a 1.3 billion dollar house also isn't normal. And who's to say that the homeless man is not happier and more thankful enjoying life (which is abnormal pertaining to deviance in his situation) than that man with the 1.3 billion dollar house. Whether the homeless person parents past away while they were young and they have to survive on their own, or a person who's become schizophrenic and don't want to live in a so called "normal" place because they think someones there trying to get them, or if a person lost their job have no family and no where to go, any of those things in my opinion can not be labeled as deviance or maybe everyone situation in life is consider deviance it's just how you view it. Thats just there way of life.


  19. I don't believe you can put a label on a person who doesn't live in the same type of home as you. Because a person may dwell in a tent or under a bridge does not make that a home. That's like saying my house has siding, no brick, and is just basically studio type, but ran down. Doe's that make that person deviant also because thats not how your expectations are of a home? I believe there are some people who didn't choose the homeless life, but thats the life they have are living. To me that may not be normal, but to me waking up to a 1.3 billion dollar house also isn't normal. And who's to say that the homeless man is not happier and more thankful enjoying life (which is abnormal pertaining to deviance in his situation) than that man with the 1.3 billion dollar house. Whether the homeless person parents past away while they were young and they have to survive on their own, or a person who's become schizophrenic and don't want to live in a so called "normal" place because they think someones there trying to get them, or if a person lost their job have no family and no where to go, any of those things in my opinion can not be labeled as deviance or maybe everyone situation in life is consider deviance it's just how you view it. Thats just there way of life.


    1. I totally agree with what your saying. Just because they don't live in as nice of a place as you doesn't give you any right to go and judge them. I've met a few homeless people and they were super nice and I would not go and judge them as deviant. Just because a few homeless people get in trouble from time to time doesn't necessarily mean all of them are going to do the same exact thing.

    2. This is exactly what I feel. They are only considered deviant in the eyes of society, and even though they may fit the definition, they don't deserve the negative connotations associated with the word. Who's to say that they're really worse off than anyone else? They may be happier than the richest person in the world and nobody would know or care simply because society sees fit to give them a label and keep them labelled as such their whole lives.

    3. This is exactly what I feel. They are only considered deviant in the eyes of society, and even though they may fit the definition, they don't deserve the negative connotations associated with the word. Who's to say that they're really worse off than anyone else? They may be happier than the richest person in the world and nobody would know or care simply because society sees fit to give them a label and keep them labelled as such their whole lives.

  20. Based on the definition of deviant and my view of social norms, yes homeless people would be considered deviant to me. The majority of people that I have met live in a house, condo, apartment, motorhomes, etc., some form of structure that they rent or own, this creates the social norm for me. There may be other cultures where being homeless is the cultural norm and I would be the deviant to their society. There is also nothing saying that either lifestyle is right or wrong, they are simply two different lifestyles, one which I am accustomed to which results in the other being the deviant.


    1. I do not consider the homeless as deviant because they didn't chose to be homeless. Homeless is a thing that happens to people and they do not get out of it. I feel bad for the homeless and we should not say that they are deviant.

    2. I wouldn't consider all homeless people as deviant. Like you said they don't chose to be homeless and live on the streets. I think people just automatically judge them based on how they look and by how everyone else criticizes them. I feel sorry for the homeless and it sucks that people judge them so quickly. kmoney246

    3. I would not consider them all deviant. They give themselves that title. People do not choose to be homeless and considered a travesty. People are just way too judgmental in today's society. I honestly feel sorry for the homeless because some of them are actually great people.

    4. Like the people above me, I wouldn't consider them all deviant. Stereotypes that we have developed and learned over the years from peers/parents/teachers are what shaped our idea of them. If you look at it from a non-stereotypical viewpoint, which is hard, they are struggling to find their place again in the world that may or may not have abandoned them.

  21. I think that not all homeless people chose the life that they do. I know a kid I went to high school with that went through a rough patch when he graduated and got into bad stuff and his siblings offered him to stay with them and he refused and became homeless living downtown and staying at shelters. He had an opportunity to not be homeless, but instead turned down the help. It would be sad to worry each day where your going to sleep for the night or how your going to get your next meal. I also feel bad that people look at all homeless people as deviant. I don't think that at all and they aren't any different then anybody else. I always want to give them money when I see someone with a sign, but then I always think the same thing as the people in the video that I don't want to give them cash if their going to go spend it on drugs. I would rather go and buy them food knowing I gave them something they needed. kmoney246

    1. It's nice to know that there are still genuinely kind souls out there. Your positive outlook is refreshing. I agree that it breaks my heart seeing a homeless person on the side of the road asking for money. If it were me, I would hope that decent people such as you would have pity on a broken soul like me. Very few homeless people are in their situation because they choose to be, yet they are still deviants in the eyes of society, and not the sociological definition of deviance.

    2. I like your attitude towards this subject, shows the kindness in people. I believe that if we were not taught negatively about them, that the word deviant would only apply to a very select few, rather than the whole population of homeless be put to shame because of learned behaviors. I feel as a human, when looking at homeless it should be as non-stereotypical as we can, but more based on their actions as a person.

  22. There are many reasons that person might be considered homeless. Here in Central Illinois I don’t really consider homelessness deviant. Sometimes it is a choice sometimes it is forced. Although there aren’t that many people on the streets that are homeless, there are many people every night that have to stay at homeless shelters in the area because they don’t have a permanent dwelling place. There are also many people that stay at random friends’ houses every night in cause they don’t have a bed to call their own. Because of the many wonderful agencies in the area we don’t see the homeless on the streets as much as some other areas. So here in Peoria I don’t consider homelessness deviant. Just because there are people worst off then us doesn't meant that we need to look at them as if they are weird or strange. Sometimes in life we all need a little extra help.

    1. I agree with your comment 100%! It's really sad that people are so judgmental. Life is tough and sometimes instead of person having a grasp on life, life has a grasp on a person. I'm not any less deviant than a homeless man or women.

  23. Being homeless should not be compared with the word deviant just because a person is homeless. I have seen honorable things that homeless people actually do that non-homeless people probably would not. I understand that some homeless people do dumb things but that should not label them all. I have not ever considered them to be deviant unless they place that title on themselves. Just because someone doesn't have as much money as the next person does not make them any less deviant than that person. Everyone is deviant in their own way.

    1. I agree that everyone possesses some sort of deviant character, but the definition of deviance is a recognized violation of the cultural norm. Though homelessness is prevalent in some cities, I do not believe living on the street is a cultural norm in this country. I do think some people can be excluded. There are those that don't have a choice in the matter and then work to change their situation. YellowSubmarine246.

    2. I think deviant depends on the person. Just because they are homeless they should not be bundled into that stereotype. There are wealthy people who are deviant too, it does not make all wealthy people deviant. GMD246

  24. In my opinion homeless are deviant because in the United States being homeless is considered wrong. Regardless if it is their choice to be homeless or not to be. The people who choose to be homeless I consider them to be more deviant. If you were brought up through life with the necessary skills to succeed why choose to do nothing? The human spirit drives itself off hard work and the passion we ourselves put into the things we enjoy. The one's who grew up in poverty or who never learned how read don't know any better I do feel sorry for. But yet they're still deviant because it is not the norm of society. For the ones who stand on corners at intersections give them a job holding a sign that says 25% off mattresses or the Little Caesars shaker board. Falcons246

    1. I agree with you that homeless people should be able to change their situation. I think the deviance comes into play with those that end up homeless and then settle into that role. I do think there are those who don’t attempt to better themselves and instead make being homeless a way of life. That is not the cultural norm in America.YellowSubmarine246

  25. The final word on the video was a perfect ending. Deviance sounds like an ominous and cruel word to us simply because it is synonymous with the outright rebels that commit acts that the rest of society sees as unacceptable. We live in an age where, in America, being below the economic bar causes you to be looked down on, for stereotypes to appear despite the fact that it may or may not be your fault that you're in that kind of a situation. Deviance is the opposite of the social norm, but it's sad that most people look down on these types of deviants like they would any others. Homelessness can't, in some cases, be helped, so lumping them in with every other type of deviant is a cruel sort of punishment to them, like kicking them when they're down. They are deviants, but no more deviant than any other person on the face of the earth, and before they are judged as such, the ones judging them should take a good long look at themselves and those around them, then maybe they would see that everyone, in some way, shape, or form, is a deviant as well.

  26. To decide if a homeless person was deviant , I think Hirschi’s Control Theory could apply. If chances for attachment, opportunities, involvement with others, and beliefs are turned down in order to continue a certain way of life, then yes that person is a deviant. I do believe that there are certain circumstances that could happen to someone that would leave them with nothing and force them to become homeless. This to me is not deviance, just someone stuck in a hard place. Homelessness does fit into Durkheim’s view of deviance. When we see someone living on the street, we think, “I definitely do not want to be this person.” It affirms what we’ve been taught about living our lives and building our futures. People have definitely been brought together by the hardships of the homeless. Numerous charities exist and volunteer organizations that focus on helping homeless people. YellowSubmarine246

  27. In all reality, homelessness shouldn't be lobbed together with the term deviant. The struggle they went through, those who did, is unknown to us. They could have lost their job, house, family and couldn't get a start to go back up. Yes some of them are lazy, and only do drugs/alcohol, doesn't mean they all are. It's all about a negative stereotype based on homeless. We all see them, or think that they are all lazy drug addicts that people tell US as we grow old. With those stereotypes, our brains automatically make the jump to throw them into that negative stereotype. With that said, most of teens now a days, are almost as bad if not worse than homeless people, so are the homeless really that much of a deviant? I believe not.

    1. I completely agree with you. They are humans too and might have been handed a life they did not ask for. Some are doing what they can and know how to survive. They are not deviant people just down on their luck and unable to recover. GMS246

    2. I agree with you, as well. We never know what their struggle is, or how they got where they are. I guess since I was raised to see the good in everyone, I try to see the good with the homeless too. They did not choose to be homeless, and even if they did, who cares? I think that the homeless have the right idea. I are we to decide what right and what is wrong. As long as they are content with the way the live, it does not matter how we feel. Right?

  28. I believe that the homeless are deviant. I understand that people lose their job, or may get kicked out of their home, but if someone was trying hard enough they would be able to find a job to make some sort of income. I grew up in large cities, so I have been use to homeless people and bums the majority of my life asking for money. The only time I would offer to give any sort of money is if they actually had on a good act and made me laugh a little. I do believe though that if a person is willing enough to try and find work they can, or they would have a friend or family member that would take them in while they get back on their feet. People can just be lazy, not wanting to work for a living, just doing what they can to make a few bucks here and there so they don't have to work a 9-5.

  29. Are Homeless Deviant? I think that people become homeless for varies reasons. Some are homeless because they have lead a deviant life prior and has lead to homelessness. Some have now choice and have end up homeless because of the economic down fall. Some are our mentally ill or vetrans where our society did not or could not provide them help and or treatment and ended up on the streets. I do fell that society views them as deviants and some are lead to a life of crime such as stealing, vandalism, drugs, prostitution to get by or survive on the streets. What society also need to keep in mind is the homeless are people, they don't deserved to be judged just because they have less than them. Some of them are doing the very best they know how to do to survive. GMD246

    1. I agree that people are homeless for different reasons. I don't think being homeless makes them deviant. I do agree that it can lead to deviant behavior because they need to do whatever they need to do to get by. They should change the condition to houselessness because it's houses they need.

    2. I agree that people are homeless for different reasons. I don't think being homeless makes them deviant. I do agree that it can lead to deviant behavior because they need to do whatever they need to do to get by. They should change the condition to houselessness because it's houses they need.

    3. I agree that people are homeless for different reasons. I don't think being homeless makes them deviant. I do agree that it can lead to deviant behavior because they need to do whatever they need to do to get by. They should change the condition to houselessness because it's houses they need.

    4. Kevin, your statement is totally correct in my eyes. I do believe that being homeless does not make them deviant, but trying to survive may be. I read an article in the news a couple weeks ago about a homeless man helping the police capture a suspect. I don't consider that being deviant, in fact, I'm not sure how many non-homeless people would do that. That tells one the morals of this guys are good. What could make someone think he is a deviant would be the same man, a few hours later, being caught stealing food from a grocery store or a street side market or whatever just to get by. Im sure this had little to no impact from who he was stealing from, but we make it a big deal because he was a homeless man.

    5. Kevin, your statement is totally correct in my eyes. I do believe that being homeless does not make them deviant, but trying to survive may be. I read an article in the news a couple weeks ago about a homeless man helping the police capture a suspect. I don't consider that being deviant, in fact, I'm not sure how many non-homeless people would do that. That tells one the morals of this guys are good. What could make someone think he is a deviant would be the same man, a few hours later, being caught stealing food from a grocery store or a street side market or whatever just to get by. Im sure this had little to no impact from who he was stealing from, but we make it a big deal because he was a homeless man.

  30. There isn't an answer to this question. Everyone's perception of deviance differs from person to person, even though deviance is an act that differs from society as a whole. I agree with the guy in the video who explains that they may fall into cycles. They lose a spouse or a loved one, they fall into depression, they try and "cure" the depression with drugs and alcohol, they spend all their money on the drugs and alcohol and end up on the streets still addicted. This is why we all think that "Oh if we give him money he'll just spend it on booze." I believe what we really need to do is nurture them. As with the discussion we had in class about the prisoners needing nurturing before being re-integreated into society, it goes the same for the homeless individuals. Most don't ask to be homeless and would benefit from being nurtured, and as for those who do choose to be homeless, good for them I'm glad they are loving and living life.

  31. I don't think you can say "Homeless People" are deviants because the fact they don't have a home has nothing to do with causing trouble. There is a big difference between a homeless person staying away from people or populated areas living their life as they choose and the homeless person begging every person for handouts disrupting their daily routine and the social norm. I understand most people associate "The Homeless" with drugs, crime, and that whole cycle but that would mean how they handle becoming homeless as the problem not the fact they don't have a home. WISC_Hurdler246

  32. I don't think that we can consider the homeless deviants. I mean they have the right idea: The don't have to work, They don't have to pay taxes, No bills,and people don't rely on you when you are homeless, because what are you good for? Honestly, If I could have an endless supply of food and some type of pro-bono medical "insurance", I would choose to be homeless.

    On a serious note, not all homeless people choose to be homeless. there are many causes, like depression or alcoholism. But there are many more causes that nobody recognizes. Many of the homeless people of today are veterans that have suffered ptsd and cannot figure out to live in America anymore and they cannot go back into the military so their only way to live is in the streets. I guess, what I'm saying is that homelessness is not always something that can be helped and it shouldn't be considered deviance because of it.

    1. Living off the generosity and hand outs of others has been going on throughout the course of human civilization. Even in biblical times poor people would flock to the church to try to get some help. Now a days the homeless have adapted to their surroundings. "Deviant" I would have to say no more or less than members of all others social classes. I'm sure like everywhere there are some but only a very small percentage. The stereo type that seems to persist with them is a built in emotion that comes from a simple lack of knowledge. If parents and educators would give a little time in explaining the how, why, when, and where of the homeless I doubt “Deviant” would any longer be up for debate with the homeless.

    2. I agree bodycall, many of the homeless are there because of uncontrollable circumstances, like foreclosures or veterans suffering from PTSD, so it really wasn't their choice. Society needs to understand that these people simply need help. They need someone to understand that this wasn't simply a choice, but a last resort for them. Being homeless is not a walk in the park. It is a very hard life and not just simply the carefree and worry free life some think it is.


  33. It is hard to decide whether or not homeless is the social norm. I can't understand why someone would want to be "homeless." But yet at the same time it is kind of a leisure now days. You can sit on the side of the road, make a sign and beg for change. There are shelters to take you in, there are food stations that donate food to homeless, and clothes provided for the needy. Working is not required when you are homeless. It is easy to walk around daily, and have not a worry in the world. I don't ever understand why someone would not want to better themselves, I really dont care what you have been through or how much hell you have been. You are still here living, there are many opportunities to better yourself, take them and pick yourself up! Homeless is something that is seen that is not as big of an issue as what it really was or should be. You just need to realize that there are chances in the world, you just have to try. feb246

    1. I think it is narrow minded for you to think that all homeless simply are homeless because they are lazy. And to think that they have not a care in the world is ridiculous! They worry about plenty. Like where they will sleep, or where they will find their next hot meal. People like you are why there are so many homeless. You think that they simply choose this lifestyle. We are lucky to enjoy a safe warm bed at night in a secure shelter. The homeless are forced to sleep where ever they can, and hope that they won't get robbed of their meager possessions. Live a week in the life of a homeless person and your attitude might just change.


    2. The thing about finding jobs is that everyone is requiring experience, even McDonald's wants some sort of experience. But if you can't get hired, you won't get experience, which means you can't get hired. Even if you do happen to get hired, they need you to be able to get there. If you don't have a car, you can't get to work. What are the chances that there will be a hiring business near where they happen to be sleeping at night? If you do turn in an application, they need to be able to call you to tell you that your app was accepted, then you need to show up to the interview in nice clothes, which you need money to get, which you won't get if you won't show up in those nice clothes to the interview. It's not simply because they won't get off their butt. It's a lot more complicated than that. -Moony246

  34. In past centuries, a homeless person would just be called a gypsy or a nomad, but because of the norms of today's society, they are simply "homeless." To label someone "homeless," that is deviant. To associate fear and repulsion to a word is crazy. These people just need help. There are a lot of reasons why people are homeless. Mental illness, loss of a job, the reject of society and social norms, the list goes on.

    I have lived in Peoria my whole life, and I have dealt with many homeless people. I have also helped many homeless people,so I don't think it is okay to just write someone off as deviant for their lack of a home. Many of these people were dealt a bad hand in the game of life. And they just didn't have the resources, whether it be family and friends, or simply knowledge of the resources and agencies available that could help them.


  35. I can't exactly say if being homeless should be considered deviant or not, everyone out on the streets is facing a different situation. There are families and young adults who are homeless because they hit hard times and maybe don't have support from their families like some people do, there are veterans who are treating their psychological issues with drugs or alcohol because they have no one to support them or show them how to get help, but then again you also have the people out there who are just standing on the side of the road to collect your money, who are too lazy to get a job, or so addicted to drugs that every penny they receive is spent on maintaining their habit. You cant really judge everyone just because they are homeless you don't know their situation or what they have been through.

  36. I remember the last time I went to Chicago, I participated in JPUSA, Jesus People USA. I volunteered with some members of my youth group to help the homeless. We handed out food at a center belonging to JPUSA, we organized the free clothes store, and after they were done eating, we cleaned up the food hall. It shocked me to see how many homeless there were there! I never realized how many people there were living on the streets! It saddens me to think about it, every time... -Moony246


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