The Poor: Ain't I a Person? - Forgotten Social Class?


  1. What I learn from watching this video is that nobody is doing anything about poverty. I don't blame people for being poor because people become poor when they lose their jobs. When you're poor you doing this you normally wouldn't do because you need to survive. I listen to a woman who did drugs because he had to pay for her kids medical bills. I feel bad for poor people because they live in bad conditions that nobody should live in.

  2. What I learn from watching this video is that nobody is doing anything about poverty. I think poor people are human beings. I don’t blame people for being poor because people became poor by losing their jobs. When you’re poor you do things you normally wouldn’t do you need to survive. I listened to a woman who did drugs because she had to pay for her daughter’s medical bills. I feel bad for poor people because they live in bad conditions that nobody should have to live in. I think people don’t do anything because they are not aware of the problem. It has nothing of rather they care or not. I really think we need to make people more aware of this problem. If people are aware of poverty then I think they will do something. It takes everybody not just one person to fix this problem. We can’t rely on just the government to raise awareness for poverty, we have to do it.

    1. I don't think that it's the fact of nobody doing anything to help those in poverty, there are plenty of organizations out there that provide help for people living in poverty, I think the government could help out a little more than what they do but I doubt this will ever change, our government itself is in debt so we can't exactly expect them to pull our nation out of poverty when they can't even get themselves out of debt. In a way I do feel sorry for those living in poverty, but then again there are plenty of things people can do to help themselves.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. What I learn from watching this video is that nobody is doing anything about poverty. I think poor people are human beings. I don’t blame people for being poor because people became poor by losing their jobs. When you’re poor you do things you normally wouldn’t do you need to survive. I listened to a woman who did drugs because she had to pay for her daughter’s medical bills. I feel bad for poor people because they live in bad conditions that nobody should have to live in. I think people don’t do anything because they are not aware of the problem. It has nothing of rather they care or not. I really think we need to make people more aware of this problem. If people are aware of poverty then I think they will do something. It takes everybody not just one person to fix this problem. We can’t rely on just the government to raise awareness for poverty, we have to do it. 14.3 percent of the population of the United States is in poverty. The greatest concentration of poverty is found in central cities where in 2009 poverty rate stood at 18.7 percent. Thus, the poverty rate for urban areas is 12.9 percent which is lower than rural areas at 15.1 percent.

    1. I agree, the public needs to become educated on poverty in America. There need to be a group effort between all parties to help initiate proper changes to help our neighbors. The poverty rates are only rising and as the numbers rise more resources are depleted and there is less help for those who need it. This is sad that the richest country has the larges poverty level per capita than any where. GMD246

    2. I disagree, society is trying to help people of poverty but it is a hard thing to encompass. The other video about class showed how the rich were sucking up a huge percentage of society and its money. I do agree we the people have the power to change things given the cooperation and proper direction. But when those causing so many people to be in poverty are the ones in charge of making changes it's going to be very hard.

    3. I do agree that the poor people of America are getting neglected. If you look at how our government is spending money, we'll be the first to give money over seas and help out other nations, which we could be using that money to help out the poverty stricken areas in cities. Especially since more jobs are being outsourced over seas, and with the advancement of technology, more people will start to lose their jobs just because they will be replaced by a machine. This just stresses how important it is to have a stable job with dependability.

  5. I have lived poverty. When my mom divorced her abusive husband we had no money. I wore my male cousins hand me downs for years. I had to watch my younger siblings, while my mother worked two jobs to pay bills and put food on the table. Not only was she taking care of her children, but she open her house to other battered women and their children, as a safe haven and a stepping stone to better their lives. There were times when there were 15 mouths to feed and only a dozen eggs and half a loaf of bread. I knew we were poor, but I know this has made me who I am. I have never once forgotten that time, it changes you. Years later my mom remarried and when we could give back we did. I have spent several holidays, and even nights volunteering at my churches food pantry, soup kitchens, holiday baskets, etc. I have taught my children to give to "the needy". My husband and I donate deer to the mission every year. It is not much but I still do not feel like it is enough. This video should be a wake up call to America. !3% of Americans are poor, In this video it said to double that. That is a lot of people. Our country is far too wealthy for this to be happening. It is far past time that the people, and our government stand up to fix this problem. We need to stop worrying about some of this foreign affairs and take care of our population. There was an interesting point made, that the people who are given welfare checks are spending it to stimulate the economy. If we stopped funding wars and sending our jobs over seas we could solve not only the economic down fall this country is in but also poverty. Think about that. I also think there are a lot of people in this country that don't think poverty is a problem and those who are aware just over look it. Our poor are some of the hardest working and most caring and giving in this country. Most did not choose to live this way. They are living this way because of spiral effect of problems from lack of resources and money to fix or change things in their life. Now is the time that American step up and do their part to help. GMD246

    1. This is very true everyone needs to step up, the rich and the poor. If everyone helped a little it would add up to be a lot even if they don't have much to offer. But those who have lots to offer need to step up as well for that if they do it will help so many more then those with little to offer. And in doing so they will cause the people to have more and spend more giving it back to them anyways.

    2. I agree, that the people and our government need to stand up to fix this problem. I’m sorry you had to live in poverty. Nobody should have to live in poverty. I believe people just aren’t aware of the fact that people are living in poverty. 14.3 percent of people living in poverty in the United States is way too many. Especially, since we are the richest country in the world. Hopefully, this video will raise awareness of people living in poverty. Hopefully, this video will raise awareness of poverty, so everybody can help people get out of poverty in America.

    3. Your story proves that even through hardships of life, there can be a good outcome. Even if a person can only offer small help to someone, it means a lot to the person whom they are helping. People do need to give back more to their communities, and make the stronger bond to try to help rid the deficit of the poverty line. It only takes a small amount of people to start a movement that can influence thousands.

    4. WOW, You are an American hero. To give to the poverty community is a blessing in disguise. I could never understand a life like that. However, it made me want to volunteer and give back as much as I can. Because, just helping one person you have made a difference. At this moment, I live paycheck to paycheck and that is very hard. Sometimes, we are robbing peter to pay paul. I am always grateful for having the things I do though. Because, there are people who have it far worse.

    5. That was very touching to read. You don't read many stories like that coming from people who were in poverty growing up. It honestly is very sad that we have so many people are like that..the people who are in poverty are some of the hardest workers I have seen, or met. Will they ever get a mention? No, because they are considered the lowest of the low, and that's a disgrace. These people should be helped, and loved like the rest of us. Sad that our economic status dictates who we are as an individual or group now.

  6. I agree, that the people and our government need to stand up to fix this problem. I’m sorry you had to live in poverty. Nobody should have to live in poverty. I believe people just aren’t aware of the fact that people are living in poverty. 14.3 percent of people living in poverty in the United States is way too many. Especially, since we are the richest country in the world. Hopefully, this video will raise awareness of people living in poverty. Hopefully, this video will raise awareness of poverty, so everybody can help people get out of poverty in America.

    1. As of 2012, 313.9 mil. people are in America, so for the purposes of this comment, let's say 314,000,000 people are in America. 14.3% of that is 44,902,000, about 390x the population of Peoria. These numbers really put poverty into perspective. The equivalent of 390 cities of Peoria are in poverty, and not many people think about that. Actually knowing these numbers is scary. This video does need promoted. Posted all over the web, shown everywhere. If it was, maybe poverty numbers would eventually go down. They will never disappear altogether, but maybe they'd lower. -Moony246

  7. It is very interesting to know that so many people think the same about what people of poverty think about life and living that life. At the same time is shocking that most people of poverty go through life excepting that there lives and those before them and after them will be harder then some/many others lives’. To me its unfortunate that people must struggle to survive and everyone can’t just have a fun and easy live. But also I think of primitive people’s lives and way back when people may have not even had fire. That must have been a little harder then the poverty that we have today for that the world was not civilized at all. The day to day lives and thoughts of some in poverty is very different then that of those with decent lives or lives where they do not have to worry about money and the things money provides. I also always think how society labels those born less fortunate then others. I believe its not what you have in life its what you make of it. One explanation being I believe those less fortunate see what life really is more often but not always more then those born into and a life where their entire lives with ease.

    1. I don't think that people who are living in poverty just go throughout life accepting that is their life and just sit around doing nothing to change it. I don't think it's exactly easy for those living in poverty to just pull themselves out, the economy itself is struggling with low wages and not enough jobs, it's just makes it harder for those who are already struggling. I do however think that for some people like single mothers who are raising their children alone they have no excuse why they can't better their lives, the government provided grants and financial aid for people, and no just single mothers, I don't think there is an excuse why they shouldn't at least want to take those opportunities and better themselves for the future.

    2. Not everyone who is in poverty accepts that thats the life they are going to live and its not easy pulling yourself out of poverty. I been through it and I refused to live my life that way. I busted my butt and and worked hard just to push myself in to Middle-class and im still working hard to go futher. Yes there are some people who will let poverty take over their lives but Then there are lots of people who wont. LadiKay_246

  8. It is very interesting to know that so many people think the same about what people of poverty think about life and living that life. At the same time is shocking that most people of poverty go through life excepting that there lives and those before them and after them will be harder then some/many others lives’. To me its unfortunate that people must struggle to survive and everyone can’t just have a fun and easy live. But also I think of primitive people’s lives and way back when people may have not even had fire. That must have been a little harder then the poverty that we have today for that the world was not civilized at all. The day to day lives and thoughts of some in poverty is very different then that of those with decent lives or lives where they do not have to worry about money and the things money provides. I also always think how society labels those born less fortunate then others. I believe its not what you have in life its what you make of it. One explanation being I believe those less fortunate see what life really is more often but not always more then those born into and a life where their entire lives with ease.

    1. I don’t think they go through life accepting poverty, but they have no way out. I think it is unfortunate that people struggle through poverty throughout their entire life. I think society shouldn’t put labels on people that are less fortunate than others. I don’t think society should look down on people in poverty because most of the time it is not their fault they are in poverty. I don’t like when politicians go on television and say we shouldn’t help people in poverty. We should help people in poverty. People in poverty need help that includes welfare and food stamps.

  9. I agree with the statement the woman made in the beginning of the video that people don't really know what poverty is unless they have actually faced poverty. It was shocking to me that people actually think that poverty doesn't exist in America, just because the people living in poverty in our country aren't under the same conditions as those living in other countries. As they said in the video poverty in our country can be helped if we had more jobs with higher wages, I think there are a lot of people that don't even realize they are living in poverty. I thought the statement the woman made about the government treating people living in poverty as if they don't have needs very true, the government helps by providing food stamps and welfare but like it was also stated that type of government assistance really just benefits our economy. The people who have found themselves living in poverty lose respect from the people who are considered middle class and are looked down upon, people aren't as willing to help those who live in poverty because they associate this term with something bad and thats not always the case, this makes it harder for those living in poverty to get out.

    1. It is very sad that some people don't believe it exists. It honestly baffles me how such a huge amount of people aren't even given a second look because their poor. I feel as a country, that this could be avoided all-together if we would sit down and think about why and how this is happening. I wish it was as easy as typing out a paragraph, but it would take years and years and maybe, just maybe would it be fixed.

    2. I know people who have graduated college, but their job was outsourced or friends I was in the service with who did two tours overseas, came home and the company they worked for downsized so they had no job to come home to, unemployment does NOT pay the bills of a family. This is a bigger problem then people give attention to. Mfroggyus246

  10. This videos portraits the difficulties that the homeless people of America go through. Having to make decisions on what bill to pay, having to budget their food, and rather or not they can even make it to work if they have a job is an awful way to live life. Studies have shown that four out of five adults have or will face the issues of losing their job, be near-poverty or have some sort of dependance on welfare. The conditions these people have to live in who are poor, makes me never want to become that way. People who are below the poverty line should accept that they are poor, but try to do everything they can to better their lives. Watching documentaries like this one makes me realize the importance of a good education, following through with college and getting a degree. I do believe that not every poor person is a complete bum who never tries to make anything of themselves.

    1. I agree, this video did motivate me as well to strive and continue with education. I want to even continue to get more education after my degree. So, that I will have a home, food, and all the necessities to enjoy my life. I want to be able to take of my mom when she gets older similar to when she would take care of me while I was young. She pursued her career and now has a associates from ICC and is a RN and I could be more proud of her.

    2. I can't even fathom what that would feel like, worrying about every minute of every day on how you were going to take care of yourself, or what bills to pay. I was also motivated to continue striving for good grades in the hopes of getting a good job, if I cant even imagine what it would feel like to go through what they go through, then I can only imagine what it would feel like if I had to endure that.

    3. I would never want to know how it feels to worry about how I am going to feed my children. As I wrote in my response, this video definitely encouraged me to stay with my education in order to make a better life for myself and my future family. My heart goes out to all families struggling to make a living because no one should have to go through that.


  11. What an eye opening video. There are some things I agree on such as: I don't think we should we treat the poor any different than anyone else. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. No matter their age, race, sexual orientation, I believe that is just rude. I do agree that the poor didn't do this to themselves. I believe the government and businesses are some factors that lead people into poverty.
    Some things I didn't agree with such as: The line that decides people and poverty. How is one dollar over going to determine if someone is poor or not. That is not cool. I don't believe they should increase minimum age either. Minimum wage is different everywhere. Here in Illinois it is 8.25. Once, a government decides to raise minimum wage, everything else will go up. So, will this fix poverty, it won't be a quick fix. Rome wasn't build in a day, so Americas poverty population will not be fix in a day. I could never imagine a life that like the ones the people were describing; however, I do live paycheck to paycheck and it is hard. When the video mention that conservatives believe we don't have poverty. AH, are you kidding me. Take a field to Detriot, MI, or really anyplace you will find some sort of poverty. whether that be a couple people to over 10,000 people. Poverty is here and alive. I do believe that is the help of others to help solve poverty.

    1. I don’t think the poverty line should determine who is in poverty either. I do think that making $8.25 an hour is fair. I don’t think poverty will be fixed overnight either, but we need to take some steps in solving it. I think business should stop laying people off who need these jobs and find another way to cut costs. I get tired of politicians thinking we don’t have poverty because statistics show that we do. 14.1 percent of people are in poverty in the United States I don’t know how politicians can ignore that. Detroit went bankrupt recently and there was nothing in the news about it. I hope this video will raise more awareness. I believe people do care about people in poverty, but I just don’t think people are aware.

    2. This truly was an eye opener. Judging others for the things they lack is a moral crime, especially when they can't help where they are financially. We also can't just ignore that its going on around us, we have to do something about it. Any way we can, since every little bit helps.

    3. This video was an eye opener 100%! Its sad to see so many people dealing with all of those things in their short lives. Poverty is a huge problem in America and we do nothing to help it or change it. We need to start making changes in order to help those we can't help themselves.


    4. I agree with you all, truly eye opening. I do belive that the minimum wage needs to be raise the cost of living is too hard now a days and everyone in the past years admits it. But the more i think about how we spend our money on other nations i think how much that money could help our own. Whether its us giving jobs to other nations or giving them money for war that honestly has nothing to do with us. Truly makes me think lowly on our nations politicians who just avoid that.

    5. Unfortunately, I think while the people in powers of making change have money and don't have to face the poverty, nothing will get done. Do you ever see anything on the news about poverty? There's something about war or crime every day, media assists the process by making it seem like those thing (war and crime) are more important so obviously the powers that be have bigger fish to fry? Mfroggyus246

  12. We are considered one of the richest countries in the world, yet we have millions of people who suffer from poverty. Why is that? Why is it that we look down on them as though they brought this on themselves, even when we don't know anything about them? One of the women was laid off of work and soon found herself nearly broke, struggling to etch out a living. She had never thought she would be poor, yet there she was. We live in a nation where there are two widely conflicting thought patterns within the government, yet neither one has really addressed poverty. Millions are living in destitution, but we focus on wars over seas? I fail to understand how our government operates at times. If someone falls down, isn't it our duty as a human to help them back up? I feel that the poor HAVE fallen, in an economic way, and it's up to everyone to help get them back on their feet. Rich or poor, a person is a person, and if they've fallen on hard times then who are we to judge them and look down on them for something they can't help?

  13. This video made me look at our country a lot differently. I personally had no clue that we had so many American's struggling to make ends meat. People from all over the world come to this country in order to achieve what is known as "The American Dream", yet the people that were born and raised here don't even have the means to achieve that goal. How sad. We are considered one of the richest countries and the majority of it is poverty. We should not look down upon people for being poor. They did not do this to themselves. Yes, they could have done better with their education, but some people have to drop out in order to provide means for their families. Our countries' economy is so bad that one second someone could be making a good amount of money, and the next day their job is gone and they are left with no money. That is not right. For a country who wanted to make a change in peoples' lives, we should be at the top and not sinking to the bottom. This video motivates me that much more to further my education because I would hope that I will never be put into some of the situations that this video shows us. Our country needs to shine light more on our poverty rate and less on other counties problems. We are America. We need to back each other up in times of hardship, and the sad truth is that we do not do this. I have feelings just like everyone else. We all have the same worries, so why judge and break another person down for having hardships.


    1. I totally agree with what your saying. People from other countries coming here to live a better life while people here are living the same life the emigrant was living were they were from. Why is it that some one can come from a different country and live a better life than a person who was born and raised here? This just makes no since. We are more willing to help other countries poverty thousands of miles away, than help the poverty thats going on right down the street. We call ourselves land of the free and equal but I'm not quite sure if that was referring to everyone in America.


  14. This video, right from the start was very upsetting. Listening to these people talk about their stories, and how much they struggle JUST to put food on their table for their kids, or even the roof over their heads. It's crazy to think that almost 40-50 MILLION people are in poverty. Even as the "Richest nation", nearly 15% of our citizens are in poverty. It honestly sickens me how that happens. We live in a country that was almost founded on the concept of the "American Dream", expanding and making your life the best it can be, then why in a country like this does this happen? The rich get richer and the poor get poorer? It's heartbreaking. Like many people above me, a person is a person whether they are rich or poor, we are all human beings and the way people look down on the poor is quite sickening. And then there are the politicians who claim there is no poverty compared to third world countries who do not have millions of people, they need to take a stronger look at our country. Those type of people should not even run for those positions if they don't even know the country their trying to help run. How far do we have to come to see that the unbalanced nature of our wealth needs to change, before it's to late.

    1. That is so true, they said 25% of our children are raised in poverty. 1/4th! that is a huge chuck of our "superior nation". When i hear that number i cant believe we are as big and bad as we think we are, because you would think we would at least take care of our children right? I just don't get it.

  15. Its hard to see that many people struggling just to get by. America is considered one of the richest countries in the world and i had no idea that more then half of our nation is in poverty. Its hard to judge them because not all of them did this to themselves. The economy in this country could take a majority of the blame. One minute you have a steady job making decent money then the next you have no income and have to find other ways to provide for your family. But with all the money these rich people have in this country, nobody should go hungry, live on the street or not have medicare. Those selfish people should get all their stuff taken away for a whole year to teach them a lesson, they would be crying and jumping off of bridges within the week. This i am a very avid donator myself, espcially during the holidays I try to donate every time someone is raising money for a good cause, even if they are selling something i have no need for. Because what a little bit of money to us is a significant amount to others in need. But with that being said i am by no means rich and i am doing just fine. So why cant the people who have money stacked to the sky just help give some people a chance of living the "American Dream"?

    1. When you said that the richer should have their stuff taken away for a year, it reminded me of something I heard once, something along the lines of "The closer to first place you are, the worse power-ups you get." Like in Mario Kart. In theory, it sounds like a great idea--the rich get less benefits for free when they can afford them, and the poor get those free benefits. But yes, the rich should sacrifice some of their riches--even if it's just a bit--to help those that need it. -Moony246

    2. I agree with you. With all the money the super rich have why shouldn't they hand in over a very large sum of cash. The 1 percenter's in this country should be held to a higher authority to help the homeless. They already have enough money for them to live happily and their future generations to live happily. I also agree that the rich should have to pay for more of their benefits and the poor should get more free benefits.

  16. This did not shock me. I know quite a few people who fall either in the poverty level or lower to middle class. In part because we have friends and family who work at Caterpillar. Perfect example of how companies play a hand in it, Caterpillar hired all kinds of new employees a few years ago, put all these workers on overtime non stop only to stock pile their inventory and now they are laying off left and right cause the "sales" aren't there but yet they can rebuild a new downtown headquarters and buy a ball park while hundred to thousands of men and women in the Peoria area are on layoff making half the money they were working, no benefits, having to file for public assistance cause they are locked into rent for a home they could afford when all that overtime was flowing for over a year. Yes, I know I ramble, but this is such a real problem in America, there are alot of reasons people end up in poverty but alot of these issues just need the right people to stand up and do something about it. They are right that we spend all this money bailing out banks, funding wars, sending our polititians on those so well deserved vacations right, but where are they to deal with the problems they were voted in to help with? Mfroggyus246

    1. Mfroggus246 you make a good point. More and more companies like Caterpillar are laying off employees when profits for their company are down. Hostess just last year laid off 18,500 workers. That means 18,500 good workers lost their jobs because the company didn’t make profit. I think corporations need to take some blame for 14.1 percent of Americans being in poverty. What makes me shake my head is when Politicians blame the lower-class for being in poverty. They need to blame corporations for laying off workers . Nobody wants to be in poverty and wants to be on welfare. People in poverty want to work to make money not get it because they are on welfare.

    2. Mfroggus246 you make a good point. More and more companies like Caterpillar are laying off employees when profits for their company are down. Hostess just last year laid off 18,500 workers. That means 18,500 good workers lost their jobs because the company didn’t make profit. I think corporations need to take some blame for 14.1 percent of Americans being in poverty. What makes me shake my head is when Politicians blame the lower-class for being in poverty. They need to blame corporations for laying off workers . Nobody wants to be in poverty and wants to be on welfare. People in poverty want to work to make money not get it because they are on welfare.

    3. Mfroggus246 you make a good point. More and more companies like Caterpillar are laying off employees when profits for their company are down. Hostess just last year laid off 18,500 workers. That means 18,500 good workers lost their jobs because the company didn’t make profit. I think corporations need to take some blame for 14.1 percent of Americans being in poverty. What makes me shake my head is when Politicians blame the lower-class for being in poverty. They need to blame corporations for laying off workers . Nobody wants to be in poverty and wants to be on welfare. People in poverty want to work to make money not get it because they are on welfare.

  17. This video is a very effective and informative video about people who are poor and living in poverty. People don't just choose this life as some people may think. The struggle of living everyday worrying about the next day is not a good feeling and I'm sure no one would want to go through life worrying about if they're going to have food day after day and a roof over there head at the end of the day at that. I believe exactly what they said if everyone got together the poor as well as the people who are living well off, we can change the poverty level in America today. Lets use common sense here. If you were struggling day by day to feed your family as well as yourself wouldn't you do anything possible to make ends meet? I know if I saw a pie in the window of somebodies house cooling I would swipe it. Something needs to be done. We all sit here and say it, but eventually someone has to take that huge step to start the change. Words can only go so far.


  18. I find it very upsetting that people aren't doing anything about poverty. Most of us live our lives, not knowing how people in true poverty live, taking for granted the food that we eat, our beds we sleep in, or the electronics we play with. It's hard enough for people not in poverty to achieve the American Dream, with the expenses we have--gas, car payments, house payments and rent, food--and that's only the essentials. The pet owners have even more expenses. I can't even imagine how unreachable the American Dream must feel to the underprivileged. -Moony246

    1. It is very upsetting. Even with all those expenses, your wrote in your post that we all go through, I seem to struggle and worry about them enough. Sometimes the expenses and bills can get to be too much for me to handle. Yet I am privileged enough for them. But I really can’t imagine not knowing when my next meal was.

  19. I feel as if everyone need's to lend a helping hand to those who are need. The government especially because these are your people. But the sad thing is, is that money rules the world. The government see’s the homeless as useless and what benefits will the government gain from helping the homeless. Society see’s the homeless as useless beings but we are more visual than willing to sit down and talk to them to hear the story of their life and what brought them to this point in their life. But I feel as if the more wealthy part of society looks down upon the homeless because they do not have what the rich have. Wealthy people are more into helping people with money because they're benefits from helping people with money. The bigger spectrum is helping people who have emotions just as you do. But really what is more valuable. Helping someone who has everything or helping people who have nothing? That's an easy choice in my book.

    1. Yes I feel the same way. If you know you are able to help someone out, then help them, Especially our government. Not everyone who lives in poverty is a low life, lazy, or criminals. Some of these people have been through a lot and I agree that if we take out time to hear their stories then we will better understand why they live in poverty. LadiKay_246

  20. My siblings and I and other people that I know or have run into have at some point in our lives have lived in poverty. A lot of people do look down on those who live in poverty and I don’t think it’s right because a lot of people are born into that lifestyle. It’s hard trying to keep your family fed, clothes, and bills paid after you’ve lost or job, or can’t work because you’ve been hurt. Some of these people don’t ask to live that life it just happens because of problems that they encounter. Wealthy people think that just because you’re on government assistance your lazy and don’t want to do for yourself. Why? Because they’ve seen a few people miss using the system! That truth is not everyone is like that. My husband and I work hard to provide for our family, but sometimes that wasn’t enough and we would have to scrape up money just so I kids could eat or have dippers. A lot of people judge but don’t know the struggle and the fight these people put up with just to try and strive for the American dream. I think as a nation we all can pull together and help those who are truly in need. These people need our encouragement, love, support and motivation to push them to a better life. LadiKay_246


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