Women and Prison - Working or Not 114?


  1. After watching the video about women and prison, I think that given the women the option of intermediate sanctions is better than just keeping them in jail. The other month long treatment I believe was good for the women because it gives them the chance to open up on why they are in jail. I have mixed feelings about whether the treatment actually works. I believe the treatment is good for them but from the video's perspective, it seems like many women end up running away from the treatment and back in the system. I think that it simply comes down whether the women want to be better and receive treatment. I also think that they need a program that gives the women options on what they are going to do once they are released from the system. ICC123

    1. I agree ICC123, I think its good that they have those programs to help them and give them sources to get better but it does depend on whether or not they want to get better. Its also hard to tell from the clip if they work though. CountryGirl123

    2. I agree ICC123. It is good for them to open up to other inmates, or a counselor, to express there feelings and what they went though. all of those people have a story and you cannot judge them for anything. Some of them need the help and try really hard to get the help, and some do the exact opposite. all in all I think its a good program, you just need the right people who want to be in it. Firefighter123

    3. I definitely agree with you that the treatments are effective, but the success of the treatments relies on the women wanting to go through with the treatment. And I like the idea of setting up a program to help guide the women once they are released. Like I've stated in my own post, the reason these women run away from treatment is because they fear change or fear the unknown. Setting up a program like the one you mentioned should help ease their troubles and get them a little closer to becoming productive members of society. -Anonemoose123

  2. After seeing this video, I have developed mixed feelings about the programs. These women say they want "another chance", but they don't see them through. A lot of them always come back in for the same reasons and maybe more. I think the reason that most run away from the treatments, are because they are scared of what might happen to them whereas in jail/prison, they know what will happen to them. I think Michelle realized that she had some freedom back and wasn't as confined as before and I think that frightened her a little bit. Its a shame that she ran away because when she was caught again, she found out about her disease and now she has no more chances.CountryGirl123

    1. I also agree with you CountryGirl123. The women always beg the judge for another chance and never seem to quite follow through on their end. I also agree with you on your point about why they run away from treatment. I think that it is new territory for them and they do not know how to deal with it. ICC123

  3. After watching this video I have decided that the program they are using can really help them or its just another one of those things they feel like they should get through just to get there record clean. I believe that the program idea is fantastic. it is showing that people really do care about the inmates and want to help them get there life turned back around. I don't understand why they would run away from the treatment though. I just don't think they realize what is in front of them when they see it. Firefighter123

    1. I think these women realize what opportunity they're being given, but they simply choose not to take advantage of it. They've grown to acustom to their current lifestyle and don't want to, or don't think they can, change. They're inability to change or their not wanting to change could also be linked to their abusive pasts, the physical and mental abuse they endured has lowered how they value themselves and how they think of themselves. They may think that they'll always be the same, regardless of what they do. -Anonemoose123

  4. I think the treatments these women are provided definitely have the potential of working, but in-order for them to work the inmates have to be cooperative. These treatments and programs give the women a way out of their life of crime, and allow them a chance at a better life. The reason some of the women abandon these treatments and return to prison or return to a criminal life style, is likely the same as what we've talked about before in an earlier blog; they fear the unknown. They're familiar with their current way of life and fear any possible change in their life, even if the changes are for the better.- Anonemoose123

    1. I do think these women have a fear of the unknown but i also think that street life is addicting by itself. These women are use to doing what they want when they want and they get a rush from that. The dangers of the street are very alluring to these women.

  5. I think that these programs will only work if the women want them to work. I also think the jail should offer programs after jail to all the women even if they dont complete the treatment program in jail. A lot of these programs offer a second and third chance which can be a good or bad thing. I think its good that when these women mess up their not automaticly kicked out of the program but how can they learn to take responsibility for themselves if their always given more chances. One of the women in jail talked about how when she gets clean and is doing good but a person will call or label her as a crack head and she will start to lose control again. I think its good to learn about how labeling some one can have a negative affect on them. This show also shows how addicting the street life can be to some of these women.

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself snapple. The main point that we all need to realize from watching the video is that these second chances that women are receiving will only work if the women want to stop their addictive behaviors. I also like the point you made about labeling. Some people don't realize that what the whence the criminal justice system labels you as a "crackhead" lets say and you are known throughout the area you live in to be a "crackhead", it can really negatively influence an individuals behavior on levels that we would not have anticipated. Well said. ChiefO'Keefe123

  6. Giving women the option of intermediate sanctions or half way homes will hopefully give them a better chance of reintegration into the community. The one month program was also interesting and creative, giving women an alternative to half way homes or prison. However, will all women who are given this second chance take hold of the wheel and strive to make better decisions? That is left to be determined. It seems that a majority of the women from the video fear what they do not yet know and find prison to be a familiar environment, knowing how to "play the game" so to speak. However, the women are in full control of whether they want to get the help they need or not. ChiefO'Keefe123


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