Ageism - Are We Practicing For What We May Later Experience?


  1. It is shocking to find out from watching this video that 1.8 Million People 55 or older can’t find a job. I can’t believe that people are bias towards age. I think it shouldn’t matter what your age is, if you want to work then you should be able to. I think we shouldn’t laugh at old people for being adventurous. I think we should embrace older people for being adventurous. I surprised that only 5 percent of all injured in car accidents are the age of 70. A lot of people think older people are bad drivers, but I think it doesn’t matter what your age is. If you’re a bad driver you are a bad driver no matter the age. I think the government should make healthcare easier for senior citizens to afford. I found it sad that nursing homes can be abusive to the elderly and keep them away from their families.

    1. I agree that it is hard for the elderly to find jobs but I also believe that the elderly are taking away the jobs that a lot of youth could have. The birth rate is lower today then when the elderly where entering the work force thus having more elderly then youth competing for the same jobs. We must plan for the future for ourselves and others. I'm sure there are a lot of ways out government should have and should be spending our societies money better allowing for better healthcare for the elderly.

    2. you are definitely right, it shouldn't matter how old you are. I don't think that elderly people are laughed at for being adventurous, I think that people find it weird that people of age are capable of doing the same things that every other human being is capable of doing, to see them doing something of our generation is considered shocking for some reason, for instance the picture in the beginning of the video of the two elderly people flicking off the camera, obviously that picture is hilarious but who's to say they were flicking people off in their 20's now that they are elderly its only funny because of their age. The elderlies driving privileges is usually determined by their doctor, so if they aren't fit to drive then more than likely they aren't on the road, I look at it this way they drive slower, which makes things safer for me and everyone else.

    3. It is sad that a lot of employers discriminate because of age. They may not want to hire an older individual for various reasons, however that person may be one of the hardest workers they have ever had. I’m in a customer service related job, and I can’t tell you how many older people I have the most interesting conversations with. In fact my best friends grandma is 95, and I love that woman. She brings so many interesting tidbits to a conversation. We need to embrace the elderly, and take time to listen to their stories. We may be surprised at what we find out. Bullardml13-246

    4. There's nothing wrong with old people being adventurous, or sexual. There's nothing wrong with the elderly doing anything that we youngsters can do, but if in whatever job they are trying to get hired for, if the employer thinks they will slow it down, then they don't have to hire them. I love my grandparents, when they tell me about the past. But, I dislike them driving more than anything, if they can obey the rules of the road, then sure. But if they are a danger to everyone and themselves on the road, they need to get tested again for driving.

    5. I agree we shouldn't judge people based on their age. However, it happens. Many people judge older people for being adventurous. I think elderly people should be adventurous. That is the only way they can be part of society and live a long fruitful life. starburst 246

    6. I agree with you as far letting the elderly live adventurous because they don't know how long they have to live so, why not live your last years enjoying life. That's what I plan to when I become elderly. LadiKay_246

  2. This video wasn't shocking to me at all. I have lived with my grandma for 19 years, so I understood where old people stood in society. Being in the senior citizen category there are advantages and disadvantages. I didn't know all the statistics that are in media about actors and singers involving ageism. I knew once you got older if the person wasn't active, the worse they would get. I support and hope that the elderly become volunteers and active and have a strong social group and family and friends. For instance, my grandma after retirement and she couldn't make it to church every week. She became unhealthy which ultimately led to her expiration. There were a couple years after retirement, that she would go to church every week with her girlfriend. She would go with me to school events and especially she enjoyed grandparent lunch event at my grade school. She loved spending time with her family and especially having two of them at home with her helped her a lot. It is hard to put elderly in the nursing home though. I think nursing homes are a good thing; however, if a the elderly person is mobile and very dependent then they don't need those services. In my case, my grandmother was in a nursing home for one month before she past. My mother, my aunt, and I helped take care of her. It is one of the hardest things to do, though. We had to feed her, make sure she took her meds, helped her with using the lavatory, and entertain her. I am glad I went through that experience, because it showed me the value of life. My mother said to me though, you are more than likely to throw me in a nursing home. I don't think it is right that people use ageism though. I don't think that it fair that people judge elderly people for trying new things. It is just like someone younger trying something new, but with the older folks that is the only difference. Elderly people are not put on a high plateau like they are in other countries. For example, in China the elderly people are cherished and the others are more than pleased to take care of them. If you compare the two of them, the elderly get totally different treatment in the opposite countries. starburst246

    1. I know life can not be what you expect but keeping in there and doing the best you can sure will show you the true meanings to life. I believe everything created has its good and bad sides. A good example is nursing homes. For those that have no one and need help day to day they are the world. But to those that have others but those they have are to self centered to notice the lives of those they claim to care for and those that have cared for them giving them life they are a prison. When an opportunity to help someone arises, especially one dealing with those who have cared for you or you care for, try your best to help out and when everything is said and done you will feel better about your life and who you are and what you have done for people/ the world.

  3. Like most things in life, the way we treat our elderly needs some work. To me young people and old people get less of the benefit of the doubt but when I think about it more it seems the elderly get treated better then the young. They have more laws and forms of aid to give them more of the benefit of the doubt then the young. This is obviously given they live in similar societies. In other societies this may be the opposite. As far as being more socially isolated, I would think that it would be harder for an older person to be more social then young people for that the young are more physically active allowing them to interact in more ways. Even though this may or may not be true, that the elderly are treated better then the young, I still believe we should treat the elderly better thus extending the life expectancy of all people. I feel lucky to live in the society I live in for that life expectancy is high in my society but I still feel we should help/ inform other societies about our ways of living and the out comes it produces for us as far as life expectancy. Our cultural change helps us and we should help them and maybe someday they will surpass us and return the favor thus extending life expectancy.

    1. I agree that the way we treat the elderly needs some definite improvement. I don't think that older people are treated better than younger people, I think that older people have just earned the automatic respect that we have not earned. I honestly feel that the elderly deserve more help than what they are receiving, its not shocking to me that most elderly people are living in poverty, although these people have worked all their lives, and contributed to building our nation the government still makes them jump through hoops to receive the money they earned. I can assure you that the elderly can be just as active as younger people, they just do things in a different way, activities that they used to do in their younger years that were considered fun are not really considered fun in our generation, they do get together and talk, and based on some of the elderly women i've worked with they gossip about as much as a teenage girl, they are just living in the world they grew up in, that world seems alien to us because we grew up completely different, most of these elderly people went through the depression, they know what its like to suffer and live without, while us on the other hand live in luxury. We may be living in two different worlds but we are all the same despite age.

    2. I’m glad we live in the country were the life expectancy is 75 years and above. We should be grateful that we live in a country that we can live in country where we live up to at least 75 years old. Some countries aren’t as lucky as we are. In countries like Zimbabwe people don’t live past 43 because they don’t have the good medical care that we do. We should really quit arguing over healthcare and be happy that we have it because we can be like Zimbabwe and not be able to afford it.

    3. I agree with what Kevin has said. However, I feel that they sometimes do slow things down when working. Whatever the reason may be is not my concern. I just think that they are taking away jobs from younger people who could potentially be better at that job.

    4. These laws in place are to protect our eldery because of the abuse, discrimination, and agism that they have faced in the past. Our society still has a long way to go. I believe whole heartedly that our elders are what makes our lives so special, we should honor them for everything they have done for us. They are humans too and with age come wisdom. It is sad all the hurdles they face. GMD246

    5. I agree that we should be thankful that in America we do have benefits for our citizens, and especially the elderly. Knowing that the life expectancy for males is 76 and for women it's 81 on average in the U.S. is a good thing to acknowledge. I believe that the people in the world have a lot better problems to sort out than to disregard and disrespect the elderly.

  4. This video was not at all surprising, the fact that the elderly cannot find a job simply because of age makes sense, no saying its right but, companies have to invest money into their new employees, its costs companies money to train and go through the whole hiring process, the fact that companies wouldn't hire someone just because of age is insane, just because they are elderly doesn't mean they aren't going to last long, as a matter of fact the elderly probably have better work ethic than some of the younger people.The part about driving I can completely understand, people get so upset with the elderly who are driving because they drive to slow or feel they are a hazard, but people never stop to think this is their independence, how would you feel if someone asked you to give up your license making it hard for you to travel anywhere without relying on someone else? So many people judge based on age, but what they don't realize is that they are people just like us, they aren't completely oblivious to the world around them, and I loved the statement made in the video about all of us growing old, that is definitely the truth, as a matter of fact we are aging right now every second of every single day, we are on our way to being in their shoes, and someday we will all probably have some young kids making fun of us, and being discriminated against because we are "old." The statement made about John McCain was definitely true, I heard many comments about his age during his candidacy, and the fact that what Madonna did with Britney spears was considered controversial because of her age is just crazy, Madonna has been a walking sex symbol since the 80's and now because she's older its not ok? The cold hard truth is ageism is all around us and it probably always will be, all of us are going to face it someday, and thats just the reality of it.

    1. I definitely agree with you on this. I do think that most elderly people do have better work ethic than younger people do but the way I think of it is as fast food business you see many young teens working fast paced jobs and the managers don't think the elderly people can keep up with the pace or I think a job like walmart is where we can see more elderly people working at and I see quite a bit of elderly people working there but I don't think it is right that many business are turning away from the elderly because they have to pay for training or even hire them because they will be retiring soon and they can just give the job to a 16-18 year high school student and start them and prepare them for the working life.

    2. I completely agree with you. Unfortunately, my generation is all about laziness. Most of my generation doesn’t stay with the same company for 30 years anyways. So if a company were to hire an older person they may benefit more. And I agree with you to a certain extent. Taking away one’s drivers license is extremely difficult. It is losing their independence and a lot of times they don’t have anyone to rely on to drive them to do everyday errands like grocery shopping, or doctor appointments. With that being said there comes a certain time where an individual may be a danger to themselves so it may be necessary. Bullardml13-246

    3. I don't think I completely agree with you. I sometimes think that younger people have a better work ethic than older people because they are able to do the job fully. Not saying that the elderly can't, but younger people are able to think quicker and solve things faster. However, it also depends on the person, not the age.

    4. I also agree to a point that hiring a person based on their age is understandable for certain jobs. Say some jobs require more physical labour than others, so the person doing the hiring would have to take into consideration a person's age and physical well-being. Then for other jobs, having someone elderly who has been in the workforce for decades, would know how to do a good days' work and be more of a role model to the younger employees. Driving I do believe is a sense of freedom for elderly people, though sometimes they can be a nuisance to me on the road, I have to understand that one day I too myself will be like them. Hopefully in a cool sports car, but only going 35 in a 55. And I think ageism especially was a disadvantage for McCain while he was trying to run for presidency. I remember headlines and discussion panels always mentioning on how he was so "old" and that being elderly can play as a disadvantage for being President. Then as far as Madonna wanting to still be able to go out and do what she did back in the day, if it makes them happy and feel young, I say go for it.

  5. It was shocking to see that people from the age 55 and older have a tough time finding a job because in today's society you have to work until you are at least 60 because the economy is terrible nowadays. I don't think it is right that there are business that are giving the jobs to the younger people but I do understand that they are running a business and want younger people to start so they can grow into the business instead of giving it to somebody who is 45-55 years of age. I have witnessed agesism first hand with my grandmother. It is a very sad thing to see somebody go through and age she was all happy and cheerful and then all of a sudden she forgot to take her medicine, lost hearing, and eye sight. It got to the point where my aunt moved her from Peoria to San Diego where she lives so she can watch over her. My grandmother is still alive and whenever I speak with her over the phone she doesn't remember me, my mom, dad or any family remembers the only thing she remembers is her exact address, her car, and how long she has lived at her home for. It is also sad when she says every time I talk to her "I will see you next week" or "I'm taking the city but and will see you soon". Its a sad and terrible thing to go through but it is apart of life.

    1. It is sad that people over 55 have a hard time finding a job. I don’t think it should matter what somebody’s age is, if they are capable of still working then they should be able to work. I wish people that are the age of 55 would get some of these management jobs instead of younger people. Not all younger people know what they are doing when they are the manager. A 55-year old Man has a lot of experience and would be better suited for those jobs. I think there is too much Ageism in this country and it needs to change. Everybody should get a fair shot no matter the age, race or gender.

    2. I agree on the need for more elderly in managment positions over younger people! I've found that younger people in management positions aren't good disciplinarians as well as aren't as experienced as older people are. I think that the older people are the teachers of what we have as knowledge and should be respected as we'd want to be respected at their age! Our country is so bad at judge other countries but one thing I've noticed about other countries is that they respect.their elders to the utmost and hold them as a prized treasure whereas we in America are quick to shun them as they get older!

  6. While this video was meant to portray humor, I must admit I did laugh a couple times, there were a lot of cause for concern gradually mentioned. The first thing that comes to mind is the video from the movie Happy Gilmore. Where the Grandma is sent to the retirement home. In the movie the hope is for the grandma to be happy their, but what ends up happening is that she gets abused by her caregiver at the home. A perfect example of ageism, prejudice and discrimination of elderly individuals. I work at a bank, and unfortunately I see this all the time. In fact the other day a customer came in to have a meeting with our trust department. Her husband was deceased and she had no other family other than her one adopted child. Trusting her child she added him to her account, he ended up transferring thousands of dollars over to his own personal account without her knowledge. When she caught him she had him removed, and now is having the bank as the administrator for her will. It’s sad that someone would do this to their own parent, but we see it all too often. Bullardml13-246

    1. Yeah, the grandma in Happy Gilmore is a prime example of abuse at elderly homes. About the money that I read in your post, that is horrible! That was his mother, how could people do that? See, some things with the elderly I will agree with, but that is just horrible. Swindling money out of your elderly mothers account, for whatever things you are going to do is just wrong. The mother did the right thing but removing him from her account. Man, it is sad to hear those kinds of things.

    2. It is really said that her son, blood or not, took advantage of her in that way. Sadly a lot of youth think this way about their parents once they get older. My great aunt, who had no children, got coned by a scum bag. He started to visit her, she had dementia. He convience her to sign him to be power of attorney. After she died, she had not money left, My family did not get any say with furneral arrangement. After a few months the furneral home contacted my grandmother stating someone need to pay the bill. That jerk took all her money and left bills that responsible to our family and there was nothing we could do. GMD246

    3. Abuse in the nursing home is a huge issue. The elderly have contributed so much to society throughout their life and should be praised and given the best care possible. It is so horrible that people would take advantage of the elderly. They have built the foundation of our future and we should thank them buy giving them a long satisfying retirement where they are active and welcome everywhere they go. People should be more patient with the elderly because as you get old your body becomes slower but not their mind. -Tyler246

  7. This video did not surprise me at all. Older people, in my opinion, have a harder time doing tasks that younger people could do in a matter of minutes. I'm not saying that all of them are incapable, but most are. However, I don't think that it is right to not hire someone based on their age. Older people are so much more wiser than the younger generation. They could contribute in many different ways. This generation is a lot lazier than ever before. Why? Because this generation tries to find the easy way around things to get them done faster. I feel older people would actually take the time to figure it out and do the job/work correctly because they have always been that way. Even though I disagree with ageism, I do feel that the elderly are taking jobs away from the younger generation. In order to build a solid work ethic, you first need to be hired in a job. The elderly already have that work ethic that younger people don't. I do think it's sad that they aren't being hired, but at the same time I think it's a good idea that they don't.

    1. I totally agree with you. The older generation is way more wiser than the younger and it's sad because over half of them didn't even graduate high school let alone middle school. I believe it's more of a value and respect thing, they have so much respect for the smaller things in life where as now days we value the bigger the better aspect. And as far as jobs I agree as well. I feel as if it is sad that an it's hard for an older person to get a job, but what about the younger person that can't get a job also? That's a very touchy topic because who's to say one deserves it more than the other you know.


  8. This video was not surprising at all. When older people go back into the workforce in this day and age, they're going to be looked at differently. Employers are looking for the young bucks, who they know can overwork without any life threatening consequences. Yes using their age as a hindrance, is wrong, but in all honestly it's a judgement call by the employer unfortunately. I do disagree with using age as a matter of judgement, but it's something nobody can help. In the video, where it showed the elder trying to leave either a driveway, or a parking space, was hard to watch. Not because it was sad, but because it bothered me greatly. I feel, once you get to that point, you should know you shouldn't drive. When you're a danger to yourself, and others, you need to know when to quit. Sad reality as it is, but it is the truth.

    1. I agree that people shouldn't judge people by their age when they are hired. However, it is something most people can't help. Yes, it is sad that when the person pulled out of a driveway or parking space is going slow. It is a sign that a person should quit driving.

  9. This video has a very entertaining approach on ageing. However the more you think about it you realize the sad hard truth that our seniors face each and every day. They face a loss of identy, especially after retirement. Trying to find new things to do throught out the day. Those are the lucky ones, others are very financally straped and have a hard time finding jobs to help support themselves. Some jobs they physically can not do and then if they find something they can do the employers don't want to hire them because of their age. I once interviewed potentional employees at a job I had once. Of all the applicants the women who was in her 50's had by far the most expierence. However management would not let me hire her because of her age and made me hire someone half her age. Young and Dumb is what they received. This bothered me greatly, was this how they would treat me when I became older. I feel sorry that our society does this to the eldery. After all if it was not for them we would not have our present and future. GMD246

    1. You say " Young and Dumb." Isn't that in itself age discrimination? Should the older later with the most experience get the job, well of course, but I don't feel that because someone is young makes them dumb. Maybe less experienced. I feel when it comes to hiring people, age shouldn't have anything to do with it. Maybe we should start hiring people like the show The Voice picks their singers. Nobody knows what they look like, or their age, they are chosen on their pure talent. CooCoo246

    2. I think that would be a great way to have a hiring process. It would be the best way to throw out all bias and "isms." Racism, sexism, etc. If this was the way it was done we would be putting the truly best candidate in the positions they need to be in and the work force of this country would be that much stronger because of it.

  10. I wasn't taken back by this video at all. I am very close to my grandparents and I see how people treat them, family or not family. I believe that a lot of elderly folks are just alone or feeling social isolation. We need to start showing our elders some attention. I don't feel that the younger generation is practicing what they should. I work with the mentally handicap and even we have age discrimination. We put all the seniors away from the rest of the patients. We don't do this though to be discriminative, we do it because they don't want to do what the younger ones want to. I just don't think people think about it. I was raised to appreciate my elders and respect them. But most of my friends don't do this. I don't think parents instill this in their children. Maybe that's because kids are becoming parents. CooCoo246

    1. I have been worrying about social isolation with the elderly quite a bit lately. I think about how hard it must be for my grandma now that her husband passed away last year. There have been a lot of very significant events in my grandmas life. Her husband of 35 years pass away, then her house flooded a few months later and has been living with us since the flood. She is about to move back into he house and live alone for the first time in her life. I was wondering how this alone time would affect her emotionally. -Tyler246

    2. Great point about kids becoming parents, I never thought of it that way. But you have a great point, if a teenager who still has that "teenager mentality" and we all know what that is...the I know everything and everyone else is STUPID attitude, is raising a child and has even a few years of influence on how that child will react to the elderly or even others, that could last a lifetime. Interesting thought!! I do believe that isolation from the community, family, basic life enjoyments is a downfall for the elderly, once you start loosing everything that made life enjoyable you loose the fight in you to make life sustainable as well. mfroggyus246

  11. I do not think that employers should discriminate against elderly people looking for a job. If they meet all of the requirements and are qualified, why wouldn't you hire them. They could bring experience into the job that younger people may not have. On the other hand if a younger person is more qualified then the employer should hire them. I believe in the merit system and that is how the hiring process should be done. I can understand why there are so many elderly looking for jobs. If you look at the stock market crash in 2008, a lot of old people lost a big portion of their retirement funds. Take my grandpa for example, he lost over 150,000 dollars in stocks in 2008. That was a huge blow to his retirement income and has had to make spending cuts to accommodate the lost income. -Tyler246

    1. I don't see why companies wouldn't hire the qualified elderly. When you think about it, a younger individual will spend more time in the company becoming higher and higher within the company. This means they would have to pay this individual more. If they hired and elderly person, theres only so much time they have left to work, so they won't make it far up the chain causing the company to save more money. I don't know if my logic is even 50% right here but it sounded good in my head.

    2. I can see both sides of the employment argument. On the employee side an older person will have more life experiences to be able to apply to the job and most likely have a more flexible schedule because any children would be grown. On the employer side there is cost and time associated with hiring and training and depending on the type of position a person looking for a career versus a job could be more suitable for the position. Regardless I feel it would be a difficult position to be in from either side.

    3. I also see both sides. From the employers point of view they could see it as a risk. Yeah he might not have to leave work for children purposes but how much time will they miss due to medical? If I was an employer Id much rather have a young gun with a chip on his shoulder ready to pursue his career with the company due to stability. I also see the older persons point of view. I would be mad if I passed every qualification of the job hiring process and only reason I was let down was because Im to old. In the outcome I think it all depends on the tasks and duties of the specific job. If the person does meet all the qualifications they should get the same amount of chance as anyone else.

  12. Ageism I believe is a problem, especially in the U.S. because of the way our society is. I remember there was a saying "Respect your elders," but that doesn't seem to apply all the time. I myself have succumb to making a remark or two about the elderly, without even realizing that I was doing anything wrong. When coming to employing an elderly person I can see the points from both views. The elderly person is just looking for a job to either have something to do after retirement, or because they would enjoy the extra cash. The employer though sometimes would not want to hire the senior based off of their age, and rather give the job to a younger person because they might believe that the younger individual would benefit more by having a job. I did enjoy the "benefits" that the video pointed out though for being elderly, that's more of the satirical side of ageism. One area that I didn't like hearing about is the discrimination and or abuse that some elderly people have experienced in retirement/nursing homes. I remember when my grandpa got older my dad told me that he said, "Don't you ever think of throwing me in one of those damn old people homes." Ageism I believe will always be apart of the American society just because of the way our society is with the jokes and puns we have about each other.

    1. Your not alone, we have all got irritated with an elderly driver before, its unfortunate that the automatic response for most people to a bad driver is "they must be old". Obviously they are much better drivers than the rest of us, probably because they are taking their time and doing it right! I also agree that it is a problem in the United States, and there is no "easy" fix because it is a part of our culture. mfroggyus246

  13. The idea that so little is spend on nursing homes and the health care for the elderly is a sad thing to me. These people have put in their time, they have helped to build the companies and future for the next generation so that we can prosper and we cant even give them acceptable health care or nursing facilities. I don't think the elderly should be put in a nursing home unless there is not adequate help at home. If we spent more money on the facility and care for our elderly maybe they could enjoy their last years on this planet. Its obvious we care little for the employees who are hired to work in nursing homes as well, the abuse rate is overwhelming to me and should NOT be happening at all. I don't know how I would react if someone talked to my grandmother that way, she is the rock in our family and as I refer to her the matriarch who controls all of us. I would be devastated to learn anyone was cruel to her. I think everyone needs motivation to keep active in their community and be a contributing participant to society. There should be jobs available designed for the elderly, not just WALMART and truthfully companies that discriminate based on age are missing out on all that knowledge the elderly have to offer, after all they have been around the block a time or two. It is obvious that the number of elderly people in this country is growing since it has tripled over just the last century so we need to adapt to that as a country and be prepared to assist the elderly with their needs better than we are now. I do complain about being behind old people, I will admit it. I get frustrated, but I also think in the back of my mind that some day I will be in their shoes, I will want to get out of the house and not be cooped up inside, whether I'm the best driver on the road or not. I'm sure given the ageist attitudes that they are faced with it is a scary thought to give up their independence let alone ride public transportation. Its amazing to me that kids today will do anything to sit at home and not be productive upstanding citizens but yet will get a job and better health benefits over an elderly person who has work ethic, intelligence and the want to be out there. mfroggyus246

  14. I believe ageism is a problem. We have the elderly now days trying to fit in and conform to a society much younger than themselves. We have elderly people who clearly cannot back up cars (from the video) and people such as Madonna trying to make it in a younger generations business. It is a problem in the sense that it can be life threatening while they drive vehicles if they are not in full control of them, and if they are not if full control of vehicles they could easily kill someone. I believe there should be an age restriction on driving if you cannot pass a thorough driving exam. I know these days a lot of times they just test peoples eyes, and I do not believe that is good enough. On the other hand as with Pierce Brosnan and Madonna, though they aren't that old when looking at the general public, their occupations make them "old." It's sad but it's the truth.

    1. I agree with you that ageism is a problem. I think it is worse than racism and sexism because people think just because someone is old they have no value to society. I don’t think that is true at all. I think the elderly still have value to society. I think the elderly should be treated with respect, not like they don’t matter. I think society can treat the elderly like they don’t matter even though, I think they don’t mean to. There are some young people that make fun of the elderly and I think that is wrong. Just because someone is 55 or older doesn’t mean they can’t skydive, play basketball and work.

    2. I agree. After a certain age you should have to get a thorough driving test done not only because elderly people drive slow or anything like that but because as you get older you also have more medicine you have to take, become more forgetful, and have a slower react time as people at a younger age. Or at least have a time period just as you have when you first get your license. You can drive from 6 a.m. - about 10 p.m. or so winging them off of their license and not just yanking it away. May not sound like the smartest plan but it's a way for them to somewhat still have their independence.

  15. I believe it shouldn’t matter what somebody’s age is. If they can work then they should be able to work. I don’t think they should be called nuts because they want to skydive. If the elderly want to skydive then they should be allowed to without being judged. I think the elderly should do anything they want without being judge by anybody. Ageism is worse than racism and sexism because they don’t allow the elderly to get a job. They set the retirement age at 65, but what if they want to work past the age of 65. What if they want to work for the rest of their life. I think the elderly should have that right, especially since they want to work.

  16. Basically, getting old sucks!! It is inescapable, we all will end up in the same boat. Unfortunately the fact the reflexes get slower therefore it is scarier for them to drive faster and be able to stop quicker. It is sad that so many live in poverty because of the age discrimination when try to get a job to help them pay for day to day living. Their doctors visits are more often, and more medications are needed and they can't get medicare until 65. All of their money that they just made to just eat and live off of has gone to all of their medical bills. I think the elderly need to be able to get jobs to help their minds stay sharp, feel self worth. There are benefits of getting from what I am told by my parents; medicare, discounts, and acting stupid is excusable. You can also offer advice from your life experiences.

  17. Ageism is something that all of us will face some time in our life. One thing really stuck out to me about ageism the abuse that happens to people in nursing homes and have caregivers. In the video it states, "The National Center on Elder Abuse reported approximately 450,000 incidents or abuse reported in 1996 alone, and if estimated the unreported incidents it would possibly be 5 times higher." Now think about it. If your love one is sick to the point that they need constant care and attention and your putting them in someone else hands and you research and find statistics like this it worries you. How do you find the perfect care provider when half the people who are becoming CNA's and nurses is only because of the money and not the passion for helping? It's scary and sad at the same time, and with that being said there's almost nothing we can do about it. We can put cameras up in our homes if they are coming to our home to help but if they are in a nursing home the most you can do is visit everyday to make sure they're on top of everything. We shouldn't have to fear someone taking care of an elderly person. There should be an understood respect that everyone has at least I feel there should.


  18. Most information in this video I was aware of. One point that stood out to me was the percent of vehicle accident with elderly people. I guess I expected the percent to be higher, yet after more thought I was not surprised. The most common driving behavior that I have observed about the elderly was driving below the speed limit, which can be frustrating to other drives, but for the most part not dangerous. Also the figure on abuse from care givers was a little surprising. One of my grandmothers lived to be 98 years old and lived in both assisted living and a nursing home. The assisted living seemed to be a pretty good deal, apartment style living with support at the ready. The nursing home on the other hand I did not like, neither the one my grandmother lived in nor the one I working in when I was young. I did not witness abuse but neglect was obvious. Workers seemed too busy or to numb to the patients emotions.

  19. The part that shows the job interview when the company tells him to try a job at Walmart is a clear example of aging and inequality. The other reality that seniors face that is on the video is when the lady ask for a glass of milk, and she gets a bad response back from the caregiving (verbal abuse). It is unusual to see old people kissing in public like the last picture, but if it was a young couple no one would care and would think it is cute (ageism). Doglover246

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I think the job interview depicted in this video was way over exaggerated. As someone that has interviewed people for jobs, I know that that situation would be an HR nightmare. That older guy could easily sue the company if he was given that reason for not being hired. I can't believe that anyone would ever actually say that. I think it would have been interesting if they would have shown how many people under 25 can't find jobs that would like to work. To me that was a little biased in the video. I think there is a lack of jobs for everyone right now, not just the elderly. YellowSubmarine246

    3. Id have to admit I recently got a new job and met the manger. First thing I noticed was his age. I thought to myself "is this guy really going to be telling me what to do". After watching this im quite ashamed of myself for feeling that way. The video did portray the job interview process to harshly. Things like that should never be said. They should have portrayed it with a bubble over his head meaning that is what he is actually thinking and his reasonings why he wasn't hired for the job.

    4. YellowSubmarine,

      While with me it is not ageism, but sexism, I have had an employer tell me that just because I am a small female, that I could not effectively do my job and that they worried I would hurt myself.

      People do not always think about their words until after they have said them. Yes, the video is a bit exaggerated, but I have heard similar things be told to an older person who was interviewing for a job. We don't like to think that people are that uncaring, and crass,but they can be. Especially, if they think that person may cost them more money in the long run. ( Think healthcare claims, workman's comp claims, even just making accommodations for those who are disabled. )


  20. I believe that what goes around comes around. If we can all start treating the elderly with the respect and dignity they deserve then by the time we are their age we will be given the same treatment. I have learned a ton just by talking to older folks. The main thing that seems to be universal is the fact that they realize that you don’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you came from. We are their legacy and some day we will have legacies of our own. Now seems to be the most prevalent time for the elderly because of the big baby boom that happened after WWII. All of those babies are soon to be the elderly. This means we as a country will have to pick ourselves up by our boot straps and learn from them to do what they have always wanted. What they have always wanted is for us to do better than they did. We can do it.

    1. I agree with you!!! The attitudes young people have against elderly people is so disrespectful. I am amazed at how poor and ugly they can be to elderly even in public. One day we will be there. Nothing you can change. Your body will take its coarse. If you sit and have the time to listen you can learn and take in so much from the elderly you would not believe it. They have lived and been through it to tell you what to do and how to live your life. They have some of the best tips for life.

  21. I love old people, they always have the best stories and know usually what to say. I have worked with them for about 6 years and it has been a pleasure, some maybe not but you take the good with the bad. We are all going to get older within time, so things change and your body definately changes. So when you cannot take care of yourself there are places that will do that for you. It is scary thinking of that because there is so much elderly abuse. Some people just do it for the money and not for the care, they do not understand that this is their new home.
    Alot of the information that was in this I have been aware of. What shocks me the most is the age and jobs. Sometimes the older person has more experience or more qualified for the job but just the fact that they may have a number to their self they are not qualified.

    1. I agree, I feel that many elderly people are very qualified for any jobs they would want to pursue. Just because they have a number attached to them sets them apart from the rest. Employers see too may ifs when they see an older persons age. However, many of them have far more experience than any other potential employees and can work just as hard as anyone else as well. They should have just as good a shot at the job as anyone else out there.

  22. I can definitely agree with the structural functional and disengagement theories. I think that as older workers retire, it does help society. Their spots can be filled by young workers who may have more capabilities/up to date skills, and are looking for work and the opportunity to start their careers and move up in the corporate world, just like those retired workers once did. Not to mention, it may help the company/economy if a newer worker will be paid a lower wage. I see it as a continuing cycle. As long as its an elderly person’s choice to retire, than I don’t see anything wrong with this system. As they retire, they can spend their time with more fulfilling activities. They can still work, pursue hobbies, or volunteer. Something I don’t agree with is not hiring someone just because they are old. If they don’t have the skills or qualifications as a younger person applying for a job, than I think that is fair. I would not want to miss a job opportunity I was more than qualified for because an employer was worried about possibly being accused of age discrimination. After class last week, I spent some time thinking about the example of getting angry at older drivers. I don’t think that I would necessarily consider this age discrimination. If someone’s driving really slow, or not as well as they should be, I get angry/annoyed no matter who they are. I think if you’re a bad driver, you’re a bad driver. Age doesn’t make me any angrier. YellowSubmarine246

    1. I agree that as one ages, structural function and disengagement theories are put into play. And that these theories can have good out comes for all parties involved, as long as the older person is ready to retire. I don't agree with it if a corporation is forcing someone of a job just so they don't have to pay pension and retirement benefits. That is a really low blow. This person has worked their butt of for this company, only to lose what little benefits they may have had.

      If this is the case, these older people will not have the funds to afford more fulfilling activities. They will be living social security check to check each month. And even with Medicare and social security benefits, many will have to find other means of employment and often times choose between food, bills, or medications.

      I also agree that age shouldn't play a role in driving. Yes, age can affect your ability to drive. Look at new teenage drivers. They lack the experience to make sound choices. And they often times feel they are invincible. This often times results in them getting in to serious accidents. Older drivers can be a hazard for a different reason. As they age, their eye sight and hearing may fail. Their reflexes are not as sharp, and even medications they may be taking can play a part in whether or not they are safe to be on the road.


  23. This video was quite depressing. I feel as the older generation should do what they want to without other people looking at them like "omg what are they doing." It is like the older people are being deviant when they want to do something for enjoyment that a younger generation would be doing. Ageism is a problem that everyone does to an extent of the person. It seems whenever someone becomes an age with a 0 at the end there is a whole list of things they "aren't allowed to do anymore." Which should not be the case. I love seeing older generations do what they are not "supposed" to do. It shows everyone who they are. But in our society new is better. Which is sad. But we all go through the same treatment at one time or another we give to other people if we are blessed to get that far.

  24. Ageism sucks. Its not like we can avoid getting old. It is something we are all going to encounter. The saddest part about people getting older is that they are often neglected. They are at a period in their lives when they need the younger generations assistance and compassion. And sadly, most of the younger generations do not want to be bothered with helping to take care of their elders. They would rather shove them into a nursing home where the workers are poorly paid and poorly trained to take care of them. It is sad to think that people who work in nursing homes lack compassion and caring; something they greatly need in order to work in a nursing home.

    Even though the statistics from the video were from 1996, it is a real eye opener on abuse of the elderly. Especially, knowing that there are more elderly individuals now than there were in 1996. So one can only assume the instances of elderly abuse have gone up as well.

    Getting older isn't all bad. You can say and do what you want and can get away with it. People just chalk it up to being old. But, there again, being of sound mind but having your body fail you has to be quite frustrating. Sometimes, it seems like a better choice to go senile instead.


  25. This video didn't come as a shock at all to me! Older people are discriminating upon everyday.An example may b something as little as a cashier at a grocery store showing irritation towards an elderly person taking too long to put.items on a register. Now dont get me wrong there are some jobs that absolutely cant be made available to older folks but in all more jobs should be made available for the older population. I've worked with older individuals who want so badly to find another job due to the heavy load they take on at work but can't because as they all have said are too old and no one will hire them! I think its sad that older.people sustain the discrimination and abuse that they do considering they paved the way for society to be as it is today as well as the fact that without them.there'd be no us! I've witnessed abuse towards.the elderly and have had to be a mandated reporter and have to report it. I've witnessed financial abuse where a resident has had their bank accounts damn near emptied by family members because they believe because the resident is if old age they would not notice! In my opinion our society needs to improve on the way we treat our elderly as whole and stop acting as if we too won't someday be their age and in their position!

    1. I agree, and it's actually kind of sad that it didn't shock me. To think that this way of thinking is slowly becoming the norm is a bit sickening. The elderly aren't something we can just exploit for our own gain, theyre people just like us. One day we too will be just like them and I pray that the future generations are kinder than ours and the few after us. The elderly are the ones that survived the game of life and are here to tell us about all they experienced, yet for the most part we simply ignore them and shut them away as if they have no idea what theyre talking about. Our society needs to change, and soon.

    2. I know a lot of the older generation had to go through a lot of struggles growing up and to see them have to deal with more difficulties towards the end of their life is just sad. I agree with you and think that they need to make more jobs where they can get hired on and can fulfill a task they their able to do on their own. I'm a server and work with a lady in her 60's or 70's and she probably one of the coolest people I've met. She closes every weekend and does her job very well! kmoney246

  26. The simple fact that we are so discriminate against people as they get older is a testament to what society is becoming. We try to pretend that many of us care, but truthfully I think that many elderly people aren't tolerated by people our age. Just hearing the things that come out of other peoples mouths when talking about some random old couple or an elderly driver has shown me that our tolerance level for those older than us, and even our respect for them, is slowly dwindling. In most other societies, the elderly are revered as the wisest in the family, the ones that always have the answer. In our society, they are seen as burdens, people that slow us down on the way to work or embarrass us in front of a large crowd. People don't take the time to listen to their wisdom anymore. We condemn all of them as hindrances to us and choose to push them away, despite the fact that one day we will be in their shoes, and I wouldn't want that if the generation aiding me in my last years was anything like ours.

    1. Yea I see lots of elderly being disrespected daily. I was raised to respect my elderly and take care of them to the very end but this generation has lost that respect. LadiKay_246

    2. I agree with you. I'm a server at a restaurant where the majority of the people that come in to eat are elderly, but most of them are pretty nice and are interesting to talk to. I do have to admit that when I'm driving and I see an old person driving horribly I have the tendency to get mad about it. It does scare me seeing how some old people drive and I see them pulling out in front of cars or swerving over the line. kmoney246

  27. This video clearly explans a great example of Age stratification and how may jobs are being bias toward the elderly. Because most of the elderly are known to have medical problems most companies winter hire them because of the risk. Its really unfair because I feel that the elderly should be able to work like they want and live freely until their last breath. None of us want to live our last days watching everyone else live life they way they won't. So I don't see anything wrong with the elderly living free and young abduction I don't see anything wrong with them working. I guess most companies look at all the dangerous things that can happen to an elderly person if they work, and that's understandable they are taking risk factors into consideration. But at the same time why not let the elderly live their life out they way they want too.

  28. I hate to see that there is discrimination against the elderly and think that they should be treated the same as everyone else. It was sad also to see that in 1996 that 450,000 old people reported abuse that had happened to them. I don't get the reasoning behind the younger and middle aged people that take advantage of them and don't feel any guilt about it. Roughly 1 million elderly people suffer from mistreatment each year and three times as many suffer abuse at some other point in time. It scared me when my family had to put my grandmother in the nursing home because I had heard stories about how old people get mistreated by the caregivers at some nursing homes. While she was there my uncle had bought her a really nice blanket for her bed there and the next day it had gone missing along with her hats she wore because she had cancer. We're assuming that someone that worked there had taken them because they never did find them. Its unfair that there's ageism present when going to look for a job for older people. A lot of them can perform the job just as well as a younger person and probably have more experience in some situations. I wish that people wouldn't stereotype the older generation as much as they do these days and that they should stop getting mistreated. #oldpeoplerule#60'sthenew20 kmoney246

    1. I love to talk to old people, considering how long they have been alive the amount of things they have witnessed in their life is just amazing. But its hard to not get frustrated with the mean old lady or the slow driving old man because that is not how our society is. I catch myself getting frustrated all the time and am not proud about it but that is just the way we are meant to think by our society. We will probably encounter the same treatment in our life if not worse.

  29. I didn't realize that it was that bad, guess they better hope more Walmart's get built. I am torn on this video because I believe 100% it is wrong to mistreat more misjudge anyone, by either age, shape, or color i learned that does nothing for either side. And the fact that 1 in 10 senior citizens are living in poverty. But we cannot miss the fact you cannot give senile old people the freedom to make smart decisions. Like the lady who was pulling out of her driveway. I understand that most people were just being rude or impatient but she did not look confident in what she is doing and how can you put somebody who either isn't confident in their ability or cannot make responsible choices behind a wheel of a car. That is putting somebodies life instantly in danger. It is hard to find the line but there is one.


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