"Based On My Juvenile Detention Facility Observation, Juvenile Delinquency Is...."


  1. Based on my juvenile detention center facility observation, juvenile delinquency is most often committed by young males and mentally unstable youth. Most the juveniles come from broken homes and lack basic socialization skills and basic levels of education. Without the ability to socialize with other people or the ability to complete basic school work its no wonder they ended up in a juvenile detention facility. The facility seeks to help the juveniles with their issues by providing mental health care, counseling, and education services. From what we discussed at the facility the educations services seemed to be lacking. The classes were year round but it seemed like they did not always meet the education levels necessary for all juveniles. Though it may be costly the best solution for this would be to employ more educators who are trained to deal with certain age groups and ensure all juveniles receive the help they need to receive a proper education.-Anonemoose456

    1. I dont think that the age matters as much with education. Not all the kids are at their age level with reading and math. The kids should be placed with kids who have the same level of learning not with kids of the same age

  2. My observations from a correctional piont of view was that the center was more of a third generation jail. The purpose of the center was behavior modification. The center was focused on educating and cousling the juveniles not just housing them. I think its also good a good policy to require at least a bachlor degree to work there. I think its good to have a diverse group of adult working with the juveniles. I think the policy not to have weapons in the center is good because it may make the kids feel like there not trapped.

    1. I could not agree with you more. Having weapons in a secure location is always a great ideas in any institution. Also showing the juveniles there is better options for bad behavior will not only help them on the "outs", but will make their time in the facility easier. Even if it is on average 20 days. Behavior modification will also make the job of staff easier if used properly.

  3. My observations from the detention facility was the astounding fact that most of the juveniles had a STD, with Gonorrhea and Chlamydia topping the list. I know that promiscuity is as prominent as drug use in young offenders, but was unaware of the fact the infection rate was so high. On the other hand with the offenders ranging from 11-18 years of age many may not have been old enough to been in a sex ed class or just skipped it all together. Also at the local level the dysfunctional family, poor education and poverty is very prevalent in all of the offenders lives in some way or another.

    1. I was also pretty surprised by the facts regarding STDs among the juveniles in the correctional facility. I knew sexual promiscuity was a factor of juvenile delinquency but that showed me just how large of a factor it is. Like you stated these kids lack the education to understand the dangers of unprotected sex or are simply too young to employ the self control necessary to protect themselves.-Anonemoose123


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