"Based On My Juvenile Detention Facility Observation, Corrections for Juveniles Can be Explained...."


  1. After my second visit to the juvenile detention center, the experience was a great. Our tour guide gave us a lot information and my classmates asked excellent questions. It is also good to see a detention center that is accredited. The detention center that we visited seemed like they had many rehabilitation programs that could get the juveniles on the right path. The most interesting part of the tour is actually going in the pods and seeing how the juveniles interact with one another and how they try to interact with our tour group. Also, we received tons of hands on information which ties together what we have been learning about corrections in class. ICC123

  2. Today, when I revisited the juvenile detention center, I noticed that there were still, if not more, programs to help rehabilitate those juveniles in the center. Moving on into the pods where they were, it was interesting to hear and see how they were reacting with the fact that there were "new" people in the facility, our tour group. They sat in there seats as if they were watching a football game as we asked our questions and received wonderful answers. I noticed that while the others were playing around and laughing with each other watching us, that there was a juvenile sitting off to the side by himself reading a book. They had resources so that they were able to read during their incarceration. We also learned that the detention center doesn't cook their own food and that the county jail did and that the correction staff would go over there and retrieve it to serve. I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting again and I would definitely go a third time. CountryGirl123

    1. I also noticed how interested they were to see some people come in from outside the detention center. This lead me to think it may be beneficial for them to be involved in some form of community service or to be involved in a community program that allows them to have contact with people. This would allow them to feel less alienated form society and could help teach them socialization skills necessary to have a normal life.-Anonemoose123

  3. Based On My Juvenile Detention Facility Observation, Corrections for Juveniles Can be Explained as rehabilitative rather than punitive. Juveniles being brought into the correctional facility go through a process similar to adults in adult prisons. They're brought in, patted down and booked. At this point they go through an additional process to detect any mental issues which may need treatment. After they are admitted into the facility they receive various rehabilitative treatments such as mental health medication and counseling, they also receive education year round which is mandatory. The detention center its self could be compared to a fourth generation jail in some ways as it incorporates natural light into areas of the building and allows the juveniles access to educational resources.-Anonemoose123

  4. For my first time ever walking through a juvenile detention center I was kind of shocked and I had a lot of mixed feelings about it. When the kids first get there they are searched and tested many times. Then they go in to a holding cell and then they are booked in to their room where they are with the other inmates. All the children are monitored every 15 minutes by adults if they are on suicide watch adults check on them every 4 minutes. I was surprised on how the kids acted in the prison. I really tried to look around and see their actions and see what they were doing a few of the kids acted like they were fine with being there and us seeing them and they kind of acted like they were trying to impress us and always have are attention on them. Then there were some kids that seemed ashamed of being there and they didn’t want us to see them. It a really different world in there with no freedom at all. Football456

  5. My observations on the center was that it was a good facilty. It was not just there to house the juveniles but to help them. It offered edcational services and cousling. Although there is a high recidivism rate i think its a good center. I liked how thurow the intake system was and how the doors are hooked up to computers. The juveniles seemed well behaved and not out of control. I do think that if they gave the juveniles better food they would be happier.

  6. For the second time being at the Juvenile Detention center I saw that it was a tightly ran center with a good policy and ideal employees who were overly quailified for the position. They are taking great precautions and care for these juveniles in this facility and the insight they gave us for there educational needs. Kinda thought the 80/20 rule would've came into perspective at this center but when he said all of these kids that we saw have been there before kind of shocked me. Plus the amount of them that had STD or some other sexually transmitted disease shocked me also. There need to be alot more programs to keep kids busy after school. Also in the intake area he only explained the physical apsect of the juvenile coming in but during an internship I experienced that even if the kid is high on something it is a liability on the juvenile detention center and they would tell the officer they couldnt take this kid in until he was checked out at a hospital first. It was a very different atmosphere which put me on high alert around these kids, even though all of them were behind a glass wall. Only one of them were really walked around us into these rooms. I was surprised to hear about the national trend of these girls who are coming in are more violent offenses but less of them are coming in.- Shotokan456


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