Chicago Schools and Gangs


  1. Watching this video was very sad and heart broken at the same time. this video fit under disorganized neighborhood theory, where inner-city area of extreme poverty where the critical control mechanisms have broken down. like we talked about in class, most gang violent occurred in poor neighborhood. the people at risk are male, African American, special education, kids without stable living condition and kids whom skip school more often. its sad as a nation to see kids holding the poster saying 'Don't shoot i want to grow up. i think that is very powerful message. Where are we at war? is the question that need to be answer, because young people are getting killed every day in city of Chicago and it has become part of daily life. I don't think this is matter of gang or clique because most of these kids got killed while walking from school or in front of their houses. this problem can not only be solved by the police but also parent, school and communities. soccerboy456

    1. Its true that this issue can not be solved by only the police. It will take everyone's cooperation if anything at all is going to be accomplished. And even then the problem may not be totally solved. The most we can hope for is that youth's involvement in gangs will drop and we can keep more children out of gangs in the first place. By providing the impoverished with a way to make a living and assuring former gang members are educated and reformed this can be accomplished.-Anonemoose456

  2. "You have to change the culture or the city or it will never stop." written by Cloudberry 121. This state is very true. But i think from this person posting this remark is obviously naive in the sense that you cant just change an entire cuture. The gang banging culture is a lifestyle. Even though some people do escape the life, most stay until they die or are lifers in prison. This video was very sad. The one kid that was on his way out of the hood was gunned down. On his was home from school, and already accepted into college. The worst part about this is knowing that it could have been prevented. There was a statistic in this video saying that 2.5 children are killed every day in the city of Chicago. That number is so astounding that i cant believe the national gaurd hasnt been called in. Military 456

    1. I would like to know what the National Guard can do to prevent or reduce the gang membership that is still in high school. On one hand it could potentially be a bad idea, because of the lack of likeness in lifestyle it can cause. a way to explain that is a white redneck cop from the hills of Kentucky working in the south end of Chicago. that would not be a good idea because the norms and way of life are totally different just like putting the Guard in to solve the problem. that is just what I think about that part of what you said, nonetheless; I agree with all of the other points in your post

  3. It seems like there are more and more gang member in high school every year. the statistic of nearly 500,000 students living under the poverty line with an average income of $10,000. The gang life is sucking them in and promising a better way of life and is only promising a way of crime an violence. the editor of the video has it right when he said education is key to change the life style. the question on who should be tasked on fixing the problem is correct too; however it should be a combination of all three, Police, Parenting and School. All are a great way to curve the gang mentality but can only work when all three put in the effort. You can only help the ones that want to escape from the possibility of the gang. This is a extremely sad video, but at the same time it is true and a eye opener for those of us that are down state and don't get the coverage or get to see the problem head on like the ones in Chicago.

  4. With such a large amount of families in poverty in Chicago it comes as no surprise that youths are heavily involved in gangs. Its likely the children in these families lack proper parental figures and found it difficult to obtain things necessary for survival. Gangs provide these youths a loving family and give them access to not only necessities but luxuries as well. As others have already stated on here gangs are a lifestyle and a culture and can't just be changed immediately. There needs to be cooperation between everyone, including the people in the gangs. The decision to join gangs can be tied with both the anomie view and the rational choice view. They join gangs because that's simply what happens in that culture, and because the gangs provide them with the things they want a need. A list of solutions for the gang issue are given at the end of chapter 9 in the book. Finding practices that don't work and doing away with them, and then putting funds from those into ones that do work are a start. Finding ways to make it easier for people to obtain jobs and mental healthcare and assisting former gang member reintegrate can help eliminate the issues we're trying to fight. some tactics used by the "Don't Shoot" program in peoria that I like are identifying gang members and then assuring they are taken into custody. This may sound harsh but it assures they will have a chance for rehabilitation and have an opportunity to leave the gang life. Another tactic is to eliminate a gangs ability to function by removing their source of finance and assuring they can't get it back. For instance, when the police find and shut down a drug operation they completely demolish or take possession of the building it was being operated from; destroying all equipment and making sure that place can never again be used for illegal activity. Obviously it will take some time to solve this issue and more children will die, but with cooperation and effort the gang problem can be lessened and children can be kept out of gangs and on the right path.-Anonemoose456

    1. Its a good thing you brought in the "Don't shoot" program but riding along with an officer during an internship I was told there were other programs before the don't shoot program and this is just another act to rally up the surrounding neighborhoods to stop gun violence. This was a good post and focusing on the children and there future. -Shotokn456

  5. It shows that mainly violent criminal acts are done in poverty stricken neighborhood or cities where people are struggling to survive. Where the education system isn't really a priority. Kids grow up with this negative influence and that's where it needs to be focused on. Educating the kids and or trying to punish kids the right way to rehabilitate them from being constant offenders. They should look more into community based programs to help, but its really to keep the kids out of prison. Police need to take more proactive stance towards criminal offenses and schools need to be more active in the children life. Need to talk more with the kids and try to help guide them. This could also be a problem seeing how the government are cutting down on school budgets. Which could hurting the chances of the kids not only succeeding in life but denying the kids from getting the help that they need whether its personality disorder, or drug abuse. -Shotokan456

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  7. It’s so sad to see all the young people who have died from the gangs In Chicago. Chicago gangs have gotten way out of control and there is nothing we can do about it anything we try doesn’t help. Things get worse and worse every day and there are young people dieing because of it. I feel these kids join the gangs to have someone there to protect them because it’s not safe in Chicago. When a kid joins a gang in Chicago they have many people there to watch to watch over them and protect them but with kids being in gangs with older gang member the kids are stuck doing the jobs that the older members don’t want to do which ends up getting them put in harm’s way and gets them in more trouble. I also think a lot of the kids that join don’t really want to be there but they join because they were recruited or they were blooded in (forced in the gang because of family) and they didn’t have the choice. Juveniles in gangs also see that its easy money for them to earn and they try and do anything they can so they can help there family’s out. Football456


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