Community Corrections and Sociology


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  2. I’m shocked that 1 in 100 Americans are incarcerated and 2/3 of those release within 3 years return at. I learned that we need to help people on parole by giving them structure so they don’t come back in 3 years. I’m glad we got programs like Summit of Hope to help those people who are on probation and parole. I learned from watching this video that these programs help people on parole and on probation. They have a huge impact on our society because people in correctional facilities have a positive experience. They get help from volunteers and that makes a huge difference. These correctional facilities don’t have any accidents because volunteers are there helping people on parole and probation out, they are treated like human beings.

  3. I think its a great idea to have activities like this for inmates to encourage growth and positive life enforcement. Truth is, we as a nation are spending alot of tax money housing and feeding inmates over and over again and the problem will only rise unless we find a way to rehabilitate them which will keep them productive members of society. I think the idea that this "section" in the prison behaves the best because it is more of a socialized community. We have learned already people function better in a structured type of society so it makes sense that people would do better with more positive interaction instead of yelling through doors at each other. mfroggyus246

    1. I’m glad we got programs like Summit of Hope out there because they do make an impact. They keep people out of trouble and helps people turns their lives around. These programs give people a 2nd chance because everyone deserves an 2nd chance in America. People make mistakes and these programs help people not repeat the same mistakes.

    2. I do think that the Summit of Hope is a great ideal. Especially for the ones that employers will shut down for their record. And its a one stop shop for everything. How nice for them, when regular citizens don't get that treatment. starburst246

  4. I am so glad that they have these programs for the prisoners. Within three years that 2/3 of the released prisoners returned to prison was a little shocking. These learning activities that the volunteers are helping the inmates with is a wonderful way to help impact them to better themselves when they are released. It gives them a better outlook for a better future for they now can use these good learning skills to get a job, and communicate with employers. I was sad to see without this help that 2/3 of the inmates return within 3 years. With the help of these wonderful programs the percent is 5% which shows that this is making a great difference. These programs not only help the inmates but also the taxpayers in regards to housing and feeding more inmates. They can now be more productive in the society and become better human beings. Labrador246

    1. I agree with you, these programs make a huge impact. These programs stop prisoners from going back to prison after just 3 years from being released. They keep these prisoners out of trouble and turn their life around. Everybody in America deserves an 2nd chance when they make mistakes and these programs give them that.

    2. I agree Kevin, everyone deserves a second chance. All they need is a little guidance and they knowledge to keep them out of prison. Those numbers are way to high for us as Americans to be OK with. But i will say that if after the program, they still end up back in prison then that's that.

    3. I agree, to have a functional society education must be provided. Our country provides free education to all children from kindergarted to 12th grade. Why would we not do this to our incarrcerated population? This program has proven itself to be successful in that on 5% who completed this program return to jail. That is a huge number. It is also low cost on taxpayers in that inmates are the teachers. I feel that this program should be mandatory in all jails and prisions just like education is for children. GMD246

  5. I think it is wonderful that they are trying to help the inmates better themselves. We as a country, spend way too much money housing these people. If we can make them better while they are in there, the chances are, once they are out of prison, they won't be back. We have to help them not go against them. We are all human and we all make mistakes, they just happen to get caught. When they enter back in society we should welcome them and help them stay better. If people stay out of prison, then we won't have to spend money on them going back. CooCoo246

    1. I agree. We can save so much money if we can help better people so they wont end up in jail. If we focus on making a person better instead of punishment maybe we can start a epic change in our society. When a person states that they've been to prison most people look down on them like they aren't just as human as the next person. We need to change our views and welcome them just as you said.


  6. At the beginning of this video I am not surprised by the rotation of people from jail to society and back. However, it's nice that their are classes and discussions in prison to help with education. I have family who works in the federal prison so I hear stories, but to be honest it has no interest to me. I want to be a teacher so I can encourage them at a young age not to go to prison. As a role model I'll be able to. The federal correction center isn't somewhere I wanna go. Starburst246

    1. I never realized they had classes like these for people in prison and I'm glad that they do. Even if it doesn't benefit all the inmates that go through the program at least some of them learn something from it and it helps to keep the number of people going in and out of jail to a minimum. kmoney246

    2. Yes I agree with you. The beginning was a little shocking. If someone goes from society to jail and back then they really haven’t learned their lesson. If we educate them and give them the proper direction then maybe crimes would be committed less and the streets would look a lot better. Bullardml13-246

    3. I agree I wasn't surprised either. I know people who's been to jail and for some reason never learn their lesson, but I also know people who's been to jail and they change within the snap of your fingers. For the people who don't take advantage of the help thats being provided we can't really do much to make them. They are the ones that are going to end up back in jail no matter what, but as far as the other people who learn there lesson we can have resources for them to help them change their life.


    4. I like what you said about the people who don't want to take advantage of the program will end up right back were they started. I agree with that if they have no motivation to help themselves them we shouldn't waste resources on them but if there are convicts who want or need that opportunity then we should definitely give it to them.

  7. I think it is incredibly important for inmates to have programs like this to help them improve their lives for the better, although it may not change the lives and views of all inmates at least it will have an affect on some and I think that is what is really important. I think its important to prepare these inmates to enter back into society and be able to blend in with society and hopefully start a life down a different path. The only thing I find disturbing is that 2/3 of inmates return to prison after being released, in a way this almost seems to be a waste of taxpayers money, in regards to the programs that the prisons offer, I think there should be stipulations for the prisoners, that way law biding citizens who are working hard don't feel shafted by people who are constantly making mistakes. Heartsiized246

    1. I agree with you about the program and it getting them ready to enter back into society. Hopefully it will help them out and give them a second chance to start fresh and to stay out of trouble and prove to people that jail can change you for the better. I really wish that this program would help all inmates out to avoid them going right back in. 85% of all inmates are eligible for the Community Model program and hopefully all of them benefit from it and won't have to go back to jail ever again. kmoney246

    2. I agree that it’s important for these programs to exist. Putting someone in a jail cell isn’t solving anyone's dilemma. If we give them structure and how to prevent things, maybe their future would be a little brighter and there would be less crimes being committed on the streets, instead of throwing them out without an education. Bullardml13-246

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  9. I think that the program they have for the inmates is a good idea and that it helps to keep them out of prison once they get out. I'm not really surprised that 2/3 of the people released return within three years because most of the people I know that have gotten in trouble and have gone to prison always seem to be going right back not long after they've been out. It is a waste of money to be spending between $24,000-$70,000 a year for each inmate. They need to preparing them to go back into society once they are released and making sure their not getting into trouble and getting arrested again. kmoney246

    1. I agree that the number 2/3 doesn't surprise me. Why would inmates want to change? Most jails are like luxury retreats anymore. They get 3 hot meals a day, free health care, free lodging, internet, TV, etc. If we were to take away these "Freebies", most prisoners would be less likely to want to return. Especially if they were made to work to earn the meals, healthcare, etc.


    2. I agree with you both of you that some people once they get back in try to go back into prison because they can live for free and not have to work because a lot of people in prison don't have families or have anywhere to work when they get out which possibly means their homeless so they commit more crimes to survive and end up being put back in prison.

  10. I knew there were problems with jail overcrowding, but guess that I didn’t realize how drastic it was. 1 in 100 Americans is a big number! I like how they choose to educated these individuals for a better future instead of just letting them do their own thing and they end up back in jail again. Putting someone back in jail is not the answer. That’s like taking an alcoholic out of a bar, and then cleaning them up, only to put them back in a bar with no further education on how to prevent their addiction in the future. I’m not saying that if someone goes to jail they should get the high road. But maybe if we did the educational way, it may do good things in the future to prevent crimes from happening again. If we give them structure then it will give them an idea of what the real world will look like. Bullardml13-246

    1. I agree and like your example. My belief is that incarceration is twofold; one, to serve as punish for the crime committed and two, reform the individual. Punishment works as a deterrent and helps keep the peace with victims of a given crime, but does little to prevent a reoccurrence. Helping reform the individual and getting them to understand why that behavior is unacceptable is the only way to prevent them from doing it again.

  11. I'm really glad to see that there is a program out there to help criminals stay out of jail once they leave. I know that overcrowding is a huge problem and it is costing tax payers huge amounts of money. I also really like the fact that the program is run by inmates and not prison staff. I think that the lessons will mean more coming from someone that understands and is going through the same situation that they are in. It is my opinion that jails should be self sufficient and this program is one step closer because it is a quarter of the cost to operate compared to other programs. It is also helping save money because only 5 percent of inmates that participate in this program are convicted for another crime once they are out. This program is also a lot safer and can manage more inmates than other programs. I am glad to see that this program is working so well and i hope to see that more jails adopt this program and start using it in there own facility. -Tyler246

  12. I thought the community program this prison was using was really smart. I could see this being the result of sociological research. Like the video mentioned, I’m sure its much easier for the inmates to relate to those with similar life experiences rather than people with big degrees that had never been to prison like other prisons were doing. I think it’s a really good solution for overcrowding. It’s more of a positive experience for the inmates and it is yielding results. I hope more prisons implement this program. Its helping solve the problem of overcrowding and helping inmates to join more successfully participate in society once they leave prison. YellowSubmarine246

    1. I agree it was a well thought out process. The inmates in this program are relating better to other inmates and therefore are actually learning the skills needed to avoid recidivism. I too think if more prisons were to implement this program that crime rates and rates of recidivism would decrease in areas where these prisoners were from.


    2. I could not agree with you more. Real life lessons are always learned faster when the student can relate to the person teaching than someone who has only studied and not lived it. How could they fully understand what those inmates have go through or how they see thing. Its kind of like you would not take a class for medical school to be taught by a automobile mechanic. GMD246

  13. For me, the number 1 out of 100 people will go to jail, doesn't shock me. I grew up in Peoria, went to Peoria High School and a lot of the people I went to school with are currently incarcerated or have been in the past. For some of these people, it isn't a one time thing, they have been incarcerated numerous times. In my childhood neighborhood, the rate of recidivism is very high. I believe this has to do with the all the gang activity and the lack of programs like from the video to help rehabilitate the imprisoned.

    I think that if more prisons and jails had programs like the Community Model, that we would see the crime rate drop as well as the percentage of recidivism. I am a strong believer that if we are going to be spending the amount of money on prisoners and their keeping, we need to adjust how that money is spent. Instead of offering them recreation, we need to focus more on providing them with things to make their incarceration count. Programs like work release, chain gangs, and Community Model programs need to be implemented more.

    If we can educate them and provide them with skills to live on the outside without having to resort to crime, then it is money well spent. I also feel that prisoners should have to earn their keep. Instead of having free medical care and free meals, they need to work on a barter or wage system. Each one should have a job that they earn "wages" from. This is where the work release, chains gangs, and such come into play.

    We have roads that are littered with trash, community parks that need grass mowed and leaves raked. Roads need tarred and chipped, etc. These are all jobs that could be done by less violent offenders. They learn important skills that make them useful to society and they also work for things they need. I feel this is a better way to prepare them for life outside of prison. They aren't just handed free food, clothing, and healthcare that regular citizens pay for, they have to earn it.

    We could also cut down on costs of other things too. Instead of having kill animal shelters, have convicts work with animals. The convicts get companionship and skills they can use after being released. The animals get loving care, training, and the convicts learn life skills that can be used outside of prison. Its is a win-win situation. In states where they already have a program like this going, they are seeing more animals finding homes and less occurrences of the animal being brought back to the shelter. It is a benefit for all parties involved.


  14. This program offered to incarcerated people is a really good opportunity not only for the inmates but for our society as well. If we have more programs like this then it doesn't only change that person from going to jail, but it also helps our society to become a safer place. Some criminals commit crime because they feel they have no where else to turn and if there are programs such as summit of hope and community model they will know that there life isn't over and they can change and make things better. It will help them know that not everyone is against them or looking down on them and they are able to have a brighter future.


  15. I think the program is great. We need more educate these people more, no matter what direction the education is. Whether its just something simple like teaching them how to get a job or helping them learn a skill so they can provide for themselves or their family without resorting to crime. Its not like they have anything else to-do anyways so why not use the time they have in jail more efficiently so they could benefit from that opportunity and not end up right back were they started. I'm sure a lot of people will not agree with it because they might be comfortable with a convict taking their jobs, but they are people too they just got caught making their mistakes.

  16. What a wonderful program to offer to our society. Not only is this helping the inmate with education, and learning with real life examples, but this is a greater gift to all other, incarrcerated or not. It is preventing future crime inside and out side of jails. It would be nice to see this program in more confiment instutions and maybe be offer as part of parole for first time offenders. We could save more of our tax payers money over time with less repeat incarrcerations and total cost over all for all inmates. GMD246

  17. I think that it is great that they have programs to help the inmates once they get out of prison. After reading other students post I see a lot are shocked that every 2/3 prisoners return to prison after they get out but I am not shocked because so many things have changed in the world for example if somebody was sentenced to 20 years and went to prison in 1993 and just got out in 2013 so many things have changed such as computers, cell phones, technology in general and most jobs require them to have technological skills now days but if they can't find a job they go back to what they were doing such as gangs, drugs, robbing etc.. Also I did a internship at the internship at the Juvenile Detention Center and there were many kids in there who attended classes and talked to people to get help and you could see the change in the juveniles which is great.

    1. I agree, although its sad, the stats dont shock me that much. America is a big country, and as such, have a big crime problem. Our justice system doesnt do much in the means of reform though, we simply incarcerate and let them go. There are plenty of attempts at help, but many dont have a lasting effect. I feel that the community project is different, that people finally feel welcome and not intimidated by a figurehead.

  18. I really like the idea of the community program. I am somewhat close to this topic because I have a brother in law that is starting basically a halfway house to help prevent recidivism. My brother in law has preached at the prison for some time now and noticed recidivism and is hoping to help reduce it with support once released from jail. One reason I like the idea of the community program is that it focuses on real life experiences of the inmates and not a formal education program. I wonder if the absence of an authority figure, such as a teacher, is part of the reason for the success of the community program. I have had times when I struggled to accept a teacher’s lesson because they could not explain why something was the way it was, but I was still expected to accept the lesson simply because of their position; where in the community program participants are able to debate ideas and beliefs. Either way, reform is the ultimate goal of the prison system, in most cases; the data seems to show the community program is outperforming traditional programs and I hope it helps more people to come.

    1. I think that the fact that there isnt a formal teacher is one of the many reasons that this is a success, so I agree with you. People sometimes feel like theyre being talked down to by figures of authority, or that those figures are intimidating. This would push them away and cause the to not care what was said, to maybe continue what they had been doing before. But now, with other peers talking to them, setting up a community together, there isnt that pressure or worry anymore.

    2. It's difficult to bring peoples guard down and allow them to be open to change. Having no formal teacher is a great way to come together for the greater good. I've grown up next to a mission where men can go to reform after they earned that right. They get more freedom, but it also comes with more responsibility because its out on a farm. They have a great success rate because of people learning the value of earning something and they got there from peer counseling.

  19. I had never actually heard of this, this program sounds phenomenal. Dont put a teacher in front of them to preach at them on how to be a good human, give them another person just like them to talk with them, to help them through their problems. Its great that our justice system is finally finding better ways to keep people out of prison, to help show them the error of their ways and give them a fresh start on life. The community program looks as though it will keep most people on the right track and will continue to work wonders so long as there are willing minds that will listen and people that want to change.

  20. I have to say that these programs are a huge help. More like this needs to be done to actually help people instead of hurt them. Prisons institutionalize people and don't make them better in any way shape or form. Yes, people need to be punished for the crimes they commit. No, what we are doing now is not the best way to do it. Before prison people got off track and made mistakes to land them in prison, but we need to have more programs that speak to the way to get back on track. Having peers guide you can be much more effective in most cases because they know first hand and can relate so much better. People always lead by example so lets give them one that is actually feasible.


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