Florida Prison - Your Thoughts


  1. An alternative to jail and prison is probation. Probation is the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community, under the supervision of a probation officer. It is conditional because it can be revoked if certain conditions are not met. Probation saves the state money because the state does not have to take care of a prisoner. Probation also keeps the offender in the community so they are closer to their family and more rehab options. Probation also offers a different sentence option to offenders who would do better in the community than in jail. Most jails rehabs aren’t as good as the ones outside of jail. If some of the offenders were on probation they could get treatment that they don’t get in jail for their drug problems.

  2. After seeing this video, I think that this jail is like any other jail. They have their separate sections for the ones that misbehave. I think its good to have a strict officer with a zero tolerance for contraband and behavior. monitoring there phone calls is an awesome thing to do to. Giving the inmates something to do like cook the food do laundry and other thing and letting them get out early I think is good because it can help keep them out of trouble. if they do get in trouble then they get that privilege taken away from them. The k-9 search is another plus side. they can do in depth searches of the cells and the rest of the facility. It didn't really say much about rehabilitation which I think is kind of a bad thing. I believe we should help them out some way to get them back on there feet. Firefighter123

  3. After viewing this clip, I think it was a great way to show that their freedom and privileges could be taken away if they were to misbehave and hustle other inmates for their money or other items. although some people handle being in confinement differently just like the ones you view in the video. some like the advantages of being alone and others hate how alone they really are. being in those confinement cells, you lose all freedom rights: no phone calls, visits, etc. I think it is very helpful. its rehabilitating because it shows a low tolerance level and it makes them think about it twice. although I can see how its not rehabilitating because there are the ones that actually like it. so they are going to go back. I could go both ways. CountryGirl123

  4. This prison serves the same purpose as any other prison, warehousing. They don't have the resources to attempt to rehabilitate all of these criminals, some of which are beyond rehabilitation in the first place. In order for the prisons to have the ability to help reform prisoners they need more money, and this can be obtained by taking out nonviolent offenders. Nonviolent offenders don't necessarily need to be locked away, and can be placed under surveillance and put in a correctional program that aims to help them rather than incapacitate them. This will give prisons more money and space to help reform the violent offenders or habitual offenders who need to be locked away to keep society safe. Some of these inmates can be reformed and helped, but others, like Caponi, are beyond help and will be a constant drain on resources. - Anonemoose123

  5. After watching the video it shows what can happen to a community after it has a drug problem. Like the video said, the jail picks up many of the people who have mental health issues now also which means that it is hard for them to be rehabilitated in a county jail. It seemed like many of the inmates who were in the county jail knew the system and were repeat offenders. I do not believe that the jail is rehabilitating the offenders but simply just warehousing them. Because the community has a drug problem with prescription pills, the same offenders will continue to come into the county jail. ICC123

  6. The video was a great example of showing us how crime mapping is used in the Tampa Bay, Florida, more specifically in Hillsborough County. Each year, more than 55,000 males and females are arrested in Hillsborough county. Both the prison and the jail are experiencing major overcrowding issues due to the rise of prescription drug abuse. The inmates that the video follows, one of which was a young woman named Graniella was doing time for dealing drugs and narcotics. While she awaits trial, she is serving time at the county jail. However, with there being no programs at the jail to correct her behavior, she finds herself in trouble once again. This time, for disciplinary actions for her attitude and being caught ingesting and dealing prescriptions. Since the jail has a zero tolerance policy, she was sent to solitary confinement and away from general population. We also got to follow Steven Caponi, a repeat offender that has already served 5 sentences for a total of 22 years behind bars for theft and other numerous charges. He, just like Graniella, finds himself getting into trouble with the lack of rehabilitation programs. Caponi is caught for "hustling" others into giving him money that he plans on using for bail. He was sent to solitary confinement for 9 months and whence he returns to general population, it is apparent that he was not ready for the transition back to gp and see's himself back in solitary confinement after only a few weeks. The Hillsborough county jail obviously had it's strengths and weaknesses. It had a get tough on crime attitude with little to no tolerance for misbehavior which seemed to keep the inmates under control (for the most part). However, it was disappointing to see that the prison and jail were experiencing serious overcrowding issues, but never mentioned anything about alternative options to incarceration such as halfway homes, intermediate sanctions or rehabilitation and counseling. It was almost as if the jails and prisons were setting inmates up for failure for when they are released back to the community. However, I did like the fact that they were able to keep inmates at relatively under control. The greatest deterrence that they implemented in my opinion was the narcotics dog. They used the dog to locate prescription drugs during random searches. It was an intimidation factor. The dog was always able to find what room had the drugs and it kept inmates from trying to make illegal dealings behind bars. Another interesting program that was offered was working the laundry. For every 6 days they worked laundry, they got 1 day off of their sentence. It was an incentive to stay out of trouble so they can return to the community as soon as possible. It was also aimed to show inmates work ethic and responsibility, which it seemed to do to some degree. ChiefO'Keefe123


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