Girls and Gangs


  1. this video shows there are a variety reasons why girls join gangs, including coming from broken home, protection, love, financial opportunity,identity and status. it was not shocking that many girls are committed more crimes than their counter part male gangsters. like the text says, gang can provide girl with a sense of sisterhood and independence. once girls in gang they put more work in than most male. like girl Rambo, she had no fear and she was used to do more of their dirty works. if girls are more violent than male, why more male go to the prison than female? it was obvious to see that girls whom are sex in to the gang are less respected than who put in work to get in the gang. soccerboy456

  2. this was a very interesting video in all. I was completely unaware of the fact that there are over an estimated 80,000 female gang members and around 8,000 in Compton alone. it seems like the same thing is happening with women and juveniles, they are coming from a broken home living in poverty looking for a sense of belonging. it is also going with what was said that women are committing less crimes but are more heinous in the actions of the crimes. Susan Cruz said it best in the video, "being in a gang is very appealing and girls can be just as dangerous as males." Respect seems to be the greatest factor in the gang unit as a female too, unless you are sexed in. the text said that loyalty is more important that prison. if this were true then the lack of respect wouldn't be there from those who were jumped in. difficult seemed to be a victim of the lifestyle because of her mom being part of a gang and then she fell pray to gang activity and just will be a cycle. shey said it right when women are putting in more work than males because of the 3 strikes laws as well.

    1. I was surprised also that due to these gang activities it seem to fit the same national trend of more violent crimes are happening with women but its fewer. This was discussed at the Juvenile detention center and it sort've shocked me when we listened to it on this video.
      Culture clash was interesting to hear in this video also. Taking a sociology twist on it-Shotokan456

  3. This was a good video on the aspect of women gang bangers in Compton and how it shared a piece of each of there stories. How it was an anomaly to only focus on the boys and men to be in the gangs but also the females. It was interesting to hear how they use this to there advantage. How they said that a male came in with his girlfriend and he would be clean but his girlfriend would be packing something. Females would join in just like any other reason. Wether its the feeling of being alienated, culture clash, creating a family when they never really had one, or because of relationships. Once they got into gangs the power would be affirming. When crack cocaine hit the scene is when crimes got more violent, and trying to get more crack was the only thing females and males would think about. I was surprised that due to the trend of today violent crimes kinda sounded like what it was for these female gang banger back then and even today. When normally the females decide to attack someone it was normally always personal. I was surprised about the way females could get out of gangs by getting pregnant. It was almost required. Shotokan456

  4. This video was very surprising. I was very naive to the fact that women gangs were growing and were as aggressive as men. When one of the women said that they always had a man behind their own actions was so staggering. I've always been taught that women should be empowered, but this isn't the way to do it. One thing that Dr. White stated that women that don't have a father or father figure early in their lives usually find what they were missing from that in any man that shows them attention, With that being said, women that are in the "hood" or "ghetto" are already at a disadvantage. Then to add some guy with a little bit of power and a little money to flash at them gives them false hope. With these men showing affection and having a family type atmosphere, they're willing to do anything to keep they're family safe, keep them together. This video was proof of that with one lady saying that her brother was killed and that's how she got caught up in the gang life. Military 456

  5. This video gives us many options on why girls would consider joining gangs. Most people join gangs because they come from a broken home and they don’t have the proper parenting to show them right from wrong. And when girls come from broken homes them tend to rebel more and they start to make bad choices. From class I remember that girls need more attention than guys do. So when girls come from broken homes and don’t have parents there to give them the proper love and attention that they need so they join gangs to get the feeling of love that they are looking for and the girls see that they can make easy money to help provide for their family and try to give them more things that they need they also join to get the feeling of protection to know that they always have someone there to watch over them and to protect them. -Football456

    1. It would seem that most of us are in agreeance that girls join gangs primarily for the family aspect that it provides and due to the lack of a family aspect at home. Like we've discussed in class this need for attention and some kind of family group continues on into adult life and can be shown by the family groups they create in adult prison. These girls could quite possibly stay out of the gang life if their families were stable and provided them with the attention they required.-Anonemoose456

  6. This video is an example of many reasons why young females fall into the gang life. The primary reason shown in the video is the influence of family. Young girls will be more likely to join a gang if they have a family member, likely a brother or sister, who is already in a gang. They will look up to the sibling as they are likely older, and will see them as an example they should follow. Continuing with the aspect of family, young girls may join gangs to escape their home lives and find a new family. Most girls who join gangs come from broken homes with abusive or drug using parents and aren't treated properly, leading them to seek out someone who will treat them in a way that makes them feel loved. The aspect of viewing the gang as a family can be tied most heavily to girls. The process of young females falling into gang life creates a vicious cycle. Eventually they will have a child and that child will be born into similar circumstances at their mother unless the mother makes a drastic change for the better. If the child is born into similar circumstances its quite possible they too will join up with a gang and repeat the process.-Anonemoose456


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