Girls, Delinquency, and Gangs in 1954 - Contemporary Views of Female Delinquency?


  1. With this entire movie choice theory is obviously a large part of these characters. One girl stated she needed another weed but when confronted with another option being heroin she took it. Every kid in this movie was shown as an Id, needing everything now, and needing to commit crimes now to obtain their drug of choice. Turning to robbery, stealing, and prostitution to get their hands on what they needed. Throughout the movie there was an influence of a family presence. Though it was patriarchal the older guy by the name of Joe always had younger kids at his house and they looked up to him. With this he was able to take advantage and push these kids in the direction he wanted them to go, which was a way to make him more money. During this movie it didn't show any of the kids being in need of anything. They all seemed to be well taken care of and one even stated that her parents always gave her money. A couple of the kids through out the movie I saw would have been kids that grew out of this activity, but one or two others would have been lifers. One of the main women in the story did show that she was a more mature beyond her years, and able to manipulate the older doctor into believing she was falling in love with him, only to find out that she was robbing him.

    1. You made a good point that I failed to mention about how the young adults were pretty independent excluding their drug addiction. The one women stated that her mother was a fool and would give her money whenever she needed it. Also, the young man sitting on the couch with the young woman in the beginning of the movie, they both seemed pretty independent (the same woman that robbed the doctor). They could've grown out of this phase they went through, but it all comes back to *choice* and what individuals are familiar and content with. Well said military. ChiefO'Keefe456

    2. I forgot to mention that all the kids were basically impulsive and reacting mainly on the ID of there nature. I agree that there was a family presence in the movie and they did look up to Joe as a father figure but it wasn't really a family presence because it seemed that Joe got his pick of who he wanted to be with. Joe did use the females as his puppet and I was surprised Joe told the girl to work for another man as assistant answering phone calls and what not. We talked in class how females are more superior in pronunciation. Shotokan456

  2. This movie did a great job of portraying problems that women have faced for decades. One of the main characters named Joe ran a drug business where he would lure in young teens and adults to buy his drugs (the main focus is on the young women). He would lure them in to buy these addictive drugs and would be able to control and manipulate them due to the debt they had accumulated. He would sell them into prostitution and other various illegal activities, he is similar to what we know today as a "pimp." Joe was the alpha male so to speak, and had all these young teens doing his bidding and looking to him as a sort of "role model." As dysfunctional as it was at times, (like the two ladies fighting at the end of the movie) the bond between them all seemed to be very strong. In a sense it was a good representation of a tight knit family. However, the blonde woman that is introduced to marijuana in the film seems to be aware at first of Joe's intentions, pushing him away when he tries to make physical contact. But as the movie progresses, it is clear that she has fully become addicted to the drug and made decisions to support her drug addiction out of her own *choice.* Throughout the movie, it is apparent that choice theory dominated these young teens lives because the drugs were something they were not willing to give up easily. ChiefO'Keefe456

    1. This was definitely an example of choice theory, although not entirely rational choice. At first the girls are in complete control of their faculties but are soon lured in by Joe's charm and drugs. Once he has them hooked the rational decision would be to leave him and seek some kind of help, but the influence of the drug and the relief he promises them is to great for them to think clearly. They allow Joe and his drugs to dominate them and become criminals. -Anonemoose456

  3. The way the girls react around each other and around Joe show how passive they are by ingrained quality. The peer groups like Mr. White says can really only do such delinquent acts together in groups. Such as the beginning of the video where they hijack a car and in the end where multiple people got shot. Male delinquency also shows that they don't form any sort of attachment. That's why you see Joe mooching on a couple different women in this movie. Its pretty smart in this movie to use girls to do all the dirty work and then pay them as they just turn around and ask for weed or heroin at a price. In 1995 the male:female delinquency arrest ratio for serious crimes was 3:1. I'm curious on what it was back in 1954. It also shows the peer violence of girls in the end after the girl was brought up to get worked on for the bullet in the side. Two girls fought and I don't know it was to gain status but I do know it was to defend against sexual harassment. The older female mention it was an operation for his boner which probably labeled the supposed girlfriend to be just another fling. This one was definitely a mix up from what we normally see but there's something to get from every movie we watch in class. -Shotokan456

    1. I didn't stop to think about how Joe fits in with male delinquency, thats an interesting point to make. I agree that it was clever of him to entice these girls through drugs to become his slaves in a way, it goes very well with the Critical Feminism theory which is defined in the book. Joe exerts his supremacy, allowing him to guide the girls into delinquency. -Anonemoose456

  4. This movie provides a view of a patriarchal world in which men are clearly dominant over women and have strong influence over them. The cause of the delinquency of these women is most closely related to the theory of Critical Feminism, stating that men exploiting women is what leads to female delinquency. Joe begins exploiting the girls by attracting them with his charm and the promise of money. He then starts providing them Marijuana as just a kind of feel good drug which they become accustomed to. He eventually gets the girls addicted to heroin and that seals their fate to basically be his slaves, as they'll do whatever they need to to get their fix. So through the superiority of a male, in this case Joe, the women are controlled and led into delinquency; becoming sexually promiscuous and getting involved in drugs. Thereby allowing Joe to maintain control of them and leading them down a criminal path.- Anonemoose456

    1. I agree that Joe is using the women. In the beginning of the movie he gets the girls addicted to weed and then moves them onto stronger drugs. I think the video also shows how much peers affect our decision making. In the beginning of the movie the girls stole the car as a group. If one of the girls stole the car by herself she could have made more money but delinquents act in groups.

  5. I think that the girl choose to use heroine because she did not understand the consequences. I don’t think that a lot of the kids understand the long term consequences of drugs. The kids in the video trusted Joe because he was manipulating them. The rich kids who stayed said that their parents didn’t care where they were. I think that is an example of bad parenting and show that a parent needs to know where their kid is and what they’re doing. This video showed how women used to submissive to men and now there more violent and involved.

  6. I think women join gangs and do gangs relate this is because they see its easy money. And there trying to do whatever they can to support their family. I also think they are involved because they want to try and look cool in front of everyone so they do whatever they have to too look cool in front of their new friends. I think women fall to pure pressure easier then the guys do. Once they get started in doing wrong they never want to stop and they keep doing wrong and it pushes them in to more trouble. When it comes to younger men and women they always try to find someone to look up to because they don’t have the best influences at home and the guys in this video was around a lot of kids and they all looked up to him so they saw what he did and they didn’t know any different so they got in to the wrong things in life. Football456

    1. i agree with you that these women gang because of the easy money. they are also manipulated by the man. i think there are addict to drug but they wanted to try it because it look cool. soccerboy456

  7. After watching the video about the Girls Delinquency and the Gang in 1954, It was easy to see that how males can easily manipulate females to commit crimes .I realized how easily people can be manipulated when they are using drugs.
    Joe was very manipulative to the teenagers. He would get teens together mostly females smoke marijuana nad inject drugs. He bring them to the house and sell them drugs and sometime he would use them for sex. I don’t think these women have masculinity hypothesis which mean view that women who commit crimes have biological and psychological traits similar to those of men. Women in this video would kill for drug and I don’t see any addiction problems with them. Joe girlfriend was using her beauty to get money not only from Joe but also from other men.
    Back in 1950s our juvenile system was not that organized. It was clear to see that there was big parental problem with these kids. Because of Joe’s manipulation the teens become drug addict and the started committing many crime, including Barkley and murder. These teen had precocious sexuality. soccerboy456


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