Girls and Gangs - Contemporary Views


  1. I think that this video shows that women can be just as violent as men. I also dont think that the criminal justice system can say their is a man behind all crimes women commit.i think thats a view of a patriarachal society. I think that if people started to say their is a woman behind every crime a man commits men would be outraged. Women have independent thoughs and can commit crimes without a man. I think that tough on crime laws have made it easier for women to become apart of gangs. More men went to prison for longer periods of time left positions in the gang to be filled. These men may have been providing fincial support to these women. Now these women have to find alternative means to make money. Most of the women said they sold drugs so they could put a roof over their kids heads and food on the tabel. I think women also like the familiy aspect of gangs. When you join a gang its like getting a new familiy.

  2. I thought this video was crazy. I didn’t know that women were that involved in gang life. And I didn’t know that there were more than 70,000 women in the gang life in the world. I learned from this video that women can be more violent than men. I think women in gangs should be treated more like men when it comes to gang stuff because they are just as involved as men are. The men make the women do the jobs they don’t want and they do it. Some of the women are the drug runners and the ones who commit the smaller crimes. But there are some that commit some of the major crimes and they need to be put away just like the men are. There are over 200 women that are in gangs in Compton. They are all just as tough as the men and they commit just as violent crimes.

  3. After watching this documentary of women in gangs really opened my eyes. Though I knew women were in gangs i was naive to the facts. Now with some gangs being made up of only women the crimes and arrests made by women and of women is growing. During the video one of the first things that what said was, "Any crime that a woman commits, there is a man behind it." Now that may be true for most, but women are no longer in the shadows. Women are now the face of the gangs,
    One woman in the video said that she was emune to killing while on crack cocaine. She was a gang member for all of her life, but really got into it after her brother was killed. This young lady was trained by her father how to fight, and she grew the ranks quickly because she was quick to throw a punch.
    Another lady is the same video became a drug dealer to keep a roof over her childrens head. Dr. White conveyed this message to us many times that most woman that are drug dealers do it for the family, not to be flashy and have the better everything. Only that later that ladies daughter was caught into the gang life after her mother went to prison for taking the rap for her boyfriend.

  4. The reason most of these women found their way into gangs is through the influence of a family member, most likely male, or a boyfriend. Women are likely to enter into delinquency through the influence of a male and this video is proof of that. Once in the gang the females associate closely withone another and direct their violence mainly against other women. Once in the gang the women become addicted to drugs and the gang is their means of obtaining them. Once they have children they leave the gang but their children are almost assured to enter gang life, creating an endless cycle until a society void of morals is made. -Anonemoose456

  5. After I was done watching this video, It opened my eyes to the full capabilities of women and complete women gangs. It also showed women can be as violent as some male gang members. Just like in male gangs, there are some people in the lower ranks (Drug runners, drug pushers, smaller crimes), then there are some that do the bigger crimes (Murder, etc). I found it interesting that the female gangs focus on other women not in the gang. Women are fast catching up on the pace of males in committing violent crime, and gang affiliation. I think an appeal to an all women gang, would be the family aspect that some of these women have lacked in their actual family life. 70,000 women are estimated to be in gangs, which is a startling figure, but its the truth of the world. -Morton456


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