Global Stratification: Modernization and Wallerstein - Stealing Africa?


  1. I think it’s very sad how not only people from other countries but people in Zambia’s own government contribute to the poverty there. When you watch the video and you see how poor it is, but then come to find out the country is rich in copper, it reveals just how far greed will take a person. I don’t know if I’m the only one that sees this, but it’s as if this company is trying to control this particular area. I mean if they are not allowing the country to receive any money they make off of their copper, then how are they able to build anymore businesses to create jobs for the people. They say Zambia isn’t getting any money back because of transfer pricing but I see that’s not the case. I believe that they figure if they don’t allow them to receive the money then they don’t have to worry about sharing their money with any other companies. LadiKay_246

    1. I agree with you 100 percent. It is very sad that the Zambia’s own government contributes to their countries poverty. What made me really sick from watching this video is that the Zambia government thought the law didn’t apply to them. They thought they were above the law. I’m glad this government got prosecuted, but I wish the prison sentence for one of them have been for more than 2 years. I know for a fact that anyone of us this the same thing we would get life in prison. It is not fair if you think about it.

    2. I agree with you that it is sad and not fair for one country to be poor while others are rich. But I also see the business side of the situation, where a business should look for the cheapest resources, as long as the quality is sufficient, to develop their product and maximize their profits. Part of the problem I see is that people or countries that are worse off will do the work for less, which negatively affects the developing countries or people. The issue that I am more concerned with is the corruption of government and businesses, the inadequate safety of people and environmental protection, and the lack of and/or severity of punishment of offenders.

    3. This is all very true. There is so much money being consumed through there corporations the money has to be going somewhere. They talk about the tax breaks and not having enough for start up costs and trying to get out of paying it completely. Why doesn't the government make them take out special loans for large corporations and pay it back. They make so much money afterwards why cant they use some or invest it to get more to build more and let alone improve there environment.

  2. It’s disgusting that the Zambia government won’t help the people in poverty and keep all the money for themselves. Zambia has power plants that create copper and put their workers at risk. Those plants have carbon and serious green-house gases. That power plant in Zambia was investigated for unethical practices and putting their workers in danger. 2 key members of the Zambia government pleaded guilty to work doing. One of them was sentenced to 2 years in prison. I think what the Zambia government is doing is wrong and they should had been investigated. To give them 2 years in prison is ridiculous because they took the money and kept it for themselves. They put their workers in danger by making work in an unsafe working environment.

    1. I agree with you. They put the whole population of Zambia in risk and don't even care about it. At the end of the day they are wearing their " suit and tie," spending the money that could be used to the population and leaving Zambia without anything. It is clear that powerful people don't care about what is around them as it show in the beginning of the video when the rich community in Swiss were enjoying their "perfect lives" while people in Zambia were begging for jobs. Doglover246

    2. It really is disgusting, Kevin. I don't think I will ever understand how someone could do that to people. Giving them irrational work for little pay and then keeping the money for themselves. People with money, or power, don't care about anything else but their money. This video truly showed just how far people will go to make the big bucks.

    3. Agreed. It disgusts me as well. In the video I liked how CEO at Gelncore had nothing to say about what the unlawful things he is doing with his business. Governments who are not their to serve their people are in it for the money because they already do not have much. And the corporation's who build their plants in these countries do not care about the citizens because this is not happening in their backyard. Corporations are the ones to cause these issues in progressivly growing countries and its sickening. The government should be held responsible for letting all this happen on their homeland. Otherwise its just a progressive invasion.

  3. Like every smaller nation and its wealthy and its poverty the world itself has its wealthier societies and less fortunate societies. For many years different nations interacted and traded things therefore for many years we have had guidelines or standards by which we interacted regardless of the situation. Things change I believe many from learning from out mistakes and there is no way anyone can say the whole world has everything figured out even close to right or will anytime soon or ever. Zambia is a society marked as a less wealthy society and this influences many things for them and there ways of life making it harder for them to accomplish change to better themselves especially by themselves. As many societies interact with Zambia and consume there resources we also I believe have a part of the obligations to assist them with what there wishing to accomplish. Like most I'm sure that's a better way of living and longer life.

    1. I couldn’t not believe that the Zambia government would take the money for themselves. They put their workers in unsafe working environment and gave them no healthcare benefits whatsoever. The Zambia government thought the rules and regulations didn’t play to them. So, they did what they wanted because they didn’t think they would get prosecuted. I do believe Zambia has obligations and now they are following them. It shows when you bring a problem to the forefront you will get change.

  4. Most of us are naive when it comes from what happens around the world. The first part of the movie shows the perfect community in Swiss that voted to keep the money in their community and not help poor communities in Africa. That is the reality we live, that is what corruption is about.The rich getting richer while Zambia ranked among the bottom 20 in terms of poverty. Their own "people" that are in the power are helping Zambia getting "destroyed." While they sign agreement giving power to big companies, people are working for less than $2 an hour and putting their lives in risk. Doglover246

    1. I agree with you we are all pretty naive. I think it is just a lack of knowledge. It seems as if you don't hear about this stuff a whole lot. Like maybe its kept a secret until its too late.I agree with you too about the whole community thing. I live in Pekin and people are always asking what part of Pekin I live in. Apparently there are good parts and bad parts. But when I ask people what they consider bad parts, its where the government housing is. We people like to assume because that person is below the poverty line, they must be bad. Its the small people or the less fortunate( lower income people) who need to start standing up for their rights. CooCoo246

    2. I agree 100%! I feel that none of us actually know whats going on because we are set on the fact that our own country is falling apart. If we look at other countries, like Zambia, it shows how good we actually have it. I wish people weren't so greedy/corrupt. It makes me so mad. If I was a leader I would try everything to make my country come out on top, not push it to the bottom.

    3. I do think that most people are unaware of conditions in other countries. I do believe that was the case for the citizens in the Swiss community. There were probably just wanting their taxes lower and voted that way. Is that what we not do in the US. vote for lower taxes or the person that promises to lower them. If you could pocket an extra 2% every year would you? I do not think is was the Swiss citizens responsiblity to send money over there. Good for them if they do. I think it is Glencore's responsibility to be fair with taxes, pollutents and to care for the country that they are robbing for copper. GMD246

  5. It was sad watching this video and seeing how selfish a country could be like Switzerland and how they had that town meeting about changing the tax cut and they didn't want to do it. That would of helped with some of the poverty in Africa and their the ones giving Switzerland copper that helps to make them so wealthy, yet they can't cut their taxes by 2%? Just goes to show how much people care about helping out other countries. kmoney246

    1. Unfortunately I think more countries than Switzerland are being selfish. Our own president pardoned a man who was committing huge tax evasion and seems the English government is in deals with these selfish company owners as well. Leads me to question how fat their pockets are getting from the misfortune of other. Mfroggyus246

  6. This video illustrates the complex problems faced by developing poor countries. From the modernization theory perspective you have a poor country without the technology or the money to develop the technology to take advantage of their abundant nature resources, in this case copper. So the poor countries requires rich countries to provide technology and education and/or foreign aid to develop these technologies and education systems themselves to allow them the ability to harvest the natural resources of their land to improve the country’s wealth. The problem that we see in this video is that the rich countries that provide this technology, education, and/or foreign aid have all the leverage in the business negotiations. If the poor country demands too much from the rich country, the rich country will simply find another poor country that will perform the work for less, which makes complete sense from a business perspective. This leads us to Wallerstein’s idea of capitalist world economy. Copper exports make up seventy percent of Zambia’s exports. Zambia only makes two percent profit on the export of copper, while the Switzerland company Glenco makes billions from the refinements of the export. The issue is that the majority of profits from Glenco stay in Switzerland. Furthermore government corruption in Zambia and corruption in Glenco, in the form of transfer pricing and nonpublic information, have reduced Zambia wealth as well. Although Zambia’s wealth has increased the country is still poor and with the current arrangement they will remain poor as long as there is someone else that is worse off than them willing to do the work for less or society allows the unequal trade of goods.

    1. The sad thing is countries around the world have aided the already profitting people of this company to profit more rather than helping the struggling country financially to obtain its own goals. No one is reaching to help stimulate that economy and give the people of that country the right care qnd stability they need so Zambia can take it place as a financially stable member of the world. Instead they are jut adding money to pockets that are already full. Mfroggyus246

  7. This is a prime example of global inequality. The poor SUFFER more and the wealthy GET more. Zambia's government clearly does not care about the poverty in their own country. There own company is losing money and they don't seem to care.This is an example of Wallerstein's Theory. The materials are made in poor countries and shipped off to wealthier countries for less. Therefore; the poor countries are becoming poorer. The people that live around the copper plant are getting sick and the copper plant is denying all of this. Not to mention the folks that worked for this company. I believe this should have been taken more seriously. There government were frauds and should have received more time then what they got. CooCoo246

    1. You make a good point that the poor suffer and the wealthy get more because it is true. The Zambia government was out for themselves with their copper power plant. They wanted to keep the money for themselves instead of helping their citizens in poverty. I think that is really selfish of them to do something like that.

    2. I agree! and the sad thing is they are making up all these excuses as to why that country isn't getting any money. I just dont understand how the government could allow this. I guess i would have to be super rich and full of greed to understand. Ladikay_246

  8. This video shows how a country can from broke to broker. Using its natural resource to make it profitable, but the investors suck at running it. The Investors are not giving the country the money. Then the investing company makes some court mishaps. Then the government tries to raise the tax, and then people of the country love it. However, the tax doesn't happen. This just shows how a country can be broke. starburst246

    1. We will never be able to understand just what or how any government is ran. They think they have it all figured out and what not but when it is out on paper or is put into place everything falls to crap. The amount of money that was invested in the mining and what was not given to the citizens was bogus, it is amazing at how and where all that money went with nothing to show their citizens for. They will always be broke and in debt with the way they are heading and the way they have been going. feb 246

  9. Its astonishing how many high profile individuals from leading countries continue to aide in making it possible for this company to keep robbing Zambia of its natural resources and not making sure the people of that country are compensated properly. These individuals are wingle handedly keeping Zambia in poverty and not having a care for the people while doing so. Just another obvious case of money and power ruling the world to only benefit people who already have a very lavish existance. Disheartening but not surprising unfortunately. Mfroggyus246

  10. I find it quite sad that the government leader, that is supposed to be helping its people, is corrupt and taking advantage of its people to put more money in his pocket. But sadly, that's how it goes. The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. Big corporations have no regard for the little people who they take advantage of. All that matters to them is the profit they can bring in to keep their lifestyle cushy.


    1. I agree with you that it is sad that the government does that to its own people. There isn't anything the people they can do about because the don't have the money to get out the country because they poor and the rich are getting richer.

    2. It's an endless cycle that they will never get out of unless this company, and I'm sure there are others, falls and they are able to export their own resources to better their country. They would make enough to get themselves out of poverty, but I do not see this happening unfortunately.

    3. I thought the same thing. Isn’t the government supposed to help it’s citizens in times of need. How must these people feel about the fact that the government is actually on the other side. They are working hard to dig themselves out of poverty and chances are it won’t ever happen! Sad! Bullardml13-246

    4. I definitely agree with everyone who replied on this comment, and your comment. It is very sad that a country that has so much money in natural resources, gets swindled by the government of that country! They have so much money in that resource, but it's as if their leaders could care less about anyone in that country. Such a sad thing to watch.

  11. I found out watching this video that any government can be corrupt not the U.S government. Zambia government didn’t care at all about helping their own citizens, they only care about helping themselves. They made over $3 Billion and couldn’t give any of it to help their citizens. I found that very selfish of the Zambian government not to want to help their citizens. I couldn’t believe they had their workers in an unsafe working environment and didn’t give them healthcare benefits. Zambian government broke the law because they thought the law didn’t apply to them. The Zambia government thought they were above the law.

  12. I found this post to be similar to the last blog on politics and wealth. Zambia being one of the poorest countries yet having the most natural resources doesn’t add up. Zambia is a victim to the modernization theory. As Wallerstein says the rich are putting poor nations in positions where they can’t afford to get out of. Zambia signed an agreement with Glencore due to the large amount of debt they faced but the agreement is hurting them more than helping them. In 2006, Glencore made 3 billion dollars and paid 50 million in taxes to Zambia, but in the agreement Zambia has to pay the electric bill for the factory which is one hundred and fifty million. Switzerland who is a rich country takes copper away from Zambia while Switzerland is living very comfortable the people of Zambia are struggling financially and health wise. Basically at the end the rich and Politians are corrupt and the hard working and the financial struggling still sit at the bottom to survive. Labrador246

  13. The video shows how countries can take what they have for granted. In Zambia the country the citizens there are very poor but the country is very rich in copper where the goverment there just takes the money and doesn't build education, jobs, homes for the citizens there. Since it is a small country the goverment doesn't feel like they should provide for the citizens who are living there and continue to watch their country remain poor and not care about anybody but themselves. The poor countries can get more money because since they are a small nation they can reach out to the US, China and other major countries for help but with America or China helping the smaller countries grow the big countries will ask for a high demand in return. It's just like here in America where the bigger business you have more money and power and the lower you are the less power and money you have. In Zambia it is just like the United States in its goverment where they don't do anything to help the citizens over there they kept the money to themselves and the country is still poor as here in America the goverment doesn't do as much as it can for the citzens to provide better education and help business grow instead of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

  14. This is the perfect example of Neocolonialism. It is the Dependency Theory and the social-conflict approach. The more and more money this multinational company makes the more and more Zambia goes into poverty. In the video it explains how they have this abundant amount of copper yet they have no money to show for it because the corporation is bleeding them dry. I feel as if this corporation lives above the law and can do anything they please without repercussion. They control every aspect of life in Zambia and even things as small as not letting anyone know the measure of air pollution is far too extreme.

  15. It was sad to watch this video and see how Zambia is one of the poorest countries in the world, but in the last ten years they’ve gotten $29 billion dollars worth of copper from them. You would think that if their getting that much money from the copper that it would reduce the poverty from Zambia, but it isn’t. In the video you see the vice president kind of talking to a lady from there who’s been affected by the pollution of the copper company and it doesn’t seem like he’s all that concerned about it. It also shows children from there who are coughing and who are sick due to the company’s air pollution. I couldn’t believe how in Switzerland they had the town meeting about how they would change the 7% tax cut to 5% which would be equivalent to 1 million francs that would help Africa, but in the meeting the town voted to not change it. That’s so selfish and in the beginning of the video the mayor mentions how the towns people are wealthy, but their told not to show it while he’s got a smirk on his face like it’s a joke. The town has basically no unemployment and no social problems, yet they can’t help out a country that is living in poverty and is dealing with harmful living conditions? Immanuel Wallerstein talks about how poor nations produce items that they get for cheap and they get exported to rich countries who sell it for more. It’s just like Zambia producing copper and exporting it to Switzerland to make a ton of money off of it. In class we talked about it too how at shoe stores like Nike they price them at like eighty bucks in stores like Champs or Foot Locker, but to produce them it cost way less and their made at some sweat shop in some different country where the people that are making them barely make any money. It sucks to hear about situations like these where poor countries who have items that are in high demand and that are worth a lot are getting them exported to rich countries who sell them for a higher price, but the poor countries aren’t getting any benefits from it and are still living in poverty. kmoney246

    1. Very true. They are not only taking money from the country but also slowly killing its people. And it seems like everyone else around them just wants to make more money. Its very selfish that those people in Switzerland wouldnt even allow that 7% tax cut. I men they are all living quite well to me so i dont think it would hurt them as much beause at the end of the day they still have a nice home to go to, a bed to sleep in, medication, and hot food. So whats the big deal??.....More Money!

  16. It's crazy to think, that the richest countries in the world at the moment are as shady as they are. This poor country, is basically stripped of it's natural resource! A copper mother-load, that I believe the narrator stated was worth at least 29 BILLION dollars, and other countries own these fields? I understand business's have to do something to get by and to make a profit. Even still, they are using the factories to smelt down the copper, which is causing environmental damage. What's even worse, is that the records for the environmental studies are not available to the public? If that doesn't strike someone as "something's up" then I don't know what will. I feel this company needs to do this country some more justice, and at least give the country more revenue. It's sad that a country like Zambia, with such a rich resource is so poor. Sickens me, hopefully one day this world won't be run by Fat Cat business men and countries resources are used by that country to do with it as they please and make a better country and world for all. It's also quite disturbing, how the government is using these business's to get money, but yet they are not taking the time to distribute it out to the country to create a better economy, and living environment for its citizens. Like I've stated above, maybe one day we can learn some humanity and finally realize a life is a life, and each life deserves the best it can.

    1. I agree, why does the country that OWNS the resources lose money when they allow others to mine it? They should be making tons of money, they should be one of the richest developing countries out there, yet they have been robbed of all their money because of greedy capitalists. Chalk another one up for western ideology. We may not be the only ones practicing capitalism, but we sure have a reputation for perfecting it, and abusing it.

  17. This video really does make me sad. I never pay attention to what else is happening in the world because I always felt our country is in shambles. I was very wrong. Watching these videos makes me appreciate the fact that we don't have as corrupt leaders as those in Zambia. How could a leader not want to help the poverty in their country? It makes me sick to my stomach.

    1. i agree this video does just show how our country is compared to others. In other countries their are people with very very little, and here the poor have a something. They offer free shelters to the ones here. They have nothing in the other countries, I mean nothing, no offering, no hope, no nothing. starburst246

    2. I agree! Here we rant and rave over the smallest things in America and here's a country that has its hands tied! To have resources that can be mined to help provide money and cant because of extreme poverty is very sad. Here we have everything like assistance with shlter, food, hell even utilities and they cant even get a fresh drink of water without the possibility of contamination!

  18. Another sad eye opening experience. How a country will rob from the poor, to make themselves richer, and to dig a deeper hole for the poverty stricken country. It really makes you wonder how many other countries are going through this? If only they shared the wealth a little bit things would be so much more improved. Robbing the country Zambia, only for their own profit doesn’t do anybody good. Who in their right mind needs 29 billion dollars anyways? It makes you sad that the people of Zambia are working for pennies, and risking their lives for others to get rich. They may have thought they were doing a good thing by signing a contract, but what they really did was dig themselves a deeper hole. They are now in so much debt, it is doubtful they will ever recovery, causing a life of poverty for the people in their country.
    Bullardml13- 246

  19. I learned from this video that corporations are evil and control everything. They will stop at nothing to gain power and money. They are robbing Zambia for pretty much all they have. They say they're "helping" with giving jobs to the community but if the government does not gain any money from what the country has how can Zambia progress as a country. Corporations run the world. The people need to make a stand to their government officials with how they spend their money and run their homeland more and more into the dirt. Poverty nations need more LEADERS instead of kings. Which they are not by any means but in their own minds they are because of the power they hold over their people.

    1. I agree that these third world countries run their countries into the ground because of personal greed. If they had more leaders that were concerned about their citizens the world would be a more equal place. -Tyler246

  20. I have never understood why large companies put up a charade and play the big kid on the block so that they can make a lot of money fast. Yes, in a capitalist society this would be considered a good move. But how long will the good times last? They could always be trustworthy, honest, pay their taxes and everything and over the course of a few years slowly build up the yearly gross salary. But instead, they cheat and lie through their teeth so that they can get away with paying far less, harming those around them to cut spending, all to make a quick buck. When they are found out, they either lose everything, or manage to bull their way through and continue what they've been doing until they're caught again. Maybe it's just me, but that kind of a gambling way to live, and to do it at the expense of countries much worse off than you are or ever will be, seems like a gross crime against humanity.

  21. I think that greed of money has left so many soleless and have no morals for other human beings. This really saddens me that a country who is rich in resources are unable to mine them because of there extreme poverty. So another company comes in and is making it worse for their local and financial state. They are covering up their profits and air pollents. Zambia is suffering and Glencore is holding the bat. Marc Rich is at this top of this corupt plan and is mocking Zambia and its people. Forgien law needs to be put in place to protect these countries of poverty to prevent a total raping just to make one or a few people rich. Shame on them. GMD246

  22. I think that this goes back to the previous blog about money in the United States. The rich one percent control more than we think. The people making all of the money basically bullied the Zambian government into privatizing the copper mines in order to avoid taxes. The Zambian government was in so much debt that the idea of exchanging their debt for the privatization sounded really good, but if they kept the mines they could have made more money that what they were in debt. It is just insane how much power these multinational companies have. For example the guy in the video that bought his pardon from president Clinton. These big companies are all about record profits and cheating the poor. -Tyler246

  23. To sum up this video I would say what the text book says about the life in Bangladesh, life- like labor- is cheap. It's crazy how the government in Zambia is so corrupt. They are contributing to the poverty in Zambia. They don't care about the safety and well being of they people they just care about getting more money for themselves. The video is a great example for the things discussed in out text book. Just like the book talks about the modernization theory, we can see how Zambia keeps the tradition and doesn't want to adopt new technology. The Seeing sociology in everyday life section talks about how the people in low-income countries are happy. They have strong family and community ties. They seem to have accepted they fates. Like Rostow said, their life is often spiritually rich but materially poor.
    Also this video shows the dependence theory, where rich countries exploit goods from poor countries. The prosperity of the most developed countries come at the expense of the least developed countries. The countries Zambia exports their copper to becomes rich because they have to leverage. Because Zambia needs to sell it's copper the rich countries don't pay them much for it. If Zambia tries to increase the price the rich countries will just go to another less developed country where they can get it for a cheap price as well.
    All in all the country doesn't have much hope seeing the corrupt government they have, and the lack of technology to develop the country.
    Kristen 246

    1. I don't think that the Zambian government is neccessarily corrupt. I felt like the video showed them kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. They were in debt and forced to depend on the richer nations. This is exactly how the book describes the dependency theory. I don't feel like that both can exist. I did not see much of the modernization theory in this video. YellowSubmarine246

  24. This is another movie in which the facts and stories are not shocking at all. The governement is so worried about themselves and how they will live day to day that what is happening in their country with the poor is not a huge effect for their worries. Even when over 400 people were contaminated from the operation, the government was still not the least concerned about their well being or health. Maybe if they would start to increase tax revenue like it was stated in the video so the citizens would be able to have health care they would have the care they need to heal them and be able to afford it. Nothing makes me more upset in these clips then when the goverment say they want to look into doing things so their citizens will have a better education, health care, and help reduce poverty. Is it that hard to step in their shoes for a day and see how it would actually feel if you had little to nothing? That would make them move alot faster into "wanting change for them" then the rate they are going now. With the amount of debt Zambia is in now I really have a hard time believing that anything will be changed soon if ever. feb246

    1. Agreed, the government is clearly only looking out for themselves, we've not only seen this in our own country but now we know it's evident in other countries as well. It's truly sad what hardworking people have to deal with and what they are put through just to benefit these businesses who are only causing damage to people's health, I saw no benefit in any of this like the company claimed.

  25. Watching this video I wasn't exactly shocked by the information it contained, many large companies use countries who are in poverty to benefit themselves and expand their businesses. Whats sad is how the company has affected the people surrounding it, I found the part about toxins being leaked into drinking water and just directly into our earth sickening. The people in Zambia really have no choice in this situation, they are so far under financially that they have no choice other than to allow all of this to go on, its truly sad what these people have to go through because of selfish businessmen who will use anyone only to benefit themselves.

    1. I agree with you. I was a little shocked by how much corruption actually exists globally. I have a hard time believing that no one has stepped in to regulate the polution happening. However I am not shocked that financial gain is the reason for the corruption. YellowSubmarine246

  26. In the beginning of the video a citizen Ruschlikon proposed that their taxes be cut 5% rather than 7%, so that some money could be given to Zambia for foreign aid. Afterall they are the reason Ruschlikon has so much extra money. The proposal was put to a vote and turned down. The citizens would rather keep the money in their country and have a bigger tax break. This is really disheartening. They are benefiting from this country’s resources and cannot take the opportunity to pay them back or share any of the wealth, and these are places that could definitely use it. It is surprising to me that there are no global regulations imposed on these companies. It was shocking that they are allowed to regulate their own pollution levels. The people who live in villages surrounding the factories are clearly suffering. I think this just shows how greedy, corrupt, and selfish the people running these corporations are. YellowSubmarine246

  27. We as americans don't realize how blessed we really are. These people not only suffering from its own country keeping money from them pushing them further into poverty but then they have to worry about drinking water contaminated by pollution from the company who could care less about their health !JUst imagine if Caterpillar were dumping pollution off into the river. We as a people would be in an uproar while over in Zambia its common and just part of life. I could not imagine living in a country where the government is keeping money causing tons of people to live in poverty due to pure greed


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