Inside a 114 Juvenile Detention Facility....


  1. The detention center shown in this video clip most closely resembles a medium security adult prison. The juveniles are under constant supervision and stay in rooms with locking doors and windows, but are not under such an extreme level of security that it could be considered maximum. The point of juvenile detention centers like this one to provide restorative justice and rehabilitation for the offenders, rather than a punitive approach which is used in adult prisons. It looks like the juveniles are free to walk about during the day while they attend class but are required to report to their rooms towards the end of the day. I'll be interested to see how this detention center compares to the one we visit.-Anonemoose123

    1. I agree with your points Anonemoose123 about how it closely resembles a medium security prison. I also agree with your other point on how they are providing rehabilitation for the offenders rather than warehousing them and using the punitive approach. ICC123

  2. After watching the video at this juvenile facility, I feel like this juvenile detention facility is more a jail feeling than the detention center that we visited. The one that we visited felt more friendly to the offenders who are staying there. I do think that their main goal for juveniles is to rehabilitate them so that they can can be productive once out of the detention center. I think that this is important for detention centers and should be their main goal when in custody of the juveniles. ICC123

    1. I agree with your statement on how it seemed to be more like a jail than a detention center. The one we went to had programs that they could be a part of, and weren't as locked up as the one shown in this video.CountryGirl123

    2. I think its a good thing for a juvenile to feel more confortable while in jail. If they feel like their being treated unfairly they may act out and become violent. But if they feel like the staff cares they may be more productive and more likely to try to help thenselves.

  3. First thing after watching this clip, I liked how he was saying such wonderful things about the officers because of the circumstances that they deal with on a daily basis. Also, this detention center showed that they are rehabilitating just by giving them higher expectations and having many counselors on hand. This center is stricter by having locked doors and more supervision. There was less interaction with other juveniles. This also showed how the officers are concerned about the juveniles well being and health as well. CountryGirl123

  4. I think that this video shows the hardship of the administrative side of juvenile corrections. The superintendent was talking about how hard the job is on the staff and the burnout rate. In the video i liked how one of the members of the staff talked with the inmate and he was able to get the weapon away from the inmate without useing violence. I think that its a good thing for juveniles to see staff talking and working with the inmate instead of resorting to violence. Its one thing to tell an inmate not to use violence but when they see staff succed by talking they learn more.


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